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Effect of Exogenous Insulin on Blood Pressure

Regulation in Healthy and Diabetic Subjects


SUMMARY To define the role of insulin in blood pressure regulation, the hormone's action on renal
sodium handling, potassium balance, pressor reactivity, and the release of catecholamines and aldo-
sterone are summarized. Insulin-stimulated renal sodium reabsorption induces expansion of the
extracellular volume, increase in cardiac output, and ultimately, hypertension. On the other hand, the
insulin-induced shift of potassium into the cell interior is transient and appears to be of little conse-
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quence for long-term blood pressure control. Although the release of norepinephrine is stimulated by
insulin, a norepinephrine-mediated pressor effect is prevented in healthy men by a simultaneous
norepinephrine-antagonistic action of insulin. The latter causes the fall in blood pressure seen after
intravenous insulin in patients with autonomic dysfunction who lack the rise in norepinephrine
release. Both in healthy and in diabetic men, exogenous insulin does not modify the pressor effect of
angiotensin II, although it impairs the secretion of aldosterone during stimulation by supraphysiologi-
cal doses of angiotensin II. (Hypertension 7 [Suppl II]: II-49-H-53, 1985)

KEY WORDS • sodium • potassium • pressor reactivity • aldosterone

B LOOD pressure is controlled in humans by a

variety of hemodynamic, metabolic, and en-
docrine variables that are constantly reacting
to each other and with exogenous stimuli. Thus abnor-
mal behavior of one regulatory mechanism is bound to
these direct actions of insulin and defines their actual
importance for blood pressure regulation in healthy
men and in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Insulin and Sodium Metabolism

induce additional derangements of other mechanisms. Increases in plasma insulin concentrations in the
Consequently, where this cybernetic system is reset to physiological range directly stimulate sodium reab-
maintain blood pressure at an elevated level, hyperten- sorption by the distal nephron.3 Thus a sodium-retain-
sion has been defined as a "disease of regulation."1 ing effect of acutely administered insulin is seen in
With regard to the high prevalence of hypertension diabetics with previous poor metabolic control.4 In
among patients with diabetes mellitus,2 some attention patients with type II diabetes and/or obesity, insulin
has been given to the possible role of insulin within the resistance with respect to glucose metabolism induces
complex interactions of blood pressure-regulating hyperinsulinemia. The last may in turn stimulate sodi-
mechanisms. Insulin-induced decrease in blood glu- um absorption by the kidney, ultimately leading to an
cose concentrations even in the physiological range increase in exchangeable sodium and to expanded ex-
provokes a rise in plasma epinephrine and other insu- tracellular volume. Endogenous hyperinsulinemia in
lin-counteracting hormones, thus indirectly affecting insulin-resistant patients may explain why no differ-
the cardiovascular system. In addition, insulin may ence has been observed in exchangeable sodium be-
directly interfere with blood pressure control by its tween insulin-treated and untreated diabetics, whereas
influence on renal sodium handling, potassium bal- exchangeable sodium is increased by about 10% in
ance, pressor reactivity, and the release and/or actions diabetic subjects as compared to healthy age- and
of catecholamines, renin, and aldosterone. This re- weight-matched controls. 3
view summarizes the available evidence concerning Continued expansion of the extracellular volume by
sodium retention increases cardiac output, enhances
From the Division of Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes Melli- pressor responsiveness to angiotensin II6 and norepi-
tul, Medizinischc Universitatsklinik, Vienna, Austria.
Address for reprints: Dr. Heinrich Vierhapper, Division of Clini-
nephrine,7 and eventually results in hypertension. The
cal Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus, I. Medizinische Univer- antinatriuretic effect of insulin is finally overcome by a
sitatsklinik, Lazarettgasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. rise in renal perfusion pressure, and a new equilibrium

is established.3 If, on the other hand, obese subjects are rise in capillary pressure, and thus in a reduction of
treated with a hypocaloric diet, plasma insulin falls and plasma volume.28
the ensuing negative sodium balance lowers blood Since the plasma clearance of norepinephrine does
pressure. These assumptions help to explain the effect not change after intravenous insulin22'M and since the
of weight reduction on blood pressure control in pa- rise in norepinephrine after intravenous insulin appar-
tients with obesity and type II diabetes. ently reflects an increase in sympathetic nervous activ-
ity, the administration of insulin should induce a rise in
Insulin and Potassium Metabolism blood pressure. This has indeed been shown in the
Insulin profoundly influences the distribution of po- dog,29 where the rise in blood pressure during a eugly-
tassium between extracellular and intracellular fluid cemic-clamp study depended on alpha-adrenergically
compartments.8 On the other hand, experimental evi- mediated vasoconstriction. Simultaneously, however,
dence indicates that the secretion of insulin is altered insulin exerts a vasodilator effect in the skeletal muscle
by changes in the concentrations of potassium, 9 ' l0 that appears to be independent of the sympathetic ner-
although there is little evidence that changes in vous system.29 This vasodilator activity of insulin,
plasma potassium concentrations in the physiological which has yet to be confirmed in humans28 might help
range indeed influence peripheral insulin levels in to resolve the hitherto puzzling question of how insulin
humans." 112 increases the release and at the same time antagonizes
The reactivity of vascular smooth muscle depends the actions of norepinephrine. It then would be under-
on extracellular potassium concentrations during brief standable why only a small rise in blood pressure re-
sults from the opposing actions of insulin after its acute
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periods of exposure and during steady-state condi-

tions. 1314 Both long-term depletion and supplemen- administration in healthy humans. 30
tation of potassium decrease vascular pressor re- In sympathectomized individuals, insulin failed to
sponsiveness to angiotensin II in the rat, 1516 and a induce a rise in norepinephrine and these patients con-
potassium-enriched diet exerts a hypotensive effect in sequently demonstrated an attenuated vasoconstrictor
humans. 17 ' 18 For these reasons, the effect of insulin on activity and a fall in blood pressure after insulin admin-
potassium balance might be considered as yet another istration.31 Similar observations were reported in dia-
potential point of action on blood pressure regulation betics with autonomous dysfunction.32'33 The behavior
in humans. of pulse rate with intravenous insulin was quite vari-
The decrease of serum potassium concentrations in- able in this group of patients, but blood pressure de-
duced by insulin does not affect total body potassium creased even in those in whom tachycardia was seen,
content, however, since it depends exclusively on ex- suggesting that the apparent lack of vasoconstriction
trarenal mechanisms, 19 that is, on an influx of potas- was the decisive factor for the inability of these pa-
sium into the cell interior of both splanchnic and pe- tients to maintain blood pressure.33
ripheral tissues. It is of interest in this context that Unfortunately, blood glucose concentrations were
patients with type II diabetes exhibit relative end-organ not kept constant during these early human experi-
resistance to insulin-stimulated potassium transport.20 ments, thus leaving unsolved the question of whether
Furthermore, during experiments using the euglyce- the observed changes in blood pressure had been due to
mic-clamp technique, an effective counterregulatory insulin per se or due to the metabolic effects of insulin-
mechanism to prevent hypokalemia in fact resulted in a induced hypoglycemia, that is, due to epinephrine-
rise in serum potassium concentrations during pro- induced vasodilatation.29
longed infusions of insulin.21 Thus the insulin-induced
shift of potassium into the cell interior appears to be Insulin and Pressor Reactivity
transient. For these reasons, insulin is not likely to In the isolated perfused tails of male rats (a model
influence blood pressure regulation in humans by without interference of changing blood glucose con-
changes in potassium homeostasis. centrations) an attenuated pressor responsiveness to
norepinephrine was induced by supraphysiological
Insulin and Catecholamine Release doses of insulin.34 Although some effect of insulin was
In subjects with an intact autonomic nervous sys- seen at a concentration of 150 /xU/ml, it was clearly
tem, intravenous insulin induces a rise in plasma nor- more marked at a concentration of 120 mU/ml, a dose
epinephrine even when blood glucose concentrations far beyond physiological levels. For unexplained rea-
are kept constant. Concentrations of epinephrine re- sons, the effect was absent in female animals.
main unchanged. 22 - a It has been argued that an acute A reduction in the response to vasoconstrictor stim-
insulin-induced decrease in plasma volume is counter- uli in the nondiabetic rat was also seen after long-term
balanced by a rise in sympathetic nervous system ac- insulin therapy.35 In comparison to healthy animals,
tivity in order to maintain blood pressure at normal however, alloxan-diabetic insulin-deficient rats exhib-
levels at the expense of an increase in heart rate.24-23 it reduced responses to several vasoconstrictor stimuli.
This acute fall in plasma volume after administration Insulin replacement abolishes this abnormality and re-
of insulin seems to be catecholamine mediated, how- stores pressor responsiveness. To resolve this apparent
ever, since it is not seen in sympathectomized individ- discrepancy, it was suggested that hyperglycemia and/
uals. 2627 Therefore it is assumed at present that in or hyperglucagonemia may be largely responsible for
healthy subjects, an initial insulin-induced rise in plas- the impaired pressor responsiveness in this animal
ma norepinephrine results in venous constriction, a model. Normalization of these metabolic derange-

ments by insulin replacement in turn caused a normal- 0.4 mmol/L; healthy individuals: 4.2 ± 0.2 mmol/L)
ization of vascular function.36 Thus insulin exerts a were found to be unchanged after the first infusion of
dual effect in the alloxan-diabetic rat: While directly angiotensin II (diabetics: 3.9 ± 0.3 mmol/L; healthy
inhibiting vascular reactivity it simultaneously im- men: 4.3 ± 0.2 mmol/L). Sixty minutes after the onset
proves pressor responsiveness indirectly by correcting of induced hyperinsulinemia, however, plasma potas-
metabolic derangements. sium fell to 3.5 ± 0.3 mmol/L (p < 0.05) in diabetics
In humans, the available evidence of the role of and to 3.6 ± 0.2 mmol/L (p < 0.005) in healthy
insulin on vasoreactivity is based on observations individuals and remained at this level until the end of
made when plasma insulin concentrations are acutely the second infusion (diabetics: 3.3 ± 0.3 mmol/L;
raised into the pharmacological range. In insulin- healthy men: 3.6 ± 0.2 mmol/L). In both groups,
dependent diabetics who are regularly confronted with basal blood pressure was similar at the beginning of
this situation, this approach at least bears resemblance either infusion of angiotensin II (Table 1) and the pres-
to their clinical situation, although the acute effects of sor response to angiotensin II was unchanged by hy-
insulin may well be altered by long-term insulin ther- perinsulinemia (Figure 1). These results did not sup-
apy, endogenous hyperinsulinemia, or the metabolic port the notion that an altered vascular reactivity to
abnormalities that are by definition present in these angiotensin II contributes to the hemodynamic effect
patients. Concerning healthy humans, the possible im- of insulin in healthy and in diabetic men. It remains to
pact of changes in plasma insulin within the physio- be determined whether insulin affects the response to
logical range on vascular reactivity can hardly be in- other pressor agents in a different way and whether
chronic effects of insulin therapy (notably sodium
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ferred by extrapolation of results obtained during the

acute administration of large doses of insulin. retention) contribute to the increased pressor respon-
Bearing these limitations in mind, we studied the siveness seen in diabetic patients compared to healthy
effect of a pharmacological dose of insulin on pres- controls.38-39
sor reactivity to angiotensin II in healthy men37 and
in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. Eugly-
cemia was maintained by adequate administration of TABLE 1. Effect of Hyperinsulinemia on Serum Concentrations
dextrose. of Potassium and Sodium and on Basal Mean Blood Pressure in Six
Healthy Men and in Six Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Patients (mean
To induce a comparable state of insulinemia in the ± SD)
diabetic group, each patient was given his last dose of
Healthy men IDD patients
intermediate-acting insulin 24 hours prior to the test,
followed by a constant infusion of 0.75 U of rapidly Hyperin- Hyperin-
Control sulinemia Control sulinemia
acting insulin/m2 body surface/hr for 12 hours prior to
the experiment. Two consecutive angiotensin II-infu- K+ (mmol/L) 4.2±0.2 3.6±0.2* 4.1 ±0.4 3.5±0.3*
sion tests were performed with an equilibration period Na+ (mmol/L) 142 ±2 140±4 142 ±1 144±2
of 120 minutes between them. Sixty minutes before the mBP (mm Hg) 94±11 95 ±12 87±7 84±6
beginning of the second angiotensin II infusion, a con- BG (mmol/L) 4.3±0.4 5.4±1.2* 4.5±0.9 4.9±0.9
tinuous infusion of regular insulin was begun in
healthy individuals (2.5 U/m2/hr). In diabetics the dose Concentrations of blood glucose (BG) were maintained at eugly-
cemic levels by intravenous dextrose.
of intravenous insulin was increased to 7.5 U/m2/hr. *p < 0.05, compared with control group by Student's two-tailed
Plasma concentrations of potassium (diabetics: 4.1 ± t test for matched pairs.





I 90

-15 30 *5

5 I 0 S 5 O 20
ANOCTENSN I ( nfl Kg ' min"' ) ANGKJTENSIN I I ng Kg"' min"1)

FIGURE 1. Effect of induced hyperinsulinemia (• • ) on the pressor action of angiotensin II (5, 10, and 20
ng-kg'1 •min~l) in healthy men and in insulin-dependent diabetic men as compared with a control experiment
without hyperinsulinemia (o o^ (BPm = mean blood pressure).

Insulin and the Secretion of Renin diabetics without hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism

Insulin-induced hypoglycemia stimulated renin se- (i.e., with a normal concentration of renin), the in-
cretion in intact animals40 and in humans.41 This in- crease of 18-hydroxycorticosterone and of aldosterone
crease in renin secretion may represent a response to in response to sodium depletion, upright posture, and
the counterregulatory rise in catecholamines42 and not angiotensin II was similar to that seen in healthy con-
to insulin itself. In the isolated, perfused rat kidney, trols.48 49 Excessive production of aldosterone is obvi-
insulin exerted a dose-dependent, calcium-mediated ously not the cause of diabetes-associated hyperten-
suppression of renin release. 43 The significance of this sion.48 On the basis of the data available at present,
finding for the regulation of blood pressure in humans insulin apparently does not exert its effect on blood
has yet to be determined. pressure by an action on aldosterone secretion.

Insulin and the Secretion of Aldosterone Conclusions

Changes in extracellular and/or intracellular44 con- Exogenous insulin influences blood pressure regula-
centrations of potassium profoundly influence the reg- tion in humans both indirectly by its effect on carbo-
ulation of aldosterone biosynthesis and serve to ex- hydrate metabolism and by several direct actions that
plain the acute effects of insulin on aldosterone are of either immediate or long-term importance for
secretion in humans. Both in healthy men 4546 and in specific blood pressure-regulating mechanisms. Since
anephric patients,44 basal plasma aldosterone concen- these direct actions were studied under experimental
trations decreased during hyperinsulinemia. This led conditions where other variables were kept constant, it
is difficult to evaluate their actual importance in vivo,
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to the assumption that either the glomerulosa cells may

not share the influx of potassium during hyperinsuline- where blood pressure is determined by mutual interac-
mia47 and/or that extracellular rather than intracellular tions between a large number of agonistic and antago-
concentrations of potassium regulate human aldoste- nistic mechanisms.
rone secretion. After a slight decrease in basal plasma At present, it appears that insulin influences blood
aldosterone, however, we observed increased angio- pressure regulation in humans primarily by its antina-
tensin H-induced aldosterone secretion during eugly- triuretic action, which contributes to hypertension by
cemic hyperinsulinemia in healthy men (Table 2). 37 an increase in extracellular volume. The insulin-
This could indicate that intracellular potassium content induced decrease in vasoreactivity is of practical
of glomerulosa cells was augmented to an extent to importance in patients with autonomic dysfunction,
interfere with dynamic changes in aldosterone secre- in whom intravenous insulin induces orthostatic
tion induced by supraphysiological doses of angioten- hypotension.
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H Vierhapper

Hypertension. 1985;7:II49
doi: 10.1161/01.HYP.7.6_Pt_2.II49
Hypertension is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 1985 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Print ISSN: 0194-911X. Online ISSN: 1524-4563
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