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Thermal Analysis and Investigations on Design Aspects of Aluminum Alloy Based

Liquid Helium Dewar

V. B. Andhale1,2, M.V.Tendolkar1, S.H.Kulkarni1, K.V.Srinivasan2

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, India
Tata Institute of Fundamental research, India

The present work deals with the analytical study of aluminum alloy based liquid helium
Dewar vessel. The work is carried out by estimating the heat leak components due to
various origins such as Heat leak through the neck tube by apparent solid conduction and
fluid conduction that could be determined from the balance of the heat inputs to the liquid
and vapor columns, funneling radiation heat leak from the neck top flange, radiation heat
leak from the radiation shield, and heat leak by residual gas conduction in the vacuum
space etc. Numerical approach is employed by applying energy balance equations and
the computer program is developed using Scilab® 5.5.2. The mechanical design aspects
of Dewar vessel is done by using ASME boilers and pressure vessel code. The
dimensions of the vessel are estimated by applying mechanical design constraints and it
is further analyzed for effective thermal design. Further, the shield positions along the
neck of the Dewar vessel are finalized by applying the thermal design approach.

Key words: Numerical modeling, Aluminum alloy, Superinsulation

INTRODUCTION by different modes of heat transfer may not be

possible. Therefore in the present work,
Various authors have worked since last few numerical modelling and computer program
decades towards reducing the weight of a with simplifying assumptions are employed.
Dewar by using the cooling capacity of helium
vapours rather than liquid nitrogen cooling [1-
4]. In recent past, the focus is towards MATERIAL SELECTION
reducing the weight by changing the material
of construction [5-7]. Dewar is the Dewar vessels for storage of cryogenic
predominant component of any liquefaction liquids are most commonly used in various
system. Optimum design of Dewar is critical industrial and research applications.
because of simultaneous heat in-leaks Presently, Dewar vessels are fabricated
through different modes of heat transfer mostly using stainless steel. However, there
through the super insulation and Dewar neck, are inherent associated limitations such as
and very low latent heat of liquid Helium. Heat increased weight and heat wastage in initial
in-leak to cryostats, Dewar, and through multi- phase of cooling. Accordingly, material
layer super insulation is analyzed selection is based on thermal conductivity,
Modulus of elasticity, Density, ultimate tensile
experimentally and numerically by various
strength, manufacturability and cost. As such,
authors [1-4]. Exact solution for equations 6061-T6 serves as one of the prominent
developed towards the heat in-leaks to Dewar candidates for replacement of Dewar inner as
well as outer vessel. Temperature over the control volume
In order to maintain the lowest heat in- is constant for given time period.
leak through apparent solid conduction, Emissivity is assumed constant for
material is chosen based on thermal analysis at 0.03 [10-11].
conductivity, keeping ultimate tensile strength Absorption of radiation occurs at inner
constant. Accordingly, glass fibre (G-10) is the vessel wall. Hence, funnelling
optimized material for neck element amongst possesses minimum value, which is
the available [8]. negligible [12].
Constant heat flux condition and fully
Table 1 Dewar vessel materials properties developed laminar flow of helium
Material Yield Tensile Modulus Density vapour through neck are
strength strength (GPa)
(kg/m ) approximated.
(MPa) (MPa) Curve fit equations are developed for
temperature dependent properties of He such
SS304 205 515 200 8030 as thermal conductivity and specific heat
6061-T6 240 290 70 2700 having error within ±0.76% and ±0.042%
respectively [13], whereas that for neck is
6063-T5 214 241 70 2710
developed using [8].
7075-T5 95 220 70 2810
1100-H14 97 110 89 2780
Heat Balance Equations

Figure 1 Thermal Conductivity of Neck

Material [8]

Figure 2 Heat Transfer Model for Neck
As discussed in [1-3], heat in-leak calculations
are not possible by exact solution methods. A Fig 2 shows the schematic of discretization of
numerical model is developed by discretizing neck element for thermal analysis
the neck into number of elements. Finite
Difference Method [1] is employed to solve the For ith element of neck,
heat in-leak calculations and optimize the
shield position. MLI blanket layers are used as Qcond, i 1  Qrad  Qcond,i 1  Qconv (1)
the vapour cooled shields. These are
anchored around the neck by the help of high Applying the appropriate equations for heat
tensile springs. Aluminum conductive tapes flows
are wrapped over neck for uniform distribution
of heat over the neck length. Acn
k n ,i ( t n ,i 1  t n ,i )  Qrad
steady state condition is used for the A
 cn k n ,i 1 ( t n ,i  t n ,i 1 )  hi As ( t n ,i  t f ,i )
analysis dy (2)
Acn A
k n,1(t n,2  t n,1 )  cf k f,1(t f,2  t f,1 )
Acn dy dy
( t n ,i 1 k n ,i  k n ,i 1 k n ,i 1 )  As hi t f ,i
dy  E1 Ai  mhfg (11)
 Qrad
t n,i 
Acn Convection between helium vapour and
( k n ,i  k n ,i 1 )  As hi
dy (3) Neck[13]
Nu  k
hconv 
For ith element of vapour dh (12)
Qf cond, i 1  Qconv  Qf cond,i 1  Qabs dh = hydraulic diameter
For super insulation
Acf Heat in-leak through super insulation
k f ,i ( t f ,i 1  t f ,i )  hi As ( t n ,i  t f ,i )  (conduction+radiation) [10]
Acf C r εTR (TH4 .67  TC4 .67 )
k f ,i 1 ( t f ,i  t f ,i 1 )  mCf ,i ( t f ,i  t f ,i 1 ) K eff  N 1.56 Cs (TH  TC ) 
dy (5) N(TH  TC )
Acf K
( k f ,i t f ,i 1  k f ,i 1 t f ,i 1 E  eff (TH  TC )
dy δ (14)
 hi As t n ,i  mCf ,i t f ,i 1
t f ,i   TR  0.03 , Cs  4.48 1010 , Cr  5.40 10 12
( k f ,i  k f ,i 1 )  hi As  mCf ,i where,
dy (6) N= no.of layers/cm,
  Superindul ation thickness (mm)
Last element of helium vapour[1] Heat transfer through vaccum alone[11]
(radiation+free molecular conduction)
Qconv,rt  Qconv  Qf,cond,i 1  Qabs (7)
 
hrt Acf (t rt  t f,i )  hi As (t n,i  t f,i )  
heff    (T 2  T 2 )(T  T )
Acf 1 1  H C H C
 k f,i 1(t f,i  t f,i 1 )  mCf,i (t f,i  t f,i 1 )    1 
dy   H C 
(8) (15)
 C1 P
k f,i 1 t f,i 1  hrt t rt Acf  hi As t n,i where,
C1 =2.098, α =accommodation coefficient,
 mCf,i t f,i 1 P = pressure (Pa).
t f,i 
Acf Optimum shield Position
k f,i 1  hrt Acf h i As  mCf,i
dy Shield 1:
Q rad  ( E2 Ashield  E1 Ai )

For liquid helium Shield 2 to Shield N

Qn,cond, 1  Qf ,cond ,1  Qrad  Qfg (10) Q rad  ( E j 1  E j ) Ashield

be further extended for different materials by
MECHANICAL DESIGN replacing the temperature dependent thermal
conductivity of other materials. Fig.3 shows
Mechanical design is done for 100 liters the results towards validation of the present
capacity considering 10 % ullage space is model with [1].
done by adopting ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, and Section Different Cases For SS304 Based Dewar
VIII Division-1. Design pressure is selected as Three typical cases, based on practical
3 bar, since it is adopted in major designs operating conditions, are considered so as to
worldwide [16-17]. Accordingly, it results in obtain more realistic predication from the
cylindrical inner vessel of 4 mm thickness and theoretical model. These cases are described
450 mm outer diameter, having overall length below
of 717 mm with ASME standard torispherical Table 2 Heat in-leak (liters/day) to LHe
head of 5 mm thickness. Similarly outer vessel Dewar, with Two Thermal Shields,
is designed with 4 mm thickness having 20 layers between Outer Vessel and Shield-2,
overall length of 1150 mm and ASME 20 Layers between Shield-2 and Shield-1,
standard torispherical head of 5 mm 10 Layers between Shield-1 and LHe,
thickness. . Inner neck of 45 mm ID and 55 Shield-1 at 150 mm.
mm OD having 400 mm length is selected Conduction Radiation Total
from available literature [16-17].Thermal
shields are anchored to neck directly at Case 1 2.9108775 0.6004 3.51127
optimized position by the help of high tensile
spring. 20 layers of MLI blanket are used with Case 2 1.4274093 3.50538 4.93279
every 5th layers anchored. Superinsulation Case 3 3.1020662 0.7007065 3.8027728
considered for the present analysis is DAM/3-
SN with 20 layers/cm as layer density [10].
Case1- Always vacuum space provided in
between VCS and MLI blanket & VCS and
Case2- No vacuum space (i.e. temperature of
Model Validation VCS is same as that of outermost layer of
The present model is validated by comparing superinsulation blanket)
results reported in [1] with 1 VCS and 50 Case3- Comparison between heat in-leaks
layers of superinsulation. The analysis is done through VCS with superinsulation and without
for heat in-leak to LHe Dewar, with single superinsulation (i.e. Vacuum alone).
thermal shield having 20 layers between outer Table 2 describes the results for the 3 cases
vessel and shield, and 30 layers between as mentioned.
shields and LHe. From the above comparison maximum
and minium possible heat in-leak could be
computed which specifies the range and
offers better insight for further design.

Extension of Model for Aluminium

Extending the same model, as discussed in
the previous section, the heat in-leak for
aluminium alloy Dewar is evaluated. Table 3
summarises the results for total heat in-leak to
Figure 3 Validation of Theoretical Model with the Dewar vessel under the conditions
[1] mentioned.
It is found that the results show This is attributed to the increased area of
appreciable agreement, and the model could inner vessel. The effect is also coupled with
decrease in conduction due to low thermal
conductivity of neck material.
Table 3 Heat in-leak to LHe Dewar
(litters per day of LHe) with No Intermediate
Thermal Shields,
50 Layers of Superinsulation.
Material by By Total
Conduction Radiation
SS304 0.6808911 29.546359 30.22
6061-T6 0.000182 35.500995 32.501 Figure 5 Heat in-Leak to LHe Dewar, 20
layers of superinsulation having 4 layers as
Fig 4 depicts the comparison of heat in-leak Thermal shields,4 layers between adjacent
(litres/day) for aluminium alloy based Dewar thermal shields,Thermal shield and Inner
and SS304 based Dewar under the conditions Vessel ,Thermal Shield and Outer Vessel.
mentioned, keeping location of shield-1 same. Shield 1st at 75 mm, 2nd at 150 mm , 3rd at 225
The comparison is done by changing the mm
shield-2 position and keeping all other
parameter constant such as inner diameter, It is further required to extent the same
thickness and length of neck. The boundary analogy towards performance predictions with
conditions are applied for neck and generalization of shield position. Objective of
superinsulation. this work is to investigate the effect of location
It could be cleared observed from Fig.4 that of any particular shield in terms of evaporation
the total heat in-leak for aluminium alloy rate, keeping other parameters fixed.
based Dewar is less as compared to that of Accordingly, jth shield position needs to be
SS304 under the given condition. optimized by keeping other shields fixed and
varying the jth shield between j-1th to j+1th
position. The minimum heat in-leak depicts
the optimum position for the jth shield. Fig.5
reports the investigations of heat in-leak for
6061-T6 aluminium alloy based Dewar by
varying the 4th thermal shield position. For this
analysis, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd thermal shields
are at optimal positions, the 5th location being
Figure 4 Comparison of Heat In-leaks for
that of outer vessel.
SS304 and 6061-T6 based Dewar for different
positions of
Shield-2 with 50 Layers of Superinsulation,
having 20 Layers between OV and Shield-2,
20 Layers between Shield-1 and Shield-2,
10 Layers between Shield-1 and Inner Vessel, The present work deals with the design and
Shield-1 at 150 mm. development of Aluminium alloy based Dewar
Both losses, due to conduction and radiation vessel. The prime objective behind the same
become strong function of shield position. The is reduction in weight and minimum liquid
thermal conductivity of G10 (WR) is much helium requirement for initial phase cooling. A
lesser than that of SS304. Accordingly, for a numerical model is developed to analyse the
fixed shield, farther the immediate next one system, and the parameters are optimised
results in reduced conduction losses and towards satisfying the objectives. The model
increased radiation losses. is initially validated with the results mentioned
in [1]. However, the case mentioned in [1] is
restricted with certain parameters. Hence, the
model is further extended to explore the range Q heat flow
of minimum and maximum performance that hfg latent heat of vaporization
could be theoretically claimed. Having done it Stephan-Boltzmann constant
successfully, the model is finally employed for (5.67x1 0-8 W/m2K4)
aluminium alloy based Dewar. The total heat h heat transfer coefficient
in-leak is found to be substantially reduced, as
expected, for aluminium alloy based vessel. SUBSCRIPTS
The shield positions are also theoretically
optimised by keeping all other geometrical abs absorption
and operational parameters constant. In C cold
addition to the thermal design of Dewar eff effective
vessel, enough emphasis is given to the f fluid
mechanical design as well. It is found to yield H hot
reduction in weight by 60.8 %. The liquid i order of neck element
helium required for initial phase cooling can j order of thermal shields
be reduced by 45 - 50 % by using 6061-T6 n neck
Aluminium alloy based helium Dewar. rt room temperature
Depending upon the shield positions and
number of layers in superinsulation, net REFERENCES
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