Animals Lesson Feedback

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Lesson Observation
Feedback to student teacher
Student teacher’s name: Hamda Grade Level: 2
Unit/Lesson: science Date: 14-3-2018

Competency Area E G S M US

Professionalism and Understanding
Professional growth

Planning for learning ü
Planning activities and lesson aims
Implementing and Managing Learning
Language and delivery

Classroom management ü

Communication skills ü

Monitoring and Assessment ü

Critical Reflection ü

Strengths of the lesson:

Well planned and resourced lesson. Lesson plan clear. Objectives shared with children. Walt and
Wilf. Good use of technology to inspire children about topic. Strong classroom management.
Mostly positive but able to deal with negative behavior effectively. “Do not talk while I am” Clear
expectations and routines set. Subject knowledge was good. Children enjoyed the lesson and were
keen to contribute. Worksheet was simple and all children achieved the lesson objective. This
allowed for a quick and easy assessment of the children before they began their work in their
science book. Feedback was given to individual children as Miss Hamda moved from boy to boy.
The work related to the ADEC outcomes and ADEC school books were used. Think, Pair, Share
was used to allow for independent learning. Children cooperated and developed critical thinking in
a group matching activity. Good use of camera to record observations and form assessment. Miss
Hamda reflects on her lesson well and is able to identify her own areas for development which I
have seen her implement over the weeks at Omair Bin Yousef.
Areas for development:

Add some key questions to your lesson plan. This will help you remember to share them with the

Transitions between activities were sometimes slow in an otherwise well-timed lesson.

Discussed plant eaters (herbivores) and meat eaters (carnivores) it would have been nice to give
the children a higher order question such as… “what do you think we are?” or “Can you think of an
animal that eats both?” (omnivores)

Always have an extension activity prepared and be ready to think on your feet to fill the time.

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