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What is a Substation?
1. S/S are integral parts of a power system
and form important link between the generating
stations, transmission syst., distribution syst.
and the load. [James R. Lusby]
2. S/S is an installation that interconnects elements
of an electric utility’s system. (include generator,
transmission line, distribution lines and even
neighboring utility syst. [ Jhon D. Mc. Donald]
3. An electrical S/S is an assemblage of electrical
components including busbars, switchgear, power
transformer, auxiliaries, etc [S.Rao]
Figure 1.
1. To isolate a faulted element from the rest of the utility
2. To allow an element to be disconnected from the rest
of the utility syst. for maintenance or repair.
3. To change or transform voltage levels from one part
of the utility system to another.
4. To control power flow in the utility system by
switching elements into or out of the utility system.
5. To provide sources of reactive power for power factor
correction or voltage control.
6. To provide data concerning system parameters
(voltage, current and power flow) for use in operating
the utility system).

1. Generating station S/S, transform generation voltage

(15 - 23 kV) up to Trans.Network (69 -500 kV).
2. Transmission Switching S/S, interconnect portions of the
utility syst. Transmission network.
3. Transmission step down (or step up, depending on your point
of view) S/S, interconnect portion of the utility syst.
Transmission network, and include transformation between
trans. Network voltage levels.
4. Distribution step-down S/S, include transformation between
Trans. Network and Dist. Network voltage levels, and
interconnect portions of the utility syst. Dist. Nework.
5. Distribution S/S, interconnect portions of the utility Sys. Dist.
network (transformation between Dist. Voltage Level 5

1. Site related system
2. Switchyard system
3. Control Building Syst.
4. Protection, control, and
metering system
5. Auxiliary system

A). Site Related Systems (security, site access, Site
grading, Drainage, and Surfacing syst.).
B). Switchyard Systems (Switching equipment systems,
Power transformation eq., Bus, Measuring and Relaying
Commu. Eq., Direct stroke and Surge protection,
Grounding, Switchyard support structure, Race way ).
C). Control Building System (Building: Architectural,
Structural, Grounding, Raceway, lighting and
D). Protection, Control, and Metering Systems (Protective
Relay, control, metering, Indication and Annunciation syst.
E). Auxiliary Systems (AC station service, Fire Protection.
Site Related system

• Security fence/Wall system,

to prevent entry of unauthorized person to substation, provides

adequate electrical clearance from energized buses and equipment

to areas accessible to the public, and provide entry to the substation

for equipment delivery, removal and maintenance.

• Site access system,

This system allow access to the substation from

public roads, and access inside the substation fence/wall for the

installation, removal, and maintenance of the substation equipment,

bus-work, and structure. 9

• Site grading, drainage, and surfacing system.

To provides a reasonably level switchyard for access to

equipment, a drivable surface within switchyard, and a layer of

constant resistivity crushed rock above grid for personal safety.

• Site Landscaping system,

The site landscaping system beautifies the site and complements

the substation fence/wall to screen the substation from public


• Switching equipment system, This equipment to connects and
disconnects elements of the substation or utility system from
the rest of the s/s or utility system. (Eq. CB, DS, Circuit

• Power Transformation Eq. System, To Transfers power

between voltage levels in the utility system.

• Bus system, to interconnects the high voltage portions of the

various components of the switchyard to form the required bus
configuration for the substation.

•Measuring and relaying communications eq. system,
to provides low voltage or low current inputs to the protective
relaying and metering eq. (Eq. PT’s, CCVT’s, CT’s, BCTs, Line
trap, etc).
• Reactive power compensation Eq.,
this equipment supplies large quantities of capacitive or reactive
power for power factor improvement or voltage control, limit fault
current (reactor)
• Direct stroke and surge Protection system,
to protect the switchyard and control building from being struck by
ligthning, and protect the insulation system of the switchyard equ.
From transient, traveling wave. (Eq. Shielding mast, wire and
surge arrester.

• Switchyard support structure system, to provides support for the
switchyard eq. and bus at the elevations needed for adequate
electrical clearance from grade to the bus or parts.

• Grounding system, to protects personnel within s/s from

encountering large potential difference during voltage, provides a
low impedance path to true earth for proper protective relaying
operation and dissipates into the earth large current flows from
lightning strikes or faults.

•Raceway system, contain supports, and protects from physical

damage control and power cables within switch yard.

• Control Building systems will be explained next

Protection, control, and Metering Systems.
• Protective relaying system, to protects s/s eq. or the utility system
from damage and limits the damage of faulted eq. by monitoring
the operation of the utility system. The parameters being
monitored can be voltage, current, or frequency, or some
combination of the three.
• Control system, To provides a means of manually operating
electrically operated device, either from a remote operating facility.
Device that are manually operated by this system can iclude
CB,Circuit switchers, power trans. Load tap changers, and motors
operated DS.
• Metering system, provides a quantitative measurement of
system parameters and displays those measurements for operator
information or for record. The metering system can also input to
the SCADA eq. , displaying readings of system parameters at the
remote dispatch center.
Auxiliary system.
• AC station service system, to supplies electric power for
normal operation of eq. auxiliaries, space conditioning, and ligthning
within the s/s. (Eq. Power trans. Cooling pumps and fans, power
transf. load tap, CB operating mechanism compresor motor, etc)

• DC Station service system, supplies reliable electric power for

operation of the protection and control system for emergency.

• Fire Protection system, to detect and alarms fires within the

control building or in the area of major switchyard eq. or provides a
means of extinguishing fires.

The task associated with major substations
• Protection of transmission system
• Controlling the exchange of energy
• Ensuring steady state and transient stability.
• Load shedding and prevention of loss of synchronism.
• Maintaining the system frequency within targeted limits.
• Voltage control; reducing the reactive power flow by
compensation of reactive power, tap changing.

• Securing the supply by providing adequate line capacity
and facility for changing the transmission paths.
• Data transmission via power line carrier for the purpose
of network monitoring; control and protection.
• Determining the energy transfer through transmission
lines and tie lines.
• Securing supply by feeding the network at various points.
• Establishing economic load distribution

Types of substations
a)Classification based on voltage levels:
AC substation: EHV, HV, MV, LV; HVDC substation
Table 1. Classfication based on voltage
Designation Descriptions Range
LV or LT Low voltage or low Below 1000V AC
HV or HT High voltage or high All AC voltages above
tension 1kV
MHV Medium high Between 1kV and 33kV
HV High voltage Between 33kV and
EHV Extra high voltage 220kV, 400kV
UHV Ultra high voltage 760kV, 1100kV
HVDC HHigh voltage ± 100kV; ± 200kV; ±
direct current 400kV ; ± 500kV 18
Classification based on installation
• Outdoor Substation (Switchyard)
under open air
( 33 kV and above is preferred)
• Indoor substation
in side building for example;
(distribution substation)
Gis (Gas Insulating S/s)

Classification based on configuration:
Conventional air insulated substation (AIS):
SF6 Gas insulated substation (GIS): There are compact
and require modest maintenance. In GIS the various
substation equipment like CTs, VTs, busbar,circuit breakers,
surge arresters, isolators, earthing switches,
etc are in the form of metal enclosed SF6 gas filled modules.
Composite substations having combination of the above two
(Hybrid substations),
It is a combination of the conventional air insulated substation
and GIS.

Conventional air insulated substation (AIS):
In such substations busbar and connectors can be
seen by naked eye. In such a substation, circuit
breakers, isolators, transformers, CTs, VTs, etc are
installed outdoor.

SF6 Gas insulated substation (GIS): There are

compact and require modest maintenance. In GIS
the various substation equipment like CTs, VTs,
busbar,circuit breakers, surge arresters, isolators,
earthing switches, etc are in the form of metal
enclosed SF6 gas filled modules.

Composite substations having combination of the

two above

Classification based on application
•Switchyard in the generation station
•Switching substation
•Sending end substation
•Receiving substation
•Factory substation
•Compensating substation
•Load substation

Substation Categories, Type and Design
(According to TNB standards)
• Transmission Main Intakes (Pencawang Masuk Utama –
PMU) Transmission Main Intake is the interconnection
point of 132kV or 275kV to the distribution network.
The standard transmission capacity and voltage
Transformation provided at PPU are as follows:
132/33kV, 2 x 90MVA
132/22kV, 2 x 90MVA
132/11kV, 2 x 30MVA

• Main Distribution Substation
(Pencawang Pembahagian Utama – PPU)
• Main Distribution Substation is normally applicable to
33kV for interconnecting 33kV with 11kV network through
a standardized transformation of 33/11kV, 2 x 30MVA.
• Main Switching Station (Stesyen Suis Utama – SSU)
• Main Switching Substation at 33kV, 22kV and 11kV are
established to serve the following function:
1. To supply a dedicated bulk customer (33, 22, 1kV)
2. To provide bulk capacity injection or transfer from
a PMU/PP to a load center for further localized
Distribution Substation (Pencawang Elektrik)
Distribution substations have voltages are points
from 11kV, 22kV and sometimes 33kV systems
to the low voltage network (415V, 240V).
Typical capacity ratings are 1000kVA, 750kVA, 500kVA,
300kVA and 100kVA.
Conventional substation designs are indoor type
(equipment housed in a permanent building) and
outdoor type (ground mounted or pole mounted)

Load Growth General Plan of
Assessment the Network

Is Reinforcement


Technical NO Consider other

Is substation
Environmental &
means of
Commercial Policy

Preliminary END

General Determine Site

Design Location

Determine Exact
Specific Design Site Location &
Orientation Design, Construction, and
Pre pare Main Determine
Commissioning Process
C onne ctions and Substation
Prote ction
Diagram Layout

Figure 1: Flow chart illustrated steps

Prepare Circuit
Diagrams &
Carry Out
Civil Design
involved in establishing a new substation

Prepare Wiring
Diagrams and Civil Works
Cable Schedule

Install Plant
and Equipment
The major steps in executing project include the following
• Award of contract
• Preparation of quality of plan
• Design of civil work, layout and Design of equipment
• Opening of site office and preparation of site
• Civil works: excavation, foundation, support structures, finishing
• Receipt of equipment, structure at site, storing
• Laying control cable and power cables
• Laying of ground grid, ground spikes and ground riser
• Installation of overhead shielding wire, steel structures, equipment
• Transportation of power transformers
• Installation on plinth, drying out and pre-commisisoning
• Quality check of equipment, connection of control cables
• Final commisionning and observation
• Handing over to the customers operating staff
Substation design considerations
•Security of supply
•Operational flexibility
•Protection arrangements
•Short circuits limitation
•Land area

Security of supply
Loss of plant arising from a fault conditions or outages
due to the maintenance.
The design should allow for future extendibility. Adding
Bays of switchgear to a substation is normally possible
and care Must be taken to minimize the outages and
outage durations for construction and commissioning.
The design must take into account the electricity
supply company system planning and operations
procedures together with the knowledge of reliability
and maintenance requirements for the proposed
substation equipment.
Operational flexibility
The physical layout of individual circuits and groups
of circuits must permit the required power flow control.
In a two transformer substation operation of either or
both transformers on one in-feed together with the facility
to take out of service and restore to service either
transformer without loss of supply would be a normal
design consideration.

Protection arrangements
The design must allow for the protection of each system
element by provision of suitable CT locations to ensure
overlapping of protection zones. The number of circuit
breakers that require to be tripped following the fault
Short circuits limitation
In order to keep fault levels down parallel connections
(transformers or power sources feeding the substation)
should be avoided. Multi bus-bar arrangements with
sectioning facilities allow the system to be split or
connected through a fault limiting reactor.
Land area
The cost of purchasing a plot of land in a densely
populated area in considerable. Therefore there is
a trend towards compact substation design.
A satisfactory cost comparison between different
Substation layout designs is extremely difficult because
of the differences in performance and maintainability 31

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