MLG189 GibbsCAMPostProcessingSolutions 120915 PDF

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GibbsCAM Post Processing Solutions

A Post Processor (post) is required to create the NC code needed to run your machine. The post converts a 3D Systems
GibbsCAM .vnc (GibbsCAM part program) file into the format required for your specific machine-control combination.
You have four options for implementing a machine-specific post for GibbsCAM, each with benefits and
limitations you should review to ensure the best selection for your specific needs.
1. Purchase a GibbsCAM Post Processor.
2. Create your own post using PostHASTE for GibbsCAM.
3. Purchase the GibbsCAM APT-CL output option to use a third-party post.
4. Purchase the GibbsCAM DMG MORI APT-CL Output Option for your DMG MORI, and use the machine
simulation software and post processors that DMG MORI provides you.
5. Third party post processor solutions are also available. Contact your Reseller for more information.
Note: Although integrated with GibbsCAM, these options do not work with each other. For example, a GibbsCAM
Post developed with the GibbsCAM Post Development Tool cannot be edited with the PostHASTE software, and
vice versa.


GibbsCAM Posts are optimized to provide the most complete and efficient CNC output. They are the best choice for
GibbsCAM users who prefer optimized output. GibbsCAM has a library of thousands of GibbsCAM Posts, for different
types of machines and coding styles, which support nested subroutines, canned cycles, multi-part fixtures, and
many other advanced capabilities. They ensure the G-code is the most efficient output for a specific machine-control
combination, so that what you see in GibbsCAM is what is cut at the machine.
GibbsCAM Posts are created with the GibbsCAM Post Development Tool by qualified GibbsCAM Post
developers, typically 3D Systems (formerly Gibbs and Associates) or GibbsCAM Reseller employees with extensive
training and expertise. Customers with extensive posting requirements who are willing to invest time in creating
their own posts can license the GibbsCAM Post Development Tool and take the required training class to develop
and maintain their own GibbsCAM Posts.

Acquiring a GibbsCAM Post

There are three different types of GibbsCAM Posts: Library Posts, Custom Posts, and MTM/UKM Posts.
Library posts are those previously built to the specifications of an existing customer. GibbsCAM has over 11,000
Library Posts available for purchase as is. GibbsCAM Library Posts are available for 2-axis lathes, 3-axis mills, plus
mill-turn, rotary milling, and advanced milling with 4- and 5-axis rotary positioning.

GibbsCAM Library Posts: The Standard Process

1. When you purchase a Library Post, you fill out the post order form with the CNC control make and model and the
machine make and model.
2. GibbsCAM provides one or several existing Library Posts that fit this description.
3. You create one or more sample part programs in GibbsCAM–you may use parts in the tutorial–and post
process them using each of the provided posts. You select the single Library Post you prefer, and discard the rest.


Custom Posts are built to your specifications, either as entirely new posts or as modifications to Library Posts. They
are available to support all GibbsCAM CNC programming options, including the Renishaw Productivity+ module for
probing routines. GibbsCAM Custom Posts are guaranteed to generate edit-free code, requiring no manual editing
to correct poor quality output, although users sometimes choose to edit G-code for other reasons. Customization is
billed at an hourly rate, with a not-to-exceed price, based on the supported GibbsCAM options. Custom Posts can be
upgraded with additional options at any time. The GibbsCAM Post Department can provide quotes for typical
customizations and standard upgrades.

GibbsCAM Custom Posts: Addressing Your Specific Needs

If a satisfactory GibbsCAM Library Post cannot be found, or you require modifications to a Library Post, you need a
GibbsCAM Custom Post, which you may obtain in one of three ways:
1. Purchase customization services by ordering a Custom Post from GibbsCAM, who will bill work at an hourly
rate, with a not-to-exceed price based upon the GibbsCAM options supported. The GibbsCAM Sales
Department ( can provide a quote.
2. Purchase customization services from a GibbsCAM Reseller. This also results in a Custom Post, but from
another source.
3. Although most customers are best served by having an expert do the work, you can purchase the GibbsCAM
Post Development Tools, and get trained to develop customized posts yourself.

When 3D Systems performs Custom Post work for you:

1. You need to provide a clear specification of all the desired changes. With an existing post processor, the best
way is to take a G-code .ncf file that was generated by GibbsCAM with the post processor, and copy it into
Microsoft Word, turn Word’s Track Changes on, and edit your desired changes into the .ncf file. Next best is to
use a pen to clearly mark a printed copy of output posted by the existing post processor. Provide the
mark-ups along with the .vnc file that created the output. For a new post processor, a good sample program is
essential. Sample programs should contain examples of all important cycles, functions, and tool changes. You
should lend the machine’s programming manual to us, if we do not have one. It will be returned when the
Custom Post is completed.
2. 3D Systems builds and provides the first version of the Custom Post for your review.
3. You review and test the Custom Post. Some Custom Posts pass the first review, but many require one or more
additional edit-review cycles.
4. 3D Systems makes the corrections you identified and returns the updated Custom Post for your review and
retesting. This cycle repeats until you are satisfied, usually two or three times. If you change your mind about
the post’s requirements during the work phase, you delay completion and will probably incur additional cost.
If errors are found at a later date, they are corrected at no charge, provided you are on Software Maintenance.
Note: The GibbsCAM post processor warranty covers GibbsCAM functionality only, not cosmetic customization.
MTM/UKM Posts are required for use with the GibbsCAM MTM (Multi-Task Machining) option. The increased com-
plexity and sophistication of MTM/UKM Posts require building them differently and delivering a package. An
MTM/UKM post package includes the post, a custom MDD (machine definition document) and a VMM (virtual
machine macro). The MDD is an exact physical description of your machine, its tools, spindles and axes. GibbsCAM
uses it to provide available functionality. A VMM is software that customizes GibbsCAM for your machine. The
combined MTM/UKM post package customizes GibbsCAM so you can program a specific machine.
The package also includes an MTM/UKM consultant’s time. He researches the machine and control with you, and
advises on your choice of available features. If you lack expertise on your MTM machine, he researches its capabilities
and available options with the machine tool distributor and manufacturer, so that we produce a post package that
precisely matches your machine. MTM/UKM post development is offered at a fixed price, based on the number of
axes and workholding spindles on the machine. The fixed price covers creation and delivery of a valid MTM/UKM
post. Valid means that it supports all applicable GibbsCAM MTM capabilities and produces efficient G-code that
requires no editing to run properly. It also includes limited cosmetic customization. Further cosmetic change
requests that do not affect the ability of the machine to produce a good part will be quoted separately from the
post’s base price.

GibbsCAM MTM/UKM Posts Process

1. A GibbsCAM MTM/UKM consultant will contact you and provide a detailed questionnaire for each different
MTM machine for which you order a post. He will also request sample programs, a manual, and information
for contacting the distributor who provided your machine. Good sample programs should contain examples
of all important cycles, functions, and tool changes. If you lack expertise with your MTM machine, our
researcher will obtain information from the distributor or machine tool builder.
2. Programming varies from machine to machine, based on available options, control parameter settings, and
your shop’s programming practices. The researcher will review your MTM/UKM questionnaire with you,
discuss your customization choices, and recommend functions that other GibbsCAM users have found to be
necessary. Most new users lack GibbsCAM expertise, and need this help to make the best choices.
3. The task of building your MTM/UKM Post Package is assigned to a GibbsCAM MTM/UKM Post developer. Your
specification will be reviewed by the post processor department, to ensure the GibbsCAM MTM capabilities
properly support the desired output and machine. Top priorities for output are quality and validity. A valid post
supports all applicable GibbsCAM MTM/UKM capabilities and produces efficient G-code that requires no
editing to run properly. Cosmetic specifications are carefully reviewed for validity, interference with machine
functionality, possibility of implementation, and suitability for inclusion within the flat price.
4. 3D Systems builds and provides the first version of the MTM/UKM Post Package for your review.
5. You review and test the MTM/UKM Post Package, and specify desired changes. The best way is to open your
G-code .ncf file in Microsoft Word, turn on Word’s Track Changes so we can readily identify the changes you
make in the file, and send us the file. Next best is to use a pen to clearly mark up a printed copy of posted
output and provide the mark-up with the .vnc file that created the output.
6. 3D Systems makes the corrections and returns the updated MTM/UKM Post Package for your review and
testing. This cycle repeats until you are satisfied, normally two or three times. If an error is found at some later
date, it will be corrected at no charge, provided you are on Maintenance. If you change your mind about the
post’s requirements during the work phase, you will delay completion and will probably incur additional cost.
Note: The GibbsCAM post processor warranty covers GibbsCAM functionality only, not cosmetic customization.

Tips for Success with GibbsCAM Custom Post and MTM/UKM Post Development
1. Define all of your needs* in the initial post processor information package (the marked up G-code programs,
the sample programs and machine programming manuals) and provide these to the GibbsCAM Post Development
group as soon as possible. If you have the machine-model-specific brochure, also provide that.
* Adding requirements during post development, or changing your mind after work has begun, will result
in delays and may increase your cost.
2. If you cannot provide the manual(s), please provide contact information for the machine tool distributor and
machine tool builder. Work on Custom and MTM/UKM Posts is not scheduled until we have the required
3. Allow your staff sufficient time to review the post(s), study output, and work with GibbsCAM Post developers.
4. Good communication produces the best post in the shortest time, so feel free to contact the GibbsCAM Post
Development group to discuss your post. We recommend using email for regular communication and for
sending review results or changes. This will prevent delays from missed calls or voice messages. We use email
to send new and revised posts, to save days of shipping delays. Use for any
post-related communication.
5. 3D Systems only works on post processors for the current version of GibbsCAM, so you should remain enrolled
in the GibbsCAM Software Maintenance Program to ensure you have the most current version of GibbsCAM.


PostHASTE for GibbsCAM is a generic, do-it-yourself post development tool included with GibbsCAM at no additional
cost. It allows programmers familiar with G-code and their CNC machines to create their own posts with the
PostHASTE documentation and templates 3-axis machines. With PostHASTE, the user is responsible for selecting the
most appropriate post template and modifying it to achieve the desired output.
Approximately 225 standard PostHASTE templates for basic 2- and 3-axis mills and lathes are provided with PostHASTE,
with upgrade options for mill-turn, rotary milling and advanced milling posts.
PostHASTE will only generate long-hand NC output–no subroutines or sub-programs. However, simple changes can
be made to any milling template, allowing PostHASTE to automatically create subs (and a matching main program)
for any part program.
Note: The GibbsCAM Post Department works exclusively on GibbsCAM Posts and cannot modify or enhance a
PostHASTE file.

GibbsCAM APT-CL provides a method for integrating GibbsCAM with standard APT-based post processors, com-
monly used with larger, integrated CAD/CAM systems. The GibbsCAM APT-CL option creates CLDATA files following
the ANSI NCITS 37-1999 and ISO 4343 standards. This is a good choice for those who want to use, or continue to use,
third party APT posts. The GibbsCAM APT-CL configuration file may need to be customized, at additional cost, for
full compatibility with existing APT posts.


The GibbsCAM DMG MORI APT-CL Output provides a method for integrating GibbsCAM with DMG MORI’s
Manufacturing Suite Post Processor templates. The DMG MORI APT-CL option creates CLDATA files following the
ANSI NCITS 37-1999 and ISO 4343:2000 standards, with DMG MORI extensions. DMG MORI’s Manufacturing Suite
post processors use DMG MORI APT-CL output to generate the NC program that DMG Mori controls use for full
machine simulation and program execution. This is a good choice for those who standardize their shops with DMG
MORI machines and those who wish to take advantage of single-source support for DMG MORI machines, controls
and post processors, or who desire full machine simulation with an exact model of the DMG MORI machine.

By working with us, you receive high quality post processors that work well to produce efficient, edit-free G-code to
achieve what you need, joining the thousands of other users who machine precisely what they see displayed on the
GibbsCAM screen.
3D Systems and your GibbsCAM Reseller are committed to supporting you, and to ensuring your satisfaction with
GibbsCAM. If you have questions or need help with GibbsCAM directly, the following numbers and addresses will
serve you well.

323 Science Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021-2092
Phone: 805.523.0004
Toll-free: 800.654.9399
Fax: 805.523.0006

Phone: 805.523.0004
Fax: 805.523.0006

Phone: 805.523.0004
Fax: 805.523.0006

Phone: 805.523.0004
Fax: 805.523.0006

3D Systems / GibbsCAM
Tel: 805.523.0004, 800.654.9399 | Fax: 805.523.0006 |

© 2015 3D Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The Gibbs and GibbsCAM logos, GibbsCAM, Gibbs, Virtual Gibbs and "Powerfully Simple. Simply
Powerful." are either trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of 3D Systems in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademark(s)
belong to their respective owners. This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. MLG189/PDF/0715

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