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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Name: Danielle Sipes 

Date: 9/1/17 

Class: 8th Grade - US History 

Main Idea:​ ​Describe the relationship between the moral and political ideas of the
Great Awakening and the development of revolutionary fervor.
Topic Student Notes

● Preachers traveled through the 13 colonies to 

spread their message within these colonies. 
● 1730’s ^ 
● Influenced by unique religions 
The Great  ● Jonathan Edward George Whitefield 
Awakening - Morals  ● God sees everyone as an equal → Influenced 
● You can practice religion at home and on your 
own because you are equal to a preacher like 
you're equal to the king. 

● Gave all Americans an experience of equals. 

● One of first identifying qualities of American 
The Great  culture. 
Awakening -   ● Traditionalist prefered hierarchy, and insisted on 
Political Ideas  their way of life. 
● Presbyterians believed in practicing their religion 
amongst themselves. 

● People start reading bible at home 

● Individualism in religion 
Revolutionary  ● Start to interpret religion by themselves so they 
Fervor  start personalizing the religion. 
● Have to pay to be saved → Depended more about 
morals rather than social hierarchy.  

● Anybody can be a scientist, anybody can be an 

“New World”  author, etc. 
Revolutionary Ideas  ● Social hierarchy started to collapse. 
● How American culture started to form. 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

1. Own ideas. 
How do the ideals of   
the Great  2. Equality → Revolution 
Awakening and the   
American  3. Broader Ideas 
Revolution relate to   
each other?   4. Anything they wanted to be 

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