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Exercise 1: „How I see the situation?

Business case for [ ]

TEAM – A1, A2, B1, B2

* [A] Delhaize Business Adventure city – model

* [B] Delhaize Business Adventure innovation - panel

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Team role Name Signature

Project coordinator
Project manager
Project development

Business problem ( A- unsatisfied customer/citizen, B – unutilized

creative potential of Delhaize team)

Task 1: Describe the business problem and the environment within which it exists, by completing the
following exercise „How I see the situation?“

Help instruction: Environmental Consideration

** Please, describe the key aspects of the business environment that have resulted in the need for this
project to take place. Provide facts or evidence to support any conclusions.
Describe the core business problem by starting the reasons why it exists, the impact it is having on the
business and the timeframes within which it must be resolved.

Research the business problem

Data collection between teams (A1, A2, B1, B2). Gather all of the information required to gain a
thorough understanding of the business problem.

Data Analysis. Analyze the information gathered and identify any gaps and deficiencies in knowledge.

Identify contributing factors. Then identify the events which lead to the problem, and identify pottential
contributing factors for those events.

Identify the root causes of the core problem. Describe the reasons for contributing factors occuring.
These reasons shape the „core problem“.

Problem Algoritm

Task 2: After consideration please fill out „problem algoritm“ and keep in mind timeframe:


Unsatisfied customer/citizen (A)

Core problem
Unutilized creative potential of Delhaize team (B)

Root causes

Figure 1 - Business problem algoritm

Mentioned timeframe:
Business Problem [A, B] Requirements (time, tools, materials)

Alternative solutions feasibility (1-feasible, 2-impracticable)

List each of the 3 alternative solutions and describe their benefits, costs, feasibility, risks and issues. For
each solution identified the following information: ,

Alternative Solutions Feasibility rating

Deliverables ([A] products/ [B] innovations)

Products/innovations Deliverable Expected Expected Benefit Value

Category Description quality quantiy (time=money)

Expense Category Expence Description Expence Value (time=money)




Risk Description Risk Probablility Risk impact (1-5) Risk minimization


Issue Description Risk Priority (1-5) Action required to Resolve


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