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Red Alert 2 DeeZire

Version 5.5

Advanced Command Bar
Musical Scores
Undocumented Features
Crate Powerups
Allied Forces
Soviet Forces
General Additions
Multiplayer Game Enhancements
Multiplayer Debug Mode
Known Issues/Support
Version History

Red Alert 2 DeeZire is set parallel to the main battles between the Soviet and Allied Forces. Further significant
confrontations took place in which the two major powers clashed. The game now reflects those battles elsewhere across the
globe, in which new technologies and strategies were utilized but never made it into the final version of the game.

This is a game modification for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. Installation of this mod will make changes to the
initialization settings in Red Alert 2. It is designed primarily for multiplayer games, enhancing many aspects of gameplay
and providing a very different experience.

This is Red Alert 2 DeeZire Version 5.5. Feel free to send feedback regarding potential improvements, general gameplay
issues, suggestions or bugs. The official website for Red Alert 2 DeeZire can be found through DeeZire Online at:-

Visit the site for the latest news, updates, downloads and more!

Red Alert 2 DeeZire is dedicated to the memory of Nikola Tesla and is brought to you by DeeZire, with eternal thanks to
the following people;-

Olaf Van Der Spek

For his tireless work on the XCC Utilities.

For being Blade - there can be only one graphical god - the best at what he does.

Matthias Wagner
For his superb work on the Final Alert map editor and the RA2 String Editor.

Jonathan Wilson, for his continued devotion to the C&C editing community, 'M' for providing the missing Theme
Soundtracks, Grim Duck for the new side-specific loading screens, Theinruj Thoranavikrai for balance suggestions, the
amazing David Egnell (Dauwe) for even more superb icon work, Daniel McCreadie for unique old-concept ideas and
suggestions, Xaintrix for his testing, intelligent comments, suggestions, feedback and for bringing some sanity to the
Forum(!), cVolkov for sticking with the community and technical advice, Seifer147 for voxel help, all the people who
frequent the Forum, took part in testing and supplied feedback (too many to mention but you all know who you are),
Westwood Studios for their incredible C&C formula (I play nothing else!) and of course YOU for playing it. Thank you for
using Red Alert 2 DeeZire - your continued support makes my work worthwhile. I ask two things in return - spread the
word so others can enjoy it, and HAVE FUN! Meet me on Westwood Online for a blast :)
Trademarks are the property of Electronic Arts Inc. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. All rights
reserved. Red Alert 2 DeeZire is not a product of, or affiliated with, Westwood Studios and as such is unsupported by them.

Advanced Command Bar

The skirmish mode Advanced Command Bar has been enhanced to provide commanders with additional functionality in
combat. New icons now appear in the Advanced Command Bar, and this now includes the following;-

ᄉ ᄃ Team 1 - selects pre-defined team #1

ᄉ ᄃ Team 2 - selects pre-defined team #2
ᄉ ᄃ Team 3 - selects pre-defined team #3 - NEW
ᄉ ᄃ Cheer - gets selected unit(s) to 'cheer' - NEW
ᄉ ᄃ Type Select - selects all units of the same type
ᄉ ᄃ Stop - stops selected unit(s) - NEW
ᄉ ᄃ Deploy - deploys selected unit(s)
ᄉ ᄃ Guard - put selected unit(s) in guard mode
ᄉ ᄃ Waypoint - selects waypoint mode for the unit(s)
ᄉ ᄃ AttackMove - makes the selected unit(s) attack whilst on the move - NEW
ᄉ ᄃ AutoDeploy - makes the selected unit(s) automatically deploy when attacked - NEW*

*the Auto Deploy feature is currently unsupported by Red Alert 2 - although this has been enabled, the icon does not
appear and the feature is unusable. A future update to Red Alert 2 may add this feature, meaning Red Alert 2 DeeZire will
allow you to take full advantage of it. NOTE: you will only be able to see all of these options when you play in a screen
resolution of 800x600 or higher.

Musical Scores
Several musical themes are not normally available in the game. With Red Alert 2 DeeZire you will hear some of them in
the normal random fashion when playing in skirmish mode, or you can play them back as you can the other scores in the
Sound Options menu. The unavailable themes are 'Score Screen' and 'Credits Theme'. Three missing themes, 'C&C In The
House', 'Ready The Army' and 'Probing' are absent from the game files and thus cannot be heard (they were only included
in the Collectors Edition), although an optional add-on pack for Red Alert 2 DeeZire is available from the Red Alert 2
DeeZire website which provides you with these.

Undocumented Features
There are undocumented features in Red Alert 2 which are now fully workable in Red Alert 2 DeeZire. For your
information commander, the following all exist in the game and now work;-

Screen Capture
Pressing CTRL+C on the keyboard at any point in the game produces a 'screen shot' image in PCX format in the Red Alert
2 directory. This can be viewed & edited with any image editing program capable of handling ZSoft Paintbrush format

Right Mouse Button Movement

Holding down the right mouse button, with or without an object selected, enables you to scroll around the battlefield much
quicker, thus explore the map or move units much more effectively. The rate of this movement is dependant upon the rate
at which you move the mouse with the right button held down.

Cow/Giant Ant IFV

If you play as a Soviet army and use Yuri to capture an Allied IFV then mind control a Cow and put it into the IFV, or you
play as an Allied Army and put a Giant Ant into the IFV, the IFV gets a seriously powerful weapon!

Monkey Weapon
If you fire at a monkey, he retaliates by throwing bananas at you!

Build Speed Bonus

If you have more than one of the same factory type in your base, the units produced by that factory type are produced faster
depending on the number of factories you have. This applies to War Factories, Barracks, Naval Yards and Aircraft Control
Centres. In other words, the more War Factories you have in your base, the faster you will be able to build tanks etc.

Crate Powerups
Random crate powerups have been enhanced, with some new ones added, and the randomizer in the game now ensures a
more even probability of each one and that they appear slightly more frequently. The random crates now comprise of;-
Armor - unit gets armor upgraded
Speed - unit gets speed upgraded
Firepower - unit gets firepower upgraded
Explosion - a Crazy Ivan booby trapped crate! - NEW
Napalm - unit burns to death (takes infantry out) - NEW
Nuke - one time nuke shot, woohoo! - NEW
Unit - random unit from any point in time*
Reveal - whole battle map revealed to the player
Shroud - whole battle map shrouded to the player - NEW
Veteran - unit upgraded one 'step' from little experience > veteran > elite
Money - chunk of cash ($2000)
Ore - random amount of ore - NEW
Radiation - unit gets covered in radioactive slime - NEW
Decoy - dummy crate, nothing happens! - NEW

*due to the effects of the Chronosphere on the space-time continuum, the random unit that appears from a crate could be
any of the old units from Tiberium Dawn, Red Alert or Tiberian Sun. Note that MCVs are still available from crates as
normal in the event that a player has lost their Construction Yard/MCV and still has sufficient funds with which to
establish a base and continue battle.

Allied Forces
The Chronosphere's power has been upgraded. There is now a shorter range-dependant delay when Chrono-based units
teleport. The animation which fires to beam the object from one time-phase to another when the Chronosphere is activated
has also been restored.

The storms generated by the Weather Control Device now last much longer, however in keeping with realism the lightning
bolts are less likely to inflict a direct hit on their intended target. Overall therefore, the storm still inflicts great damage but
is less likely to win you the game. Note that lightning is now more likely to strike Tesla Coils when above them, as it is
attracted to them by the increase in their electro-magnetic emissions. In order to provide the Allies with a greater element
of surprise, players no longer get the text-message warning that a Weather Storm has been created.

If a Tech Airport is captured by an Allied Engineer, the Allied army which captures it gets to build Orca Attack Choppers.

Prism Towers now inflict more damage when they combine, and they take a shorter time to recharge between firing. This
is to support the countering of 'rush' tactics from opposing forces.

Allied forces can now call upon the services of Field Medics to heal infantry units in battle.

To provide more 'punch' against increasingly mobile Soviet forces, all Allied armies now have access to the tougher
Abrams Tank.

To prevent unit loss by 'friendly fire', Chrono Legionnaires will no longer accidently target friendly units when firing and
will not automatically retaliate when fired upon.

Allied armies now get to build sandbag walls - quicker and cheaper base defense to prevent early 'engineer rushes' but
easily destroyed.

As a counter to increasingly mobile Soviet activity and heavy ground unit attacks, the Allies have developed an EMP
(Electro Magnetic Pulse) Tank prototype. The EMP Tank can fire a high powered blast of electromagnetic energy that
renders any vehicle inoperative for as long as the EMP Tank focuses it's beam upon it. An EMP Tank can completely
disable one vehicle at a time and must be left to continually focus the pulse on it's target - if the EMP Tank is moved or
destroyed the disabled unit regains functionality.

In response to increasing submarine and amphibious assaults, the Allies now have the capability of deploying Naval
Mines, which can be built from a Naval Yard. Although they cannot be directly controlled and are slow, these mines will
automatically move around the sea and attempt to acquire any naval target in their vacinity, attaching themselves to the
target and causing massive damage.

There is now a build limit of 1 on Tanya - after all, there is only one Tanya ;)
Britain - The British are the experts at espionage. British armies can produce veteran Snipers, Rocketeers, Engineers and
IFV's, and have exclusive access to the 'Phase Tank', an advanced prototype of the Allied Mirage Tank with a more
powerful weapon. Through an elaborate system of mirrors and reflective armor, the Phase Tank can actually choose to
disguise itself as almost any terrain object, however it will not do so automatically - it must be programmed with a target
first. Select the tank, then move the cursor over the terrain object (eg rock, tree, lamp post) you wish to emulate (you will
get a 'fire' cursor), click to 'fire' and the tank will turn to position it's mirroring system and replicate the target. Note that
although Ore Mines can be targetted, their disguise is not as effective - the Phase Tank has difficulty in emulating an
animate object, as this causes it's mirror system to fail and gives it away. Note that Phase Tanks will only be disguised
when they have been given a target to disguise as - movement and firing will remove the disguise until it is given a new
target. British armies have access to the new Light Tank too, which after extensive testing has been developed to perform
at high speed on all terrains. Equipped with a targetting laser, this is an ideal unit for patrols, scouting and 'hit & run'
tactics. British armies also have access to their own unique Spy - this covert operative's specialist knowledge means that as
well as acting as the standard Allied spy, he is also able to steal enemy vehicles. To steal a vehicle, select the spy, move the
cursor over the vehicle you want him to steal and an 'enter' cursor will appear above it. Click the unit and the spy will
attempt to steal that vehicle. The British also have, of course, the Sniper.

France - The French are the Allied defensive experts and specialists in Chrono Technology. French armies can produce
veteran Chrono Commando's, Chrono Legionnaires, Spies, Chrono Miners and Grizzly Tanks. As originally conceived,
the French can now build their own specific walls which are considerably stronger than any other wall in the game.
French armies also get exclusive access to the highly experimental Phalanx Tank - the Phalanx is a 'quick hit' unit capable
of chronoshifting itself around the battlefield, and is armed with very effective twin missiles. The French also have, of
course, the Grand Cannon. Due to heavy Rocketeer unit loss through enemy anti-aircraft defenses, the jet-pack has been
engineered to give it's user more control. As a result, French Rocketeers can now take off and land meaning they can also
be used as standard ground troops and put into an IFV.

Germany - The Germans are the anti-assault specialists. They can produce Dogs, Harriers and Tank Destroyers at veteran
level. To supplement their 'anti-tank' capabilities, German armies now have access to the Mine Layer. This vehicle is a
special adaptation of the IFV, and can deploy up to 5 mines on the battlefield. These powerful mines are invisible to enemy
forces and capable of taking out infantry units instantly plus causing massive damage to vehicles which cross over them.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of their payload, Mine Layers cannot be reloaded - once they have deployed their 5 mines
they can no longer be utilized. The Germans also have, of course, the Tank Destroyer.

America - America is a good all round Allied army with unique specialities. The Americans can produce veteran SEALs,
Dolphins and Nighthawk Transports. The Americans also have the Aircraft Carrier 'Nimitz' instead of the standard allied
Aircraft Carrier. Nimitz carries 4 Hornet fighters instead of the usual 3, and it's advanced facilities mean that the aircraft
reload and are ready for battle much quicker than with standard Aircraft Carriers. The Americans can also train Navy
SEALs and get access to the elite Stealth Bomber, an extremely fast and deadly aircraft which is invisible to radar.
American paradrops now comprise of Navy SEALs rather than standard infantry units, however these are limited in
number and are not available as frequently.

Korea - Korea is the Allied air force specialist supplemented by good ground capabilities. Korean armies can produce
veteran GIs, Tanya, MCV's and Black Eagles. The Koreans also have, of course, the elite Black Eagle fighter sqaudron.
The Koreans can also build a 'super' Gap Generator, which offers a considerable advantage over it's Allied counterparts -
this works by utilizing surplus power to create a bigger area to cover. When you have a sufficiently large power surplus in
your base, select the Gap Generator, then click again to activate it - your surplus power is used by the Gap Generator to
generate a bigger gap. To deactivate this feature (for example if you are in a low power situation), simply select the Gap
Generator and click it again to deactivate it - the Super Gap Generator will revert to functioning as a normal one and the
surplus power it used is restored for use by other structures. To extend their operational capabilities further into the
battlefield, the Koreans have developed the Mobile Gap Generator, which functions in much the same way the stationary
one does. Although it projects a much smaller gap field, Korean commanders can hide several units under it's cover,
preventing the enemy from seeing what's being sent against them. Click the Mobile Gap Generator to select it, then click it
again to deploy it and activate it's Gap Generator. Select it again and move the cursor to redeploy it.

Soviet Forces
The Russians now have exclusive access to the enhanced Psychic Sensor, although all other Soviet armies get the Psychic
Beacon - a smaller version of the Psychic Sensor with less functionality, although it can be placed further from your
structures than normal, and is particularly useful for detecting Submarines, Mirage Tanks, subterranean units and
disguised enemy units that fall within it's radius of effect.

Objects which have been planted with explosives by a Crazy Ivan will now explode after a much longer time interval, and
Crazy Ivans are now able to control exactly when the object explodes within that time limit. Once you have planted
explosives on the object, double click it to detonate. Also, you no longer have to 'force fire' to attach explosives to your own
units. In addition, Crazy Ivan's can now improve with experience like all other units and be trained at veteran level.

All Soviet armies now get to construct Guard Towers, a weak machine-gun tower which due to it's sight range and height
can see disguised enemy units approaching.

Soviet scientists have considerably upgraded the Iron Curtain, and this now works with a 'charge drain' effect. You will be
able to see from the Iron Curtain's icon in the sidebar how long it has left before the invulnerability effect wears off,
however once it is fully charged and ready you can continually call upon it's use until the charge wears down. This has
been implemented to provide Soviet forces with additional protection against weather storms, nuclear attacks and 'rush

Soviet armies now get to build barbed wire fences - quicker and cheaper base defense to prevent early 'engineer rushes' but
easily destroyed.

There is now a new branch on the Soviet 'tech-tree'. Construction of the new Soviet Tech Center provides Soviet
Commanders with the 'mobile' options, which can be used to augment their attacks from afar. These are detailed below;-

Upon Construction of a Service Depot, all Soviet armies now get a Mechanic infantry unit with the structure, who is able
to repair vehicles as well as remove Terror Drones from them. To support the new Soviet 'mobility' technology, the
Mechanic can be ferried with the Antonov and can even recharge his batteries if he walks onto a Service Depot. Note that
Mechanics cannot be trained independantly of constructing a Service Depot. Placing a Mechanic into an Allied IFV
creates a Mobile Repair Vehicle (like the Engineer). Note that Soviet Engineers cannot be used to create the Repair

For their first 'mobile' innovation, the Soviets have also developed a dangerous new technology in their quest to conquer
the Western world - the Iron Fist. Based around the MCV design, this is in effect a Mobile War Factory which moves
underground and can be deployed and redeployed around the battlefield at will, allowing for more effective deployment of
units. When undeployed, the Iron Fist vehicle can defend itself with multi-purpose missiles. Note that the Iron Fist is not
in itself a factory - it is merely a means by which Soviet forces can produce units from any specific point on the battlefield
- as the Soviet Weapons Factory itself actually produces the unit while the Iron Fist provides a point on the battlefield
where it is produced. Thus the absence of a Soviet Weapons Factory will still render you unable to build units, even with a
deployed Iron Fist, although having both deployed still gives you the bonus to the production speed of units. Note that
because the Iron Fist is actually a deployed vehicle, it cannot be repaired or sold when deployed, although it can be
repaired as normal when undeployed. In conjunction with the Iron Curtain, the Iron Fist represents a formidable tool for
Soviet armies.

To augment their 'mobility' technology, Soviet armies now have access to the previously classified Antonov Cargo Plane
upon construction of a Service Depot. This air transport can pick up vehicles and ferry them around the battlefield. Select
the Antonov, then move the cursor over the vehicle you wish to pick up and left click. The Antonov will pick up the
vehicle, and can be used to move it to any point on land across the battlefield where it will automatically drop it off. To
detach the Antonov from a vehicle, select it and left click when the deploy cursor appears. Although the Antonov can pick
up naval units, you should note that they cannot be re-deployed in the same manner as ground based forces.

As part of their 'mobile' forces, all Soviet armies now get to produce the 'Helicarrier', a naval-based unit which carries a
single attack chopper. This unit operates in a similar manner to the Allied Destroyer, although it can be used to launch
arial attacks from sea and at some distance, and is a useful weapon against naval and ground based units.

In order to effectively utilize their mobile forces, the Soviets realized they had to counter the advantage held by the Allies
with their Spy Satellite. Their answer is the Radar Jammer, a vehicle which works by firing a continual disruption signal
at enemy Radar structures, shutting down transmissions and display. Select the Radar Jammer, and you will be able to use
it to 'fire' at any enemy Radar structure, rendering it useless to it's owner. The range of this unit allows it to remain a good
distance away from the enemy base while other forces use the radar blackout to attack. Each Radar Jammer can affect only
one Radar at a time and must be left to continually disrupt it's target - if moved or destroyed the disruption to Radar is

Further research based on the work of Nikola Tesla has led to an advancement in the Tesla Coil - it now has a further
range, charges quicker and does more damage, however due to the additional electromagnetic discharge it generates it is
now much more likely to be struck by lightning during a Weather Storm.

In extending the mind control experiments of Yuri the Soviets have, quite literally, gone to new depths in their quest for
suitable subjects. After the success of the Giant Squid, the Soviets have now begun to use Giant Jellyfish as a means of
attack. However, due to their relative lack of brain power, Jellyfish did not respond too well to the mind control technique,
but a few volts from a Tesla Coil soon eliminated their resistance. This led to an unexpected but beneficial side effect - the
Jellyfish are able to project the electrical discharge they acquired, however it is inaccurate. Although slow, Jellyfish move
amphibiously across the battlefield, making them a dangerous recruit to the Soviet forces.

There is now a build limit of 1 on Yuri - after all, there is only one Yuri ;)

Russia - The very center of the Soviet might, the Russians pose a very diverse overall threat to any opposing force.
Russian armies can produce veteran Yuri, Tesla Troopers, Tesla Tanks and Kirovs. Realizing their Navy lacked first-strike
capability, Russian armies now have access to a new class of the standard Soviet Submarine - the Oktober Class - which is
armed with deadly Cluster Missiles, making it capable of launching attacks on inland targets. The Cluster Missile
explodes in mid-air above it's target and 'rains' a series of smaller missiles downwards. However, the sub has to surface as
it fires making it both visible and vulnerable to enemy attacks. Because of the nature of it's payload, it is limited to firing
one missile at a time and takes a while to reload between shots, and only one Missile Sub can be deployed by this army at
any one time. Also new to the Russians is the highly experimental M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) Tank - more
familiarly known as the 'quake tank'. This is a final solution weapon that, once activated, builds up a powerful harmonic
shock wave. When deployed, it detonates, destroying itself and damaging everything within a large radius around it.
However, infantry are unaffected by it's detonation. To activate the M.A.D. Tank for detonation, select it then click on it
again. The countdown and warning siren will start and the tank will detonate. The Russians also have, of course, the Tesla
Tank and exclusive access to the Psychic Sensor, which now gives you an audible warning when an enemy presence is
detected within it's range of effect (click on the structure to see it's range of effect). The Psychic sensor now displays enemy
object movement, and can detect submarine/subterranean/disguised and 'cloaked' units - in the case of those last two, it
will also provide a visual warning on your radar.

Cuba - The Cubans form the terrorist arm of the Soviet might. Cubans can produce veteran Crazy Ivans and Flack Tracks
and now have access to the 'Hind Transport', a fast helicopter transport armed with air-to-ground weaponry which can
carry up to 5 passengers. Although the Cubans can train Terrorists, this infantry unit now has a more fearsome arsenal - he
can plant C4 on buildings which can instantly destroy them. In addition, Cuban Terrorists are now also able to disguise
themselves in a similar manner to the Allied Spy, making their infiltration ability a deadly threat to any opposing

Libya - Libya are the Soviet demolition experts. Libyan armies can produce veteran Flack Troopers and Rhino Tanks.
Libyan armies now have access to the powerful 'Howitzer', a devastating ground vehicle which is extremely effective
against infantry and vehicles. It is lethal when used as base defense and equally as powerful when used in assault, with it's
long range giving it great advantage over it's adversaries. The Libyans also have, of course, the Demolition Truck. The
Libyans also have access to the +3 Dreadnaught instead of the standard Dreadnaught, which is able to reload it's missiles
faster than standard Dreadnaughts.

Iraq - Iraq are the 'storm troopers' of the Soviet faction, making use of diverse weaponry designed to instill fear into their
enemies. Iraqi armies can produce veteran Conscripts, Dogs, War Miners and V3 Rocket Launchers. In response to
growing attacks from paratroopers and Navy SEALs, Iraqi forces can now train Flamer infantry units. Armed with a
highly volatile flame-thrower , they are able to expel a jet of intense flames making them lethal against infantry. If the
Iraqis manage to obtain an Allied IFV, the Flamer can be used to turn it into a Flame Tank. Because of the dangerous
nature of the weapon, they are liable to explode violently when killed. For this reason, and to minimize unit loss through
'friendly fire' issues, Iraqi comanders are advised to excersize extreme caution when employing this unit. Flamer units are
also able to burn down trees, making them an ideal unit for spotting disguised Mirage and Phase Tanks. The Iraqis also
have, of course, the dreaded Desolator and to strengthen their overall combat effectiveness the Iraqi's have also developed
a 'radioactive' Tank. By stimulating the emission of radiation from the radioactive matter it carries, the Rad Tank can
project an amplified beam of concentrated radiation at it's target, instantly killing infantry and initiating the meltdown of
enemy vehicles. The rad Tank's internal shielding also means that it is immune to all forms of radiation, although it can
also self-destruct by heating it's payload to critical mass and breaching that internal shielding, leaving a dangerous field of
radioactive waste - however a side effect of carrying such radioactive matter is that should the Rad Tank be destroyed the
waste will still be deposited - when it gets destroyed, be somewhere else.

General Additions
There is now a special, additional map to play when you complete the Boot Camp training campaign. This map allows you
to control both the Soviet and Allied armies, gives you access to all technologies, and allows you to familiarise yourself
with the more advanced features of the game. Note that the game will not end on this map - you must abort play to finish
the game, as there is no 'game over' condition - it exists purely to allow you to see everything!

The unused Tech Building in the game has been enabled - the Tech Armory can be used to upgrade infantry units to 'elite'
status (only certain maps include this structure although it can appear on maps created with the Random Map Generator).
To make use of this structure, capture it in the same way you would any other Tech Building. Select an infantry unit, and
command it to enter the structure. After a short while, the unit will emerge upgraded to 'elite' status. The Tech Armory can
also defend itself with machine guns fired by it's occupants. Additionally, all Tech Buildings can now be repaired by the
army which captures them should they become damaged.

The computer will now build Service Depots and repair it's vehicles when they get damaged. On 'Brutal' skill level, the
computer will also attempt to build an MCV when it's Construction Yard is destroyed and may even build more than one
Construction Yard as a contingency to prolong it's war effort.

The wind in the game now blows in random directions rather than a preset one by the computer, however this has much
less effect on the game than it did in Tiberian Sun, presumably in another attempt to speed things up, although it still has a
small effect on projectiles, jumpjets and aircraft.

Some structures now have their own unique explosion sequences when destroyed - Construction Yards, Allied Barracks,
Chrono Sphere, Tesla Coils and Prism Towers.

Service Depots now reload any units that dock with them as well as repairing them.

Almost all units and vehicles can now be built at veteran level when a Spy infiltrates the appropriate enemy factory type.

The screen now shakes when very big explosions occur (the Nuke being the best example!) and such explosions will also
'rock' nearby vehicles.

For added realism, destroyed vehicle debris now includes axles as well as tyres, and when you attack a monkey he now
responds by throwing bananas at you (seriously - this was hidden in the game!)

Armies that are allied no longer have their weapon fire blocked by eachothers walls - for weapon firing purposes, your
allies walls are now considered 'transparent'.

Multiplayer Game Enhancements

Multiplayer skirmish games take on a whole new dimension with Red Alert 2 DeeZire. ALL multiplayer maps are now
available to use in the standard skirmish 'Battle' mode. Maps that are otherwise unavailable in this mode are Depth Charge
(2-4), Alaskan Oil Spill (2) and Bonanza (2-4). In addition, you can now play skirmish games on any of the 25 maps
reserved for multiplayer campaigns, and the 8-player Official Tournament Map has been enabled (Battle and Mega Wealth

The Random Map Generator has been enhanced to ensure a more even probabilty of 'realistic' terrain and will deposit
more Ore on the map. It will also randomly deploy the Tech Armory in the same way it deploys other Tech Buildings on
random maps.

UNIQUE - several multiplayer maps exist in the game files which cannot be used as they are badly corrupted. Red Alert 2
DeeZire repairs and restores these maps, allowing you to play them in skirmish mode games as normal. These maps are
exclusive to Red Alert 2 DeeZire users and have not been seen anywhere outside of Westwood Studios! The maps are;-

Twin Isles (2-4)

Polar Cap (2-8)
Glasnost (2-4)
Wild Animal Park (2-6) - Mega Wealth version
Bonanza (2) - Mega Wealth version
A City Divided (2-4) - very simliar to 'The Alamo' with some subtle differences
LA Reservoir (2-4)
Montana (2-4) - Urban Combat version
Snowball Effect (2-4) - The infamous 'E32' map which was badly corrupted

This gives you a total of 40 extra maps with Red Alert 2 DeeZire.

You are no longer limited to 'Battle' mode either - you can now play Mega Wealth, Land Rush, Meat Grinder and Naval
War games against the computer. Plus there are 6 NEW modes of play;-

Nuke War - all armies get access to all the buildings which provide the Super Weapons, meaning all players can have all of
the Super Weapons at their disposal. The game also reverts to the standard mode of revealing these structures to all players
when they are built, and showing the countdown display for each weapon as normal. Nukes are not available from random
crates in this mode of play. Note that if Super Weapons are not enabled for this mode of play then the game defaults to
standard Battle mode.

Crate War - random crates appear much more frequently and there are many more of them. You also get much more
money than usual from a random crate. Note that if Random Crates are disabled for this mode of play, the game defaults to
standard Battle mode.

Urban Combat - these battles take place exclusively in urban cities, where you must use the city to gain the advantage over
your enemies. All structures can be garrisoned, and Oil Derricks must be captured to earn money (although they provide
more funds than normal). Random crates are more likely to give you a unit in this mode of play. Players are also restricted
to air and land based units in this game mode.

Global Dominance - the ultimate Allies V Soviets battle! Allied and Soviet armies have access to all technologies from
their relevant sides so there are no longer any 'country-specific' units or structures. The differences in each countries'
characteristics remain however, meaning there is still a reason to play as a different country depending on your preferred
style of play.

Sole Survivor - be the hunter or the hunted - players start with a squad of veteran infantry with their amphibious transport
after being dropped off on a reconnaisance mission. The idea is to destroy your enemies transport thus preventing them
escaping! The map starts off fully revealed but the shroud will continually grow and cover the map over time. The game is
won when a player destroys their enemies transport, and losing your own transport loses you the game. No bases can be
built so it's just your squad against the enemies, but crate goodies in this mode consist entirely of unit bonuses.

Siege - in this mode of play one player is designated the 'Defender' and starts with an MCV at one of the map starting
points. The other players are the 'Attackers' and start the game at the other map starting points, Allied together. The game
is won when either team defeats the other.*

*Siege is the LAN/Internet only game mode which is present in the game but disabled. Although Siege has been enabled
with Red Alert 2 DeeZire it is not known if this is fully supported by Westwoods servers. A future update to Red Alert 2
may add this feature, meaning Red Alert 2 DeeZire will allow you to take full advantage of it.

Multiplayer Debug Mode

Red Alert 2 DeeZire supports the rumored Multiplayer Debug mode. Upon installing Red Alert 2 DeeZire you will be able
to engage this through the Red Alert 2 DeeZire Control Panel, accessable through the folder on your Start Menu. Select
this new option to start Red Alert 2 DeeZire with Multiplayer Debug mode engaged. Starting Red Alert 2 in any other
normal way (for example through any existing Desktop icons or Start Menu options) will start Red Alert 2 DeeZire
without Multiplayer Debug Mode engaged.

With Multiplayer Debug Mode engaged, start a multiplayer game, click the Options Tab, select Game Options, and select
the option to configure the Keyboard Controls. You will see a new option in the list - 'Debug'. Select this option, and you
can assign new 'hot keys' to enable the two debug options. 'Game Sync Logging' turns extra game sync logging on and off,
and 'Multiplayer Debug Info' toggles the debug display on and off. The debug display contains useful information about
the game, including how many frames per second the game is processing - a good measure of the games performance on
your computer which will assist you in optimizing your system configuration.

There are optional components exclusive to Red Alert 2 DeeZire users which can be downloaded from the official Red
Alert 2 DeeZire website, or through the Auto Update facility, which further enhance the mod;-

Expansion 1 - Themes & Screens: this expansion pack provides you with the three 'missing' themes from the standard
version of Red Alert 2 (C&C In The House, Ready The Army, Probing) plus the original loading screens for Red Alert 2
and enhanced multiplayer loading screens for Red Alert 2 DeeZire.

Expansion 2 - Giant Ants: this expansion pack provides you with a replacement to the Boot Camp (tutorial) campaign with
a version of the Giant Ant game from the original Red Alert, complete with movies!

Expansion 3 - Chrono Reinforcements: this expansion is intended primarily for mod writers, and provides you with the
Chrono Reinforcements feature on specific maps which enable it. Comes with a very special map which makes use of the

Version History
- Enabled unused options for Advanced Command Bar
- Enabled 2 unused musical theme scores
- Documented unused 'hot keys'
- Enabled Aircraft Carrier Nimitz for Americans
- Enabled +3 Dreadnaught for Russians
- Added destruct control for Crazy Ivan's explosives
- Added charge drain facility for Iron Curtain
- Amended American paratroopers to SEALs and increased availability time
- Changed wind direction to random
- Added sight range bonus to veteran/elite units
- Increased damage caused by Allied Prism Towers and decreased charge time
- Restored unused sounds for Flak Trooper's weapons
- Removed 'force fire' on Crazy Ivan (due to new logic)
- Added build limit on Yuri and Tanya
- Amended statistics for Weather Storm super weapon
- Removed 'friendly fire' issues on Chrono Legionnaire
- Enhanced Mirage Tank disguise ability
- Enhanced Prism Towers statistics
- Restored unused sound to Psychic Sensor when enemy detected
- Restored unused explosion sequences for specific structures
- Disabled feature where special weapon recharge times was displayed to all
- Added 'screen-shake' effect when Nuke impacts
- Enabled sound when Yuri engages mind control
- Amended randomizer for crate powerups and added 6 new ones
- Disabled feature where special weapon structures are revealed to opponents
- Enhanced Chrono Sphere characteristics
- Restored unused animation to Chrono Sphere warping in and out
- Enabled trailer animation for sub's torpedoes
- Restored further sequences to Tesla Generator and Allied Power plant explosions when destroyed
- Enabled Light Tank for Iraq & added icon
- Enabled Hind for Cuba and added icon
- Enabled Howitzer for Britain & added icon
- Numerous changes to unit, infantry & weapon statistics to aid balancing/differentiate between sides
- Many small, unused animations enabled (mainly smoke systems for damage to structures/vehicles)
- Added sandbags to all armies

- Restored old Red Alert 2 loading screen
- Corrected many bugs (traced to missiles, projectiles and super weapons)
- Fixed sporadic crash issue (traced to overlay and animation z-buffer problems)
- Added Red Alert 2 DeeZire version text
- Enabled Navy SEALs for Americans
- Increased armor & strength on Howitzer
- Enabled barbed wire fence for Soviet armies & changed sandbags to Allied armies only
- Enabled sound for ore being processed at refinery
- Enabled additional sound for Kirov crashing
- Reduced probability of getting a nuke missile in a crate
- Restored Cargo Plane to Tech Airport's Paradrop weapon
- Enabled additional death sounds for Flak Trooper
- Enabled hidden 'training' map for completion of Boot Camp campaign
- Restored voice to Desolator when deploying
- Enabled all multiplayer maps for skirmish mode
- Added 'lightning rod' property to Tesla Coils (more likely to be struck by lightning now)
- Added ability for the computer armies to build Service Depots & repair damaged units
- Enabled construction option for MCVs to computer armies
- Enabled small unused animation on Chronosphere
- Enabled additional modes of play for skirmish games
- Added 2 new modes of skirmish play - Nuke War and Crate War
- Added support and option for enabling Multiplayer Debug mode
- Enabled several old units (available as crate goodies only);-
- Small Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Medium Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Heavy Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Mammoth Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Tiberian Sun)
- Flame Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Enabled Stealth Bomber for French armies

- Repaired icon, INI code & graphics for Stealth Bomber
- Enabled Phalanx Tank for French armies
- Added Medic to Allied forces
- Repaired veteran icon for Dolphin
- Increased range, rate of fire and damage for Tesla Coils
- Enabled more old units (available as crate goodies only);-
- MRLS (Tiberian Dawn)
- APC (Tiberian Sun, although non-amphibious)
- Recon Bike (Tiberian Dawn,Tiberian Sun)
- Nod Buggy (Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun)
- Mobile Repair Vehicle (Tiberian Sun)
- Stealth Tank (Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun)
- Fixed graphical problem when +3 Dreadnaught fires missiles
- Added correct name to Barbed Wire fence
- Fixed random crate bug (traced to invalid UIName call)
- Fixed problem where Flame Tank would not fire (traced to invalid warhead)
- Enabled initial & build veteran logic to each army for specific units
- Added Flamer infantry to Soviet armies
- Enabled logic for Flame Tank when IFV used by Flamer infantry
- Added additional icons to support enhanced veteran system
- Added Iron Fist (mobile War Factory) for Soviet armies
- Switched Stealth Bomber ownership to America, Howitzer to Libya and Light Tank to Britain
- Added Jellyfish to Soviet armies

- Added Missile Sub to Iraqi forces
- Fixed issue where new country specific units could sometimes not be built
- Amended Phalanx Tank (is now a Chrono-tank and fires new missile type)
- Fixed another random crash bug (traced to invalid sound file calls)
- Fixed sporadic game hangup issue when Nuke is fired by AI (traced to projectile problem)
- Amended Random Crate statistics (fixes random crash issue on some systems)
- Enabled more old units (available as crate goodies only);-
- Disruptor (Tiberian Sun)
- Hover MLRS (Tiberian Sun)
- Mammoth MkII (Tiberian Sun)
- APC (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Artillery (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert)
- Jeep (Red Alert)
- Advanced Artillery (Tiberian Sun)
- Amended building requirement for Jellyfish (now requires Tesla Coil as well as Naval Yard)
- Amended icon for Barbed Wire fence
- Enhanced Flamethrower weapon (now does more damage to all armor types)
- Enabled additional sound for Demo Truck when under attack
- Enabled additional sound for Soviet naval units when commanded to attack
- Enabled unused Tech Building - upgrades infantry when they enter (only on certain DeeZire maps)
- Disabled 'reveal to all' trigger when Tech Buildings captured (was added in 1.002 patch)
- Enabled unused banana weapon for monkey (!)
- Improved medic image (now slightly larger)
- Improved icon for Howitzer (thanx Blade!)
- Added axles to vehicle debris
- Enabled Missile Convoy truck (not buildable, appears only on some DeeZire maps)
- Enabled unused missile image for Phalanx Tank weapon
- Hind rotor now spins (the crowd goes wild thanx to DMZ & Blade!)
- Restored Urban Combat multiplayer game mode
- Repaired, restored and enabled corrupted multiplayer map files;-
- LA Reservoir (2-4)
- A City Divided (2-4)
- Bonanza (2) - Mega Wealth version
- Wild Animal Park (2-6) - Mega Wealth version
- Twin Isles (2-4)
- Montana (2-4) - Urban Combat version
- Polar Cap (2-8)
- Glasnost (2-4)
- Added MAD (Quake) Tank to Russians (utilizes unused explosion sequences and turret)
- Enabled vehicle thief logic and added to German Spy
- Enabled unused animation for 'Radiation Site' weapons
- Extended build range for sandbags/barbed wire fence (in line with concrete walls)
- Corrected issue where AI would build Ore Refineries in Mega Wealth games
- Discovered & enabled missing Theme Soundtracks (available as optional add-on)

- Fixed medic cursor problem (now displays correct heal cursor)
- Repaired Psychic Sensor sound when enemy detected (now gives warning that enemy are present)
- Fixed Internal Error issue when AI fires certain Super Weapons (traced to corrupt AI logic)
- Fixed hangup problem when computer played as Korea (traced to invalid unit name call)
- Fixed crash issue when 'free unit' crate powerups were collected (game was trying to put ships on land)
- Added 'build off ally' logic to Iron Fist
- Enhanced German Spy (can now infiltrate enemy structures and vehicles)
- Added Mine Layer for German armies (the crowd goes wild!)
- Enabled missing turrets on Allied IFV (turret depends on unit inside)
- Added animation when Nuke Crate is picked up
- Restored several icons with original Westwood ones (thanx Smiff-Giggany!)
- Increased availability time of American SEAL paratroopers
- Turret on MAD Tank now spins to indicate charging of bomb
- Enabled unused sound when aircraft impact on ground
- Enabled unused sound when Planning Mode is executed
- Enabled logic to make walls transparent to allied sides (ally walls no longer impede eachothers shots)
- Improved power of Howitzer's weapon (faster rate of fire, more powerful against all unit types)
- Tweaked Flamer's weapon (now actuates correct flame type damage to all objects)
- Vehicles now randomly spark/smoke when damaged & badly damaged
- Added Mobile Gap Generator to Korean armies
- Made Tech Buildings repairable by the army that captures them
- Enabled Orca Attack Chopper for Allied armies when Tech Airport captured
- Fixed issue where America could not build Air Force Command in Mega Wealth mode

- Allocated Missile Sub to Cuba (was Iraq) and added build limit of one
- Recharge time of Missile Sub's Cluster Missile increased (approx 50% longer to wait)
- Improved Phalanx Tank locomotor (now teleports across stretches of water)
- Enabled Super Gap Generator for Britain
- Added better icon for Tesla Trooper (old Westwood icon now used)
- Improved icon for Stealth Bomber (thanx Blade!)
- Removed sound when Psychic Beacon is active (way too annoying)
- Tweaked Flamers weapon (again!)
- Removed 'death weapon' from Nuclear Silo (now explodes as normal)
- Enabled Antonov Cargo Plane for Soviet armies (acts like Carryall from Tiberian Sun)
- Amended Rocketeer characteristics to allow for landing and ground assault
- Additional code for future expansion

- Fixed problem where Allies could sometimes not build Prism Cannon
- Added Red Alert 2 DeeZire version number on main menu screen
- Corrected problem where some multiplayer game modes could be missing
- Fixed issue where Allied aircraft could appear in Soviet sidebar
- Corrected occasional palette problem on Antonov landing animation
- American armies can now only build Stealth Bombers (no longer have access to Harriers)
- Increased cost and reduced speed of Stealth Bomber (still very fast!)
- Some slight fixes and improvements on the restored multiplayer maps
- Added the infamous E32 map - Snowball Effect (2-4)
- Added Global Dominance multiplayer game mode (the crowd goes wild!)
- Updated army specific descriptions when you choose which side to play
- Tweaked German Spy (will now steal Ore Miners)

- Updated Help file & Documentation
- Added 'Control Panel' feature (in Start Menu when mod is installed)
- Added 'Check For Update' feature (in Start Menu when mod is installed)
- Enabled more old units (available as crate goodies only);-
- Devil's Tongue (Tiberian Sun)
- Subterranean APC (Tiberian Sun)
- Carryall (Tiberian Sun)
- Enabled subterranean logic and unused sound when subterranean units submerge & re-emerge
- Removed sight-range bonus to upgraded infantry (could cause crashes on objects with long sight range)
- Enabled unused sound when Spy is created
- Corrected issue where Snipers would not automatically acquire targets
- Fixed issue where Phalanx Tanks could not teleport across stretches of water
- Global Dominance mode now allows you to use Random Maps
- Restored firing ability/sequences to civilians which are armed
- Fixed 'chrono-beam' animation sequence
- Enabled unused animation sequence & sound when Ore is deposited at a Refinery
- Enhancements to Random Map Generator;-
- places more Ore on the map
- generates more varied terrains
- may now place Tech Armory on random maps
- Improvements to more icons (thanx again to Blade and to David)
- Slight increase to volume on sounds when credits increase/decrease
- Enabled unused ambient sound for Ore mines
- Restored original Soviet/Allied Engineer icons
- Enabled unused sound when Iron Curtain deactivates
- Restored original Gap Generator image for Super Gap Generator
- Restored disabled Multiplayer Game Mode - Siege (although not fully supported at this time)
- Enabled unused voice on Engineers when commanded to capture a structure
- Restored correct animation when 'reveal map' crate is picked up
- Amendments to address balance issues;-
- Increased cost of Howitzer
- Reduced damage and range of Oktober Sub's cluster missile
- Reduced speed of Antonov
- Crazy Ivan's can now improve with experience and attain/be trained at veteran status
- Prism Tank weapons are now blocked by walls but can destroy them
- Jellyfish can now be attacked by Dogs and Terror Drones
- Medics must now be close to infantry units to heal them (will still perform automatically)
- Medics are now immune to Radiation but no longer repair vehicles if put into an IFV
- Increased cost/reduced armor of Stealth Bomber
- Improved potency of Soviet AA weapons
- Hind now has air-to-ground missiles but is more expensive
- Landable Rocketeer is now exclusive to France
- Improved weapon of Phalanx Tank and increased cost
- Many other tweaks and changes to enhance overall game balance/country characteristics
- Restored original Soviet Tech Center to provide Soviet 'mobility' technology (eternal thanks to Blade)
- Increased speed of Ore Miners harvesting/unloading (compensates for new animation sequence)
- Psychic Sensor now highlights submarine/subterranean/cloaked units on radar
- For added realism, big explosions (eg Nuke) now cause nearby vehicles to rock
- Restored original Cuban Terrorist (requires Battle Lab, now disguises and has C4)
- Flack Troopers are now able to fire when prone (lying on the ground) as well as crawl
- Restored unused animations and sound to explosion sequences
- Added old Spy Sat image for deployed Mobile Gap Generator
- Pyschic Sensor no longer reveals the shroud around itself when it detects enemy
- Tweak to all Jump Jet characteristics (corrects slight problem in code and enhances maneouverability)
- Restored old icon to veteran Ivan
- Improved Medic image (modified engineer)
- Enabled unused sound and animation for aircraft crashing on ground
- MAD Tank now counts down to destruction (to really frustrate your enemy!)
- Improved Jellyfish animation sequence (now has shadow too)
- Added Mechanic infantry unit to Soviet armies (upon construction of a Service Depot)
- Restored original voxel images/turret to Mirage Tank
- Enabled original Mirage Tank weapon (for Phase Tank)
- Ore Miners/Chrono Miners now acknowledge command to harvest ore
- Enabled unused Guard Tower for Soviet armies
- Restored original weapon to Dolphins
- Iron Fist is now subterranean (moves underground)
- Added Abrams Tank to Allied armies
- Enabled unused sound when Ore Miners move to harvest ore
- Enabled unused sound when Cloning Vats is constructed
- Added Helicarrier to Soviet armies
- Added Easter Eggs ;)

- Stealth Bomber carries more ammo
- Enabled different image for Libyan Dreadnaught
- Issues from (bugged) V5.0 fixed (wrong version was uploaded!);-
- British could not build a Gap Generator
- Resonator could start in Multiplayer games!
- French could not build Rocketeers
- Helicarrier had movement problem
- Rocketeer firing logic was corrupt
- Giant Ants could be built from a Weapons Factory instead of Barracks
- Elements were missing from the correct V5.0 (see V5.0 listing above for correct list)
- Phase Tank image improved and now casts correct shadow
- Improved more icons (thanx to David Egnell)
- Fixed Dolphin's weapon (projectile and correct damage were missing)
- Corrected issue where MAD Tank could take too long to deploy

- Updated Documentation and Help files
- Added options to run RA2 in a new Desktop window and with audio disabled (via Control Panel)
- Improved more icons (thanx to Blade and David Egnell yet again!)
- Mirage & Phase Tanks no longer attain veterancy (the 'stripes' sometimes show when they are disguised)
- Phase Tank weapon upgraded + cost increased
- Further improvements to debris systems when objects are destroyed
- Fixed Mammoth MkII (crate goodie) - now has AA weapon and no longer fits in Sub APC (LOL)
- Slight reduction on damage inflicted by Hind's weapon
- Slight improvements to V3 launcher to improve defensive capability
- Made changes for compatability and fixed issues based on Westwood's V1.004 patch;-
- Giant Squid defaults to area guard mode (can now act like dogs in acquiring ship targets)
- Volume on some sounds increased (others have reverted to original RA2 settings)
- All unit changes have reverted back to original RA2 settings
- Fixed game problem where 'defenses tab' description was not displayed on sidebar
- Corrected game bug where opponents ping could be displayed as 'unknown' on WOL
- Several tweaks to fix minor issues with some multiplayer game modes
- French Wall now has it's own icon
- Added new multiplayer game mode - Sole Survivor
- Enabled logic to allow shroud to re-grow (thanx Chronosfera!)
- Fixed issue where some text strings did not display on WOL
- AI no longer builds refineries in Mega Wealth games
- Improved image on Flamer infantry
- Flame weapons enhanced and occasional 'missing image' issue fixed
- Improved Howitzer - turret is now independant from body (thanx Gracktov!)
- Soviet Mechanics now remove Terror Drones from affected vehicles
- Improved Dolphin (no longer 'stutters' while moving or firing and now has a unique death sequence)
- Added Rad Tank for Iraq (hehe)
- Improved image on Helicarrier (is now a ship although the voxel normals still need some work)
- MAD Tank now works like in Red Alert (does not harm infantry and no longer leaves radiation)
- Added Radar Jammer vehicle to all Soviet forces
- Added Naval Mines to all Allied forces
- Fixed problem where Russians could sometimes not build a Dreadnaught
- Players can now only start games with MCV's and Infantry units (for balancing/avoid early rushes)
- Added EMP Tank for all Allied armies
- Players and their Allies can no longer build structures off a deployed Iron Fist

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