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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE Final Report Falter coute equal egraed sere neg hare iain ar protean 0 dev, acura, urn as roy ern oa of he acing se. Pt presen ay rane ce Sarplement and ervance te inlamenip Te profesional ludy components ray occur on of famous eae inated by te Univeralty Conautants in cllaboration wih Item Teachers and school personnel ‘Select the course In which you are registered: © Education 4571 Elementary Education Internship © Education 4572 Secondary Education Internship © Education 4574 Fine Arts Internship In Art or Dramatic Arts © Exducation 4575 Fine Arts Internship in Muslo ‘© Esucation 4576 Native Education Intemship © Education 4577 International Education Internship © Education 4578 Early Childhood Education Internship © Education 4582 Inclusive Education Intemship © Education 4583 Technology In Education Internship INTERN TEACHER: [Emma Amdt ‘SCHOOL: International School of Brescia Grade Level(s): Earty Years and Primary Years Program (K-6) Teacher Mento: | David Cox ‘Administrator: Penny Gamer University Consultant: | Donna Dalby Checklist Final Conference Date: Date; December 1st 2017 Review the Portfoli Review the Professional Inquiry Project Intern Teacher Report and Signature ‘Teacher Mentor Report and Signature Administrator Report and Signature University Consultant Report and Signature NINN K Pemenlete Einal Bannrt enhmitter te Flaid Evnariance Office bu Li Professional Semester Three was such an amazing and rewarding experience for me. It allowed me to not only team about what kind of teacher | want to be, but | also leaned a lot about myself. Having the opportunity to complete Professional Semester Three intemationally in Italy was exactly the challenge | was craving; this experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, challenged me and allowed me to grow and blossom in the direction of the teacher | aspire to be. knew that my schoo! was going to be an excellent working and learning environment as soon as | landed in Italy. My mentor teacher, David, and my school administrator, Penny, were so supportive and helped me with everything and anything | needed at the school. When I got to the school In August, | found out that | would be teaching music to the Primary Years Program and the Early Years Program, which Is half of David's teaching load. ‘There were @ few challenges in the beginning of this practicum that | believe | have navigated quite well. The first, and main challenge, was the language barrier that exists in the younger years - kindergarten(age 2.5-4), transition(age 3.5-5) and grade one — as well as in some of the older grades. The Early Years and Primary Years Program are made of eight classes in total - kindergarten, transition, and grades one to six ~ a total of fifty-two students. Among these students, there are students who speak little to no English mixed with students who are mother tongue English speakers. Alllof the classes in the school, with the exception of Italian and Spanish, are taught in English. However, the younger students are not as experienced with English as most of the older ‘students =o this sets the challenge of making sure your lessons and instructions can be understood by all of the students, but still challenging enough for any of the native English speakers in the class. This language barrier really allowed me to work on ways of incorporating differentiation into my lessons — and creating lessons and activities that can easily be modified to be more or less challenging depending on what is needed at teaching time. The second challenge was figuring out how to teach in an IB, inquiry based, methodology environment. | have taken a few courses in how to engage students in critical thinking, which came in handy. However, | realized that my teaching style already had an element of inquiry and critical thinking ... naturally occurring. One of my main pedagogical practices is the Kodaly method. This method is naturally conducive to critical thinking and allows the students to learn and reach a deeper level of understanding without realizing that they are learning and making conscious new material. Working in this environment allowed me to grow and hone my skils in inquiry-based teaching, which is a skill and a method of teaching | plan to continue throughout my teaching career. ‘One of my main goals for my final practicum was to try to get as involved with extra school activities, and to establish myself as an active member of the school community. Thankfully, David, Penny and the other teachers at The International School of Brescia were very supportive of this goal. They trusted me with schoo! wide responsibilities. One of the first activities | did with the school was teaching all of PYP and the early years songs in different languages for European Day of Languages. As a school, we leamed all three songs and sang them together to celebrate our school community's cultural diversity. This was such an excellent experience for me! It was the fist time I had taught songs from the very beginning and conducted for a performance. It was so heart warming to see how excited the students were when they all sang together. It was a very successful performance that garnered positive reviews from staff and parents. The other extra curricular event that | am doing with the school is teaching songs that the whole school will be singing in celebration of Santa Lucia Day. This event includes the Middle year’s program as well. Over the next month, | am teaching the school four songs in three different languages that will be sung at a Santa Lucia festival in a nearby town on December 12", 2017. | am so incredibly grateful that Penny, David and other members of the staff have trusted me with so much responsibility, and that they feel confident in my ability to represent the school in a nacitive liaht_ Havina this resnonsibilitv has been such an honour: it has. and will continue to, show me the joys ind challenges of being @ teacher. fort zone and get a8 yd me If | would like to team ‘This allowed me to be a more active member of the School community and step out of my comfortable bubble of teaching music. Though music and dance usually go and in Rend. It ee very different experience to teach hour-long lessons of dance compared to teaching five to ten really wanted to take my time in professional semester three to step outside of my cor volved in as many areas of the schoo! as possible, The PSPE teacher, Michael, ‘wach dance with him to the primary and early years programs. ‘ninutes of dance or movement I class. As wall, this experience allowed me to work on my classroom management skills. Nota of the attention grabbing tricks that | have will work in @ gym setting. This caused me to ‘be creative and find management tactics that would be effective in a variety of settings. ithas been very exciting to be on the other side of the music stand this semester, and to really immerse mysel In the experiences and responsibiities of a music teacher. In conclusion, | would lke to say that | have had such @ wonderful time leaming and growing at the Intemational School of Brescia, The school and staff were so amazing tnd supportive of me! It has been a joy to teach such wonderful students. One of my favourite things about being & teacher Is having the opportunity to be a life long leamer. A lot of what I learn about my teaching style and about myself comes from my students. J have read and received a complete copy of my PS lil Final Report. Inter Teacher Signature ‘Date This page is to be returned to the UC to be Included In the PS ill Final Report. eport mma started with ISBrescla during our PD week in August 2017 and immediately volunteered herself to help with any ditional tasks. Throughout her time here she has immersed herself into the life of the school and has been committec + our shared goals and mission. mma has had to learn the |B way of teaching and she has embraced this and clearly enjoys inquiry based teaching nd leaning. She has taken the time to become familiar with our policies, documentation and record keeping and as ch has been a valuable member of the team. mma is always wiling and eager to involve herself in events that are happening in school. She has run music clubs fRer school, covered lessons, taken dance lessons and prepared the primary students for an outdoor singing erformance in public. 1 both informal and formal observations | can confirm that Emma's teaching is well planned and involves a range of trategies and resources. She uses her voice in a very positive way to manage the classroom and has an excellent apport with her students. am confident that Emma has the skills to be a successful and professional teacher and | do hope that her experience t ISBrescia is one she will cherish and value for years to come. would not hesitate in recommending Emma for a teaching position and indeed would be very happy for her to work cere again with us in ISBrescia. jummary imma has surpassed my expectations for a student teacher. She demonstrates a very astute maturity and derstanding of what it means to be part of a school community and to proactively contribute to schoo! life. rom the outset Emma has been responsible and reliable member of staff. She is aways prompt and ready with her assons and with her attendance at meetings or events. wish Emma the very best in her teaching career and predict she will give a great deal of passion and committment to ‘ny schoo! that she works with. our 112.2017 ‘Administrator Signature Date This page Is to be returned to the UC to be included in the PS lil Final Report. PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE: Final Report Teacher Mentor, DBE en Veeder ( Cl ‘eacher Mentor Comments: ji T have had the pleasure of working with Emma Arndt while she comple of Brescia, During her four month internship, she taught Music to both During the course of this period | carried out a series of lesson observations and found Emma to be extremely competent and capable in all aspects of her teaching. She managed the planning and organisation of her lessons with professionalism and on each occasion carried out proper reflections ‘and feedback after each lesson efficiently. Her cdministrative abilty was clearly demonstrated inthe effective way she carried out these tasks. 1d the established teaching/learing (periences and activities : ialad her Inlemship at the International School Early years and Primary years students. Prior to the start of term Emma studied the IB scope and sequence and examine experiences previously used at the school. She was tasked with assigning these leaming ex; with the scope and sequence as laid down by the 1B for the new school year. Whilst working on this task she assisted in the formation ofthe curiculum for the year by building upon the previous content. To do this Emma needed to familiarise herself with the school's software program ‘Managebac’. ‘This provided her with the opportunity to assist inthe creation of several Music units of inquiry for all grades of PYP. “Through the creation of assessment rubrics for each music unit relative tothe PYP classes, Emma carried out a dorlee.ot formative and summative assessments, culminating in her not only grading the achievernents of the Students, but also producing full written reports for the end of the first school term. mma displayed complete enthusiasm and commitment in her interaction withthe students and this was evident at eilovels and with all age groups as she ensured that all students were always involved in their leaming. She auapted her approach perfecly to sult each group and always folowed her lesson plans, yet possessed the ability to remain fiexible if circumstances dictated, a skill especially needed for teaching through inquiry. ‘Students were always fully immersed and motivated with the music lessons, reflecting Emma's ability to choose varied and interesting content. Through demonstrations she was able to provide clarity to tasks often allowing the students to work collaboratively in groups. With her excellent knowledge and solid understanding of music accompanied with her background as a trained singer she was able to confidently approach her teaching, and was able to answer any student's or staff questions without hesitation, This ability enabled her to maintain an effective learning atmosphere in each lesson. In addition, she also linked lessons together, reviewed previous lessons and gave insights into upcoming lessons, regularly explaining the importance of current topics. Diagrams and written work on the whiteboard were clear, concise and legible. Voice projection, body movements and gestures greatly helped to increase student participation, through the energy and enthusiasm displayed to the students, along with regular praise given to students. This contributed greatly to each student's achievements during lessons. Discussions based around inquiry were a regular feature of her lessons which helped in empha: ind clarifyit key points and information especially required in inquiry based learning. i eee emuetee Sng Emma's versa ahe paricpated in many PYP department planing meetings, often giving up ner Carn Pea a vencol te attend these meetings. In specic professional development days she participated with he entire PYP department In sessions on increasing student engagement. Emme has a warm and approachable personaly accompanied by s maturely developed work ethic, which hee cried norte bulls poskve rapport wih al the students and staf atthe school. Her dedication and commitment to our school was outsianding. classroom Emma also organist organise at Lake Garda to celebrate Santa Lucia in the {In addition to all of her wonderful work in “Music Club’ and stil found time to choose and manage the son, logistical arrangements for the schoot's outside public singing event last week of term in December. {feel very fortunate to have had Emma as a member of our tesm this year and would very much look forward to the possibilty of teaching with her again in the future. Sincerely. David Cox f** dee zor ‘Mentor Signature Date his, to be returned fo the UC to be included in the PS il! Final Report. PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE! Final Report Untverelty Coneuttant: 2078 Dalby — Intern Teacher: Emme Amat = fiversity Consultant Comments:

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