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The purpose of the Teacher Duties and Responsibilities Instrument (TDRI) is to describe the
expectations for teachers in addition to the teaching tasks outlined in the GTOL.

A.     Follows professional practices consistent with school and system policies in working
with students, students’ records, parents, and colleagues

1.   Demonstrates communication and interpersonal skills as they relate to interaction

with students, parents, other teachers, administrators, and other school personnel

2.   Is available to students and parents for conferences according to system policies

3.   Facilitates home-school communication by such means as holding conferences,

telephoning, and sending written communications

4.   Maintains confidentiality of students and students’ records

5.   Works cooperatively with school administrators, special support personnel,

colleagues, and parents

B.   Complies with rules, regulations, and policies of governing agencies and supervisory

1.      Complies with state administrative regulations and Board of Education policies

2.      Adheres to school and local school system procedures and rules

3.      Conducts assigned classes at the times scheduled

4.      Enforces regulations concerning student conduct and discipline

5.      Demonstrates timeliness and attendance for assigned responsibilities

6.      Provides adequate information, plans, and materials for substitute teacher

7.      Maintains accurate, complete, and appropriate records and files reports promptly

8.      Attends and participates in faculty meetings and other assigned meetings and activities
according to school policy

9.      Complies with conditions as state in contract

C.  Demonstrates professional practices in teaching

1.   Models correct use of language, oral and written

2.       Demonstrates accurate and up-to-date knowledge of content

3.       Implements designated curriculum

4.       Maintains lesson plans as required by school policy

5.       Assigns reasonable tasks and homework to students

6.       Participates in professional development opportunities and applies the concepts to classroom
and school activities

D.      Acts in a professional manner and assumes responsibility for the total school program,
its safety and good order

1.       Takes precautions to protect records, equipment, materials, and facilities

2.       Assumes responsibility for supervising students in out-of-class settings

3.       Demonstrates appropriate personal contact while in performance of school duties

E.      Assumes a role in meeting the school’s student achievement goals, including academic
gains of students assigned to the teacher

F.      Observations of the teacher by the principal and assistant principals, in addition to those
recorded on the GTOI during instruction, at other times as appropriate

(Other duties and responsibilities prescribed by local school or system such as, but not
limited to: lunchroom, homeroom, hall, playground and other advisory duties)

75. A teacher in a school shall

(a) hold school regularly in each school day in accordance with this Act;

(b) teach diligently and faithfully all subjects he or she is required to teach;

(c) subject to the Department of Education Act, teach the courses in religious instruction directed
by the appropriate denominational authority to be so taught, but pupils whose parents or
guardians object in writing to this instruction shall be excused from it;

(d) maintain proper order and discipline in carrying out his or her duties, avoiding corporal
punishment except where all other methods of enforcing discipline have failed, and then keep a
record of all offences and the punishment administered, which records shall be open to
inspection by his or her principal and the appropriate superintendent;
(e) see that the premises and other property of the school are, as far as possible, preserved from
damage and injury;

(f) refrain from depriving pupils of a part of a recess period;

(g) arrange for the regular and proper ventilation of his or her classroom;

(h) conduct examinations according to a schedule determined by the principal;

(i) subject to the approval of the principal, arrange for the promotion of students qualified for

(j) at the conclusion of the examinations referred to in paragraph (h), and at other times when
directed by his or her school board, send to the parents or guardians of each pupil a report of the
pupil's attendance, conduct and progress;

(k) keep records of the admission of new pupils, the withdrawal of pupils, examinations,
promotions and the conduct of pupils;

(l) keep a school register in the form prescribed by the minister;

(m) process the record of attendance transferred from another school according to instructions
issued by the minister;

(n) comply with all applicable provisions of the School Attendance Act;

(o) attend, when requested by the principal or the appropriate superintendent, all meetings
relating to school matters;

(p) report to the principal all children affected by or exposed to contagious diseases;

(q) where directed by the school board through the appropriate superintendent and subject to the
agreement referred to in paragraph 11(q) and to all other provisions of that paragraph, admit to
his or her classroom for the purpose of observation and practice-teaching a student enrolled in
the faculty of education at the Memorial University of Newfoundland and provide that student
with the assistance that superintendent may direct;

(r) deliver up a school register or other school property in his or her possession, on the written
request of the chairperson of the school board and to a person named in the request, or, in the
absence of the chairperson, on the written request of a majority of the members of that school
board and to a person named in the request, and, where he or she wilfully refuses to comply with
the request, he or she may be suspended by the school board without pay until he or she complies
with the request;

(s) deliver to the appropriate superintendent, when requested, or to another person on the written
order of that superintendent, the school register and other school records and provide information
which it may be in his or her power to give respecting anything connected with the operation of
his or her school or otherwise affecting its interests or conditions; and

(t) perform those other duties that are prescribed in the regulations, rules or by-laws of his or her
school board.

There are many duties and responsibilities a teacher has. The following is a general overview.

 prepare lessons, making them as interesting as possible

 prepare homework, assignments and assessment
 research information to ensure the knowledge they impart is current
 mark homework and pieces of assessment
 identify the needs of individual students in their classes, and work to help each child
develop his or her own potential
 prepare resources for the classroom
 confer with students over their work
 assist children to learn, not judge their inability to learn
 identify emotional, intellectual, physical, etc issues which may be hindering the student
from learning to his/her best potential, and research and recommend courses of action
 conduct parent-teacher interviews
 provide a sounding board (for both students and teachers) and allow for open discussion
 attend professional development sessions to improve his/her own teaching methods and
 present a professional but caring persona at all times
 Treat students with respect, and teach them to treat others with respect

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