TF - Anita Hawser

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Trade Finance | By Anita Hawser

Rebuilding Trust In Trade

Trade finance is stabilizing, but caution is the watchword in
an industry still reeling from the effects of the financial crisis.

hroughout the financial crisis, trade finance, that unglamorous function they realized that trade finance is the
within a bank that is often assigned to some operational backwater, really lifeblood of the economy.”
came into its own. Suddenly, political heavyweights like US treasury sec- At that summit, political leaders
retary Timothy Geithner were concerning themselves with the “plumbing” that pledged $250 billion to boost trade. Al-
supports the global trade system. “Last year at the G-20 summit in London when though the crisis started in the finan-
[French president] Nicolas Sarkozy and [US president] Barack Obama spoke about cial sector, it had a knock-on effect on
trade finance, they may not have known what it really was,” remarks Kamel Alzarka, global trade. Ashutosh Kumar, global
chairman of Falcon Group, which facilitates trade in emerging markets. “However, head of trade product management at

34 | Global Finance | April 2010

Standard Chartered, says that in 2009 transactions in 2009—a record in its its customers, which typically are large
trade volumes declined between 12% 77-year history. global companies. He adds that indus-
and 15%. The decline in trade was at- A number of the banks that disap- try sector is also important in terms of
tributed to a number of factors, includ- peared from the secondary market at who the bank extends credit to. “For
ing falling consumer demand, increased the height of the crisis have since re- example, in certain industries, which
protectionism and a lack of credit or turned, says Kumar, and he adds that remain stressed, we are not lending
trade finance, with World Bank presi- prices are softening again. But can cus- at levels going back four or five years
dent Robert Zoellick estimating trade tomers expect the same level of sup- ago,” Ahearn says.
financing issues contributed to as much port from their trade finance banks Although trade finance pricing has
as 15% of the decline in trade.
According to a March 2009 report,
Rethinking Trade Finance, published
“Before the crisis, 90% of our
by the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), approximately 50%
funding was geared towards
of companies surveyed said trade credit large corporate clients”
lines available from banks had declined
between the end of 2007 and the end “And 10% was opportunistic. Post-crisis, 99.9% of our assets are going to
of 2008. Four in 10 said they faced an core clients. More boutique deals are not getting done and have probably
increase in fees for commercial letters gone forever” —John Ahearn, Citi
of credit (LCs), standbys and guaran-
tees. “During the crisis, many export- that they received prior to the crisis? softened somewhat, Kumar says it is
orientated companies were unable to A trade confidence index published unlikely to go back to the way it was
raise—or had to pay considerably more by HSBC last September sheds some before the crisis, as banks were not
for—finance for their own working interesting light on customers’ expec- pricing for risk back in 2007. Banks
capital needs even if they did have rela- tations of their trade finance banks. may also now be viewing certain trade
tionships with a large number of banks HSBC surveyed more than 3,500 ex- finance deals slightly differently. “Be-
or, in the case of SMEs, just one or two porters, importers and traders in 12 fore the crisis, 90% of our funding was
providers,” says James Pumphrey, direc- major global markets, and while al- geared towards large corporate bank-
tor of Deutsche Bank’s structured trade most 60% of respondents globally said ing clients and 10% was opportunis-
and export finance team. they did not expect their access to tic,” says Ahearn. “Post-crisis, for Citi
The secondary market in trade risk trade finance to change, 31% expected and our major competitors, 99.9% of
was also severely affected. “We would greater access. However, in the United our assets are going to core clients of
go into the market and nobody was Kingdom, 45% of companies said they the bank. More boutique deals are not
there or they were on the other end would rely on their own capital com- getting done and have probably gone
of the telephone saying, ‘Sorry we are pared to 29% that would seek bank forever.”
not doing anything,’” says Kumar. In support. “Strongly capitalized banks Banks are also concerned about the
the secondary market, the banks’ shoes like HSBC will continue to have the impact Basel II is having on trade fi-
were filled to some extent by joint pri- appetite and the capability to support nance, as it does not assign favorable
vate and public sector initiatives such customers’ trade finance needs as confi- capital ratings to what banks consider
as the IFC’s $3 billion Global Trade dence and activity returns,” stated Wil- to be short-term financing. Riolacci of
Liquidity Program (see box). Export liam Nowicki, head of trade and supply BNP Paribas says that, under Basel II,
credit agencies (ECAs) also played an chain, HSBC North America. trade finance is treated similarly to an
enlarged role during the crisis. Sweden’s “If they are a customer of the bank, overdraft, which is not favorable to the
ECA, for example, received parliamen- we will follow them no matter what banks. Ahearn is equally concerned,
tary approval to increase its guarantee industry they are in,” says Jean-Paul particularly if LCs are treated similarly
limit. It can now issue guarantees for Riolacci, head of global trade solutions to credit default swaps. “Ultimately, if
up to SEK500 billion ($69 billion) and at BNP Paribas. John Ahearn, global banks have to put more capital against
says demand for guarantees is still at a head of trade, Citi Global Transaction their trade business, two things are go-
high level. It backed more than 1,400 Services, says Citi’s priority is servicing ing to happen,” he says. “Firstly, you

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Focus: Trade Finance

will see banks de-emphasize the prod- vestors alongside pension funds, private positive, so overall there should be suf-
uct if it is treated the same as the capital equity and hedge funds.” ficient capacity in the bank market to
markets business. Secondly, if you look The question now is whether there support the recovery in trade.”
at trade finance as unsecured, unstruc- is sufficient liquidity to support a sus- While there may be sufficient mar-
tured one-year lending, which it isn’t, tained recovery in trade. Pumphrey says ket liquidity to meet today’s demand,
capital allocation goes up. That means that banks are more prepared to lend Ahearn is concerned that a dramatic
pricing will go up. This is not benefi- but they are extremely cautious about spike in trade volumes could create
cial for the economic recovery.” how they use their liquidity, balance problems, particularly if commodity
However, Kumar says banks can prices start to increase again. “If you are
minimize Basel’s impact if they are financing a shipment of oil at $80 a bar-
prepared to change the way they con- rel, which is the current price for crude
duct trade finance. Standard Chartered oil, the bank’s exposure is approximately
has “a preference for structured trade $43 million, and if oil goes back up to
finance transactions,” he says, “as they $150 a barrel, the exposure for the bank
require less capital. We are embedding could be somewhere in the region of
Basel II within our trade finance busi- $80 million, which would take capacity
ness, and by doing that we are mini- out of the trade finance market pretty
mizing some of the impacts.” quickly,” says Ahearn. The specter of
Standard Chartered says it has also sovereign risk or default could also cre-
managed to find investors for a series ate capacity issues, he adds.
of synthetic securitizations of trade fi- So is it too early to talk of a recovery
nance loans. The first, back in Novem- in trade? Ahearn says the jury is still
ber 2007, was valued at $3 billion and out. “Confidence may be returning
entailed selling to investors the credit among exporters in China, but what
risk of a diversified pool of 13,000 Kumar: “We are embedding Basel Il you are also seeing is the central bank
within our trade finance business”
trade finance loans extended to more there tightening credit,” he says. “Chi-
than 1,500 borrowers in 23 countries. na has a long way to go in creating
It has since closed two other similar sheet and credit risk limits. “Banks will domestic demand. And when I look at
deals. As Kumar explains: “The days closely identify the strategic rationale consumer demand in the US and West-
when the trade finance department of for lending and the opportunity for an- ern Europe, with a few exceptions, I
a bank takes all the risk are gone. With cillary business including the provision don’t see consumers rushing back to
synthetic securitizations the credit de- of trade finance,” he says. “If lending the markets. I’m not sure we’re out of
partment of a bank is one of the in- can be specifically trade related, this is a the woods just yet.” n

IFC Works To Boost Trade

he IFC’s three-year Global Trade Liquidity Program (GTLP) J.P. Morgan and Afreximbank, an export-import bank in Africa.
commenced operations in July 2009 and is designed The IFC disburses funding to its GTLP partner banks. The
to make trade finance more readily available to SMEs banks contribute their share based on the 60/40 split, and then,
in developing countries by disbursing funds to eligible banks in based on their network of relationships with banks in emerging
these markets. In this way it helps boost the secondary market markets, partner banks are responsible for ensuring the funds
in trade finance, which practically disappeared during the crisis. are disbursed to where the money is most needed. Agreed limits
Commercial banks provide 60% of the funding for the program, for funding have been set for different countries. The program
and the IFC and its funding partners provide the other 40%. The has accepted and reviewed up to 500 emerging market network
program is able to mobilize funding to support up to $50 billion banks and is closely working with 100 of these.
worth of trade, and so far it has disbursed $1 billion, with 34% of The program is run as a commercial venture. “We have had zero
that money going to banks in Africa to support small to mid-cap losses so far, and we are seeing commercial returns of between
companies that require trade finance. “The greatest utilization of 2.5% and 3% in terms of yield depending on the region,” says
the funding is in Africa, Latin America (32%) and then Asia-Pacific, Hyung Ahn, senior investment officer, who co-leads the GTLP pro-
which is 15%, and South Asia which is 10%,” says German gram. The program continues to see strong demand for liquidity
Vegarra, senior manager for the IFC’s Global Financial Markets, from banks in Africa and East Asia. In Central and Eastern Europe,
which includes GTLP. Partner banks in the program include Citi, Vegarra says there is greater demand for trade finance guaran-
Rabobank, Standard Chartered, Standard Bank, Commerzbank, tees, which is an area the GTLP will focus more on.

36 | Global Finance | April 2010

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