Name: Date: Class:: Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Name: Eitan Boaz 

Date: 9/1 

Class: 7th Grade - World History 

Main Idea:​ ​Identify the physical features and describe the climate of the Arabian
peninsula, its relationship to surrounding bodies of land and water, and nomadic
and sedentary ways of life.
Topic Student Notes

Geo play role in culture 

On the equator 
Physical Features of  Arabian peninsula = Saudi arabia 
the Arabian  Warm 
Peninsula  Desserts with Oases 
Coastal plains line on south and west coast 
Mountain in between coastal plain and desert 

● Sahara desert 
● Arabian penninsula 
● Jordan river 
What Physical  ● Tigris river 
Features are on the  ● Euphrades river 
Arabian Peninsula?  ● Nile 
● Red sea 
● Persean gulf 
● Suez canal 
● Strait of hormuz 

Desert = ARID (dry) 

Little rain 
Small portion used for agriculture 
Tigris and Euphrates = exotic because in Desert 
Climate of the 
Most of it is desert 
Arabian Peninsula 
Almost no humid subtropical 
Arab peninsula is primarily steppe and desert climate 
Center is elevated and rain 
When see agriculture most times see rain 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

1. Little rain 
2. Desert 
Describe the climate 
of Arabia?  
3. Arid 
4. Tiny agriculture 

Red sea 
Persian gulf 
Arabian Sea 
Mediterranean sea 
Surrounding Bodies 
Black sea 
of Land and Water 
Caspian Sea 
Nile river 
Jordan river 
Tigris and Euphrates rivers 

1. Red Sea 
2. Caspian Sea 
Name 5   
surrounding bodies  3. Nile river 
of water.   
4. Jordan river 
5. Tigris and Euphrates rivers 

Nomadic Ways of 

Life in Arabia 

Detail the nomadic   
way of life on the  2.  
Arabian Peninsula   
during the Middle  3.  

Sedentary Ways of  way of life where people are permanently settled in
Life in Arabia  one place

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Bedouins interacted with people who settled at oases 

and lived a sedentary, or settled, life.  
Settle near oases 
Small Towns formed 

Describe the 
sedentary way of 
life on the Arabian   
Peninsula during 
the Middle Ages. 

What impact does  1.  

geography have on   
these ways of life?  2.  

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