Caroline Robbins - Discussion Web Articles of Confederation Nicoll

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Unit 2, Lesson 2 8th Grade U.S. History 
The Articles of Confederation
Name: Caroline Robbins Date: 10/3/17
Discussion and Debate Prep

Did the newly independent America create the type of government it was looking for with the 
Articles of Confederation​?   

Points For: Points Against:

1. + It provided an overall form of 
government which was needed in 
1. - The US government did not want a 
America at the time   
repeat of King George III and unfair 
2. + “On the first Monday in November, in 
taxation. So, the government did not 
every year, with a power reserved to each 
demand any of the states to pay taxes. 
state to recall its delegates, or any of 
They simply “requested” money from 
them, at any time within the year, and to 
the states, which was not an effective 
send others in their stead for the rest of 
way to make money.  
the year”. States not only had the power 
2. - The states were allowed to attack and 
to appoint delegates/representatives, 
declare war without approval from the 
they also had the power to recall them 
government if they were attacked first.  
and replace them at any point of the year 
3. - Despite the Articles of Confederation, 
if they seemed to be making unjust 
the 13 states still remained 
independent and there was little 
3. + The states were ​not ​allowed to declare 
unification. Example: many states had 
war against any other state or country 
different forms of currency  
without government approval 
4. - There was no way to enforce the 
4. + A state cannot gather an army for 
state's paying equally for the cost of 
anything other than defense which 
makes for a safer relationship between 
the states  


Yes or No? (And Why.) 

No. Although there are pros and cons to the Articles of Confederation, the cons definitely 
outway the pros. The Articles of Confederation were weak, and either needed to be strengthened 
or totally changed.  

D. Nicoll  2017 Adapted from A. Niese 

Unit 2, Lesson 2 8th Grade U.S. History 

D. Nicoll  2017 Adapted from A. Niese 

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