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Indian War



23rd AUGUST -

10 AM - 6 PM
EXHIBITION- organised by
Culture and Heritage of VICTORIA
India to showcae the MEMORIAL
costues of warriors in KOLKATA
ancien India.

23rd AUGUST -

10 AM - 6 PM
EXHIBITION- organised by
Culture and Heritage of VICTORIA
India to showcae the MEMORIAL
costues of warriors in KOLKATA
ancien India.


Feluda along with Topshe and Topshe's father decide to visit their advo-
cate uncle who stays near Bara Imambara, Lucknow. There they meet Dr
Srivastav, whose home was burgled the previous night apparently to steal
a precious ring gifted to him by his recently deceased friend, Pyarelal. The
ring is believed to have been the Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb's. Fearing
more burglary attempts, the doctor decides to keep the ring in his friend's
home. But, unfortunately, the ring is lost. Meanwhile, Feluda meets an
interesting person in doctor's neighborhood, Mr. Bonobihari Sarkar.
Bonobihari babu has ferocious and poisonous creatures like crocodiles, an
African tiger, a hyena, a few rattlesnakes, scorpions and a black widow
spider in his backyard. Feluda also meets Mahavir, late Pyarelal's son and a
film actor who believes a foul play behind his father's death. Later, it is
found that the ring was already taken by Feluda himself to keep it safe
from miscreants. They traveled to Lakshman Jhula Temple, Haridwar.
Bonbihari was the mastermind behind burglary who earlier unsuccessfully
tried to take it from Pyarelal. In one such attempt, Pyarelal died. He also
tries to take it from Feluda. He traps Feluda and Topshe in a long cabin
with a rattle snake for company, but Feluda with his skill, intelligence and
bravery, keeps the ring safe and nabs Bonbihari (also referred to as Bono-
bihari Babu) and his assistant, Ganesh Guha. There are many books-an
entire series to choose from. They are all narrated by Topshe (Tape-
sh).There is no more thrilling an adventure of feluda than badshshi angti in
the younger years of topshe.

Ananda Publishers
Satyajit Ray

Rs. 370
Tea and

Tea and
symp athy
Tea and Sympathy is a 1953
stage play in three acts by
Robert Anderson about a
male private school student,
Tom Lee, who faces accusa-
tions of homosexuality. A
woman, Laura, who is
married to an instructor,
opposes the students'
shaming of Lee and romanti-
cally pursues him so he can
prove that he has a mascu-
line character.


INR. 300.00 Penguin Publications

Life Of PI


Pi’s father owns a zoo and Pi spends a lot of his time thinking about animals. But zoology is
only one of Pi's passions: he also loves religion. He's a Hindu from birth; then at fourteen he
adds Catholicism to his repertoire; at fifteen he adds Islam. He's inquisitive, joyful, and an
all-around wonder of a human being. Things, however, aren't so swell in India. The Prime
Minister, one Mrs. Indira Gandhi, institutes martial law (this is in the mid-1970s – see
"Setting" for more). Pi's parents decide to leave India. They sell most of the animals and pack
up their belongings. They board, along with some of the animals they're selling to North
American zoos, a Japanese cargo ship. They're headed for Canada.
Tragedy strikes and the ship sinks halfway to the Midway atoll. No one survives except Pi and
a menagerie of animals: a zebra, a hyena, an orang-utan, and a Bengal tiger. All these
creatures, including Pi, are packed into a 26-foot-long lifeboat. Before long, as you'd expect,
there's some bloodshed. The hyena kills the zebra and the orang-utan. And then the tiger,
whose name is Richard Parker (a.k.a. RP), kills the hyena.
Richard Parker and Pi, however, work out an uneasy living arrangement. And Pi slowly trains
RP until he's more or less master of the lifeboat. Pi is often despondent, though Pi and RP
seem to do well for a while. Pi catches fish and he has a few tools (like solar stills) from the
lifeboat's locker. It's true that Pi's survival skills develop, but it's also true that he's just lost his
entire family. Pi is alone except for a man-eating tiger. He endures through cleverness, prayer,
and willpower.

Knopf Publishers Canada


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