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Addison Hinson

Business of Theatre
Pia Wyatt
Weekly Assignment

"Transcendental meditation on the ocean of cyber reality is Love...Peace...

Justice... Freedom...Tolerance... Happiness...Liberation..." These opening
lines of Hair sum up the spirit of the show that introduced the 'rock musical'
to the world.

Pioneer Productions Company is thrilled to produce the groundbreaking love-

rock musical "Hair" in honor of it's 50th anniversary (April 8, 1968). This
powerful musical is incredibly vital and important today and we are seeking
open minded, dedicated talent to help us tell this story in a fresh way. *
There is no nudity required for this production. Especially seeking actors who
can play acoustic instruments i.e: Guitar, harmonica, horns, flutes, etc....not
required but appreciated. We are also very open minded about
age...contrary to popular belief, many hippies were older (30/40's) and were
considered the tribe gurus. Seeking talent ages 18 - 80.

Hair tells the story of Vietnam-era youths exuberantly creating their own rite
of passage through the confusion around them. Among them are Claude and
Berger; friends battling against Claude's draft notice, and Sheila, who is in
love with both but her politically-active lifestyle leaves her little time to act
on her feelings. Ultimately, Claude decides to go to Vietnam. With themes of
alienation and civil disobedience, Hair illustrates the '60s generation's search
for meaning through various "be-ins," "love-ins" and protests.

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Rehearsals are Thursday evenings (7 - 10 pm) and Sundays (10 am - 1


* The times are permanent as we share our rehearsal studio with other
theatre companies. Please take these times into consideration when
auditioning as we will be working on an intense schedule and everyone
MUST be available for these rehearsals.


MOC Studio, 494 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ, Montclair, NJ 07043

Open Casting Call:

Mar 21, 2018: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Mar 22, 2018: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

These open calls will be run on a first come/first serve basis. We will provide
a signup sheet at the venue. Accompanist/sides provided. Please bring a
recent headshot and current bio.

Please prepare 32 bars from or in the style of HAIR, accompanist provided.

If you are auditioning for a MALE lead (i.e: Berger, Claude, Woof, Hud):
Please familiarize "Flesh Failures" as you may be asked to sing (1st verse) in
addition to what you prepare. This does not need to be memorized & we will
provide sheet music at auditions for review.

If you are auditioning for a FEMALE lead (i.e: Sheila, Dionne, Chrissy,
Jeanie): Please familiarize "Easy to be hard" as you may be asked to sing
(1st verse) in addition to what you prepare. This does not need to be
memorized & we will provide sheet music at auditions for review.

Hair will premier at The Fair Lawn Community Center, George Frey Center
for the Arts
July 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, & 15.

Visit www.pioneerproductionscompany.org for more info

Why this job:

- As this is a show about diversity and acceptance I think this would be a good
opportunity for “nontraditional” casting. Which is where as someone who is of short stature
could shine.
- This show is carried by a very strong ensemble that has to mesh well together and have
a very fun atmosphere between them. I am a very strong ensemble member and I get along with
other people very well as well as can provide a bright atmosphere.
-This musical is very high energy and exciting. As a performer who prides himself on
having high energy and an almost always positive(but hardworking) attitude I think this would
be an amazing show for me to partake in.
-Hair also has the opportunity for very different and bold characters and character actors
who command the stage and master comedy. Something I know I do very well.

What will I do
- For this audition I would wear my black fitted pants, with my royal blue button down
o I would wear this because it is a very flattering color.
- They ask for 32 measures of a song from or like Hair so I would sing “The Flesh
Failures” form Hair.
o I would sing measures 1-32 . I chose this song, and this cut, because it shows
my higher range as all as my low range at the beginning of the song. I know I
could act it well
o . I think it would be a very strong choice and a nice foot forward as an
introduction to this company.
- There is no explicit dancer/mover call
o However I would bring clothes for this just in case there might be one
 I would wear my Blue athletic shirt and black Biker shorts to match
my audition outfit.
- I would arrive at the location 30 minutes before my scheduled time slot, with my
headshot and resume.
- They do not ask for a monologue so I would not have one ready, but I would have a
small monologue ready in case they would ask for something.
o It would be a cut from a contemporary comedic monologue from Peter Sinn
Nachtreibs Trench coat in Common
o I chose this monologue because it is something I am very familiar with and
can do very well that’s character driven.
Why me
- This job would be very good for me as it is a very upbeat and fun contemporary show
that would be very good to further my career along and that if added to my resume
would build it up even more.
o It’s a “ contemporary” rock musical which is something I do not have on my
resume yet.
- I would provide a fun energy to this cast, as I am a very enthusiastic when I am
- I am very familiar with this musical so learning the music in this show would not be
too much of a challenged.
o Especially since they have such a short rehearsal period of only two days a

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