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Congress of the Ynited States Bashyington, BE 20515 ‘March 16, 2018 ‘The Honorable Ken Calvert ‘The Honorable Beny MeCollam Chairman Ranking Member ‘Subcommitte onthe Interior, Environment, and Related _Subcommitee onthe Interir, Environment, and Related ‘Agencies Appropriations ‘Agencies Appropriations B08 Rayburn House Ofice Building 1016 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20815 ‘Washington, DC 20815, Dear Chairman Calvert and Ranking Member McColl {As you craft the Fiscal Year 2019 Interior and Environment Appropriations bil, we respctfillyreques that you provide the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) with $16.1 million forthe construction, operation and maintenance of a West Coast, Earthquake Early Warning System, alo called ShakeAlert ‘The USGS, in collaboration with Caltech, UC Berkeley, the University of Washington, andthe University of Oregon has developed ShakeAle, which detects waves radiating from te epicenter of a quake and woul! provide people with several to tens of seconds of warning in California, and upto few minutes in Washington and Oregon through their ‘hones, computes and other media. This i "smart infrastructure” investment that wil ukimately provide advanced ‘otie 0 people can take cover, automated systems canbe riggeed to slow down tains and manage the power gid, doctors can pause surgeries, and more. The technology has been tested and proven to work effectively FEMA has estimated that earthquakes cos the United States, averaged over the long term, mare than $5 billion a year. ‘This common-sense investment will ave lives, protect businesses, and could make a ea diflerence in mere rapid recovery for local communities, the federal government and the economy asa whole. ‘We appreciate the growing support fom the Committe that we saw over the past few years, and we hope tha this support will continue this year. ‘While we cannot predict when and where the next major earthquake wil hit, we must do all ve can to prepare ourselves ‘so that we ean mitigate te injuries, destretion, and chaos as much as possible. We appreciae your consideration of cur ‘equest, and we look forward to working with you Sincerely, ‘Adam. Sebill ‘Peter Déazio oa a Menter of Congress “Member of Can Member of Congress : t Ds sain Nanette Diaz Barragin, ‘AmiBera, De eI Blumenaver Member of Congres ‘Member of Congress Mentor of Congress bloc Fata Brovnley Salud 0, Carbajal Member of Congress “Member of Congress Member of Congress Cong Cased Goby Che AeaZhes “Gr oes cam Perea “Mark DeSaulnicr fana C.Eshoo aoe eae touenea 6 Bay ek gpateeee a eee avait Matt — fat ane Lr fener beh Lo sel WD am ) atone 5 eee sae inate Peeceelll Qo Ponreutbt HS : mee Seat fovea cman -¢ F. Napolitano ‘Eleanor Holmes Norton ern Eitri Hor ane - Gb ath ot ath Deval Payp@Sr. it rece cite Menterof eave Mee ef Congress Menbere Cope Pande Setar Ct4 ln Mame ‘Mente f Congess enter Conges bias Sp , um Si sau ‘Berle Swalwell, Mento! Congress Monaro Congres ‘lark Takano Hike Tempon aterm MenberotCongss entero Compe Nets Cons i Kaeo . Al se fe ine Waters Tals Gabbard Cong Nentrof Cons enter of Congres wo he he Katy Baaa—_ Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress

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