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Han et al.

/ Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 1

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering;;
ISSN 2095-9184 (print); ISSN 2095-9230 (online)

A novel NVM storage system for I/O-intensive applications∗

Wen-bing HAN†1,2 , Xiao-gang CHEN†‡1 , Shun-fen LI1 , Ge-zi LI1,2 , Zhi-tang SONG1 ,
Da-gang LI3 , Shi-yan CHEN3
1Shanghai Institute of Micro-system and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
3School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China
† E-mail:;
Received Jan. 20, 2017; Revision accepted Aug. 9, 2017; Crosschecked

te d
Abstract: The emerging memory technologies, such as PCM, provide chances for high-performance storage of
I/O-intensive applications. However, traditional software stack and hardware architecture need to be optimized to

enhance I/O efficiency. In addition, narrowing the distance between computation and storage reduces the number of
I/O requests and has become a popular research direction. This paper presents a novel PCM-based storage system.

It consists of the in-storage processing enabled file system (ISPFS) and the configurable parallel computation fabric
in storage, which is called an ISP engine. On one hand, ISPFS takes full advantage of NVM’s characteristics, and

reduces software overhead and data copies to provide low-latency and high-performance random access. On the other

hand, ISPFS passes ISP instructions through a command file and invokes the ISP engine to deal with I/O-intensive
tasks. Extensive experiments are performed on the prototype system. The results indicate that ISPFS achieves 2 to

10 times the throughput compared to EXT4. Our ISP solution also reduces I/O requests by 97% and is 19 times
more efficient than software implementation for I/O-intensive applications.

Key words: In-storage processing; File system; NVM; Storage system; I/O-intensive applications CLC number:

1 Introduction quire extremely low-latency, effective, and random-

access I/O data requests.
As datasets increase at an exponential rate
(Szalay and Gray, 2006), we have entered the The general approach to obtain good I/O per-
data-centric era of Big Data. Because the formance is caching the entire dataset in main mem-
speed of information growth exceeds Moore’s Law ory. However, it is not reasonable or satisfactory
(Chen and Zhang, 2014), excessive I/O-intensive ap- for Big Data applications because of their large-scale
plication data present enormous challenges to com- datasets, and high power consumption in DRAM,
puter storage, including storage devices, storage ar- mainly caused by refresh power, is more severe with
chitectures, and data access mechanisms, which re- its growing capacity. Furthermore, DRAM has al-
‡ Corresponding author ready reached its scaling limits. Instead, we could
Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Program store datasets in cheap, high-density secondary stor-
of China (No. 2017YFA0206101), the National Defense Innova-
tion Fund of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. CXJJ-16M106), age, such as hard disk drives (HDDs), which have
the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy much slower random I/O performance than sequen-
of Sciences (No. XDA09020402), and the Science and Technol-
ogy Council of Shanghai (Nos. 14DZ2294900, 13ZR1447200, and tial I/O performance. Considering its characteris-
14ZR1447500) tics, the storage system has to reorder and merge in-
ORCID: Wen-bing HAN,

c Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part coming randomly ordered requests to minimize the
of Springer Nature 2018 search time wasted by the hard disk. However, the
2 Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press

storage system still has average latency in millisec- and returning results are significant portions of ISP,
onds. As a result, the primary performance bottle- and lack detailed discussions in the current study.
neck is poor I/O storage devices. Another issue is that the computation fabric is not
The recent development of high-performance able to figure out data. For most prior work, it ac-
non-volatile memory (NVM), represented by the cesses data through a specific address and does not
phase change memory (PCM) technique, provides know what the data mean. Also, previous research
new choices for improving I/O performance. Com- into ISP was always based on SSDs, which imple-
pared with DRAM, PCM can store persistent data ment the computation fabric on an ARM controller
after a power failure. It has lower costs, smaller in the SSD. However, programmable, highly parallel,
device scaling, and higher density. On the other high-speed hardware fabric such as FPGA is a more
hand, PCM is byte-addressable and offers supe- effective choice for ISP. Thanks to the development
rior random-access performance and write endurance of ASIC chips, it can also meet the requirements of
compared to Flash, let alone HDDs. Such advan- low-power consumption.
tages make PCM an alternative to flash devices and In this paper, we propose a novel NVM-based
HDDs, which helps bridge the access-time gap be- storage architecture for Big Data applications. It
tween memory and storage. leverages high I/O performance from two perspec-

Instead of storage devices, the remainder of the tives: enhancing I/O efficiency and minimizing I/O

storage system becomes the key bottleneck in I/O requests. We integrate both into a novel file system
performance, such as software stack overhead. A called ISPFS that is designed for NVM and enables

recent study reports that the costs of software and in-storage processing. Our storage system aims to

block transport layers represent between 1.2% and achieve the goals set out below.
3.8% of total latency for a disk-based SAN. For

flash-based SSDs, the percentage climbs as high as • Low Latency and High Bandwidth

59.6%, whereas software overhead of more advanced To increase the efficiency of I/O-intensive appli-
memories account for 98.6% to 99.5% of latency cations, PCM devices should be closer to the

(Caulfield and Swanson, 2013). Because of different CPU, whereas the file system and I/O stack
storage device characteristics, traditional software need to be optimized and simplified.
designed for flash or HDDs, including file systems
• Parallel and Low-Latency ISP Engine
and I/O subsystems, is never applicable for PCM.
To reduce CPU consumption on data migration
As a consequence, redefining a file system, simplify-
and achieve high utilization of storage internal
ing the I/O stack, and promoting I/O efficiency to
bandwidth, a low-latency and parallel ISP en-
realize the full potential of PCM devices are the main
gine should be provided to accelerate data pro-
motivations for our work.
Another approach to enhance system perfor-
mance is minimizing the number of I/O requests. In • Application Compatibility
the modern computer system, moving computation The applications that already exist are able to
is cheaper than moving data. In-storage process- work on our storage system without any modifi-
ing (ISP) adds a computation fabric on top of the cations. Moreover, users can add a set of ISP in-
storage devices to filter data, which is regarded as structions to their applications to see a tremen-
the ultimate solution for accelerating I/O-intensive dous performance gain with negligible overhead.
applications (Samsung, 2015). It transports the te-
dious data manipulation tasks to the storage itself, Due to high-performance PCM devices and spe-
rather than moving a large amount of data from stor- cific architecture design, our storage system can pro-
age devices to the CPU. Although the ISP concept vide low-latency random access to data. The pro-
can be traced back to 1970s (Jun et al., 2015), it has posed file system is established on the physical ad-
no unitary specifications so far. In fact, there are dress space and uses a Memory Management Unit
two major issues in the ISP research field now. One (MMU) to deal with address mapping. To reduce
issue is how to establish the ISP channel between software overhead, the page cache and block device
hosts and computation fabrics. Sending commands layer of the I/O subsystem are both eliminated. To
Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 3

further reduce the number of I/O requests, we imple- concludes the paper.
ment the ISP computation fabric with a configurable
FPGA. Because it is established beside the data path
2 Related Work
of the storage controller, through which data must
travel, there is no extra overhead introduced from New nanostorage technology, represented by
the ISP engine. Given that the file system manages PCM, makes it possible for non-volatile storage
data and the ISP engine processes data, it seems chips to achieve high density, low latency, and high-
fairly natural to combine the file system with the performance random access. PCM chips offer ac-
ISP engine. We add the command file into our file cess latency on the order of tens of nanoseconds,
system to establish the ISP channel. According to which is several orders of magnitude less than the
the structured instructions from hosts, the ISP en- 25- to 500-microsecond flash access latency (Li et al.,
gine can analyze the file’s structure, find the address 2016b). The storage system is capable of achieving
of the file content, and process data-intensive compu- high throughput by organizing multiple chips in par-
tation. Our ISP design focuses on encapsulating the allel. Thus, the bottleneck of I/O efficiency shifts
data and computation into a file. It is notable that from storage devices to software and the I/O subsys-
we only abstract the basic data processing instruc-

tem. It has been shown that software stack overhead
tions from I/O-intensive tasks to establish a simple accounts for only 0.3% of the total storage access la-

data filter, instead of implementing a special algo- tency in HDD environments, but accounts for up to
rithm in the ISP engine for a particular situation. 94.1% in NVM environments depending on the in-

The key contribution of our work is a novel stor- terface (Lee et al., 2014). As a consequence, modern

age system for I/O-intensive applications, including storage systems need to optimize the software stack,
a new file system (ISPFS) designed for NVM and especially the file system, to enhance I/O efficiency.

a low-latency ISP engine. The file system improves Researchers can often reduce software over-

I/O efficiency by reducing software overhead and ap- head by designing a specific file system for NVM.
plying a PCM storage device. Combined with the BPFS uses the short-circuit shadow paging (SCSP)

ISP engine, ISPFS also minimizes I/O requests by technique, including in-place update, in-place ap-
reducing large volumes of data. As a result, our pend, and partial copy-on-write mechanisms, to pro-
storage system offers high-performance storage and vide fine-grained, atomic, and consistent updates
file-oriented in-storage processing capabilities. We on NVM storage medium (Condit et al., 2009). It
demonstrate the characteristics of our storage archi- can commit updates at any level in the file sys-
tecture on a prototype system. tem tree through subtree modifications, which min-
To evaluate our design, we constructed the pro- imizes copy costs of conventional shadow paging.
totype system by coupling a commercially available However, SCSP is guaranteed by special hardware
ZYNQ platform (Xilinx, 2014) with a custom PCM supports, which is difficult to implement. SCMFS
storage board. ISPFS is implemented on the host is established on the virtual address space, where
platform and is significantly faster than EXT4 by the whole file system is mapped by the MMU
1 to 9 times. With support from an FPGA-based (Wu and Reddy, 2011). To reduce the overhead
ISP engine, we implement a word query application of frequent allocation/de-allocation, it uses a null
based on the ISPFS. Our ISP solution achieved an file to pre-allocate space and provide a garbage col-
almost 19-fold performance improvement over a pure lection mechanism. Furthermore, SCMFS employs
software solution. HugePage to decrease TLB miss rates and improve
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We performance citepC12. NVMFS is an implementa-
discuss existing file systems for NVM and ISP solu- tion of SCMFS on a hybrid architecture of NVM and
tions in Section 2. Section 3 gives an overview of our SSDs (Qiu and Reddy, 2013). It stores metadata
storage architecture and describes the implementa- and hot data in the NVM, which is maintained by
tion of each component in detail. Section 4 discusses the LRU lists with dirty and clean marks, to increase
the prototype we built to demonstrate the perfor- cache hit rates and avoid unnecessary copies between
mance of the storage system. Section 5 presents the NVM and SSDs. Unfortunately, as files are consis-
experimental results of the prototype and Section 6 tently added, removed, and changed in size, the free
4 Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press

space of such file systems becomes externally frag- file system.

mented, leaving only small holes in which to put new
data. To obtain efficient access into NVM, SIMFS in-
3 System Architecture
corporates file data into the virtual address space and
bypasses traditional software layers in the I/O stack Our storage system is comprised of a PCM
(Sha et al., 2015, 2016). The file data are organized board and a host platform with heterogeneous SoC
in a file page table, which has contiguous virtual ad- (FPGA and ARM). The PCM storage board is cou-
dress space and the same structure to a process page pled with the host platform via the FPGA Mezzanine
table. The file virtual address space of an opened Card (FMC) interface. It includes PCM chips and
file is embedded into the calling process’s address an onboard FPGA. A specific PCM controller is de-
space when applications access file data. Nonethe- signed on the reconfigurable FPGA fabric to organize
less, SIMFS still suffers file system fragmentation raw PCM chips into buses, and an in-storage process-
problems. ing engine is built on top of the PCM controller to
As an effective solution to decrease I/O request perform computation right at the data source. It can
numbers and data migration, ISP has aroused ex- work as both a raw storage device and a computing
device with the ISP processor inside.

tensive interest in academia and industry in recent
years. Micron proposed an architecture enabling On the host board, the ARM core runs high-

near-memory acceleration for the data center, called level applications that are able to generate read,
write, or ISP commands to the proposed file system.

ScaleIn, which can offload tedious data manipula-
tion tasks to the massively parallel SSD subsys- Then ISPFS forwards all commands to the periph-

tem (Doller et al., 2014). The ScaleIn system with eral logic using the attached FPGA, which trans-
ports the requests to the PCM array or ISP engine

three drivers can rival the performance of MySQL
on servers with cost and energy reductions. How- registers. To take full advantage of the PCM’s ran-

ever, the lowest query latency of ScaleIn is always dom access, we mount PCM storage on the memory
greater than the baseline system, which implies that bus and implement our file system in the addressing

block access to flash and traditional software stacks space of the CPU. In other words, the CPU can con-
still introduce a large amount of overhead. The verting data access requests of the file system into
Smart SSD model was proposed by Samsung to inte- load/store operations. As a result, the application
grate In-Storage Compute (ISC) in SSD architecture could access byte-addressable persistent storage like
(Do et al., 2013; Kang et al., 2013). Samsung then memory, while instructing the ISP engine to process
presented an ISC prototype, which is called ultimate the data directly from the PCM controller.
close-to-data computing for high performance and This architecture fulfills our previous goal. First
low power (Samsung, 2015). It is a software and of all, we construct a low-latency, high-bandwidth
hardware co-design framework in which developers storage system using fast random-access PCM chips;
can implement custom hardware accelerators on the the hardware frame, which enables CPU direct ad-
SSDs’ firmware while they develop the host appli- dressing; and the optimized file system without block
cations. However, this programming model requires layers. Second, we implement a highly parallel ISP
a new accelerator for every application. Although engine with reconfigurable FPGA. Our file system
ARM is a low-power processor, it is not suitable provides a hook for applications to invoke compu-
for data-intensive applications because of its weak tation operations on data without passing through
parallel arithmetic capability. BludDBM (Jun et al., the host. Third, the proposed file system provides a
2014, 2015) provides an FPGA-based reconfigurable generic POSIX interface for compatibility issues.
fabric for implementing hardware accelerators near Fig. 1 illustrates the hardware and software
storage. It starts using the file system, such as the stacks of our storage system. From the software per-
FUSE virtual file, to transport ISP commands. How- spective, we implement a novel file system that is
ever, its hardware accelerator is not aware of the specially designed for NVM and supports in-storage
structure of the file contents to be processed. We processing. From the hardware perspective, there
hope to further improve performance and compati- are four key components running on the FPGA fab-
bility through tight connections between ISP and the ric: the External Memory Controller (EMC) inter-
Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 5

face, the FMC connector, the ISP engine, and the through the PCM controller. As a result, the PCM
PCM controller. The EMC interface handles the storage device can be directly addressed by the CPU
communication of data from the host memory bus. via the regular load/store instructions. Because of
Together with our file system on the host, it maps unified memory addressing of the DRAM and PCM,
addresses of PCM data and ISP registers into the we can implement our file system on the physical
specific memory address space, which is directly ex- address space of the PCM. Fig. 2 shows the space
posed to the CPU. The FMC connector deals com- layout of our file system, including the super block,
municates data and ISP commands between the host ISP registers, inode table, block in-use bitmap, and
board and the storage board. The PCM controller data space. ISP registers support in-storage process-
provides a set of commands that are compatible with ing in the file system and will be discussed next. We
the LPDDR2-NVM protocol to access the raw PCM omit the remainder because they are quite similar to
chips on the storage board. The innovative file sys- the regular UNIX-like file system.
tem, ISP engine, and PCM controller are explained As depicted in Fig. 2, we use MMUs to man-
in detail below. age the virtual memory addresses of the file system,
which primarily performs the translation of virtual
Zynq memory addresses to physical addresses. Because of

User Applications the random-access property of PCM, we eliminate

File System the original generic block layer, I/O scheduler, and
block device drivers of the I/O subsystem. It short-

FPGA ens the data path between the CPU and storage de-

Myemc Interface vices in terms of the software stack and enhances the
small file performance of our file system. Generally,

applications always need two copy operations to ac-
FMC Connector

cess data in storage devices. The first operation is
copying file data from storage to the page cache in

ISP Engine memory; the second operation is copying data from
the page cache to the address space of the process.
PCM Controller We modify the page fault exception handler to by-
pass the complex page cache module and eliminate
PCM ARRAY the first copy. The page table descriptor can obtain
the physical address of data in PCM storage without
Fig. 1 The architecture of the proposed storage sys- copying it to memory.
In addition, we use MMAP, a method of
memory-mapped file I/O, to map a file to the virtual
3.1 File system design address space of the calling process. It removes the
second copy between the kernel space and user space.
We have proposed a novel random-access file The process can manipulate files by the mapping
system that is specifically optimized for NVM pointer instead of invoking a read or write system
(Zhou et al., 2016). To be compatible with software call. As a result, we implement zero-copy techniques
products, our file system exports an interface that is in the proposed file system. On the basis of this, our
identical to the conventional file system. Therefore, file system provides the eXecute In Place (XIP) fea-
the existing applications in the industry can be run ture to execute programs directly from their storage
on top of it without modifications. Our goal is to location. It speeds up execution by omitting data
take full advantage of NVM and improve data ac- migration and reducing the total amount of memory
cess efficiency. We establish the associated hardware required.
infrastructure on the embedded platform and imple- To reduce the I/O requests and data migra-
ment the novel file system (Han et al., 2016). To ex- tion, we achieve in-storage processing functionality
plore the random-access property and low latency of based on the above features for our file system, called
PCM, we connect the PCM array to the memory bus ISPFS. ISPFS is implemented on the basis of Ext2
6 Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press

008 008

%XIIHU POSIX: one copy

3WU Mmap: zero copy


Fig. 2 The space layout of ISPFS

and is written in GNU C in about 7000 lines of Application ISPFS ISP Engine

code. There is a command file in every ISPFS direc-

POSIX Interface Processing
tory. The command file will be automatically created State Machine

Command File

Write(fd, srch, size) Isp_file_write
when its parent directory is created. Applications
Write(fd, srch, size)
can access this command file through POSIX func- Read(fd, srch, size) Isp_file_read

tions, including reading and writing. Reading ISP Custom Defined
ISP Registers
ISP Instructions
Structures or Results

results and writing ISP instructions are the most fun-
damental operations. As a virtual file, the command

User Space Kernel Space Hardware
file does not have actual data space. Instead, it only

takes up the space of an index node structure. There Fig. 3 In-storage processing mechanism

will be just one command file in a directory. As a

consequence, it occupies an extremely small region 3.2 ISP engine implementation
of storage compared to the entire storage device.
We use an FPGA to design and implement the
ISP engine. The FPGA is more and more popular as
a hardware accelerators for Big Data applications be-
cause of its low power cost, flexibility, and high par-
The command file is similar to pipes in some allelism (Jun et al., 2014). When the start register is
degree. We modify its read and write function han- set, the ISP engine parses the received instructions
dler to enable ISP functionality in the file system, according to the relevant register values. The address
so ISPFS refactors read and write functions of the mapping relationship of these registers is specified
command file. The ISP mechanism of our file system and maintained by the ISP engine. As shown in Fig.
is presented in Fig. 3. When applications write ISP 4, we implement an FSM (finite state machine) for
instructions to the command file, the proposed file every data processing instruction. The correspond-
system will intercept and parse these instructions. ing FSM will be triggered by the ISP instructions.
ISPFS looks up its inode number in the directory The ISP engine is able to follow the file system’s data
entry cache according to the filename in the instruc- management method, and calculate the file content’s
tions. Then it passes the inode number and other block address through the inode number. Coupled
parameters to the ISP engine registers. These ISP with the file offset, it can determine the physical ad-
registers are mapped to the specific physical address dress of the data actually needed. Therefore, our ISP
when the file system is mounted. Finally, the file engine is file oriented rather than address oriented,
system sets the start register to run the ISP engine. which is one of the fundamental reasons that we com-
If applications need to read results from the com- bine the file system and in-storage processing. Data
mand file, our file system will copy the values of the length can also be specified in the ISP instructions
ISP engine result registers to data buffers, and then to offer flexible support. The corresponding FSM
return results to applications. accesses file data by invoking the LPDDR2-NVM
Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 7

controller. Finally, it processes data in parallel and typedef struct{

writes calculated results into the results buffer, wait- u32 scmd;
Commands u32 keyword[4];
ing for reading operations of the file system. char filename[32];
File Data u32 ino;
u32 offset;
Data Path u32 len;

LPDDR2-NVM Controller
Results u32 cnt[4];
Memory Interface

u32 addr[4][4];
u32 flag;
ISP Instruction

FSM ISP Status


u32 us;
FSM }Search;
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 ISP instruction organization
Results Buffer
ISP Engine which limits the data scope. The results refer to
computation results or their virtual address in the
Fig. 4 ISP engine implementation
results buffer. The ISP status consists of the com-
pletion flag and time. An ISP instruction is packaged

As shown in Fig. 4, we implement the ISP en- into a structure that will be invoked by reading or
gine beside the storage device data path, rather than writing functions. Fig. 5b shows an example of an

as a separate appliance. The ISP engine can ac- ISP instruction that queries four words in a file.
cess data directly through the PCM controller. As

a result, intensive operations on data are hidden in 3.3 LPDDR2 Controller

the storage devices, which dramatically reduces the
overhead because a large quantity of data is migrated We use PCM chips to build our fast random-

between memory and storage. However, a separate access storage array. With PCM pins connected to

appliance method is needed to transport data from the byte group I/Os of the FPGA, we implement
storage to the ISP engine via the host, and then the PCM controller to arrange these raw chips. The

transport results back after processing. Although it data bus of PCM chips are 16 bits, so we group
reduces the number of computations, it cannot free together two chips to act as a 32-bit bus. Each con-
the CPU from the heavy work of data migration, and troller with a 32-bit bus manages two groups. PCM
it is exactly the opposite of the in-storage processing chips of different groups share the data and control
concept. buses, whereas they have their own chip select sig-
nals. There are two PCM controllers on the board,
In addition, we handle read operations, write
and they operate in parallel to make up a 64-bit data
operations, and ISP operations at the same level.
bus. Our PCM controller has been modified from a
ISP operations have lower precedence than reading
Xilinx MIG controller, which has an LPDDR2-NVM
and writing operations. When the hosts need to
interface. We are also in the process of implement-
access the storage device, the ISP engine will be by-
ing an original LPDDR2-NVM controller for PCM
passed from the data path. This guarantees that
the access requests receive an immediate response.
While the ISP engine is running, read and write op- 3.4 Example applications
erations can preempt the LPDDR2-NVM controller
to handle requests, but the ISP engine continues run- On the basis of the above design, we imple-
ning. So in-storage processing not only has no per- mented a word query application (Li et al., 2016a)
formance impact on data access, it also improves the on our proposed system. We defined a structure to
inner bandwidth utilization of storage devices. represent the ISPFS query instruction, which con-
As can be seen in Fig. 5a, an ISP instruction is sists of four words being queried, filename, offset,
composed of four parts: commands, file information, count values, etc. The proposed file system and ISP
results, and ISP status. Commands specify the types engine both support parsing that structure. Appli-
of calculations with a command identifier and pro- cations can pass it to the ISP engine through the
vide necessary parameters. File information consists write function as follows:
of the filename, inode number, offset, and length, write(fd_cmd, srch, sizeof(search));
8 Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press

In this statement, fd_cmd is the file descriptor proposed file system.

of the command file and srch is an structure search
instance. ISPFS will transform the filename into
the inode number and pass all parameters to the
ISP engine. Once the words are registered, the ISP
engine accesses the physical address of the file data to
query the counts and addresses of four words in PCM
storage devices. Applications can also read results
from the ISP engine through the reading function as
read(fd_cmd, srch, sizeof(search));
Fig. 6 Prototype system: ZedBoard and PCM board
This function informs the file system to read
ISP engine result registers. When the computation
is complete, the status register is set. The applica-
tion needs to poll the status register to determine Table 1 Hardware configuration of proposed system
whether the return values are valid. Fortunately, TM

Cortex -A9, 667MHz
this action does not take a long time due to the high L1 Cache 32KB Instruction, 32KB Data

performance of the ISP engine. We introduce hard- L2 Cache 512KB
Memory 512MB DDR3 533MHz
ware interrupts to optimize this mechanism in the

PCM chips Micron LPDDR2-PCM (MT66R7072A),
next step. 16-bit Data Bus, 400MHz

To measure the performance of the proposed FPGAs XILINX⃝ R
ARTIX -7 (XC7A35T),
storage system, we need to time the segment of the 33280 Logic Cells, 1800Kb Block RAM

ISP engine. However, the timing error of the embed-

ded ARM core is always huge when Linux system On our PCM storage card, there is 1 GB of PCM
resources are strained. Consequently, we implement storage, which consists of eight 128-MB Micron PCM

a hardware timer in the ISP engine, which can be chips. With the LPDDR2-NVM JEDEC-compatible
accessed as described above. interface, Micron PCM chips achieve the throughput
of each PCM chip to a maximum of around 150 MB/s
4 Prototype System at a clock rate of 250 MHz. An on-board FPGA
handles the FMC communications, and implements
Our prototype storage system consists of the the LPDDR2-NVM interface and ISP engine for all
low-cost development platform ZedBoard and the data buses. The detailed hardware configuration is
custom-built PCM storage board. It is shown in listed as Table 1.
Fig. 6 that the PCM storage board is plugged into To achieve extremely low latency for the ISP
the ZedBoard via the FMC connector. engine, we implement it beside the data path of the
ZedBoard uses a Zynq-7000 All Programmable storage device, rather than as a separate appliance.
SoC as a processor, which integrates a feature- For ordinary read or write operations, data will by-
rich dual-core ARM CortexTM-A9 MPCore based pass the ISP engine and be transferred to the CPU
processing system (PS) and Xilinx programmable directly. If there are ISP instructions, the ISP engine
logic (PL) in a single device (Xilinx, 2014). We im- will decode the command signals and start corre-
plement peripheral logic in the PL to handle FMC sponding with the state machine to handle this trans-
communications and exchange data with the custom action. The ISP engine moves computation from the
PCM board. In the Zynq-7000 SoC, it is feasible CPU to storage devices and reduces the amount of
for the CPU to load data into the L2 cache through data being migrated. A separate appliance trans-
the Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) bus, so we ports data from the storage device to the ISP engine
mount the peripheral logic on the AXI bus and spec- via the host CPU and then returns results after pro-
ify the physical address space for it. As a result, the cessing. The fact that the FMC connector works at a
CPU can access PCM directly through the specific clock rate of 100 MHz and in simplex mode is a per-
address space, which is part of the foundation of the formance bottleneck of our storage system. The ISP
Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 9

engine can help process more data than the FMC mance of EXT4 degrades dramatically. In the worst
connector allows. cases, the throughput of ISPFS for random read and
The Linaro distribution of Linux is run on top write can reach 26 and 39 times faster than those
of the ZedBoard platform. We mount the ISPFS on of EXT4, respectively. This is because EXT4 still
the specific address space to interface with the PCM goes through all the software layers of traditional
storage chips and implement data-intensive applica- I/O stacks, which introduces more complexity and
tions to invoke the ISP engine via the proposed file overhead, especially when accessing small files. In
system. POSIX mode, because ISPFS saves one copy from
disk to memory cache compared with EXT4, it is
5 Results two times as fast as EXT4. In MMAP mode, ISPFS
offers a zero-copy technique by modifying the page
Based on the prototype system, we first compare fault handler. Consequently, the read throughput of
ISPFS with EXT4, the typical existing file system, the ISPFS is 1 to 1 times faster than EXT4 and the
on throughput. Then we measure the performance of write throughput is 5 to 9 times faster than EXT4.
I/O-intensive applications, such as word query, com-
pared with traditional software solutions. Finally, 5.2 word query application

we examine CPU and memory utilization and the

In Fig. 8, the polylines indicate the search time
access time distribution of two solutions.
and speed of ISPFS and a traditional software solu-

5.1 Throughput of file system tion, with file sizes ranging from 0.1 MB to 100 MB.
The average speed of our proposed system reaches at

To evaluate the effectiveness of our file sys- 74 MB/s, while that of the software solution is only

tem, we measured the throughput of the ISPFS 3.59 MB/s. The ISP solution is approximately 19
and EXT4 via the widely used benchmark IOZONE times faster than traditional software methods.

(W. Norcott and D. Capps, 2016). IOZONE can re-
There is no fluctuation in the search speed of
flect the I/O efficiency improvements of the ISPFS

the proposed system with mixed file sizes. No mat-
over the regular file system. Because it is hard to
ter how large the file is, the ISP solution spends the
implement EXT4 on PCM chips, we used DRAM
same amount of time computing its physical address.
as a storage medium and mounted EXT4 on the
The relationship between search speed and file size is
RAMDisk block device to provide equivalent hard-
approximately linear. The traditional software solu-
ware conditions. Because EXT4 journaling leads to
tion needs to open files and migrate data to memory
extra I/O, we disabled journaling in the experiment.
first, which causes significant overhead for I/O in-
In Fig. 7, we accessed the file with POSIX and
tensive applications. Small files are queried more
MMAP interfaces and performed experiments with
slowly than large files because the time required to
four workloads. The file size is specified as 256 MB,
open small files takes up a larger portion of the whole
and the record size varies from 1 KB to 16 MB to
search time. The CPU scheduling policy of the oper-
test the performance trend of the file system.
ating system also affects the search procedure, and as
Fig. 7 illustrates the throughput of ISPFS and
a result, the software solution’s search speed varies,
EXT4 with various configurations of IOZONE. For
especially for tiny files.
reread and rewrite, ISPFS is 1.34 and 4.10 times
faster than EXT4 on average, respectively. For ran- 5.3 resource usage and access requests analy-
dom read and random write, ISPFS is 3.32 and 8.30 ses
times faster than EXT4 on average, respectively.
This is because the EXT4 file system still depends Fig. 9a presents the CPU and memory utiliza-
on the generic block layer and page cache mecha- tion rates of ISP and the software solution. Re-
nism, even though metadata and file data are al- gardless of the file size, host CPU utilization varies
ready stored in memory. ISPFS is robust for dif- significantly between the two systems. The software
ferent record sizes of the application. For all sizes implementation uses 100%, whereas the ISP solu-
of I/O requests, it constantly outperforms EXT4 tion uses less than 3%. There is a linear relation-
on RAMDisk. As record size decreases, the perfor- ship between memory consumption and file size in
10 Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press

10M 10M

ISPFS-Posix ReRead ISPFS-Posix

EXT4-Posix EXT4-Posix


EXT4-Mmap EXT4-Mmap

1M 1M

100k 100k

10k 10k

10 10

1 1
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384

Record Size(KBytes) Record Size(KBytes)

10M 10M

Random Write ISPFS-Posix Random Read ISPFS-Posix

EXT4-Posix EXT4-Posix


EXT4-Mmap EXT4-Mmap
1M 1M


te d
100k 100k

10k 10k

10 10

1 1

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384

Record Size(KBytes) Record Size(KBytes)

Fig. 7 Comparing throughput for ISPFS using IOZONE


100 7
2.0x10 800

I/O Requests Number

Memory Usage (%)

Search Time
CPU Usage (%)

80 Read Time/CMD Time

40 7 I/O Requests Number

1.5x10 600
Time (us)


1.0x10 400
CPU Usage - ISPFS 20
CPU Usage - Software

Memory Usage - ISPFS

20 6
10 5.0x10 200
Memory Usage - Software

0 0

0.0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 ISPFS Software

Filesize (MB) Solutions of Query

(a) (b)

Fig. 9 the resource usage (a), access time and I/O requests (b)

the software solution, but the ISP solution occupies the number of I/O requests of the software solution
only a small percentage of memory (less than 0.3%). (Axboe, J., Brunelle, A.D., Scott, N., 2006), but the
This significantly impacts the energy consumption generic block layer has been removed in ISPFS, so
and performance of the whole system. we regard system calls as I/O requests in our file
A large number of I/O requests are reduced in system. The software solution generates 833 I/O re-
the ISP solution. In the past, we have used blk- quests, whereas the ISP solution only has 17 system
trace, a block layer I/O tracing mechanism, to count calls, as depicted in Fig. 9b. The I/O requests are re-
Han et al. / Front Inform Technol Electron Eng in press 11

100M 10
plementation and reduces requests for I/O-intensive
ISP Search Time

Traditional Search Time
4 applications by 97%.

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Search Time (us)

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