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ee ae = _ a= {ews Palner Schoo Distt 28,146 Jlferson Siret, Nonument Goirado, ISB Seite ri9-488-4700 SCTION feTYPE OF MEETING === "=o SECTION 2 MMPORTANE DATES hail, Indvdvslced Education Proasam [sto Nex gts mortg (on rtlon) ~~ TARO [etsy stesea | Pj? ino EP ron neting ona) 2730078 [rertenataion | fipomat Rasen [toi Comer or ekaten ozo [rectal evolution []imeortinant io EP Dated: [Date of intist Evahustion Completed e201 er tet ity Doonan azo Onl tet Cost ann: | LP" ee frecceae! amie [oncom ntceay SECTION ST STUDENT AR FAIRLY RFORRIATION’ rade: 2. 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CE-SLP, Spooch Languago Pathologist Lic Berean, OTR; MSINPE: BCP; Occupational Thrspit Davey Warren MPT; Phil Thoapist ‘Stacwy Poa RRL MS, Sehco Nore Const ‘By sing, parent egress fra signed partes above f ben altondanco athe IEP moating. 18.3413 PM 2 ‘Balai Aenisverao TEP (Grc-Agots) nnn a er a ed ne Fectesw Laine —— Sasso imagen Ties = SECTIONS: PRESENT LEVEL OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AUD FINICTIONAL = -ERFORMANCE INCLUDING WEUT FROM PARENT AND STODENT Z aon Siengiho, Preferences, rests i etree doen eduratonalevopal ten, ores seas, sirica perenne, end pesonl aos? 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S| OCUPATIONAL THERAPY 2017-18: teen sen Pre mary ram ow of sonatt OT snes, Conuton wih is fan, homebound teacher athe eam Rasen engage do rect oce wooly Saba OF ses = - oe ed mess dong 4nd perc nt a omega Yad gy wan wig twas bere one to a rata eee ate ies sh eD ed rn ae era cere ho se as sts a fa tn Sipser itoa gift TAM ad he aa gray Weed eo er oon arden Bt i at eds torre scooping wt asm He mes cosets tO? ‘hed hence pic Semmes i rand age et en rey ho crane Tat Ce Hot 7 emperor eto ec cee ert ee ate an crt on unr to ag nate Cg a a tina Meester serene ete tongs ue, ta antnat cea Pei een rte at es Te a a pei 1 as tent crt xn rT foe cn ay Se aa ie silos paren rr i tc a Norse ge Eieeihs taste tana cca We ini reser abso, Sof phen he capes sucha al hte io dae eae oat ea lope tees He has mover bee ai oa Set anything. nan he hac na aaa ate etc nos haa sees ea ee {9 sequace Sptiires abot 15 tims He srg to mats oS exuangeconarsach, ond oxjonen ts sibel Sate ces Seo 253m ‘Odom Achiovenent ep (Grk-Age13) Cd = > aire 2713/2018 iss lane ——" Uae fess —— Sanguine Deer Te i ‘ata tae vit 1912018 Bus alt soqence 3 Rams 2p setae ashing harping eying shows) wth 25 rept i och st Dury tte prt syel cant obol cxchangea wih be rat howe: here inal t cee carton Ope Snare seed wah he rape acinar ke ple pence eh Thad sete onat cs cin rem gue caer ac Seale Siar agen as Mera Gar ee Sara en apie Men eccrine ge ee as nb moe Guess coins wn oss refine ea octoese te pge cin |unatona! communication tasks t beter eapress his wants, needs and vas on & dally basis eases 2018 Sree Fetes - ig show at of ses ait 0 suse paricbate peared and non proeed take when he sty ict iat igen van nd whey ue sto fawn poge ame acho arg ae). has ose ‘Hendnth pura an sre oar and bo pate ciao Fs ohn doar earn lve enetonment rom Mo anne ste ar cada poses. 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