Control Procedures

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Ty nt Poor & Natal Resouces Li Patampu, raha 1.0 Purpose and Scope: “This ErMS procesre descbos tho ways and mens for estabishng energy baseline, developing energy review an idenieton ct enargy performance net fr l forms of ‘nergy used in APNRL- 2.0 Responsibility: “The oveal respon es wih the HOD Planing of APNRL. Howover,doparertal > hargoe sre espera for he aces porfomed nth unional reas 3.0 Procedure 3.1 kentfcaton of front forms of energy used at APNRL. Coats primary fue (MEASURED AS HEAT RATE ~ JUSTIFICATION MENTIONED BELOW) 10 (tight Diesel Oi a secondary ful Elcticly as Auatary Powse HSD (High speed Dies! as combustion us or vile & savy ting equipment LPG (Liquefied Petrclaum Gas) 26a source of eal heat fx mairtnans purpose endfor ooking JUSTIFICATION Heat Rate ~ Energy requred to generate one unto power ie. KCAIKWHT. Since APNRL is coal based thermal pose plant compete enery ie gorerted by tring coal. Coals he main source of fel 0 gona heat fr steam geraraton In Bolr for rrving Steam Turbine io produce Paver. Plant is desgned wih dafite Host Rao, frease In Hest Rate resut in increase In energy ‘cnaumpton rom co ‘There are various parameters which alfect the Haat Rate, for example, low coal GOV, 02 parcentage, Fo gas ext losses, ureurt Carbon in ash, high sem consueton. hgh steam ‘Bases, igh make-up weer consumption, eta Hence Hest Rate le conddared see contling factor or anergy use 2.2. Systom is dvided inthe svsystoms Ske Bole, Tubine, Coal and Ash Handing Pan, ‘wate’ Teatment Pianeta for evaluahon of past and present energy use & consuion Desed on measurement 3.3 Bated on the ansiysis of energy consurtion, identification of ne areas of significant ‘eargy consunpton is be Senfied Also idonly te varasies which ao afectng the Sonia energy ures 3.4 Determination of curert energy perfomance of facies, equipments, subsystems end processes 3.5 Estimating ttre energy use and consumption and ideityng opportunites or ip ene crit Bone & Nata Resoures us. | EMERG sGpowearon | Page No. 2 of 2 PROCEDUREFOR | Dona ENERGY REVIEW, soni [ENERGY BASELINE AND Issue Of | Rev. No. OF R eee aioe 'TNDICATO! Estebishing an energy basaine of each for of energy used using the Infomation * neced onto st ame 3.7 The energy batlne is maiiainod and recorded ‘3.8 _enticaion of energy perfomance indcator (EXP!) appropriate for montorng & assuring every psvormance for etre form of energy used war 8a orgaizaie's proaucton SN TWREOF ENERGY ——— PERFORMANCE WOICRTORS | RENARKS + [Gel a8 pay a HEAT | Kt Er Hoa ais fate) ‘oun 2 [060 a eon — [a - 3 ety a ary Poway —| Wo Uno — 24 | HSD Witsoe iso) —[UTRS — Freer [Ur ug Pave Cay [Ne SRS TRSIGNFNT 3.9, cataiten pout ante at sic! eng paromanc inate (E01 a6 vet 31] FYPEOF | PERFORMANCE” EALCULATION | REFERENCE RESPONSIGLITY) Enero’ | motexrons | weTHoD 1 THEATRATE | Keainowh Indirect method | BHEL HBD | Operation & | 8 Somer |Poae | 3 ROK POWER aloes] Ur ST = | resang | 7 Yi65 a Pana Sere 8 Pang] Reancenent 3.10. Al the EnPle ao tobe cslousted& monitoring on daly basis end ckcletod through Daly Gonecatin Roper to al concorad. 3.11. Adustng the bassine(s), n ase of energy permance indicator En) Inger rect ‘ygatzatenal energy use and consumption of tare have been major changes tthe process, ‘operational paters or energy system, 3.12 Energy review and energy poermance inate (EnPl) tebe updated and rviowod et fn itera of ona yea" (Reference dos. For Energy Review APNRUIMSIENERIO0%)

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