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Services  Technology  Office    

Mobile  Backhaul    
Ethernet  Rings  
Technology  Guide:      
Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
Author:    Chad  Smith  
The  Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  (ERPS)  protocol  is  an  industry  standard  
(G.8032/Y.1344),  vendor-­‐agnostic  ring  protection  protocol.    There  are  currently  two  
versions  of  the  ERPS  protocol  available  –  ERPSv1  and  ERPSv2.      
ERPSv1  is  limited  to  a  single  Ethernet  ring  topology.    ERPSv2  introduces  many  new  
features  such  as  support  for  multiple  rings,  a  “revertive”  failover  mode,  and  support  for  
multiple  ERPS  instances  on  the  same  physical  ring.    This  document  will  introduce  ERPS  in  
its  simplest  form  –  the  ERPSv1  single  ring  format.  
The  goal  of  ERPS  is  to  establish  an  Ethernet  ring  topology  that  provides  both  redundancy  
and  fast  failover  times  in  the  event  of  a  ring  failure.    Since  ERPS  (also  referred  to  by  its  
ITU-­‐T  standard  names  G.8032/Y.1344)  is  a  vendor-­‐agnostic  protocol,  it’s  supported  by  a  
large  ecosystem  of  Ethernet  networking  vendors;  therefore,  it  is  well  suited  for  mixed-­‐
vendor  environments.      
This  document  will  provide  both  a  brief  overview  of  the  ERPS  protocol  and  a  detailed  
building-­‐block  example  of  how  to  configure  it  within  ExtremeXOS.    More  specifically,  the  
example  will  demonstrate  how  to  configure  the  most  basic  ERPS  ring  (i.e.  no  sub-­‐rings,  
and  no  CFM  Connectivity  Check  Messages)  using  only  ExtremeXOS  switches.      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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©  2012  Extreme  Networks,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  

Date   Version   Revision  Description   Author  
10/22/2012   00.00.01   Initial  Draft   Chad  Smith  
10/26/2012   00.00.02   Initial  Review   Ryan  Mathews  
10/30/2012   00.01.02   Approve  Edits   Chad  Smith  
10/31/2012   00.02.02   Grammatical/Technical  Review   Denis  Korobov  
10/31/2012   1   Approve  v1   Chad  Smith  
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Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Table  of  Contents  

1.   Introduction   ....................................................................................................................  4  
2.   ERPS  Overview  .................................................................................................................  6  
2.1   ERPS  Terminology  ...................................................................................................................  7  
2.2   General  Operation  and  Example  Scenario  ...............................................................................  8  
2.3   ERPS  R-­‐APS  Message  Frames  ................................................................................................  12  
2.4   ERPS  R-­‐APS  Messaging   .........................................................................................................  14  
2.4.1   No  Request  (NR)  RPL  Blocked  ...............................................................................................  15  
2.4.2   Signal  Fail  (SF)  .......................................................................................................................  17  
2.5   ERPSv1  Timers  ......................................................................................................................  18  
2.6   Summary  ..............................................................................................................................  19  
3.   Hardware  Requirements  ................................................................................................  20  
4.   Software  Requirements  .................................................................................................  20  
5.   Network  Topology  .........................................................................................................  21  
6.   General  Approach  ..........................................................................................................  22  
7.   ExtremeXOS  Configuration  ............................................................................................  23  
7.1   670_1  Configuration  .............................................................................................................  24  
7.2   E4G_400  Configuration  .........................................................................................................  29  
7.3   E4G_200  Configuration  .........................................................................................................  32  
7.4   X670_2  Configuration  ...........................................................................................................  33  
8.   Solution  Validation  ........................................................................................................  34  
8.1   IXIA  Setup   ............................................................................................................................  35  
8.2   Link  Failure  Simulation  .........................................................................................................  36  
9.   Summary  .......................................................................................................................  51  
10.   References   ..................................................................................................................  52  
11.   Appendix  A:  Switch  Configurations  ..............................................................................  53  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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1. Introduction  
This  technology  guide  will  provide  a  brief  overview  of  the  Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  
(ERPS)  protocol  and  an  example  of  how  to  configure  it  within  ExtremeXOS.    More  specifically,  
the  example  will  demonstrate  how  to  configure  a  single  ERPSv1  ring  without  CFM  Connectivity  
Check  Messages  (CCM).    Its  ring  features  a  Layer-­‐2  Ethernet  topology  comprised  of  only  
ExtremeXOS  switches.      
What  is  ERPS?    “Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching,  or  ERPS,  is  an  effort  at  ITU-­‐T  under  G.8032  
Recommendation  to  provide  sub-­‐50ms  protection  and  recovery  switching  for  Ethernet  traffic  in  
a  ring  topology  and  at  the  same  time  ensuring  that  there  are  no  loops  formed  at  the  Ethernet  
layer.  G.8032v1  supported  a  single  ring  topology  and  G.8032v2  supports  multiple  rings/ladder  
Extreme  Networks  has  been  championing  Ethernet  rings  since  2003  with  the  advent  of  Ethernet  
Automatic  Protection  Switching  or  EAPS  (RFC  36192).  A  word  of  caution  is  required  here  
regarding  EAPS  vs.  ERPS  comparisons:  the  two  technologies  are  not  the  same.    Beyond  their  
basic  Ethernet  ring  topology,  EAPS  and  ERPS  should  be  considered  separate  and  distinct.    Their  
building  blocks,  terminology,  and  ExtremeXOS  implementations  are  entirely  distinct.    This  is  
analogous  to  comparing  OSPF  and  IS-­‐IS.    Both  are  link-­‐state  routing  protocols,  but  are  unique  
solutions.    Due  diligence  should  be  applied  when  selecting  your  ring  protection  mechanism  for  
future  deployments.  From  this  point  forward,  the  focus  of  this  document  will  be  exclusively  on  
The  goal  of  ERPS  is  to  establish  an  Ethernet  topology  that  provides  both  redundancy  and  fast  
failover  times.      Since  ERPS  is  a  vendor-­‐agnostic  protocol,  it  is  supported  by  a  large  ecosystem  of  
Ethernet  networking  vendors;  therefore,  it  is  well  suited  for  mixed-­‐vendor  environments.      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    
  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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The  ERPS  protocol  uses  “CFM  R-­‐APS”  messages  to  transmit  information  to  the  ring  nodes  and  
alert  node  members  of  link  failures,  etc.    ERPS  (both  v1  and  v2)  can  also  be  integrated  with  CFM  
Connectivity  Check  Messages  (CCM)  to  speed  detection  of  link  failures  and  improve  ring  failover  
times.    This  guide  will  use  only  R-­‐APS  messaging.    ERPS  with  CFM  CCM  is  beyond  the  scope  of  
this  document.  
There  are  currently  two  versions  of  the  ERPS  protocol  available  –  ERPSv1  and  ERPSv2.    ERPSv1  is  
limited  to  a  single  ring.    ERPSv2  introduces  many  new  features,  such  as  support  for  multiple  
rings,  a  “revertive”  failover  mode,  and  support  for  multiple  ERPS  instances  on  the  same  physical  
ring.    This  document  will  introduce  ERPS  in  its  simplest  form  –  the  ERPSv1  single  ring  format.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2. ERPS  Overview  
ERPS  (G.8032)  is  a  standardized  ring  protection  switching  protocol.    The  ultimate  goal  is  to  
provide  Layer-­‐2  redundancy  and  resiliency  via  a  ring-­‐based  networking  architecture.    The  ring  
offers  designers  fast  recovery  during  failure  scenarios.      Ring  protection  protocols  usually  have  
some  common  components.    Those  include:  
1) Master  node:    controls  the  ring  and  blocks/unblocks  one  of  its  ports  based  on  ring  status  
2) Control  messaging  system:  transports  link  and  ring  status  throughout  the  ring  
3) Timers:  measures  status  of  devices  on  ring  and  triggers  actions    
ERPS  has  all  of  these  components.      
1) ERPS  Master  node:    Remote  Protection  Link  (RPL)  Owner  
2) ERPS  Control  messaging  system:  the  R-­‐APS  frame  transports  ERPS  control  messages    
3) ERPS  Timers:  multiple  timers  that  can  be  customized  to  improve  performance  and  
influence  ERPS  behavior  during  ring  failure  conditions  
Each  of  these  components  will  be  explained  in  further  detail  below.      First,  some  general  ERPS  
terms  must  be  introduced  and  defined.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.1 ERPS  Terminology  

To  orient  the  terminology  discussion,  please  refer  to  the  simple  Ethernet  ring  below:  

Ring  Name:  The  name  of  the  ERPS  ring  (i.e.  “Ring1”).  
ERPS  Node:  Network  device  in  the  physical  ring  participating  in  the  ERPS  operation.  
Remote  Protection  Link  (RPL):  The  link  that  under  normal  operation  is  blocked  to  
prevent  a  network  loop  across  the  ERPS  ring.  
RPL  Owner:    The  ERPS  Node  containing  the  RPL.    This  node  acts  as  the  master  of  the  
ring,  blocking/unblocking  the  RPL  port  based  on  the  status  of  the  ring.  
East  Port:  One  of  two  ports  on  an  ERPS  node  that  are  participating  in  the  ring.    East  
ports  should  be  connected  to  the  west  port  of  the  adjacent  ERPS  node.  
West  Port:  One  of  two  ports  on  an  ERPS  node  that  are  participating  in  the  ring.    West  
ports  should  be  connected  to  the  East  port  of  the  adjacent  ERPS  node.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Control  VLAN:  The  VLAN  that  transports  the  R-­‐APS  control  messages  across  the  ring.    
This  Control  VLAN  should  be  dedicated  to  this  purpose.  
Protected/Data  VLAN:  A  data/user  VLAN  on  the  ring.  
Ring  Automatic  Protection  Switching  (R-­‐APS)  Frame:  The  frame  used  to  transmit  
control  messages  around  the  ring.  

2.2 General  Operation  and  Example  Scenario  

In  ERPSv1,  there  are  three  possible  ring  states:  Idle,  Pending,  and  Protection.      
When  a  ring  is  in  the  Idle  state  there  are  no  signal  failure  (SF)  conditions  present  and  the  
RPL  is  blocked.    When  a  ring  is  in  the  Protection  state  there  has  been  a  signal  failure  
condition  (link  failure)  and  the  RPL  port  has  been  unblocked.    When  the  ERPS  ring  is  in  
the  Pending  state,  the  signal  failure  condition  has  been  cleared  and  the  RPL  Owner  is  
waiting  for  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  to  expire.  
The  following  section  will  walk  through  the  actions  performed  by  the  ERPS  ring  during  a  
link  failure  and  restoration.      In  terms  of  ERPS  states  the  ring  will  go  from  Idle  to  
Protection  to  Pending  to  Idle.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Observe  the  following  ERPS  ring.    Under  normal  operation  (no  signal  failures  present)  
the  RPL  will  be  blocked  and  the  RPL  Owner  will  send  out  a  periodic  R-­‐APS  No  Request  
(NR)  message.    This  NR  message  would  indicate  the  RPL  is  blocked.    The  normal  
operating  state  is  referred  to  as  the  Idle  state:  

If  a  link  failure  were  to  occur  between  Node  3  and  Node  4,  both  nodes  would  block  their  
failed  ports  and  send  out  an  R-­‐APS  Signal  Fail  (SF)  message  out  of  their  operational  port:    


Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Upon  reception  of  the  R-­‐APS  (SF)  each  node  flushes  its  forwarding  database  (FDB).    
Once  the  RPL  Owner  receives  the  Signal  Fail,  it  unblocks  the  RPL.  Node  3  and  4  would  
continue  to  send  out  SF  messages.    The  state  of  the  ring  would  transition  into  the  
Protection  state:  


Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Once  Node  3  and  Node  4  detect  that  the  link  has  been  restored,  they  begin  sending  R-­‐
APS  NR  messages.    When  the  RPL  Owner  receives  these  messages  it  waits  the  period  of  
the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  and  then  blocks  the  RPL.    Once  blocked,  the  RPL  Owner  starts  
sending  out  R-­‐APS  NR  messages  indicating  that  the  RPL  is  blocked.        When  Node  3  and  4  
receive  these  messages  they  unblock  their  ports.    All  nodes  flush  their  forwarding  
databases  and  the  ring  again  enters  the  Idle  state:  

With  the  ring  entering  the  Idle  state,  the  ring  is  up  and  functioning  normally  again.    
When  looking  at  the  graphics  above  this  may  seem  like  a  time  consuming  process.    
However,  when  a  change  in  the  ring  is  detected,  an  R-­‐APS  frame  is  sent  out  very  quickly  
(~3.3ms).    This  results  in  fast  recovery  times.    Ideally,  the  ring  should  enter  the  
Protection  state  in  less  than  50ms.    Similarly,  the  transition  from  Protection  to  Idle  
should  also  occur  in  less  than  50ms.    
(Note:  Many  factors  contribute  to  the  recovery  time  of  the  actual  traffic  on  a  
ring.    Some  limiting  factors  include  transport  medium  (fiber  is  faster  than  
copper),  routing  protocols,  and  network  architecture.)  
This  was  a  very  simple  example,  but  it  highlights  the  operational  behaviors  of  Ethernet  
Ring  Protection  Switching.    Now  we’ll  dig  in  a  little  deeper  into  the  mechanics  of  the  
control  messaging  system  from  an  Ethernet  frame  perspective.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.3 ERPS  R-­‐APS  Message  Frames  

In  the  operational  example  above,  it  is  clear  that  R-­‐APS  messages  play  a  key  role  in  the  
G.8032  protocol.    After  all,  R-­‐APS  messages  are  the  communication  medium  for  all  ERPS  
control  traffic.            
It  is  important  (especially  in  troubleshooting  scenarios)  to  be  able  to  recognize  the  
different  types  of  R-­‐APS  messages  sent  across  the  ERPS  ring  and  understand  why  they  
are  sent.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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First,  let’s  observe  the  R-­‐APS  Frame  itself  (captured  from  Wireshark):  

Without  even  looking  inside  the  CFM  PDU  there  are  four  key  things  to  make  note  of:  
1. Destination  Address:  All  ERPS  R-­‐APS  frames  have  a  multicast  destination  address  of  
2. Frame  Type:    R-­‐APS  messages  are  a  subtype  of  CFM  (Connectivity  Fault  Management)  
3. CFM  Operation  Code:    The  CFM  Operation  Code  of  R-­‐APS  frames  is  40  (decimal).    This  is  
useful  when  filtering  captures  that  contain  multiple  types  of  CFM  traffic.  
4. CFM  PDU:    The  CFM  PDU  contains  all  messaging  and  status  information  about  the  ERPS  
ring.    The  internals  of  the  PDU  will  be  explored  below.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.4 ERPS  R-­‐APS  Messaging  

There  are  two  ERPSv1  R-­‐APS  messages:  No  Request  and  Signal  Fail.      
Each  of  these  will  be  explained  below.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.4.1 No  Request  (NR)  RPL  Blocked  

The  image  below  is  a  Wireshark  capture  of  an  R-­‐APS  No  Request  message.      

There  are  two  major  things  to  notice  in  this  capture.  
1. Request/State  Field:    This  field  in  the  CFM  PDU  is  where  the  Message  type  is  
determined.    In  this  capture  it  can  be  seen  that  the  type  is  No  Request.  
2. RPL  Blocked  Field:    This  field  indicates  whether  or  not  the  RPL  should  be  blocked.    In  
this  case  it  is  blocked.  
Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    
  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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In  this  frame  the  source  MAC  address  is  the  RPL  Owner.    Knowing  that,  it  could  be  
inferred  that  this  ring  is  in  the  Idle  state,  as  there  is  currently  no  signal  failure  and  the  
RPL  is  blocked.      
No  Request  frames  can  also  be  sent  by  non-­‐RPL  owners  to  indicate  that  a  signal  failure  
condition  has  been  cleared.    In  this  case  the  RPL  would  not  be  blocked.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.4.2 Signal  Fail  (SF)  

The  image  below  is  a  Wireshark  capture  of  an  R-­‐APS  Signal  Failure  message.      

Again,  there  are  two  major  things  to  notice  in  this  capture.  
1. Request/State  Field:    This  field  in  the  CFM  PDU  is  where  the  Message  type  is  
determined.    In  this  capture  it  can  be  seen  that  the  type  is  Signal  Failure.  
2. RPL  Blocked  Field:    This  field  indicates  whether  or  not  the  RPL  should  be  blocked.    In  
this  case  it  is  not  blocked.  
Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    
  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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In  this  frame,  the  source  MAC  address  is  a  non-­‐RPL  Owner  ERPS  node.    Knowing  this,  it  
could  be  inferred  that  this  ring  is  in  the  Protection  state  as  there  is  currently  a  signal  failure  
being  reported  by  this  node  and  the  RPL  is  not  blocked.      

2.5 ERPSv1  Timers  

There  are  four  timers  that  are  important  to  ERPSv1  operation.      
Brief  explanations  of  each  of  these  timers  are  listed  below.  
Wait-­‐To-­‐Restore  Timer:    This  timer  specifies  the  amount  of  time  the  RPL  Owner  will  
wait  before  blocking  the  RPL  after  a  signal  failure  has  been  restored.    Shifting  the  ring  
back  to  its  normal  topology  after  a  failure  is  a  disruptive  task,  as  the  FDB  of  each  node  in  
the  ring  has  to  be  flushed.    Therefore,  it  may  sometimes  be  wise  to  wait  a  period  of  time  
to  either  ensure  that  the  link  failure  has  been  fully  resolved  or  to  simply  stagger  the  
disruptions.    This  timer  starts  when  the  RPL  Owner  receives  an  R-­‐APS  No  Request  
message  from  an  ERPS  node  that  has  just  restored  a  Signal  Failure.    When  this  timer  
expires  the  RPL  owner  blocks  the  RPL  and  sends  an  R-­‐APS  No  Request  message.    When  
the  nodes  that  experienced  the  signal  failure  receive  this  message,  they  unblock  their  
ports  and  the  ring  resumes  normal  Idle  operation.    
Guard  Timer:  R-­‐APS  messages,  like  all  other  frames,  are  not  sent  instantaneously  
around  the  ring.    Therefore,  it  is  possible  that  an  ERPS  node  could  receive  outdated  R-­‐
APS  messages.    The  guard  timer  specifies  the  amount  of  time  a  node  waits  after  
receiving  an  R-­‐APS  before  taking  an  action.    This  timer  should  always  be  greater  than  the  
amount  of  time  it  takes  for  an  R-­‐APS  message  to  traverse  the  entire  ring.      
Periodic  Timer:    The  periodic  timer  is  the  frequency  that  R-­‐APS  messages,  such  as  No  
Request  and  Signal  Failure,  are  re-­‐sent  around  the  ring.  
Hold-­‐off  Timer:    The  hold-­‐off  timer  is  the  amount  of  time  a  node  waits  before  
determining  there  is  a  fault.    In  some  situations  the  device  itself  may  be  able  to  correct  
the  fault  in  a  timely  enough  fashion  that  a  ring  state  change  isn’t  necessary.    In  
ExtremeXOS  the  hold-­‐off  timer  is  set  to  zero  by  default.    Faults  are  reported  to  the  ring  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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2.6 Summary  
ERPS  (G.8032)  is  a  standardized  ring  protection  switching  protocol.    It  is  important  to  
understand  the  concepts,  standard  operational  behavior,  terminology,  and  calibration  of  
the  ERPS’  master  node,  control  messaging  system  and  timers  before  deploying  it.    These  are  
the  key  building  blocks  of  the  solution.  
In  this  brief  overview,  each  ERPS  solution  components  were  outlined  and  key  take  away(s)  
presented  as  follows:      
1) ERPS  Master  node:    Remote  Protection  Link  (RPL)  Owner  
2) ERPS  Control  messaging  system:  the  R-­‐APS  frame  transports  ERPS  control  messages    
3) ERPS  Timers:  multiple  timers  that  can  be  customized  to  improve  performance  and  
influence  ERPS  behavior  during  ring  failure  conditions  
Now  it’s  time  for  a  simple  ERPSv1  deployment  scenario  to  bring  home  the  discussion.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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3. Hardware  Requirements    
Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  is  supported  on  all  ExtremeXOS  hardware  platforms  except  
BlackDiamond  10800  switches,  BlackDiamond  12800  series  switches,  and  BlackDiamond  20800  
series  switches.  
Hardware  equipment  used  in  this  Technology  Guide  are  as  follows:    
• Two  X670-­‐48x  ExtremeXOS  Switches  
• One  E4G-­‐200  ExtremeXOS  Switch  
• One  E4G-­‐400  ExtremeXOS  Switch  
• Ixia  or  other  Traffic  Generator  (for  Validation)  

4. Software  Requirements  
Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  was  introduced  in  to  ExtremeXOS  during  the  15.1  release.      
ExtremeXOS  is  used  in  this  guide.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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5. Network  Topology  
Four  ExtremeXOS-­‐powered  switches  (i.e.  named  respectively:  X670_1,  X670_2,  E4G_200,  and  
E4G_400)  are  connected  and  arranged  in  a  ring  topology.    

Each  of  the  switches  will  be  configured  with  two  VLANs.    Those  VLANs  are  ERPS_C  –  the  ERPS  
control  VLAN,  and  ERPS_P  –  the  ERPS  protected  VLAN.      
ERPS_C  will  be  added  tagged  to  all  ERPS  ring  ports.    ERPS_P  will  be  added  tagged  to  all  ring  
ports  and  untagged  to  port  2  of  X670_2  and  port  1  of  E4G_400.    These  ports  are  connected  to  
an  IXIA  that  will  be  used  in  the  validation  segment.      
The  RPL  and  East  and  West  ring  ports  are  as  specified  in  the  diagram  above.    The  X670s  are  
connected  by  an  8  port  10GbE  link  aggregation  group.    All  other  ports  are  1G.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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6. General  Approach  
1) ExtremeXOS  Configuration  
a) Physical  Setup  &  Assumptions  
i) Cabling  has  been  arranged  as  specified  in  the  network  topology  
ii) All  ports  have  been  deleted  from  the  Default  VLAN  
iii) All  1GbE  ports  on  the  Summit  X670s  have  been  set  correctly  (i.e.  auto  
negotiation,  port  speed,  and  duplex)  and  ports  are  enabled  and  active.  
iv) Port  sharing  has  been  enabled  for  the  link  aggregation  port  group  between  
X670_1  and  X670_2.    
b) X670_1  Configuration  
i) VLAN  Configuration  
ii) ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  
iii) ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  
c) E4G_400  Configuration  
i) VLAN  Configuration  
ii) ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  
iii) ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  
d) E4G_200  Configuration  
i) VLAN  Configuration  
ii) ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  
iii) ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  
e) X670_2  Configuration  
i) VLAN  Configuration  
ii) ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  
iii) ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  
2) Solution  Validation  
a) Traffic  Generator  (IXIA)  Setup  
b) Link  Failure  Simulation  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7. ExtremeXOS  Configuration  
The  ExtremeXOS  ERPSv1  configuration  can  be  broken  down  into  three  major  steps.  
1) VLAN  Configuration  
2) ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  
3) ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  
The  configuration  procedure  for  each  of  the  four  switches  participating  in  the  ERPS  ring  will  be  
provided  in  the  sections  below.    Some  basic  configuration  assumptions  are  made:  
• All  physical  cabling  has  been  arranged  as  specified  in  the  network  topology  
• All  ports  have  been  deleted  from  the  Default  VLAN  
• All  1GbE  ports  on  the  Summit  X670s  have  been  set  correctly  (i.e.  auto  negotiation,  
port  speed,  and  duplex)  and  ports  are  enabled  and  active.  
• Port  sharing  has  been  enabled  for  the  link  aggregation  port  group  between  X670_1  
and  X670_2.    

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.1 670_1  Configuration  

Each  ERPSv1  Ring  has  a  node  that  contains  the  Ring  Protection  Link  (RPL).    (NOTE:  This  
node  is  similar  to  an  EAPS  master  node.)    The  RPL  is  the  link  that  is  blocked  under  
normal  operation.      
In  this  guide  X670_1  contains  the  RPL.    Therefore,  this  switch  will  be  configured  first.  

7.1.1 VLAN  Configuration  

Before  the  ring  can  be  deployed,  the  VLANs  that  are  participating  in  the  ring  must  exist.    
The  G.8032v1  protocol  requires  a  control  VLAN  to  transport  the  ERPS  messages  around  
the  ring.    Along  with  the  control  VLAN,  protected  VLANs  must  be  provisioned  to  carry  
the  user  traffic.      
In  this  example  there  will  only  be  two  VLANs  –  a  control  VLAN  and  a  protected  VLAN.    
Each  VLAN  is  named  ERPS_C  and  ERPS_P  respectively.    
An  explanation  of  basic  VLAN  configuration  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  document.  
However,  the  required  commands  for  X670_1  are  provided  below:  
# ERPS_C VLAN Configuration
create vlan ERPS_C tag 11
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 1, 17 tagged

# ERPS_P VLAN Configuration

create vlan ERPS_P tag 10
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1, 17 tagged

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.1.2 ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  

When  configuring  ERPS,  the  first  step  is  to  create  the  ring  (in  this  example,  Ring1)    
The  ring  is  created  with  the  create erps <Ring Name>  command:  
create erps Ring1

Next,  the  ERPS  control  VLAN  must  be  configured.    This  is  provisioned  by  issuing  the  
command  configure erps <Ring Name> add control vlan <Control
VLAN>  command.    In  this  example  the  control  VLAN  is  ERPS_C:  
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
Now,  all  protected  VLANs  must  be  added  to  the  ring.    This  is  done  via  the  configure
erps <Ring Name> add protected vlan <Protected VLAN>  command.    
In  this  example  there  is  only  one  protected  VLAN  (ERPS_P),  thus  making  the  command:  
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P

Each  ERPS  node  in  a  ring  contains  two  ring  ports.    These  ring  ports  must  be  specified  in  
the  ExtremeXOS  configuration.    The  ERPS  protocol  also  differentiates  the  two  ports  by  
designating  one  port  as  the  “East”  port  and  the  other  as  the  “West”  port.      
To  define  the  East  port  the  command  configure erps <Ring Name> ring-
port east <Port Number>  command  is  used.    In  this  example  the  east  port  on  
X670_1  will  be  defined  as  port  1:  
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 1
To  define  the  west  port,  the command configure erps <Ring Name> ring-
port west <Port Number>  command  is  used.    In  this  example  port  17  will  be  
defined  as  the  west  port:  
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 17

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Next,  since  X670_1  contains  the  Remote  Protection  Link  (RPL),  the  RPL  port  must  be  
configured.    This  is  performed  using  the  configure erps <Ring Name>
protection-port <Port Number>  command.    Port  1  will  be  configured  as  the  
configure erps Ring1 protection-port 1
Finally,  with  the  configuration  of  this  node  completed,  ERPS  must  be  enabled  both  
globally  and  on  Ring1.    The  command  to  enable  ERPS  globally  is  simply  enable erps.    
To  enable  a  specific  ERPS  ring,  the  command  is  enable erps <Ring Name>.    
These  two  commands  should  be  issued  on  the  switch:
enable erps
enable erps Ring1

This  completes  the  basic  ERPS  configuration  on  X670_1.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.1.3 ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  

ERPS  has  many  timers  that  can  be  configured  to  improve/customize  failover  
performance.    In  this  example,  some  of  the  timers  have  been  changed  from  their  default  
values  for  learning  purposes.  
The  first  timer  that  was  changed  was  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer.    Once  a  ring  failure  
condition  has  been  corrected,  this  timer  determines  how  long  to  wait  before  restoring  
the  ring  back  to  its  normal  operation  (RPL  blocked).  Real  world  values  for  this  timer  
depend  on  many  factors.    The  timer  may  be  set  to  a  large  value  to  prevent  frequent  
transitions  in  the  ring.      Alternatively,  it  could  be  set  to  a  short  time  period  because  the  
RPL  link  may  be  a  less  preferential  path  for  traffic  across  the  ring  (lower  bandwidth  etc.)      
By  default,  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  is  set  to  300,000ms  (i.e.  5  minutes).    This  timer  was  
changed  to  5,000ms  (i.e.  5  s)  to  speed  up  the  validation  section  of  this  document.    The  
command  to  set  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  is  configure erps <Ring Name>
timer wait-to-restore <Time in ms>.      
To  set  Ring1  to  a  5,000ms  timer  the  following  command  is  issued:  
configure erps Ring1 timer wait-to-restore 5000

The  periodic  timer  was  also  customized  for  this  demonstration.      The  default  value  for  
this  timer  is  5,000ms  (i.e.  5  s).    The  value  was  changed  to  2,000ms  (i.e.  2s)  to  speed  up  
viewing  of  ERPS  behavior  in  packet  captures.    This  change  was  simply  for  illustrative  
The  command  to  change  this  timer  is  configure erps <Ring Name> timer
periodic <Time in ms>. Using  the  value  of  2,000  makes  the  command:  
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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The  final  timer  that  was  changed  was  the  guard  timer.    The  guard  timer  prevents  nodes  
from  taking  action  on  R-­‐APS  messages  that  may  be  erroneous  or  out  of  date.    The  guard  
timer  should  be  set  just  above  the  maximum  expected  time  required  for  an  R-­‐APS  
message  to  traverse  the  entire  ring.    In  this  example,  it  will  be  set  to  100ms.    The  default  
value  is  500ms.      
To  change  the  guard  timer  the  command  configure erps <Ring Name>
timer guard <Time in ms>  is  used.    Using  the  value  of  100ms  the  command  
entered  on  X670_1  is:  
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
This  completes  X670_1’s  configuration:  VLAN,  ERPS  and  ERPS  timers.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.2 E4G_400  Configuration  

In  this  example,  there  are  two  groups  of  switches  on  the  ERPS  ring:  the  RPL  and  any  
switch  that  is  not  the  RPL.    This  may  not  sound  like  a  lot,  but  it  is  the  difference  between  
the  configuration  for  X670_1  and  the  other  ExtremeXOS  switches.      
Since  the  E4G_400  is  not  a  Root  Protection  Link  Owner,  there  is  no  RPL  port  
configuration.    Additionally,  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  need  not  be  configured  on  non-­‐
RPL  nodes.    All  other  configuration  parameters  are  very  similar.    The  only  other  
exception  being  that  the  E4G_400  uses  different  Ethernet  ports.      
The  E4G_400  configuration  is  captured  below.  

7.2.1 VLAN  Configuration  

Again,  the  ERPS_C  and  ERPS_P  VLANs  must  be  created  and  configured.    Ports  25  and  26  
need  to  be  added  as  tagged  to  both  VLANs.    Port  1  (connected  to  the  IXIA)  should  be  
added  as  untagged  to  ERPS_P.    These  VLAN  configurations  commands  are  provided.  
# ERPS_C VLAN Configuration
create vlan "ERPS_C" tag 11
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 25-26 tagged

# ERPS_P VLAN Configuration

create vlan "ERPS_P" tag 10
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 25-26 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1 untagged  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.2.2 ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  

As  with  the  X670_1,  the  first  step  is  to  create  the  ERPS  Ring.  
create erps Ring1
Next,  the  control  and  protected  VLANs  must  be  added.  
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P
Finally,  the  east  and  west  ring  ports  must  be  set  and  the  ERPS  ring  enabled.    With  an  
ERPS  ring,  a  port  is  set  as  east/west  based  on  the  configuration  of  the  port  it  is  
connected  to  on  the  adjacent  ERPS  node.    If  a  port  is  connected  to  an  east  port  on  the  
adjacent  node,  it  should  be  configured  as  a  west  port  and  vice  versa.    E4G_400  is  
connected  to  X670_1  port  1  via  port  25.    Since  X670_1  port  1  is  an  east  port,  port  25  of  
E4G_400  should  be  a  west  port.    That  makes  port  26  the  east  port.      
The  configuration  is  as  follows:  
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 26
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 25
enable erps
enable erps Ring1

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.2.3 ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  

On  E4G_400,  the  periodic  and  guard  timers  need  to  be  configured  the  same  as  X670_1.    
(again,  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  is  only  used  by  the  RPL  owner).    Since  the  guard  timer  
is  based  off  of  the  time  required  for  an  R-­‐APS  packet  to  traverse  the  ring,  it  should  be  
the  same  value  on  all  nodes.      
As  with  X670_1  the  guard  timer  will  be  set  to  100ms.    The  periodic  timer  was  changed  
on  X670_1  to  speed  up  the  time  between  R-­‐APS  messages.    The  same  will  be  done  on  
E4G_400  so  that  signal  failure  messages  are  seen  more  frequently.  
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
This  completes  the  E4G_400  ERPS  configuration.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.3 E4G_200  Configuration  

The  E4G_200  configuration  procedure  is  nearly  identical  to  the  E4G_400  configuration.    
Only  the  port  numbers  and  east/west  ring  port  configuration  change.    For  E4G_200  the  
ring  ports  are  11  and  12.    Since  Port  12  is  connected  to  port  26  of  E4G_400  (east  port),  it  
will  be  configured  as  a  west  port.    Port  11  will  be  an  east  port.      
The  E4G_200  commands  are  listed  below.  

7.3.1 VLAN  Configuration  

# ERPS_C VLAN Configuration

create vlan "ERPS_C" tag 11
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 11-12 tagged

# ERPS_P VLAN Configuration

create vlan "ERPS_P" tag 10
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 11-12 tagged

7.3.2 ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  

create erps Ring1

configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 11
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 12
enable erps
enable erps Ring1

7.3.3 ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  

configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100

configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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7.4 X670_2  Configuration  

The  X670_2  configuration  procedure  is  also  very  similar  to  the  E4G_400  setup.    Only  the  
port  numbers  and  east/west  ring  port  configuration  change.      
For  X670_2,  the  ring  ports  are  1  and  17.    Since  port  1  is  connected  to  port  11  of  E4G_200  
(east  port),    it  will  be  configured  as  a  west  port.    Port  17  will  be  an  east  port.      
The  E4G_200  commands  are  listed  below.    Additionally,  an  IXIA  is  connected  to  port  2  
and  will  be  added  as  untagged  to  ERPS_P.  

7.4.1 VLAN  Configuration  

# ERPS_C VLAN Configuration

create vlan "ERPS_C" tag 11
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 1,17 tagged

# ERPS_P VLAN Configuration

create vlan "ERPS_P" tag 10
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1,17 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 2 untagged

7.4.2 ERPS  Configuration  (Ring  Port  &  Control/Protected  VLAN  designation)  

create erps Ring1

configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 17
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 1
enable erps
enable erps Ring1

7.4.3 ERPS  Ring  Timers  Configuration  

configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100

configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
This  completes  the  ERPS  ring  configuration.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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8. Solution  Validation  
Once  deployed,  the  ERPS  protocol  can  easily  go  unnoticed  –  running  in  the  background,  
seemingly  doing  very  little.    It’s  when  disaster  strikes  (link  failure  occurs)  that  the  value  of  an  
ERPS  solution  can  truly  be  illustrated.      
To  validate  this  ERPSv1  setup,  a  link  failure  and  restoration  will  be  simulated.    As  a  result,  the  
ERPS  solution  will  transition  from  an  Idle  state  to  Protected  to  Pending  and  back  again  to  Idle.    
An  IXIA  traffic  generator  will  be  used  to  send  a  constant  flow  of  traffic  across  the  ring  and  
measure  the  packet  loss  during  both  the  link  failure  and  restoration.      
During  this  process,  a  series  of  show  commands  will  also  be  issued  on  the  ring  nodes  to  assess  
the  status  of  the  ERPS  ring  during  the  test.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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8.1 IXIA  Setup  

The  two  IXIA  ports  are  configured  and  connected  to  the  network.      

Port   4:3   has   an   IxNetwork   protocol   interface   configured   with   MAC   address  
00:00:C0:04:03:02  and  IP  address      
Port   4:10   has   an   IxNetwork   protocol   interface   configured   with   MAC   address  
00:00:C0:04:0A:02  and  IP  address      
The  two  ports  have  been  configured  to  send  a  1,000  packet-­‐per-­‐second  stream  to  the  IP  
address  of  the  other  port.    They  have  also  been  configured  in  the  IXIA  as  a  port  statistics  
group.     The   port   statistics   group   will   allow   transmit   and   receive   traffic   statistics   for   both  
ports  to  be  viewed  side-­‐by-­‐side.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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8.2 Link  Failure  Simulation  

Once  the  IXIA  ports  are  transmitting  1,000  pkt/s  streams,  the  link  failure  test  can  begin.      
To  simulate  a  link  failure,  the  connection  between  X670_2  an  E4G_200  will  be  physically  
disconnected,  preceded  by  the  operational  status  validation  of  the  ERPS  ring  using  a  
series  of  show  commands  on  X670_1  (RPL  Owner),  starting  with  the  show erps  
X670_1.2 # show erps

ERPS Enabled: Yes

ERPS Display Config Warnings: On
ERPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
ERPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of ERPS instances: 1
# ERPS ring configuration :
Ring State Type East West Control-Vlan VID
Ring1 Idle R r +1 17 ERPS_C (11 )
where State: Init/Idle/Protection/Manual-Switch/Force-Switch/Pending
Type: (I) Interconnected node, (N) RPL Neighbor,
(R) RPL Owner, (X) Ring node
Flags: (n) Non-revertive, (r) Revertive,
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
From  this  output  it  can  be  seen  that  the  ERPS  ring  is  enabled  (as  expected)  and  is  in  the  
Idle  state.    Also,  the  “R”  flag  in  the  type  field  indicates  this  node  is  the  RPL  Owner  and  
the  “+”  symbol  beside  port  1  indicates  the  RPL  port.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Next,  the  show erps “Ring1”  command  is  issued  to  gather  some  additional  details  
about  this  specific  ring:  
X670_1.3 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Idle Node Type: RPL Owner, Revertive
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : +1 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Blocked

West Ring Port : 17 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
The  ring  state  (Idle)  is  again  seen  in  this  output.  More  importantly,  this  command  lists  
the  status  of  each  of  the  ERPS  ring  ports.    Since  the  ring  is  in  the  Idle  state,  port  1  (RPL)  
is  blocked  and  port  17  is  unblocked.    The  ERPS  timers  can  also  be  validated  from  this  
command.    All  are  as  configured.      
(Note:  The  WTB  timer  or  wait-­‐to-­‐block  timer  is  an  ERPSv2  feature  and  can  be  
disregarded  for  the  purposes  of  this  setup.)  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Next,  the  show erps “Ring1” statistics  command  is  issued  to  obtain  ring  
specific  statistics:  
(Note:  counters  were  recently  cleared  to  remove  any  confusion  on  the  statistics  
based  on  previous  ERPS  transitions.)  
X670_1.7 # show erps "Ring1" statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
1 9 9 0 0 0 0 0
17 9 9 0 0 0 0 0
For  the  purposes  of  this  test,  the  key  statistics  to  observe  are  the  Blocked/Unblocked  
and  Failed/Recovered  counters.    Currently,  they  are  at  0.    These  counters  should  
increment  after  the  link  failure.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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As  expected,  the  ERPS  ring  is  operational  in  the  Idle  state  with  no  current  link  failures.    
The  IXIA  port  statistics  group  counters  are  now  cleared:  

With  the  counters  cleared,  the  link  between  X670_2  and  E4G_200  is  physically  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Shortly  after  disconnecting  the  link  the  port  statistics  are  viewed  again:  

The  key  in  this  test  is  to  compare  the  frames  transmitted  by  one  IXIA  port  with  the  
frames  received  by  the  other  IXIA  port.    Port  4:3  sent  89,971  frames  and  4:10  received  
89,926  frames  for  a  difference  of  45  frames.    Port  4:10  sent  89,965  frames  and  4:3  
received  89,940  frames  for  a  difference  of  25  frames.    From  these  results  it  can  be  
inferred  that  the  ERPS  failover  occurred  in  the  time  it  took  IXIA  port  4:3  to  send  25  
frames  and  IXIA  port  4:10  to  send  45  frames.    Not  too  bad!      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Now,  the  status  of  the  ERPS  ring  must  be  verified  from  a  network  perspective  starting  
with  the  show erps  command  on  X670_1:  
X670_1.7 # show erps

ERPS Enabled: Yes

ERPS Display Config Warnings: On
ERPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
ERPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of ERPS instances: 1
# ERPS ring configuration :
Ring State Type East West Control-Vlan VID
Ring1 Protection R r +1 17 ERPS_C (11 )
where State: Init/Idle/Protection/Manual-Switch/Force-Switch/Pending
Type: (I) Interconnected node, (N) RPL Neighbor,
(R) RPL Owner, (X) Ring node
Flags: (n) Non-revertive, (r) Revertive,
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
As  expected,  this  command  indicates  the  ring  has  transitioned  to  the  Protection  state.    
When  in  the  Protection  state  the  RPL  should  be  unblocked.      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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This  is  verified  by  issuing  the  show erps “ring1”  command:  
X670_1.8 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Protection Node Type: RPL Owner, Revertive
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : +1 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

West Ring Port : 17 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
The  command  output  indicates  that  the  port  is  unblocked.    The  show erps
“Ring1” statistics  command  should  also  indicate  that  port  1  has  been  
unblocked  once.  
X670_1.9 # show erps “Ring1” statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
1 714 1174 0 0 1 0 0
17 714 1174 0 0 0 0 0

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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When  a  link  failure  is  detected  by  ERPS,  the  nodes  identifying  the  failure  block  their  
ports  to  prevent  a  potential  loop  when  the  RPL  is  unblocked.  Since  the  link  between  
X670_2  and  E4G_200  has  failed  each  of  their  ports  should  be  blocked  by  ERPS.      
The  show erps “Ring1” command  is  now  issued  on  both  switches  to  validate  this  
E4G_200.6 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Protection Node Type: Non-RPL Owner
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : 11 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Blocked

West Ring Port : 12 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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X670_2.1 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Protection Node Type: Non-RPL Owner
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : 17 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

West Ring Port : 1 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Blocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
Both  E4G_400  and  X670_2  will  also  indicate  a  port  failure  and  port  block  in  the  show
erps “Ring1” statistics  command.  
X670_2.9 # show erps “Ring1” statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
11 717 1177 0 1 0 1 0
12 717 1177 0 0 0 0 0
E4G_200.10 # show erps “Ring1” statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
17 735 1185 0 0 0 0 0
1 735 1185 0 1 0 1 0

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Conclusion?  The  ERPS  ring  has  successfully  entered  the  protection  state.  
The  physical  link  is  now  reconnected.    Remember,  that  the  wait-­‐to-­‐restore  timer  is  set  
to  5  seconds.    This  means  that  after  the  link  is  restored,  the  ERPS  ring  will  wait  5  seconds  
before  reverting  back  to  Idle  state.    During  this  5  second  period,  the  ring  will  be  in  the  
Pending  state.    This  is  validated  with  the  show erps  command  on  X670_1.  
X670_1.11 # show erps

ERPS Enabled: Yes

ERPS Display Config Warnings: On
ERPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
ERPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of ERPS instances: 1
# ERPS ring configuration :
Ring State Type East West Control-Vlan VID
Ring1 Pending R r +1 17 ERPS_C (11 )
where State: Init/Idle/Protection/Manual-Switch/Force-Switch/Pending
Type: (I) Interconnected node, (N) RPL Neighbor,
(R) RPL Owner, (X) Ring node
Flags: (n) Non-revertive, (r) Revertive,
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
As  seen  above,  the  ring  is  in  Pending  state.      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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After  a  5  second  wait  time,  the  show erps  command  is  issued  again.  
X670_1.11 # show erps

ERPS Enabled: Yes

ERPS Display Config Warnings: On
ERPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
ERPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
ERPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of ERPS instances: 1
# ERPS ring configuration :
Ring State Type East West Control-Vlan VID
Ring1 Idle R r +1 17 ERPS_C (11 )
where State: Init/Idle/Protection/Manual-Switch/Force-Switch/Pending
Type: (I) Interconnected node, (N) RPL Neighbor,
(R) RPL Owner, (X) Ring node
Flags: (n) Non-revertive, (r) Revertive,
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port  
The  state  has  now  reverted  back  to  Idle.      

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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The  RPL  port  should  now  be  blocked:  

X670_1.11 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Idle Node Type: RPL Owner, Revertive
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : +1 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Blocked

West Ring Port : 17 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
ERPS Ring's Protected Vlan(s): Unassigned
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port
Also,  the  ring  statistics  Blocked  counter  for  port  1  should  have  incremented.    The  RPL  
Owner  did  not  experience  any  link  failures  so  the  Failed  and  Recovered  counters  should  
still  be  zero:  
X670_1.12 # show erps "Ring1" statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
1 790 1523 0 1 1 0 0
17 792 1524 0 0 0 0 0

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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With  the  ring  restored  to  Idle  state,  X670_2  and  E4G_200  should  have  unblocked  the  
previously  failed  ports:  
X670_2.2 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Idle Node Type: Non-RPL Owner
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : 17 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

West Ring Port : 1 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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E4G_200.8 # show erps "Ring1"

Name: Ring1
Operational State: Idle Node Type: Non-RPL Owner
Configured State : Enabled

East Ring Port : 11 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

West Ring Port : 12 MepId: 0 Remote MepId: 0 Status: Unblocked

Periodic timer interval: 2000 millisec (Enabled)

Hold-off timer interval: 0 millisec (Enabled)
Guard timer interval : 100 millisec (Enabled)
WTB timer interval : 5500 millisec (Enabled)
WTR timer interval : 5000 millisec (Enabled)

Ring MD Level : ----

CCM Interval East : 1000 millisec
CCM Interval West : 1000 millisec
Notify Topology Change : -------
Subring Mode : Virtual Channel

ERPS Control Vlan: ERPS_C VID:11

Topology Change Propogation List: None
Topology Change Propogation : Disabled
ERPS Ring's Sub-Ring(s): None
ERPS Ring has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name VID
Number of Protected Vlans: 1
(+) RPL Protection Port, (^) RPL Neighbor Port
(f) Force Switch Port, (m) Manual Switch Port

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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Both  inputs  indicate  that  the  ports  were  correctly  unblocked.    The  Unblocked  and  
Recovered  counters  on  the  two  recovered  ports  should  have  also  incremented:  
670_2.2 # show erps "Ring1" statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
17 2952 165915 0 0 0 0 0
1 2954 162915 0 1 1 1 1

E4G_200.8 # show erps "Ring1" statistics
Port Sent Received Discarded Blocked Unblocked Failed Recovered
11 2941 163003 0 1 1 1 1
12 2943 165852 0 0 0 0 0

This  ERPS  ring  has  now  been  validated.    The  ring  correctly  responded  to  the  link  failure  
and  subsequent  link  restoration.    In  the  process,  it  transitioned  correctly  from  the  Idle  
state  to  Protection,  then  to  Pending,  and  finally  back  to  Idle,  while  blocking  and  
unblocking  ports  according  to  the  ERPSv1  standard.    Additionally,  all  these  actions  
occurred  with  minimal  packet  loss  and  downtime  to  the  network.  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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9. Summary  
This  technology  guide  provides  the  reader  a  concise  overview  of  the  Ethernet  Ring  Protection  
Standard  (G.8032)  and  illustrates  its  value  in  a  simple  ERPSv1  deployment  example  using  
supported  ExtremeXOS  switches.  
The  goal  of  the  ERPS  protocol  is  to  establish  an  Ethernet  ring  topology  that  provides  both  
redundancy  and  fast  failover  times  in  the  event  of  a  ring  failure.    Since  ERPS  is  an  industry  
standard  protocol,  it  is  a  good  solution  for  multi-­‐vendor  environments.    This  enhances  the  
flexibility  of  the  ExtremeXOS  platform,  allowing  Extreme  Networks  hardware  to  interoperate  
with  other  vendors  in  Ethernet  ring  topologies.  
Make  your  network  mobile  with  Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  and  the  ExtremeXOS  

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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©  2012  Extreme  Networks,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  

10. References  
ExtremeXOS  15.2  Concepts  Guide  
ITU-­‐T  G.8032:  Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching­‐REC-­‐G.8032/en  



Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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©  2012  Extreme  Networks,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  

11. Appendix  A:  Switch  Configurations  

11.1 X670_1  
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "X670_1"

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-48
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-48
configure vlan default delete ports 1-48
create vlan "ERPS_C"
configure vlan ERPS_C tag 11
create vlan "ERPS_P"
configure vlan ERPS_P tag 10
configure ports 1 auto on speed 1000
enable sharing 17 grouping 17-24 algorithm address-based L2
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 1, 17 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1, 17 tagged

# Module erps configuration.
enable erps
create erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 1
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 17
configure erps Ring1 protection-port 1
configure erps Ring1 timer wait-to-restore 5000
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
enable erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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11.2 E4G_400  
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "E4G_400"

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-34
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-34
configure vlan default delete ports 1-34
create vlan "ERPS_C"
configure vlan ERPS_C tag 11
create vlan "ERPS_P"
configure vlan ERPS_P tag 10
configure ports 1 auto on duplex full
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 25-26 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 25-26 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1 untagged

# Module erps configuration.
enable erps
create erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 26
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 25
configure erps Ring1 timer wait-to-restore 5000
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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11.3 E4G_200  
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "E4G_200"

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1-12
create vlan "ERPS_C"
configure vlan ERPS_C tag 11
create vlan "ERPS_P"
configure vlan ERPS_P tag 10
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 11-12 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 11-12 tagged

# Module erps configuration.
enable erps
create erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 11
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 12
configure erps Ring1 timer wait-to-restore 5000
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
enable erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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11.4 X670_2  
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "X670_2"

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-48
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-48
configure vlan default delete ports 1-48
create vlan "ERPS_C"
configure vlan ERPS_C tag 11
create vlan "ERPS_P"
configure vlan ERPS_P tag 10
configure ports 1 auto on speed 1000
enable sharing 17 grouping 17-24 algorithm address-based L2
configure vlan ERPS_C add ports 1, 17 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 1, 17 tagged
configure vlan ERPS_P add ports 2 untagged

# Module erps configuration.
enable erps
create erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add control vlan ERPS_C
configure erps Ring1 ring-port east 17
configure erps Ring1 ring-port west 1
configure erps Ring1 timer wait-to-restore 5000
configure erps Ring1 timer periodic 2000
configure erps Ring1 timer guard 100
enable erps Ring1
configure erps Ring1 add protected vlan ERPS_P

Author:  Chad  Smith   Ethernet  Ring  Protection  Switching  version  1    

  (G.8032v1)  with  ExtremeXOS  
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©  2012  Extreme  Networks,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  

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