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ERASMUS + Call -SMS MOBILITA ' for study

Academic year 2018-2019

Annex F to the application
Obligatory motivational letter to be attached to the request for participation in the notice
(section "Attachments")

Name and surname of candidate:

Serial Number:

Reasons for AdesionAnd the Erasmus Plus 2018/2019 programme – SMS Action (mobility for
study purposes)
(In this section, the candidate is asked to explain both the reasons for joining the program and the reasons for the choice of specific locations
indicated in the application)

More Elements to support theAccession to the Erasmus Plus programme – SMS action
(In this section, the candidate It can indicate any additional personal element related to the motivational aspect for participation in the programme,
such as: other international experiences already had, international certifications of knowledge of one or more foreign languages obtained, etc.).
Copy of the certifications listed here should be included in the annex to theSend for application.
ERASMUS + Call -SMS MOBILITA ' for study
Academic year 2018-2019
Proposed study plan to be carried out abroad – SMS Action
(In this section, the candidate is called upon to draw a proposal IndicativeStudy plan containing the' List of courses that you wish to attend at each of
the selected locations in the application for the registration of the notice.The candidate can consult the educational offer of the chosen seat of the
current academic year. The proposal can be used by the evaluating Commission To analyze the consistency of the choices indicated by the candidate.
The compilation of this section does not constitute an obligation to define the study plan, which will be articulated in the Learning Agreement in case
of selection.
This proposal will be assessed For the sole purpose of the selection; The definition of the actual study plan is envisaged IN collaboration With the
reference Erasmus + referent before departure.
It is not compulsory to compile for each location
At the time of compilation, the candidate is invited to rely on the training offer (s). A. 2017/2018 in progress, not being able to access the teachings
of the A. A. 2018/2019.

First place PreChoice(indicate using the ERASMUS code):

No No
Course at the host University Substitute course at the University of Parma
credits credits

Please indicate below the link to the host University educational offer page:

2nd seat PreChoice(indicate using the ERASMUS code):

No No
Course at the host University Substitute course at the University of Parma
credits credits

Please indicate below the link to the host University educational offer page:

Third place PreChoice(indicate using the ERASMUS code):

No No
Course at the host University Substitute course at the University of Parma
credits credits

Please indicate below the link to the host University educational offer page:
ERASMUS + Call -SMS MOBILITA ' for study
Academic year 2018-2019
4° Seat chosen (indicate using the ERASMUS code):
No No
Course at the host University Substitute course at the University of Parma
credits credits

Please indicate below the link to the host University educational offer page:

5° Seat chosen (indicate using the ERASMUS code):

No No
Course at the host University Substitute course at the University of Parma
credits credits

Please indicate below the link to the host University educational offer page:

Thesis proposal To be carried out abroad(to be filled in only if applicable):

Proposal for research activities (for candidates enrolled in doctorate courses) (to be filled in only if

A. Name of UNIPR Thesis presenter:

Or Prof.
B. Name of doctoral course Coordinator:

Date: Current job: Resignation of the company..........

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