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emma Guitar Secrets ~ Harmonic Minor Revealeg a_A_— rmamonic Minor Revealed ‘Unit 2: Fingerings of he Harmonic Minor Scale Unit: How te Learn and Practice he Seale... Unt 7: Using Hormenic Mines Arpeggiog Examples 1VA=C Unit: The Minor l-V- Examples 124 Unt’ Harmonic Minor in Bluer? Exompie 13 Unt 10: he IV end VI Chords in Hormonie Minor Bromple 4 Unit 1: The Diminanes 7m Chorin Hermontc Minor Bromele 15 Unt 12:stetic ond Functioning Dominant 7th Exomplos 16-17 Bromeie 18 Unt 13: The Classe Ute of he | Cheva in Hormenie manor Brome 19 ; Unt 14 Some Special “Minklng” Ticks Biomples 204-0 Eroryples 214-8 | Unt 15: Hezontal Hermonic Minor Scale Fingering Exomplon 2288 Exorples 238-0 Exorngloa 204-8 Un 16: te ueks : Srompios 25-28 orp 27-29 a Exormples 30-31 sees Bceu ctleoringhow'te ply ond we sec, AMO mary YOos Fe tom pir ena csr. ve become abig balovenclfrg curh Ihe BS. nlaoning, ond Genego he pont to wnich slay MC. spe pesntotonordceor h hbook er ceetelyhom a “ployer penpecttve, Wa'erot orate get too Pee na nbor on cca moor oftnehomont mnescce, Wetfociore ont sa eeiooror aye ne sock jor and Rasen. Don" got me wrong: here witb ro rere when coma ee eee a petay, hte catm concerned. gute Hoven mist have o good working knowledge ot Perera macry once Gott o read msc, even fis oo mm cher chor Three Steps fo Success leaning eo mpovee conbe aught ota. tree top proces. he fit tops peat the leaning of sockes (potency center coprcoch othe “moda coprorh. ducers snaud leom ct loos ofow ahs ounor etme mera Gnd be Sb to pay hem in clkays. Aso, ntfs top, layers need lean So rony cra none this hem undertone which scoot over which chore. moc with sore ea (Coweeupe nucern con measly begn payng over even cic chore changes by sro swichnG to ‘fe “conecr soe toy corto fr the Gen CNS. ee player era petod of te, wlbogo ofc hi fis stop smitng. They moy 307 tat hoy con't seem troke nae 2c: 3.00 to he cores ot ey 1945 100 “iexo.” Moving on osop two. wo hrodue® “Teeagee cn falta erecta chara sounds Ning apegdIOs wih ou ole starts mang ou CH MOTO emonchy eetoert. ‘Sp te wine “tr enter” ot mgroveng. oF we now sat eo looming music. So fo, wove Been LAS ‘ese 2 reac. Bt a Po Nae boon Cole 10 rk Our sols sound melocc. Now's fo 10607) ‘mood Mos of wsreedto loan Groperare ct elod nos to we when wo kngrovse, Amost every on0 (2 "aves poyen hove, tone re ox cnotho. learned ines by copying recorcngs cx honscrptons. Ive met ‘mon Suc wo ot they don wan! 1 sound ike anyone eke ond fel they shout copy oer EVER. ‘Tar son te hat ha 100d 0 “otgrokty” gous heough the lnd of copying Kes, phrasng onc concen 1220.7 love payer. Every, ese “rfc mage YopeInat ho YOu! eww GINS VO. ‘One st ming A cermen miconception cout merovsing the phys: “Pxina what youness” Many oye 207 hey dois. eocng tudor hk rat hey py mak music upon the wot, What hey ore techy saya hoy x0 ona “ploy wht thay kro" meson he wartonacis peremance o ideo ht come to ouln the mic of slang, Your net know ‘hs03 of te what you ae gong to Poy. bs omed wih scales, erpegges, Melos leas and theoroheat ‘Soncegtsyoucon doy c create ond wponlonacxs nero #00, $$ Unit 1: Harmonic Minor Scale History {nor wa bere to poy he hameric mot le, Now bd aK mach on ete Ro "sym mpartontforeebe thot he bameric mors not "ven of megs tomes en Tn ‘Toston hee re bocoty two fone in mae: meta ond minor. Composer arate cera, 20 maladies ond herony (chor) om a make key. Wsasper oorant toundentora mace rn ‘nd how sexes ore hamontzed,Bolow she C meter scale harontedin Rich easnrgh eee cn c3. tne, Example 1A Cmojoe sate Example 18 (Cmojor scale nomena Gro? Om? Emr Fm? GT Am? mnt) nen a compeston 80410 ban minr kay the scle tom which he miner key chara x Bs 3/7 NATURAL minoc hn Example IC you con see that The A nah manor scale ses sore ntor CM That awh A mnertntied and C mojr cre conadoted RELATIVE MAIOR ord MOR IETS A mae late minor kay, The roo of he rlcve miner ways located a mic betwee? 8 ‘jer hoy. For example C/Aminor S/Emiar, O/B min of Ex Ic ‘Amy emis) Cex? m7 Ey fma?_G7 the V7 choed inthe minor Koy C7 The oY Te eons tendon to vrsie 10 the herd os the V7 chord maf keys TOMA SEVENTH CHORDS becouse of hor unique ond conan “at seni create mare tonson fron ony eer chord. Ts lsononce totem For oxonpie, G7 worst ex0v0 10 Cot, 7 19 G MAT 10 vetocoty whan comecten wrote in mina ka. they found hat Pron Son noes foresaw. Ica UD meer te sestotote acvertoge of dominant cher become a common practice to change the V7 chord in mings 2 Be pam cron (En? ET Fo kay of Amina). Treaty gave te Koy © Sested one protien —meloces| Sion meaty he A minor 1200 cee ee ber Minow see, cubbed homonie net, sounded great over he £7 when rexoheg 108 eect # created even eve ferden thon the major kay V7. Tis & becouse the sect not onty ovine the Te or6 bu oxo osss now toncon noes ke the 15 on}9. But remember, this new power solo ONLY (Bes over me v7in o minor key. Once the tune resoves to the | cho, I's back othe relative minor seco, IESE Soh ue tec homanie minor, when improving oF cresting melocie, Is over he V7 chord, not for use ine ord. ‘peramoric miner isthe any ane othe tne rotons closica seven note seals (melodic &ormenic Roos cra mao trator unique minocned inoral ap hf. The happens betwoen the 6h ond 7in degrees Example 2 ‘Anamente minoe ee remeeceeree et sete “closica Batioweg eorcie semondictesc sole “dasicalfouing malar n Amino. On onthe £7 hxc oes Example 3 Unit 2: Fingerings of the Harmonic Minor Scale rv to 730 ou ur ant eam to play ths thing. Folowng fra commen tngnbced pout cy = ‘Ahomori sete, Is socks is completa new to Yau ba hart out by laring tow trgoinge ba Po ce The recaon for hav ve troernos roy fo cover the complale ngenioard These re totic fogecperho” potters i cout hwo octaves Later on, wall get a some treerncte parse ond ooo ‘ngerecard horzantat ingeengs you afeaay now soma Ramone minx tgetngn sek wan nore, te mocly ny of he ingerngs are fo st your fochnique and sto. Tho Utrate goalto sve to sro. ‘Ploy hamanle minor sles arywners onthe Qui any Koy. | ont want tore you nfoigence by showing the some patton in very key. Mose yas incerta *. “Smovesbity' of chorat and scales on he ingomeoord where you know something ore key. yor cone "8004s or down to any othr ky. A, Irooty wort to Get You fo Mink secon cx haves re egress 15 anc. You ony ited bythe lowes ond highest notes on ne gucx Der be too cencomed war ‘botom or top notes of each ince atten. You" fina ths each hos caterer string ons enc me Ita niyo tev notes win You reach. n Mat poston Romer, cles a sy tow tse {yousroud loam to contal he tsi by beng abe fo sont ond enc on ary note ott vertu. oer hs ‘neice scnle tngedng: wel Bag 19 blend fopstherinto one lige pater —Mawncietegetcas Pen youth of amon minor, or exomele, ou wl 490 fe whol tngarecars ox one contain noone ‘atte tem opto btter. izxompie 4 A Harmonic Minor Scale oom are 5.59) (Rportont: LEARN THE HARMONIC MINOR AS A V7 SCALE. As wo decuztod previo, you wil uo the hormone {Rta seals mainly oveca dominant 7m chor. You might ot welloam hand “think” of os c:Gorinons Tv ‘cae Notice Ifo Sach of he fvo fngeting potters have on E7 chord outined, Theso ckclod notes oe wrt FR Unit 3: How to Learn and Practice the Scale ‘A good woy to learn these scaler oft srum he reforonce £7 chord he Paton, then Boy Feaich no ‘se00|hnox your et ender wile ose on ha lus hate rey un. ex trton he gest ro, ‘Gown. End at's OK But oko sot nthe mick ond sip ound. Merz he pion x Sconcate ga note where youcan str and sop anya. Aswan proctcng enyhing. here 8 boxcaty two Important goat: BULDING TECHNOUE on Mara Msc [cng up chops srting you con co onpahere, watching IVor sting cu Me poxk. ofc you sc, Ihingr over onc over. Making music kuang tho ngs Youve weed out na remake oy sone yng cong win musiominurane opes You feng raven a maton cf Se rtoctine Sn sracss pertomence. Th he tre to magie youset on toge wih no fuming Bock sai gIat way ogee lahat you san realy do ond wher you weak of 3, ‘Astor cx coping hese two roctcng regrnen fo ou hemonlc mina sce fgedngs. Boh Wok at ottemstooling for tical tgeing cect or pckng problers Gnd wos atic on ew Then thove se in wine sce by making perce tape. Record on E7 vamp fot savor mines, tory wt 3 ‘Retoneme o Gum machine. Pafng Gong win fhe tape. look othe paee nthe book (A Pomenc moh {chat pn Lkten To how the sce sours gars the 7. Sup round ning mri Worctne Now ine ‘hat blayng shaman mine ever clong Teheran con sound alti wrung Tha canarh rome ‘30's bes age, Butea 9 good way fo fonmore younot wf, Later wel aa he soe soe omen muscatsmuctors Romenber.loon Haran 1000 More Ways to Practice - Scale Sequences, Impet able botaverh exrcon | would othr shaw yousome Kas at or nt ony good erbiane tecrneo, ba x0 mode ona ntorestng enough To. we when peram™ing. (havea ears. owe mous te mc when comes to seco sequences. Athough Mey beret on eg ae oN ‘torso, cn. sogvoncos oon be 9 powerh eiocse flor MOVES od ey Se ‘roses! Beg he notes of cede hamathamotes err Tyco pinyes os Geicencng eS ‘res sequences oo be made up fom two of erenoles Soquances con be cutest Pee aT 12 paterson con fet re vr chorea Bckha on tngetrg Taverna new xe SI i _f example 5c: A7 (D Harmonic Mino) From Each Chord Tone Unit 4: Transposing the Scale to Other Keys Spee youl yarve gots honce ona tew tngengs ot A harman miner sot mavng te gens Oe ag ta etrerce” domnant 7h rors ox Gases OY te pastes SM KY. AMA, aoe ne ove con be payed sng open rcs, |Son nk you reed 0 be oo concerned wih open ete Factor now Evento) your” ta Pm UeRs Tho Yor Wek To bong cok Yo sek 9d pater Bree erg tae comonoson oe eference” chord ond the soos scxong cro sorve comeren minarprgrealons fr youto proctce you homeonc mer potters amare 10 (eee me namoni mine soo etoctuey yourTustieam Yo change fe harmonic minatonthe V7 spe int pogresson. oy en A rece minor sole (C mao oA mina pentatonic ove the A cher ara A Free over te £7 iy 0 moxo he soe charge othe sz70 te he chews changes Bizxample 68 Unit 5: The Harmonic Minor Scale Harmony ‘Fe power cine ponents minor scole con reaty come tole by eoming t's hameniztion ond wing the cee thons ond apeoges Ihe proses othomaning a scale wa sree mater of stocking every oer (SEER Soot cocn ca lone, Ainough ths book & deccated to hoxmaric mings, Mis ory Boo Mat Yo (ee Rates ie nemonizaton of he maker ste. fo, ets look oto C major sone ts ‘Example 6A: C Major Scale Harmonized in Thirds ‘peter ne ove 6a oignatscle. The second ne the ra hameniztion hi. he th ws tbe ‘orreraston Mace Rarombar.cny he note fC majo The fine ha en ent, th ne omoraaton ceaing ounote 7th Cher 6 good ea Yo moms hese soven chorcs wich tow Th Paton (uric fe 7 ey ona oro Meer Te Bord oe Mer Te Vacbornant 7m Wiuctira: 7h tt 3 mares cates ahot ominsned chore) ‘Aocyng the exact some hermenation | Accra he exact same he Procest fo our Ahamoric miner scale, we end un wih some unusual | 7 charts. he rautg for ote chor oe "row 0 Mor toc wan Mejor Tn minetmajoe 7h) Seotinor 7 tors BeoMao Tn chord wna mops Vs. ct nmejot nameny.2 Dominant 7th Vso Mor Pm Vitcomrned?mchos j Lc Unit 6: Arfpeggios From Harmonic Minor SUPERRPOSE roto to he crt ct "upeenposng" diferent epepdos aver a gon ehoed, pockchg 9 vray _ptonded and oered cher unc Bafove me, tht or wor to. G0 whan t comes olooring onda ‘Pea By ung ths concept you wil nd unnecessary fo eam hurckede Ct ewe eaten oy subetmpoang Boren! bose ogc Over ony Gon Chord You Con exOaHO Rat CU ry PLS Sha Ast aew eeggs patios ‘efore wo tok about now fo use cxpaggisforhamonie mine a’ lean some cen trans. Tho 23 heres folom of ost a fow omega tngereg patems tx atthe tonsa chore tom me rorrornes bhamonte minor sei We wl be dooing Qaneraty wih fourncte 7h chor verses, but You Bada casio the tos shapes, Kyou ono! know peggios ora minor Th. majo 7m, Geminant Mh en iner bs; co “Ey leoring hese fl The ron these fou Speggot or oko found nthe Storie major sala oes ‘ecremeyy isa trot obioutey neceaiay for good improving. \nen wo loa he hammond hamonle minor wa 3 these same out chor, btn citer oconene ‘Som/69, ne V kom, the Visa com ond he Vika may. The free ormaieg cron oe hol cee Su ma?s) ond Vi. iS. you cecdy con ply theft fou Solon Gago, Youn Ne Sia, Harmonic Minor Arpeggios in Two Master Positions Tien sees of Gogtoms show the hoon miner erpegdios gathered lopethor nwo sets posters Ts ‘how Io and ise he orpegdios They ore superposed ovr what cal ho te maser” omnes Tn cos ‘ostons When tink ot A7 ct he fh fe. er expe, Int ery hove he Dhamtenic mic seeeserce ‘eet my tegen but cl seven pogo ow tom, Position }: A Harmonic Minor (E7) Position 2: D Harmonic Minor (A7) > ae (a Unit 7: Using Harmonic Minor Arpeggios How ow erpeg9is when proving con be 2 poy ba subject, Genera pecking. eagix ro sed 0 crmate chordal sound one nolo ot ane) anc ox more roc vorahy fo mined ine orc ees brea uP cals on for moving hom ene ragier te acther. Tere are hascaty hs Spuroc te erode ‘which p90 10 Us Gta Given tne. The fst Ue the oregao cf he chord for worse, ie choe 2, you sr6¥ Boy 8G? orpeggi’ ct the chords Cm wwe 0 Gimli apoguo, fc. tne Soecoon ean ‘Rot youknow on pega fe every chotc. Mrs about how much wat he cosa ba Noo vor peschcor ey ‘2.90 The er approach ony requires tht You knew Had and seventh cnors opworon The nave of # you need to become c wt of chord subthlon By upertrpodna von oreGGot Over he ‘baie chord you Gon create Ast cout every chord sound mognabia. A ack exci ot you rey Srsoay ‘Trae cre many ways ise the meade of he hamenic miner scala, One Gppraoch etn of ot aver ot ‘he cpengos os ornate “ckston of sound! tot con bo used cna th sso con bo tad For enor ‘youzre Boving ove on £7. resing to Am. experiment with npertrecsng ol he erpogdios tom Anomons ‘ior over fhe 7. The ckto tisk you noed tbe obi fo prose the opeggiosin a way hats ‘communicotesto Your tenet he “sound of £7. Win prostco, hs can be a powerta wa fo crest layer ot serene meena 5 bolo we go cry fandom plaing a binch of ppegdles, t's it tke alook othe chord sounes et ‘20 he east of paying the seven crpoacios over @ dominant chow ‘An irparant thing to remember Mt not ct dominant 7th chotcs hot we come across ntunas cro V7 chowds \nomeotiay. fact. mest cominant 7h chorés we dec wih ar octusiy in motor keys Tre hormeric minor ‘20 ma n9t be the best choice in these stuctons (but fea reo to exoormens), Harmorie minor ioures bert en payed over 37m chord tesoling toc minor. Tho seca has a tendency 1 “lead” you tener orcing et amine chord eto folow, he fotowing lt shows he rst of supererpceeg each of he seven arpeggios Served tron he Ramen mince ‘200 ov gomeant ches. You wl fe that tome sound srongar then oer, but by cornectng ham ‘Sgetner ond tang them win he x, yout eventualy bo obi o we sven easy ‘fmaaso ‘Shas Remulina Sound ‘Avia a 751) enr6a) @ Bee) Cmend5) e 249 m7 a e7d5¥0.) o 9 we fron g dsiean hat a 6) Hore 0 0 fow wats pe ggio sequences hot wil help rerfrce ha two master empeagiopostlons. AtNeugh ‘vo ncicated he ame of each orpeggio thew bres 10 meen 19 be “Mough of Sorinant (ol AP) Over A7 omiman __ém76s)___ Ema) am7e5) cmon) Init 8: The Minor Il - V - 1 most common chord progesion fer ng the harmonic miner scales the mina BV. erat thous Duet ond pop tongs have been win wsng ths popu chord movement. nthe key ofA minor re rv: B78) -£7- Am. fhe rogreslen was anced tomo major key ecIpeCtNve, he B75) wes corlderedn the kay of CC chat), wha he E78in AV choc) ond the Ameaud bo nC. 2 aos ox hing Many tines wien in mojo keys may si have mint LV progressions someone fhe ton {commen fr ofune fo change kay roquonty, 0 ether motor mine, Some ol he rere chctoros ce Heray change key every ax ond even every fow boots ee a i Exomple 12 ene) a, Passing or Chromatic Notes in Melodic Lines Nos nave probably noticed by now tot sever of my exonple ot hare minor relecen conto nots Po Unit 10: The IV and VI Chords in Harmonic Minor Lats tok obit about tome othe chor hot rn om the pormonisoren ofthe hamonic minor sco: Tha Veer nino) fond ne VI chord major 7). Can you ploy 6 harmonic minor soci (vor ese choror? Wel, have cher © found nthe cto oer scsi ot he I. Vim), ond and V (no) On ‘Chord re found na rogresion Gr movement (fas subst | ‘nor yous you Bay a harmon minor ole over them Cmerwfan, ty sth he moje sece. Poy on A harmonic minor ovr ‘enna? grove. Even ough four tthe seven notes oe chord ‘enon te cinar vee nots #0 the B, whan tha 5, tho. h, fond Gf, ne minot 3. rk You con heer tht he GE doesn’ [nome on A Ramen minor over Onin. \Youconcetohy emeriment using te hamanic mine over thse choc: ona some netonces ft may work OK Haron exo of tow thew chovcr con be founcin homonie minor shuatens whe’> | Examples of Major 7 and Minor 7 in progressions Ei example 14 Be unit 11: The Diminished 7th Chord in Harmonic Minor ‘pee haratoy been tonewna ofa mary when. comer to dninihed hors One reason pbb ht ‘Tey roton a amined tod o 7h cho on be ceri the tot and hal the cher epost whan Sisesiip or down emnot hee (oy 9 Gam checing out he fou notes. row se Up vee fe Seeeroted rom fee nino he teva he VI chor n Ramone miners @ ceinshed 7h, but do carlo ven ‘Sremped chow you encoutfer fo be inhamane mint Many Grid ches foundn nas Nove 9 Sipe 7m Rincon n maj A dominont 7h dh ab exontohy a ioe 7h chars 70 ohn "Sob. Akay. eting he iin fencing Gom7hchercs a common provice 1 reste odatonat andor. ‘pe nckin geairg win Gminshed 7h chor etobishing which dominant 7h ls ctening oxo plocng inte pogesion Gra? Bim? | Dn /Abam? / Cmaf?tha am? hacen ex en ATE) esonrg to. | Dove Bim? canbe ought of ax Bangin the key of hamonic mina Bu cre potion Bn? wht a \Wicwcin Dhamone mrer Cham Ths KOK mough, because of he nature of Granted chores (on Pes | cone e000. en? & Cham? Fs oo Edn an Gan) nos sometimes ho about cminshed chor shot composan Wil oten wit a portcuer nome of he faut ‘eso because Mey wont Met noe tobe th bos note. But. th may not neces be the ooh the | Grnated Thro makes he mest sense forthe stuston How abodt he Aba he above rogreston, bt nhamone minorte0? No.The Aki shoud be ceeded onto for reolng fo Ca? hore oe severa other scale choices hot wil werk betta ‘omen mrerinekng te amnhec sce ond vorous rao mings ete lonccesiin oncvang.a dminshed chordlshow is uod, Look athe chords hat copecr before ong Pea cen cher Tey Wl cfen ol you what koy he ninshod chords Bi &xample 15 Init 12: Static and Functioning Dominant 7ths soc" Gomnant 7h sone Mat ows not esl. Satis Tits ore mia) layed ot "va whore the hae [on ore chord for along pared of time, Mos Hot: 7h ced shoud be nought of cx bag Genoa ror koe: 7. ey ofA mater: T. kay of G moor. etc State dominant 7m chor Gon Gwaya be etened 2.C11,.C13) but nat usuoty tered (C7#9).C766), ote). Common would bo aoe dominant vamp ing chet sounds that ply hemi min Ths sound. (8 Prvygion dominany.” hos 0 dover, ferwe tua and can be found vr fock nd Naor Nae [Eon G80 be found in music tom csterent pars of he word, aces in the Wide Eat ox exarcia. 23 “oie sound. "One reccrced example, improve over a Phrygian dominant £7 vam ung malty norman mir eae {Aao, Rion othe background yh par. |played saved “at up" “posing” cherGe Bich ox Fri. fond Fine, ese chord hel to cate the ambiance o Preygion dominant when thy re sod wen ie 7. DN “functioning” dominant 7h chee resale Yo other chor. Mest cf te tno hay wal vsaie to "nome" chet “ipa tin For xara: C7 fo Fn Furetonng 7h chercs con ret ony be extended. bt cao otared (C745). (C965), C1369) oo tow oxarpied) By aoing a unctoning 7h chord you con ceate odcionasenson Max! {fhe tno, he V7 ener n Ramen minora hncteneg Goma, Prcbsbiy he best way or youto get enon en cesing wen detemnng he cperscce use tor TOMS ‘her enor eo once some progesions Bolo a chord progresion win the Kays crton | woud ise — ——_—_—EEE ‘other Possible Static Chords in Harmonic Minor oa ne ne ene ae Bo Se ro sad coer you oe hyn 1 ont, ote chordot ne two «he me745) Los soe ee corral sortng ond ending on ony Pte endcon oko gnmarecocng Jonmedower oats Cra ing alot ot Oe earner woud pay foro 7 mAnoMane Name wr ont. Unit 13: The Classic Use of the 1. Chord in Harmonic Minor I} cous ony show you one exare of tho usa ofa mine) ‘ovement comes about fom a deveencing box movernent (A GG 10) The best way fo ink of tie = teyorcorcanes) Am/GH Arima) = hey ot A homens minor ANG (Ant) =. bockiohelyercorG ome = eye What ecty Going on here he Amina? i nctloning oso V7 GSH Soja “mink” Am 19710 Am Bi Example 19 Ei éxample 208 'B Example 200 UT Unit 15: Horizontal Harmonic Minor Scale Fingerings Hero's tow "hortent(acro the nec. threo: ond fournoteparsting ingore. Thaw con be gre tr acing longer veqvercl melocet ond o gt fam one crea of he nack 0 onctherinaiacrneat ere, Oro ‘Seodvontoge fe hortontl potters lt hat hey con make plavina can types of molosies nove sere e-Decaty ones wah ntevatc hms Example 22A: “Horizontal” A Harmonic Minor Pattern xample 224: "Horizontal" A Harmonic Minor Patter Example 228: “Horizontal” D Harmonic Minor Pattern T Forti peter* i godt ce a ce ra wrce ed aes otc cmt eel pyri mcs in ech ‘ove otton fkowed by ne re anh ae ecto oat ee 0 T i 1 f Bi Example 234 Anois ck to pk ony of th se fones creating peed three note-perating pattems Bl Example 244 ow for vote of amon mip Kl yout lem, {ong even 8h ond 1m notes wou ato mmc genie Ne meee PM ck. hey 0 win ‘Se remoun bom h you head ond wna Jou nee en ‘ote vewctors ach ox Ronvorare pues oo Youn bck een Up nich, ro OSS Ji SECRETS. OF Aa Lees

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