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Argument Worksheet

Claim: Qualifiers:NA
Our growing love of social media is not just changing the way we  -
communicate – it’s changing the way we do business, the way we are 
governed, and the way we live in society. 

Support #1: Warrant:

Social media spreads information faster than any other media. By social media providing us with media faster
78.5% of traditional media reporters polled used social media to check for helps more people see what’s going on in the
breaking news. 59% of Twitter users and 31% of Facebook users polled world rather than watching the news, it even
followed breaking news on these sites. Social media sites are one of the top helps people spread the news faster.
news sources for 46% of Americans, compared to 66% for television, 26% for
printed newspapers, and 23% for radio.

Social media users have been responsible for
reporting events before traditional media outlets,
- The Paris attacks in France on Nov. 13,
2015 (Twitter, Facebook, and Vine),
- The Ebola outbreak in Nigeria
- The Boston marathon bombing on Apr.
15, 2013 (Twitter)
- The Aurora, CO, theater shooting on July
20, 2012 (Twitter and YouTube)

Support #2: Warrant:

Social media is good for the economy. Social media helps companies, businesses, and
Social media sites have created a new major industry and thousands of jobs. A industries communicate with others and find
McKinsey Global Institute study projected that the communication and millions without a job. This helps the
collaboration from social media added between $900 billion and $1.3 trillion corporations earn some workers and the workers
to the economy through added productivity and improved customer service. earn a high paying job.

A report found that "Facebook added $227 billion
and 4.5 million jobs to the global economy in
2014." Snapchat was valued at $24 billion the
day its stock began trading on the New York
Stock Exchange.

- Social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information.
- Even though we use the internet for our jobs in our society some just use it for the advantage of using social media

- Most people use social media just to be on the site/app in general more
than just to be on it for the news that it provides and most of the fake news that is put on social media eventually is said
that it is fake.

Other Dunham Docs:

- Presentation:
- Final Argument:​ ​
- Claim Worksheet:​ ​


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