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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

I think that Nelson Mandela is an important person in the history because he

defended the rights of black people. He was participating in activist groups and he
was fighting against poverty and injustice in his country.
Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa on July 18 th. He studied law, then he was
working in the National Congress of South Africa, after that he was participating in
communist African groups and he was organizing nonviolent protests, but after that
he founded an armed organization, for this reason he was in prison for twenty
seven years.
In 1990 he left prison with the help of international campaigns, after that he
continued in politics and he was working against apartheid. He became the first
black South African president in 1994. He also created the commission for truth
and reconciliation to investigate the human rights violations committed in the
apartheid, it was an important cause for him.
He left politics and after that he started the Nelson Mandela Foundation and he
helped sick people with aids and poor people.
He got many awards including the Nobel Prize. For African population is one of the
more important men in the history because he did important things for them and he
changed their life, for this reason he is considered a father for them.

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