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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Name: Julia Jeck 

Date: 9-7-17 

Class: 8th Grade - US History 

Slides and Notes
Topic Student Notes

The Declaration of Independence 

Unit 1: Lesson 2 

Analyze the philosophy of government expressed in the 

Main Idea  Declaration of Independence​, with an emphasis on 
government as a means of securing individual rights.  

From 1774 to 1779 americans formed the continental 

congress some of them don't even know the king and he 
was telling them what to do, they were not happy.the 
Background  congress served as the government of the thirteen 
Information  colonies which later became the us. This was formed as 
means of fighting back it was resistance. The first 
continental which was composed as delegates from the 
colonies, met in 1774 in reaction to the new british taxes. 

In 1775 the second continental congress formed after the 

revolution had already begun. June 1776 the second 
The Second continental congress went further, this took a huge step 
Continental in american independence from britain. 
Congress This was the declaration of independence and it was 
written by john adams benjamin franklin and thomas 

five years later they realized that the congress wasn’t 

enough they were all fighting. They then wrote a new 
Then what? 
constitution called the articles of confederation, in 1789 
it was then replaced by the constitution we have today 

The declaration of independence formally announced 

What is important  the colonies break from great britain.  
to remember?  On july 4, 1776 the second continental signed and 
approved the declaration of independance this act 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

broke all ties to the British crown. The USA was born. 

Declaration of equal , unalienable, government's, life happiness, 

Independence consent, men, destructive, abolish, new, safety 

Locke was a philosopher and they said that it is okay for 

them to be punished, but only if they do something 
Philosophy of 
-based on the consent of people 
-protect peoples natural rights 
-government should be changed or replaced if they 
become unfair 

Thought than humans are actually evil he thought that 

Wait! What about  everyone wanted to write a contract to be nice 
Thomas Hobbes  montesquieu and rousseau unalienable rights. Life 
liberty and happiness.  

Key Points of the 

Mostly refers the white men. Government official have a 
Declaration of
duty to protect others.  

Key Points of the 

Declaration of  

Jefferson argued 
Right to live freedom and happiness 

King george the third had violated the colonists rights 

property was argued over because britsh soldier would 
Jefferson also  kick colonist out of their homes, and unfair taxes the 
argued that…   colonies have a right to break away from britain because 
they were breaking the contract, they thought that it 
was their obligation.  

And, finally, 
Jefferson argued   

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