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Thesis Writing Assignment

The thesis of this document is that colonists are being taxed unjustly because it discusses
that Colonists deserve the same rights as natural born citizens, British citizens cannot be taxed
without personal or representative consent, and that colonists are unrepresented within

The “Declaration of the Rights of the Stamp Act Congress” was a journal taken during
the first congress of the colonies, the thesis of this journal argues the British Parliament cannot
continue to tax colonists without giving them representation within Parliament. This is evidenced
as all thirteen points of the document and the closing argument have something to do with
colonial taxation, the colonists rights as citizens of the British Crown, or the lack of
representation for colonists in Parliament. Furthermore this issue, colonists being taxed without
representation, will continue to be a point of argument until the Revolutionary War, where this
issue becomes a slogan of the revolutionaries, “No taxation without representation!” In
conclusion the thesis of this document was not only continually stated in the document, but
throughout history, the contention point of this journal is one that the Revolutionary War was
ultimately fought over.

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