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Doctor: Your stomach infection is usually caused by an intake of a food in poor

condition or even by stress.

Patient: Doctor, I have many duties at work. Will that be my infection by strees?

Doctor: Maybe it's to take into account your excess of work.

Doctor: But you also ate a lot of candy.

Patient: Yes, I’ll have to take care of myself and not eat too much candy and not
overdo it with overwork.

Doctor: So that you do not infect your friends or relatives follow certain hygienic
measures, like washing your hands often.

Patient: Of course, doctor, I’ll take it into account, I would’t want my friends to get sick
and my family less.

Patient: And doctor, this would be everything?

Doctor: Yes, take the medications prescribed and take care of your food.

Patient: I’ll follow your instructions thanks for the attention.

Doctor: ok, any discomfort or query do not hesitate to contact me.

Patient: Thanks, Have you a good day.

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