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System Stations Grade 11 Biology, University Prep, SBI3U

Lesson 3 November 30 & December 1, 2017

Curriculum Expectations

E2. investigate, through laboratory inquiry or computer Learning Goals

simulation, the functional responses of the respiratory and Today we will reinforce...
circulatory systems of animals, and the relationships between ● The fundamental features of
their respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems the circulatory system
● How to identify and label a
E2.1 use appropriate terminology related to animal
diagram of the circulatory
E2.3 use medical equipment to monitor the functional ● The phases of the cardiac
responses of the respiratory and circulatory systems cycle
to external stimuli ● What controls the human
E3. demonstrate an understanding of animal anatomy and heart beat
physiology, and describe disorders of the respiratory, ● How heart beats, heart rate,
circulatory, and digestive systems and blood pressure are
E3.3 explain the anatomy of the circulatory system
and its function in transporting substances that are Success Criteria
vital to health I can...
● Describe the fundamental
features of the circulatory
● Identify and label the basic
structures in the circulatory
● Describe the two basic
phases of the cardiac cycle
● Identify and explain the
electrical impulses that cause
the human heart beat
● Identify which tools are used
to measure human heart
beats, heart rate, and blood
● Measure my own heart rate
and blood pressure

Instructional Components and Context

Terminology Materials
Diastole PowerPoint & SmartBoard
Systole Google Forms
Sinoatrial and Atrioventricular Nodes Stethoscopes
Electrocardiograph Spygmomanometers
Sphygmomanometer Large Heart Model
Human Anatomy Model
Human Blood Microviewer Set
Artery, Vein & Capillary Microscope
I Will Fix Your Heart Article
Station Signs & Instructions

Circulatory System Stations Grade 11 Biology, University Prep,

SBI3U Lesson 3
November 30 & December 1, 2017

What Teachers Do: What Students Do:

Minds On: Motivational Hook/Engagement/Introduction (5-15 min)

Time: 5 minutes

Current Events:

Action: During/Working on It (15-40 min)

Action: 5 minutes, 20-25 minutes a station

Introduction to Stations Stations:
● 4 stations - 24 students ~ 6 students a Students will bring around their notebooks and
group (however 2 students already record all relevant information at each station.
mentioned they will be away) One member of the group is responsible to
● Every individual will be instructed to submit responses on behalf of the group.
record their own information in their
notes. However, one person from each
group will be responsible to record the
collective information in the class Google
Form [link --
● Sphygmomanometer overview
● How to use microviewers
● Muscle Man’s number scheme - reminder
to reset for the next group

Station 1: Monitoring Your Heart
- Blood Pressure & Heart Rate - how does
your body react to stimulus?

Station 2: Blood & Its Path
- Microviewers & Microscopes - blood and
blood vessels

Station 3: Heart in Your Hands
- Using models to describe structure and
function of circulatory system

Station 4: Changing Technology
- Article about the first recorded heart
surgery. Mini-research question on one
medical imaging technology used to
diagnose/treat issues in the heart

Consolidation & Connection (5-15 min)

Time: 5-10 minutes [day 2]

Consolidation Consolidation
3-2-1 → 3 things student learned from the lesson,
2 things they found interesting and would like to
know more about, and 1 question they still have
about the material

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