Shira Sobol Lecture 1

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Name: Shira Sobol 

Date: September 1, 2017 

Class: 8th Grade - US History 

Main Idea:​ ​Describe the relationship between the moral and political ideas of the
Great Awakening and the development of revolutionary fervor.
Topic Student Notes

- The Great Awakening was a shift of ideas between 

collectiveness (work together as a group under 
one ruler like a king) to individualism (meaning “I 
rule my own government”) 
- Religion started the shift, and preachers were the 
ones that influenced the emphasis on 
individualism and why people should follow it. 
They would also talk about God seeing everyone as 
- The Great Awakening was happening in the 1700s, 
The Great  more specifically 1730s when preachers traveled 
Awakening - Morals  through the 13 colonies delivering their message. 
- Jonathan Edward and George Whitefield were key 
preachers that influenced the religion and moral 
type base, to impact people to go to church 
- Before this was happening people viewed their 
King as god like, whereas after the Great 
Awakening everyone believed that now everyone 
is seen by god as equals 
- People were wondering if it would influence 
political government, if you were a peasant and 
were talking to higher royalty, which it did.  

- Started amongst religious groups, the first being 

presbyterians in the northern 13 colonies 
The Great  - The difference between this religion and other 
Awakening -   religions was that you could study religious texts 
Political Ideas  on your own cause you're equal to a preacher as 
your equal to a king 
- The founding of academic institutions started to 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

flourish in New England, and this was because of 

the Great Awakening 
- Experience to all Americans, that they were equals 
- Had a sense of community, and the way 
Americans view the great awakening, which 
started the American Identity 
- Traditionalists that wanted a top down hierarchy 
had a step done, and insisted on their way of life 
which was different than the revivalists and their 
way of life 
- The movement led to an opening within American 
Protestantism between traditionalists who 
insisted on ritual and doctrine and the new 
revivalists who stressed an intensely passionate 
commitment to religion 

- People instead of relying on a priest, started 

studying by themselves and read the bible at home 
for a use of studying.  
- People had a personal religious connection that 
they adapted 
- All men can be saved, not only do you have to pay 
Revolutionary  money to a priest and then you would be 
Fervor  redeemed.  
- If you have a personal connection to god, anyone 
can be saved 
- The value of a person wasn’t by their social 
hierarchy, it wasn’t about if you were a king, it 
was about your morals as a person.  
- Connected to the American Revolution  

- The Great Awakening had to do with science and 

- Enlightenment also an idea that anyone can be a 
scientist, or a great writer, or a historian 
- And these two movements were key and 
influential to the foundations of America and it’s 
“New World” 
Revolutionary Ideas 
- Impacted politically 
- It was more than just government, but it was 
about how you would connect with others  
- Political and Social impacted America's identity 
- The great awakening led to the american 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

1. People were allowed to have their own ideas that 

led to revolutionary ideas. For example I can think 
for myself, but these people had their own 
individual rights and were able to say if the king 
was wrong and wouldn't get their head chopped 
off. This, and the declaration of independence 
were revolutionary.  
2. Equality: It didn’t matter if you were a king, or a 
peasant, they’re all equal. The Great Awakening 
and the Enlightenment, lead to the equality, 
How do the ideals of 
which lead to the Revolution. Everyone can have 
the Great 
their own ideas, and everyone's will be valid.  
Awakening and the 
3. The Great Awakening allowed people to have 
Revolution relate to 
broader ideas that led to the American Revolution. 
each other?  
Thinking from religion, to politics, and apply one 
thing to the other.  
4. Be anything you wanted to be. This allowed 
equality of idea, and applying those ideas to 
politics. People were able to make the change 
themselves. It was the peasant could become the 
Revolution - making yourself independent from the government 
Great Awakening was just religion, whether as the Enlightenment was more as 
only about science.  
The Great Awakening and Enlightenment gave people the idea to be 
independent, equal, and to be anything they wanted to be. 
Now you can raise the fluidity of your title based on your own ideas. Meaning 
that you can go from being a peasant to working your way up with your own 
personal ideas.  
Many of the founding fathers were religious but there religious practice was the 
idea of hard work and that was the change of culture.  
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