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Introducing Protel DXP

The complete multi-dimensional design capture system

for Windows 2000 and XP

Protel DXP breaks new ground by bringing a host of new and enhanced features to
the design desktop and provides you with a complete, fully-integrated and intuitive
board-level design system.

Features in Protel DXP include project integration, integrated component libraries,

project variant support, true multi-channel project design, a powerful design compiler,
project-level design synchronization, version control, mixed text and schematic-based
VHDL design entry, integrated SPICE 3f5 simulation with enhanced waveform viewer,
the Situs Topological Autorouter and direct signal integrity analysis.
Introducing Protel DXP

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Altium, Protel, DXP, Design Explorer, nVisage, P-CAD, TASKING, Accolade, CircuitMaker,
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Introducing Protel DXP

Table of Contents
Introducing Protel DXP is a collection of tutorials and articles written to assist you as you explore the
features and concepts available in DXP.

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................1-1
Altium’s Protel DXP is a versatile multi-dimensional design system that can be used to capture,
simulate and verify electronic designs targeted for both PCB and FPGA implementations.

2. Feature highlights of Protel DXP .............................................................................................2-1

Protel DXP is a true, multiple capture, multiple analysis and multiple implementation design
environment. This article looks at the feature highlights of Protel DXP.

3. Design capture, simulation & layout tutorial ............................................................................3-1

This tutorial is designed to give you an overview of how to create a schematic, update the
design information to a PCB and generate manufacturing output files. It also investigates the
concept of projects, integrated libraries and circuit simulation.

4. Customizing DXP Resources tutorial ......................................................................................4-1

This tutorial looks at customizing your DXP, such as rearranging menus and toolbars to meet
your design requirements.

5. Creating components tutorial ..................................................................................................5-1

Learn how to create schematic components in the Schematic Library Editor and footprints in the
PCB Library Editor. This tutorial covers the creation process through to the production of an
integrated library containing the new components.

6 Integrated Libraries tutorial......................................................................................................6-1

This tutorial looks at using, creating and modifying integrated libraries in DXP.

7. Customizing component reports tutorial ..................................................................................7-1

In this tutorial, learn how to customize your BOMs and Component Cross Reference reports
using the Report Manager.

8. Multi-channel design tutorial....................................................................................................8-1

This tutorial shows how to create a multi-channel design using DXP.

9. Board Shape & Sheet tutorial..................................................................................................9-1

This tutorial covers board shapes, sheets, templates and keepouts used in DXP’s PCB Editor.

Introducing Protel DXP

10. Editing multiple objects tutorial.............................................................................................. 10-1

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform filtering, selecting and editing of multiple objects in
the workspace.

11. Version Control System tutorial............................................................................................. 11-1

This tutorial looks at adding projects and documents to your Version Control System and then
checking them out for use and checking them back in again to the VCS using the DXP menus.

12. Signal Integrity tutorial........................................................................................................... 12-1

This tutorial shows you how to analyze the Signal Integrity performance of a PCB from either
the Schematic or the PCB Editors, evaluate net screening results against predefined tests,
perform reflection and crosstalk analysis on selected nets and display the waveforms within the
Design Explorer.

13. Getting started with FPGA tutorial......................................................................................... 13-1

This tutorial is designed to give you an overview of how to create an FPGA design using DXP. It
will outline how to create a schematic and generate an EDIF-FPGA netlist that can be used with
the third party vendor place and route tools.

14. VHDL & schematic capture tutorial ....................................................................................... 14-1

This tutorial shows how to create and simulate a mixed schematic and VHDL design using

15. Attributes for FPGA tutorial ................................................................................................... 15-1

FPGA attributes are special directives that are used during the placement and routing of a
FPGA design.

16. Protel DXP & Altera Interface tutorial .................................................................................... 16-1

This tutorial will guide you with the necessary steps needed to start creating FPGA designs for
programming Altera FPGA devices.

17. Protel DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial..................................................................................... 17-1

This tutorial explains the Xilinx FPGA schematic library and other important information that will
enable you to start using DXP for programming Xilinx FPGA device with placement and routing

18. Making Electronics Design Easier......................................................................................... 18-1

This article describes an entire design from the Engineer’s perspective: dividing the job
between PCB and FPGA design, then using DXP tools to complete both.

19. Tips for Design Capture ........................................................................................................ 19-1

This article summarizes the basic concepts of design editing in DXP, emphasizing concepts
that are consistent between the schematic and PCB editors.

Introducing Protel DXP

20. Project Essentials..................................................................................................................20-1

This article describes projects, which embody the most powerful features of DXP.

21. Component, Model and Library Concepts .............................................................................21-1

This article defines components, models and libraries, then explains their relationships.

22. Enhanced Library Management using Integrated Libraries ...................................................22-1

This article introduces integrated libraries, describing how they are created, what they contain
and how they can be used..

23. Multi-channel design concepts ..............................................................................................23-1

This article introduces the true multi-channel design functionality introduced with DXP.

24. Net Connectivity & Navigation...............................................................................................24-1

This article explains the different ways of establishing multi-sheet connectivity, and the different
browsing tools that let you verify net connectivity within DXP.

25. Working with Simulation Waveforms .....................................................................................25-1

This article describes how simulation charts and plots may be arranged and manipulated in

26. Design Updates & ECOs.......................................................................................................26-1

This article describes the Engineering Change Order (ECO) process in DXP.

27. Introduction to the Query Language ......................................................................................27-1

This article introduces the query language, and points readers to the resources within DXP for
understanding it.

28. An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language ...........................................................................28-1

This article has been provided to de-mystify what queries are, how and why they are used, and
to provide insights into how these can be specified to accomplish particular objectives.

29. Understanding & managing DXP panels ...............................................................................29-1

This article introduces panels, which offer alternative views and tools for manipulating design
documents besides the standard graphical environment.

30. Specifying PCB design rules & resolving errors ....................................................................30-1

This article describes how rules are defined, edited, and checked through online or batch DRC
tools. It discusses preventing errors and navigating and resolving violations.

31. Impedance Controlled Routing..............................................................................................31-1

This article discusses the new layer-specific controls that have been added to PCB routing
width rules.

Introducing Protel DXP

32. Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE ............................................................................... 32-1

This article outlines the steps by which Protel 99 SE designs may be converted into PCB
projects in DXP.

33. Shortcut keys ........................................................................................................................ 33-1

List of shortcut keys for use in Design Explorer, Schematic Editor and PCB Editor.

34. Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 34-1

35. Index ..................................................................................................................................... 35-1

Introducing Protel DXP

1 Introducing Protel DXP

Welcome to a new approach to board-level design. Altium’s Protel DXP is a complete end-to-end
system that can be used to capture, simulate, verify and implement electronic designs targeted for both
PCB and FPGA platforms.

Protel DXP’s design capabilities include:

• Full nVisage multidimensional design capture capabilities

• Schematic capture for both PCB and FPGA designs
• Hierarchical multi-channel design support
• Highly automated, rules-driven PCB layout and editing
• Situs topological autorouting
• SPICE 3f5/XSpice-compliant simulation
• Pre-layout signal integrity analysis
• VHDL development and compilation
• VHDL simulation with timing back annotation
• RTL-level VHDL synthesis for multiple target FPGA architectures
• Bidirectional translation for Orcad® schematics and libraries, and import of Orcad® PCB files
• Full CAMtastic CAM file editing and verification.

Traditionally board-level design has required a collection of point tools, each targeting a particular part
of the design process. Protel DXP changes this by providing you with all the capabilities you need to
take a design from concept through to manufacture within a single application. Protel DXP virtually
eliminates data translation issues that can occur when moving designs between separate point tools,
and avoids the additional work needed to recapture parts of your design within different applications.
For example, rather than recreate your design in a separate application for simulation, Protel allows
you to run SPICE simulations directly on your production data from within the schematic editor.
Similarly, the full power of Altium’s Situs topological autorouter is at your disposal at any time during
the design of your PCB. Because Situs is fully integrated into the PCB editing environment, there is no
need to export your design data to a separate application for autorouting. Simply select the
appropriate menu item to autoroute a net, a component, a selected set of objects, or the whole board.
Signal integrity analysis in Protel DXP is not a separate process that needs to be run after the board
design is finished. After all, changes made at this late stage in the design cycle can be time consuming
and expensive! Instead Protel DXP gives you access to signal integrity analysis both during design
capture and throughout the PCB design process. You can check impedances and signal reflections
from your schematics, and insert appropriate termination networks before beginning board layout and
routing, saving time-consuming board redesigns. You can then check the signal integrity on the final
board to confirm that your finished design is free from reflection and crosstalk problems.

Introducing Protel DXP

This focus on the design process as a whole, rather than segmenting the design flow into separate
discrete segments, is what makes Protel DXP a unique and productive design environment. Take for
example the way in which Protel DXP ensures the synchronization of all the documents in your design.
Rather than a simple back annotation process, Protel DXP employs a sophisticated synchronization
engine that compares the source schematics with the PCB. Any differences are displayed along with an
option to push individual changes either back to the schematics or forward to the PCB, with full ECO
support. In this way, multiple changes made within multiple documents at different design stages can
be easily reconciled, and the entire design project brought into synchronization.
Design verification and rule compliance are at the core of Protel DXP. Its versatile rules-based PCB
design environment lets you fully specify all aspects of your design, and enforces compliance to rules
such as track width and separation as you work to ensure your board conforms to specifications. Using
a powerful query-based scoping system, design rules can be set up and targeted to virtually any object
or set of objects in your design, giving you full control over your design specifications.
Protel DXP’s front end capture capabilities are provided by Altium’s revolutionary nVisage
multidimensional design capture technology. This includes a powerful and versatile schematic editing
environment that supports hierarchical design using either a ‘top down’ or ‘bottom up’ approach.
There are no limits to the number of sheets or the depth of hierarchy, making Protel suitable for
designs of any complexity.
The schematic editor supports multi-channels design by allowing you to easily define blocks of
repeated circuitry. Unlike many systems that simply copy and paste repeated blocks, Protel DXP
maintains channel hierarchy at all times, even through to the PCB design. You can edit channel
circuitry or even change the number of channels at any time. Channel instantiation is handled
automatically by the system without the need to ‘flatten’ the design. Once you make a change to one
channel, you can easily propagate the change to all channels on the PCB.
Programmable logic, particularly in the form of high-density FPGAs, is becoming an increasingly
important part of modern designs. Protel DXP recognizes this by providing all the capabilities you need
to target your design for FPGA implementation. Using the supplied pre-synthesized FPGA macro and
primitive libraries, you can use Protel’s schematic editor to create designs for all Xilinx and Altera FPGA
families without the need for any VHDL coding. Protel DXP also includes a full VHDL development
environment that allows you to write, compile, simulate, debug and synthesize industry-standard
VHDL code.
Protel DXP supports the back-annotation of pin assignment information from FPGA place and route
tools, allowing you to easily propagate FPGA pin changes to both the FPGA design and any related PCB

When it comes to board-level electronics design, Protel DXP is the only application to provide all the
capabilities you need within one single, customizable and intuitive design environment. Protel DXP
breaks down the barriers to design innovation and lets you work the way you want.

Protel DXP – the complete board-level design system from Altium.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

2 Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

A Multi-dimensional Approach to Design ............................................................................................2-3
Multiple Capture Modes ......................................................................................................................2-3
Powerful Compilation and Validation ..................................................................................................2-4
Comprehensive Design Analysis ........................................................................................................2-4
Circuit Simulation ........................................................................................................................2-5
VHDL Simulation.........................................................................................................................2-5
Signal Integrity Analysis ..............................................................................................................2-6
Working with Analysis Results ....................................................................................................2-7
VHDL Synthesis for FPGA Implementation ........................................................................................2-7
True Multi-channel Design ..................................................................................................................2-8
Design Navigation .............................................................................................................................2-10
The DXP Data Editing Paradigm.......................................................................................................2-12
Controlling What is Displayed – Filtering the Data....................................................................2-12
Controlling How it is Displayed – Highlighting the Data ............................................................2-12
DXP Data Views – the Object Inspector ...................................................................................2-13
DXP Data Views – the List Panel..............................................................................................2-13
Editing Essentials ..............................................................................................................................2-14
Selection Memory .....................................................................................................................2-14
Components – the Core of the Design..............................................................................................2-15
Integrating all the Component Information into a Single Package ............................................2-16
Component Parameter Management........................................................................................2-16
Linking from Components to a Company Database .................................................................2-17
Complete Management of Component Updates.......................................................................2-18
Defining PCB Design Rules in the Schematic...................................................................................2-20
Interfacing to a Version Control System............................................................................................2-20
Design Synchronization – linking the Schematic to the PCB ............................................................2-21
How the Schematic Components Link to their PCB Footprint...................................................2-21
Passing Design Changes Between the Schematic and PCB....................................................2-22
Designing Assembly Variants ...........................................................................................................2-24
Generating Project Outputs...............................................................................................................2-25
Output Job Setup and Management .........................................................................................2-25
Flexible Report Generation .......................................................................................................2-26
Situs Topological Autorouter .............................................................................................................2-28
Design Rule Compliance...........................................................................................................2-28
Sophisticated BGA and Surface Mount Component Fanout Strategies ...................................2-28
Multiple Routing Strategies .......................................................................................................2-28
User definable Routing Strategies ............................................................................................2-28
Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Impedance Controlled Routing......................................................................................................... 2-29

New PCB Design Rule Scoping System .......................................................................................... 2-30
Understanding Queries ............................................................................................................ 2-31
Definable Rule Priorities........................................................................................................... 2-31
PCB Layout Enhancements ............................................................................................................. 2-32
PCB Board Shape .................................................................................................................... 2-32
PCB Sheet Templates.............................................................................................................. 2-33
Component Placement Rooms ................................................................................................ 2-33
Associative Dimensioning tools................................................................................................ 2-34
Enhanced Splitting of Power Planes ........................................................................................ 2-35
Managing Component Heights on the PCB ............................................................................. 2-36
Working with Dual Monitors.............................................................................................................. 2-37
Interfacing to Other Design Tools..................................................................................................... 2-37
Other New and Enhanced Features................................................................................................. 2-38

This document gives an overview of the new features in nVisage and Protel DXP.

To help you get started designing with nVisage or Protel, it is recommended that you do the
introductory tutorial, Design Capture, Simulation & Layout. The tutorial is a simple design for a
multivibrator, it will take you through the entire design process – from creating a project, to capturing
the schematic, transferring the design to the PCB Editor, generating output, and also simulating the
schematic. Doing this tutorial will give you a good overview of designing in nVisage and Protel DXP.
There are also introductory tutorials for signal integrity analysis, FPGA design, and VHDL simulation.

Both nVisage and Protel are project-centric design environments, with powerful new navigation and
object management features, new high-level design capabilities such as design variants and multi-
channel design, and numerous enhancements in the design tools.

The user interface has been extensively redesigned, bringing superior functionality to the design
space. Features such as panels that can be docked, float, or set to Pop Out mode, automatic fade for
floating panels and toolbars whenever an edit is performed, support for dual-monitors, and click and
drag customization of resources, all go to make the design process more efficient and enjoyable.

As to the difference between nVisage and Protel, think of nVisage as the tool for the design engineer –
as such it includes all the capture and analysis features, as well as certain PCB features. The PCB
features are all those that the engineer might need – transfer of design information from schematic to
PCB, component placement, rule definition, printing, and post-routing signal integrity analysis. Protel
includes all the nVisage features, plus the familiar Protel PCB design tools and the comprehensive
CAM verification, NC route, and output generation features included in CAMtastic.

These icons indicate if a feature has been added or enhanced in service pack 1 or 2.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

A Multi-dimensional Approach to Design

nVisage DXP and Protel DXP are true, multiple capture, multiple analysis and multiple implementation
design environments.

The basis of any design in nVisage or Protel is the project. The project links the elements of your
design together, including the source schematics and VHDL files, the netlist, any libraries or models
you want to keep in the project, and the PCB. The project also stores the project-level options, such as
the error checking settings, the multi-sheet connectivity mode, and the multi-channel annotation

To create a new project, select New Project from the File menu. nVisage and Protel currently support
three project types, FPGA projects, PCB projects and Library Packages (the source for an integrated
library). Related PCB projects and FPGA projects can also be linked under a common project group,
giving easy access to all files related to a particular design.

As you add documents to a project, such as a schematic sheet or a VHDL testbench, a link to each
document is entered into the project file. The documents can be stored anywhere on your network,
they do not need to be in the same folder as the project file.

To edit a document that is part of a project, first open the project to display a list of the documents in
the project, then double click on the document you wish to edit in the Projects panel.

To add a new document to the active project right-click on any document in

the project and select New from the floating Project menu. Note that this As well as being able to
action adds the document to the project – to get a schematic sheet to become open and edit documents by
part of a schematic hierarchy you place a sheet symbol on the parent first opening their project,
you can also directly open
schematic, and set the sheet symbol Filename field to that of the child
and edit any document.
schematic sheet.

Multiple Capture Modes

Both nVisage and Protel DXP provide a versatile and fully integrated design capture system for both
PCB and FPGA applications. Designs can be captured using schematic, or any mixture of schematic and
VHDL for an FPGA design.

The schematic editor supports both top-down and bottom-up design, using a block diagram metaphor
to provide an intuitive link between the sheets in the project hierarchy – each
Orcad Capture® V7 and V9
block representing an individual schematic sheet. Wiring these blocks
designs and libraries can be
together creates connectivity—connectivity that can be verified and navigated imported directly. Export
as soon as the design is compiled. There is no limit to the number of from DXP to Orcad V7.
schematic sheets, or the depth of design hierarchy.

Beyond the traditional schematic capture model, nVisage and Protel also support true multi-channel
design. Unlike other schematic capture programs, which flatten hierarchy and physically copy and

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

paste sheets to construct multiple channels, nVisage and Protel maintain design hierarchy at all times.
Nested hierarchy is also supported, allowing you to create channels within channels.

Because the system maintains channel hierarchy, you can edit a channel at any time, or change the
number of channels, without needing to manually propagate the changes through each channel
instance. Channel instantiation is handled automatically during compilation.

Within an FPGA project you can mix schematic-driven design with VHDL source files to provide
complete flexibility in the capture of your design. nVisage and Protel come with a complete set of pre-
synthesized macro and primitive schematic libraries for both Altera and Xilinx FPGA families.

For VHDL development, the VHDL editor is a fully-featured coding environment that supports
programming features such as syntax highlighting and auto-indenting.

nVisage and Protel also includes a range of navigational features to support mixed VHDL / schematic
designs. You can navigate through the entire VHDL / schematic hierarchy from the Navigator panel, as
well as cross-probe between schematic sheets and VHDL code.

Powerful Compilation and Validation

At the core of the DXP environment is a powerful design compiler and comparison engine. The
compiler builds a compiled model of the design in memory, which is then checked for an array of
possible error conditions. A view of the compiled design is displayed in the Navigator panel, which can
be used to examine the connective relationships throughout the design.

If warnings or errors are detected they are listed in the Messages panel, from which a double-click
takes you to the relevant location on the source document. Once a design has been compiled and
checked to ensure that it has been captured correctly it is ready for analysis, or transfer to the next
stage of the design process.

Comprehensive Design Analysis

nVisage and Protel include a range of analysis and verification tools – including a SPICE3f5/Xspice
compliant circuit simulator, a VHDL simulator, and a comprehensive signal integrity analysis feature.
These tools are completely integrated, ready to be used when needed.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Circuit Simulation
The circuit simulator uses an enhanced
version of Berkeley SPICE3f5/Xspice, allowing
you to accurately simulate any combination
of analog and digital devices, without
manually inserting D/A or A/D converters.
This mixed-signal simulation is possible
because the simulator includes accurate,
event-driven behavioral models for its digital
devices, including TTL and CMOS digital
devices. All SPICE-compliant analog
simulation models are supported.

The circuit simulator includes the standard

analyses – operating point, transient and AC
small signal – as well as a number of
advanced analyses including DC sweep,
temperature sweep, parameter sweep, noise,
pole zero and Monte Carlo analysis. There are over 40 circuit simulation examples, covering a wide
range of circuit examples and analysis types.
VHDL Simulation
The VHDL simulator is a complete system for
the compilation and execution of VHDL design
descriptions. The optimized VHDL simulator
includes a VHDL compiler, linker and
simulator. It gives you fast functional and
timing analysis of your FPGA design, allowing
you to view output waveforms and debug your
VHDL code. Using the VHDL simulator’s Step
Mode, you can step through the execution of
your test bench and cross-probe from the code
to the relevant component in the schematic.

The simulator also supports post place and

route simulation, include the SDF timing file in
your design to verify that the design is still
within specification.
The \Examples\FPGA folder includes a number of mixed
schematic / VHDL examples that can be simulated.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Signal Integrity Analysis

With increasing device switching speeds signal
integrity issues are no longer restricted to the high
speed engineer. Both pre and post-layout signal
integrity analysis can be performed in nVisage and

The guiding rule to

designing to avoid
signal integrity issues is
impedance matching –
achieved at the capture
stage through correct
device matching and
termination, and at the
PCB layout stage
through correct
definition of the
physical characteristics
of the PCB materials
and the routing.

Pre-layout signal
integrity analysis allows Use the termination advisor to explore possible
solutions to potential signal integrity problems
you to check the signal
integrity during schematic capture, avoiding the risk of costly design rework after layout if terminations
are required or device technology must be changed. Specify an average impedance for routing, then
analyze the design and check the integrity of the signals on the oscilloscope-like waveform viewer. If
problems are found you can explore different device technologies or the effect of different
termination options, using the sweep feature to quickly determine the
optimal termination component values. Signal integrity analysis can
be performed even if models
The average impedance value specified during pre-layout analysis can then have not been assigned for
be used during PCB design to correctly define the layer stackup and every component – the SI
engine will select a suitable
configure the new impedance controlled routing rules. Protel’s post-layout
default model, and indicate
analysis then confirms that the quality of the routed signals are still within the confidence in the
specifications. assumed model.

The signal integrity analyzer uses the characteristic impedance of the traces,
calculated through a transmission line calculator, and I/O buffer macro-
model information, as input for the simulations. It is based on a Fast Refer to the Signal Integrity
tutorial for an overview of
Reflection and Crosstalk Simulator which produces very accurate simulations,
performing an SI analysis on
using industry-proven algorithms. It can test for a variety of conditions, your design.
including overshoot and undershoot, impedance, flight time and rise time.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Working with Analysis Results

The DXP environment includes two powerful waveform viewers. The analog
There are synthesis-
viewer supports multiple plots, overlaid plots with multiple Y axes, tracking ready example designs
measurement cursors, mathematical formula applied to plot results, copy to in the \Examples\FPGA
clipboard and export of plot data. The digital viewer supports typical functional folder.
timing features such as transition stepping, time measurement and value display.

VHDL Synthesis for FPGA Implementation

Synthesis is the process of transforming a logic design specification into an implementation. nVisage
and Protel’s fast and proven RTL-level VHDL synthesis engine allows you to target devices from
multiple vendors, giving you complete freedom in your choice of FPGA architecture and device family.
The synthesis engine includes advanced features such as module generation, hierarchical synthesis,
automatic I/O insertion and macrocell inference - features traditionally found in expensive FPGA
synthesis tools.

Back-annotation of pin information from the place and route tools to both board-level and FPGA
projects is supported, allowing you to easily synchronize FPGA pin assignments throughout the entire

The following FPGA devices are currently supported:

• Xilinx, 3k, 4k, 5k, 7k, 9.5k, Spartan, Virtex and Coolrunner Series

• Altera Stratix, APEX, Cyclone, ACEX, FLEX, MAX and Excalibur Series

• Actel ACT, 40MX, 42MX, 54SX, eX, 500k and proAsic Series

• Atmel PLD

• Lattice PLSI and ORCA Series

• Quicklogic pASIC Series

• Vantis CPLD.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

True Multi-channel Design

How often has your design included a section of the circuit that is repeated – repeated twice, four
times, or perhaps 32 times? nVisage and Protel DXP includes a number of features that bring full
support for true, nested, multi-channel design – including sheet symbol instantiation, multi-channel
designator management, automatic component class and room creation, and step and repeat of
channel placement and routing.
Reset Connector For Banks

Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel Peak Detector Channel

Bank Connector Bank Connector Bank Connector Bank Connector

A diagram of a 32 channel design, configured as 4 banks of 8

True multi-channel design means that you only draw the channel schematic once – there is no need to
create multiple copies of the sheet. The schematic project remains in this state even after you transfer
the design to PCB layout, the system maintains the relationship from the
single logical component to the many-physical components.
Each instantiated physical
There are two approaches to drawing the multi-channel design in the component is uniquely
identified by the designator
schematic editor – place a sheet symbol for each channel with each
assigned when the project is
referencing the same schematic sheet, or use the new sheet symbol compiled. The annotation
instantiation syntax to reference all channels from a single sheet symbol. scheme is controlled in the
Multi-channel Tab of the
The sheet symbol instantiation syntax uses the Repeat keyword to define the Project Options dialog.
number of times the channel is to be instantiated. When the project is
compiled the compiler instantiates the channel the required number of times as it builds the internal
compiled model, using a chosen annotation scheme to uniquely identify each component in each
channel – it does not duplicate the channel sub-sheet. Once the project is compiled a Tab appears at
the bottom of the Schematic Editor window, with one Tab for each channel of that sub-sheet.

The mapping from the single logical component on the schematic to the multiple physical instances on
the PCB is controlled by the multi-channel designator scheme selected in the Multi-Channel Tab of the
Project Options dialog.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Multi-channel support flows through to PCB layout. When the design is transferred the components
are placed in their channel groups (component classes), with each component class on the board
automatically clustered into a placement room.

After positioning the components in one channel within their room use the Autoroute » Room
command to route the channel, then select the Tools » Rooms » Copy Room Formats command to step
and repeat the placement and routing across all the channels. The step and repeat function supports
double sided placement and routing of a channel, as well as step and repeat of a single sided channel
onto both sides of the PCB.

For more overview

information refer to the
Multi-Channel Design
Concepts article.
For a description of the
process of creating a
nested multi-channel
design refer to the Multi-
channel Design tutorial.
Example multi-channel
projects include the Multi-
channel Mixer and the
Peak Detector.

Step and repeat the placement and routing of one

room (channel) to all other channels

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Design Navigation
Design navigation is an activity that is carried out throughout the design
Design navigation is enabled
process. This includes during the initial capture phase as you place and wire by compiling the design,
components, during the verification process as you analyze and validate the select Compile from the
design, and also as you work between the schematic and the PCB during Project menu.
layout. Use the options at the top of
the Navigator panel to
The DXP Navigator panel supports the traditional click-to-highlight style of control the display as you
browsing the design, as you click the selected object(s) is presented on browse, more options are
screen. Beyond that, you can also analyze and trace the connectivity in the available in the Options tab
design – either spatially in the actual workspace, or in the special floating of the Project Options

The Navigator panel can be used to browse and cross probe

to documents, components, buses, nets and pins. A single
click on an entry in the panel will browse to that object in the
source schematics and VHDL documents, hold the Alt key as
you click to simultaneously cross probe to the same object(s)
on the PCB.

Spatial navigation is a browsing technique where you

navigate directly in the sheet – click on a net to highlight all
objects in the net, click on a port to jump to the sheet entry it
connects to, and so on. Enable the Graph option to display
the connective relationship between objects – red for net
objects, green for components.

Highlight by Masking

and Graph the net

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

The Browser offers a different perspective of the connectivity, placing you within the design and letting you
follow signals throughout the project hierarchy, as well as cross-probe to both the schematic object and
their PCB counterpart.

An alternative method of navigating your design is available with the new design Browser. In contrast
with the Navigator panel's top-down overview, the Browser lets you trace connectivity from an object's
point of view. Use the Browser to navigate and analyze the relationship between objects in your
design. The object you click on presents in the center of the Browser, around it are displayed any
related objects.

For example, if a pin is in the center of the Browser, it shows related component information on the
left, with the parent component above and other pins below, and related net information on the right,
with the parent net above and other pins in the net below. As you click on another object it moves to
the center of the Browser, with the surrounding information being updated accordingly. As you click
on an object in the Browser that object is displayed in the schematic window.

Another powerful navigation mode is cross-probing, where you click on an object in one view to
display the corresponding object in another view. An example is cross probing from a component on
the schematic, to the component on the PCB. To do this in the DXP environment simply click the cross
probe button and click on a component – the corresponding component is displayed in the PCB

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

The DXP Data Editing Paradigm

A typical electronic design can include many hundreds of objects in the schematic, and many
thousands of design objects on the PCB. While the traditional graphical view of the data has many
strengths, it does not present the engineer or board designer with efficient ways of finding and editing
multiple objects in a densely packed design space.

nVisage and Protel DXP present a new paradigm for data editing – it combines powerful object filtering
with flexible view and highlighting options to give complete control over the selection, presentation
and editing of design data.

There are 3 elements to the data editing system – the design data, the views of the data, and the view
control system. The view control system performs 2 functions, it gives you control over what is
displayed in a data view, and it also lets you control how it is displayed.

Controlling What is Displayed – Filtering the Data

To cope with the large amount of data in the workspace DXP includes a comprehensive filtering
system. Filtering can be performed in a number of ways, including using the Navigator panel, the Find
Similar Objects dialog, or by writing a filter query.

The Find Similar Objects dialog is used to start from one object, then based on its attributes find other
objects that have similar attributes. Right-click on an object, select Find Similar, and set the attributes to
match by in the right-hand column. If the Select option is enabled the required set of objects will then
be available for editing in the Object Inspector panel.

Another approach to finding objects is to write a query, the DXP query language is a powerful and
flexible tool for precisely targeting objects in the design.

Controlling How it is Displayed –

Highlighting the Data
Different design tasks present different
demands on the engineer or board designer
– to edit a font style for a number of strings
on the schematic you need to select those
strings and then edit them simultaneously.

On the other hand, if you are checking the

routing of a net selecting the objects would
obscure vital layer information – in this case
it is better if only those objects that make up Using the masking
feature to ‘find’ a
the routing are visually enhanced in some routed net on
way. the PCB

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

The DXP environment offers three highlighting modes – selecting,

zooming, and the new masking mode. Masking is a powerful
visualization aid, where all objects in the workspace are faded,
except those of interest.

DXP Data Views – the Object Inspector

The traditional graphical view gives excellent spatial information
about the relationship of design objects, but does not give access to
other important attributes such as parameters, or location data. DXP
includes three alternate views of the design data: the traditional
graphical view, the spreadsheet-like List view, and the Object

Use the List panel when you need to compare the attributes of a set
of objects, and to easily paste in data cells from a spreadsheet
Use the Object Inspector to
Use the Inspector to easily edit common attributes in the currently change the footprint of 8 selected
selected objects. schematic components

DXP Data Views – the List Panel

Refer to the DXP Data
As well as the traditional graphical view, where the objects are arranged in
Editing Paradigm poster for
the workspace as you placed them, you can also view and edit objects in the more information on the
new List panel. The List panel is a combination of a query editor, highlight Data Editing paradigm.
controls, and a spreadsheet. When you type in a query at the top of the panel
and enable the Mask highlighting option, the contents of the spreadsheet are automatically updated to
remove all objects
filtered out by the
query. The spreadsheet
is a genuine alternate
view – any action you
perform in the
spreadsheet, such as
selecting a group of
objects, or editing an
object, occurs
simultaneously in the
graphical view.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Editing Essentials
The unique data editing system in the schematic and PCB editors provides a number of features for
finding and highlighting objects in the design workspace. As well browsing your design to find objects,
they can also be used to edit objects in the design.

The basic sequence to editing multiple objects is to Find, Select and Edit.
Queries are a powerful
Find – there are a number of features for finding objects, including the mechanism to find objects in
Navigator, the Browser, the Find Similar dialog, or by writing a query. your design – refer to the article,
An Insider’s Guide to the
Select – select the objects to be edited. Enable the Select check box Query Language for a
(available in the Find Similar dialog, and the Navigator and List panels), use comprehensive description of
CTRL+A if masking is enabled, or build the selection manually. how to make the most of using
Edit – display the Object Inspector (F11) and edit the selected objects (the
Inspector displays all properties that are common to the selected objects). After making a change in
the Inspector, press the Enter key on the keyboard to apply the change.

Selection Memory
To enhance this selection-oriented editing model, 8 selection memories are available in the schematic
and PCB editors, which can be used to store and recall the selection state of up to 8 sets of objects on
the schematic or PCB.

The following selection memory options are

• Store in memory (CTRL + number 1 to 8)
• Add to memory (SHIFT + number 1 to 8)
• Recall from memory (ALT + number 1 to 8)
• Recall and Add from memory (SHIFT + ALT +
number 1 to 8)
• Apply memory as a workspace filter (SHIFT +
CTRL + number 1 to 8)
• Display Selection Memory control panel
(CTRL + Q)
As well as using shortcuts to access the selection
memories, there is also a Selection Memory sub-menu in the Edit menu,
and a Selection Memory control panel that is opened by clicking the Refer to the tutorial, Editing
button next to the Mask Level button at the bottom right of the Multiple Objects for examples
of how to find, select and edit
multiple objects in the design
To prevent inadvertent overwriting of a selection memory enable the workspace.
Confirm Selection Memory Clear option in the Preferences dialog.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Components – the Core of the Design

Every engineer and designer knows that the components are the core of their design. The components
manipulate the electrical energy to produce the functionality required in the product. To create the
final product the component must be represented, or modeled, in a variety of forms during the design
capture, analysis and implementation phases.

In nVisage and Protel DXP the schematic component is the centre-point of the component definition.
The basic representation of the component is the symbol, used to instantiate
the component in the schematic. Beyond the symbol, other representations
Refer to the Creating
are added as models. nVisage supports a variety of model kinds, including
Components tutorial for a
footprint, simulation, VHDL, EDIF and Signal Integrity. A link to each required complete description of the
model file is added to the component, either in the schematic library or on component creation
the schematic sheet. process, including model
creation and linkage.
As well as the visual and electrical information that is represented in the
schematic symbol and the associated model files, the component will typically have many other
attributes, or parameters that must be specified. These can include electrical parameters important to
the design, such as wattage, or tolerance, and they can also include manufacturing information, such as
a company stock number or the supplier’s reference number. This information is included in the
component as parameters – any number of parameters can be added, either at the schematic library or
on the schematic sheet. Parameters can also be linked to a company database.

The properties of the component, including models and parameters, are defined in the Component Properties dialog

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Integrating all the Component Information into a Single Package

Typically each model type is defined in a model file or library, with each
having a different file format. To support the variety of model formats the All library types, including
model data is not stored in the schematic component, it is linked to it. This schematic, PCB and integrated
provides a flexible and extensible component specification system. The libraries are accessed through
the Libraries panel.
disadvantage of this approach is that the separate files must be managed –
in a library with a large number of components, each using a number of models, the total number of
files can be high.

To resolve this the DXP environment supports the creation and use of integrated component libraries.
An integrated component library is a complete and portable package of schematic symbols, PCB
footprints, simulation models, SPICE models, VHDL models, EDIF models
and signal integrity models. Refer to the following tutorial
and articles for more
To build an integrated component library you start by creating a library information on libraries:
package. The library package is a project file that defines what components
- Integrated Libraries tutorial
are in the integrated library. Once the library package is complete, you
compile it to produce the integrated library. The integrated library (*.IntLib) - Enhanced Library
Management using
is a single, portable, compiled file that cannot be edited. It is added in and Integrated Libraries
used in the DXP environment like any other library.
- Component, Model and
Library Concepts.
Component Parameter Management
As well as the visual and electrical information that is defined in the
schematic symbol, the component will typically have many other attributes, or parameters that must be
specified. These could include electrical design parameters, purchasing information, and assembly
information. This information is included by adding parameters to the
Right-click in the Parameter
schematic components, either in the schematic library or on the schematic Editor for a complete list of
sheet. options, press F1 for detailed
To manage these parameters the DXP schematic editor includes a powerful
Parameter Editor. When you select Tools » Parameter Manager from the menus, you first specify the
scope of parameters which you wish to review or modify. Suppose, for example, that you had defined a
PCB design rule for a bus by adding a parameter to its port, and now you want to add the same rule to
other buses and nets. Rules are system parameters, so these should be included when you show all
parameters for nets and ports. After defining the scope, the Parameter
Table Editor appears.
The Parameter Table Editor
The Table Editor supports the addition/removal of parameters, and editing gives you full editing access to
of one or many parameter values. It includes full support for table all design parameters (including
locked ones). On the other
copy/paste operations to and from your preferred spreadsheet program,
hand, you can set any
including mismatched cell ranges. Right-clicking on any field will display a parameter to ignore update
full range of parameter editing options. instructions from libraries or a
Differences that are created during parameter editing are indicated using
icons – a green plus indicates that a parameter is being added, a red minus

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

indicates a parameter is being removed, gray hatching indicates that this component does not include
this parameter.

So to continue the task mentioned above, you would locate the Rule column among the System
parameters, then browse down to the one you defined. Now you can either copy it for pasting into the
destination cells, or you can select all the destination cells together, right-click in the selection and
choose Edit, then find your defined rule in the drop-down list.

Linking from Components to a Company Database

Design capture in nVisage or Protel is one stage of the product development process. For a company
to correctly manage designs developed in nVisage or Protel they need
information to flow between the DXP design environment and the company The key ingredient to
component management system. This can be achieved by linking from the database linking is the key
components on the schematics to a company database. Database linking field – this information is
read from the schematic
allows data to be transferred from the database to the components on the component, then searched
schematic, and that data can then be included in the Bill Of Materials for in the database.
produced at the end of the development process.
When there is a match,
Links are established between schematic component parameters and an other cells from that record
in the database can then be
external database through a Database Link (.DBLink file) added to your
taken back to the mapped
project. This file allows for links to be specified via ODBC connections, as parameters in the schematic
well as having predefined support for MS-Access and MS-SQL server component.

Once you have added a DbLink file you first specify the connection to the database, then indicate
which database fields should match up with which design parameters, and how design updates should

The Table Browser tab in the DbLink file allows you to view your database tables for reference. The
Database Links tab is used to correlate database fields for each
table, with your design parameters. For each table you must first
select one database field and one existing design parameter as
the key fields used for matching from the schematic part to a
table row. If no suitable parameter exists in your schematic parts, you must create one. This can be
done easily in DXP, using the Parameter Manager to add a parameter to all relevant components, which
you can then use as the key parameter in the DbLink file.

Once the connection from the schematic to the database is defined then any other values that are in
the database can be
transferred back to the
schematic, by mapping them
in the Database Links tab. The
fastest way to create these
links in the Database Links tab
is to highlight a row and press

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Ctrl+D. This creates a proposed Design Parameter for your design (named
the same as the database field name), and enables all the default update Open the DbLink document in
the 4 Port Serial Interface
options (defined in the Database Link Options dialog). If you want the project for an example of
database field to link to a different parameter name (existing or new), you database linking.
can either choose the name from the drop-down list or type it in yourself.
Linking to the example
Return to your schematics and select Tools » Update from Database to database is done using an
absolute path, which defaults
synchronize parameter values with your database. Any Design Parameters
to C drive. Change this in the
that exist in the DbLink file that are not in the schematics are automatically Database Connection dialog if
added. You will still have options to reject any of the proposed updates required.
before executing the changes in an ECO dialog. You can then use the
parameter manager to review and edit all parameters for the entire design.

Complete Management of Component Updates

An essential aspect of component management is controlling the propagation of component and
library updates out into the designs that use them. The Update From Library wizard gives complete
control over this update process, enabling you to update components on one or more schematic
sheets of the active project, with information from components stored in selected schematic library
documents. Updates can be done by component type to update all
components of the specified type in the entire design, or it can be done on a The Wizard includes a
per-component instance basis, where the updates are controlled down to the summary of its behavior in
level of each individual component in the design. With the required the panel at the top. Press
F1 for detailed information.
schematic(s) open, select Tools » Update from Libraries to launch the Update
From Library wizard.

Choosing Schematic Documents and Component Types to Update

Use the first page of the Update
From Library wizard to select
which schematic documents and
component types you wish to
include in the update. Initially, all
component types are enabled for
inclusion in the update, disable
component types that you do not
want to consider in the update.
Select Fully replace symbols on
sheet with those from library to
fully replace the components on
the schematic sheet(s) with those
that are stored in the source
schematic library. Graphical
attributes, parameters and

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

models will all be updated from the source library. Click the Finish button, check the changes that will
be implemented in the subsequently generated ECO, and execute them. All component instances of
the component types enabled will be updated with the current information in
the source library.
The library that is used to
Setting the Level of Control of the Update Process update the component is the
one specified in the
If you want more control over what is updated, disable the Fully replace component on the sheet.
option in the Update from Library wizard and enable/disable the default The library must be listed in
actions you require for the update of graphical attributes, parameters and the Available Libraries
models. Click on the Advanced button to display the Library Update Settings
dialog where you can define default update actions with respect to To force a search in a
different library (or all
parameters and/or models. Click on the Finish button. An ECO will be
libraries) edit the Library
created, which you can use to view and execute the changes to be setting in the component.
implemented in the update. Use the Parameter Manager
to edit multiple components.

Controlling the Changes to Individual Schematic Parts

If you require control over the
update of individual component
instances, click on the Next > button
to display the second page of the
Update from Library wizard. You can
enable/disable which update actions
are performed and selectively
control changes at the parameter
level as well.

You can also specify a new

component (new Lib Ref) and/or
source schematic library.
Alternatively, you can select a
component instance and click the
Choose Component button to browse for a particular component in an available library or along any
nominated search path.

Click on the Parameter Changes button to display the Select Parameter Changes dialog which
summarizes the changes that will be made to parameters for those components with a parameter
update action enabled. You are given final control over whether to accept or reject changes for each
component instance.

Having defined the update actions for each individual component instance, click on the Finish button
to open the Engineering Change Order dialog. Here you can review, validate and execute the changes
to be implemented. Placed schematic components will be updated with the selected information from
the source schematic libraries when you close this dialog.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Defining PCB Design Rules in the Schematic

PCB specific design rules can be defined in the schematic, they are added as parameters. When you
add a parameter to an object there is an button. If this is clicked the resulting Parameter
Properties dialog will include an button, click this to display the Choose Design Rule
dialog ,where the rule type can be chosen, and then configured in an edit rule dialog.

In the PCB Editor the scope of a rule – the set of objects that this
rule will target – is defined as part of the rule. In the schematic
editor the scope of the rule is defined by where the parameter is
added. The following schematic parameter–to– PCB rule scope
options are supported:

Add Parameter to… For a PCB rule scope of…

Pin pad

Port net

Parameter Set object net

on a wire

Parameter Set object net class

on a bus

Component component

Sheet symbol component class

Sheet All objects

Interfacing to a Version Control System

Version Control – you can interface directly from the Protel DXP interface to
Refer to the DXP Version
popular third party version control systems, including Visual SourceSafe®.
Control tutorial for more
Right-click in the Project panel to access the version control menu options, or information on working with
select Version Control in the project menu for a complete set of features. The a VCS.
VCS interface compiles with the Microsoft® SCC interface, giving direct
access to an SCC compliant VCS from within the DXP environment.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Design Synchronization – linking the Schematic to the PCB

One of the challenges of PCB design is keeping the schematic and the PCB synchronized, or matched.
Invariably design changes are made – to the schematic, the PCB, or both – and these changes must be
transferred to the other design documents. Traditionally this is done using a transfer file of some sort,
typically either a netlist or an ECO file. In the DXP environment synchronization is performed directly
between the schematic and PCB. DXP synchronization is also bi-directional,
meaning that changes can be transferred in both directions in the one update. The comparison engine can
be used to compare any
Underlying design synchronization in nVisage and Protel DXP is a powerful appropriate design
comparison engine. This comparison engine is used to compare the source documents – including a
schematic project to the PCB. The comparison engine does a complete PCB to a netlist, netlist to a
netlist, schematic sheet (or
comparison of all appropriate aspects of each design, including component
project) to schematic sheet
data such as designator, value, footprint and relevant parameters as well as (or project), and so on.
connectivity information including net names and net nodes.

How the Schematic Components Link to their PCB Footprint

The key to synchronizing between the schematic and PCB is linking from each schematic component
to its corresponding PCB footprint. In Protel DXP this can be done in two ways, either by designator, or
by a unique identifier.

To check the status of the component links select Component Links from the Project menu in the PCB
editor. The Component Links dialog display the linkage state of the components.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Components that are linked with a matching unique ID are listed in the Matched Components region
on the right, components that are not currently matched by a unique ID are shown in the two fields on
the left. At the bottom of the dialog are controls that can be used to quickly match components, or you
can select unmatched schematic and PCB components and match them manually.
Generally it is better to match components using a unique ID, this allows you to re-annotate the
designators on the schematic or the PCB, and always be able to resynchronize the design.

If you attempt to synchronize the design and unique IDs are not assigned for all the components, you
will be prompted to attempt to match these components by designator. Note that this matching is by
designator only, it does not check the footprint or comment. If you are unsure if matching by
designator will be correct click No when prompted, then launch the Component Linking dialog to
review the matching.
To give complete control over the assignment and management of linking via unique IDs, DXP will
only assign UIDs when the software places a component into the PCB workspace. If components have
been placed manually from a library you can use the Component Links dialog to match and assign their

Passing Design Changes Between the Schematic and PCB

Select Update in the Design menu to transfer design changes from the schematic to the PCB, or from
the PCB back to the schematic. The Engineering Change Order dialog will appear, listing the changes
that need to be applied to the target document(s), to make them match.

Not all differences can be resolved when you perform an Update, for instance net connectivity
changes can not be transferred from the PCB back to the schematic. If there are changes that can not
be transferred a Confirm dialog will appear, detailing how many changes can not be performed. If you
click No in this dialog the Differences dialog will appear, listing all differences found between the 2
views of the design. The role of this dialog is described below.

Resolving Differences - How Does it Work?

The comparison engine works by performing a detailed comparison of the connective model (netlists)
compiled from each design view. The result of this comparison process is a set of differences. The
process of detecting and resolving differences between design documents works in the following way:

• Compare the design views: Typically this is the schematic project to the PCB. This is done either
by selecting Update in a Design menu, or by selecting Show Differences in the Project menu.
• Generate the list of differences: If you selected Update then Protel DXP knows which way you
want the changes applied, so the Differences dialog is not displayed. If you selected Show
Differences all differences are listed in the Differences dialog.

• Set the change direction: If you have opted to examine the differences first, you must set the
change direction in the Differences dialog. Right click and choose from the floating menu to set all
updates in one action, or click in the Update Decision column and individually set the change
Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

• Generate the Change list: After setting the direction you generate an For a general overview of
ECO. The ECO is a list of actions that will be performed to resolve the the update process refer to
differences. the Design Updates and
ECOs article.
• Apply the changes: Execute the ECO to perform the updates.

For a list of the object kinds supported in a schematic-to-PCB comparison, look in the Comparator Tab
of the Project Options dialog. Not all object kinds are supported in each design view, for example a
Protel Netlist does not support Rooms or Classes.

The Differences dialog lists all detected differences – right click to control which updates are applied in each direction.
Once the updates are defined click to generate the ECO.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Designing Assembly Variants

nVisage and Protel DXP support assembly variants. An assembly variant is created when you wish to
design one PCB, but load it in different configurations – each configuration is referred to as an
assembly variant.

The typical process is to complete the full design and layout the PCB. Once it is complete, and the
schematic and PCB synchronized, you are ready to define the assembly variants.

Variants are created and managed in the Variant Management dialog.

Variant specific output, such as assembly drawings, is generated from an OutJob file.

Select Project » Variants to create an assembly variant. The Variant Management dialog shows the set
of components for the entire design. Once you have added in the required variants and set the Not
Fitted option for those components that are to be left off in that variant, you can generate the variant
specific outputs, including the Bill of Materials, the pick and place file, and the assembly drawing from
the Output Job File (*.OutJob).

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Generating Project Outputs

The end goal of the design process is to produce the necessary output files to manufacture and deliver
the product. These include: a set of schematics to supply with the product; a Bill Of Materials to go into
the company’s product manufacturing system; the Gerber, NC drill and manufacturing files to fabricate
the bare board; assembly drawings, pick and place, and testpoint files to assemble the board; as well as
numerous other incidental files that might be needed for the product handbook, special netlist formats
for RF analysis, and so on. These outputs can be generated individually using
the relevant commands in the File, Design and Reports menus. Right click for a list of
options, or double-click on
an output to configure it.
Output Job Setup and Management
Management and generation of project outputs can also be achieved through the use of an Output Job
file. The Job file stores a set of output setups, including print, CAM, report and netlist. Any
combination of
output setups can be
included in the Job
file, and any number
of Job files can be
included in the
project – allowing
you to use them in
the way that works
best in your

When a new Job file is added to a project it defaults to include all possible output setups. Selected
setups can be deleted (use the CTRL+A shortcuts to select all), and new outputs can be added at any
time. Each output setup uses a specific data source, sources include the entire project (all schematic
sheets), an individual schematic, or the PCB. Double-click to configure the specifications for an
individual output setup.

The Tools menu includes a number of Run options, when the Run Batch command is selected (F9) all
output setups with the Batch checkbox ticked will be generated. At this point, all CAM files will be
saved according to your project options, and normal print dialogs will appear for hard copies. You can
also generate output for a selected group of outputs from within the
output job file, highlight them and invoke the Run Selected command

Fabrication-type outputs can be loaded automatically into the DXP

CAM tool, CAMtastic. The file types that are automatically loaded are
defined in the Output Job Options dialog.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Flexible Report Generation

Every company has their own reporting requirements. To support this, the
You can also access the
Report Outputs include a completely configurable reporting output generator. Report Manager from the
Several component reports, such as the Bill of Materials (BOM) report and the output job configuration
file (File » New » Output
Component Cross Reference report, can be customized in DXP using this Job File).
Report Manager. This facility allows you to sort and group the data gathered
when the report is run. You can also export the report in various formats, such as a Microsoft Excel
document, or use an Excel template to format the exported data.

The Report Manager can be accessed via the Bill of Materials option in the Reports menu, or by adding
a Bill of Materials output setup in an OutJob file.

Fully Customizable Reporting

The report structure is defined in the Report Manager dialog. The dialog takes on the title specified in
the OutJob file, the default is Bill Of Materials.

The information in the Report Manager dialog is sourced from the properties of all components in the
project. Use this dialog to build up the information to include in your BOM. To configure the report:

• Enable the Show option next to the columns you want to be displayed
in the report, each one that is ticked is added to the main grid. For a complete description
of the process of setting up
• Arrange columns in the main grid by clicking and dragging the column a custom report, refer to the
heading. Customizing Component
Reports tutorial.
• Group the data in the main grid by specifying which columns to group
by – to do this drag a column from the Other Columns list to the Grouped Columns list. Multiple
Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

levels of grouping are supported. For example, if you group by Value, all components that have the
same value will be grouped into a single row in the main grid. If you then add Footprint to the
Grouped Columns, all components that have the same Value AND Footprint will be grouped into a
single row.

• If required, sub-sort the data by applying a filter in the Custom AutoFilter dialog (click on a column

Once the data is configured, it is ready to generate the output.

Generating the report

There are two primary methods of generating output, using the Export button or the Excel button.

The Export option generates output in a number of file formats, including Microsoft Excel Worksheet
(*.xls), Comma Separated Value (*.csv), Web page (*.html), XML Spreadsheet (*.xml), and Tab
Delimited Text (*.txt).

Using Excel Templates

The Excel option allows you to generate and load the generated output directly into an Excel
spreadsheet, automatically applying the selected Excel template as it is generated.

To examine how the data in the report maps to the fields in the Excel template open one of the
example templates in the Altium\Templates\ folder. All templates in this folder automatically
appear in the Template drop down in the Report Manager dialog.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Situs Topological Autorouter

Design Rule Compliance

Situs offers complete design rule compliance for all electrical and routing design rules, including via
style and blind and buried vias.

Sophisticated BGA and Surface Mount Component Fanout Strategies

Situs includes a number of sophisticated fanout strategies, supporting all surface mount packaging
technologies including BGA, QFP and LCC fine pitch components. These can be run during
autorouting, or used interactively to pre- fanout components, nets, connections, and so on. Select the
required fanout option in the Auto Route » Fanout sub-menu. The fanout behavior is controlled by the
Fanout Control design rules, define the required number of rules to suit the surface mount
components used in the design.

Multiple Routing Strategies

Situs comes with a number of default
routing strategies, each focused to route
well in a specific situation. Situs will
automatically select either the default 2
layer or the default multilayer strategy
automatically, but you are free to select a
different strategy. The main difference
between the two default strategies is that
the default multilayer strategy includes a
signal fanout pass.

Select the preferred routing strategy before

launching the router.

User definable Routing Strategies

The default strategies cannot be edited. They can be duplicated, and any number of user defined
strategies can be created. Choosing the optimal combination of strategies is highly dependant on the
characteristics of the board being routed. It is recommended that you start by duplicating one of the
default strategies, then experiment by adding, removing and reordering routing passes.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Impedance Controlled Routing

Routing a PCB to ensure it meets the impedances requirements is a process of configuring the physical
properties of the stackup; including material properties, copper and insulation thicknesses, and
placement of plane layers relative to signal layers – as well as selecting suitable track routing widths.

To give you control over this process the

Layer Stack Manager includes built-in
impedance calculators for both microstrip
and stripline impedance calculations.
Click the Impedance Calculation button in
the Layer Stack Manager to examine the
equations used to calculate the

These calculators work in harmony with

the Routing Width design rules whenever
they are configured in the Characteristic
Impedance Driven Width mode. In this
mode the routing width required on each
layer is calculated based on the specified
impedance, using the appropriate
equation and the physical parameters
defined in the layer stack. It is important that the layer stack parameters are correctly defined to
achieve realistic results.

With the rule defined, as you

route a net covered by that rule
it will automatically be set to
the width required on that layer
to meet the specified

Impedance controlled routing

requires power/ground planes
in the stackup, if you enable the
Characteristic Impedance
Driven Width option without a
power plane in the stackup the
routing widths will be held at
the values that were in the
dialog before the option was

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

New PCB Design Rule Scoping System

The design rules define the requirements of your design, including clearances, routing widths, power
plane connection styles, routing via styles, and so on. Each rule has a rule scope, the scope defines
exactly what the rule applies to – such as all objects on the board, or all objects in a particular net, or all
components with a certain footprint. Rather than using a fixed, predefined set of rule scopes, Protel
DXP uses queries to define what objects a rule is to apply to.

There are a number of methods you can use to create the rule scope. These include:

• The pre-defined options in each rule dialog for Net, Net Class, Layer,
Querying is a technique used to
and Net and Layer. Selecting one of these and then choosing from the find, or target objects in the
drop down lists automatically writes the query. design workspace. For a
comprehensive description of
• The Query Builder – select from lists to quickly build the query. how to make the most of using
queries refer to the article, An
• The Query Helper – includes all available query keywords, with a short
Insider’s Guide to the Query
description of each. Press F1 when the cursor is within a keyword for a Language.
comprehensive description of the keyword and examples of using it.

A paste mask expansion rule, targeting all components that use a TSOP12X16 footprint

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Understanding Queries
A query is a combination of symbols — keywords, object identifiers, operators, and values – that are
analyzed, and then applied to every object in the workspace to see if the object complies with that
query. The results of the query is the set of objects that the rule will apply to.

Some tips on becoming familiar with Queries include:

• Use the Query Helper – when you know what sort of keyword you are looking for, but are not sure
what the exact syntax is, try typing it, the type-ahead prompts will help. Also, use the Mask field,
for example if you are looking for footprint related keywords type *footprint in the mask field,
then click on each of the categories to list only those keywords that include the string footprint in
the keyword or description.

• Use the List panel to test a query – type the query in the editor at the top of the List and click
Apply, that way you can visually check to see if it is targeting the correct objects. You can also
review the current rule scopes at any time by setting the PCB panel to Rules, when you click on an
individual rule in the panel it will filter the workspace to show only the objects that the rule will
apply to.

Definable Rule Priorities

To make the scoping system more flexible, the order that rules are applied – the rule priority – is user-
definable. The priority is displayed in the main window of the Design Rules dialog, if you navigate
down using the tree on the left, when you select a rule Type (for example Width) you can click the
Priorities button at the bottom of the dialog and change the priority. The highest priority rule is
priority 1.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

PCB Layout Enhancements

PCB Board Shape

The board shape defines the boundary, or extents of the board. It is used by Press the Spacebar to
Protel DXP to determine the extents of the power planes for power plane edge change the corner style
pullback, and for calculating the board edge when outputting design data, while you are defining the
such as Gerber. board shape.

When a new board file is created a default board shape is also created. This
can be resized, or redefined using the commands in the Design » Board Shape sub-menu.

If your design already includes a board boundary defined on a mechanical layer, use the Define from
Selected Objects command to automatically match the board shape to your outline. Make sure that the
shape defined by the selected objects on the mechanical layer is closed – there are no gaps in the

The board shape defines the edge of the board and is used for automated functions such as the plane pullback.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

PCB Sheet Templates

If you open the PCB example files you will notice that most of them The sheet can be hidden at any time,
display the board on a sheet, and that the sheet includes a border, disable the Display Sheet option in the
grid reference, and title block. Board Options dialog. All linked
mechanical layers will also be hidden. If
Rather than use special objects to implement the template; the you set the workspace start and end
border, grid references and title block are drawn on one of the colors to black (Board Layers dialog)
mechanical layers (Mechanical16 in the examples). you can easily switch from the new
sheet mode to the tradition full black
The sheet itself – the white region – is a special drawing feature. It is mode by switching the sheet display on
controlled using the options in the Board Options dialog. The sheet and off in the Board Options dialog.
can be associated with mechanical layers – by placing objects on Protel DXP includes a set of pre-defined
mechanical layers you can then create any sort of drawing template PCB templates (\Altium\Templates),
open the required template and copy
you require. Once the template elements are placed on a
the contents from it and paste them into
mechanical layer, the layer can be Linked to the Sheet in the Board your board file.
Layers dialog.

While the sheet size and location can be defined manually, if you have linked the sheet to a
mechanical layer the white sheet background is resized automatically to fit the objects on the linked
layer when you select View » Fit Sheet from the menus.

Component Placement Rooms

Protel DXP has enhanced component placement room functionality, including polygonal rooms, copy
room formatting, creating a room to fit a component class, and autorouting and unrouting in a room.
The set of tools for working with rooms are detailed below. Watch the status bar when using each of
the tools:

Place Rectangular Room – place a rectangular room on the top or bottom side of the board (Tools »
Rooms menu).

Place Polygonal Room – place a polygonal room on the top or bottom side of the board (Tools »
Rooms menu).

Copy Room Formats – copy the placement and routing in the selected room, to other rooms that
contain an identical set of components. Use this feature in a multi-channel design, after placing and
routing one channel Protel DXP will automatically place and route the other channels (Tools » Rooms

Wrap Room Around Components – if you have already placed the components in a component class
use this command to automatically wrap the room around the components.

Create Non-Orthogonal Room from selected components – create a component class from the
selected components, then create a non-orthogonal room around them (Tools » Rooms menu).

Create Orthogonal Room from selected components – create a component class from the selected
components, then create an orthogonal room around them (Tools » Rooms menu).

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Create Rectangle Room from selected components – create a component class from the selected
components, then create a rectangular room around them (Tools » Rooms menu).

Autoroute room – autoroute all connections that start and end within a room (Autoroute menu).

Un-route room – un-route all connections that have at least one node in a room (Tools » Un-Route

Slice a room – use this to slice one room into 2 rooms (Edit » Slice menu).

Associative Dimensioning tools

Protel DXP includes a comprehensive set of dimensioning
tools, including Linear, Baseline, Datum, Leader, Angular,
Center, Radial, Linear Diameter, Radial Diameter.
Dimensions can be placed from the Dimensions sub menu,
or the Dimensions toolbar.

Dimensions are associative, once they are connected to an object they will remain connected to the
object as it is moved. To associate a dimension to an object, such as a track end, look for the small
hollow circle drawn in the
same color as the layer being
placed on, this circle indicates
that the dimension will
associate with this point. Each
dimension type also offers
complete control over the
units, the precision, the text
alignment, and the arrow
characteristics – double click
on a dimension to edit any of
these parameters.

Keep an eye on the Status bar

when you are placing a
dimension – each type has a
different placement sequence,
the Status bar will prompt you
what to do next as you place
the dimension. For information
on a particular dimensioning
tool press F1 when the mouse
is over a dimension menu
entry or toolbar button.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Enhanced Splitting of Power Planes

DXP’s new power plane splitting feature
works like cutting with a knife. To split a
plane make the plane the current layer,
and switch to single layer mode (Shift+S
shortcut toggles single layer mode).

Select Place » Line from the menus.

Starting from just outside the board
shape, place lines to define the cut, or
separation, between the two regions you
are splitting apart. The width of the line
defines the no-copper separation, press
the Tab key during line placement to
change the width.

When you first split a plane you must

start from outside the board shape and
finish outside the board shape. You can also cut within the plane, as long as you always start and finish
on an edge, or an existing cut.

Fully Definable Pad Shapes

Protel DXP supports 3
types of pad definition:

Simple – where the pad

properties are the same on
all layers

Top-Mid-Bottom – where
the top layer and bottom
layer are defined
individually, and all mid-
layers are defined as a set

Full Stack – where the pad

properties can be defined
uniquely on every layer.
Click the Edit Full Pad
Layer Definition button to
configure the pad.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Managing Component Heights on the PCB

A height property has been added to PCB footprints. The height can be defined on the board in the
Component dialog, or via the PCB Library Component dialog in the PCB Library Editor (Tools »
Component Properties).

A new Height design rule has been added to

the Placement rules section in the PCB Rules
and Constraints Editor. Use this when you
need to define height restrictions on the PCB.

To define height restrictions on an area basis

you can scope the rule using a query keyword
of WithinRoom, or TouchesRoom (place the
room which defines the restricted area using
the Design » Room sub-menu), or one of the region checking queries, InRegion, InRegionAbsolute or

For information on the query keywords, click the Query Helper button, type the keyword in, then
press F1 when the cursor is within the keyword.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

Working with Dual Monitors

nVisage and Protel DXP take full advantage of a dual monitor configuration. You can arrange the
documents across both monitors, or you can use the second monitor for secondary views, such as the
object Inspector Panel or the List Panel.

To position a document on the second monitor, right-click on a document Tab and select Open in New
Window to create a second DXP window, ready to position on your second monitor. Alternatively, you
can drag a document Tab out when DXP is not maximized. Note that this second window is not a
second instance of Protel DXP, it runs in the same Microsoft Windows process.

To position an individual panel on the second monitor simply click and hold on the actual Panel name
in the caption bar of the panel, and drag and position it. Hold the CTRL key as you drag it to prevent it
from docking to the edge of the application.

Interfacing to Other Design Tools

nVisage and Protel support translation from numerous other design tool formats.

Schematic Capture
• Direct Orcad Capture® V9 & V7 schematic & library import/export
• AutoCAD® DXF & DWG files up to R14 import/export
• P-CAD schematic & library import/export.
PCB Design
• Orcad® layout V9 PCB & library files import
• PADs® PCB import up to V3.5
• AutoCAD® DXF & DWG files up to R14 import/export
• P-CAD PCB import/export
• Specctra® DSN export and RTE import.

Netlist Outputs
nVisage and Protel come with a number of netlist output formats built in, including Protel, EDIF, SPICE,
VHDL and Multiwire.

The DXP environment supports new netlisters being dropped in at any time, visit the Downloads
section of the nVisage website to download a variety of netlisters, including Mentor®, Intergraph®,
Orcad®, PADs® and Tango®.

Orcad Capture Translation Notes

Binary Orcad Capture V7 and V9 schematic and library files load directly into nVisage and Protel’s
schematic editor, simply select Open Project and open the DSN or OLB file.

Feature Highlights of Protel DXP

The Orcad Hierarchical Block object is translated to a Sheet Symbol, a Page is

Refer to the Net Connectivity
translated to a Sheet, and Off Page Connectors are translated to Off Sheet & Navigation article for more
Connectors, a new net identifier which creates horizontal net connectivity information on Off Sheet
among sheets referenced by a single sheet symbol. Connectors.

A new schematic library file (Schematic Title Blocks.SchLib) has been created
with a selection of title block components. The new template library file has been added to the
\Altium\Templates folder. This file provides an alternative to the existing templates and gives Orcad
Capture users a familiar way of supporting title blocks.

To export a design back to Orcad Capture V7, select File » Save Project As.

Other New and Enhanced Features

There are numerous other new and improved features in nVisage and Protel DXP. Below is a short
summary of some of the other features, for a complete list of the new features refer to the Release
Notes PDF available on the website.
PCB routing – when you start on existing routing it picks up the current track width, if it is within the
range allowed by the design rules.

Schematic document opening – hold Ctrl as you double click on a sheet symbol to open the sub-

Mouse zooming – can now use Ctrl+roll to zoom while executing a command.

Auto-increment controls added in schematic preferences – use these to control the auto-increment
pattern when placing objects such as net labels or pins on a component. Values can be numeric or
alpha, incremented or decremented.

Embedded images – images can be embedded in schematic files.

Copy/Paste to lists – in most list displays (e.g., List panel, Parameter Manager) you can copy and paste
multiple cells.

New shortcuts – F5 to switch between a panel and the document, F4 to hide all floating panels (very
handy when there is a large floating panel displayed).

Selected objects flagged in pick lists – a small dot appears next to each selected object in a PCB pick

Context sensitive right click menu – the PCB workspace right-click menu is truly context sensitive, it
now includes specific sub-menus depending on what is under the cursor when the click occurs.

VHDL simulation results includes multiple cursors – add multiple cursors in a VHDL waveform
window, and take measurements between them.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

3 Design capture, simulation and layout

Welcome to the DXP introductory tutorial ...........................................................................................3-2
The Design Explorer............................................................................................................................3-2
How the design documents are stored........................................................................................3-3
Creating a new project ........................................................................................................................3-3
Creating a new schematic sheet .................................................................................................3-4
Adding schematic sheets to a project .........................................................................................3-5
Setting the schematic options .....................................................................................................3-6
Drawing the schematic................................................................................................................3-6
Locating the component and loading the libraries.......................................................................3-7
Placing the components on your schematic................................................................................3-8
Wiring up the circuit...................................................................................................................3-12
Setting up Project Options ................................................................................................................3-14
Checking the electrical properties of your schematic................................................................3-15
Compiling the project ........................................................................................................................3-17
Creating a new PCB document .........................................................................................................3-19
Adding a new PCB to a project .................................................................................................3-21
Transferring the design .....................................................................................................................3-21
Updating the PCB .....................................................................................................................3-21
Designing the PCB ............................................................................................................................3-22
Setting up the PCB workspace .................................................................................................3-22
Defining the layer stack and other non-electrical layers............................................................3-22
Setting up new design rules ......................................................................................................3-24
Positioning the components on the PCB...................................................................................3-27
Manually routing the board........................................................................................................3-29
Automatically routing the board.................................................................................................3-33
Verifying your board design ......................................................................................................3-34
Setting up the Project Outputs ..........................................................................................................3-36
Printing ......................................................................................................................................3-36
Manufacturing output files .........................................................................................................3-38
Simulating the design ........................................................................................................................3-40
Setting up for simulation............................................................................................................3-41
Running a transient analysis .....................................................................................................3-42
Further explorations ..........................................................................................................................3-45

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Welcome to the DXP introductory tutorial

Welcome to the world of DXP – a complete 32- bit electronic design system for Windows 2000 and XP.
DXP provides a completely integrated suite of design tools that lets you easily take your designs from
concept through to final board layout. All DXP tools run within a single application environment – the
Design Explorer. Start DXP and the Design Explorer opens, putting all your design tools at your
fingertips. You benefit from a single, customizable user environment.
This tutorial is designed to give you an overview of how to create a schematic, update the design
information to a PCB and generate manufacturing output files. It also investigates the concept of
projects, integrated libraries and circuit simulation.

The Design Explorer

The Design Explorer is your interface to your designs and the design tools. To start DXP and open the
Design Explorer, select Programs » Altium » DXP from the Windows Start menu. When you open DXP,
the most common initial tasks are displayed for easy selection.

Workspace panels
More pop out panels
DXP System Menu
are displayed by
Click the down-arrow clicking on these tabs.
icon to display the These panels can also
System menu and set be moved, docked or
up the system clipped.
preferences. All other
menus and toolbars
automatically change Workspace
to suit the document
Common tasks
being edited.
are listed to get
started quickly.
Workspace panels
These include Files
and Projects panels.
These panels can be
moved, docked or
clipped by clicking on Panel Control Help Advisor
the panel title and Editor specific Use the natural
dragging it to a new and shared language help
location. panels can be system to quickly
chosen from the find the answer to
Click on the tab at the Panel Control list. your question.
bottom of the panel to
display its contents.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

As you create your design documents, you can easily switch between editors, for example, the
Schematic Editor and the PCB Editor. The Design Explorer will change toolbars and menus according to
the editor you are currently working in. The name of some workspace panels will initially be displayed
down the right side of the workspace. Click on these names to pop out the panels, which then can be
moved, docked or clipped to suit your work environment.

The following diagram shows the Design Explorer when several documents and editors are open at the
same time and the windows have been tiled.

Document tabs
Each open Design Window
document has its Displays the documents
own tab at the top of that are currently open in
the design window. this design.
Right-click on a tab
to close, split or tile
the open windows. Schematic Editor

The Selection
Graphical and List views Memory button
You can choose between saves selections.
showing your documents PCB Editor The Mask Level
in a graphical view in the button allows you
design window, or as a list to change the level
of objects with their Workspace panels of dimming of
properties in the List view Click on these unmasked objects.
(View » Workspace Layer tabs Click Clear to clear
buttons to display
Panels » List), or both. Each PCB layer the current mask.
has its own tab. the associated
workspace panel.

How the design documents are stored

DXP stores all the design documents and output files on your hard disk as individual files. You can use
the Windows Explorer to search for them. Project files can be created that contain links to the design
documents and are necessary for design verification and synchronization.

Creating a new project

A project in DXP consists of links to all documents and setups related to a design. A project file, e.g.
xxx.PrjPCB, is an ASCII text file that lists which documents are in the project and related output

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

setups, e.g. for printing and CAM. Documents that are not associated with a project are called ‘free
documents’. Links to schematic sheets and a target output, e.g. PCB, FPGA, embedded (VHDL) or
library package, are added to a project. Once the project is compiled, design verification,
synchronization and comparison can take place. Any changes to the original schematics or PCB, for
example, are updated in the project when compiled.

The process of creating a new project is the same for all project types. We will use the PCB project as
an example. We will create the project file first and then create the blank schematic sheet to add the
new empty project. Later in this tutorial we will create a blank PCB and add it to the project as well.

To start the tutorial, create a new PCB project:

1. Click on Create a new Board Level Design Project in the Pick a Task section of the design window.

Alternatively, you could select File » New » PCB Project from the menus, or click on Blank Project
(PCB) in the New section of the Files panel. If this panel is not displayed, click on the Files tab at
the bottom of the Design Manager panel.

2. The Projects panel displays. The new project file, PCB Project1.PrjPCB, is listed here with no
documents added.

3. Rename the new project file (with a .PrjPCB extension) by selecting File » Save Project As.
Navigate to a location where you would like to store the project on your hard disk, type the name
Multivibrator.PrjPCB in the File Name field and click on Save.
Next we will create a schematic to add to the empty project file. This schematic will be for an
astable multivibrator circuit.

Creating a new schematic sheet

Create a new schematic sheet by completing the following steps:

1. Select File » New » Schematic, or click on Schematic Sheet in the New section of the Files panel. A
blank schematic sheet named Sheet1.SchDoc displays in the design window and the schematic
Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

document is automatically added (linked) to the project. The schematic sheet is now listed under
Schematic Sheets beneath the project name in the Projects tab.

2. Rename the new schematic file (with a .SchDoc extension) by selecting File » Save As. Navigate to
a location where you would like to store the schematic on your hard disk, type the name
Multivibrator.SchDoc in the File Name field and click on Save.

When the blank schematic sheet opens you will notice that the workspace changes. The main toolbar
includes a range of new buttons, new toolbars are visible and the menu bar includes new items. You
are now in the Schematic Editor.

You can customize many aspects of the workspace. For example, you can reposition the panels and
toolbars or customize the menu and toolbar commands.

Now we can add our blank schematic to the project before proceeding with the design capture.

Adding schematic sheets to a project

If the schematic sheets you want to add to a project file have been opened as Free Documents, right-
click on the schematic document in the Free Documents section of the Projects panel and select Add
to Project. The schematic sheet is now listed under Schematic Sheets beneath the project name in the
Projects tab and is linked to the project file.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Setting the schematic options

The first thing to do before you start drawing your circuit is to set up the appropriate document
options. Complete the following steps:

1. From the menus, choose Design » Document Options and the Document Options dialog will
open. For this tutorial, the only change we need to make here is to set the
sheet size to standard A4 format. In the Sheet Options tab, find the Standard DXP has a multilevel
Undo, allowing you to
Styles field. Click the arrow next to the entry to see a list of sheet styles. undo any number of
previous actions. The
2. Select the A4 style and click the OK button to close the dialog and update
maximum number of
the sheet size. Undo steps is user-
configurable and limited
3. To make the document fill the viewing area again, select View » Fit
only by the available
Document. memory on your
In DXP, you can activate any menu by simply pressing the menu hotkey (the
underlined letter in the menu name). Any subsequent menu items will also have hot keys that you can
use to activate the item. For example, the shortcut for selecting the View » Fit Document menu item is
to press the V key followed by the D key. Many submenus, such as the Edit » DeSelect menu, can be
called directly. To activate the Edit » DeSelect » All on Current Document menu item, you need only
press the X key (to call up the DeSelect menu directly) followed by the A key.

Next we will set the general schematic preferences.

You can save any
1. Select Tools » Schematic Preferences [shortcut T, P] from the menus to schematic sheet as a
open the schematic Preferences dialog. This dialog allows you to set global document template
(.dot) allowing you to
preferences that will apply to all schematic sheets you work on. include special
2. Click on the Default Primitives tab to make it active and enable the information such as a
custom company title
Permanent check box. Click the OK button to close the dialog. block and logo.
3. Before you start capturing your schematic, save this schematic sheet, so
select File » Save [shortcut F, S].

Drawing the schematic

You are now ready to begin capturing (drawing) the schematic. For this tutorial, we will use the circuit
shown below (Figure 1). This circuit uses two 2N3904 transistors configured as a self-running astable

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Figure 1. An astable multivibrator

Locating the component and loading the libraries

To manage the thousands of schematic symbols included with DXP,
the Schematic Editor provides powerful library search features.
Although the components we require are in the default installed
libraries, it is useful to know how to search through the libraries to
find components. Work through the following steps to locate and
add the libraries you will need for the tutorial circuit.

First we will search for the transistors, both of which are type

1. Click on the Libraries tab to display the Libraries panel.

2. Press the Search button in the Libraries panel, or select Tools »

Find Component. This will open the Search Libraries dialog.

3. Ensure that the Scope is set to Libraries on Path and that the
Path field contains the correct path to your libraries. If you
accepted the default directories during installation, the path
should be C:\Program Files\Altium\Library\. Click on
the folder icon to browse to the library folder. Ensure that the
Include Subdirectories box is not selected (not ticked) for this

4. We want to search for all references to 3904, so in the Name text

field in the Search Criteria section, type *3904*. The * symbol is
a wildcard used to take into account the different prefixes and
suffixes used by different manufacturers.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

5. Click the Search button to begin the search. The Results tab displays as the search takes place. If
you have entered the parameters correctly, a library will be found and displayed in the Search
Libraries dialog.
6. Click on the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib library to select it. This library has symbols for
all the available simulation-ready BJT transistors.

7. Click the Install Library button to make this library available to your schematic. Since this library is
already installed by default, the button is grayed out in this example.

8. Close the Search Libraries dialog.

The added libraries will appear at the top of the Libraries panel. As you click on a library name in the
upper list, the components in that library are listed below. The component filter in the panel can then
be used to quickly locate a component within a library.

Placing the components on your schematic

The first components we will place on the schematic are the two transistors, Q1 and Q2. For the
general layout of the circuit, refer to the schematic drawing shown in Figure 1.

1. Select View » Fit Document from the menus [shortcut V, D] to ensure your schematic sheet takes
up the full window.

2. Make sure the Libraries panel is displayed by clicking on the Libraries tab.

3. Q1 and Q2 are BJT transistors, click on the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib library to make it
the active library.
4. Use the filter to quickly locate the component you need. The default wildcard (*) will list all
components found in the library. Set the filter by typing *3904* in the filter field below the
Library name. A list of components which have the text “3904” as part of their Component Name
field will be displayed.
5. Click on the 2N3904 entry in the list to select it, then click the Place button. Alternatively, just
double-click on the component name.

The cursor will change to a cross hair and you will have an outlined version of the transistor
“floating” on your cursor. You are now in part placement mode. If you move the cursor around,
the transistor outline will move with it.
6. Before placing the part on the schematic, first edit its properties. While the transistor is floating on
the cursor, press the TAB key. This opens the Component Properties dialog for the component.
We will now set up the dialog options to appear as below.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

7. In the Properties section of the dialog, set the value for the first component The link between the
schematic component
designator by typing Q1 in the Designator field.
and the PCB component
8. Next we will check the footprint that will be used to represent the is the footprint. The
footprint specified in the
component in the PCB. For this tutorial, we have used integrated libraries
schematic is loaded from
which mean that the recommended models for footprints and circuit the PCB library when
simulation are already included. Make sure that model name you load the netlist.
BCY-W3/D4.7 is included in the Models list. Leave all other fields at their Double-click on a
default values and click OK to close the dialog. schematic component to
specify the footprint.
You are now ready to place the part.

1. Move the cursor (with the transistor symbol attached) to position the When you are in any editing or
transistor a little left of the middle of the sheet. placement mode (a cross hair
cursor is active), moving the
2. Once you are happy with the transistor’s position, left-click or press cursor to the edge of the
ENTER to place the transistor onto the schematic. document window will
automatically pan the
3. Move the cursor and you will find that a copy of the transistor has been document.
placed on the schematic sheet, but you are still in part placement mode
If you accidentally pan too far
with the part outline floating on the cursor. This feature of DXP allows
while you are wiring up your
you to place multiple parts of the same type. So let’s now place the circuit, press V, F (View » Fit
second transistor. This transistor is the same as the previous one, so All Objects) to redraw the
there is no need to edit its attributes before we place it. DXP will schematic window, showing all
automatically increment a component’s designator when you place a placed objects. This can be
done even when you are in the
series of parts. In this case, the next transistor we place will
middle of placing an object.
automatically be designated Q2.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

4. If you refer to the schematic diagram (Figure 1) you will notice that Q2 is drawn as a mirror of Q1.
To flip the orientation of the transistor that is floating on the cursor, press the X key. This flips the
component horizontally.

5. Move the cursor to position the part to the right of Q1. To position the component more
accurately, press the PAGEUP key twice to zoom in two steps. You should now be able to see the
grid lines.

6. Once you have positioned the part, left-click or press ENTER to place Q2. Once again a copy of the
transistor you are “holding” will be placed on the schematic, and the next
Use the following keys to
transistor will be floating on the cursor ready to be placed.
manipulate the part floating
7. Since we have now placed all the transistors, we will exit part placement on the cursor:
mode by clicking the right mouse button or pressing the ESC key. The Y flips the part vertically
cursor will revert back to a standard arrow. X flips the part horizontally
Next we will place the four resistors. SPACEBAR rotates the part
by 90°.
1. In the Libraries panel, make sure the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib
library is active.
2. Set the filter by typing res1 in the filter field below the Library name.
To edit the attributes of an
3. Click on RES1 in the components list to select it, then click the Place object placed on the
button. You will now have a resistor symbol floating on the cursor. schematic, double-click the
object to open its
4. Press the TAB key to edit the resistor’s attributes. In the Properties section Component Properties
of the dialog, set the value for the first component designator by typing dialog.
R1 in the Designator field.

5. Make sure that model name AXIAL-0.3 is included in the Models list.

6. Set up a parameter field for the resistor that will display on the schematic and be used by DXP
when running a circuit simulation later in this tutorial. The =Value parameter can be used for any
general information about the component but discrete components use it when simulating. We
can also set the Comment to read this value and this maps the Comment information to the PCB
layout tool. Rather than enter the value twice (in the parameter =Value and then in the Comment
field), DXP supports ‘indirection’ which will replace the contents of the Comments field with the
parameter’s string.

If there is not a Value parameter already included in the component properties, click Add in the
Parameters list section to display the Parameter Properties dialog. Enter the name Value and a
value of 100k. Make sure String is selected as the parameter type and the value’s Visible box is
ticked. Click OK.

This RES1 component already has a Value parameter, so just type 100k in the Value field.

7. In the Properties section of the dialog, click on the Comment field and select the =Value string
from the drop down list and turn Visible off. Click the OK button to return to placement mode.

8. Press the SPACEBAR to rotate the capacitor by 90° so it is in the correct orientation.
Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

9. Position the resistor above the base of Q1 (refer to the schematic diagram in Figure 1) and left-click
or press ENTER to place the part.

Don’t worry about making the resistor connect to the transistor just yet. We will wire up all the
parts later.

10. Next place the other 100k resistor R2 above the base of Q2. The designator will automatically
increment when you place the second resistor.

11. The remaining two resistors, R3 and R4, have a value of 1k, so press the TAB key to call up the
Component Properties dialog and change the Value field of the Value parameter to 1k. Click OK to
close the dialogs.

12. Position and place R3 and R4 as shown in the schematic diagram in Figure 1.

13. Once you have placed all the resistors, right-click or press ESC to exit part placement mode.

Now place the two capacitors.

To reposition any object,
1. The capacitor part is also in the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib library, simply place the cursor
which should already be selected in the Libraries panel. directly over the object,
click-and-hold the left
2. Type cap in the component’s filter field in the Libraries panel. mouse button, drag the
object to a new position
3. Click on CAP in the components list to select it, then click the Place button. and then release the
You will now have a capacitor symbol floating on the cursor. mouse button.

4. Press the TAB key to edit the capacitor’s attributes. In the Properties section of the Component
Properties dialog, set the Designator to C1, check the PCB footprint model RAD-0.3 is added in
the Models list.

5. Change the Value field of the Value parameter to 20n. Make sure String is selected as the
parameter type and the value’s Visible box is ticked. Click OK.

6. In the Properties section of the dialog, click on the Comment field and select the =Value string
from the drop down list and turn Visible off. Click the OK button to return to placement mode.

7. Position and place the two capacitors in the same way that you placed the previous parts.

8. Right-click or press ESC to exit placement mode.

The last component to be placed is the connector, located in Miscellaneous Connectors.IntLib.

1. Select Miscellaneous Connectors.IntLib from the Libraries list in the Libraries panel. The
connector we want is a two-pin socket, so set the filter to *2*.

2. Select HEADER2 from the parts list and click the Place button. Press TAB to edit the attributes and
set Designator to Y1 and check the PCB footprint model is HDR1X2. No Value parameter is
required as we will replace this component with a power source when simulating the circuit. Click
OK to close the dialog.

3. Before placing the connector, press X to flip it horizontally so that it is in the correct orientation.
Click to place the connector on the schematic.
Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

4. Right-click or press ESC to exit part placement mode.

5. Save your schematic by selecting File » Save from the menus [shortcut F, S].

You have now placed all the components. Note that the components in Figure 2 are spaced so that
there is plenty of room to wire to each component pin. This is important because you can not place a
wire across the bottom of a pin to get to a pin beyond it. If you do, both pins will connect to the wire.

If you need to move a component, click-and-hold on the body of the component, then drag the mouse
to reposition it.

To graphically edit the shape of

a wire, or any other graphical
object once it has been placed,
position the arrow cursor over it
Figure 2. Schematic with all parts placed. and click once.
Whenever a wire runs across
the connection point of a
Wiring up the circuit component, or is terminated on
Wiring is the process of creating connectivity between the various another wire, DXP will
components of your circuit. To wire up your schematic, refer to the diagram automatically create a junction.
in Figure 1 and complete the following steps. When placing wires, keep in
mind the following points:
1. To make sure you have a good view of the schematic sheet, use the
- left-click or press ENTER to
PAGE UP key to zoom in or PAGE DOWN to zoom out. Also try holding anchor the wire at the cursor
down the Ctrl key and using the mouse wheel to zoom. position;
2. Firstly wire the resistor R1 to the base of transistor Q1 in the following - press BACKSPACE to
manner. Select Place » Wire [shortcut P, W] from the menus or click on remove the last anchor point;
the Wire tool from the Wiring Tools toolbar to enter the wire placement - after placing the last segment
mode. The cursor will change to a crosshair. of a wire, right-click or press
ESC to end the wire
3. Position the cursor over the bottom end of R1. When you are in the placement. The cursor will
right position, a red connection marker (large asterisk) will appear at remain as a cross hair and
the cursor location. This indicates that the cursor is over an electrical you can begin placing
another wire.
connection point on the component.
- Right-click again or press
4. Left-click or press ENTER to anchor the first wire point. Move the cursor ESC to exit wire placement
and you will see a wire extend from the cursor position back to the mode.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

anchor point.

5. Position the cursor so that it is below R1 and level with the base of Q1. Left-click or press ENTER to
anchor the wire at this point. The wire between the first and second anchor points will be placed.

6. Position the cursor over the base of Q1 until you see the cursor change to a red connection
marker. Left-click or press ENTER to connect the wire to the base of Q1.

7. Right-click or press ESC to finish placing this particular wire. Note that the cursor remains a cross
hair, indicating that you are ready to place another wire. To exit placement mode completely and
go back to the arrow cursor, you would right-click or press ESC again – but don’t do this just now.

8. We will now wire C1 to Q1 and R1. Position the cursor over the left connection point of C1 and
left-click or press ENTER to start a new wire.

9. Move the cursor horizontally till it is directly over the wire connecting the base of Q1 to R1. A
connection marker will appear.

10. Left-click or press ENTER to place the wire segment, then right-click or press ESC to indicate that
you have finished placing the wire. Note how the two wires are automatically connected.
11. Wire up the rest of your circuit, as shown in Figure 3.

A wire that crosses the end of

a pin will connect to that pin,
even if you delete the junction.
Check that your circuit looks
like Figure 3 before

Figure 3. The fully wired schematic

12. When you have finished placing all the wires, right-click or press ESC to exit placement mode. The
cursor will revert to an arrow.

Nets and net labels

Each set of component pins that you have connected to each other now form what is referred to as a
net. For example, one net includes the base of Q1, one pin of R1 and one pin of C1.

To make it easy to identify important nets in the design, you can add net labels. To place net labels on
the two power nets:

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

1. Select Place » Net Label [shortcut P, N]. A dotted box will appear floating on the cursor.

2. To edit the net label before it is placed, press the TAB key to display the Net Label dialog.

3. Type 12V in the Net field, then click OK to close the dialog.

4. Place the net label so that the bottom left of the net label touches the upper most wire on the
schematic. The cursor will change to a red cross when the net label touches the wire. If the cross is
light gray, it means you are trying to label a pin instead.
5. After placing the first net label you will still be in net label placement mode, so press the TAB key
again to edit the second net label before placing it.

6. Type GND in the Net field, click OK to close the dialog and place the net label. Right-click or press
ESC to exit net label placement mode.

7. Select File » Save [shortcut F, S] to save your circuit. Save the project as well.

Congratulations! You have just completed your first schematic capture using DXP.
Before we turn the schematic into a circuit board, let’s set up the project options.

Setting up Project Options

The project options include the error checking parameters, a connectivity matrix, the Comparator
setup, ECO generation, output paths and netlist options and any project parameters you wish to
specify. DXP will use these setups when you compile the project.

When a project is compiled, comprehensive design and electrical rules are applied to verify the design.
When all errors are resolved, the re-compiled schematic designs are loaded into the target document,
e.g. a PCB document, by generated ECOs. The project Comparator allows you to find differences
between source and target files and update (synchronize) in both directions.
All project-related operations, such as error checking, comparing documents and ECO generation, are
set up in the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project Options).

Project outputs, such as assembly and fabrication outputs and reports can be set up from the File menu
options. You can also set up job options in a Job Options file (File » New » Output Job File). See Setting
up the Project Outputs for more information.
1. Select Project » Project Options. The Options for Project dialog displays.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

All project-related options are set up through this dialog.

Checking the electrical properties of your schematic

Schematic diagrams in DXP are more than just simple drawings – they contain electrical connectivity
information about the circuit. You can use this connectivity awareness to verify your design. When you
compile a project, DXP checks for errors according to the rules set up in the Error Reporting and
Connection Matrix tabs and any violations generated will display in the Messages panel.

Setting up Error Reporting

The Error Reporting tab in the Options for Project dialog is used to set up design drafting checks. The
Report Mode is the level of severity of a violation. If you wish to change a Report Mode, click on a
Report Mode next to the violation you wish to change and choose the level of severity from the drop-
down list. For this tutorial we will use the default settings.

Setting up the Connection Matrix

The Connection Matrix tab (Options for Project dialog) displays the severity of an error type that is
produced when error reporting is run to check electrical connections within the design, i.e.
connections between pins, ports and sheet entries. The matrix gives a graphical representation of
different types of connection points on a schematic and whether they are allowable or not.
For example, look down the entries on the right side of the matrix diagram and find Output Pin. Read
across this row of the matrix till you get to the Open Collector Pin column. The square where they
intersect is orange indicating that an Output Pin connected to an Open Collector Pin on your
schematic will generate an error condition when the project is compiled.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

You can set each error type with a separate error level, e.g. from no report at all through to a fatal error.
Right-click to see the menu options to control the entire matrix.

To make changes to the Connection Matrix:

1. Click on the Connection Matrix tab in the Options for

Project dialog.

2. Click on the box that is at the intersection of two

types of connection, e.g. Output Sheet Entry and
Open Collector Pin.

3. Click until the box changes to the color of the errors

as listed in the legend, e.g. an orange box indicates
that an error will be generated if such a connection is

Our circuit contains only Passive Pins (on resistors,

capacitors and the connector) and Input Pins (on the
transistors. Let’s check to see if the connection matrix will
detect unconnected passive pins.

1. Look down the row labels to find Passive Pin. Look

across the column labels to find Unconnected. The square where these entries intersect indicates
the error condition when a Passive Pin is found to be Unconnected in the schematic. The default is
a green square, which indicates that no report will be generated.

2. Click on this intersection box until it turns yellow so that a warning will be generated for
unconnected passive pins when we compile the project. We will purposely create an instance of
this error to check it later in this tutorial.

Setting up the Comparator

The Comparator tab in the Options for Project dialog sets which differences between files will be
reported or ignored when a project is compiled. For this tutorial, we do not need to show differences
between some features that refer to hierarchical schematic designs only, such as rooms. Make sure you
do not accidentally ignore components when you meant to ignore component classes!

1. Click on the Comparator tab and find Changed Room Definitions, Extra Room Definitions and
Extra Component Classes in the Difference Associated with Components section.

2. Select Ignore Differences from the drop-down list in the Mode column to the right of the these

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Now we are ready to compile the project and check for any errors.

Compiling the project

Compiling a project checks for drafting and electrical rules errors in the design documents and puts
you into a debugging environment. We have already set up the rules in the Error Checking and
Connection Matrix tabs of the Options for Project dialog.

1. To compile our Multivibrator project, select Project » Compile PCB Project.

2. When the project is compiled, any errors generated will display in the Messages panel. Click on
this panel to check for errors. The compiled documents will be listed in the Navigator panel,
together with a flattened hierarchy, components and nets listed and a connection model that can
be browsed.

If your circuit is drawn correctly, the Messages panel should be blank. If the report gives errors, check
your circuit and ensure all wiring and connections are correct.
We will now deliberately introduce an error into our circuit and recompile the project:

1. Click on the Multivibrator.SchDoc tab at the top of the design window to make the schematic
sheet the active document.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

2. Click in the middle of the wire that connects R1 to the base wire of Q1. Small, square editing
handles will appear at each end of the wire and the selection color will display as a dotted line
along the wire to indicate that it is selected. Press the DELETE key to delete the wire.

3. Recompile the project (Project » Compile PCB Project to check that any errors are found.

The Messages panel will display warning messages indicating you have unconnected pins in your

4. Double-click on an error or warning in the Messages panel and the Compile Error window will
display with details of the violation. From this window, you can click on an error and jump to the
violating object in a schematic to check or correct the error.

Before we finish this section of the tutorial, let’s fix the error in our schematic.

1. Click on the tab of the schematic sheet to make it active. If you wish to clear
messages from the
2. Select Edit » Undo from the menus [shortcut Ctrl+Z]. The wire you deleted Messages panel, right-
previously should now be restored. click in the window and
select Clear All.
3. To check that the undo was successful, recompile the project (Project »
Compile PCB Project to check that no errors are found. The Messages panel should show no

4. Select View » Fit All Objects [shortcut V, F] from the menus to restore your schematic view and
save your error-free schematic.

5. Save the schematic and the project file as well.

Now we have completed and checked our schematic, it is time to create the PCB.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Creating a new PCB document

Before you transfer the design from the Schematic editor to the PCB editor, you need to create the
blank PCB with at least a board outline. The easiest way to create a new PCB design in DXP is to use the
PCB Wizard, which allows you to choose from industry-standard board outlines as well as create your
own custom board sizes. At any stage you can use the Back button to check or modify previous pages
in the wizard.

To create a new PCB using the PCB Wizard, complete

the following steps:

1. Create a new PCB by clicking on PCB Board Wizard

in the New from Template section at the bottom of
the Files panel. If this
option is not displayed
on the screen, close
some of the sections
above by clicking on the
up arrow icons.

2. The PCB Board Wizard

opens. The first screen
you see is the
introduction page. Click
the Next button to

3. Set the measure units to Imperial, i.e. 1000 mils =

one inch.

4. The third page of the wizard allows you to select

the board outline you wish to use. For this tutorial
we will enter our own board size. Select Custom from the list of board outlines and click Next.

5. In the next page you enter custom board options. For the tutorial circuit, a 2 x 2 inch board will
give us plenty of room. Select Rectangular and type 2000 in both the Width and Height fields.
Deselect Title Block & Scale, Legend String and Dimension Lines. Click Next to continue.

6. This page allows you to select the number of layers in the board. We will need two signal layers
and no power planes. Click Next to continue.

7. Choose the via styles used in the design by selecting Thru-hole vias only and click Next.

8. The next page allows you to set the component/track technology (routing) options. Select the
Through-hole components option and set the number of tracks between adjacent pads to One
Track. Click Next.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

9. The next page, Track/Via Sizes, allows you to set up some of the design rules that apply to your
board. Leave the options on this screen set to their defaults. Click the Next button to continue.

10. Click Finish to close the Wizard.

11. The PCB Wizard has now collected all the information it needs to create your new board. The PCB
Editor will now display a new PCB file named PCB1.PcbDoc.

12. The PCB document displays with a default sized white sheet and a blank board shape (black area
with grid). To turn it off, select Design » Board Options and deselect Display Sheet in the Board
Options dialog.

You can add your own border, grid reference and title block from other PCB templates supplied
with DXP. For more information about using board shapes, sheets and
templates, see the Board Shapes and Sheets tutorial. For more tutorials, press
F1 to access the DXP
13. Now the sheet has been turned off, display the board shape only by Help and Online
selecting View » Fit Board [shortcut V, F]. Documentation system
and click on the Articles
14. The PCB document is automatically added (linked) to the project and is & Tutorials link.
listed under PCBs beneath the project name in the Projects tab.

15. Rename the new PCB file (with a .PcbDoc extension) by selecting File » Save As. Navigate to a
location where you would like to store the PCB on your hard disk, type the name
Multivibrator.PcbDoc in the File Name field and click on Save.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Adding a new PCB to a project

If the PCB you want to add to a project file has been opened as a Free Document, right-click on the
PCB document in the Free Documents section of the Projects panel and select Add to Project. The PCB
is now listed under PCBs beneath the project in the Projects tab and is linked to the project file.

Transferring the design

Before transferring the schematic information to the new blank PCB, make sure all the related libraries
for both schematic and PCB are available. Since only the default installed integrated libraries are used
in this tutorial, the footprints will already be included. Once the project has been compiled and any
errors in the schematic fixed, use the Update PCB command to generate ECOs that will transfer the
schematic information to the target PCB.

Updating the PCB

To send the schematic information to the target PCB in your project:
1. Open the schematic document, Multivibrator.SchDoc.

2. Select Design » Update PCB (Multivibrator.PcbDoc). The project compiles and the
Engineering Change Order dialog displays.

3. Click on Validate Changes. If all changes are validated, the green ticks appear in the Status list. If
the changes are not validated, close the dialog, check the Messages panel
and clear any errors. You can create a report
of ECOs to print out by
4. Click on Execute Changes to send the changes to the PCB. When clicking on the Report
completed, the Status changes to Done. Changes button.

5. Click Close and the target PCB opens with components positioned ready for placing on the board.
Use the shortcut keys V, D (View Document) if you cannot see the components in your current

Figure 4. The components next to the board, ready for positioning.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Designing the PCB

Now we can start placing the components on the PCB and routing the board.

Setting up the PCB workspace

Before we start positioning the components on the board, we need to set up the PCB workspace, such
as the grids, layers and design rules.

We need to ensure that our placement grid is set correctly before we start positioning the
components. All the objects placed in the PCB workspace are aligned on a grid called the snap grid.
This grid needs to be set to suit the routing technology that you intend to use.
The PCB Editor supports
Our tutorial circuit uses standard imperial components that have a minimum pin imperial and metric
units. Select View »
pitch of 100mil. We will set the snap grid to an even fraction of this, say 50 or
Toggle Units to switch.
25mil, so that all component pins will fall on a grid point when placed. Also, the
track width and clearance for our board are 12mil and 13mil respectively (the default values used by
the PCB Board Wizard), allowing a minimum of 25mil between parallel track centers. The most suitable
snap grid setting would, therefore, be 25mil.

To set the snap grid, complete the following steps:

1. Select Design » Board Options [shortcut D, O] to open the Board Options dialog.

2. Set the value of the Snap X, Snap Y, Component X and Component Y fields of the dialog to 25mil
using the drop-down lists or typing in the value. Note that this dialog is also used to define the
electrical grid. The electrical grid operates when you place an electrical object, it overrides the
snap grid and snaps electrical objects together. Click OK to close the dialog.

Let’s set some other options that will make positioning components easier.

1. Select Tools » Preferences from the menus [shortcut T, P] to open the Preferences dialog. In the
Editing Options section of the Options tab, make sure the Snap to Center option is checked. This
ensures that when you “grab” a component to position it, the cursor is set to the component’s
reference point.

2. Click the Display tab in the Preferences dialog to make it active. In the Show section of this tab,
uncheck the Show Pad Nets, Show Pad Numbers and Via Nets options. In the Draft Thresholds
section of this dialog, check the Strings field is 4 pixels and click OK to close the dialog.

Defining the layer stack and other non-electrical layers

If you look at the bottom of the PCB workspace, you will notice a series of layer tabs. The PCB Editor is
a multi-layered environment and most of the editing actions you perform will be on a particular layer.
Select Design » Board Layers & Colors [shortcut L] to display the Board Layers & Colors dialog where
you can display, add, remove and rename and set the colors of the layers.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

There are three types of layers in the PCB Editor:

• Electrical layers – these include the 32 signal layers and 16 plane layers. Electrical layers are added
to and removed from the design in the Layer Stack Manager, select Design » Layer Stack Manager
to display this dialog.

• Mechanical layers – there are 16 general purpose mechanical layers for defining the board outline,
placing dimensions on, including fabrication details on, or any other mechanical details the design
requires. These layers can be selectively included in print and Gerber output generation. You can
add, remove and name mechanical layers in the Board Layers & Colors dialog.

• Special layers – these include the top and bottom silkscreen layers, the solder and paste mask
layers, drill layers, the Keep-Out layer (used to define the electrical boundaries), the multilayer
(used for multilayer pads and vias), the connection layer, DRC error layer, grid layers and hole
layers. The display of these special layers is controlled in the Board Layers & Colors dialog.

Layer Stack Manager

The tutorial is a simple design and can be routed as a single-sided or double-sided board. If the design
was more complex, you would add more layers in the Layer Stack Manager.

1. Select Design » Layer Stack Manager [shortcut D, K] to display the Layer Stack Manager dialog.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

2. New layers and planes are added below the currently selected layer. Layer properties, such as
copper thickness and dielectric properties are used for signal integrity analysis. Click OK to close
the dialog.

The new board has opened with many more layers enabled than you will use, so let’s turn off all the
unnecessary layers. To turn off layers, complete the following steps:

1. Press the L shortcut key to display the Board Layers & Colors dialog.

2. Click on Used On to disable all layers except those that have something on them.

3. Make sure the four Mask layers and the Drill Drawing layer will not display by checking there is no
tick in the Show button next to their layer names. Click OK to close the dialog.

Setting up new design rules

The DXP’s PCB editor is a rules-driven environment. This means that as you work in the PCB editor and
perform actions that change the design, such as placing tracks, moving components, or autorouting
the board, the PCB editor constantly monitors each action and checks to see if the design still complies
with the design rules. If it does not, then the error is immediately highlighted as a violation.

Setting up the design rules before you start working on the board allows you to remain focused on the
task of designing, confident in the knowledge that any design errors will immediately be flagged for
your attention.

The design rules fall into 10 categories and are further divided into design rule types. The design rules
cover electrical, routing, manufacturing, placement and signal integrity requirements.

We will now set up new design rules to specify the width that the power nets must be routed.

To set up these rules, complete the following steps:

1. With the PCB as the active document, select Design » Rules from the menus.

2. The PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog will appear. Each category of rules is displayed in the
Design Rules panel (left hand side) of the dialog. Double-click on the Routing category to expand

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

the category and see the related routing rules. Then double-click on Width to display the width
rules available.

3. Click once on each rule in the Design Rules panel to select it. As you click on each rule, the right
hand side of the dialog displays the rule’s scope (what you want this rule to target) in the top
section and the rule’s constraints in the bottom section. These rules are either defaults, or have
been set up by the Board Wizard when the new PCB document was created.

4. Click on the Width rule to display its scope and constraints. This rule applies to the entire board

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

One of the powerful features of DXP’s design rule system is that multiple rules of the same type can be
defined, each targeting different objects. The exact set of objects that each rule targets is defined by
that rule’s scope. The rule system uses a pre-defined hierarchy to work out which rule to apply to each

For example, you could have a width constraint rule for the whole board (meaning all tracks must be
this width), a second width constraint rule for the ground net (this rule overrides the previous rule),
and a third width constraint rule for a particular connection on the ground net (which overrides both
of the previous rules). Rules are displayed in their order of priority.

Currently there is one width constraint rule for your design, which applies to the whole board (width =
12 mil). We will now add a new width constraint rule for the 12V and GND nets (width = 25 mil). To add
new width constraint rules, complete the following steps:

1. With the Width category selected in the Design Rules panel, right-click and select New Rule to add
a new width constraint rule set up to target the 12V net only.

A new rule named Width_1 appears. Click on the new rule in the Design Rules panel to modify
the scope and constraints.

2. Type 12V or GND in the Name field. The name will refresh in the Design Rules panel when you
click back in the Design Rules panel when you have finished setting the rule.

3. Next we set the rule’s scope using the Query Builder but you can always type in the scope directly
if you know the correct syntax. If your query is more complicated, click on the Advanced button
and use the Query Helper.

4. Click on the Query Builder button to open the Building Query from Board dialog.

5. Click on Add first condition and select Belongs to Net from the drop-down list. In the Condition
Value field, click and select the net 12V from the list. The Query Preview now reads InNet

6. Click on Add another condition to widen the scope to include the GND net. Select Belongs to Net
and GND as the Condition Value.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

7. Change the operator by clicking on the operator ‘AND’ and then select OR from the drop-down
list. Check that the query preview reads InNet(‘12V’) OR InNet(‘GND’).

8. Click OK to close the Building Query from Board dialog. The scope in the Full Query section has
now been updated with the new query.

9. In the bottom section of the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog, change the Minimum,
Preferred and Maximum width fields to 25mil by clicking on the old constraints text (10mil) and
typing in the new values. Note that you must set the Maximum width field first before you can
change the Minimum value. The new rule is now set up and will save when you choose another
rule in the Design Rules panel or close the dialog.

10. Finally, click to edit the original Board scope width rule named Width and confirm that the
Minimum, Maximum and Preferred width fields are all set to 12mil. Click OK to close the PCB
Rules and Constraints Editor dialog.

When you route the board manually or using the autorouter, all tracks will be 12mils wide, except the
GND and 12V tracks which will be 25mils.

Positioning the components on the PCB

Now we can start to place the components in their right positions.

1. Press the V, D shortcut keys to zoom in on the board and components.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

2. To place the connector Y1, position the cursor over the middle of the outline of the connector,
and click-and-hold the left mouse button. The cursor will change to a cross hair and jump to the
reference point for the part. While continuing to hold down the mouse button, move the mouse
to drag the component.

3. Position the footprint towards the left-hand side of the board (ensuring that the whole of the
component stays within the board boundary), as shown in Figure 5.

The connection lines are

automatically re-optimized
as you move a component.
In this way you can use the
connection lines as a guide
to the optimum position and
orientation of the
component as you place it.

Figure 5. Components placed on the PCB

4. When the component is in position, release the mouse button to drop it into place. Note how the
connection lines drag with the component.

5. Reposition the remaining components, using Figure 5 as a guide. Use the SPACEBAR key as
necessary to rotate components as you drag them, so that the connection lines are as shown in
Figure 5. Don’t forget to re-optimize the connection lines as you position each component.

Component text can be repositioned in a similar fashion – click-and-hold to drag the text and
press the SPACEBAR to rotate it.

DXP also includes powerful interactive placement tools. Let’s use these to ensure that the four resistors
are correctly aligned and spaced.

1. Holding the SHIFT key, left-click on each of the four resistors to select them. A shaded selection
box will display around each of the selected components in the color set for the system color
called Selections. To change this selection color, select Design » Board Layers & Colors [shortcut

2. Click on the Align Components by Top Edges button on the Component Placement toolbar.
The four resistors will align along their top edge.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

3. Now click on the Make Horizontal Spacing of Components Equal button on the Component
Placement toolbar.

4. Click elsewhere in the design window to deselect all the resistors. The four resistors are now
aligned and equally spaced.

Changing a footprint
Now that we have positioned the footprints, the
capacitor footprint appears too big for our
requirements! Let’s change the capacitor footprint to
a smaller one.

1. First we will browse for a new footprint. Click on

the Libraries panel and select Miscellaneous
Devices.IntLib from the Libraries list. Click
on Footprints to display footprints available in
the active library. We want a smaller radial type
footprint, so type rad in the Filter field. Click on
the Footprint names to see the footprints
associated with them. The footprint RAD-0.1 will
do the job.

2. Double-click on the capacitors and change the

Footprint field to RAD-0.1 in the Component
dialog. You can simply type in the new footprint
name, or click on the … button and select a footprint from the Browse Libraries dialog. Click OK
and the new footprints are displayed on the board. Reposition the designators as required.

3. Your board should now look like the PCB design above.

With everything positioned, it’s time to lay some tracks!

Manually routing the board

Routing is the process of laying tracks and vias on the board to connect the components. DXP makes
the job of routing easy by providing a number of sophisticated manual routing tools as well as the new
powerful Situs topological autorouter, which optimally routes the whole or part of a board at the touch
of a button.

While autorouting provides an easy and powerful way to route a board, there will be situations where
you will need exact control over the placement of tracks – or you may want to route the board
manually just for the fun of it! In these situations you can manually route part or all of your board. In
this section of the tutorial, we will manually route the entire board “single-sided”, with all tracks on the
bottom layer.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

We will now place tracks on the bottom layer of the board, using the “ratsnest” connection lines to
guide us.

In DXP, tracks on a PCB are made from a series of straight segments. Each time there is a change of
direction, a new track segment begins. Also, by default DXP constrains tracks to a vertical, horizontal or
45° orientation, allowing you to easily produce professional results. This behavior can be customized to
suit your needs, but for this tutorial we will stay with the
First click starts
you placing a
1. Enable and show the Bottom Layer by pressing the track. Now move
the cursor toward
shortcut key L to display the Board Layers & Colors
the bottom pad on
dialog. Click on the Show checkbox next to Bottom R1.
Layer in the Signal Layers section. Click OK and the
Bottom Layer tab is displayed in the design window.

2. Select Place » Interactive Routing from the menus

[shortcut P, T] or click the Interactive Routing button
on the Placement toolbar. The cursor will
change to a cross hair indicating you are in Note how the
connection line
track placement mode. guides you to the
3. Examine the layer tabs that run along the bottom of target pad.
the document workspace. The Top Layer tab should
currently be active. To switch to the bottom layer Segment you are
without dropping out of track placement mode, press currently placing
the * key on the numeric keypad. This key toggles Look-ahead
between the available signal layers. The Bottom Layer segment
tab should now be active. Position the cursor
over the pad on
4. Position the cursor over the bottom-most pad on the
connector Y1. Left-click or press ENTER to anchor the
first point of the track.

5. Move the cursor towards the bottom pad of the Click a second
resistor R1. Note how the track is laid. By default, time to place this
track segment.
tracks are constrained to vertical, horizontal or 45°
directions. Also note that the track has two segments.
The first (coming from the starting pad) is solid blue.
This is the track segment you are actually placing. The
second segment (attached to the cursor) is called the
“look-ahead” segment and is drawn in outline. This
Third click to place
segment allows you to look ahead at where the next
the next track
track segment you lay could be positioned so that you segment.
can easily work your way around obstacles,
You have now
maintaining a 45°/90° track orientation. routed this
6. Position the cursor over the middle of the bottom pad

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

of resistor R1 and left-click or press the ENTER key. Note that the first track segment turns blue,
indicating that it has been placed on the Bottom Layer. Move the cursor around a little and you will
see that you still have two segments attached to the cursor: a solid blue
segment that will be placed with the next mouse click and an outlined You may find using a
larger crosshair cursor
“look-ahead” segment to help you position the track.
useful when placing
7. Re-position the cursor over the bottom pad of R1. You will have a solid blue tracks. To change the
cursor size, select Tools
segment extending from the previous segment to the pad. Left-click to place
» Preferences. Select
the solid blue segment. Large 90 from the
Cursor Type list in the
You have just routed the first connection.
Options tab of the
8. Move the cursor to position it over the bottom pad of resistor R4. Note a Preferences dialog.
solid blue segment extends to R4. Left-click to place this segment.

9. Now move the cursor to the bottom pad of resistor R3. Note that this segment is not solid blue, but
drawn in outline indicating it is a look-ahead segment. This
is because each time you place a track segment the mode
toggles between starting in a horizontal/vertical direction
and starting at 45°. Currently it is in the 45° mode. Press the
SPACEBAR key to toggle the segment start mode to
horizontal/vertical. The segment will now be drawn in solid
blue. Left-click or press the ENTER key to place the segment.

10. Move the cursor to the bottom of resistor R2. Once again
you will need to press the SPACEBAR key to toggle the
Note that the look-ahead segment is clipping
segment start mode. Left-click or press the ENTER key to
(no longer attached to the cursor). The PCB
place the segment. Editor will prevent you from accidentally
placing a track across another object that
11. You have now finished routing the first net. Right-click or
would cause a violation. This connection
press the ESC key to indicate that you have finished placing must be routed around the capacitor.
this track. The cursor will remain a cross hair, indicating that
you are still in track placement mode, ready to place the next track. Press the END key to redraw
the screen so that you can clearly see the routed net.

12. You can now route the rest of the board in a similar manner to that described in the previous
steps. Figure 6 shows the manually routed board.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Figure 6. Manually routed board, with tracks placed on the bottom layer.

13. Save the design [shortcut F, S or Ctrl+S].

Tips for placing tracks

Keep in mind the following points as you are placing the tracks:

• Left-clicking the mouse (or pressing the ENTER key) places the track segment drawn in solid color.
The outlined segment represents the look-ahead portion of the track. Placed track segments are
shown in the layer color.

• Press the SPACEBAR key to toggle between the start horizontal/vertical and start 45° modes for the
track segment you are placing.

• Press the END key at any time to redraw the screen.

• Press the V, F shortcut keys at any time to redraw the screen to fit all objects.

• Press the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys at any time to zoom in or out, centered on the cursor
position. Use the mouse wheel to pan left and right. Hold the Ctrl key down to zoom in and out
with the mouse wheel.

• Press the BACKSPACE key to “unplace” the last track segment.

• Right-click or press ESC when you have finished placing a track and want to start a new one.

• You cannot accidentally connect pads that should not be wired together. DXP continually analyzes
the board connectivity and prevents you from making connection mistakes or crossing tracks.

• To delete a track segment, left-click on it to select it. The segment’s editing handles will appear
(the rest of the track will be highlighted). Press the DELETE key to clear the selected track segment.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

• Re-routing is easy in DXP – simply route the new track segments, when you right-click to finish the
old redundant track segments will automatically be removed.

• When you have finished placing all the tracks on your PCB, right-click or press the ESC key to exit
placement mode. The cursor will change back to an arrow.

Congratulations! You have manually routed your board design.

Automatically routing the board

To see how easy it is to autoroute with DXP, complete the following steps:

1. First, un-route the board by selecting Tools » Un-Route » All from the menus [shortcut U, A].

2. Select Autoroute » All [shortcut A, A]. The Situs Routing Strategies dialog displays. Click on Route
All. The Messages panel displays the process of the autorouting.

It’s as simple as that! DXP’s autorouter provides results comparable with that of an experienced
board designer and because DXP routes your board directly in the PCB window, there is no need
to wrestle with exporting and importing route files.

3. Select File » Save [shortcut F, S] to save your board.

Note that the tracks placed by the autorouter appear in two colors: red indicates that the track is on the
top signal layer of the board and blue indicates the bottom signal layer. The layers that are used by the
autorouter are specified in the Routing Layers design rule, which was set up by the PCB Board Wizard.
You will also notice that the two power net tracks running from the connector are wider, as specified
by the two new Width design rules you set up.

Don’t worry if the routing in your design is not exactly the same as Figure 7; the component placement
will not be exactly the same, so neither will be the routing.

Figure 7. Fully autorouted board

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Because we originally defined our board as being double-sided in the PCB Board Wizard, you could
manually route your board “double-sided” using both the top and bottom layers. To do this, un-route
the board by selecting Tools » Un-Route » All from the menus [shortcut U, A]. Start routing as before,
but use the * key to toggle between the layers while placing tracks. DXP will automatically insert vias if
necessary when you change layers.

Verifying your board design

DXP provides a rules-driven environment in which to design PCBs and allows you to define many types
of design rules to ensure the integrity of your board. Typically, you set up the design rules at the start
of the design process and then verify that the design complies with the rules at
DXP supports
the end of the design process.
hierarchical design rules.
Earlier in the tutorial we examined the routing design rules and added a new You can set any number
of rules of the same
width constraint rule. We also noted that there were already a number of rules
class, each with a
that had been created by the PCB Board Wizard. defined scope. The
rule’s priority determines
To verify that the routed circuit board conforms to the design rules, we will now
the rule’s precedence.
run a Design Rule Check (DRC):

1. Choose Design » Board Layers & Colors [shortcut L] and ensure that Show button next to the DRC
Error Markers option in the System Colors section is checked (ticked) so that the DRC error
markers will be displayed, if any.

2. Choose Tools » Design Rule Check from the menus [shortcut T, D]. Both the on-line and batch
DRC options are configured in the Design Rule Checker dialog. Click on a category to see all the

3. Leave all options at their defaults and click the Run Design Rule Check button. The DRC will run
and the report file Multivibrator.DRC opens. The results will also be displayed in the Messages

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

panel. Click back into the PCB document and you will see that the transistor pads are highlighted
in green, indicating a design rule violation.

4. Look through the errors list in the Messages panel. It lists any violations that occur in the PCB
design. Notice that there are four violations listed under the Clearance Constraint rule. The details
show that the pads of transistors Q1 and Q2 violate the 13mil clearance rule.

5. Double-click on an error in the Messages panel to jump to its location on the PCB.

Normally you would set up the clearance constraint rules before laying out your board, taking account
of routing technologies and the physical properties of the devices. Let’s analyze the error then review
the current clearance design rules and decide how to resolve this situation.

To find out the actual clearance between the transistor pads:

1. With the PCB document active, position the cursor over the middle of one of the transistors and
press the PAGE UP key to zoom in.

2. Select Reports » Measure Primitives [shortcut R, P]. The cursor will change to a cross hair.

3. Position the cursor over the middle of the left pad on the transistor and left-click or press ENTER.
Because the cursor is over both the pad and the track connected to it, a menu will pop up to allow
you to select the desired object. Select the transistor pad from the popup menu.

4. Position the cursor over the center of the middle

transistor pad and left-click or press ENTER. Once
again, select the pad from the popup menu. An
information box will open showing the minimum
distance between the edges of the two pads is

5. Close the information box, then right-click or press

ESC to exit the measurement mode and then use the V, F shortcut to re-zoom the document.

Let’s look at the current clearance design rules.

1. Select Design » Rules from the menus [shortcut D, R] to open the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor
dialog. Double-click on the Electrical category to display all electrical rules in the right side of the
dialog. Double-click on the Clearance type (listed in the right side) and then click on Clearance
to open it. The region at the bottom of the dialog will contain a single rule, specifying that the
minimum clearances for the whole board are 13mil. The clearance between the transistor pads is
less than this, which is why they generate a violation when we run a DRC.
We now know the minimum distance between transistor pads is a little over 10mil, so let’s set up a
design rule that allows the clearance constraint to be 10mil for the transistors only.

2. Select the Clearance type in the Design Rules panel, right-click and select New Rule to add a new
clearance constraint rule.

3. Click on the new Clearance rule, Clearance_1. In the Constraints section of the resulting dialog,
set the Minimum Clearance to 10mil.
Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

4. Click on Advanced (Query) and then click on Query Helper to construct the query from the
Memberships Checks. Alternatively, simply type in the following query in the Query field for the
first object:
The * (asterisk) indicates ‘any pad’ on the footprint named BCY-W3/D4.7.
5. Leave the scope for the second object at ALL and click OK. Click Close to close the PCB Rules and
Constraints Editor dialog.

6. You can now re-run the DRC from the Design Rules Checker dialog (Tools » Design Rule Check)
by clicking the Run Design Rule Check button. There should be no rule violations.
7. Save your completed PCB and the project file.

Well done! You have completed the PCB layout and are ready to produce the output documents.

Setting up the Project Outputs

Project outputs, such as printing and output files, are set up in Output Job files which can be copied
and pasted into other projects and modified as required. Alternatively, you can select individual
commands from the File menu to set up default job options, such as Default Prints.

1. Select File » New » Output Job File, select the output you wish to set up and double-click to
modify the setups of that output. Make all necessary configurations and save the output jobs file.
2. If you want the outputs to be sent to individual folders according to the output type, select Project
» Project Options, click on the Options tab and click on Use separate folder for each output type
and click OK.

Once the layout and routing of the PCB is complete, you are ready to produce the output
documentation. This documentation might include a manufacturing drawing detailing the fabrication
information and assembly drawings detailing component location information and loading order.

To produce these drawings, DXP includes a sophisticated printing engine that gives you complete
control over the printing process. You can define precisely what mix of PCB layers you want to print,
preview the drawings (called printouts) and set the scaling and orientation to see exactly how it will
look on the page before you print it.
Now we will create a print preview using default output settings and then change the setups.

1. Select File » Print Preview from the PCB menus. The PCB will be analyzed and a default printout
displayed in the print preview window. Click on Close.

2. To examine the set of PCB layers that are included in the printout or to change the default print
options, select File » Default Prints. The Default Prints tab of the Options for Project dialog

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

This tab shows that when you print the PCB, the default print will be a Composite Drawing as this
is the default option enabled for PCB printing.

3. Select Composite Drawing from the Documentation Outputs section and click on the Configure
button. The PCB Printout Properties dialog displays. You can add or delete layers to be printed
using the right-click menu options.

4. Double-click on a layer name to display the Layers Properties dialog where you can set the print
type - full, draft or hide (off) -drill layers and drill drawing symbols. Click OK to close the dialog.

5. Click on Preferences to display the PCB Print Preferences dialog to set the color and gray scales,
mechanical layers to include in the printout and any font substitutions. Close the dialog.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

6. While we are in still the Options for Project dialog, we will change the layer configurations for the
Combination Drill Guide. Select and enable Drill Drawing/Guides in the Fabrication Outputs
section and click on the Configure button. By default, this printout includes both the drill guide, a
system layer which includes a small cross at each drill site, and the drill drawing layer, which
includes a special shape at each drill site, unique for each drill size.

The Drill Guide layer is not required in a typical drill drawing, so to remove it, right-click on the
Drill Guide layer in the Printouts & Layers column and select Delete. Click OK.

7. Now click on Page Setup and then Preview to view your drill drawing. You can then click on Print
to display your printer setups and then click OK to send your drawing to the specified printer.

8. When in the Print Preview, select Copy from the right-click menu to copy the current printout to
the clipboard and paste it into another Windows application. Right-Click and select Export Metafile
to export the printouts to the hard disk as EMF files. Click Close to close the print preview window.

9. To change the target printer and set the page orientation and scaling, you can select the Page
Setup button in the Options for Project dialog (or File » Page Setup from the menus). Choose your
preferred printer and check the printer page is set to Landscape.

10. When you have completed your setups, close all open dialogs.

Manufacturing output files

The final phase of the PCB design process is to generate the manufacturing files. The set of files that
are used to manufacture and fabricate the PCB include Gerber files, NC drill files, pick and place files, a
bill of materials and testpoint files. Output job files can be set by selecting File » New » Output Job File
or you can create outputs through individual commands on the File » Fabrication Outputs menu. The
setups for the manufacturing documents are stored as part of the project file.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Generating Gerber files

Each Gerber file corresponds to one layer in the physical board – the component overlay, top signal
layer, bottom signal layer, the solder masking layers and so on. It is advisable to consult with your PCB
manufacturer to confirm their requirements before generating the Gerber and NC drill files required
to fabricate your design.

To create the manufacturing files for the tutorial PCB:

1. Make the PCB the active document, then select File » Fabrication Outputs »Gerber files. The
Gerber Setup dialog displays.

If you do not want output

files to automatically
open when they are
created, select Project »
Project Options, click
on the Options tab and
deselect Open Outputs
after compile.

2. Click on the Layers tab to select which layers to use. Click on Plot Layers and select Used On. Click
OK to accept the other default settings.

3. The Gerber files are produced and CAMtastic! opens to display the files. The Gerber files are
stored in the Project Outputs folder which is automatically created in the folder where your
project files reside. Each file has the file extension added that corresponds to the layer name, e.g.
Multivibrator.GTO for Gerber Top Overlay. These are added to the Projects panel under
Generated Documents.

Creating a Bill of Materials

1. To create a Bill of Materials, click on the PCB document, Multivibrator.PcbDoc and select
Reports » Bill of Materials. The Bill of Materials for PCB dialog displays.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

2. Use this dialog to build up your BOM. Click on Show next to the columns you want to add to the

3. Select and drag a column heading from Other Columns to Grouped Columns to group
components by that column heading in the BOM. For example, to group by the Footprint column,
select Footprints in the Other Columns section and drag it into the Grouped Column section. The
list will be sorted accordingly.

4. Click on Report to display a print preview of your BOM. This preview can then be printed using
the Print button or exported to a file format, such as .xls for Microsoft Excel, using the Export
button. Close the dialogs.

Congratulations! You have completed the PCB design process.

Simulating the design

DXP allows you to run a vast array of circuit simulations directly from a schematic. In the following
sections of the tutorial we will simulate the output waveforms produced by our multivibrator circuit.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Setting up for simulation

Before we can run a simulation we need to add a few things to our circuit: a voltage source to power
the multivibrator; a ground reference for the simulations and some net labels on the points of the
circuit where we wish to view waveforms.

1. Click on the Multivibrator.SchDoc tab at the top of the window to make the schematic the
active document.

2. We must replace the connector with a voltage source. To delete the connector, click once on the
body of the connector to select it (a dotted selection box will appear around the connector), then
press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

3. At the moment there is not enough room for the voltage source, so we’ll move the free ends of the
wires. To move the dangling end of the 12V wire, click once on the wire to select it. When the
small square editing handles appear, click once on the handle on the free end of the wire, then
move the handle up almost to where the wire changes direction (but not all the way up). Click
again to “drop” the handle.

4. Repeat this process for the dangling end of the GND wire, moving it towards the bottom of the

5. Select View » Toolbars » Simulation Sources to display the Simulation Sources toolbar.

6. Click the +12V source button on the Simulation Sources toolbar. A source
symbol will appear floating on the cursor. Press the TAB key on the
keyboard to edit its attributes. In the Component Properties dialog, change
the Designator field to V1. Click OK to close the dialog and then place the
source between the dangling ends of the 12V and GND wires.

7. Using the same technique you used to move the dangling ends of the 12V and GND wires apart,
move them again to attach each wire end to either end of the voltage source, as shown in Figure 9
(simulation-ready schematic).

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

The electrical “hot spot”

of a net label is the
bottom left corner, so
ensure that this corner
touches the wire and a
red cross appears.

Figure 9. Simulation-ready schematic

Our last task before running a simulation is to place net labels at appropriate points on the circuit so
we can easily identify the signals we wish to view. In the tutorial circuit, the points of interest are the
base and collectors of the two transistors.

1. Select Place » Net Label from the menus [shortcut P, N]. Press the TAB key to edit the net label
attributes. In the Net Label dialog, set the Net field to Q1B and close the dialog.

2. Position the cursor over the wire coming from the base of Q1. See Figure 9 for net label
placement. Left-click or press ENTER to place the net label on the wire.

3. Press the TAB key and change the Net field to Q1C.

4. Position the cursor over the wire coming from the collector of Q1 and left-click to place the
second net label.

5. Similarly, place net labels with designators Q2B and Q2C on the base and collector wires of Q2

6. When you have finished placing net labels, right-click, or press ESC, to exit placement mode.

7. To save your simulation-ready circuit with a different name to that of your original schematic,
select File » Save Copy As [shortcut F, A] and type Multivibrator simulation.SchDoc in the
Save Copy As dialog. Remove the Multivibrator.SchDoc from the project and add the new
document Multivibrator simulation.SchDoc to the project and save.

Running a transient analysis

Your schematic now has all the necessary additions, so let’s set up a transient analysis of the circuit. In
our tutorial circuit, the RC time constant is 100k x 20n = 2 milliseconds. To view five cycles of the
oscillation, we will set up to view a 10ms portion of the waveform.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

1. With Multivibrator simulation.SchDoc open in the Schematic Editor, select Design »

Simulate » Mix Sim from the menus to display the Analyses Setup dialog. All the simulation options
are set up here.

2. First we will set up the nodes in the circuit that you wish to observe. In the Collect Data For field,
select Node Voltage and Supply Current from the list. This option defines what type of data you
want calculated during the simulation run.

3. In the Available Signals field, double-click on the Q1B, Q2B, Q1C and Q2C signal names. As you
double-click on each one, it will move to the Active Signals field.

4. Make sure the Operating Point Analysis and the Transient/Fourier checkboxes are enabled (ticked)
for this analysis. If the Transient/Fourier Analysis Setup does not display automatically, click on the
Transient/Fourier analysis name.

5. Check that the Use Transient Defaults option is disabled, so that the Transient Analysis parameters
are available.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

6. To specify a 10ms simulation window, set the Transient Stop Time field to 10m.

7. Now set the Transient Step Time field to 10u, indicating that the simulation should display a point
every 10us (giving 1000 display points in all, enough to give an accurate picture of the results).

8. During simulation, the actual timestep is varied automatically to achieve convergence. The
Maximum Step field limits the variation of the timestep size, set the Transient Max Step Time to

You are now ready to run a transient simulation.

1. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Analyses Setup dialog to run the simulation.

2. The simulation will be performed, when it is finished you should see output waveforms similar to
those shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Output waveforms from the multivibrator.

Congratulations! You have simulated your circuit and displayed its output waveforms.
If you like, you can change the values of some of the components on your schematic and re-run the
simulation to see the effects. Try changing the value of C1 to 47n (double-click on C1 to edit its
attributes) and re-running the transient analysis. The output waveforms will show an uneven
mark/space ratio.

Design capture, simulation and layout – an introductory tutorial

Further explorations
This tutorial has introduced you to just some of the powerful features of DXP. We’ve captured a
schematic, run a transient simulation on the design, and designed and routed a PCB, all with the
integrated tools provided in DXP. But we’ve only just scratched the surface of the design power
provided by DXP.
Once you start exploring DXP you will find a wealth of features to make your design life easier. To
demonstrate the capabilities of the software, a number of example files are included. You can open
these examples in the normal way by selecting File » Open from the menus and then navigating to the
\Program Files\Altium\Examples\ folder. As well as the board design examples in this folder,
there are a number of sub-folders with examples that demonstrate specific features of DXP.

Check out the Circuit Simulation sub-folder to explore DXP’s analog and digital simulation
capabilities. As well as analog examples that demonstrate various circuit designs, such as amplifiers and
power supplies, there are mixed-mode examples, a math function example, and an example that
includes linear and non-linear dependent sources and even a vacuum tube example!
With faster logic switching and design clock speeds, the quality of the digital signals becomes more
important. DXP includes a sophisticated signal integrity analysis tool that can accurately model and
analyze your board layout. The signal integrity requirements such as impedance, overshoot,
undershoot, and slope are defined as PCB design rules, and then tested during the standard design
rule check.
If there are nets that you need to analyze in more detail, you can select Tools » Signal Integrity to pass
the design to the Signal Integrity Analyzer, where you can perform reflection and cross talk
simulations. The results are displayed in an oscilloscope-like waveform analyzer, where you can
examine the performance and take measurements directly from the waveforms.

Thanks for participating in the DXP introductory tutorial.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

4 Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

Customizing DXP resources ...............................................................................................................4-1
Customization overview ......................................................................................................................4-2
Rearranging the existing menus and toolbars.....................................................................................4-2
Adding a command to a toolbar or menu ............................................................................................4-3
Shortcuts to adding commands to existing bars .........................................................................4-4
Adding a Group separator to a drop-down menu........................................................................4-4
Deleting commands.............................................................................................................................4-4
Delete a custom command .........................................................................................................4-5
Delete a command from one resource........................................................................................4-5
Creating a new drop-down menu ........................................................................................................4-5
Creating a new toolbar ........................................................................................................................4-6
Duplicating bars ..........................................................................................................................4-6
Activating toolbars.......................................................................................................................4-6
Setting the main menu ................................................................................................................4-7
System level commands .....................................................................................................................4-7
Creating a new command ...................................................................................................................4-7
Duplicating commands................................................................................................................4-8
Working with shortcut key tables.........................................................................................................4-8
Restoring menu and toolbar defaults ..................................................................................................4-8

Customizing DXP resources

This tutorial covers the following topics on customizing DXP resources:

• rearranging the existing menus and toolbars

• adding and deleting toolbar or menu commands

• creating a new drop-down menu or a new toolbar

• duplicating and activating toolbars

• setting the main menu

• floating main menus and toolbars

• creating, duplicating and editing commands

• working with shortcut key tables

• restoring menu and toolbar defaults.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

Customization overview
Resources in an editor are the menu bars, toolbars and the shortcut key tables. All the commands
available from the menus are also available for adding to or deleting from these resources. Behind
each resource item, such as a toolbar icon or menu item, there is a pre-packaged process launcher that
activates a command when its resource item is selected.

The pre-packaged process launchers bundle together the process that runs when the command is
selected, plus any parameters, bitmaps (icons), captions (the name of an item that displays on a
resource), descriptions and associated shortcut keys. If a process launcher is modified, every linked
instance of the command on any bar will be updated.

Commands can be customized to meet your own needs. Customizations are stored in the file
C:\Documents and Settings\User_name\Application Data\Altium\DXP.rcs.

Rearranging the existing menus and toolbars

When the Customizing dialog is open, you can click and drag commands around between the active
menus and toolbars.

1. Right-click on a menu bar or a toolbar and select Customize from the drop-down menu. The
relevant Customizing dialog displays, e.g. right-clicking on the Schematic Editor menu will display
the Customizing Sch Editor dialog. All customization is done while this dialog is displayed.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

2. Select the command from an existing menu, submenu or toolbar (a black box around the name or
icon shows it is selected) and drag it to its new location on either a menu or toolbar. A black bar
will indicate where the command will be added.

Adding a command to a toolbar or menu

A command can be linked or duplicated when it is added to a bar. A linked command will be updated if
the original process launcher is modified. A duplicated command, however, will remain as a copy of
the original process launcher and not be updated. Duplicated commands can be modified to create a
new command by changing its process launcher properties. See Editing Commands for more details.

To add a command to a bar:

1. Right-click on a menu bar or a toolbar and select Customize from the drop-down menu. The
relevant Customizing dialog displays.
2. Find the command you wish to add to another bar.

The Categories in the Commands tab of the Customizing dialog are the menu and submenu
headings sorted alphabetically. By default, the built-in bars (the default menus and toolbars)
display in the Commands list. These will show you all the commands installed. You can select and

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

drag these commands to add to another toolbar or menu but you will not be able to edit them
from this view.

Clicking on a Category will display all the commands associated with that menu bar.

3. Select the command you want to add to a toolbar or menu from the Commands section of the
Customizing dialog.

4. With the dialog still open, go to the menu or toolbar that you want to add the command to and
right-click to display the Customize drop-down menu.

5. Select Insert Link (to link to the original process launcher) or Insert Duplicate (to create a copy of
the command). A line will appear where the insertion will take place and the cursor will change
when you place it over anywhere on the bars that you can add a command, as shown below. The
cursor changes for a linked command (arrow) and duplicated command (+ sign).

6. Release the mouse button and the command will be added to the menu or toolbar.

Shortcuts to adding commands to existing bars

With the Customizing dialog open, select the command in a menu or toolbar you want to duplicate or

Ctrl, click and drag to the new location to Insert Duplicate.

Shift+Ctrl, click and drag to the new location to Insert Link.

Adding a Group separator to a drop-down menu

You can add a line separator above the item in a menu or before an icon in a toolbar. With the
Customizing dialog open, right-click on a menu or toolbar item and select Begin Group.

Deleting commands
You can delete one instance or all instances of a custom Command from menus or toolbars. Note that
the default Commands cannot be deleted.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

Delete a custom command

Deleting a customized command stored in the Custom category will delete all instances of the custom
command from all resources.

1. Right-click on the main menu bar or a toolbar and select Customize from the drop-down menu.
The Customizing dialog displays.

2. Click on the Custom category and select the command you want to delete.

3. Click on the Delete button and click OK to confirm the permanent deletion of the command. All
instances of the command will be removed from the bars.

Delete a command from one resource

If you want to delete just one instance of a command without affecting other instances:

1. Right-click on the menu bar or a toolbar and select Customize from the drop-down menu. The
Customizing dialog displays.

2. With the dialog still open, select the command that you want to delete from the actual menu or
toolbar. A black box around the item indicates it is selected.

3. Right-click and select Delete. Alternatively, simply click and hold on the menu item or
toolbar icon and drag it off its bar. The cursor changes to a cross when you release the
mouse button.

Creating a new drop-down menu

1. With the Customizing dialog open, place the cursor where you want to add the new menu to
appear. It could be added to the main menu or by clicking on an existing command in a menu can
be used to create a sub-menu.

2. Right-click and select Insert Drop Down to add a new drop-down menu. The Edit Drop Down
Menu dialog displays.

3. Add a new caption (the menu name), a popup key (to quickly access the menu) and a bitmap for
an icon (if required) and click OK. The new menu name (caption) displays in the menus.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

4. Now, add the commands to your new menu. See Adding a command for details.

Creating a new toolbar

From the Bars tab of the Customizing Sch Editor dialog, you can select which main menu and toolbars
to display, create a new or duplicate toolbar as well as rename, delete or restore toolbars.

To create a new blank toolbar:

1. Right-click on a menu or toolbar and

select Customize. When the
Customizing dialog displays, click on
the Bars tab.

2. Click on the New button to create a

new bar. A ‘New Toolbar’ appears in
the Bars section.

3. Click on Rename to rename the


4. Activate the toolbar by clicking on its selection box. A blank toolbar will appear floating on the

5. Add commands to your new toolbar. See Adding a command for details.

Duplicating bars
If you want to create a new bar based on an existing toolbar, it is easier to duplicate the original toolbar
and edit the commands.

1. Click on the Duplicate button to create a new instance of the selected toolbar.

2. A ‘Copy of xxx’ appears in the Bars section. Click on Rename to change its title.

3. Add your commands. See Adding a command for details.

Activating toolbars
Toolbars will only appear on the screen if they are active.

1. Select which toolbars will be active (display) by clicking on the Bars tab in the Customizing dialog.

2. Click on the Is Active box next to the required toolbars until they become checked.

Alternatively, position the cursor over a toolbar or menu, right-click and select the required toolbar
from the drop-down list.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

Setting the main menu

Nominate which main menu bar will be active (display) by selecting a menu from the Bar to Use as
Main Menu drop-down list in the Bars tab in the Customizing dialog.

System level commands

There is a category in the Customizing dialog named System Level that includes the commands to
Toggle Floating Panel Visibility and to Toggle Floating Panel Focus. Any new commands added to this
category will become system commands and their shortcut keys can be used in any editor.

Creating a new command

New commands that are created using the New or Duplicate buttons in the Customizing dialog and are
listed in the Custom category of the Commands tab when created.

1. Right-click on a menu or toolbar and select Customize.

2. Click on the New button in the Customizing dialog to create a new command. The New Command
dialog displays.

3. Enter the required properties. Click on Browse to find the process required.

4. The Caption will become the name of the command as seen when added to a menu, so make it
easily recognizable as a new command.

Customizing DXP Resources tutorial

5. If you require an image to be associated with the new process launcher, click on the … button to
find a bitmap file. This image (or icon) will display when the new command is added to toolbars,
e.g. the Zoom In command uses the Zoomin.bmp bitmap found in the Altium\System\Buttons
6. Add a shortcut key and alternative from the drop-down lists if required and click OK.

7. Click on the Custom category to see the new command in the Command list.

8. Add the new command to the relevant bar(s). See Adding a command for details.

Duplicating commands
It is often easier to create a new command by duplicating an existing command that is similar and
modifying its parameters. To duplicate a Command:

1. Right-click on the main menu bar or a toolbar and select Customize. The Customizing dialog

2. Select the command you wish to duplicate and click on Duplicate to create a new copy of the
selected command.
3. Click in the Custom category to see the new command in the Command list.

4. Modify its properties, e.g. add a new parameter and a new caption, and click OK. See Editing
commands for more details.

5. Drag the new command onto a toolbar or menu. See Adding a command for details.

6. Click on OK and all resources that use that command will be updated.

Working with shortcut key tables

A shortcut key table lists all the shortcuts currently available in an editor. Only one shortcut key table
can be active per editor, e.g. Schematic Shortcuts is the name of the default shortcut key table for the
Schematic Editor. If a shortcut key is changed in a Command, it is updated in the active table
Shortcut key tables can be added, created, deleted or modified in the same way as menus and toolbars.

Restoring menu and toolbar defaults

To reinstall the original default menus and toolbars and delete customizations:

1. Click on the Bars tab in the Customizing Sch Editor dialog.

2. Select on the bar you wish to restore and click on the Restore button.

3. Click OK to confirm the removal of all customizations from the selected bar.

Creating Components tutorial

5 Creating Components
Creating components ..........................................................................................................................5-2
Creating schematic components .........................................................................................................5-2
Schematic libraries......................................................................................................................5-3
Creating a new schematic library ........................................................................................................5-3
Creating a new schematic component ................................................................................................5-4
Adding pins to a schematic component ......................................................................................5-5
Notes on adding pins ..........................................................................................................5-6
Setting the schematic component’s properties ...................................................................................5-7
Adding models to the schematic component ......................................................................................5-8
Search locations for model files ..................................................................................................5-8
Adding footprint models to a schematic component ...................................................................5-8
Adding Circuit Simulation models .............................................................................................5-10
Adding Signal Integrity models..................................................................................................5-11
Adding component parameters .................................................................................................5-12
Indirection strings ..............................................................................................................5-13
Creating a new schematic component with multiple parts ................................................................5-14
Creating the body of the component .........................................................................................5-14
Placing lines ......................................................................................................................5-14
Drawing an arc ..................................................................................................................5-15
Adding pins .......................................................................................................................5-15
Creating the new parts ..............................................................................................................5-16
Creating an alternate view mode for a part ...............................................................................5-17
Setting the component’s properties...........................................................................................5-17
Adding components from other libraries ...........................................................................................5-17
Copying multiple components ...................................................................................................5-18
Checking components using Schematic Library reports ...................................................................5-18
Component Report............................................................................................................5-18
Library Report ...................................................................................................................5-18
Component Rule Checker.................................................................................................5-18
Creating PCB component footprints..................................................................................................5-19
Creating a new PCB Library..............................................................................................................5-19
Using the PCB Component Wizard...................................................................................................5-20
Manually creating component footprints ...........................................................................................5-21
Placing pads on a new footprint ................................................................................................5-22
Pad Designators and Paste Arrays ...........................................................................................5-23
Drawing an outline of a new footprint........................................................................................5-24
Placing Designator and Comment special strings.....................................................................5-24
Adding height to your PCB footprint..........................................................................................5-25

Creating Components tutorial

Creating a footprint with an irregular pad shape .............................................................................. 5-25

Placing the pads............................................................................................................... 5-26
Drawing the component outline........................................................................................ 5-27
Checking solder and paste masks ........................................................................................... 5-27
Displaying the masks ....................................................................................................... 5-27
Setting mask expansions by design rules ........................................................................ 5-27
Specifying mask expansions............................................................................................ 5-28
Including routing primitives in component footprints ................................................................ 5-28
Footprints with multiple connection points on same pin ........................................................... 5-28
Drawing a footprint with a solder mask ............................................................................................ 5-29
Adding footprints from other sources ............................................................................................... 5-30
Validating component footprints ....................................................................................................... 5-30
Creating an integrated library ........................................................................................................... 5-31
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 5-32

Creating components
The Creating Components tutorial covers the creation of schematic components and PCB footprints
using the DXP Library Editors. This tutorial presumes you have a working understanding of the
Schematic and PCB environments and are competent with placing and editing components. The
example components and libraries used in this tutorial are available for you to look over in the
Altium\Examples\Tutorials folder.
In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:

• creating new libraries

• creating schematic components with single and multiple parts
• checking the components using Schematic Library Editor reports
• creating PCB component footprints manually and using the Component Wizard
• checking the components using PCB Library Editor reports
• creating an integrated library of the new components and models.

Creating schematic components

The Schematic Library Editor is provided in DXP to create and modify schematic components and
manage component libraries. It is similar to the Schematic Editor and shares the same graphical
objects, with the addition of the Place Pin tool. Schematic components can be made up of parts that
are separately selectable and are associated with their nominated PCB footprint components, which
are stored in the PCB libraries or integrated libraries, during synchronization.
Components can be created in the Schematic Editor and copied and pasted into an open schematic
library to create a new component, or you can use the drawing tools in the Schematic Library Editor.

Creating Components tutorial

Schematic libraries
Schematic libraries (.SchLib) in DXP are included as the essential part of the integrated libraries
(.IntLib) supplied in the Altium\Library folder. To create a schematic library out of an integrated
library, open the integrated library and choose Yes to extract the source libraries that can then be
opened for editing. For more information, refer to the Integrated Libraries tutorial.

You can also create a schematic library of all the components that have been placed in the schematic
documents of the active project using the Design » Make Project Library command.

Creating a new schematic library

Before we start creating components, let’s make a new schematic library to store them in. To create a
new schematic library, complete the following steps.

1. Select File » New » Schematic Library. A new library, named Schlib1.SchLib, is created and an
empty component sheet, Component_1, displays in the design window.
2. Rename the library file to Schematic Components.SchLib, for example, by selecting File » Save
As. Browse to the folder required, rename the file with a .SchLib extension and click Save.

3. Click on the Library Editor tab to open the SCH Library panel.

Creating Components tutorial

Creating a new schematic component

To create a new schematic component in an existing library, you would
normally select Tools » New Component, but since a new library always
contains one empty component sheet, we’ll simply rename Component_1
to get started on creating our first component, an NPN transistor.

1. Select Component_1 from the Components list in the SCH Library

panel and select Tools » Rename Component. Type the new
component name that uniquely identifies it, e.g. TRANSISTOR NPN, in
the New Component Name dialog.

2. If necessary, relocate the origin of the sheet to the center of the design
window by selecting Edit » Jump » Origin [shortcut J, O]. Check the
NPN component
Status line at the bottom left of the screen to confirm that you have the
cursor at the origin. Components supplied by Altium are created
around this point, marked with a crosshair through the center of the sheet. The reference point of
a component is the point you will be “holding” the component by when you place it. For a
schematic component, this point is the nearest electrical ‘hotspot’ to the origin, usually the
electrical end of the nearest pin.

3. Set the Snap grid to 1 and the Visible grid to 10 in the Library Editor Workspace dialog by selecting
Tools » Document Options [shortcut T,D].

Press G to quickly
toggle through and set
the Snap Grid to 1, 5
or 10 units.

We will accept the other default settings by clicking OK. If the grid is not visible,
press Page Up to display it.

4. To create the NPN example above, we will first define the component body. Select
Place » Line [shortcut P, L], or click on the Place Line toolbar button. Press the
TAB key to set the line properties in the PolyLine dialog and click OK. Click to start
the vertical line at 0, -1 and finish at 0,-19. Right-click to place the line. Now create

Creating Components tutorial

the other two lines from 0,-7 to 10, 0, and 0,-13 to 10, -20, using Shift+SPACEBAR to set the modes
of these lines to Any Angle. Right-click or press ESC to end line placement mode.

5. The arrow is created out of a closed polygon. Select Place » Polygon [shortcut P, Y] or click on the
Place Polygon toolbar button. Press the TAB key to set the polygon properties in the Polygon
dialog and click OK. Click to form the vertices of a triangle and right-click to end. Right-click or
press ESC to end polygon placement mode.

6. Save the component [shortcut Ctrl+S).

Adding pins to a schematic components

Component pins give a component its electrical properties and define connection points on the
component. They also have graphical properties.

To place pins on a component in the Schematic

Library Editor:

1. Select Place » Pins [shortcut P, P] or click on

the toolbar button. The pin appears
floating on the cursor, held by the non-
electrical end that goes against the component

2. Before placing the pin, press the TAB key

during placement to edit the pin's properties.
The Pin Properties dialog displays. If you
define the pin attributes before you place it,
the settings you define will become the
defaults and the pin numbers and any numeric
pin names will auto-increment when you place

3. In the Pin Properties dialog, type in a pin name

in the Display Name field and a unique pin
number in the Designator field. Click on the
Visible checkboxes if you want the pin name and designator visible when you place the
component on a schematic sheet.
If you wish to alter the
4. Set the Electrical Type to represent the type of electrical connection the pin
position of the pin
makes by choosing an option from the drop-down list. This type can be used name or number in
by the Electrical Rules Checker when compiling a project or analyzing a relation to the body of
schematic document to detect electrical wiring errors in a schematic sheet. In the component, select
this component example, all pins are a Passive electrical type. Tools » Preferences
and change the Pin
5. Set the length of this pin in hundredths of an inch in the Length field. All pins Margin options in the
in this component are set to 20 and click OK. Schematic tab.

Creating Components tutorial

6. Press the SPACEBAR to rotate the pin in 90º increments while it is floating on the cursor.
Remember that only one end of a pin is electrical and you must place the pins with this end out
from the component body. The non-electrical end of the pin has the pin name next to it.

7. Continue to add the pins required to finish the component, making sure the pin names, numbers,
symbols and electrical types are correct.

8. You have now finished drawing your component, so select File »

Save [shortcut Ctrl+S].

Notes on adding pins

• To set pin properties after placing the pin, double-click on the pin,
or double-click on the pin in the Pins list in the SCH Library panel.

• Use a backslash (\) after a letter to define an overscored letter in a

pin name, e.g. M\C\L\R\/VPP will display as .

• If you wish to hide the power and ground pins on a component, click on the Hide checkbox.
When they are hidden, these pins will be connected to power and ground nets as specified in the
Connect To field, e.g. the pin for VCC will connect to net VCC when placed.

• To view hidden pins, select View » Show Hidden Pins [shortcut V, H]. Any hidden pins will be
displayed in the design window. The display name and default designator will display as well.

• You can edit pin properties directly in the Component Pin Editor dialog, without having to edit
each pin through its corresponding Pin Properties dialog. Click on Edit Pins in the Library
Component Properties dialog to display the Component Pin Editor dialog.

Creating Components tutorial

• For a multi-part component, the relevant pins for the selected part will be highlighted with a white
background in the Component Pin Editor dialog. All pins of other parts are grayed. You are,
however, still able to edit the pins of these non-selected parts. Select a pin and click Edit to display
the Pin Properties dialog for that pin.

Setting the schematic component’s properties

Each component has properties associated with it such as the default designator, the PCB footprint
and/or other models and parameters of the component. You can also set up the various part fields and
library fields that are displayed when the component properties are edited from a schematic sheet. To
set the component's properties:

1. Select the component in the Components list of the SCH Library panel and click on the Edit
button. The Library Component Properties dialog displays.

2. Type in the default Designator, e.g. Q? and a comment that will display when the component is
placed on a schematic sheet, e.g. NPN. Using the question mark will allow the designator number
to auto-increment on placement, e.g. Q1, Q2. Make sure the Visible boxes are checked.

3. Leave the other fields at their default values while we add models and parameters, as required.

Creating Components tutorial

Adding models to the schematic components

You can add any number of PCB footprint models to be associated with a schematic component, as
well as model files that are used for simulation and signal integrity analyses. You can then select the
appropriate models from the Component Properties dialog when you place the component in a
schematic document.

There are several different ways to add models to a component. You may wish to download a vendor’s
model file from the web or add models from the existing Altium libraries. PCB footprint models are
located in the C:\Program Files\Altium\Library\Pcb folder in the form of PCB libraries
(.pcblib files). SPICE models used for circuit simulation (.ckt and .mdl files) are located within the
integrated libraries in the C:\Program Files\Altium\Library folder.

Search locations for model files

When a model is added to the component in the Schematic Library Editor, the link from the
component to the model information is resolved by the following valid search locations:

1. Libraries that are included in the current library package project are searched first.

2. PCB libraries (but not integrated libraries) that are available from the currently Installed Libraries
list are searched next. Note that the list of libraries can be ordered.

3. Finally, any model libraries that are located down the Project search paths are searched. These
paths are defined in the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project Options). Note that libraries
that are down the search path cannot be browsed to locate a model, however, the compiler does
include them when searching for a model.

Please refer to the Components, Models and Library Concepts article for more information about the
way models are searched for in the Schematic Library Editor and the Schematic Editor.

In this tutorial, we will use the first method of linking the components and its model files, i.e. by adding
all necessary model files to the library package project, along with the schematic library, before
compiling the library package into an integrated library.

Adding footprint models to a schematic component

First, we will add a footprint that the schematic component will use when synchronized to a PCB
document. The footprint required for our schematic component is named BCY-W3. Note that when
linking a PCB footprint model to a schematic component in the Schematic Library Editor, the model
must exist in a PCB library, not an integrated library.

1. Click on Add in the Models List section of the Component

Properties dialog. The Add New Model dialog displays.

2. Select Footprint from the Model Type drop-down list. Click

OK. The PCB Model dialog displays.

Creating Components tutorial

3. Click on the Browse button to find a model that already exists from the Browse Libraries dialog (or
simply type in the name of a model that you are going to create later using the PCB Library Editor).

4. When in the Browse Libraries dialog, click on Find. The Search Libraries dialog displays.

5. Select the scope of Libraries on Path and browse to the \Altium\Library\Pcb folder by clicking
on the Browse Folder button next to the Path field and click OK.

6. Make sure Include Subdirectories is selected in the Search Libraries dialog. In the Name field, type
BCY-W3 and click on Search.

7. You should get one result in the Cylinder with Flat Index.PcbLib. Click on Select to close
the Search Libraries dialog, install the library and select BCY-W3 in the Browse Libraries dialog.
Click OK to return to the PCB Model dialog.

Creating Components tutorial

8. Click OK to add the model. The model name is included in the Models list of the Component
Properties dialog.

Adding Circuit Simulation models

SPICE models used for circuit simulation (.ckt and .mdl files) are located within the integrated
libraries in the C:\Program Files\Altium\Library folder. Add these models if you wish to run
analyses on your design.

It is recommended that if you use these simulation models in your library components, open the
.Intlib file that contains the required models (File » Open and confirm you want to extract the
source libraries). Then copy the model files from the output folder (generated when you opened the
integrated library) into the folder that contains your source libraries.

1. Click on Add in the Models List section of the Component Properties dialog. The Add New Model
dialog displays. Select Simulation from the Model Type drop-down list and click OK. The SIM
Model – General / Generic Editor dialog displays.

2. For this example, choose a Model Kind of Transistor from the Model Kind drop-down list. The Sim
Model – Transistor/BJT dialog displays.

Creating Components tutorial

The Model Name is

the crucial link to the
SIM model file, so
make sure it is a valid
model name. To find
existing model file
names in the Altium
integrated libraries,
click on the Search
button in the Libraries
panel, select the
Model Type option of
Simulation in the
Search Libraries
dialog and click on the
Search button.

3. Make sure BJT is selected as the Model Sub-Kind. Enter a valid Model Name, e.g. NPN (for model
file NPN.mdl), and a description, e.g. NPN BJT, and click OK. Click OK to return to the
Component Properties dialog where the model NPN has been added to the Models list.

Adding Signal Integrity models

The Signal Integrity simulator uses pin models rather than component models. To configure a
component for signal integrity simulation, you either set the Type and Technology options, which will
use default pin models, or import an IBIS model.

1. To add a Signal Integrity model, click on Add in the

Models List section of the Component Properties
dialog. The Add New Model dialog displays.

2. Select Signal Integrity from the Model Type drop-down

list and click OK. The Signal Integrity Model dialog

3. If you wish to import an IBIS file, click on the Import

IBIS button and navigate to the required .ibs file. For
this example however, type in the Model Name and
Description of NPN (for example) and select a Type of
BJT. Click OK to return to the Component Properties
dialog where the model is added to the Models list.

Creating Components tutorial

For more information about adding and editing Signal Integrity models, refer to the DXP Signal
Integrity Tutorial.

Adding component parameters

Parameters are a means of defining additional information about the component. Parameters, such as
strings that identify data like the component manufacturer or the date, can be added to the document.
A string parameter could also be added for the component's value, where applicable (e.g. 100K for a

Parameters can be set to display as special strings when components are placed on a schematic sheet.
Other parameters are required as values for simulation or can be used as PCB rules created in the
Schematic Editor. To add a parameter to a schematic component:
1. Click Add in the Parameters list section of the Component Properties dialog to display the
Parameter Properties dialog.

2. Enter the name of the parameter and a value. Make sure String is selected as the parameter type if
you require a text string and the value’s Visible box is ticked if you want the value to display when
the component is placed on a schematic sheet. Click OK. The parameter is added to the
Parameters list in the Component Properties dialog.

Creating Components tutorial

Indirection strings
Using ‘indirection’ strings, you can set up a parameter field for a component that will display on the
schematic and can also be used by DXP when running a circuit simulation, for example. Any added
component parameter can be used as an indirection string. The parameter name has a prefix of ‘= ‘
attached to it when it is used as an indirection string.

Value parameter
The Value parameter can be used for any general information about the component, but discrete
components, such as resistors and capacitors, use it when simulating.

We can set the component’s Comment, using indirection strings, to read the value from an added
Value parameter that is then mapped to the Comment information in the PCB Editor. Rather than enter
the value twice (i.e. in the parameter named Value and then again in the Comment field), DXP supports
‘indirection’ which will replace the contents of the Comments field with the Value parameter’s string.

1. Click Add in the Parameters list section of the Component Properties dialog to display the
Parameter Properties dialog.
2. Enter the name Value and a value of 100k. This value will be used when you run a circuit
simulation on a schematic sheet with this component placed on it. Make sure String is selected as
the parameter type and the value’s Visible box is ticked. Set up any font, color or orientation
options and click OK to add the new parameter to the Parameters list in the Component Properties

3. In the Properties section of the Component Properties dialog, click on the Comment field and
select the =Value string from the drop-down list and turn Visible off.

4. Save the component sheet and its properties in the library by selecting File » Save [shortcut

5. When viewing special strings in the Schematic Editor, make sure the Convert Special Strings
option is enabled in the Graphical Editing tab of the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences). If the
Comment does not display in the PCB document after updating the PCB from the schematic
document, make sure that the Comment is unhidden in the footprint’s Components dialog.

Creating Components tutorial

Creating a new schematic component with multiple parts

In this next part of the tutorial, we will create a new component with four parts, a Quad 2-IN AND gate,
named 74F08SJX. We will also create an alternate mode view using an IEEE symbol as an example.

1. Select Tools » New Component [shortcut T, N] when in the Schematic Library Editor. The New
Component Name dialog displays.

Part A of component 74F08SJX

2. Type in the name of the new component, e.g. 74F08SJX, and click OK. The new component name
displays in the Components list in the SCH Library panel and an empty component sheet displays
with a crosshair through the center (origin) of the sheet.

3. Now we will create the first part of the new component as shown above, including its pins, as
detailed in the following sections. The first part will be used as the basis for the other parts as only
the pin numbers will change in this example.

Creating the body of the component b

The body of this component is constructed from a multi-segment line and a circular arc. Make sure the
component sheet origin is in the center of the workspace by selecting Edit » Jump » Origin [shortcut J,
O]. Also, make sure the grid is visible [shortcut Page Up].

Placing lines
1. Select Place » Line [shortcut P, L] or click on the toolbar button. The cursor changes to a
crosshair and you are now in multi-segment line placement mode.

2. Press the TAB key to set the line's properties. Set the line width to Small in the Polyline dialog.

3. Left-click or press ENTER to anchor the starting point for the line at 25, -5. Check
the X, Y co-ordinates in the Status bar at the bottom left corner of the Design
Explorer. Then position the mouse and left-click to anchor a series of vertex
points that define the segments of the line (at 0,-5; 0,-35 and 25,-35).

4. When you have finished drawing the line, right-click or press ESC. Right-click or
press ESC to exit line placement mode. Save the component.

Creating Components tutorial

Drawing an arc
Placing an arc is a four-step process that sets the center point, radius, start point and end point of the
arc. You can press Enter instead of left-click to place the arc.

1. Select Place » Arc [shortcut P, A]. The last arc drawn appears on the cursor and you are now in arc
placement mode.

2. Press the TAB key to set the arc's properties. The Arc dialog displays. Set the radius to 15mils and
the line width to Small.

3. Position the cursor and left-click to anchor the center point of the arc (25, -20). The cursor will then
jump to the current default arc radius (15mils) which we have already set in the Arc dialog.

4. Click to set the radius. The cursor will then jump to the start point of the arc.

5. Move the cursor to adjust the start point, then left-click to anchor it. The cursor will then jump to
the end point of the arc. Move the cursor to change the position of the end point, then left-click to
anchor it and complete the arc.

6. Right-click, or press ESC, to exit arc placement mode.

Adding pins
Add the pins to the first part, using the
same technique described in the section
Adding pins to a schematic component
earlier in this tutorial. The pins 1 and 2 are
Input electrical types and 3 is Output.

The power pins are hidden pins, i.e. GND

(pin number 7) and VCC (pin number 14). Part A with power pins unhidden
They will remain constant for all parts and

Creating Components tutorial

so only have to be set once as belonging to Part zero (Part 0). Part zero is simply a place to store pins
that are common to all parts in a component and the pins in this part will be added to each part when it
is placed in the schematic. In the Properties tab of the Pin Properties dialog for these power pins, make
sure they are set to Part 0 in the Part Number field, the Electrical Type is
‘Power’, the Hide box is checked and the power pin connects to the
correct net name, e.g. VCC (pin number 14) connects to VCC as entered in
the Connect To field.

Creating the new parts

1. Select the component using Edit » Select » All [shortcut Ctrl+A].

2. Select Edit » Copy [shortcut Ctrl+C]. The cursor will change to a

crosshair. Click on origin or the top left corner of the component
body to set the copy reference point (that is where the cursor will be
‘holding’ the selection when you paste it) and copy the selected
objects to the clipboard.

3. Select Tools » New Part. A blank component sheet displays. The Part
counter in the SCH Library panel will be updated to include Part A and
Part B if you click on the + to the right of the component name in the
Components list in the SCH Library panel.

4. Select Edit » Paste [shortcut Ctrl+V]. The cursor appears with an

outline of the component part attached at its reference point. Move
the copied part until it is positioned the same as the original part.
Click to paste the copied part.

5. Update the pin information in

the new part, Part B, by
double-clicking on each pin
and changing the pin name
and number in the Pin
Properties dialog. Part B
Alternatively, copy and
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 above to create the remaining two parts, Part C and D. paste to create all the
new parts and then
use the Component
Edit Pins dialog
(accessed by clicking
Edit Pins in the
Component Properties
dialog) to update all
Part C Part D the pin names and
numbers in one go.
7. Save the library.

Creating Components tutorial

Creating an alternate view mode for a part

You can add up to 255 alternate view modes to a component part. These view modes can contain any
different graphical representation of the component, such as DeMorgan or IEEE symbols. A library of
IEEE symbols are available from the Sch Lib IEEE toolbar (View » Toolbars » Sch Lib IEEE).

If any alternate views of a part have been added, they are displayed in the Schematic Library Editor by
selecting an alternate mode from the Mode button drop-down list. When the component is placed on
the schematic sheet, the view mode is selected from the Mode drop-down list in the Graphical section
of the Component Properties dialog.

To add an alternate view mode, with the component part displayed in the design window of the
Schematic Library Editor:

1. Click on the button or select Tools » Mode » Add. A blank sheet for Alternate 1 displays.

2. Place the appropriate IEEE symbol, for example, for that part and save the library.

Alternate 1 view mode of IEEE symbol

Setting the component’s properties

1. Set the component's properties by clicking on the Edit button in the SCH Library panel when the
component is selected in the Components list. Fill in the Library Component Properties dialog
specifying the default designator as U?, the description as Quad 2-Input AND Gate and add
the footprint name DIP14 to the Models list. We will create a DIP14 footprint using the PCB
Component Wizard later in this tutorial.

2. Save the component in the library by selecting File » Save [shortcut Ctrl+S].

Adding components from other libraries

You can also add in components to your schematic library from other open schematic libraries and
then edit their properties as required. If the component is part of an integrated library, you will have to
open the .IntLib file (File » Open) and choose Yes to extract the source libraries. Then open the
generated source library (.Schlib) from the Projects panel.

1. Select the component that you wish to copy in the Components list of the SCH Library panel so it
displays in the design window.

Creating Components tutorial

2. Select Tools » Copy Component to copy a component from the current library document to any
other open library document. The Destination Library dialog displays listing all currently open
schematic library documents.

3. Select the document to which you want to copy the component. Click OK and a copy of the
component will be placed in the destination library where you can edit it, if necessary.

Copying multiple components

You can copy single or multiple library components within a schematic library or to another open
schematic library using the SCH Library panel.

1. Select the component(s) in the Components list of the SCH Library panel using the standard
Windows selection keys (Click, SHIFT+Click and CTRL+Click). Right-click and select Copy.

2. Change to the destination library, right-click in the Components list of the SCH Library panel and
choose Paste to add them to the list.

Checking components using Schematic Library reports

To check that the new components have been created correctly, there are three reports that can be
generated when a schematic library is open. All reports are created in ASCII text format.

Make sure the library file is saved before the reports are generated. Close the report file to return to
the Schematic Library Editor.

Component Report
To create a report that lists all the information available for the active component:

1. Select Reports » Component [shortcut R, C].

2. The report 'libraryname.cmp' displays in the Text Editor and includes the number of parts with
the pin details for part in the component.

Library Report
To create a report that lists each component in the
library and its description:
1. Select Reports » Library [shortcut R, L].

2. A report named libraryname.rep displays in the

Text Editor.

Component Rule Checker

The Component Rule Checker tests for errors such as duplicates and missing pins.

Creating Components tutorial

1. Select Reports » Component Rule Check [shortcut R, R]. The Library Component Rule Check
dialog displays.
2. Set the attributes you wish to check for. Click OK. A report named libraryname.err displays in
the Text Editor, listing any components that violate the rule check.

4. Make any adjustments necessary to the library and rerun the report.

Creating PCB component footprints

This part of the tutorial covers the following topics:

• creating a new PCB library

• using the Component Wizard to create a footprint for a schematic component

• manually creating unusual footprints in a PCB library

• using routing primitives within a footprint.

Footprints can be created in the PCB Editor and copied into a PCB Library, copied between PCB
libraries, or created from scratch using the PCB Library Editor’s PCB Component Wizard or drawing
tools. If you had a PCB design with all the footprints already placed, you could use the Design » Make
PCB Library command in the PCB Editor to generate a PCB library that includes those footprints only.
DXP also includes comprehensive libraries of predefined through-hole and SMD component
footprints for use in designing PCBs. The footprint libraries (.PcbLib files) supplied are stored in the
\Altium\Library\Pcb folder in your DXP installation directory.

In this part of the tutorial, we will be creating new footprints to illustrate the procedures required only.
Please check the specifications for a particular footprint using the manufacturer’s data books.

Creating a new PCB Library

To create a new PCB library:

1. Select File » New » PCB Library. A new PCB library document, called PcbLib1.PcbLib, is created
and an empty component sheet called PCBComponent_1 displays in the design window.
2. Rename the new PCB library document to PCB Footprints.PcbLib, for example, by selecting
File » Save As.

3. Open the PCB Library Editor panel by clicking on the PCB Library tab.

Creating Components tutorial

4. You can now add, remove or edit the footprint components in the new PCB library using the PCB
Library Editor commands.

Using the PCB Component Wizard

The PCB Library Editor includes a Component Wizard that will build a component footprint based on
your input to a series of questions. We will use the wizard to create a footprint for a DIP14.

To create our new component footprint, DIP14, using the Component Wizard:

1. Select the Tools » New Component [shortcut T, C] or click on the Add button in the PCB Library
Editor. The Component Wizard will automatically start. Click on Next > to progress through the

Creating Components tutorial

2. Answer the questions asked by selecting from the options available. To create our DIP14, select
Dual in-line Package (DIP) as the pattern, Imperial units, 60mil round pads
with a 32mil hole (select and type over the dimensions), a distance between
pads of 300mil (horizontal) and 100mil (vertical) and then accept the rest of
the defaults until you need to specify the number of pads required. Type in
14 from the number of pads required.

3. Click Next > until you come to the final page of the Wizard and click Finish.
The filename of new footprint, DIP14, will appear in the Components list in
the PCB Library Editor panel and the new footprint will display in the design
window. You can then further modify the component to suit requirements.

4. Save the library with its new footprint component by selecting File » Save
[shortcut Ctrl+S].

Manually creating component footprints

Footprints are created and modified in the PCB Library Editor using the same set of tools and design
objects available in the PCB Editor. Anything can be saved as a PCB footprint, including corner markers,
phototool targets and mechanical definitions.

To create the component footprint, we will place tracks and arcs for the outline and then place pads to
form the component pin connections. These design objects can be placed on any layer, however the
outline is normally created on the Top Overlay (silkscreen) layer and the pads on signal layers. When
you place the footprint on a PCB document as a component, all objects that make up the footprint will
be assigned to their defined layers.

Creating Components tutorial

To manually create a component footprint:

1. Select the Tools » New Component [shortcut T, C], or click on the Add button in the PCB Library
Editor. The Component Wizard will automatically start.

2. Press Cancel to exit the Wizard and manually create a component. An empty component footprint
workspace displays, called PCBComponent_2.

3. To rename this default footprint, select PCBComponent_2 from the list in the PCB Library Editor
panel and click on the Rename button. Type in the new footprint name in
If the origin marker is not
the Rename Component dialog.
displayed, select Tools
4. It is recommended that you build the component footprint around the » Preferences [shortcut
T, P], click on the
workspace 0, 0 reference point, often indicated by an origin marker. Select
Display tab and click
ick on
Edit » Jump » Reference [shortcut J, R] to position the cursor at the the Origin Marker box.
workspace 0, 0 coordinate.

The reference point is the point you will be ‘holding’ the component by when you place it.
Typically, the reference point is either the center of pad 1 or the geometric center of the
component. The reference point can be set to either of these at any time using the Edit » Set
Reference submenu options.

Placing pads on a new footprint

One of the most important procedures in creating a new component footprint is placing the pads that
will be used to solder the component to the PCB. These must be placed in exactly the right positions to
correspond to the pins on the physical device.

To place the pads on the footprint:

1. Click on the Top Layer tab at the bottom of the design window before you start placing pads.

2. Select Place » Pad [shortcut P, P] or click the button on the toolbar. A pad will appear floating
on the cursor. Before placing the first pad, press the TAB key to define the pad properties. The Pad
dialog displays.

Creating Components tutorial

3. Change the size and shape as required and set the Designator to 1 (to correspond with the
component pin number). Click OK.

4. Position the cursor and click, or press ENTER, to place the first pad centered on the origin 0, 0.

5. Before placing the next pad, press TAB to make any changes. Note that the pad designator
increments automatically.

6. Right-click, or press ESC, to exit pad placement mode.

7. Save the footprint by selecting File » Save [shortcut Ctrl+S].

Pad Designators and Paste Arrays

Pads can be labeled with a designator (usually representing a component pin number) of up to four
alphanumeric characters and no spaces. The designator can be left blank if desired. If the designator
begins or ends with a number, the number will auto-increment when placing a series of pads
sequentially. To achieve alpha increments, e.g. 1A, 1B, or numeric increments other than 1, use the
Paste Array feature.

By setting the designator of the pad prior to copying it

to the clipboard and setting the Text Increment field in
the Paste Array dialog, the following types of pad
designator sequences can be placed:

• numeric (1, 3, 5)
• alphabetic (A, B, C)
• combination of alpha and numeric (A1 A2, or 1A 1B,
or A1 B1 or 1A 2A, etc).
To increment numerically, set the Text Increment field

Creating Components tutorial

to the amount you wish to increment by. To increment alphabetically, set the Text Increment field to
the letter in the alphabet that represents the number of letters you wish to skip. For example, if the
initial pad had a designator of 1A, set the Text Increment field to A, (first letter of the alphabet), to
increment designators by 1. Set the Text Increment field to C (the third letter of the alphabet) and the
designators will become 1A, 1D (three letters after A), 1G etc.

1. Create the initial pad with the designator required, e.g. 1A. Copy this pad to the clipboard using
Edit » Copy [shortcut Ctrl+C]. Click on the pad center to define the copy reference point.

2. Select Edit » Paste Special [shortcut E, A]. The Paste Special dialog displays. Select Paste on current
layer and Keep net name.

3. Click on the Paste Array button to display the Setup Paste Array dialog.

4. As an example, set the Item Count to 5, the Text Increment to C, select a Linear Array Type and the
appropriate array spacing for the copied pad and click OK.

5. Click to place the array. Check that the pad designators have incremented as expected.

Drawing an outline of a new footprint

We will create the footprint outline on the Top Overlay layer so that it can be included in a silkscreen
mask during manufacture of the PCB. The outline is a manufacturing guide only. It is the placement of
the pads that is crucial.
Always create surface
1. Click on the Top Overlay layer tab at the bottom of the design window mount footprints on the
before you start placing lines (tracks). Top Layer. They can be
flipped to the Bottom
2. Check the manufacturer’s specifications for the footprint. Press Q to toggle Layer during placement
the coordinates from imperial (mils) to metric (mm). Check the coordinates using the L shortcut key.
in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen to see which measurement
mode you are in (mils or mm). Also, set the grids by selecting Tools » Library Options.

3. Use the Line tool to create the component outline on the Top Overlay
layer. Select Place » Line [shortcut P, L], or click on the button. If you make a mistake
during track placement,
4. Click to define a start point of the tracks that will define the top of the press BACKSPACE to
footprint. remove the last track
5. Press TAB to define the line width (0.2mm) and check the layer in the Line
Constraints dialog.
6. Click to create the outline tracks and right-click to end this series of connected track segments.

7. To exit track placement mode, right-click or press ESC.

Placing Designator and Comment special strings

The special strings, .Designator and .Comment, can be added to the footprint layer in the PCB Library
Editor if you require control over their layer, location and text attributes prior to placing the

Creating Components tutorial

component on a PCB sheet. These will be in addition to the standard designator and comment, which
can be hidden, if required, when placing the component in a PCB document by selecting the Hide
option in the Designator and Comments sections of the Component dialog.

Typically, these special strings are placed on a mechanical layer which is then included in the assembly
drawing. Display the required Mechanical layer by selecting Tools » Mechanical Layers. Click on Enable
and then Show next to the Mechanical layer name in the Board Layers and Colors dialog.

1. Click on the Mechanical layer tab at the bottom of the design window to activate this layer. The tab
will be highlighted and all new text will be placed on this layer.

2. Select Place » String [shortcut P, S] or click on the Place String button .

3. Press the TAB key to type in the text string and define its properties, e.g. font, size and layer,
before you place the text. The String dialog displays. Select .Designator from the Text drop-down
list. Set the text height to 60mil and the width to 10mil and click OK.

4. Now we can place the text string. Position the text string in the required location and click.

5. Place the .Comment special string using the same procedure.

6. Right-click, or press ESC, to exit text placement mode.

If the text is not displaying when the footprint is placed in the PCB document, make sure that the
Convert Special Strings option is selected in the Display tab of the Preferences dialog (Tools »
Preferences) in the PCB Editor.

Adding height to your PCB footprint

To add a height attribute to your footprint, double-click on the footprint in the Components list in the
PCB Library panel to display the PCB Library Components dialog. Type the recommended height for
the component in the Height field and click OK.

Creating a footprint with an irregular pad shape

You can create irregular pad shapes by joining pad shapes together, as in the first example SOT89, or
by adding primitives to a pad that will become connected to the pad’s net when placed in a PCB
document. This section of the tutorial looks at creating the surface mount footprint SOT89, how to
include some routing primitives in a component footprint and also how to create footprints with
multiple connection points on same pin.

The manufacturer’s specifications for this SOT89 footprint are in metric, summarized below.

Creating Components tutorial


A 5.00

B 6.00

C 1.35

D 0.70

E 1.90

F 3.30

G 2.30

1. Press Q to toggle the coordinates from imperial (mils) to metric (mm) if necessary. Check the
coordinates in the Status bar at the bottom of the DXP window to see which measurement mode
you are in (mils or mm).

2. Make sure you have set the grid to metric, by changing the visible and snap grids by selecting
Tools » Library Options [shortcut T,O]. Set up the grids to 10mm and the Snap grid to 1mm.

Placing the pads

When creating the component footprint SOT89, we will use the reference point on Pin 1 as the origin
of this footprint, i.e. the center of pin number one and therefore corresponding pad 1, will be at
coordinates 0,0.

1. To place the pads on the Top Layer of the footprint, select Place
» Pad [shortcut P, P] or click the button. Press the TAB key to
define the pad properties in the Pad dialog. Make sure the layer
is set to Top Layer, the Designator is set to 1 (to correspond with
the component pin number) and the hole size is 0mil. Click OK.

2. Position the cursor and click to place the three pads. The
designators will automatically update. Right-click, or press ESC,
to exit pad placement mode. Modify pad 2 to elongate it so it
will join to Pad 0 when placed.

3. Finally place pad 0. Set the pad size and shape in the Pad dialog
by clicking on Simple and select Octagonal from the Shape
drop-down list.
SOT89 footprint

Creating Components tutorial

Drawing the component outline

1. To create the component outline on the Top Overlay layer, click on the Top Overlay layer tab at
the bottom of the design window. Select Place » Line [shortcut P, L], or click the button.

2. Click to place the first corner of the outline box. Press the TAB key to display the Line Constraints
dialog, set the Width, check the layer is Top Overlay, and click OK. Click to define the corners of
the box and finish the outline by clicking back on the starting point. Right-click, or press ESC, to
exit line placement mode.

3. A requirement for this footprint is an indicator near pin 1; in this case, a circle is placed near pad 1
on the Top Overlay. A chamfered edge to the footprint could also be used. To place the circle,
select Place » Full Circle [shortcut P, U] or click the button. Click to start the circle at its center.
Then drag the crosshair and click to set a circle with a radius of 5mil. Right-click, or press ESC, to
exit circle placement mode. Double-click on the circle to change its Width to 10mil in the Arc
dialog, thereby creating a filled circle.

Checking solder and paste masks

Solder and paste masks are created automatically at each pad site on the Solder Mask and Paste Mask
layers respectively. The shape that is created on the mask layer is the pad shape, expanded or
contracted by the amount specified by the Solder Mask and Paste Mask design rules set in the PCB
Editor, or specified in the Pad dialog.

Displaying the masks

Check the solder and/or paste masks have been automatically created in the correct layers in the PCB
Library Editor. In this example, we will turn on the Top Solder layer

1. To make these layer visible, select Tools » Mechanical Layers [shortcut L] and click on the Show
boxes next to the Mask Layers in the Board Layers & Colors dialog.

2. Now click on the layer tab, e.g. Top Solder, at the bottom of the design window to view the top
solder mask. Use the shortcut toggle keys Shift+S to view the layers in single layer mode.

Setting mask expansions by design rules

If you wish to use design rules to set the mask expansions:

1. Select Expansion value from rules in the Paste Mask Expansion and/or Solder Mask Expansion
sections of the Pad dialog.

2. Set up these rules by selecting Design » Rules from the PCB Editor menus and check or revise the
Mask category design rules in the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog. These rules will be
obeyed when the footprint is placed in the PCB.

Creating Components tutorial

Specifying mask expansions

If tracks, or any other
To overwrite the expansion design rules and specify a mask expansion:
objects, are used as part
1. Select Specify expansion value in the Paste Mask Expansion and/or Solder of a footprint, solder and
paste masks must be
Mask Expansion sections of the Pad dialog.
defined manually using
2. Type the required value(s) and click OK. Save the footprint. tracks, etc. on the Mask

Including routing primitives in component footprints

Library component footprints can also include routing primitives, such
as tracks and arcs placed on signal layers. The following example of
footprint SOT89 includes a primitive object (a wider track connected to
pad 2), as well as rectangular pads, which would be part of the net
connectivity. This is simply an alternative way to creating the octagonal
pad used for its irregular pad shape that we set up in the previous
section of this tutorial.
If you manually place the footprint on the board, only pads will inherit a
net name. Any other primitives on a signal layer, e.g. arcs and fills used
to create routing within a footprint, will show as a DRC error. If it does
not, you could force the online DRC by moving the component.

Net names can also be applied to routing primitives that are built into
placed components in a PCB document at any time. To assign a net
SOT89 with primitive (track)
name to the primitive in the placed footprint in a PCB document: placed on a signal layer to
create an irregular pad shape
1. Select Design » Netlist » Update Free Primitives from Component
Pads from the PCB Editor menu.

2. The net name of the routing primitives are resynchronized to the net name on the pads they
connect to, i.e. this command will connect a primitive to the same net as its adjoining pad.

Footprints with multiple connection points on same pin

The footprint below, a TO-3 transistor, has multiple connection points on same pin. You will notice that
there are two pads with the same designator of ‘3’.

Creating Components tutorial

When the Design » Update PCB command is used in the Schematic Editor to transfer design
information to the PCB, the resulting synchronization should show the connection lines going to both
pads in the PCB Editor, i.e. they are on the same net, as shown below.

Drawing a footprint with a solder mask

The following footprint, named LCR1_KC1, is for a push button
switch. It requires a solder mask to be included along with the
footprint outline (Top Overlay) and the tracks and pads on the
signal layer (Top Layer).

1. To create the component outline on the Top Overlay layer,

click on the Top Overlay layer tab at the bottom of the
design window. Select Place » Full Circle [shortcut P, U] or
click the button on the toolbar. Click on 0, -80 mil to start
the circle at its center, then drag the crosshair to 100, -80 and
click to set a circle with a radius of 100mil. Right-click, or
press ESC, to exit circle placement mode.

LCR1_KC1 footprint
Creating Components tutorial

Mechanical Layers [shortcut L] and click on the Show box next to Top Solder in the Mask Layers
section of the Board Layers dialog.

Now click on the Top Solder layer tab at the bottom of the design window and draw a circle as
shown in the step above with its center on 0, -80 mil, a radius of 45 mil and width of 100mil (to fill in
the circle). Right-click to exit circle placement mode.

3. Click on the Top Layer tab at the bottom of the design window and use tracks and arcs to create
the copper connections on the Top Layer. To exit track placement mode, right-click or press ESC.

4. To place the pads on the Top Layer of the footprint, select Place » Pad [shortcut P, P] or click the
button. Press the TAB key to define the pad properties in the Pad dialog. Set the pad size and
shape by clicking on Simple, type in 10mil for both the X and Y size and select Round from the
Shape drop-down list. Make sure the layer is set to Top Layer, the Designator is set to 1 (to
correspond with the component pin number) and the hole size is 0 mil. Click OK.

5. Position the cursor and click to place the first pad centered on the origin 0,0 and place the second
pad centered on 0, -160mil. The designators will automatically update. Right-click, or press ESC, to
exit pad placement mode.

6. Save the footprint by selecting File » Save [shortcut Ctrl+S].

Adding footprints from other sources

You can add existing footprints to your PCB library. The copied footprint can then be renamed and
modified to match the specifications required.

If you want to add existing footprints to your PCB library, you can:

• select placed footprint(s) in a PCB document and copy (Edit » Copy) and paste them into an open
PCB library using Edit » Paste Component, or

• Select Edit » Copy Component when the footprint to be copied is active in the PCB Library Editor,
change to the open PCB destination library and select Edit » Paste Component. The footprint is
added as a new component in the Components list in the PCB Library panel and displays in the
design window.

Validating component footprints

As in the Schematic Library Editor, there are a series of reports that you can run to check the footprints
have been created correctly and identify which components are in the current PCB library. To validate
all components in the current PCB library, we will run the Component Rule Check report. The
Component Rule Checker tests for duplicate primitives, missing pad designators, floating copper and
inappropriate component reference.

1. Save your library file before running any of these reports.

Creating Components tutorial

2. Select Reports » Component Rule Check [shortcut R, R]

to display the Component Rule Check dialog.

3. Check all the boxes available and click OK. A report,

named PCBlibraryfilename.err, is generated and
opens in the Text Editor. Any errors will be noted.

4. Close the report to return to the PCB Library Editor.

Creating an integrated library

Now we have created a schematic library with some schematic components and a PCB library with
related footprint models, we can add these to a library package and then compile these libraries
together into an integrated library. The components will then always be stored with their models. Note
that simulation model files should be copied into the same folder as the source libraries before

The steps to create an integrated library are detailed in the tutorial Integrated Libraries.

1. Create a source Library Package by selecting File » New » Integrated Library. The Projects panel
displays with an empty Library Package file named Integrated Library1.LibPkg. Rename the
new Library Package using File » Save As.

2. Add the source libraries to the Library Package by selecting Project » Add to Project. Browse to
find the schematic libraries (.schlib) and model libraries (PCB footprint libraries (.pcblib), Protel
99 SE libraries (.lib), SPICE models or Signal Integrity models that you want to add to your Library
Package. Click Open and the added libraries are listed as Source Libraries in the Projects panel.

If you do not want to add in the model libraries and files, you can set a pathname to where they
reside on your hard disk by right-clicking on the Library Package name in the Projects panel and
selecting Project Options. Add in the pathnames to the location of the footprints and models
required by clicking on Add in the Ordered List of Search Paths section of the Search Paths tab of
the Options for Project dialog.

3. Compile the source libraries and model files in the library package into an integrated library by
selecting Project » Compile Integrated Library. Any errors or warnings found during compilation
are displayed in the Messages panel. Fix any inconsistencies in the individual source libraries at
this point and recompile the integrated library.

4. A new Integrated Libraryname.INTLIB is generated, saved in the output folder nominated in

the Options tab of the Project Options dialog and displays in the Library panel, ready to use. The
integrated library is automatically added to the current Libraries list in the Libraries panel.

Creating Components tutorial

The following definitions are used in this tutorial.

Component A component is a physical device that is placed on the board, e.g. the integrated
circuit or resistor. Within these components, there may be either a single part or a
set of parts that are packaged together.

Designators Unique identifiers that are used to tell one component from another in a PCB.
They can alpha, numeric, or a combination of both. Pads also have unique
designators that correspond to the component pin numbers.
Footprint A footprint defines (or models) the space occupied by the component on the PCB.
The footprint model of a component is stored in a PCB library. A footprint may
contain pads for connecting to the pins of a device and a physical outline of the
package created from track and/or arc segments on the silkscreen (overlay) layer.
Device mounting features may also be included.
Footprints in the PCB library have no designator or comment. They become
components when placed on a PCB sheet where the designators and comments
are allocated.

Hidden pins These are pins that exist on the component but do not need to be displayed.
Typically, they are power pins and can automatically be connected to a specified

Library A Schematic Library is a set of components and its parts stored on individual
sheets. A PCB Library contains the component footprints. Each library type has its
own Editor. Integrated libraries combine schematic libraries with their related
models and cannot be edited directly by the Library Editors.
Object Any individual item that can be placed in the Library Editor workspace.

Pads Pad objects are normally used in a footprint to create connection pads for
component pins.

Part A collection of graphical objects represents one part of a multi-device component.

Parts are stored in separate sheets within components in the schematic
component libraries.
Pins Component pins give a component its electrical properties and define connection
points on the component.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

6 Integrated Libraries tutorial

DXP integrated libraries ......................................................................................................................6-1
Using DXP integrated libraries ............................................................................................................6-2
Adding and removing libraries.....................................................................................................6-2
Finding a component in integrated libraries ................................................................................6-3
Creating an integrated library ..............................................................................................................6-5
Creating a schematic library........................................................................................................6-5
Making a schematic project library..............................................................................................6-6
Creating a PCB library ................................................................................................................6-6
Creating the source Library Package..........................................................................................6-6
Adding source libraries to the Library Package...........................................................................6-7
Adding models to the Library Package .......................................................................................6-8
Adding models as source libraries ......................................................................................6-8
Setting the pathname to model libraries and files ...............................................................6-8
Compiling the integrated library ................................................................................................6-11
Modifying an integrated library ..........................................................................................................6-11

DXP integrated libraries

This tutorial looks at using, creating and modifying integrated libraries in DXP.

Integrated libraries combine schematic libraries with their related PCB footprints and/or SPICE and
signal integrity models, all together in a non-editable form. All model information is copied into the
integrated library from the model libraries or files and so all the component information is stored
together, regardless of the location of the original source libraries. This makes integrated libraries truly
Source libraries, including any number of schematic libraries and the related model libraries and files
(PCB footprints, SPICE or signal integrity models) are added to a Library Package project file which is
then compiled to generate an integrated library. To modify an integrated library, you must change the
source library first and then recompile the integrated library.

DXP comes with a set of source libraries and integrated libraries (.INTLIB files) stored according to
the manufacturer’s name in the \Program Files\Altium\Library folder. The schematic source
libraries (.schlib files) are included in these integrated libraries and can be extracted by opening the
integrated libraries. PCB footprint models are located in the \Program Files\Altium\
Library\PCB folder in the form of PCB libraries (.pcblib files).

Integrated Libraries tutorial

SPICE models used for circuit simulation (.ckt and .mdl files) are located within the integrated
libraries in the \Program Files\Altium\Library folder and signal integrity models are located in
the Altium\Library\SignalIntegrity folder.

Using DXP integrated libraries

Using an integrated library is very similar to using schematic libraries to place components and add
model names. The only difference is that all the information about the component and its related
models has already been added to the schematic symbol for you. You can check the Models list of the
Component Properties dialog of a component to see what model names have been included with the
schematic symbol. Model names can be changed or added from PCB or other model libraries once you
have placed a component in a schematic sheet.

When the schematic is transferred from the Schematic Editor to a

blank PCB using the Design » Update PCB command, the Source
Reference Links fields of the Component dialog for each PCB
footprint are populated with source library pathnames so you can
easily trace where the components and models originated from if
you need to change them.

Note that you can still always use any other Protel 99 SE or DXP
schematic or PCB libraries independently (without being in an
integrated library) by adding them to the Library list as usual.

Adding and removing libraries

All libraries must be added to the Library list in the Libraries panel
for the component symbols to become available for placement in
a schematic and footprints for the components to be available
when creating the PCB.

To add integrated libraries to the Libraries list:

1. Click on the Libraries tab or select View » Workspace Panels

» Libraries. The Libraries panel displays.

2. Click on the Libraries button at the top of the panel to open

the Available Libraries dialog.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

3. Click on the Installed tab and click Install to add libraries.

4. Browse to the library you require in the Open dialog and click Open.

5. Click Close and the integrated library is added to the Libraries list in the Libraries panel. Select the
library from the Libraries drop-down list to make it the active library.

6. If a schematic document is open, you can select the component you wish to place from the
Components list of the Libraries panel. Click Place <component name> to place it.

To remove a library from the Library list:

1. Click on the Libraries button at the top of the Libraries panel to open the Available Libraries
dialog. Click on the Installed tab.

2. Select the library you want to remove. Hold down the Shift key to multiple select libraries. Click on

3. The library pathname disappears from the Installed Libraries list. Click Close. The library is no
longer available in the Library panel. Simply add it back in when required.

Finding a component in integrated libraries

If you do not know where the component you wish to use is located, use the Search Libraries facility.

1. Click on the Libraries panel tab and the Libraries panel displays.

2. Click on the Search button at the top of the Libraries panel to open the Search Libraries dialog.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

3. Select a Scope for searching in installed libraries or libraries on the search path you nominate by
clicking on the folder icon in the Path field. Fill in the required Search Criteria filters making sure
the filters you wish to use are ticked. Note that the Name field is the name of the schematic
component. Click OK to start the search.

4. The integrated libraries that contain a match will display in the Results tab, together with
component names, model names, symbols and footprints.

5. Click on a component name to display its model name and graphical representations.

6. When you have found the component you require, click on Install Library to add the selected
library to the Libraries list in the Libraries panel.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

7. If you have the schematic sheet open that you want to place the found component on, click on the
Select button to switch to the Schematic Editor. The component symbol is selected in the Libraries
panel, ready for placement. Click on the Place <component name> button to place the
component. The component appears ‘floating’ on the cursor.

8. Press TAB to display the Components Properties dialog while placing the symbol to set the

9. Check the Models list to check that all the required model information is already added from the
integrated library.

10. Click OK and then click to place the component symbol on the schematic sheet. Right-click or
press ESC to end component placement mode.

Creating an integrated library

A Library Package is created first with at least all the schematic libraries added and pathnames can be
set to the models libraries. Using the Project commands, the Library Package is then compiled to create
the integrated library. Any errors generated during the compiling of the integrated library are
displayed in the Messages panel for analysis.

Creating a schematic library

Before you can add any schematic libraries to the library package, you need to create some! You can
create a schematic library out of the components that have been already placed on schematic
documents in a project.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

If a schematic file is not part of a project, you can still create a schematic library from it when it is open.
The only difference is that it will not be added to a project and will display as a free document in the
Projects panel when created.

Alternatively, you can create a schematic library from scratch using the File » New » Schematic Library
command. Then create your own components using the Schematic Library Editor, or copy in
components from other open schematic libraries using the Tools » Copy Component command. See
Modifying an integrated library later in this tutorial for more information about extracting a schematic
library from an existing integrated library.

Making a schematic project library

To create a schematic library from components in all schematic documents in a project:

1. Open the documents in the project by right-clicking on the project filename in the Projects panel
and selecting Open Project Documents.

2. With the schematic documents that contains all the

components you want to add to the new schematic
library already active, select Design » Make Project
Library in the Schematic Editor. Click OK to confirm.

3. The new schematic library will open in the Schematic Library Editor when it is created. All the
components in the open schematic files are copied to the new schematic library, named
Projectname.SchLib, stored in the same folder as the project file. The filename will appear in
the Projects panel listed under Schematic Libraries.

4. Save or rename the new schematic library using File » Save As and close it.

Creating a PCB library

PCB libraries are supplied with DXP and are stored in the default location of \Program
Files\Altium\Library\PCB. However, you can create your own PCB library of footprints from an
open PCB file, in a similar manner to creating a schematic library.

1. With the PCB document that contains all the footprints you want to add to the new PCB library
already active, select Design » Make PCB Library.

2. The new PCB library will open in the PCB Library Editor when it is created. All the footprints in the
open PCB document will be copied to the new PCB library named PCBfilename.lib, which is
stored in the same folder as the source PCB document. The filename will appear in the Projects
panel as a free document.

3. Rename the new PCB library using File » Save As and close it.

Creating the source Library Package

Now that we have some schematic libraries created, we need to add these to a library package which in
turn is compiled into an integrated library.
Integrated Libraries tutorial

1. Select File » New » Integrated Library. Alternatively, you can click on Create a new integrated
library Project in the Pick a task pane which displays when no editors are open, or click on Blank
Project (Library Package) in the New section of the Files panel.

2. The Projects panel displays with an empty Library Package file named Integrated
Library1.LibPkg. There are no source libraries (schematic or PCB libraries) added to the Library
Package at this stage.

3. Rename the new Library Package using the File » Save As command and save it (with a .LibPkg
extension) to your chosen location. An output folder is automatically created named Project
Outputs for Integrated Libraryname in the folder you chose. The pathname to the Library
Package file is added to the Output Path field in the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog
(Project » Project Options) and the final integrated library file will be saved to this location when it
is compiled.

Adding source libraries to the Library Package

1. Add in the source libraries to the Library Package by selecting Project » Add to Project or right-
click on the selected .LibPkg file and select Add to Project. The Choose Documents to Add to
Project [IntegratedLibraryname.LibPkg] dialog displays.

2. Browse to find the schematic libraries (.schlib) that you want to add to your Library Package. The
schematic components store all the information needed to find related models in their
Component Properties dialogs, so these are the most essential elements to be included in an
integrated library.
Integrated Libraries tutorial

3. Click Open and the added libraries are listed as Source Schematic Libraries in the Projects panel.

Adding models to the Library Package

You can add PCB footprint libraries (.pcblib), Protel 99 SE libraries (.lib), SPICE models or Signal
Integrity models to a Library Package in order to keep related libraries in one integrated library (see
Adding models as source libraries below). Note that this is optional. If you do not want to add in the
model libraries and files, you can set a pathname to where they reside on your hard disk. See Setting
the pathname to model libraries and files below.

SPICE models used for circuit simulation (.ckt and .mdl files) are located within the integrated
libraries in the C:\Program Files\Altium\Library folder. It is recommended that if you use these
simulation models in your library components, open the .Intlib file that contains the required
models (File » Open and confirm you want to extract the source libraries). Then copy the model files
from the output folder (generated when you opened the integrated library) into the folder that
contains your source libraries.

Adding models as source libraries

Add model libraries, e.g. PCB libraries, to the Library Package in the same way as the schematic libraries
are added.

1. Select Project » Add to Project, or right-click on the selected .LibPkg file and select Add to

2. Browse to find the model libraries which you want to add to your Library Package.

3. Click Open and the added libraries are listed as Source PCB Libraries in the Projects panel.

Setting the pathname to model libraries and files

Alternatively, if the PCB footprints libraries, SPICE models or signal integrity models are not added to
the Library Package, the schematic symbols in the integrated library will refer to them using the
pathname set up in the Options for Project dialog and stored in the Library Package project file.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

1. Set up the pathname to the PCB libraries you want used by the schematic symbols in the
integrated library by selecting Project » Project Options, or right-click and select Project Options
when in the Projects panel. Click on the Search Paths tab of the Options for Project dialog.

The current location of the new Library Package will be included as one search path in the
Ordered List of Search Paths next time you open the Library Package.

2. Add in the pathnames to the location of the footprints and models required by clicking on Add in
the Ordered List of Search Paths section of the Search Paths tab.

3. Browse to the folders required in the Edit Search Path dialog by clicking on the button and
locating the required model libraries and clicking OK. In the example below, we have added in the
pathname to the folder where PCB footprint models are located, i.e. C:\Program

4. Click on Refresh List to confirm that the models are located correctly and click OK.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

5. While you have the Options for Project dialog open, click on the Error Reporting tab to see what
type of errors and warnings could be generated when the integrated library is compiled.

6. You can change the severity of the violation by clicking on the Report Mode next to the required
violation type and selecting another mode from the dropdown list. Click OK to save the project
options and close the dialog.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

Compiling the integrated library

Once you have added the libraries and set any pathnames required, compile them to create the
integrated library.

1. Select Project » Compile Integrated Library or right-click on the selected Library Package
(.LibPkg) file and select Compile Integrated Library.

2. DXP compiles the source libraries and model files into an integrated library. The compiler checks
for any violations, such as missing models or duplicate pins, that have been set in the Error
Checking tab of the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project Options). Any errors or warnings
found during compilation are displayed in the Messages panel. Fix any inconsistencies in the
individual source libraries at this point and recompile the integrated library. See Modifying an
integrated library for more information.
3. A new Integrated Libraryname.INTLIB is generated, saved in the output folder nominated in
the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog and displays in the Library panel, ready to use.
The integrated library is automatically added to the current Libraries list in the Libraries panel.

Modifying an integrated library

The integrated libraries are used to place components and cannot be edited directly. To make changes
to an integrated library, make modifications in the source libraries first and then recompile the
integrated library to include the changes.

1. Open the integrated library (.IntLib) that contains the source library you need to modify. Select
File » Open and browse to the integrated library required in the Document to Open dialog and
click Open.
2. Confirm that you do wish to open the integrated library to extract the source libraries, not just add
the integrated to the Libraries panel. Click Yes.
The source schematic and model libraries are generated and saved in a new folder named
Integrated_libraryname, which is created in the folder storing the integrated library.

A Library Package (integrated_libraryname.LibPkg) is also created and the source schematic

libraries are extracted and listed in the Projects panel. PCB libraries (.PcbLib) are generated as
well and stored in the new library package folder but are not automatically added to the Projects
panel. The pathname in the Search Paths tab of the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project
Options) indicates where the schematic components will search for when the footprints and
model files are required.
3. Open the source library file you want to change. e.g. libraryname.schlib, by double-clicking
on the library name in the Source Schematic Libraries list in the Projects panel. The library opens
in the Schematic Library Editor.

Integrated Libraries tutorial

If you wish to modify a footprint, you would have to add in the required PCB library before you
could edit the models. Click on the Libraries button in the Library panel. Alternatively, you could
use File » Open to open a model file.

4. Click on the SCH Library tab to activate the Schematic Library Editor.

5. Select the component you wish to alter from the Components list. You can make graphical
changes to the component symbol by directly editing in the design window. To change
component properties, such as model names, double-click on the selected component in the
Components list of the Library Editor panel. Alternatively, click Edit in the Library Editor. The
Component Properties dialog displays.

6. Make required alternations, such as adding a new model name to a symbol by clicking the Add
button on the Models list of the Component Properties dialog and browsing to the location of the
new model. Click OK to close the dialog.

7. Save the modified source library by selecting File » Save and close the library.

8. Select the Library Package in the Projects panel and select Project » Compile Integrated Library.
9. The integrated library is recompiled and any errors are listed in the Messages panel. If there are no
errors or warnings, the modified integrated library is added to the Libraries panel and is ready to

10. Close the Library Package and save it to the same folder as the source libraries.

Customizing component reports tutorial

7 Customizing component reports

Creating customized component reports ............................................................................................7-1
Creating a BOM report ........................................................................................................................7-1
Using the Report Manager dialog .......................................................................................................7-2
Manipulating Columns.........................................................................................................................7-2
Showing columns ........................................................................................................................7-3
Grouped Columns .......................................................................................................................7-3
Sorting the column order.............................................................................................................7-4
Sorting data within columns ................................................................................................................7-4
Custom Filtering ..........................................................................................................................7-5
Creating the Report .............................................................................................................................7-5
Exporting the report.............................................................................................................................7-6
Using Excel templates.................................................................................................................7-7
Using Batch mode ...............................................................................................................................7-8

Creating customized component reports

Several component reports, such as the Bill of Materials (BOM) report and the Component Cross
Reference report, can be customized in DXP by using the Report Manager. This facility allows you to
sort and group the data gathered when the report is run.

You can also export the report in various formats, such as a Microsoft Excel document or an Adobe
Acrobat PDF, or use an Excel template to format the exported data. A batch mode can be used to
generate reports that have been set up from an output job configuration file.
In this tutorial, we will look at using the Report Manager to set up a Bill of Materials in the Schematic
Editor. The BOM report can also be generated from the PCB Editor. The tutorial uses the
Altium\Examples\LCD Controller project as an example.

Please note that although referred to as the Report Manager dialog in this tutorial, the dialog name will
change according to the type of report you are generating, e.g. Bill of Materials (by PartType) for

Creating a BOM report

To create a Bill of Materials in the Schematic Editor:

1. With the required project or source documents open, select Reports » Bill of Materials. The Bill of
Materials for project_name dialog displays.

Customizing component reports tutorial

The dialog is divided into two main parts – the Columns lists on the left and the data section (grid
contents) that displays the information in the shown columns that is generated when the report is
initially run.

2. Use this dialog to build up your BOM, for example, by enabling the Show option next to the
columns you want to be displayed in the report.

We will now look at ways of changing the look of the raw data to create a customized BOM.

Using the Report Manager dialog

When you run a Bill of Materials or a Component Cross Reference Report, the Report Manager dialog
displays to help you format your report. You can show, hide and move columns and then sort and filter
the data within the columns before exporting or printing your report.

Manipulating Columns
The left-hand side of the Report Manager dialog contains two sections - Grouped Columns and Other
Columns. The Other Columns section lists all available information columns that can be used in the
report. These information columns are sourced from the properties of all components on the
document (or the source documents if a project is open) for which the report is being generated.

Customizing component reports tutorial

Showing columns

To show the Other Columns in the data section of the Report Manager:

1. Click on the Show option next to a column's entry in the list to enable it. The column will appear
in the main information area of the dialog.

2. Each enabled column will list information for each of the components found in the source
schematic document(s), where such information exists. If the component does not have any
information for that particular property, the field will be blank.

Grouped Columns
You can choose to group components together by one or more specific columns of information. For
example, in a Bill of Materials report, you may wish to group components by Footprint or Comment.

1. Click, drag and drop the desired information column from the Other Columns section into the
Grouped Columns section of the Report Manager dialog.
2. The column heading appears in the Grouped Columns section and the data is updated to display
according to the new groups. You will note that by grouping by footprints, the Quantity column is

3. Click, drag and drop other columns as required into the Grouped Columns section.

4. If you add the LibRef and Comments columns to the Grouped Columns list (for example), you can
then change the sorting order of the groups.

Customizing component reports tutorial

You could organize the grouping so that you could make a report for all RES (LibRef column) with
the same value (Comment column) and the same package (Footprint column). To do this, simply
click, drag and drop the Grouped Columns until they are in the order – Footprint, Comment and
then LibRef. By sorting and filtering the data, you can then define the limits for each of these

Sorting the column order

The order of the columns in the data section of the dialog can be changed from the Other Columns
section or from within the data section itself. The order of the columns in the Other Columns section is
reflected by the order of the columns in the data section unless you change the columns directly in the
data section.

To change the order of columns from the Other Columns section:

1. Click, drag and drop a column name in the Other Columns section to its new position in the list.
Repeat until you are satisfied with the order of the columns.

2. The column headings in the data section are updated. For example, if you dragged the column
name Quantity to the top of the Other Columns list and Show was enabled, it would appear as
the first column heading in the data section.

To change the order of columns from within the data section:

1. Click, drag and drop a column heading in the data section to its new position.

2. Note that when a column heading is selected for moving and a valid position is found, the two
green arrows are displayed, showing where the column will be inserted.

Note that if you wish to see all the columns within the Report Manager dialog, enable Force Columns
into View.

Sorting data within columns

1. Click on a column heading (away from the far right drop-down arrow) to toggle the sorting of the
information between ascending and descending order.

2. All columns will be affected, but the rows will be sorted according to the information column
whose heading you click on.

Note that if not all the data is displaying within the column, right-click and select Column Best Fit
[shortcut Ctrl+F] to lengthen the width of each column according to the longest field entry.
Customizing component reports tutorial

Custom Filtering
You can apply filtering to show specific component entries.

1. By clicking on the far right drop-down arrow in a column's heading, either select from the
individual row entries available, or select Custom, which displays the Custom AutoFilter dialog.

2. Specify exactly which rows of information you want to show, based on filter criteria you apply to
the particular information column. In the simple example above, this filter will only display
components with a LibRef called RES. Click OK.

The drop-down arrow next to the Footprint column heading turns blue to indicate customization
of this column.

3. A textual representation of the filter currently applied, e.g. (LibRef = RES), appears in the bottom-
left corner of the data section of the dialog.

A filter can be quickly cleared by clicking on the small cross next to the text.

Creating the Report

The Report command is used to create a report using the current data section. The report is
automatically loaded into the Report Preview dialog where you can inspect it using various page and
zoom controls before exporting or printing it.

1. Click on Report to display a print preview of your BOM. The Report Preview dialog displays.

Customizing component reports tutorial

2. This preview can be printed using the Print button or exported to a file format, such as .xls for
Microsoft Excel, using the Export button. See the table below for more export file formats available
in this dialog. Close the dialog.

Microsoft Excel Worksheet (*.xls) Quattro Pro Worksheet (*.wq1)

Web Page (*.htm; *.html) Rich Text Format (RTF) (*.rtf)

Adobe PDF (*.pdf) JPEG Image File (*.jpg)

Web Layer (CSS) (*.htm; *.html) TIFF Image File (*.tif)

Window Bitmap File (*.bmp) Lotus 123 Worksheet (*.wk1)

Exporting the report

The grid content of the data section can also be exported and a report generated by using the Export
button in the Report Manager dialog.

When exporting the data using the Export option from the Report Manager dialog, the following file
formats are supported.

Microsoft Excel Worksheet (*.xls) Web Page (*.htm; *.html)

XML Spreadsheet (*.xml) CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)

Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)

Customizing component reports tutorial

1. If you want the relevant software application, e.g. Microsoft Excel, to open once the exported file
has been saved, make sure Open Exported is selected in the Report Manager dialog.

2. Click on Export button in the Report Manager dialog and save the file in the appropriate format.

Using Excel templates

If you want to export your data straight into an Excel template, you can select an existing Excel template
or you can use the supplied Default Excel template.

1. Enter the required Excel template file directly into the Template field of the Report Manager dialog,
or select BOM Default Template.XLT from the dropdown list, or browse for an existing Excel
template (.XLT). The file can be specified with a relative or absolute path. For more information
about template creation, refer to your Microsoft Excel documentation.

2. If you have the Open Exported option selected in the Report Manager dialog, the file will open in
Excel after export.

3. Click on the Excel button to open the Spreadsheet Preview dialog.

4. Click OK in the Spreadsheet Preview dialog to generate the export. The report opens in Excel,
formatted in the nominated Excel template.

Customizing component reports tutorial

Using Batch mode

The Batch Mode field in the Report Manager dialog allows you to specify the export format when
generating a report from an output job configuration file ( *.OutJob). This file is created by selecting
File » New » Output Job File.

Multi-channel design tutorial

8 Multi-channel design tutorial

Multi-channel design ...........................................................................................................................8-1
Creating a multi-channel design..........................................................................................................8-2
Setting room and designator formats ..................................................................................................8-5
Room Naming .............................................................................................................................8-5
Component Naming ....................................................................................................................8-6
Defining your own designator format ..........................................................................................8-7
Compiling the project ..........................................................................................................................8-7
Viewing the channel designator assignments .....................................................................................8-8

Multi-channel design
This tutorial shows how to create a multi-channel design using DXP.

A multi-channel design refers to the same channel many times. The channel needs only to be drawn
once as a separate schematic sub-sheet and included in a project. You can easily nominate how many
times the channel is used by placing multiple sheet symbols that reference the same sub-sheet, or by
including the Repeat keyword in the designator of a sheet symbol.

The Designator Manager creates and maintains a table of channel connections which is stored as part
of the Projects file. A multi-channel project is supported throughout the design process, including
back-annotation of designator changes to the project file.

In this tutorial, we will explore the multi-channel design Peak Detector - Multi
channel.PrjPcb, available in the \Altium\Examples folder.

Multi-channel design tutorial

This design has three levels of hierarchy – the parent sheet, the bank sheet and the channel sheet. The
parent sheet (Peak Detector.SchDoc) includes a sheet symbol for four banks (referencing the one
Bank.SchDoc four times). The Bank schematic in turn has a sheet symbol for eight channels for each
bank, making a total of 32 channels. Rather than create all these channels as separate schematic sheets,
we will use the Repeat command and sheet symbols to reference the one schematic, Peak Detector
– Channel.SchDoc, for each of the channels required. By formatting room names and component
designators, we can reflect this hierarchical design.

Creating a multi-channel design

When creating this design, a PCB project file was created and the three schematics that represent the
levels of this multi-channel design were added, i.e. Peak Detector.SchDoc (top or parent sheet),
Bank.SchDoc (bank level) and Peak Detector–channel.SchDoc (channel level).

1. Create the circuit that you wish to become the channel on a separate schematic sheet as shown
below (Peak Detector–Channel.SchDoc) and add the new schematic to the PCB project file.

2. Next, create a schematic for the bank level (Bank.SchDoc). A sheet symbol needs to be placed on
the Bank.SchDoc to create the required number of channels that will refer to the Peak

3. Select Place » Sheet Symbol and place the sheet symbol. Double-click on the
new sheet symbol to display the Properties tab of the Sheet Symbol dialog.

Multi-channel design tutorial

The designator name of the sheet symbol is used to uniquely identify each component in each
channel. In the example above, the Designator name of the sheet symbol is PD. You can use any
name but short names are recommended for the sheet symbols to keep the designators short. This
is because the sheet symbol name and a channel number will be added to the designator name
when the project is compiled, e.g. R1 will become R1_PD1.

4. In the Filename field, enter the name of the channel schematic you want to use, e.g. Peak

5. Nominate how many times you wish to reference the channel schematic by entering the Repeat
Channel command in the Designator field. The format is:


So, in this example, the command Repeat(PD,1,8) in the Designator field will reference the
Peak Detector channel schematic eight times (1,8) via the sheet symbol named PD.

6. Click OK to close the Sheet Symbol dialog and the symbol will change to reflect the multiple
channels it now represents.

Multi-channel design tutorial

7. Nets that are common to all sub-sheets are connected in the normal way. Nets that connect
individually to repeated sub-sheets are brought in as a bus, with one bus element connecting to
each sub-sheet.

In the example above, this is shown by placing the bus name (not including the bus range, e.g. P)
on the wire and the sheet entry including the Repeat keyword. When the design is compiled, this
bus is resolved into the individual nets (P1 through to P8) with one assigned to each channel; P1
connects to PD_1 sub-sheet, P2 connects to PD_2 sub-sheet, and so forth.

8. Create the parent sheet, Peak Detector.SchDoc and use the Place » Sheet Symbol command to
create a sheet symbol to represent the next level schematic down, Bank.SchDoc.

In the example above, the Designator name of the sheet symbol is BANK. Therefore, the command
Repeat(BANK,1,4) in the Designator field in the Sheet Symbol dialog will reference the Bank
schematic four times (1,4) via the sheet symbol BANK.

Note also that the net labels on the wires in the example above do not include a bus element
number and the sheet symbol includes the Repeat keyword. When the design is compiled, this
bus is resolved into the individual nets (OFF1 through to OFF4) with one assigned to each channel.

Multi-channel design tutorial

Setting room and designator formats

Once you have created the schematics, you can format the designator and room names that will map
from the single logical component on the schematic to multiple physical instances on the PCB.

Logical designators are assigned to the components of the source schematics. Physical designators are
assigned to the components once they are placed in the PCB design. When creating multi-channel
designs, the logical designators for the repeated channel components may be the same, but each
component must have a unique physical designator in the PCB design.

1. Select Project » Project Options. Click on the Multi-Channel tab of the Options for Project dialog
to specify the room and component designator naming formats.

Room Naming
1. Click on the Room Naming Style drop-down list to choose the naming format you require for the
rooms in your design. These rooms are created by default when you update the project schematics
to the PCB. There are five styles available — two flat and three hierarchical.

Flat room name formats Hierarchical room name formats

Flat Numeric with Names Numeric Name Path

Flat Alpha with Names Alpha Name Path

Mixed Name Path

Hierarchical room names are formed by concatenating all channelized sheet symbol designators
(ChannelPrefix + ChannelIndex) in the relevant channel path hierarchy.

Multi-channel design tutorial

2. As you select a style from the list, the image in the Multi-Channel tab (below) is updated to reflect
the naming convention that will appear in the design. The image gives an example of a 2x2 channel
design. The larger crosshatch regions represent the two upper level channels (or banks) and the
shaded regions within represent the lower level channels (with two sample components shown in
each). When the design is compiled, a room is created for each sheet in the design, including each
bank and each lower-level channel. For the 2x2 channel design shown in the image, a total of six
rooms will be created - one for each of the two banks and one for each of the four lower level

In our Peak Detector example, 37 rooms will be created — one for the top level schematic sheet
(1), one for each of the four banks (4) and one for each of the eight
channels within each of the banks (32). There are no restrictions
on the character used
3. Use the Level Separator for Paths field to specify the required for the level separator;
character/symbol for separating the path information when using the however, a single non-
hierarchical naming styles, i.e. those styles that include the path. alphanumeric character
is easier to read.

Component Naming
There are several designator formats for naming components. You can choose a format or define your
own using valid keywords.

1. Define the naming format you want for the component designators by selecting from the
Designator Format drop-down list. There are eight predefined formats — five flat and three that
can be used in a hierarchical context.

Flat designator formats Hierarchical designator formats

$Component$ChannelAlpha $Component_$RoomName

$Component_$ChannelPrefix$ChannelAlpha $RoomName_$Component

$Component_$ChannelIndex $ComponentPrefix_$RoomName_$ComponentIndex



Multi-channel design tutorial

The flat designator formats name each component designator in a linear

The Room Naming Style
progression, starting from the first channel. is only relevant for
component naming if the
The hierarchical formats include the Room Name in the designator for a
$RoomName string is
component. If the Room Naming style chosen is one of the two possible flat included in the
styles, then the style for the component designator will also be flat. However, if aDesignator Format.
hierarchical style has been chosen for Room Naming, the component designator
will also be hierarchical because the path information will be included in the format.

Defining your own designator format

You can also define your own component designator format by typing directly into the Designator
Format field. The following keywords can be used when constructing the format string.

Keyword Definition

$RoomName name of the associated room, as determined by the style chosen in the
Room Naming Style field

$Component component logical designator

$ComponentPrefix component logical designator prefix (e.g. U for U1)

$ComponentIndex component logical designator index (e.g. 1 for U1)

$ChannelPrefix logical sheet symbol designator

$ChannelIndex channel index

$ChannelAlpha channel index expressed as an alpha character. This format is only useful if
your design contains less than 26 channels in total, or if you are using a
hierarchical designator format.

Compiling the project

You must compile your project in order for any changes made to room and/or component designator
formats to take effect.

1. Compile the project by selecting Project » Compile PCB Project. When the multi-channel design is
compiled, there is still only one sheet shown in the Schematic Editor, however now, there are tabs
displayed along the bottom of the schematic sheet in the design window, one for each channel (or
bank). The tab names are the sheet symbol names plus the channel number, e.g. BANKA.

2. Once the design has been compiled, it is transferred to the PCB Editor in the normal way (Design »
Update PCB). The transfer process will automatically create a component class for each schematic
sheet in the design, a room for each component class and group the components in each class in
their room, ready for placement.

Multi-channel design tutorial

3. After placing and routing one channel, select Tools » Copy Room Formats in the PCB Editor to
copy the placement and routing of that channel to the other channels.

Viewing the channel designator assignments

To check that your multi-channel designators, you can view all components used in all the source
schematic documents in the project in terms of logical and physical designators.

To check the designators that are associated with components in a multi-channel design:

1. Select Project » View Channels to display the Project Components dialog which shows the logical
and physical designators assigned to each of the components in the source schematic documents.

The table shows the number of channels associated with a schematic name
in the project. In the example above, the following room and component Remember that there is
always only one
naming conventions were used: Mixed Name Path and
schematic sheet of the
$Component_$ChannelPrefix$ChannelIndex. channel; the designator
assignments for each
Each channel will have the designator names augmented with channel
channel are stored in a
number, e.g. designator C1 in the Peak Detector – channel.SchDoc table (Project » View
becomes C1_PD1 for channel 1 through to C1_PD32 for channel 32 when it Channels).
is updated to the PCB.

2. Click on a Logical Designator to jump to that component in its source schematic. The component
will display zoomed and centered in the main design window. The dialog remains open to allow
you to jump to other components.

Multi-channel design tutorial

3. Click on the Component Report button to display the Report Preview dialog showing a print
preview of the Project Components report. Click Print to print the report. The Print dialog displays.
Click OK to send the report to the printer.
4. Choose Export from the Report Preview dialog to save the Project Components report as a file, for
example as a spreadsheet (.xls) or a .pdf. Save the file and you can then open it in its appropriate
program (e.g. Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader) by clicking on Open Report.

5. Click on Close to exit the print preview mode and click OK to close the Project Components

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

9 Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

Board shapes in DXP ..........................................................................................................................9-1
Modifying a board shape.............................................................................................................9-1
Using PCB sheets ...............................................................................................................................9-4
Displaying the sheet....................................................................................................................9-4
Adding a new sheet from a PCB template ..................................................................................9-6
Keepouts .............................................................................................................................................9-7
Creating a keepout......................................................................................................................9-8

This tutorial covers board shapes, sheets, templates and keepouts used in DXP’s PCB Editor. For more
information about setting up the PCB workspace, such as grids, layers and design rules, see Designing
the PCB in the Schematic capture, simulation and layout introductory tutorial.

Board shapes in DXP

The board shape defines the boundary, or extents, of the board in the PCB Editor. The board shape
may also be referred to as a board outline and is
essentially a closed polygon. It initially displays as a
black area with the visible grid on by default when
you create a new PCB document. It is used by DXP
to determine the extents of the power planes for
plane edge pull back, used when splitting power
planes and for calculating the board edge when
outputting design data to other tools, such as the
3D viewer.

When a new board file is created by selecting File »

New » PCB from the menus, a default board shape
is created, sized 6,000 x 4,000 mils. The board shape
can be resized, or redefined, using the commands
in the Design » Board Shape sub-menu. PCB
documents created using the PCB templates or the
PCB Board Wizard have the board shape already
correctly sized.

Modifying a board shape

You can change a board shape by redefining (redrawing) it or by moving the vertices. You can move
the board shape around the sheet as well, with or without any placed objects.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

You can change the color of the board shape by selecting Design » Board Layers & Colors (shortcut key
L) and selecting a new color for the Board Area in the System Colors section of the Board Layers &
Colors dialog.

Redefining a board shape

You can redefine the board shape if it does not already exist or you want to draw it again from scratch.

If you need to change the entire board shape:

1. Select Design » Board Shape » Redefine Board Shape. The cursor will change to a large cross, the
background will change to black and the original board shape will be displayed in green.

2. Click (or press ENTER) to create the corners of the new board shape. Press the SPACEBAR to
change the corner style while you are defining the board shape. The Status bar at the bottom of
the design window helps to locate the co-ordinates of the corners.

3. When you have defined the board shape, right-click or press ESC to finish. There is no need to
fully close the polygon as DXP will automatically complete the shape by joining the first point to
the last point placed.

The visible grid will be drawn to fill the area defined by the new board outline.

Defining the board shape from selected objects

You can define an enclosed boundary, using lines and arcs, on a mechanical layer (or any layer) and
use these objects to define the board shape.

To define a board shape from selected objects:

1. Create an enclosed boundary on a mechanical layer that will define the board shape you require.
Use the placement commands such as Place » Line or Place » Arc to create your new board shape.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

2. Select the new board shape boundary only.

3. Select Design » Board Shape » Define from Selected Objects and the board shape will be
redisplayed to fit the selected boundary objects.

Moving board vertices

When modifying a board shape, e.g. resizing it, moving the board vertices will save you from having to
redefine the entire board shape.

1. Select Design » Board Shape » Move Board Vertices. The board outline displays with editing
handles and the cursor changes to a large cross, ready to select and move vertices.

2. Click on the vertex that you want to move and drag it to its new location.

3. You can create new vertices by clicking on the small crosses that appear midway along the line
segments and dragging the new vertex into position.
4. Right-click or press ESC to finish your board shape.

Moving the board shape

Using the Move Board Shape command to reposition the board shape will move the board outline
only. Any components and connections already placed will not be affected.

If you need to reposition the board shape in relation to the design sheet, make sure the sheet is visible
by enabling the Display Sheet option in the Board Options dialog (Design » Board Options). See Using
PCB sheets in this tutorial for more information about using sheets in DXP.
To move a board shape only:

1. Select Design » Board Shape » Move Board Shape and the outline will appear floating on the

2. Drag the board shape to its new location and click to place.

To move a board shape along with any components and connections already placed:

1. Select all (Ctrl+A) or select the objects you need to move, including the board shape.

2. Click directly on a selected object and the cursor changes to a large arrow. Drag the selection
bounding box to the new location on the sheet.
Alternatively, select the objects required and select Edit » Move » Move Selection. Click within the
selection to define a reference point, move the selection and click to place.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

Using PCB sheets

Sheets in the PCB Editor are a special drawing feature, controlled using the options in the Board
Options dialog. When you create a new PCB file, a default sheet is automatically created with the
default size of 10000 x 8000 mil. It is not shown initially but, when displayed, it appears as the white
shape behind the board outline.

Most of the PCB example files supplied with DXP (C:\Program Files\Altium\Examples) display
the board on a white sheet which includes a border, grid reference and title block that have been
drawn on one of the mechanical layers, Mechanical16.

By placing objects on mechanical layers and then linking those layers to the sheet, you can create your
own drawing templates which can be displayed or hidden. Sheets that include a border, grid reference
and title block can be added to PCB files by copying from the existing PCB templates (C:\Program

The sheet size and location of the sheet can be defined manually, or the sheet can be resized
automatically to fit the objects on the linked mechanical layer when you select View » Fit Sheet.

Displaying the sheet

To make the sheet is visible in the PCB Editor:

1. Select Design » Board Options and select the Display Sheet option in the Sheet Position section of
the Board Options dialog. Click OK.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

The sheet can be hidden at any time by disabling the Display Sheet option. All linked mechanical
layers will also be hidden.

2. Select View » Fit Sheet to display the sheet. Alternatively, use the shortcut keys, V, H (View Sheet)
or Z, S (Zoom Sheet). A white space appears around the board shape with the default size of 10000
x 8000 mil.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

3. You can change the color of the sheet by selecting Design » Board Layers & Colors (shortcut key L)
and selecting a new color for the Sheet Area and Sheet Line in the System Colors section of the
Board Layers and Colors dialog.

Adding a new sheet from a PCB template

You can add a new sheet, including the sheet border, reference grid and title block, at any time by
copying the objects from the supplied DXP PCB template documents and pasting them into your PCB
design document. DXP includes a set of pre-defined PCB templates located at C:\Program
Files\Altium\Templates. Use the sheet size templates only, i.e. A.pcbdoc through to A0.pcbdoc.

1. Open the PCB document that you want to add the new sheet size to. Make sure that the existing
default sheet is displayed to help you place the new sheet by pressing V, H (view sheet) or Z, S
(zoom sheet).

2. Open an existing PCB sheet template that will fit all the objects on your PCB, e.g. A2.pcbdoc. To
do this, click on PCB Templates in the New from Template section of the Files panel. If this option
is not visible, click on the up arrows to the right of each section in the Files panel to contract the
other options. The Choose existing Document dialog displays.

Navigate to the PCB templates folder (C:\Program Files\Altium\Templates) and select

A2.pcbdoc (for example) and click Open. The template is opened as a new PCB design
document in the design window, named PCB1.PcbDoc.

3. Select all the contents of the template file (Ctrl+A) and copy (Ctrl+C) the contents to the clipboard.
Click once to set a copy reference point. Close Pcb1.pcbdoc without saving.

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

4. Switch to your PCB document by clicking on its tab at the top of the design window. Paste the new
sheet into the existing PCB using Ctrl+V. The contents of the template are pasted onto
Mechanical16 layer.

5. Now we need to show the Mechanical16 layer and link it to the sheet. Select Design » Board Layers
& Colors to display the Board Layers and Colors dialog. Click on Show, Enable and Linked to Sheet.

6. Also turn on Single Layer Mode to always show the sheet regardless of the status of Single Layer
Mode as enabled in the Display tab of the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences). Click OK to
close the dialog.

7. Finally we can size the sheet to include the sheet border. Press V, H (to view sheet) or Z, S (to
zoom sheet). The sheet fits to the extents of the objects on the layer linked to the sheet, i.e. it fits
to include the sheet border defined on the Mechanical16 layer.

8. You can now modify the title block, for example, by switching to Mechanical16 layer and adding or
deleting objects. The sheet will resize to include all objects when you press V, H (view sheet) or Z,
S (zoom sheet) again.

The keepout is a separate entity to the board shape. A keepout shape, usually made up of placed
keepout tracks, is required on the PCB Keepout layer if you intend to run the autorouter or autoplace

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial

components. A keepout track is simply a track placed on the Keepout layer with the Keepout attribute

A keepout is automatically generated if you create the PCB by

using the PCB Board Wizard where you can nominate the
distance of the keepout from the edge of the board shape. The
dimensions generated by the PCB Board Wizard measure the
keepout not the board shape size. The diagram below shows an
example of a keepout outline generated on the Keepout layer by
the PCB Board Wizard, indented 100mil from the edge of the
board shape of 2000 x 2000 mil.

A board keepout is also automatically included when using a PCB

manufacturers’ template to create a new PCB, e.g. AT or Eurocard.
The sheet size templates, e.g. A2.pcbdoc, do not include keepouts.

Creating a keepout
Since a keepout is required if you wish to autoplace components or autoroute the board, you will need
to add the keepout yourself if you create a new PCB in the following ways:

• selecting File » New » PCB from the menus , or clicking on PCB File in the New section of the Files

• using the PCB sheet size templates, e.g. A2.pcbdoc, by choosing PCB Track placement modes
Templates from the New from Template section of the Files panel. are available when
placing a keepout.
Only a default board shape is created by these commands, so the keepout has
to be added once the board shape has been defined. Press SHIFT+
SPACEBAR to cycle
To create a keepout by placing keepout tracks: through the modes.
1. Click on the Keep-Out layer tab so you will be placing the keepout tracks
toggle between Start
on this layer only. and End modes.
2. Select Place » Keepout » Track. Click to define the vertex points of the Use BACKSPACE to
keepout and create a closed polygon. remove the last placed
track segment.
3. When you have finished placing the keepout tracks, right-click or press ESC
Press TAB to display the
to exit track placement mode. Line Constraints dialog
and change properties.
Now you have created your board shape, sheet and keepout, set the grids, layers
and design rules and you are ready to start designing your board.

Editing multiple objects tutorial

10 Editing multiple objects

Filtering, Selecting and Editing Multiple Objects ...............................................................................10-1
The Basic Approach..................................................................................................................10-2
Finding Objects using the Navigator Panel ...............................................................................10-2
Finding Objects using the Find Similar Objects dialog..............................................................10-2
Modifying the Selected Objects.................................................................................................10-3
Schematic Examples.........................................................................................................................10-3
Changing the footprint for all capacitors of a certain value ...............................................10-4
Changing the style of GND power ports ...........................................................................10-4
Changing the length of pins in the schematic library ........................................................10-4
Changing part of a net name on all schematic sheets ......................................................10-5
PCB Examples ..................................................................................................................................10-5
Hiding all component comments .......................................................................................10-5
Setting the font style for all component designators .........................................................10-6
Changing the width of certain track segments in two routed nets
(routed at multiple widths) .................................................................................................10-6
Changing the size of a specific sized pad in all footprints in a library ...............................10-6
Using a Query to Edit Multiple Objects .............................................................................................10-7
Selecting schematic components based on a parameter value and a footprint,
then changing the component symbol ..............................................................................10-7
Selecting the designator string for PCB components with a specific footprint ..................10-8
Changing the width of certain track segments in two routed nets (routed at
multiple widths) .................................................................................................................10-8
Finding all components with a specific footprint at a certain rotation................................10-9
Tips for Writing Queries.....................................................................................................................10-9

Filtering, Selecting and Editing Multiple Objects

PCB design is the process of capturing a logical design in the schematic, then representing them as a
set of objects in the PCB workspace. Even for a small circuit, the schematic can include many
components, each with numerous parameters, and the PCB workspace will end up containing a large
number of design objects that make up the board. During the course of the design process, the
properties of these objects will need to be changed – as the designer works to balance out the design
requirements, the fabrication requirements and the assembly requirements.
The need to find, choose and modify objects is delivered using the new DXP data editing system. Using
this system, you filter the design data to find what you want, you select it for editing, then edit it. This

Editing multiple objects tutorial

document demonstrates how to perform filtering, selecting and editing of multiple objects in the

The Basic Approach

Finding objects in a densely packed workspace is not a trivial process. The DXP schematic and PCB
editors includes a feature specifically designed for this task, called filtering.

There are two basic approaches to finding the objects you want to edit in a densely packed design
workspace. You can either start with all objects and filter down (using the Navigator or by writing a
query), or start with one object and then find similar objects.

The result for both is the same – a view of just the objects you want to edit. In fact, both approaches
can be used to find the same set of objects; the way you choose will be driven by which is more
efficient in a given situation, and by personal preference.

This tutorial first covers multiple object editing using the Navigator panel and
the Find Similar Objects dialog, then explains how to do it using DXP’s
powerful query engine.

Finding Objects using the Navigator Panel

Filtering can be done in a number of ways – perhaps the easiest way is to use
the Navigator panel. The Navigator panel lets you browse by Components,
Nets or pins. When you click on an entry in the Navigator, you filter the data in
the workspace. You can also browse in the PCB panel, click on All
Components to filter out everything except the Components on the board.
Click on an individual component, say U1, to filter out everything except U1.

There are highlight options at the top of the Navigator panel that control how
the result set is highlighted – you can Mask to fade out everything you don’t
want to edit, you can also Select and you can Zoom. There is also an option to
disable automatic clearing of a previous filter – only disable this when want to
add the results of the current filter to the previous filter. Wait till you are
familiar with how filtering works before experimenting with this option. Use the Navigator to
quickly find objects
Use the button at the bottom of the editing window to control the
fade level of the filtered-out objects.

Finding Objects using the Find Similar Objects dialog

Often you will have an object visible on the screen which needs to be modified and you want to
change other objects of the same kind. In this case, the best approach is to use the Find Similar Objects
command. The easiest way to run this command is to right-click on the object and select Find Similar
Objects from the menu.

Editing multiple objects tutorial

The Find Similar Objects dialog will appear, displaying the properties of the object. There are two
columns in this dialog – the first column lists the properties of the object you clicked on, the second
column you use to specify which of the properties to use to find similar
objects by.

In the adjacent image, the dialog has been opened over a schematic
component (Object Kind = Part). If you look at the find similar column,
three properties are set to Same – Object Kind, Comment, and Current
Footprint. When the OK button is clicked, it will find all schematic Parts,
with a comment string of 0.1uF and a footprint of RAD0.2, in all open
schematic documents.

Note that you do not have to leave the property values as they were when
the dialog opened, for example if the Designator property was changed to
C* and its Find option set to Same, then all objects with a designator
starting with the letter C would be found.
Matching by Object Kind, Like the Navigator panel, the dialog has highlight options, set these to
Comment and Footprint control how the results will be presented.
Use the Apply button when you want to test
before closing, otherwise use the OK button.

Modifying the Selected Objects

Once you’ve filtered down and got the correct result set, you are ready
to edit the selected objects. The easiest way to modify a set of selected
objects is to use the object Inspector panel. This panel presents the
properties of selected objects as a simple list; any changes you make are
immediately applied to all selected objects. Use the F11 shortcut to
toggle the Inspector panel on and off. When you modify a value in the
Inspector, press Enter on the keyboard to apply the change.

Alternatively, you can use the List view panel. This spreadsheet-like Type in the new Footprint
name and press Enter
panel allows you to check the attributes of any of the objects in the
result set, as well as edit one or more objects. To modify a property of objects in the List view panel
select them in the spreadsheet, then right-click on the column and choose Edit Selected from the
menu. Again, after changing a value, press Enter on the keyboard to apply the change.

Schematic Examples
Following are some examples of editing multiple objects in schematics and schematic libraries.
Remember to clear any existing filter before applying a new one, either by clicking the button,
or pressing SHIFT+C.

Editing multiple objects tutorial

Changing the footprint for all capacitors of a certain value

1. Right-click on the symbol of one of the capacitors being changed and
select Find Similar Objects from the floating menu.

2. In the Find Similar Objects dialog, set the match by drop-down for
Comment to Same, and Current Footprint to Same, as shown in the

3. Enable the Select Matching check box, and if the change is to apply
across multiple sheets, select Open Documents in the drop down list,
then click OK.

Important Note: when you use the Find Similar Objects dialog to select
the objects for editing, don’t click on the schematic sheet or you will loose
the selection. If you need to you can change documents by clicking on the
document Tab at the top of the workspace.
Finding all schematic comps
4. Press F11 to pop up the Inspector panel, type the new footprint name with a Comment = 0.1uF
in the Current Footprint field, then press Enter on the keyboard to and a Footprint = RAD0.2
apply the change.

5. Press SHIFT+C to clear the current filter.

Changing the style of GND power ports

1. Right-click on a GND power port and select Find Similar Objects from the floating menu.

2. In the Find Similar Objects dialog, set the match by drop down for Text to Same (the Text value
would be GND for this example).

3. Enable the Select Matching check box, and click OK.

4. In the object Inspector panel, change the Power Object Style to Bar.

Changing the length of pins in the schematic library

1. Right-click on a component pin in the schematic library editor and select Find Similar Objects
from the floating menu.

2. In the Find Similar Objects dialog, set the match by drop down for Length to Same (no need to do
this if all pin lengths are already the same and you want to change all of them).

3. Enable the Select Matching check box. To apply the change across all components in the library,
select All Components in the drop down list, then click OK.

4. Press F11 to pop up the Inspector panel, type in the new pin length in the Length field, then press
Enter to apply the change.

Editing multiple objects tutorial

Changing part of a net name on all schematic sheets

Rather than using the Find Similar Objects dialog, or the Inspector or List panel, the easiest way to
change a text string throughout a design is to use the Find and Replace Text dialog. This example
changes all occurrences of the string INTERUPT, for INT.

1. Select Edit » Replace Text from the menus.

2. In the Text to Find field, type in the search text. In this example, it
is INTERUPT*. Note the wildcard character has been included, that
way all strings that start with INTERUPT will be found, for example

3. If you want to replace each string completely with a new string,

you would simply enter the new string in the Replace With field.
However, if you want to perform a partial string substitution, you
use the following syntax:

Use the Find and Replace dialog to
The curly braces denote string substitution, the string before the change strings across objects
equals sign is the old string being replaced, the string after the
equals sign is the new string. For each string found, any characters before or after the old string
are not effected by the change. For example, the string INTERUPTA becomes INTA, the string
AD_INTERUPT5 becomes AD_INT5, and so on.

4. After entering {INTERUPT=INT} in the Replace With field, set the Sheet Scope to Open
Documents, enable the Restrict to Net Identifiers option, and click OK to make the change.

PCB Examples
Following are a number of examples of editing multiple objects in PCB and PCB libraries.

Hiding all component comments

1. Clear any existing filter.

2. Select Components in the drop down at the top of the Navigator panel,
enable the Select check box, then click on All Components in the
Component Classes field. All the components will be selected.

3. Open the Inspector panel, note that the number of selected objects is
shown at the bottom of the panel.

4. Clear the Show Comment check box. Note that if there are a mixture of
both visible and not visible comments you set the check box to the
required state (clear in this case), then press Enter. You can use this
technique to display hidden comments too. Changing the visibility
of the Comment

Editing multiple objects tutorial

Setting the font style for all component designators

1. Clear any existing filter.

2. Right-click on a component designator and select Find Similar Objects.

3. In the Find Similar Objects dialog, set the match by

drop down for Designator to Same.

4. Enable the Select Matching check box, and click OK.

5. In the Inspector panel, set the Font to the required style

and press Enter on the keyboard to apply the change.

Changing the width of certain track segments

in two routed nets (routed at multiple widths
1. Set the PCB navigation panel to Nets.

2. Select the required nets in the list. Note that you can
sort the list by Net name, Node Count, or Routed
length, and you can also sort by one column then sub-
sort by another (hold the Shift key to sub-sort).
Then edit the width
3. Right-click in the Net Items list to configure this list to
only display Tracks.

4. Now click on Name to sort this list by the track width. It

should now be straight forward to scroll through the list
and select the set of track segments of the required
Filter and select the net
5. Display the Inspector panel, type in the new track Width segments in the panel
and press Enter on the keyboard to apply the change.

Changing the size of a specific sized pad in all footprints in a library

1. Right-click on one of the pads to be changed in the PCB Library editor, and select Find Similar
Objects from the menu.

2. In the Find Similar Objects dialog, set the match by drop-down for the Pad Shape and Pad X Size
and Pad Y Size parameters to Same.

3. Enable the Select Matching and Whole Library check boxes and click OK.

4. In the Inspector panel, type in the new Pad X Size (All Layers) and press Enter, then type in the new
Pad Y Size (All Layers) and press Enter.

Editing multiple objects tutorial

Using a Query to Edit Multiple Objects

Underlying DXP is a powerful query engine. This query engine allows precise targeting of design
objects. As well as using it to filter and edit multiple objects, it is also used to scope design rules.
Following are a number of examples of using queries to target and edit multiple objects.

Selecting schematic components based on a parameter value and a footprint,

then changing the component symbol
Often you will want to target components (a parent object) based on one of their parameters
(children). You can do this by writing a query.

1. Open the List panel (F12), and type HasParameter.

2. When you complete the keyword, a drop-down list of available parameter names will appear.
Select the required parameter from the list.

3. Once the name has been selected, a list with available parameter values will appear. Select the
required value (note that you can use a wildcard, make sure you enclose it in quote marks).
4. Click the Apply button to select the components.

The following query finds all components that have a Voltage parameter with a value of 100V and a
footprint of RAD0.2:

HasParameter(Voltage,'100V') and HasModel(Pcblib,'RAD0.2',True)

5. The set of components that have both the correct voltage parameter and footprint will appear in
the List panel. Select them all (Ctrl+A).

Editing multiple objects tutorial

6. With the components selected, right-click in the Library Reference column and choose Edit
Selected from the menu.

7. One of the values will change to the edit mode, type in the new library reference and press Enter
on the keyboard. Note that the component must be available from the list of available libraries in
the Libraries panel.

8. The selected components will change to the new schematic symbol.

Selecting the designator string for PCB components with a specific footprint
The following example selects the designator string for all components that have a footprint of DIP14.

1. Open the List panel (F12), enable the Mask, Select, Zoom and Clear Existing options, and type:

IsDesignator And HasFootprint('DIP14')

then click the Apply button, or press Enter.
2. To edit a property of the designators, say the string height, press F11 to display the Inspector panel,
type in the new Text Height and press Enter to apply the change.

Changing the width of certain track segments in two routed nets (routed at
multiple widths
Earlier in the tutorial there was an example of changing the width of certain track segments in two
routed nets that had been routed at multiple widths, using the Navigator panel. This example shows

Editing multiple objects tutorial

how to do this same edit using queries (assuming net names of +12V, -12V and an existing width of
1. Open the List panel (F12), enable the Mask, Select, Zoom and Clear Existing options, and type:

(InNet('+12V') or InNet('-12V')) and (width = 25)

then click the Apply button, or press Enter.

2. To edit the width of the track segments, press F11 to display the Inspector panel, type in the new
Width and press Enter to apply the change.

Finding all components with a specific footprint at a certain rotation

1. To find all components with a footprint of RAD0.2, and a component rotation of 90 degrees, the
following query is used:

IsComponent and HasFootprint('RAD0.2') and (Rotation = 0)

Tips for Writing Queries

1. Use the Query Helper to become familiar with the available keywords. Press the Helper button in
the List panel to display the helper.

2. In the Query Helper, press F1 over a keyword to display on-line help.

3. Use the Mask field at the bottom of the helper to search for possible keywords and include the *
wildcard character at the start of the string you are looking for.
4. Click the Check Syntax button before you close the helper.

5. Include quote marks around a variable, for example ‘DIP14’.

There is an order of precedence used to resolve queries so include brackets to be sure that it is
resolved in the correct sequence.

Version Control System tutorial

11 Version Control System tutorial

Interfacing to a Version Control System............................................................................................11-1
Adding projects and documents to the VCS .....................................................................................11-2
Adding projects to the VCS .......................................................................................................11-2
Adding a document to the VCS.................................................................................................11-3
Removing projects & documents from the VCS ................................................................................11-4
Removing a project from the VCS.............................................................................................11-4
Removing a document from the VCS........................................................................................11-5
Refreshing the status ........................................................................................................................11-5
Checking documents in and out ........................................................................................................11-5
Checking out documents from the VCS ....................................................................................11-6
Checking in documents to the VCS ..........................................................................................11-8
Getting the latest copy ......................................................................................................................11-8
Showing a document’s VCS history ..................................................................................................11-9
Showing a document’s properties .....................................................................................................11-9
Showing differences between documents.......................................................................................11-10

Interfacing to a Version Control System

You can interface directly between DXP and popular third party version control systems (VCS),
including Visual SourceSafe®. You can add or an entire project or individual documents within a
project to your VCS.

This tutorial looks at adding projects and documents to your VCS and then checking them out for use
and checking them back in again to the VCS using the DXP menus. It uses the Visual SourceSafe®
version control software as an example only. For more information about your VCS, please refer to that
software’s documentation.
When you run Version Control commands, you launch your version control software and open the
database that the active project resides in. Once projects and documents have been added to the VCS,
you could open your VCS from within DXP if required by selecting Project » Version Control » Run
VCS. Your version control software will be started and the corresponding database and project folder
for the active project will be opened. When using the other DXP Version Control commands however,
you do not need your VCS open first.

Version Control System tutorial

Adding projects and documents to the VCS

Before using version control, you must add the project and related documents to your VCS. You may
wish to create a storage area in your VCS first and then link to this area when adding the project and
any of its associated documents, or you can create a new folder for your project files in the VCS
database from within DXP.

Adding projects to the VCS

To add the selected project to the VCS:

1. Open the project that you wish to add to the VCS (File » Open Project).

2. Right-click on a Project name in the Project panel and select Version Control » Add Project to
Version Control.

3. Log in to the VCS as applicable. The dialog below shows the login window for Visual SourceSafe®.

Enter the details required and click OK.

4. The Add to SourceSafeProject dialog displays.

5. Click on Create to create a new folder for the project in the VCS database. By default, the folder
created for the project will have the project's name (without the extension).

Alternatively, select a folder that has already been created previously using the VCS software. Click
OK. The Add to Version Control dialog displays.

Version Control System tutorial

6. Select the documents in the project that you wish to come under version control. Click on Select
All to easily select all the documents that have links to the project (as stored in the project file).
Click OK.

7. The project file and selected documents are linked to the VCS and the icon [Checked in] is
added to the VCS status column (second column) next to the document names in the Projects
panel. Any documents that were not included in the addition will have an empty box [Not in
version control] next to their names.

Adding a document to the VCS

Only documents that have already been added to a project in DXP can be added to the VCS. The
project file has to be added (linked) to the VCS first as well. See Adding projects to the VCS above.
Note that if the document you want to add is active (open), it should be saved prior to adding to the
VCS, or else the last saved version of the file will be added to the VCS and not the open document.

1. Make sure that the document you wish to add to the VCS database is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Add to Version Control and login to the VCS as applicable.

Version Control System tutorial

3. The Add to Version Control dialog displays showing the document you selected from the Projects

4. Click OK. The file will be added to the VCS database, in the same folder as the project file and the
icon [Checked In] will appear next to the entry in the Projects panel.

Note: If you have dragged the document into the VCS directly (from outside DXP), use the Refresh
command (Project » Version Control » Refresh Status) and the document will appear as
[Checked in] in the Projects panel.

Removing projects & documents from the VCS

Removing a project from the VCS

By removing a project from the VCS, it will no longer be associated with version control and the link
between DXP and the VCS software will be removed. Removing the project alone does not remove all
associated project documents from your VCS however. They will appear as checked in again if the
project is added back into the VCS and a refresh is carried out to resynchronize the system (Project »
Version Control » Refresh Status).

To remove a project to the VCS:

1. Right-click on the Project name that you want to remove in the Project panel and select Version
Control » Remove Project from Version Control and log in to the VCS as applicable.

2. The Remove from Version Control dialog displays with the entry for the project already selected.
The associated project documents are also listed and you can select any or all of these for removal
from the VCS as well.

3. Click OK. The project and any other nominated documents will be removed from the VCS and the
status for the all VCS entries under this project will change to an empty box [Not in version
control] in the VCS status column in the Projects panel.

Version Control System tutorial

Removing a document from the VCS

To remove the selected document from your VCS:

1. Make sure that the document you wish to remove from the VCS is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Remove from Version Control and login to the VCS as
applicable. The Remove from Version Control dialog displays with the entry for the document
already selected.

If the active or selected document is currently checked out, a dialog displays asking for
confirmation to proceed with the removal from the VCS. This is especially important as other users
may have checked out the file you want to remove from the VCS.

3. Click OK and the document will be removed from the VCS. The status for the removed document
will change to an empty box [Not in version control] in the Projects panel.

Refreshing the status

At any time, you wish to make sure the status of your documents is up to date, use the Refresh Status
command. This command can be used at any time, but is especially useful when you have performed
an action, such as checking in or out, directly in the VCS software.

1. Select the Project » Version Control » Refresh Status command.

2. The link between the active project in DXP and the project that resides in the VCS is checked and
the status of the project and its related documents is refreshed.

The corresponding status is updated in the right-hand box next to each document's name in the
Projects panel and can be one of the following:

• an empty box [Not in version control] - file has not been added to the VCS.

• [Checked in] - file is currently checked in to the VCS.

• [Checked out by me] - file is currently checked out by you alone.

• [Checked out] - file is currently checked out by more than one user (ASCII file) or another
single user (binary file).

• [Checked out by me exclusively] - file is checked out by you alone and is a binary file.

Checking documents in and out

Once projects and documents have been added to the VCS, you can check them out when you wish to
work on them and then check them back into the VCS when you have completed the work.

Version Control System tutorial

Checking out documents from the VCS

When you check out a document from the VCS, you actually check out the copy of the selected
document that resides in your VCS.

You should close and reopen the document after using this command, in order to display and work on
the checked out version of the file. If the selected document is open in the main design window, you
should close and reopen the document after using this command, in order to display and work on the
checked out version of the file.

Multiple checkouts
Allowing multiple checkouts is a feature in your VCS software. For information on this feature, consult
your VCS software documentation.

It is not possible when working with binary files to have multiple checkouts of the same document. In
this case, only one person may work on such a file at any one time. If you are the only person to check
out a binary file, the Projects panel will reflect this using the icon [Checked out by me exclusively]. If
a binary file is already checked out by another user, the icon will be [Checked out] and the
command to check out this particular document will be unavailable.

1. Make sure that the document you wish to check out is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Check Out and login to the VCS as applicable.

3. The Check out file(s) dialog appears, with the document name(s) selected ready for checking out.

4. Click on the Advanced button provides access to advanced check out options for your particular
version control software, as indicated below.

Version Control System tutorial

5. Click on OK and the version of the document stored in your VCS will be checked out to your work
area. The status icon next to the document's name in the Projects panel will change to [Checked
out by me exclusively], if you are the only person to currently have the file checked out.

If more than one person has checked out the file, or if you have checked in your copy but it is still
checked out by other users elsewhere, the status will be [Checked out].

Undoing a Checkout
If you have previously checked out a document from your VCS and then wish to undo the check out,
there is an Undo command for this action.

If using this command and the document is still checked out by other users, the status icon for the
document's entry in the Projects panel will remain as [Checked out].

The way that the local copy of the document is handled when using this command depends on the
options set up in your VCS. For example, the local file may be overwritten with the previous version
kept in the VCS, in which case all your changes will be lost. Consult your VCS documentation for more

1. Make sure that the document you wish to check out is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Undo Check Out and login to the VCS as applicable.

3. The Undo Check Out dialog appears, with the document name(s) selected.

4. The Advanced button provides access to advanced Undo Check Out options for your particular
version control software. These could include how to treat the local copy of the file when
performing the undo.

Version Control System tutorial

5. Click OK. The check out of the document will be cancelled and the previous version of the
document will be retained in the VCS. The status icon for the document's entry in the Projects
panel will change to [Checked in].

Checking in documents to the VCS

When you have finished working on the document you had checked out, you need to check it back in
to the VCS.

Note that if the document you want to check in is active (open), it should be saved prior to checking in,
or else the last saved version of the file will be checked in to the VCS and not the open document.

1. Make sure that the document you wish to check in is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Check In and login to the VCS as applicable.

3. The Check in file(s) dialog displays with the entry for the document selected ready for checking in.

4. Click OK. The document will be checked into the VCS, in accordance with check in options
defined for your version control software.

5. The status icon for the document will change to [Checked in] in the Projects panel.

If you have checked in your copy but it is still checked out by others elsewhere, the status icon for
the document's entry in the Projects panel will remain as [Checked out].

Getting the latest copy

You may need to get the latest copy of the selected document that resides in your VCS. The read/write
status of the document copied to your work area depends on the options set in your VCS software. By
default, the Get Latest feature normally places a read-only copy in your work area. Check your VCS
documentation for details.

Version Control System tutorial

1. Make sure that the document you wish to get the latest copy of is selected in the Projects panel. If
the selected document is also open, you should close and reopen the document after using this
command, in order to display the latest copy of the file from the VCS.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Get Latest and login to the VCS as applicable.

3. The Get Latest Version dialog displays with the document already selected.

4. The Advanced button provides access to advanced options for your VCS software, such as how to
treat a writeable copy of the file already in existence in your working folder.

5. Click OK. The latest version of the document stored in your VCS will be copied to your work area.
Note that the document is not checked out.

Showing a document’s VCS history

You may wish to view the history of the selected document with respect to its entry in your VCS.

1. Make sure that the document whose VCS history you

wanted shown is selected in the Projects panel.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Show History and

login to the VCS as applicable.

You may get a History Option dialog prior to seeing the

history of the document, such as the one below. This
will depend on VCS software you are using.

3. Click OK and the history of the selected document

inside the VCS will be shown.

The information shown will depend on the version control software you are using. Consult your
VCS software documentation for more information on these dialogs.

Showing a document’s properties

You can display the property information about the selected document with respect to its entry in your
VCS. Consult your VCS software documentation for information on these dialogs.

1. Make sure that the document you wish to show the properties of is selected in the Projects panel.
2. Select Project » Version Control » VCS Properties and login to the VCS as applicable.

A dialog displays with property information relating to the selected document. This information
will depend on the version control software you are using. The following dialog shows the
properties displayed using Visual SourceSafe® as the VCS.

Version Control System tutorial

3. Click on Report to print or copy the properties or save them to a file.

4. Click Close to exit the dialog.

Showing differences between documents

You can show the differences between the copy of the selected document in DXP and the master copy
of the document in the VCS. Consult your VCS software documentation for more information on the
show differences features.

1. Select the document in the Projects panel that you wish to show the differences between its copy
and its master copy in the VCS. If you are showing differences between a copy of the active
document in DXP and its master copy in the VCS, save the document first; otherwise the
comparison is carried out on the last saved version of the file.

2. Select Project » Version Control » Show Differences. The Show Differences feature in your VCS
will be launched and any dialogs that appear will depend on the VCS software you are using.

The following results are expected:

• If the two documents being compared are identical, you will be shown that no differences exist.

• If the two files are ASCII files, the differences can normally be displayed.

• For binary files, you will only be notified that differences exist. This is because binary file
differences cannot be viewed.

3. Click OK to close the dialog.

Signal Integrity tutorial

12 Signal Integrity tutorial

Signal Integrity in DXP ......................................................................................................................12-2
Before running Signal Integrity..........................................................................................................12-3
Adding SI models using the Model Assignments dialog ...................................................................12-4
Modifying component models using the Model Assignments dialog.........................................12-6
Saving Models...........................................................................................................................12-6
Manually adding Signal Integrity models to components ..................................................................12-6
Setting up passive components ................................................................................................12-7
Setting up an IC ........................................................................................................................12-8
Importing IBIS files ....................................................................................................................12-8
Editing Pin Models ....................................................................................................................12-9
Signal Integrity design rules in Schematic ........................................................................................12-9
Signal Stimulus design rule.....................................................................................................12-11
Signal Integrity design rules in PCB................................................................................................12-11
Setting up the SI Setup Options ......................................................................................................12-12
Signal Integrity Setup Options in schematic only mode ..........................................................12-13
Using the Signal Integrity panel ......................................................................................................12-13
Viewing the screening results .................................................................................................12-14
Setting Preferences.................................................................................................................12-15
Setting tolerances ...................................................................................................................12-17
Preparing Analyses .........................................................................................................................12-18
Selecting nets to analyze ........................................................................................................12-18
Setting the direction of bidirectional pins.................................................................................12-18
Editing Buffers.........................................................................................................................12-19
Terminations ...........................................................................................................................12-19
Running the Analyses .....................................................................................................................12-21
Using the Waveform Analysis window ............................................................................................12-23
Choosing Source Data ............................................................................................................12-23
Working with waveforms .................................................................................................................12-24
Selecting the active chart and plot ..........................................................................................12-24
Selecting waveforms ...............................................................................................................12-24
Viewing a waveform in its own wave plot................................................................................12-25
Adding waveforms to a plot.....................................................................................................12-25
Editing user-defined waveforms..............................................................................................12-26
Saving and recalling waveforms .............................................................................................12-26
Creating new charts ................................................................................................................12-26
Creating new plots ..................................................................................................................12-27
Using the SimData panel.................................................................................................................12-28
After analyzing your results.....................................................................................................12-28

Signal Integrity tutorial

Signal Integrity in DXP

With DXP, you can analyze the Signal Integrity performance of a PCB from either the Schematic or the
PCB Editors, evaluate net screening results against predefined tests, perform reflection and crosstalk
analysis on selected nets and display the waveforms within the Design Explorer.

This tutorial covers the following DXP Signal Integrity topics:

• Setting up design parameters before running a Signal Integrity analysis, such as setting up design
rules, adding Signal Integrity models and checking the layer stack setup.
• Starting up Signal Integrity from the Schematic and PCB Editors

• Configuring the tests to be used in the net screening analysis

• Running further analysis on selected nets

• Terminating the signal line

• Preference settings
• Working with the resulting waveforms.

Signal Integrity overview

DXP includes pre-layout and post-layout Signal Integrity analysis capabilities. DXP’s Signal Integrity
Analyzer uses sophisticated transmission line calculations and I/O buffer macro-model information as
input for simulations. Based on a fast reflection and crosstalk simulator model, the Signal Integrity
Analyzer produces accurate simulations using industry-proven algorithms.
Preliminary impedance and reflection simulations can be run from your source schematics prior to
final board layout and routing. This allows you to address potential Signal Integrity issues, such as
mismatched net impedances, before committing to board layout.

Full impedance, signal reflection and crosstalk analysis can be run on your final board (or a partially
routed board) to check the real-world performance of your design. Signal Integrity screening is built
into the DXP design rules system, allowing you to check for Signal Integrity violations as part of the
normal board DRC (Design Rule Checking) process. When Signal Integrity issues are found, DXP
shows you the effects of various termination options, allowing you to find the best solution before
modifying your design.

Running a Signal Integrity analysis from a schematic only project

You can perform a Signal Integrity analysis on the design using only a schematic whenever there is no
PCB as part of the project. The schematic must be part of a project, as analyses will not run on
documents opened as Free Documents. There is no crosstalk analysis available because routed nets are
required for this analysis.

Signal Integrity tutorial

When running in schematic only mode, default average track length and impedance can be defined
using the SI Setup Options. The Signal Integrity Analyzer also reads the PCB design rules from the
schematic for the stimulus and supply nets. These rules can be added as PCB Layout directives or
Parameter Set directives on nets in the schematic.
From the Schematic Editor, with the schematic open, select Tools » Signal Integrity from the menus.
This will first allow you to setup any necessary signal integrity models and then show the signal
integrity panel from where you can view initial results and perform further analysis.

Running a Signal Integrity analysis from a PCB project

When running a Signal Integrity analysis from a PCB document, the PCB must be part of a project along
with the related schematics. Note that you could also run Signal Integrity from any of the schematic
documents in the project and it will have the same effect as running it from the PCB. This will allow
both reflection and crosstalk analysis to be performed.
From the PCB Editor, select Tools » Signal Integrity which will proceed through the same process as
that described above for the schematic only mode.

You can now have some (or none) of the schematic components in the PCB but any that have been
placed must be linked with Component Links. This can be checked by selecting Project » Component
Links. Note also that any unrouted nets will use the Manhattan length between pins to calculate a track
length estimate for analysis purposes.

Before running Signal Integrity

In order to run a successful Signal Integrity analysis of the design and obtain accurate results, the
following has to be performed before running the analysis.

• It is important to note when simulating a net that to obtain meaningful simulation results you will
need to have at least one integrated circuit (IC) with an output pin attached to that net. This pin
will provide the stimulus for the net, giving the desired simulation results. Resistors, capacitors
and inductors, for example, are passive components without a driving source and will therefore
not provide simulation results on their own.
• The associated Signal Integrity model type for each component has to be correct. This is achieved
via the Model Assignments dialog or by manually setting the correct entry for the Type field in the
Signal Integrity Model dialog, when editing the Signal Integrity model associated to the
component placed on the schematic source document. If this entry is not defined, the Model
Assignments dialog will attempt to guess the type of the component based on its characteristics.
For more information, see Adding Signal Integrity models to components using the Model
Assignments dialog.
• There must be Supply Nets design rules. Generally, there should be at least two rules, one for
power nets and one for ground nets. The scope for these can be either net or net class. Supply

Signal Integrity tutorial

nets cannot be analyzed in Signal Integrity. For more information, see Signal Integrity design rules
in Schematic or Signal Integrity design rules in PCB.

• A Signal Stimulus design rule may be set up. You only need a stimulus rule if you want to override
the default stimulus, so this is generally not required.

• The layer stack for the PCB must be set up correctly. The Signal Integrity Analyzer requires
continuous power planes. Split planes are not supported, so the net that is assigned to the plane is
used. If they are not present, they are assumed, so it is far better to add them and set them up
appropriately. The thickness of all Layers, Cores and Prepreg must also be set correctly for the
board. Use the Design » Layer Stack Manager command to set up the layer stack in the PCB Editor.
When running Signal Integrity in the schematic only mode, a default two layer board with two
internal planes is used. You could create a blank PCB with a layer stack set up if more control was

Adding SI models using the Model Assignments dialog

The simplest means for adding signal integrity models to your design is to use the Model Assignments

1. Select Tools » Signal Integrity from the menus. If

you are just starting signal integrity on a project
and there are components which do not have
signal integrity models attached, you will be
prompted by the Errors or warning found dialog
to set up the model assignments using the Model
Assignments dialog.

Alternatively, if you have clicked Continue and the Signal Integrity panel is visible, it is possible to
enter the Model Assignments dialog at any time by clicking the Model Assignments button. Note
that doing so will cause all results to be cleared and recalculated since any changes to model
assignments invalidate any existing results.

If models have been already set up for all components, the SI Setup Options dialog will display.
See Setting up the SI Setup Options later in this tutorial for more information.

2. If you click on Model Assignments in the Errors or warnings found dialog, the Signal Integrity
Models Assignments dialog displays.

Signal Integrity tutorial

When run, the Model Assignments dialog attempts to make educated guesses as to the necessary
signal integrity model required for each component that does not contain a signal integrity model.
All components, including those with models already defined (and the model information) will be
displayed in the Model Assignments dialog. Each component will be assigned a status as described

Status Definition

No match The Model Assignments dialog was unable to find any characteristics
linking this component to a particular type. It will likely need
modification from the user to be set up correctly.

Low confidence The Model Assignments dialog has selected a type for this
component, but there was not strong evidence.

Medium The Model Assignments dialog has selected a type for this
confidence component and has reasonable confidence for the guess.

High confidence The Model Assignments dialog has selected a type for this
component and it fits most of the characteristics usually associated
with this type of component.

Model found An existing model was found for this component.

User modified A component will change to this status once the user has modified it
from the Model Assignments dialog’s initial guess.

Model added This status is used when the user has used the Model Assignments
dialog to modify the schematic document to save the new model.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Modifying component models using the Model Assignments dialog

1. Select the component that you want to modify its model.

2. Select the correct type. There are seven types of components for Signal Integrity – resistor,
capacitor, inductor, diode, BJT, connector and IC. The type of each component can be selected via
a dropdown in that column or by using the right-click menu.

3. Set the value for a resistor, capacitor or inductor. If possible, the Model Assignments dialog will
attempt to place the correct value for the component in this column based on the comment field
and parameters on the component. If this requires modification (or is not present), this should be
done at this point. The special case of part arrays (such as resistor arrays) is done via a separate
dialog accessed by clicking in the column (see Manually adding SI models to components for
more details).
4. If the component is an IC, the choice of technology type is important as this will determine the
characteristics of the pin models used in simulation. This can be selected via the dropdown list in
the column or accessed through the right-click menu (Change Technology).
5. Finally, it may be necessary to specify more detail than allowed in the Model Assignments dialog,
such as for IBIS models. This can be achieved by selecting Advanced from the right-click menu.
See Manually adding SI models to components for more details on this process.

Saving Models
Once models have been chosen for any or all of the components, the schematic documents can be
updated to permanently store this information.

1. Check the Update Schematic column in the Setup Signal Integrity dialog for all components that
are to be updated. Then click the Update Models in Schematic button.
2. All new Signal Integrity models (or modified existing ones) for each selected component will be
added to the schematic documents. The schematic documents will need to be saved later.
It is not necessary to save models to proceed with the Signal Integrity analysis process. If models
are not saved, the analysis will proceed with all models configured as they are currently shown in
the Model Assignments dialog. However, the next time the Signal Integrity tool is used, any
changes will have been lost.

Manually adding Signal Integrity models to components

Signal Integrity models are linked into the integrated components. Signal Integrity models can also be
included in the new integrated component libraries.

1. To add a Signal Integrity model to a placed component in the Schematic Editor, open the
component’s Component Properties dialog by double-clicking on it.

Signal Integrity tutorial

2. Click Add in the Model List and select Signal Integrity as the Model Type in the Add New Model
dialog. Click OK. The Signal Integrity Model dialog displays.

3. Set up your model and click OK.

Setting up passive components

When setting up parts such as resistors and capacitors, it is usually sufficient to enter a type and a
value. The value can be entered in the Value field and can be set as a parameter for the whole

There is also support for components like resistor arrays. This can be achieved by, after selecting the
component type, clicking the Setup Part Array button in the Signal Integrity Model dialog. The Part
Array Editor dialog allows the connections between pins and the value/model for those connections to
be configured.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Setting up an IC
There are several alternatives when setting up an IC type model.

1. After selecting the type (IC), it is sufficient to simply choose a technology type. This will ensure
that when simulating this component, the appropriate pin models for that technology will be

2. If more control is required, it is possible to assign specific technologies or pin models to individual
pins. This can be done by selecting from the drop-down lists for the pins in the pin list at the
bottom of the Signal Integrity Model dialog. Note that any changes here will override the base
technology for the component.

Importing IBIS files

Another important option is the ability to import IBIS files.

1. To use an IBIS (Input/Output Buffer Information) file to specify an IC model’s input and output
characteristics, click on Import IBIS in the Signal Integrity Model dialog. Select the IBIS file from
the Open IBIS File dialog and click Open. The IBIS Converter dialog displays.

2. Select the required component contained in the IBIS file. DXP will read the IBIS file and import the
pin models from the IBIS file into the library of installed pin models. If a duplicate model is found,
you will be asked if you wish to override the existing model. Additionally, all pins on the
component will have the appropriate pin model assigned as specified in the IBIS file.

3. A report will automatically be generated stating which pins were successfully and unsuccessfully
assigned. Further customization is possible by manually selecting the models for the appropriate
pins as described above.

4. Click OK to complete importing the IBIS information and return to the Signal Integrity Model
Signal Integrity tutorial

Editing Pin Models

It is possible to add or edit an existing pin model by specifying various electrical characteristics of that
pin. Note that this is also available for other types such as BJTs, Connectors and Diodes.

1. To modify pin models, click on the Add/Edit Model button in the Signal Integrity Model dialog, if
this button is available for that type. The Pin Model Editor dialog displays.

2. Make the necessary changes and click OK.

3. If this is a new pin model, that model will now be available for selecting on the pins in this (and
other) components.

Signal Integrity design rules in Schematic

PCB specific design rules for Signal Integrity can be defined in the schematic if they are added as
parameters. For Signal Integrity analysis, we need to add a PCB rule to identify the supply nets and
their voltage. We will add a PCB directive to each of the supply nets on the schematic.

To add the supply nets design rule in the schematic:

1. Select Place » Directives » PCB Layout. The directive will appear floating on
the cursor.
2. Press the TAB key to display the Parameters dialog with an undefined rule already added.

3. Select the undefined rule and click on Edit. The Parameter Properties dialog displays.

Signal Integrity tutorial

4. Click on Edit Rule Values to display the Choose Design Rule Type dialog where the rule type can
be chosen.

5. Scroll down to the Signal Integrity rules and select Supply Nets. Click OK. The Edit PCB Rule (From
Schematic) dialog displays.

6. Enter the voltage for this supply net and click OK. Close all the
dialogs by clicking OK.

7. Now you can place the PCB Rule directive on the appropriate
net. A dot will appear when the directive is properly attached.
After transferring the design to PCB layout, the rule is added to
the PCB design rules (available for viewing and editing in the PCB
Editor using the Design » Rules command).

8. Now create another PCB Rule directive for the GND net (voltage
= 0) and any other supply nets in the design.

9. Right-click to end directive placement mode.

Note that in the Schematic Editor, the scope of the rule (the set of objects that the rule will target) is
defined by where the parameter is added, e.g. on a wire or pin. In the PCB Editor, the scope of a rule is
defined within the rule itself.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Signal Stimulus design rule

The other design rule that can be set up from within the Schematic Editor is the Signal Stimulus rule.
When this rule is run, the stimulus is injected at each output pin on the net being analyzed. This
requires a design rule that uses a scope of ‘all’, so you need to create a sheet parameter for this rule. If
you do not set up this rule, the default rule options are used.

1. Select Design » Document Options in the Schematic Editor and click on the Parameters tab in the
Document Options dialog to add a sheet parameter. Click on Add as Rule to display the Parameter
Properties dialog.

2. Click on Edit Rule Values to display the Choose Design Rule Type dialog, scroll down to the Signal
Integrity rules and select Signal Stimulus. Click OK. The Edit PCB Rule (From Schematic) - Signal
Stimulus dialog displays.

3. Choose the stimulus kind, start level and times. Close the dialogs by clicking OK.

Signal Integrity design rules in PCB

Signal Integrity parameters, such as overshoot, undershoot, impedance and signal slope requirements,
can be specified as standard PCB design rules. Select Design » Rules in the PCB Editor to set up these
rules. You can also set up these rules using parameters in the Schematic Editor and they will appear in
the PCB Rules and Constraint Editor dialog after transferring the design to PCB layout.

Signal Integrity tutorial

These rules have two purposes. One is when running the standard DRC checks from within PCB; the
board can be checked against these rules using the standard screening analysis. The second use for
these rules is when using the Signal Integrity panel. These rules can be configured and enabled as tests
and the panel will graphically display which nets have failed which tests.

Setting up the SI Setup Options

When you select Tools » Signal Integrity and all components have models assigned, the SI Setup
Options dialog displays the first time you run this command on an open project.

1. Set the track impedance and average track length

as required. These routing characteristics are only
required if there are any nets not yet transferred
to a PCB or unrouted nets in the PCB.

Note that the Supply Nets and Stimulus tabs only

display in schematic only mode.

2. Click on Analyze Design to run the initial default

screening analysis and display the Signal Integrity
panel from where you can further select the nets
to analyze for reflection or crosstalk.

Four default tolerance rules and any Signal

Integrity rules set in the schematic or PCB are all
enabled and run the first time the design is

Signal Integrity tutorial

analyzed. These tolerances can be set later in the Signal Integrity panel by clicking on the Menu
button and selecting Set Tolerances.

Signal Integrity Setup Options in schematic only mode

1. If there is no PCB available in the project, you can change the SI Setup Options in the Signal
Integrity panel at any time by clicking on the Menu button and selecting Setup Options. The SI
Setup Options dialog displays.

2. The Track Setup tab allows configuration of the default length of tracks when simulating. This is
not used when a PCB is present as PCB uses width rules, i.e. if the Manhattan length is not
checked, PCB uses this value. Set the Track Impedance in this tab as well.

3. Click on the Supply Nets and Stimulus tabs to display and enable net and stimulus rule
information. These tabs allow another interface for defining these characteristics other than the
normal method of providing rules on the PCB or schematic.

Using the Signal Integrity pane

After performing any initial set up, the Signal Integrity panel will be loaded with data from the
screening analysis that has just been run. The results of this analysis and a display of which nets have
passed the various tests are displayed in the list on the left side of the panel.

Note that there is only one copy of this panel in the system so running Tools » Signal Integrity again
will clear the existing panel and reload it with a new set of results. This may be used to refresh the
results after making changes to either the PCB or Schematic documents in the project or when starting
to analyze a new project.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Viewing the screening results

The initial screening analysis provides a fast simulation of many nets to enable you to get more
information and identify critical nets for closer examination, such as detailed reflection and/or
crosstalk analysis. The left hand side list displays the results of this analysis.

Each net can be in one of three categories: Passed; Failed or Not Analyzed.

• A Passed net had all values inside the bounds defined by the tests.

• A Failed net had at least one value outside the defined tolerance levels. Any values that are failed
are colored in light red.

• A Not Analyzed net could not be screened for some reason. To view the reason, right-click (or
click on Menu), select Show/Hide Columns and enable the Analysis Errors column.

Failed nets
Common reasons for a failure to analyze a net in screening include containing a connector, diode or
transistor, and no output pins or multiple output pins. When nets are screened which contain bi-
directional pins and there is no dedicated output pin in the net, each bi-directional pin is simulated
separately as an output pin. The worst-case result from these simulations is displayed. Note that even
though a net could not be analyzed for screening, it may still be able to be checked in reflection and
crosstalk simulations.
It is possible for nets to have other errors that will lead to incorrect analysis results in both screening
and further simulations. These nets are highlighted in bright red. Also, nets that have been simulated
(i.e. nets that are not yet routed on a PCB) are colored in light gray.

Checking Failed or Not Analyzed nets

To view the cause of a Failed or Not Analyzed net:

1. If the nets are highlighted in bright red, select a net and then right-click and select Show Errors.
This also adds messages to the Messages panel, which can be cross-probed to repair any issues.

2. To view all available information for a selected net, right-click and select Details. The Full Details
dialog shows all the information calculated from the screening analysis and other basic

Signal Integrity tutorial

3. Select Cross Probe from the right-click menu (or click on Menu) to cross probe (jump) to the
selected net on either the schematic or the PCB. Use the F4 shortcut key to toggle display between
the Signal Integrity panel and your design.

4. Display which nets are coupled to either a single net or a group of nets by selecting the desired
nets and then right-clicking and selecting Find Coupled Nets. This will select all nets that are
coupled to these selected nets. The criteria for which nets are considered coupled can be
configured in the Preferences dialog (accessed by clicking the Menu button and selecting
Preferences in the Signal Integrity panel).

5. Useful information can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into other applications for further
processing or reporting. Select the nets required and choose Copy from the right-click menu.
Additionally, the displayed information can be customized by selecting which columns will be
shown using the Show/Hide Columns command from the right-click menu.

6. A report highlighting the results generated by the analysis is also available by selecting Display
Report from the right-click menu in the Signal Integrity panel. This opens the report file Signal
Integrity Tests Report.txt in the Text Editor and adds it to the project.

Setting Preferences
You can specify various preferences that apply to all the analyses that you have defined. These include
general settings, integration method and accuracy thresholds.

Any changes made to the preferences will apply to all projects. All preference settings are stored in the
file named SignalIntegrity.ini, which is located in the C:\Documents and
Settings\User_name\Application Data\Altium folder.

Signal Integrity tutorial

1. Click on the Menu button in the Signal Integrity panel and select Preferences to open the Signal
Integrity Preferences dialog.

2. Click on the related tab to set up preferences and click OK.

3. All Signal Integrity preferences can be returned to their defaults by clicking on the Defaults button
in the Signal Integrity Preferences dialog.

General tab
Use this tab to set the error handling options that show hints and/or warnings when errors exist in the
design that relate to performing a Signal Integrity analysis. Any hints or warnings encountered will be
listed as messages in the Messages panel. If the Show Warnings option is enabled and warnings exist, a
warning confirmation dialog will appear when trying to access the Signal Integrity panel. Additionally,
you can opt to hide the Signal Integrity panel after choosing to display waveforms. You can also define
the default units for Signal Integrity measurements, whether plot titles and FFT charts will be displayed
when the resulting waveforms are shown in Waveform Analysis window.

Configuration tab
The Configuration tab defines various simulation-related thresholds, such as the maximum distance
between coupled nets and the minimum length to be considered a coupled section.

Integration tab
This tab defines the numerical integration method used for analysis. The Trapezoidal method is
relatively fast and accurate, but tends to oscillate under certain conditions. The Gear methods require

Signal Integrity tutorial

longer analysis times, but tend to be more stable. Using a higher Gear order theoretically leads to more
accurate results, but increases analysis time. The default is Trapezoidal.

Accuracy tab
The Accuracy tab in the Signal Integrity Preferences dialog defines tolerance thresholds and limit
settings for various computational algorithms involved in the analysis.

DC Analysis tab
Use this tab to define tolerance thresholds and limit settings for various parameters associated with DC

Setting tolerances
Four default tolerance rules and any Signal Integrity rules set in the schematic or PCB are all enabled
and run the first time the design is analyzed.

1. To enable or disable these rules, click on the Menu button in the Signal Integrity panel and select
Set Tolerances. The Set Screening Analysis Tolerances dialog displays.

2. Click on the Enabled checkbox next to a rule type to enable that rule to run when the design is

3. Click on PCB Signal Integrity Rules (if not in schematic only mode) to open the PCB Rules and
Constraints Editor dialog where you can add or modify any Signal Integrity rules required. Click
OK until you return to the Signal Integrity panel.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Preparing Analyses
Before running the analyses, we must select the nets to further analyze. We can also Edit Buffers to
view or change the component part technology and pin properties, and add terminations to nets, if

Selecting nets to analyze

To perform further analysis on nets (reflection and/or crosstalk) the nets must be selected in the right
hand list of the Signal Integrity panel.

1. Double-click on a net in the left hand list to select it and move it to the right hand list.

Alternatively, use the arrow buttons to move nets to and from this selected state. You can multi-
select nets in the left hand list by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys.

2. Once nets are in this selected state, it is possible to perform further configuration for them before
running a simulation.

Setting victim and aggressor nets

In the case of Crosstalk analyses, it is necessary to set a victim or an aggressor net. Note that due to the
nature of the analysis, this functionality is only available when two or more nets have been selected
(moved to the right hand list).

1. Select a net in the right hand list of nets, right-click and select Set Aggressor or Set Victim as
required. The status of the net is updated.

2. To unset the nets, select Clear Status from the right-click menu.

Setting the direction of bidirectional pins

It is possible to set the direction of bidirectional pins in a given net. To set the direction:

Signal Integrity tutorial

1. Select the affected net in the top right hand net list. This will then display a list of pins for that net

2. From the list of pins, change the in/out status for each selected bidirectional pin by right-clicking
and choosing a status from the right-click menu. These in/out settings will be saved with the
project for the next time you use this panel.

3. You can also cross probe to the relevant schematic or PCB document by selecting the Cross Probe
options from the right-click menu.

Editing Buffers
You may wish to view or change the component part technology and pin properties, such as input and
output models and pin direction. You can only modify components that are attached to the currently
selected net in the right net list. Using the Edit Buffer option under the right-click menu in the list of
pins, gives access to the component’s data dialog.

Note that you are really editing the properties of a pin rather than the whole component, even though
you can change the component’s technology. Any changes you make using the Edit Buffer button will
override any technology/pin model setup created when
you set up the Signal Integrity model in the schematic.

1. The dialog and options that appear will depend on the

type of component the pin belongs to, e.g. resistor,
IC, BJT, etc. The Integrated Circuit dialog shown is for
an IC component type.

2. The Part Technology, Input Model and Output Model

fields are context-sensitive. When you choose a
Component Part Technology, the default models of
the part are taken from this technology.

3. Choosing a Pin Technology and Direction will display

a list of relevant input and/or output models to select
from. Changes to the technology and direction are
used locally in the analysis only and these will not be
saved when the panel is reset. Make any necessary
changes and click OK.

The oscillations apparent on a signal waveform are due to multiple reflections on the associated
transmission line (trace). These reflections, or ‘ringing’, occur most often in PCB designs because of
driver/receiver impedance mismatch — usually where there is a low impedance driver and a high
impedance receiver.

Getting good signal quality at the load would ideally mean zero reflections (no ringing). The level of
ringing can be reduced to an acceptable level for the design using a termination.

Signal Integrity tutorial

The Signal Integrity panel incorporates a termination advisor, which enables you to insert 'virtual
terminations' into a net at a location you define. In this way, you are free to test various termination
strategies, without making physical changes to your board.

Termination simulations available are Series R, Parallel R to

VCC, Parallel R to GND, Parallel R to VCC and GND, R and C to
GND, Parallel C to GND and Parallel Schottky diodes.

Each termination type can be enabled or disabled in the

termination list. When a reflection or crosstalk analysis is run,
each enabled termination type will be tried and produce a
separate set of waveforms. When the Serial Resistor
termination is used, it will be placed on all output pins in the
selected net. For other termination types, the termination will
be placed on all input pins in the net.

To achieve the best results for the terminations, it will also be

necessary to set the value of the parts involved based on the
characteristics of the net.

1. When a termination is selected, a diagram showing that

termination is displayed below. This diagram will allow the
setting of both minimum and maximum values for the
resistors and capacitors used in the terminations.

2. Minimum and maximum values are used when the sweep

count (shown in the list of terminations) is set to a number greater than one.

3. For more information about a termination type, select it and click the Help (?) button. If you enable
the Suggest option, suggested values will be calculated (according to the formula noted in the
information popup for each termination type) and displayed in light gray. You can accept these
values or disable the Suggest option and enter your own values as required.

4. If you want to set up sweeps, ensure Perform Sweep is enabled and set the number of Sweep
Steps required when the analyses are run. Note that a separate set of waveforms will be generated
for each sweep for comparison purposes.

Placing a termination on the schematic

Once the waveforms have been created and the optimum termination detected, it may be desirable to
place that termination directly on the schematic sheet. This can be achieved by the right-click menu in
the termination list. Note that any placement will only apply to the currently selected net.

If you wish to actually place the selected termination circuit on the schematic rather than just use it as a
‘virtual termination’:

1. Right-click in the Termination section of the Signal Integrity panel and select Place on Schematic.

Signal Integrity tutorial

2. The Place Termination dialog displays allowing the setting of various properties such as which
library components to use for the termination parts, whether to use automatic or manual
placement, whether to place on all applicable pins or just the selected pin and the exact values to
be used for the parts. Click OK to continue.

3. The Signal Integrity Analyzer finds the source schematic document that the pin belongs to. Then,
in a free space on the document, it will add the necessary parts with the correct values (resistors,
capacitors or whatever is required) and the power objects. Connect this termination circuit to the
appropriate pin in the schematic.

Note that it will still probably be necessary after this to wire the components correctly to the pin.
Additionally, if there is a PCB involved as well, these will need to be synchronized and routed in
the PCB. Synchronize the PCB to add these parts as well by selecting Design » Update PCB.

Running the Analyses

1. Once the nets have been configured as necessary (and any termination options chosen), click the
Reflection Waveforms or the Crosstalk Waveforms button to generate the waveforms.

2. The analysis commences and a simulation waveform file (PCBDesignName.sdf) is generated. This
file appears in the Projects panel under the Generated SimView Data Files folder and opens
as a separate tab, displaying the results of the analyses in the Waveform Analysis window of the
Simulation Data Editor.

3. For each net you have selected, a chart is generated and displays in the Waveform Analysis

Signal Integrity tutorial

For a Reflection analysis, one or more nets can be simulated. The number should be kept to a
reasonable amount however, as analysis time will increase considerably when analyzing high numbers
of nets.

The Signal Integrity Analyzer calculates voltages at nodes of a net using routing and layer information
from the PCB and associated driver and receiver I/O buffer models. A 2D-field solver automatically
calculates the electrical characterization of the transmission lines. Modeling assumes that DC path
losses are small enough to be ignored.

For each net that has been selected, a chart is generated as the result of the simulation with its tab in
the Waveform Analysis window marked by the name of the net. The chart will contain waveforms for
all termination options.

Signal Integrity tutorial

For a Crosstalk analysis, at least two nets must be taken over. Two or three nets would normally be
considered at any one time when performing a crosstalk analysis, usually a net and its two immediate

The level of crosstalk (or the extent of EMI) is directly proportional to the reflections on a signal line. If
the signal quality conditions are achieved and reflections are brought down to a near-negligible level
through correct signal termination, i.e. the signal is delivered to its destination with minimal signal
stray and crosstalk will also be minimized. See Termination for more information.

In a crosstalk analysis, all nets will be displayed in a chart named Crosstalk Analysis.

Using the Waveform Analysis window

The Simulation Data Editor's Waveform Analysis window comprises one or more tabs that correspond
to the different simulation analyses performed. Each tab contains a chart that can contain multiple
wave plots. A wave plot can have multiple waveforms and a waveform represents the simulation data.
From this window, you can display up to four scaled plots simultaneously.

Choosing Source Data

The initial source data consists of all nets taken over during the Signal Integrity setup and listed in the
Waveforms section of the SimData panel. You can further define the list of possible source simulation
waveforms that can be used in the active chart.

1. Select Chart » Source Data, or click on the Source Data button in the Sim Data panel and the
Source Data dialog displays. The dialog lists all source simulation waveforms that can be used with
the active chart.

2. Clicking the Create button will open the Create New Waveform dialog, from where you can define
a new waveform by entering a series of X Y value pairs for a series of data points, or create a
custom sine or pulse wave.

Signal Integrity tutorial

3. Create a new signal waveform and click on Create and the waveform will be added to the available
waveform list in the SimData panel.

4. The Source Data dialog also enables you to store any of the waveforms as ASCII text files
(WaveformName.wdf). These waveform files can be recalled (loaded) into the list at any time.

5. You can edit user-defined waveforms, generated using the Create button, by clicking on the Edit
button. See Editing user-defined waveforms for more information.

Working with waveforms

Selecting the active chart and plot

Select a chart by clicking on its tab name at the bottom of the Waveform Analysis window. Make a
particular plot active by clicking anywhere within the area of the wave plot.

Document Options
If the Number of Plots Visible option is set to All in the Document Options dialog (View » Options), the
active wave plot is distinguished by a black solid line around its waveform name section.

If the Number of Plots Visible option is set to 1, 2, 3 or 4, the active wave plot is distinguished by a black
arrow at the left hand side of its display area.

Selecting waveforms
A waveform is selected by clicking on its name in the Waveform Analysis window. A selected waveform
will become bolder in color, a dot appears next to the name and the other waveforms will become

Signal Integrity tutorial

masked (dimmed). Click on the Mask Level button to set the masking contrast and use the Clear
button (shortcut Shift+C, or ESC) to clear any masking and display all for selection.

You can also use the arrow keys or the mouse wheel to move up and down the waveform names. If
there are more waveform names than can be displayed on the plot, click on the scrolling arrows that
appear to see the entire list.

You can highlight all waves in the same sweep if you enable the Highlight Similar Waves option in the
Document Options dialog (View » Options)

Zooming in on waveforms
You can drag a selection box around a section of a waveform to zoom in for a closer look. To view the
entire waveform again, select Fit Waveforms from the right-click menu.

Moving waveforms
If you wish to move a waveform from one wave plot to another, click on the waveform name and drag
it to the name area of the required wave plot.

Viewing a waveform in its own wave plot

If you wish to view a waveform in its own wave plot

1. Make sure the Number of Plots Visible is set to All (View » Options).

2. Click on the waveform name and drag to either an existing blank wave plot or to a point beyond
the last wave plot in the chart. A new wave plot is created.

Adding waveforms to a plot

To add a new waveform into the active wave plot of the current chart:

1. Make the wave plot that you want to add the new waveform to active in the Waveform Analysis
window by clicking anywhere within the area of the wave plot.

2. Select Wave » Add Wave and the Add Wave to Plot dialog displays.

Signal Integrity tutorial

3. Choose a waveform from the list of all available simulation waveforms. If required, you can also
create a mathematical expression that uses one or more base waveforms to create a new waveform
by adding functions to the expression.

4. Click Create and the waveform will be added to the active wave plot.

Editing user-defined waveforms

While you can edit user-defined waveforms that have been manually created using the Create New
Waveform dialog, you cannot edit waveforms that have been generated as a result of design simulation.
To change these waveforms, you would need to change the circuit, PCB or the setup and rerun the
Signal Integrity analysis.

The Edit Wave command allows you to also create new expressions from existing waveforms.

1. Make sure that the waveform you wish to edit is selected in the Waveform Analysis window by
clicking on the waveform name.

2. Select Wave » Edit Wave. The Edit Waveform dialog displays.

3. Use this dialog to either create a new waveform using a mathematical expression involving the
selected waveform, or change the waveform completely by choosing a new waveform from the list
of all available waveforms.

Saving and recalling waveforms

You can save waveforms as ASCII text files by selecting Tools » Store Waveform and saving it as in the
format of WaveformName.wdf. A .wdf file contains the waveform as a series of data points, each
represented by an X Y value pair. Please note that once user-defined waveforms have been stored and
recalled, they can no longer be edited.

Recall a saved waveform by selecting Tools » Recall Waveform and choosing a .wdf file from the Recall
Stored Waveform dialog. The waveform will be recalled and loaded into the list of possible source
simulation data waveforms for the active chart.

Creating new charts

You can create new charts that are added to the current .sdf file.

1. Select Chart » New Chart. The Create New Chart dialog


2. Define a name and title for the chart and also the title and
units for the X-axis. You can also specify whether or not
complex data can be displayed in the chart.

3. Click OK and a new blank chart will appear in the Waveform

Analysis window, added as a tab after the last chart in the

Signal Integrity tutorial

Creating a FFT chart

Performing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the active chart displays the results in a new chart.

1. Select the chart you wish to perform a Fast Fourier Transform on by clicking on the required
analysis tab at the bottom of the Waveform Analysis window.

2. Select Chart » Create FFT Chart. The FFT will be performed and the results displayed in a new chart
which is added as a new tab (<netname>_FFT) and made the active chart in the window.

Creating new plots

You can add new plots to existing or new charts using the Plot Wizard..

1. Select Plot » New Plot. The first page of the Plot Wizard displays. Give the new plot a name and
click Next.

2. Set up the appearance of the plot and click Next.

3. Select the waveforms to plot by clicking on the Add button in the Add Wave to Plot dialog, select
the waveform (or add an expression) and click Create.

4. Click Next to continue and click Finish to exit the wizard. The new plot displays in the Waveform
Analysis window.

Signal Integrity tutorial

Using the SimData panel

The SimData panel enables you to add waveforms from the available
source data to the active wave plot and obtain measurement
information based on the selected waveform and measurements
calculated using the measurement cursors.

The Waveform section at the top of the panel contains a list of all
available source data signal waveforms for the simulation that you
have performed. This is the same list that appears in the Source Data
dialog (Chart » Source Data). Click on Source Data to open this

Adding a waveform to a plot from the SimData panel

Click on the Add Wave to Plot button in the Sim Data panel to add
the selected waveforms to the currently selected plot in the
Waveform Analysis window.

Measurement cursors
The Measurement Cursors section of the panel reflects the current
and calculated measurements when using one or both of the
measurement cursors.

1. The two measurement cursors (A and B) are available by

right-clicking on a selected waveform’s name in the
Waveform Analysis window. Drag the cursors by their tabs
to the location required.

2. For both cursors, the name of the waveform the cursor is

currently assigned to is shown, as well as X and Y axis data
values, dependent on the cursor's position along the waveform.

3. The calculated X and Y values appear in the Measurement Cursors section of the SimData panel.

Waveform measurements
The Waveform Measurements section of the dialog shows various general measurements for the
waveform selected in the Waveform Analysis window, such as Rise and Fall times.

After analyzing your results

Once you have analyzed your results, you can experiment, for example, with various terminations to
bring down any ringing on the selected nets. You may also need to make changes to your circuit or
PCB and rerun your Signal Integrity analyses until the desired results are reached.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

13 Getting started with FPGA

Getting started with FPGA ................................................................................................................13-1
Creating an FPGA Project.................................................................................................................13-2
Setting the project options.........................................................................................................13-3
Creating a Schematic source document ...........................................................................................13-4
Setting up sheet options............................................................................................................13-5
Before you start designing ................................................................................................................13-5
Locating the library and components ................................................................................................13-6
Placing parts on the schematic .........................................................................................................13-6
Interfacing your design using ports ...................................................................................................13-8
Creating connections ........................................................................................................................13-9
Naming the connections..................................................................................................................13-10
Using Buses ....................................................................................................................................13-11
Configuring your design ..................................................................................................................13-12
Generating an EDIF-FPGA netlist...................................................................................................13-13
Back-annotating your FPGA project................................................................................................13-14
Back-annotating your PCB project ..................................................................................................13-14

Getting started with FPGA

This tutorial is designed to give you an overview of how to create an FPGA design using DXP. It will
outline how to create a schematic and generate an EDIF-FPGA netlist that can be
used with the third party vendor place and route tools. It also briefly covers It is important to note
that schematic concepts
concepts such as projects, digital schematic design, FPGA library support and for digital designs under
back-annotating. DXP can be different to
PCB design concepts. A
The example used in this tutorial is a Johnson’s counter, shown below. It can be rule that needs to be
found in the folder Altium\Examples\FPGA\Xilinx\Johnson Counter in explicitly followed when
your DXP installation directory. Refer to this example at any time to get further designing FPGAs may
insight or skip some of the steps. not be true for PCB.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

Creating an FPGA Project

To start working in DXP, you first need a project. A project makes managing your
Although not necessary,
source design documents and any generated outputs much easier. For digital
it is useful not to use
FPGA designs, we need to create an FPGA project. spaces or any illegal
character in FPGA
To start the tutorial, create a new FPGA project:
designs to avoid any
1. Click on Create a new FPGA Design Project in the Pick a Task section of the possible difficulties when
using external third party
design window.
tools. DXP however
does support all
Windows legal names.

Alternatively, select File » New » FPGA Project from the menus, or you could click on Blank Project
(FPGA) in the New section of the Files panel. If this panel is not displayed, click on the Files tab.

2. The Projects panel displays. The new project file, FPGA Project1.PrjFpg, is listed here with no
documents added.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

3. Rename the new project file (with a .PrjFpg extension) by selecting File »
Save Project As. Navigate to where you want to save the project on your If you are getting
hard disk, type the name Johnson Counter.PrjFpg in the File Name field unnecessary warning or
error messages in your
and click on Save.
design, especially
As most FPGA projects involve the use of third party vendor Place and Route regarding buses which
often are quite flexible in
tools at some stage, it is often worthwhile to choose a path that conforms to
digital designs, it is often
their standards to avoid any unforeseen problems when running their tools. useful to turn them off
DXP supports Windows filenames, but spaces or non-alphanumeric using Project Options.
characters are still not supported by many vendors.

Setting the project options For digital designs, ports

and sheet entries
A project in DXP has a set of options associated with it. You can set the options generally should not
for Error Reporting, the Connection Matrix, Comparator, ECO Generation, name the nets. For
readability, uncheck
General Options and Parameters. Once set, DXP remembers the generic options Allow Ports to Name
for the next FPGA project created. Nets and Allow Sheet
Entries to Name Nets
1. Display the project options by right-clicking on Johnson Counter.PrjFpg in the Options tab.
in the Projects panel and selecting Project Options. Alternatively, select
Project » Project Options from the menus. The Options for Project [Johnson Counter.PrjFpg]
dialog displays.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

2. Change the Nets with multiple names violation in the Violations Associated
with Nets section of the Error Reporting tab from a warning to No Report, so The Connection Matrix
the design compiler will not complain that ports are named differently to the tab is also very useful in
nets they are attached to — a feature normally desired for PCB schematic digital designs to ensure
that all the pins, ports
designs. However, this also means that we will not receive any errors where
and sheet entries in your
different net labels are attached to the same wire. designs do not have any
mode conflicts.
3. In the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog, you can also specify the
output directory for all your project output files. By default, all FPGA projects
have an output directory already set, named ProjectOutputs. You may change this if you wish.

4. Once you are finished setting the options, click OK.

Next, we will create a schematic for the design of the Johnson Counter to add to our project file.

Creating a Schematic source document

An FPGA project supports two types of source documents, schematic and VHDL. It can support both
types of documents in a project, however, in the case of VHDL, it will only make use of structural
VHDL. You can mix both types of documents in a project with the use of sheet
symbols. You can mix VHDL and
Schematic documents
We only need a single schematic for the Johnson Counter, so create it by with the use of sheet
completing the following steps: symbols. In the case of
VHDL, the sheet entries
1. Select File » New » Schematic, or click on Schematic Sheet in the New correspond to the ports
section of the Files panel. A blank schematic sheet named Sheet1.SchDoc of the VHDL document.
displays in the design window.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

2. Rename the new schematic file (with a .SchDoc extension) by selecting File » Save As. Navigate to
where you wish to store the schematic on your hard disk, type the name Johnson
Counter.SchDoc in the File Name field and click on Save.

Setting up sheet options

It is often a good idea to immediately set up the sheet options for the new document if the defaults do
not suit the project.

1. Select Design » Options and the Document Options dialog displays. We will only change the sheet
style to standard A4 format. In the Sheet Options tab, select A4 style from the Standard Styles
drop-down list.

2. Click OK to close the dialog and update the schematic sheet.

Before you start designing

You are now ready to begin drawing the schematic. However, before you do, you have a very
important decision to make. Which vendor do you want to use? This is important because, in general,
FPGA designs are not very portable. Each vendor has their own unique set of primitive components
that are generally not compatible with one another. Furthermore, some vendors have many different

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

architecture sets with different set of components for each of them, so changing All Xilinx primitives look
the same. DXP allows
your mind on the architecture for a vendor can also be costly. you to change
DXP provides the schematic symbols for the primitive components of all the major architectures under
Xilinx without having to
vendors. After deciding what the vendor and architecture of your FPGA will be, re-place all your
you can only use the matching integrated library provided by Altium. If you components provided all
change your mind, you will need to re-place all the components from the library the primitive
you used with the library of the new vendor-architecture you have chosen. components you used in
your design are present
For our Johnson Counter, we shall use a Xilinx Spartan II chip — the XC2S200- either as primitives or
PQ208-5. macros in both

Locating the library and components

As we have chosen a Xilinx Spartan II chip, we need to locate the Xilinx Spartan II
All libraries supplied by
primitive library to begin working on our design. DXP intended for use in
1. Click on the Libraries tab to display the Libraries panel. Alternatively, select FPGA design projects
end with an FPGA. So a
View » Workspace Panels » Libraries from the menus. good filter string to use
2. To locate and install the library we want, click on the Libraries… button in the
clearly distinguish these
Libraries panel. The Add Remove Libraries dialog displays listing all the libraries from the PCB
libraries that are currently installed. libraries.
3. Remove any currently installed libraries from the list so that a component is
not accidentally placed from the wrong library. Double-click on each of the
libraries to remove them, or you can select them (using Shift+click) and click FPGA primitive libraries
on Remove. that come with DXP
have no models
4. Click on Add Library. The Open dialog displays. Navigate to the associated with them.
Altium\Library folder in your DXP installation. Open the Xilinx folder However, DXP supports
the use of EDIF models
and select Xilinx Spartan-II & Spartan-IIE FPGA.IntLib. Click
and will also support
Open. The library is added to the Ordered List of Installed Libraries. VHDL synthesis and
simulation models.
5. Click Close to close the Add Remove Libraries dialog. The Xilinx Spartan-II &
Spartan-IIE FPGA.IntLib displays in the Libraries panel.

Placing parts on the schematic

Now, let’s start designing the schematic for our Johnson Counter.

1. Find the component SR4CLED in the Libraries panel. You can browse the Libraries panel by either
navigating through the list or typing the name SR4CLED in the Masks edit box below the library
name. Select the component in the list and click the Place SR4CLED button.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

DXP can automatically

annotate your components
during placement. If you press
TAB in the process of placing
a component and change the
designator field to something
ending with a number, the
next component you place
while in the same mode would
have its designator
automatically incremented.

2. You should notice that your cursor now has the component attached to it. Move the cursor into
the schematic workspace if you don’t see it. Place the component by clicking on the appropriate
position on the schematic.

3. We also need to use five inverters (INV), 1 OR gate (OR2B2), 1 ground (GND) and two flip flops
(FJKC) in our design. Repeat the above steps for these components and place them as shown

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

Interfacing your design using ports

Now we need to add in our ports; this is generally done after wiring but for
tutorial purposes, we will do it before. Each schematic document in essence is Power Ports have no
meaning in FPGA
an entity, or component, and the ports define the pins of this component.
designs. Do not confuse
However, for the top-level schematic, ports have an extra meaning as, most GND and VCC power
often than not, they get mapped directly to the pins of your actual chip. As we ports with GND and
only have one schematic in our design, it is the top level schematic, so ports play VCC primitive
an important part in interfacing our design to the third party place and route components!

This Johnson counter uses five input ports and four outputs ports. The input
Vendors such as Xilinx
ports are Left, Right, Stop, Load and Clk, and the output ports are Q0, Q1, Q2 require pads to be used
and Q3. instead of ports in your
top level design
1. To place the input ports, select Place » Port [shortcut P, R]. The cursor document. However,
changes to the outline of a port. Press TAB to set the port’s properties in the DXP will automatically
Port Properties dialog. Type in Left in the Name field and select Input for generate and insert
the I/O Type. If you want to change the port symbol’s shape, change the these pads for you when
Style to Right and click OK. These settings will remain for other ports that you generate an EDIF-
FPGA netlist. So the use
are placed. of ports is recommended
2. Click to position one end of the port. Drag the mouse to set the port length for your top level
and click to finish.

3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all the other input ports, placed to the left of the components as shown

4. We have a choice here for the Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 output ports. We can either Remember to always
place them as four separate ports or use a single bus port. Let’s do it using a ensure that your ports
bus port, so place a port on the schematic to the right of all the always have an I/O Type
properly set. How the
components. Set its I/O Type to Output, and its Style to Right. In the Name
port looks is just for
field, type in Q[3..0] and click OK. Click to place the port. visual reference and has
no bearing on its I/O
5. Right-click or press ESC to exit port placement mode.
Note that you can just place your ports and use the List panel to quickly
filter out the ports using the IsPort query. You can adjust all the properties of your ports from here
without going through the tedious process of opening and closing dialogs.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

Creating connections
We have placed all the components and ports, so now it’s time to wire them all Schematic infers buses
together. There are two ways to wire your schematic, explicitly or implicitly. by names. If a net label
ends with a number it
Explicit wiring creates a connection by having a physical wire connecting your
groups all such net
two net objects together. Implicit wiring creates a connection from the use of labels together to form
wires and net labels; no physical connection is required. Instead, connection is an inferred bus for digital
implied if two disjoint wires share the same net label. designs. This does not
apply to ports where
Our design will need both wires and buses, let’s do the wires first. such grouping is not

1. To place a wire, select Place » Wire [shortcut P, W] Remember not to Ensure your connection
and click on the point on the schematic where you confuse wires with lines! is valid by attaching your
want to start placing (usually at a port or a Wires are for wires properly to other
connecting, lines are for wires, component pins
component pin). Move the cursor to the next point
drawing. and ports. During wire or
you want your wire segment to connect to and click bus placement mode if
again. Continue until you have made a connection the cursor turns to a red
to another port or component pin. Right-click to finish placing the wire. crosshair over the object
Right-click, or press ESC, to exit wire placement mode. you want to connect to
then there is valid
2. Wire up the schematic as shown below, taking careful note of the junctions connection if you place a
where wires cross in this schematic. If two wires cross and a junction is node of the wire there.
present, a connection between these two wires is implied. If there is no

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

junction, there is no connection. In this schematic, auto junctions will occur where wires connect.

Naming the connections

All the wiring done above is explicit and therefore, technically, no net labels are required. However, it
is always a good idea to net label all your connections as it will make your design easier to understand
and makes tracking down problems and referencing easier. To net label your
connections: Net labels become
signals in VHDL so it is
1. Select Place » Net Label [shortcut P, N]. A dotted box will appear floating on often a good idea to
the cursor. name them according to
the VHDL standard. You
2. To edit the net label before it is placed, press the TAB key to display the Net can then use the VHDL
Label dialog. Type the net name in the Net field and click OK. net list of your design to
debug it using VHDL
3. Place the net label so that the bottom left of the net label (its ‘hotspot’) later.
touches the wire you want to label. The cursor will change to a red cross
when the net label touches the wire.

4. Label the other nets. The diagram below gives an indication where the net labels should be placed.
They need not be named exactly as shown, as long as they are unique. Right-click or press ESC to
exit net label placement mode.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

We have almost completed our design but we still have not connected our bus output port Q[3..0].

Using Buses
DXP supports very complex use of buses. While buses are just a collection of
A very common mistake
signals in the PCB world, they represent much more in the digital world. Buses
is to use a bus style net
can be used to specify not just a group of signals but how each signal in the bus label (i.e. “[ ]”) on a wire.
is mapped to its endpoints. This will not work in
DXP, as only buses may
DXP supports powerful features like splitting a bus into various different have bus style net labels
segments, reversing bus connections and having some of its elements placed on them.
unconnected for its VHDL and EDIF-FPGA generation. This will not be covered in
the tutorial but it is all done by the use of net labels and implicit wiring. When
using buses, it is important to remember that you always need to net label any Always, net label your
disjoint bus segment. It is also useful to note that a connection from a bus to buses. A bus without a
another object is always resolved from left to right and the bus size of both net label even when it is
explicitly connected is
objects in a connection must be the same.
very ambiguous
To connect the bus port Q[3..0] to our design: because there is no net
label to clearly specify
1. Place a bus by selecting Place » Bus [shortcut P, B] and place the bus, as how each element of the
shown below, using the same placement technique used when placing a bus is connected to its

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

2. Place a net label called SQ[3..0] on the bus. This implies that SQ[3] is connected to Q[3], etc.

3. Although this is optional, select Place » Bus Entry [shortcut P, U] and place the bus entries as
shown. Use the Spacebar key while placing to rotate the bus entry.

When mapping a bus

connection, the range of
a bus is read from left to

Bus entry objects are

purely visual; they are
not used when
determining whether a
wire connects to a bus in
digital designs.

Configuring your design

We have finished designing our Johnson counter and at this point, we could Using parameters, you
generate our EDIF-FPGA netlist and continue the design process using the Xilinx can attach anything you
Place and Route tools. However, there still are a few parameters we need to like to any digital object.
configure in our design. This configuration can be done at a later stage but it is These parameters will
be passed on as
useful to attach these attributes to the source design for reference. The following attributes to any VHDL
steps are a general guide to setting up design parameters; refer to the Attributes or EDIF-FPGA netlist
for FPGA tutorial to learn more about placing attributes and what attributes are generated. External
supported by DXP. tools sometimes make
use of these attributes.
First, we need to specify what chip we want to use in our design. As we initially
targeted our design to the Xilinx Spartan II architecture, we will use the XC2S200-
5PQ208 chip. For parameters like
1. Add a parameter to the sheet by selecting Design » Options and clicking on etc, you might want to
the Parameters tab of the Document Options dialog. Click on Add to create a refer to your vendor
new parameter called PART_NAME with a value of 2S200-PQ208-5 and a type documentation to find
of String. Alternatively, you can add this parameter in the Parameters tab of what values are valid.
For example, Xilinx
the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project Options).
generally number their
2. DXP will output this parameter in a format that third party vendors can pins starting with the
prefix ‘P’.

Once we have specified the chip, we can also fix the actual pin numbers the ports in our design are
connected to. This in effect will lock the pin number assignments in the third party vendor tools
(where supported). Alternatively, you can choose not to do this step and let the third party vendor

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

tools assign the pins for you and back-annotate your FPGA design with these assignments. This is
covered briefly in a later section. To assign a vendor pin assignment, you need to add the PINNUM
parameter to the necessary ports. Parameters are added by clicking on Add in the Parameters tab of
the Port Properties dialog.

1. Add a parameter called PINNUM with a value of P3 with a type of String on port Left. The pin
assignment for port Right is P4, Stop is P5, Load is P6 and Clk is P77. Note that P77 is a special
dedicated clock input pin.

2. To add the PINNUM parameter to a bus port, use a comma to separate the pin numbers;
assignments are resolved in a left to right fashion. Add the PINNUM parameter with a value of
P15, P16, P17, P18 to port Q[3..0].

Since we have a clock input that is connected to every component in our design, we can let Xilinx
optimize this signal by treating this signal as a global fast clock. This saves us from computing the
value of the clock and using up macrocells of the FPGA.

3. Add a parameter called XILINX_BUFG to the port Clk.

We have now finished configuring what we can from the schematic, so let’s generate our EDIF-FPGA
netlist to take it to the Place and Route tools.

Generating an EDIF-FPGA netlist

Most third party place and route tools support EDIF. However, the EDIF standard
You can use the EDIF-
can vary from one vendor tool to another. Chances are EDIF accepted by one
FPGA netlister to
vendor tool may not be accepted by another. Each vendor also has particular generate an EDIF
parameters it recognizes and its own way of configuring them. Some vendors model. Just don’t check
also require special components be placed in your design to properly interface it the Insert IO Buffer
with its tools. In our example, Xilinx requires the top-level document to be option as a model is
usually never the top
interfaced using pads and buffers.
level entity.
The EDIF for FPGA netlister provided with DXP generates EDIF that can be
accepted by the third party vendor tools as well as inserting any necessary logic required.

To generate an EDIF-FPGA netlist:

Even though we placed
1. Select Design » Netlist for Project » EDIF for FPGA. The EDIF Netlist components from the
Properties dialog displays. Xilinx Spartan II FPGA
library, the components
2. Select Xilinx Spartan 2 Series from the Vendor Family drop-down list. Ensure we used are also valid
Insert IO Buffers is checked. This option changes the top-level entity’s ports for other Xilinx
into pads with the appropriate buffering. Click OK to continue. architectures.

3. You will notice in the Projects panel there is a new folder called Generated EDIF Documents
with the file Johnson Counter.EDN. The file name extension is EDN, which Xilinx recognizes as
EDIF files. This file is stored in the Projects Output folder that you specified earlier.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

4. You should also view the Messages panel to ensure that the generation was successful and view
any errors or warnings. Click on the Messages tab, or select View » Workspace Panels » Messages,
to display the Messages panel. Remember you can always double-click on any message to see
whether you can obtain more information.

You should notice the message “Copied EDIF macro...” in the Messages panel. The components
FJKC and SR4CLED are macros in the Xilinx Spartan II architecture. This means these components
are not primitives and Xilinx will not recognize them. DXP contains all the EDIF-FPGA macro
implementations for these components and copies them out to your ProjectOutputs folder so that
the Xilinx tools can read and recognize them. If any EDIF models were attached to your
component, these would also be copied to the ProjectOutputs folder. To view the EDIF macros for
all Xilinx architectures, look in the folder Altium\Library\EDIF\Xilinx\ in your DXP
installation directory.

Back-annotating your FPGA project

After you have placed your design through the place and route tools, you can also back-annotate the
top schematic with any changed PINNUM information. As we earlier locked our pin assignments by
specifying the PINNUM parameter, this should not occur. However, for the sake of demonstrating, let
us say we decided to change the pin numbers of our design because we made a bad selection or
wanted to use the other end of the chip.
1. Make sure you have the top-level schematic sheet open and select Tools » Import FPGA Pin-Data
to Sheet. The Open FPGA Vendor PIN File dialog displays.

2. Select Xilinx UCF, Report files (*.ucf, *.pad) file as the filter from the Files of Type drop-down list,
browse for the required file and click Open.

This tool will prompt you when it wants to delete an invalid PINNUM parameter and it will modify any
existing PINNUM parameter to its new value and add any new ones. Check the Messages panel to
review what exactly was changed.

Back-annotating your PCB project

FPGA Schematic PCB components can get quite large and it can often be a long process to rename all
the pins to match your FPGA design. Back-annotation of your PCB project is simplified in DXP by
allowing you to back-annotate a part using a vendor report file. To quickly demonstrate this feature,
complete the following steps:
1. Create a new PCB project called Johnson Counter.PrjPcb in a separate folder.

2. Create a new schematic sheet called LED Counter.SchDoc.

3. Add the library Xilinx Spartan-II.Intlib in the Libraries panel by selecting Design »
Add/Remove Library. Click on Add Library and navigate to \Altium\Library\Xilinx.

Getting Started with FPGA tutorial

4. From the Libraries panel, find and place the component XC2S200-5PQ208C on the schematic sheet.
5. Select Tools » Import FPGA Pin-Data to Part. When the cross hair displays, click on the component
XC2S200-5PQ208C. The Open FPGA Vendor PIN File dialog displays. Select Xilinx UCF, Report
files (*.ucf, *.pad) file as the filter from the Files of Type drop-down list, browse for the required
file and click Open.

Notice that all the pin names have changed in accordance with what was specified in the vendor
file report. In some cases, the pin electrical type is also changed to reflect what the report states.
This will help to obtain a clean Electrical Rules Check (ERC).

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

14 VHDL & schematic capture

Multi-dimensional capture in DXP .....................................................................................................14-1
Create a new FPGA project ..............................................................................................................14-2
Adding VHDL documents to the project ....................................................................................14-2
Creating a new VHDL document...............................................................................................14-2
Create a VHDL top level schematic ..................................................................................................14-3
Generating sheet symbols from VHDL files ..............................................................................14-4
Placing components..................................................................................................................14-5
Placing ports on the schematic .................................................................................................14-6
Making connections ..................................................................................................................14-6
Adding buses ............................................................................................................................14-7
Adding net labels.......................................................................................................................14-7
Adding a VHDL testbench file ...........................................................................................................14-7
Creating a new VHDL testbench document ..............................................................................14-8
Adding VHDL models ........................................................................................................................14-8
Creating a new VHDL model document....................................................................................14-8
Using VHDL Libraries........................................................................................................................14-9
Creating a new VHDL library document....................................................................................14-9
Setting up the project ......................................................................................................................14-11
Compiling your design.....................................................................................................................14-12
Smart compiling your design...................................................................................................14-12
Simulating your design ....................................................................................................................14-13
Debugging mode.....................................................................................................................14-15
Setting breakpoints .................................................................................................................14-15
Running the simulation............................................................................................................14-15
Adding Watches ......................................................................................................................14-16

Multi-dimensional capture in DXP

This tutorial shows how to create and simulate a mixed schematic and VHDL design using DXP. This
tutorial presumes you have knowledge of generating VHDL code and testbench files. We will look at
creating a new FPGA project, adding in the source VHDL, schematic and testbench documents
required; using VHDL models and VHDL libraries and then running VHDL simulation and viewing the
results in the Waveform Viewer. The example used in this tutorial is located in the
\Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD Counter folder.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Create a new FPGA project

To start the tutorial, create a new FPGA project:

1. Click on Create a new FPGA Design Project in the Pick a

Task section of the design window.

Alternatively, select File » New » FPGA Project from the menus, or you could click on Blank Project
(FPGA) in the New section of the Files panel. If this
panel is not displayed, click on the Files tab.

2. The Projects panel displays. The new project file, FPGA

Project1.PrjFpg, is listed here with no documents

3. Rename the new project file (with a .PrjFpg extension)

by selecting File » Save Project As. Navigate to where
you want to save the project on your hard disk, type the
name BCD.PrjFpg in the File Name field and click on Save.

Adding VHDL documents to the project

For this tutorial, we can add in the file \Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD Counter\BCD.VHD which
includes the VHDL code for a 4 bit BCD counter.

1. Add the VHDL file to the FPGA project by right-clicking over the project name in the Projects panel
and selecting Add to Project. Navigate to the file and click Open.

2. The VHDL document is added to the project and listed under VHDL Documents in the Projects
panel. Click on the file name to view or edit this file in the Text Editor.

3. Save the project (File » Save). To use non-synthesizable

code in your VHDL you
can encapsulate such
Creating a new VHDL document code between the
If you need to create a new VHDL document to add to the project:
-- rtl_synthesis off
1. Select File » New » VHDL Document. A new VHDL document, VHDL1.Vhd,
-- rtl_synthesis on
is added to the FPGA project under the folder name VHDL Documents in
the Projects panel. The Text Editor opens ready for your input with the You can also use
language option already set to VHDL. -- synopsys translate_off

2. Enter the code required and save the VHDL file (File » Save As) with a .VHD -- synopsys translate_on

3. Save the project (File » Save).

Next, we will create a schematic for the design of the BCD Counter to add to our project file.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Create a VHDL top level schematic

An FPGA project supports two types of source documents, schematic and VHDL. It can support both
types of documents in a project, however, in the case of VHDL, it will only make use of structural
VHDL. You can mix both types of documents in a project through the use of sheet symbols.

We only need to create a single schematic for the BCD Counter, so we will use the schematic,
BCD8.SchDoc, as our example.

1. Select File » New » Schematic, or click on Schematic Sheet in the New section of the Files panel. A
blank schematic sheet named Sheet1.SchDoc displays in the design window.

2. Rename the new schematic file (with a .SchDoc

extension) by selecting File » Save As. Navigate to
where you wish to store the schematic on your hard
disk, type the name, e.g. BCD8.SchDoc, in the File
Name field and click on Save.

3. Choose a template for schematic by selecting Design »

Template » Select Template File Name. Navigate to a
schematic template, e.g. A4.SchDot, located in the
\Altium\Templates folder and click Open. Click
OK until the template is set and save the schematic document.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Generating sheet symbols from VHDL files

You can mix VHDL and schematic documents with the use of sheet symbols. In the case of VHDL, the
sheet entries generated on the sheet symbol correspond to the ports of the VHDL document.

1. With the new schematic document displayed in the design window, select Design » Create Symbol
From Sheet to generate a sheet symbol from a document. In this example, we will generate a sheet
symbol named H1 for the entity BCD in the VHDL document BCD.VHD.

2. The Choose Document to Place dialog displays. Select the VHDL document BCD.VHD and click

3. If the chosen VHDL document contains more than one entity, the Choose VHDL Entity dialog
displays. In our case only one VHDL entity is present in the document so this dialog is not
displayed. The sheet symbol appears floating on the cursor.
The VHDLEntity
parameter always needs
to be present on a sheet
symbol to properly link to
the source entity inside a
VHDL file. This is
because a VHDL file can
contain multiple entities.
4. Before placing the sheet symbol on the schematic sheet, press the TAB key
to set up the properties of this sheet symbol, e.g. set the Designator to H1.
Click on the Parameters tab to check the VHDLENTITY parameter that has been automatically
generated and add any other parameters you might require, e.g. a description.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

5. Place the sheet symbol on the schematic. Modify the position of the sheet entries and text as
required so the sheet symbol looks similar to the one below.

Sheet symbols should

be used when the target
file is considered a
source document of your
design. Models and
Library files should be
used when the target
VHDL file is considered
to be a library document
of your design.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the second instance of the BCD Counter and assign its designator to H2.
Save the schematic.

Placing components
You can also use schematic symbols in your design. However, in doing so, you must have the
simulation behavior described in VHDL for these components in a model file or VHDL library
document. We will demonstrate the use of both in this example, but first we must place the
components down. A schematic library, which contains the components we wish to use in our design,
is included with this example located in \Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD Counter\SCH

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

1. A schematic library is included with this example. Right-click on BCD.PrjFpg in the Projects panel
and select Add To Project and select BCD.SCHLIB and click Open.
Integrated libraries
2. We need to place two components. Select Place » Part [shortcut P, P] to support VHDL models
bring up the Place Part dialog, type BUFGS in the Lib Ref field, and place the either as one large file
buffer component as shown. Also type in PARITYC in the Lib Ref field and containing all the models
place the parity component as shown in the schematic. or separate files each
containing one entity.

Placing ports on the schematic

To place an input port, e.g. the Clock input port:

1. Select Place » Port [shortcut P, R]. The cursor changes to the outline of a port. Press TAB to set the
port’s properties in the Port Properties dialog. Type in Clock in the Name field and select Input for
the I/O Type. If you want to change the port symbol’s shape, change the Style to Right and click
OK. These settings will remain for other ports that are placed.

2. Click to position one end of the port. Drag the mouse to set the port length and click to finish.

3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the other input ports.

4. Create a single bus port for Lower[3..0]. Place a port on the schematic and set its I/O Type to
Output and its Style to Left. In the Name field, type in LOWER[3..0] and click OK. Click to place
the port.

5. Right-click or press ESC to exit port placement mode.

Making connections
Now you can wire up your schematic.
VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

1. To place a wire, select Place » Wire [shortcut P, W] and click on the point on the schematic where
you want to start placing (usually at a port or a component pin). Move the cursor to the next point
you want your wire segment to connect to and click again. Continue until you have made a
connection to another port or component pin. Right-click to finish placing the wire. Right-click, or
press ESC, to exit wire placement mode.

2. Wire up the schematic as shown in the file BCD8.SchDoc, taking careful note of the junctions
where wires cross in this schematic. If two wires cross and a junction is present, a connection
between these two wires is implied. If there is no junction, there is no connection. In this
schematic, auto junctions will occur where wires connect.

Adding buses
A connection from a bus to another object is always resolved from left to right
and the bus size of both objects in a connection must be the same. A bus should always
have a net label in DXP
To connect the bus port LOWER[3..0] to our design: to always ensure proper
1. Place a bus by selecting Place » Bus [shortcut P, B].

2. Using the same placement technique used when placing a wire, place the bus between the bus
port LOWER[3..0] and the OCD[3..0] sheet entry.

Adding net labels

It is a good idea to always net label connections to make it easier to debug in the future. Otherwise,
DXP will create net labels for you. In this example, we only need to place the net label for net LRCO.

1. Select Place » Net Label [shortcut P, N]. A dotted box will appear floating on the cursor.

2. To edit the net label before it is placed, press the TAB key to display the Net
Label dialog. Type the net name in the Net field, e.g. LRCO, and click OK. You can quickly declare
and instantiate a
3. Place the net label so that the bottom left of the net label (its ‘hotspot’) component in a VHDL
touches the wire you want to label. The cursor will change to a red cross file in another sheet by
using Design » Declare
when the net label touches the wire. Click to place.
Component at Cursor,
4. Right-click or press ESC to exit net label placement mode. and Design »
Instantiate Component
5. Save the schematic by selecting File » Save. at Cursor.

Adding a VHDL testbench file

Testbench files are VHDL source files that describe the sequence of tests to be run on your design.
Testbench files are not considered to be part of the core design and thus are not included in the
design hierarchy or any netlist. Testbenches should be the top-level of a design being simulated.

For this tutorial, we can add in the testbench file \Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD

Counter\BCD.VHDTST which includes the testbench code for this project.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

1. Add the VHDL file to the FPGA project by right-clicking over the project name in the Projects
panel and selecting Add to Project. Navigate to the file and click Open.
2. The VHDL testbench document is added to the project and listed under VHDL Testbenches in
the Projects panel. Click on the file name to view or edit this file in the Text Editor.

3. Save the project (File » Save).

Creating a new VHDL testbench document

If you need to create a new VHDL testbench document to add to the project:

1. From the files panel select Other Document » VHDL Testbench.

2. Save the file as <name>.VHDTST, e.g. BCD.VHDTST. The file will be listed under VHDL
Testbenches folder in the Projects panel.

3. Open testbench file, enter your testbench code and save the file.

Adding VHDL models

We have almost completed our design but we have two components left that do not have any
simulation behavioral code attached to them. We shall make use of a model for the BUFGS

For this tutorial, we can add in the VHDL model file \Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD Counter\VHDL
Models\BUFGS.VHDMDL which includes the VHDL behavioral code for the BUFGS component.
1. Add the VHDL file to the FPGA project by right-clicking over the project name in the Projects
panel and selecting Add to Project. Navigate to the file and click Open.

2. The VHDL model document is added to the project and listed under VHDL Model Libraries in
the Projects panel. Click on the file name to view or edit this file in the Text Editor.
3. Save the project using File » Save.

Creating a new VHDL model document

If you need to create a new VHDL model document to add to the project:

1. From the Files panel, select Other Document » VHDL Testbench.

2. Save the file as <name>.VHDMDL, e.g. BUFGS.VHDMDL. The file will be listed under VHDL Model
Libraries folder in the Projects panel.

3. Open the VHDL model file, enter the entity and architecture code for your component and save
the file.

We now need to attach this VHDL model to the BUFGS component. The simulator will automatically
detect such models on components and include them in the compilation process. To do this:

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

1. Double-click on the BUFGS component on the schematic to display the Component Properties

2. Click the Add button on the bottom right in the Models section to bring up the Add New Model
dialog. Select VHDL and click OK to bring up the VHDL Model Properties dialog.

3. The name of the model has to be the same as the name of the entity in the VHDL Model file, so
type in BUFGS. As this component did not originate from an integrated library, the From integrated
library radio button should be grayed out. As we have already added the model file to the FPGA
project, we do not need to specify its location. Alternatively, you could enter the full path or set up
your search paths in the Search Paths tab of the Options for Project dialog (Project » Project
Options) using this directory: Altium\Examples\FPGA\BCD Counter\VHDL Models\.

4. In the Description field, type BUFGS. This particular model can be used for both simulation and
synthesis, so ensure that the Simulation/Synthesis box shows Simulation and Synthesis. Click OK
to close the dialog.

Using VHDL Libraries

For the PARITY component, we shall make use of a VHDL library. A VHDL library is a collection of
VHDL documents containing various components, packages, types and constants, etc. These files are
all mapped to a single logical name that is equal to the name of the VHDL library file. By using the
Library and Use statements in the VHDL code, you can make use of all the constructs exported in all
the VHDL files in this library. The simulator compiles all VHDL libraries first, followed by any model
files and finally the source documents of the project.
The keywords to place VHDL
For this tutorial, we can add in the VHDL Library file code inside a schematic are
Library\BCD_LIB.VHDLIB which exports the VHDL behavioral code for
the Parity component.
1. Add the VHDL Library to the FPGA project by right-clicking over the
project name in the Projects panel and selecting Add to Project.
Navigate to the file and click Open. .VHDL_ARCH_HEADER
2. The VHDL library document is added to the project and listed under
VHDL Library Files in the Projects panel. Click on the file name to .VHDL_STATEMENT
view or edit this file in the Text Editor.

3. Save the project (File » Save).

Creating a new VHDL library document

If you need to create a new VHDL library document to add to the project:

1. From the Files panel, select Other Document » VHDL Library.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

2. Save the file as <name>.VHDLIB, e.g. BCD_LIB.VHDLIB . The file will be listed under VHDL
Libraries folder in the Projects panel.

3. Select VHDL » Edit Library to open up the Edit VHDL Library dialog where you can add documents
to your library.

Whether you created a new VHDL library, or used the existing one, do the following:

1. Ensure the BCD_LIB.VHDLIB document is open and select VHDL » Edit Library. The Edit VHDL
Library dialog will appear. You’ll notice two files in this library, PARITY.VHD and UTILITY.VHD.
The first file contains the entity declaration for the Parity component, while the second file
contains a package called Utility which contains a parity function. The compile order for this
library follows a bottom-up order, so UTILITY.VHD is compiled before PARITY.VHD.

2. Ensure the files are in the proper order as shown and click OK.

3. Select VHDL » Edit Library to open up the Edit VHDL Library dialog where you can add documents
to your library.

We have added the BCD.VHDLIB library document to our project but we still need to properly
reference it in our design. For a VHDL file you can make use of the Library and Uses statements to do
this. However as we are using the components in a schematic we need to do the following:

1. Ensure the BCD8.SchDoc document is open and select Place » Text Frame. Go to the bottom left
of the schematic and place the text frame there. Double-click on it to display the Text Frame dialog
and click the Change button next to Text to bring up the TextFrame Text dialog.

2. You can use special headers to insert VHDL code into your schematic. In this case, because we
want to insert the library statement, we shall use .VHDL_ENTITY_HEADER. Type in the text as
shown and click OK.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Setting up the project

Now that we have the top level schematic and VHDL files added to the project, we need to set up the
options for the project.

1. Open any VHDL or schematic file added to the FPGA project, e.g. BCD.VHD.

2. Select Design » FPGA Options to make a configuration. The VHDL Project Options dialog displays.

3. The Design Documents tab contains the list of source documents in the project. The documents
are compiled from bottom to top, so in this case, the BCD.VHD file is compiled first, then the
schematic and finally the testbench file. You can use drag and drop or use
You can set the Projects
Compile Sooner and Compile Later (accessed by clicking on the Menu
panel to display the files in
button) to position the selected document in the correct order, as shown the compile order by
above. The numbers next to the documents in the Projects panel reflect selecting DXP » System
this ordering if you have selected them to be displayed. Preferences, clicking on
the Projects Panel tab and
4. The VHDL Project Libraries tab contains the list of VHDL libraries in the selecting Project Order in
project. In this example there is only one library but the libraries get built the Sort By section.
from bottom up, so the last library on the list gets compiled first while the
first library on the list gets compiled last. Click on the Menu or right-click on a library to view more
commands you can use with libraries.

5. Click on the Simulation tab and type an entity name into Top Level Entity Configuration field. In
this example, the top level entity is TestBCD, as defined in the testbench file BCD.VHDTST.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Compiling your design

Now we are ready to compile our design. First all the library files are compiled, then all the model files
and finally the source files in your design. Any schematic file is converted to VHDL and its
corresponding VHDL file is compiled by the simulator.

1. With any source document of the project open select Simulator » Compile. In the Project Outputs
folder, the file BCD8.VHD is created which is the VHDL file for the schematic document. It is added
to the Projects panel in the Generated VHDL Documents folder.

2. Open the Messages panel to view any errors that may have occurred during compilation by
selecting View » Workspace Panels » Messages or clicking on the Messages tab. If any error or
warning messages appear in a Messages panel, you can double-click on it and you will jump to the
appropriate line of the VHDL code or the correct place on a schematic.

3. Correct any errors in your VHDL files and/or schematics. Save your project files.

Smart compiling your design

The compiler also has an option to automatically determine the correct order to compile the files. This
option is called ‘Smart Compile’ and can be enabled by selecting the Smart recursive compile option in
the FPGA Preferences dialog (Tools » FPGA Preferences). It goes through the files in the project in the
bottom-up order and keeps compiling them recursively until either the design is fully compiled or no
further files can be compiled. At the end of the process, it will allow you to set or adjust the compile
order of the project.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Simulating your design

Optionally we can just start simulating our design. Before simulating depending on your preferences
setting a compilation may occur, especially if any of the source or library documents were modified.

1. Open your testbench file, <name>.VHDTST, e.g. BCD.VHDTST.

2. Check or change any settings in the VHDL Project Options dialog by selecting Design » FPGA

3. Select Tools » FPGA Preferences to check or change settings in FPGA Preferences dialog. The
Waveform Viewer will be automatically opened when you select the Wave Options such as Show
Waveform and Add top level signals to Waveform. Click OK.

4. Open the Simulation panel to view the data by clicking on the Simulation tab.

5. Select Simulator » Simulate to initialize the simulation. The Edit Simulation Signals dialog displays.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

6. Select which waves you wish to be displayed and enabled for simulation. Enabling keeps track of
what happens with the signal or variable, whereas only selecting Show Wave will display the wave
but not save any associated history. Click Done and a blank .SO file is created and opened in the
Waveform Viewer. Click on its document tab to view.

Note that the value ‘U’ means ‘Undefined’ at this stage. These values will change when you run the

7. After the simulation has been initialized, you can run your simulation to the end of simulation time
as specified in your testbench file or you can use a debugging mode.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

Debugging mode
When in debugging mode, you can use various step-by-step simulation options from the VHDL menu,
such as Custom step (Simulator » Custom Step), Step Time, Delta Step, Step Into or Step Over. Ensure
you have the Show Execution Point enabled in the VHDL Preferences dialog if you wish to see the
current execution point.

Setting breakpoints
You can set breakpoints when the VHDL file is opened. Lines where you can set a breakpoint have
small blue points visible in the left margin.

1. Click on the left margin next to the appropriate line of code to set a breakpoint. A red crossed
circle appears to mark the breakpoint.

2. To remove a breakpoint, click on the breakpoint mark again.

3. You can open the Breakpoints panel to view the data by clicking on the Breakpoints tab.

Running the simulation

Once the simulation has been set up, all the Run options are available from the Simulator menu.

1. Select the appropriate run command, e.g. Simulator » Run. The Enter Time Step dialog displays.
Enter a time period for the simulation to run and click OK. This time period will become the
default time for the Simulator » Run for <time step> command.

2. The simulation is run. You can use the VHDL menu commands, Stop, End and Restart, during the

3. You can see your simulation results in the Simulation panel, Waveform Viewer and the Messages
panel. The Simulation panel shows you a structure of a VHDL design and the signals or variables
available, as well as the type and value of a current simulation time.

VHDL & schematic capture tutorial

In the Waveform Viewer, you can measure a time between events (Edit » Measure Time), set and
jump to transitions or time marks (Edit » Jump), create a group of signal (Insert » Signal Group) or
compare signals (Insert » Comparison).

Adding Watches
You can also add your own watches by displaying the Watches panel.

1. You can drag and drop any signal from the Simulation panel to the Watches panel as well as drag
and drop into the waveform. You can also use the right-click menu to operate these features.

2. Open the Watches panel to view the watches by clicking on the VHDL Watches tab.

Attributes for FPGA tutorial

15 Attributes for FPGA tutorial

Attributes for FPGA Devices .............................................................................................................15-1
Placing Attributes ..............................................................................................................................15-1
Common Attributes............................................................................................................................15-2
PIN Locking Attribute ................................................................................................................15-3
Target Device Attribute .............................................................................................................15-3
Advanced Attributes ..........................................................................................................................15-4
Macrocell Attribute ....................................................................................................................15-4
Critical Path Attribute ................................................................................................................15-4
Inhibit_buf Attribute ...................................................................................................................15-5
FPGA_GSR Attribute ................................................................................................................15-5
Clock_Buffer Attribute ...............................................................................................................15-5
Technology Specific Attributes..........................................................................................................15-6
Attributes for Xilinx Flavor EDIF output .....................................................................................15-6
Other Attributes .........................................................................................................................15-6

Attributes for FPGA Devices

FPGA attributes are special directives that are used during the placement and routing of a FPGA design.
They are used to control the linking of specialized components and utilize advanced features found on
FPGAs. Typically attributes are placed in VHDL code or user constraint files and bear no meaning to
any simulation outcome.
DXP uses a unique way of placing attributes in your design by allowing users to directly place
parameters in an intuitive design capture environment. Once placed, attribute information is
automatically passed to the EDIF file allowing for easier integration and more rapid development of a
system design using downstream tools.

Attributes listed here are dedicated for the DXP design capture system, however almost all attribute
information from third party FPGA vendors can be used. More information on specialized attributes
used on ports and components can be obtained from your FPGA vendors.

Placing Attributes
Attributes are placed on components and ports by using the Parameters tab found in the Component
Properties and Port Properties dialogs respectively.

To place FPGA attributes, follow the steps below.

Attributes for FPGA tutorial

1. Display the Properties dialog by double-clicking on a port or schematic symbol and click on the
Parameters tab.

The project Parameters tab for adding FPGA target device information parameters is invoked by
selecting Project » Project Options and selecting the Parameters tab.

A schematic document’s Parameters tab is accessed by invoking Design » Options and selecting
the Parameters tab.

For wire or bus attributes, for example the Critical Path attribute, the information is placed through
a Parameter Set object found by selecting Place » Directive » Parameter Set. Its Parameters dialog
can be accessed by double-clicking on the placed Parameter Set object.

2. To add the attribute in the Parameters section, click on the Add button. This will bring up the
Parameters Properties dialog.

3. In the Name and Value fields, provide the name and value of the attribute respectively. Change the
Type to correspond with the attribute type.

Common Attributes
The common attributes are almost always used in the FPGA design flow. They are used to fix the target
FPGA device and its pin locking information on a FPGA project.

Attributes for FPGA tutorial

PIN Locking Attribute

The pin-locking attribute is used to lock the target device pins that are desired for signal and data
processing. It is applied on ports in the top-level design unit.

Syntax for parameter properties:



Value: see below.

Bus port pins can be allocated the value of its FPGA pin by using (‘,’) as a deliminator. These values are
assigned to the elements of the port in a left to right order.

For example:

MY_BUSPORT[7..0] bus port can have PINNUM attribute Value:

The port is in descending order and any extra slices will be ignored. In this case MY_BUSPORT7 port
slice gets P1.
Another example is below:

MY_BUSPORT[0..5] port can have PINNUM attribute value:


This time the port is in ascending order so MY_BUSPORT0 port slice gets P1 pin of the target device.

Target Device Attribute

The target device attribute can be used to pass information for some place and route tool. The place
and route tool automatically selects the target device part name from its own selection menu. The
attribute can be placed to avoid manual selection of target device name each time the EDIF file is
loaded for compiling into the FPGA vendor’s place and route tool.
Syntax for parameter properties:


Value: see below.

For example, the heart monitor project’s top-level unit would have the value:


The value of the particular target device can be obtained from the manufacturer’s place and route tool.

Attributes for FPGA tutorial

Advanced Attributes
The advanced attributes are used for optimizing the final outcome of the EDIF file. They also allow you
to add information on selected ports and components. Advanced attributes include macrocell, critical
path, inhibit_buf, FPGA_GSR and clock_buffer attributes.

Macrocell Attribute
The macrocell attribute is used on components that have EDIF macro files. It implies that the
component is essentially a “black box” and should not be synthesized. It allows for the proper linking
of the parent EDIF netlist output with the netlist from some other synthesis tools. By default, all
components are assumed to be Macrocell, so this parameter is not generally required.

Syntax for parameter properties:


Value: TRUE

Critical Path Attribute

The critical path attribute allows the user to select a wire on the schematic whose timing is critical.
Since the synthesis tools add factoring on signals (wires), this causes time delay. The use of this
attribute allows you to have control on factoring of signals (wires) in your design. To place this
Attributes for FPGA tutorial

attribute, select Place » Directive » Parameter Set menu and add the attribute parameter as described
in the Placing Attributes section of this tutorial.
Syntax for parameter properties:



Value: TRUE

Inhibit_buf Attribute
The inhibit_buf attribute is used on selected ports to disable the insertion of I/O buffers if the “EDIF for
FPGA" generators Insert I/O Buffers is turned on.

Syntax for parameter properties:



Value: TRUE

FPGA_GSR Attribute
If a FPGA design is compiled in several parts (and the EDIF linked later to another design) then the top-
level must have a STARTUP (or equivalent) symbol and the other levels must have a FPGA_GSR
attribute attached to their RESET port.

When used, the marked port is disconnected from any flip-flop preset or clear and for Xilinx the flip-
flop has an INIT properties added since some FPGAs have an active low GSR and require the
appropriate signal in the VHDL be coded as active low.
A STARTUP for Xilinx device or equivalent for other vendor’s symbol must be placed in the top level
and connecting its GSR input to a port. If the whole design is compiled in one pass (regardless of the
number of entities) then no FPGA_GSR attribute is required.

Syntax for parameter properties:


Value: TRUE

Clock_Buffer Attribute
This attribute causes a clock buffer to be added in place of an input buffer when the EDIF for FPGA
generators Insert I/O Buffers is selected. If buffers are not being inserted, the user may simply place a
technology specific clock buffer symbol before the system clock port.

Attributes for FPGA tutorial

Syntax for parameter properties:



Value: TRUE

Technology Specific Attributes

Attributes for Xilinx Flavor EDIF output

1. Xilinx_GSR attribute

Same as FPGA_GSR but specific for Xilinx technology.

Syntax for parameter properties:

Name: Xilinx_GSR

Value: TRUE

2. Xilinx_BUFG attribute

This attribute adds a dedicated component on a system clock port. It also is used to override
insertion of a general pad on a selected port when Insert I/O Buffers is ticked on. This attribute
must be used only on global system clock ports.

Syntax for parameter properties:

Name: Xilinx_BUFG


Other Attributes
The DXP design capture system supports almost all attribute information provided by FPGA vendors
and these attributes can be placed in the exact same manner. For example, the attributes for Xilinx
FPGA technology, such as INIT (component initialization attribute used on LUT, ROM, FF, etc.) or RLOC
(RLOC attribute constraint groups logic elements into discrete sets), can be placed following the steps
described in the Placing Attributes section of this tutorial. The Type must be chosen to match as
described in vendor-provided attribute or VHDL directive documents.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

16 DXP & Altera Interface

Altera Integrated FPGA Library .........................................................................................................16-1
Altera Integrated PCB Library ...........................................................................................................16-1
Supported Libraries ...........................................................................................................................16-2
Placing Common Attributes...............................................................................................................16-2
Importing EDIF ..................................................................................................................................16-3
Importing EDIF in Max+Plus-II ..................................................................................................16-3
Importing EDIF in Quartus ........................................................................................................16-4

Altera FPGA programming design can now be created easily using the schematic entry method and the
Altera integrated schematic FPGA library.

This tutorial will guide you with the necessary steps needed to start creating FPGA designs for
programming Altera FPGA devices. By using the EDIF for FPGA schematic translator and the Altera
library mapping file (LMF), your design can be routed and successfully downloaded on to a chip using
the placement and routing tools available from Altera.

Altera Integrated FPGA Library

The Altera integrated schematic library includes the most common primitives and old style TTL macro
components ready for placement in your design.

The components in the library are grouped by functionality and type. Common functions can easily be
found using sort by source.
The integrated schematic library package includes the library-mapping file (LMF). This is provided for
integrating and routing the generated EDIF file with the Altera placement and routing tools.

Altera Integrated PCB Library

There is a range of schematic PCB design libraries available to support your PCB design needs using
Altera devices.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

Supported Libraries
This table shows the supported items that are included in DXP. For update information and library
needs, please contact your ATS representative.

Technology EDIF Support FPGA Library PCB Library

Stratix Yes Altera FPGA PLD Stratix

Apex 20K Yes Altera FPGA PLD Apex 20K

Apex 20KE Yes Altera FPGA PLD Apex 20K

Flex 10K/A/B/E Yes Altera FPGA PLD Flex

Flex 6000 Yes Altera FPGA PLD Flex

Flex 8000 Yes Altera FPGA PLD Flex

Acex 1k Yes Altera FPGA PLD Acex 1k

Max 3000A Yes Altera FPGA PLD Max 3000

Max 5000/A Yes Altera FPGA PLD Max 5000

Max 7000/A/E/S/AE Yes Altera FPGA PLD Max 7000

Max 9000/A Yes Altera FPGA PLD Max 9000

Classic Yes Altera FPGA PLD Classic EP

Apex II Yes Altera FPGA Contact Altium

Apex 20KC Yes Altera FPGA Contact Altium

Mercury Yes Altera FPGA PLD Mercury

Placing Common Attributes

Common attributes can be placed for recognition by the Altera’s placement and routing tools. Placing
common attributes will eliminate extra time required to configure the placement and routing tools
each time your design is compiled.

To place pin lock information, use the values defined in the data sheet of your target device. For
example use type 1, 2, 3 in the value field when you define the pinnum attribute.
The attributes are automatically passed to the ACF and the TCL files used during compilation in
Max+Plus-II and Quartus place and routing environments respectively.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

Importing EDIF
To download your design on to a chip, more advanced tutorials and documents are available from
Altera. These steps are provided to get you quickly started with routing and downloading your design
on to an FPGA device.

Once you have created your design using the Altera FPGA library and have invoked the EDIF for FPGA
netlister, check your project output folder that must contain EDF, ACF and TCL files. These files must
be present in the directory where you wish to import and compile your design using the placement
and routing tools.

To compile your EDIF file for downloading onto the chip, you must use the LMF file available in the
Program Files\Altium\Library\EDIF\ folder and use the ‘Custom’ EDA/Tool Vendor setting.

Importing EDIF in Max+Plus-II

The Max+Plus-II package allows you to exploit the power of MAX, FLEX and ACEX devices. Following
these steps will enable you to quickly get started with importing your EDIF with Max+Plus-II routing

1. Insure that your compilation folder contains the EDF and the ACF file. Open the EDIF file by
selecting File » Open from the menus. Browse and select the top-level EDIF file from your project
output directory. Insure that there is no space in the design path to avoid potential errors during
loading and routing.

2. Select File » Project from the menus and then select Set Project to Current File.

3. Select MAX+Plus-II » Compiler from the left hand side of the menu bar. This will change the menu
bar to now include compiler drop down menus.

4. To set the LMF, click on Interfaces and select EDIF

Netlist Reader Settings.

For the Vendor, choose Custom and click on

Customize >>.

In the Customize section, place the net name you

used in your schematic environment to define
GND and VCC levels. In the Library Mapping Files
section, tick on LMF#1 or LMF#2 and set directory
path to the Protel_to_Altera.lmf file.

5. Choose the device and pin location from the

Assign menu if not already set as attributes in the
DXP environment.

6. Click on Start to compile your design.

7. Insure that you have installed the system drivers for your download hardware type.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

8. Bring up the programming menu by selecting MAX+Plus II » Programming. Configure your

Hardware Setup and download the program onto the chip.

Importing EDIF in Quartus

The Quartus routing solution allows you to exploit the power of APEX devices. Following these steps
will enable you to quickly get started with routing and downloading your design.

1. Select File » New and from the dialog and the Project Files tab, choose Project File.

2. In the New Project dialog, indicate the Project directory by opening the EDIF file in your planned
compilation directory. The TCL file must be present in this directory.

For the project name and Top-level design entity fields, values should be automatically inserted
after opening the EDIF file.

3. Bring up the TCL Console window by selecting View » Auxiliary Windows.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

4. In the Quartus TCL console window, type source <design_name>.tcl.

The design_name is the same as the name of the EDIF file generated from DXP environment.

5. To set the LMF file, select Project » EDA Tool Settings.

Go to the Design entry/synthesis tool: pull-down menu and select Custom. Click on Settings to
bring up the EDA Tool Input Settings dialog.

Set Data format to EDIF and place your defined power net names if used in your schematic design.
In the Library Mapping File section, set the path to the LMF file.

6. Select Processing » Compiler Settings. Set your FPGA device and other options from the various
tabs available.

7. Select Processing » Start Analysis & Elaboration.

8. Select Processing » Start Compilation. Note any important information generated in the message
output box.

DXP & Altera Interface tutorial

9. Analyze the information available from the Compilation Report hierarchy tree and re-set options
as needed.
10. Select Processing » Open Programmer. Configure your desired mode and set your Programming
Hardware type. Add your programming file and device. Initiate downloading by clicking on Start.
Note that jam and jvc files can be generated from the Tools menu.

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

17 DXP & Xilinx Interface

Xilinx Integrated Architecture FPGA Library .....................................................................................17-1
Xilinx LogiBLOX and Corelib FPGA Library ......................................................................................17-3
Xilinx PCB Library .............................................................................................................................17-3
Supported Libraries ...........................................................................................................................17-3
Xilinx Attributes..................................................................................................................................17-4
Importing EDIF ..................................................................................................................................17-4

This tutorial explains the Xilinx FPGA schematic library and other important information that will
enable you to start using DXP for programming Xilinx FPGA device with placement and routing tools.
Instructions here will get you started with importing your design EDIF file into the Xilinx Design
Manager Placement and routing tool.
The Xilinx FPGA integrated library and tutorial here are based on the Xilinx Libraries Guide, available in
ISE 4.1 and 4.2 place and route tools.

DXP comes with range of libraries and features that enable you to begin programming FPGAs in an
intuitive schematic environment.

Xilinx Integrated Architecture FPGA Library

Xilinx FPGA integrated library package includes all the necessary symbols used for schematic design
entry. The integrated libraries contain both the Unisim and Macro types of components.

Unisim libraries are a set of supported components that are pre-built on FPGA devices. Typically gate
level components are available in all FPGA devices; however, some devices support more advanced
level components.
Some FPGA devices do not come with many of the pre-built components and therefore, to support
such components, they are defined using gate level components. These types of elements are called
macro components. Sometimes macro components are also used to define other higher-level function
circuits. The uses of these macro components in your design allow efficient use of onboard FPGA
device resources.

The macro component design file is delivered in EDIF. If they are used in your schematic design, their
respective EDIF file must be present in your placement and routing directory to successfully download
on to the chip.

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

Architecture specific integrated libraries are packaged according to the selection guide provided in the
Xilinx Libraries Guide. This insures that only specific components that are available with your target
device are used in your design. Specific notes on some specialized components are also available in
Component Properties dialog.
The libraries include:

• Xilinx Spartan FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming Spartan family XC2S* devices.

• Xilinx Spartan-XL FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming Spartan family XCS*XL devices.

• Xilinx Spartan-II & Spartan-IIE FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming Spartan-II and Spartan-IIE family of devices.

• Xilinx Virtex & VirtexE FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming Virtex family XCV*, Virtex-E and Virtex-EM families XCV*E
• Xilinx Virtex-II & Virtex-II PRO FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming Virtex-II and Virtex-II PRO families XC2V* devices.
• Xilinx CoolRunner-II FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming CoolRunner-II family of devices.

• Xilinx CoolRunner-XPLA3 FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming CoolRunner-XPLA3 family of devices.

• Xilinx XC4000E FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming XC4000E and XC4000L family of devices

• Xilinx XC4000X FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming XC4000EX, XC4000XL and XC4000XLA family of devices.

• Xilinx XC9500 FPGA.INTLIB

This library is used for programming XC9500, XC9500XL and XC9500XV family of devices.

See the support table below for information on how these libraries are relevant to your Xilinx target

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

Xilinx LogiBLOX and Corelib FPGA Library

LogiBLOX is available as an accessory from Xilinx and allows you to generate your own specified
component from a selection of common design module type. They are optimized for a particular FPGA
architecture and are ready for instantiation in your design.

The LogiBLOX integrated schematic library contains most useful schematic symbols of components
ready to be added into your schematic design. For more information, refer to the LogiBLOX Guide.
The CORE Generator System allows you to generate more complex IP modules such as Memory,
Networking and Communication, and DSP core components. The generated EDIF files are also
optimized for particular FPGA architectures. For more information, refer to the CORE Generator
System User Guide.
Corelib integrated libraries contain parameterized schematic symbols of IP cores available from the
CORE Generator System. To use them, you will need to modify their Library Ref and Comment fields
from the Component Properties dialog and the Display Name and Designator fields from Pin Properties
To generate modules using LogiBLOX and Core Generator System, choose Other from the Vendor
Name option and select B<1> from Bus Notation option.

Xilinx PCB Library

There is a range of schematic PCB design libraries available to support your PCB design needs using
Xilinx devices.

Supported Libraries
This table shows the supported items that are included in DXP release. For update information and
library needs, please contact your ATS representative.

Technology EDIF Support FPGA Library PCB Library

Spartan II E Yes Spartan-II & Spartan-IIE Spartan-IIE

Spartan II Yes Spartan-II & Spartan-IIE Spartan-II

Virtex II Pro Yes Virtex-II & Virtex-II PRO Virtex II Pro

Virtex II Yes Virtex-II & Virtex-II PRO Virtex-II

Spartan Yes Spartan Spartan

Spartan XL Yes Spartan-XL Spartan XL

Virtex Yes Virtex & VirtexE Virtex

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

Technology EDIF Support FPGA Library PCB Library

Virtex E Yes Virtex & VirtexE Virtex-E

CoolRunner II Yes CoolRunner-II Contact ATS

CoolRunner XPLA3 Yes CoolRunner-XPLA3 CoolRunner-XPLA3

XC9500 Yes XC9500 PLD XC9500

XC9500XV Yes XC9500 PLD XC9500XV

XC9500XL Yes XC9500 PLD XC9500XL

XC4000E Yes XC4000 E XC4000

XC4000EX Yes XC4000 X Contact Altium

XC4000L Yes XC4000 E Contact Altium

XC4000XL Yes XC4000 X Contact Altium

XC4000XLA Yes XC4000 X Contact Altium

XC4000XV Yes XC4000 X Contact Altium

Xilinx Attributes
Xilinx FPGA attributes can be placed the same way as other attributes described in the Attributes for
FPGA Devices document. For more detail information on Xilinx attributes, refer to the Xilinx Libraries

To place pin locking information, use the pin designator character found in your target device pin table
documentation. For example, use P<pin_number> format to define pin location for a PQ208 package.

Importing EDIF
To import your EDIF file for placement and routing, use Design Manager available from Xilinx. This
program can be invoked from Program » Xilinx » Xilinx ISE4 » Accessories. To download your program
file on to the device, use Impact invoked from Program » Xilinx » Xilinx ISE4 » Accessories.

The instructions below describe how to import your EDIF file for routing and downloading on to a
1. Select File » New Project from the menus.

2. In the New Project dialog, browse and open your top-level design EDIF file. Change the working
directory or add a comment as necessary.

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

3. In the New Version dialog, note the Part information that may have been added in the schematic
project using the Target Device Attribute. Correct Part information if necessary.

In the Copy Persistent Data section, you can also specify your UCF (User Constraint File). UCFs
can be used to specify timing and other advanced
attribute data to control your FPGA device. For
more information on how to create a UCF file,
refer to the Xilinx Libraries Guide.
4. Select Design » Options to add extra information
or extracted simulation data during placement
and routing of your design. Close the Options
dialog and select Design » Implement.

Note the new pop-up Flow Engine window that

shows you the report and stage of your placement
and route. This information is also available in the
log report file.

5. Check you log file to see how much chip

resources your design has taken. The log file also
indicates warnings and errors that may have
occurred during the routing process.

6. To establish connection with your FPGA device, run the program ‘Impact’ from Programs » Xilinx
ISE 4 » Accessories.

From the Configuration Mode Selection dialog, select the configuration mode to match your FPGA
development board download configuration.

DXP & Xilinx Interface tutorial

7. Add the device configuration file by opening the BIT file. This is the Xilinx proprietary binary
stream file that will get downloaded on to the chip for configuration. The file has the same top-
level design name and it should be present in the directory where your EDIF file was loaded or the
working directory.

8. Initiate the download by right-clicking on the chip symbol and selecting Program.

9. Your design is now downloaded on to the FPGA device.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

18 Making Electronics Design Easier

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................18-1
One Stop for Electronics Designers ..................................................................................................18-2
Dual Projects .....................................................................................................................................18-2
Schematic Capture............................................................................................................................18-2
Component Libraries .........................................................................................................................18-3
Verifying the Design ..........................................................................................................................18-4
PCB Preparation ...............................................................................................................................18-5
Comparing Documents......................................................................................................................18-5
Design Rules .....................................................................................................................................18-6
Placement .........................................................................................................................................18-7
Pre-Route Work.................................................................................................................................18-7
Auto-Routing .....................................................................................................................................18-8
Splitting Power Planes ......................................................................................................................18-8
Design Rule Check............................................................................................................................18-9
CAM Outputs.....................................................................................................................................18-9
FPGA Design ..................................................................................................................................18-10
Pre-Assembly Tests ........................................................................................................................18-10

This article describes an entire design from the Engineer’s perspective: dividing the job between PCB
and FPGA design, then using DXP tools to complete both. The PCB project includes schematic capture
across a hierarchy of sheets, components placement from integrated libraries, connectivity with net
identifiers, ERC and simulation, PCB directives, synchronization with a PCB document, design rules,
footprint placement, manual routing and auto-routing, splitting internal planes, DRC, fabrication and
assembly outputs. The FPGA project includes simulation and synthesis for a specific target chip.
Mention is made of op-code programming and debugging with TASKING tools. The article describes
the finished product, and the successful completion of the job.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

One Stop for Electronics Designers

A medical research firm recently hired me to evaluate a microcontroller for SOPC (System on a
Programmable Chip). This microcontroller was soft-core; rather than being an off-the-shelf
component, it would be delivered as a set of VHDL source code to be implemented by the client on a
chip of their choice.

My job was to see if the core worked as advertised: that it could be installed upon an FPGA of my
choice, and that it was op-code compatible with established microcontrollers of similar capabilities. To
test such an FPGA, I had to design a circuit board capable of downloading application code to the chip.
This board would also need an IO interface to test the microcontroller’s response to diverse inputs. My
evaluation required nothing elaborate; a simple four-function calculator application would be
sufficiently robust, and would only require a numeric keypad and an LCD for testing.

The bottom line is that I was able to do all the design work for this job in DXP. All of my front-end
capture was done in nVisage DXP—both for the FPGA and for the PCB. Because I used Protel DXP for
the back-end—routing and outputs—the process from beginning to end was seamless.

Dual Projects
Each design you create in DXP gets its own project. What type of project it gets depends upon the
implementation. So I created a PCB Project for my layout-bound schematics, and an FPGA project for
my chip-bound schematic/VHDL design. I then saved them both in the same project group, so I could
see all of my design documents together, and even work on both projects at the same time.

My first priority was the board, since it would take the longest to
get prepare. I knew I would have time to simulate and synthesize
the source code for the microcontroller after I sent my CAM files
to the board fab house. If everything went according to plan, I
would have the FPGA routed and ready by the time the board was
returned for assembly.

All of the design documents that would be included in my

projects had to be accessed through the company’s version control system. DXP made this easy; the
Projects panel not only displays each document, but also its status. Special icons beside each
document will cue you visually as to whether it has been checked out from a storage database, and
whether it has been compiled, opened or modified.

Schematic Capture
On a notepad, I sketched a block diagram for my design. The processor components (FPGA and
PROM) would connect with a timer, keypad and parallel interface. Another block represented the
power supply nets across the board.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

DXP provides an intuitive link between block

diagrams and project hierarchy. My top
schematic sheet looked just like the diagram I
sketched, with each block being a “sheet
symbol,” pointing to an individual sheet or a set
of sheets. Signals were carried between the
sheet symbols along wires or buses, then down
through the sheet symbols to ports on the sub-

Component Libraries
I proceeded to populate each sub-sheet with
components from my prepared libraries. I have
spent a considerable portion of my career
Signals are carried between sheet symbols with wires
developing and maintaining component or buses.
libraries, and now with the introduction of
DXP’s integrated libraries I can package my
signal integrity, simulation and footprint models together with the component symbol right from the

Altium’s library development center gave me a head start, providing over sixty thousand components
(mostly integrated with models) with my installation. But that was simply the beginning. Over time I
have developed my libraries to reflect my specific work requirements, matching appropriate symbols
to models that I know are available through my suppliers.

In fact, I have developed an elaborate system of library control outside of DXP. This has become a
massive component database with a separate table for each component family, and an array of fields
within each table. For example, my table for ceramic capacitors includes part number, manufacturer,
capacitance and tolerance values, voltage rating, package and price. DXP allows me to link my projects
to these external database tables, and then to precisely oversee updates to my libraries or design
documents directly.

I searched through DXP’s libraries for the components I needed but didn’t have in my database, then
added its findings to the Libraries panel. A handful of components had to be created from scratch.
Most were very basic, done in a few moments within DXP’s library editor. Creating the symbol for the
208-pin FPGA was more complicated, but not burdensome thanks to the automatic incrementation and
paste array features in DXP.

I wouldn’t know how the FPGA pins would actually be arranged until later, so at this point I arrayed
them in a generic order, reassured knowing that I could rearrange them directly in the schematic
design when I needed to.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

I’m not going to describe the details of my pin-to-pin connections, except to say that DXP provides net
identifiers and controls that allow me to hook up my design practically any way I can imagine. I like the
hierarchy method, which only required that I use appropriate net identifiers at the sheet level and
scope instructions at the project level. Other tools helped me arrange and connect my schematics,
including snap-grids for placement and connectivity.

One thing that happens when you compile your project in DXP is that your Holding down the Alt key
as you click in either the
connections come alive. The sheet-level hierarchy is displayed in the Navigator panel or the
Navigator panel, as are the components and nets/buses detected in your Browser, will highlight
design, along with all of their associated elements. So no longer do corresponding elements
engineers need to scrutinize netlists to review design connectivity. You may in both source and target
jump through each element of each net right at the schematic level. The documents. The current
document remains active,
Browser actually lets you do this from inside the schematic, as if you were so both must be displayed
walking down the connection lines yourself. But even after doing so, I still for this to have any visible
wasn’t finished with these navigation tools. I would later return, when my effect.
board was synchronized with the schematic information, and use the cross-
probing tools they offer.

Verifying the Design

The other result of compiling a project in DXP is an electrical rule check. This is highly configurable, as
you may stipulate which scenarios you want to flag, and how serious you consider them to be.

Even when time is tight, I am a stickler about producing a clean ERC before sending information over
to the PCB. I carefully set No-ERC directives on every unused pin, thus detecting unconnected input
pins when I compiled. The messages that appear upon compile are more than just descriptive, they’re
interactive. Double-clicking on a specific message will list relevant primitives in a floating panel as
links, which will let you jump between them in the workspace. This lets you discern and resolve each
error quickly. Recompiling the project will show if your
previous errors have been fixed, and if any new ones
have been created.

After running a clean ERC, I simulated the timer portion

of my design. I ran two signals (trigger input and clock
output) through a transient analysis to make sure that
the required signal would be generated as expected.

Of course, a simulation requires that each contributing

Simulation results may be displayed individually
component has a valid SPICE model that is appropriately or superimposed upon the same graph.
mapped to the symbol’s pins. This can be done either at
the library level or within the captured schematic. Signal integrity tests are not as stringent (having a
formally established protocol), and allow generic models to be substituted where no specific model is

Making Electronics Design Easier article

PCB Preparation
Satisfied (for the time being) with my schematic design, I turned my attention to board layout. Before
leaving the schematic editor, however, I had to make sure that my schematic design would send all the
necessary information to my PCB design.

I already mentioned that I had used an integrated library for this project. This means that the schematic
parts I used were already associated with the PCB footprints I wanted to use before I even placed them
in the schematic design. You get an integrated library when you compile the package that contains all
the source schematic libraries documents as well as the models. Should any mismatches exist between
pins and pads, or model names, these will flag as errors in the Messages panel when the integrated
library package is compiled.

So most of the correlation between PCB and schematic was done before I even created a blank PCB
file. had already been done at this point. If I hadn’t made use of integrated libraries, I would have had
to take special care that each footprint referenced within my schematic design was available to the
synchronizer. Any mismatches between symbol pins and footprint pads would be flagged upon
performing the board updates.

The Layer Stack Manager shows a cross-section segment of the board. Layers may be
added or redefined in this dialog.

I generated a PCB file using the template wizard, measuring its outline according to my specifications,
and giving it two signal layers plus two internal planes.

Once the bare board was saved and added to my PCB project, I could update it with the components,
nets and directives indicated in the schematics.

Comparing Documents
When you have DXP show the differences between two documents, it assumes you’ll want to update
one from the other. Of course, you don’t have to. If you are simply trying to document the differences
between two, as you would within a version control system, you could create a report then cancel the
update process before executing anything.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

My board held no footprints as of yet, so I didn’t have to manually match schematics with PCB
components. I simply applied all the detected differences towards the PCB, sending all footprints,
component classes, nets, net classes, and room definitions to the bare board.

Because my library panel contained the same integrated library from which I had populated the
schematic, and because each schematic symbol I used had a valid footprint matching pads to pins, I
was confident that I could proceed without much to worry about. Still, as a matter of course, I ran a
check to validate each of the proposed changes before executing them.

As the board was updated, footprints were arranged alongside the board, each within a “room”—as I
had retained the default setting of grouping components from each schematic sheet together. While
schematic-based rooms don’t make sense on every board I design, such cases are becoming rarer, as I
have begun designing my schematics with the PCB in mind, grouping symbols much the same way as
they should be arranged on the board.

Each electrical pad in my design is linked to at least one net companion by a connection line. This
ratsnest of “From-To’s” will be my primary aid in the big job ahead: component placement.

Design Rules
I always establish design rules (at least a preliminary set) before even so much as dragging a resistor
across my board outline. In fact, many of my rules came from the schematics themselves. For example,
I knew when I was wiring up my schematic that I would want some extra clearance around my power
and ground signals, so I placed a PCB directive on each of these nets, and defined the width rule right
there. When I went to set up the rest of my PCB design rules, I could see that my schematic-driven
rules were all included just as I had defined them—they even included unique identifiers in case I
made any modifications on the PCB side.

It always makes the best sense to spend time right up front crafting a complete set of design rules. Not
only will the online DRC flag you immediately when violations occur, but DXP will actually prevent you
from creating violations in the first place. So specific design rules will serve as reminders and guides as
you place and route your board. The autorouter, too, will look to the design rules you have established
to know where and how to run tracks.

I have developed a set of rules that I keep using in similar projects, such as preferred track widths for
signal and power nets, and minimum clearance between components. Instead of starting each set of
design rules from scratch, I can import ones I’ve already created in similar designs. Another trick I have
learned is to save a read-only copy of a blank board with all the design rules
set just so, then referencing that board in a template project. Creating new Right-clicking in the
Design Rule tree allows
PCB projects from such templates not only gives me all my customized you to import and export
project settings, but also the board file with my preset design rules. individual rules.
This project required some slight modifications to my preset rules. Having
the luxury of power planes on this board, I could disable width rules for power nets. I modified the
clearance rule for the keypad button components, as I wanted them on a very specific grid to give a
clean user-interface.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

The design process is highly iterative between the schematic design and the PCB, and my set of design
rules always continues to develop throughout the whole process. But I have both seen the benefits of
preparing an elaborate set of design rules before layout, and suffered the effects of hastily bypassing
this step.

I reserved the board’s lower half for the numeric keypad. The LCD, FPGA and the parallel port took up
much of the remaining space, leaving me little room to fit the remaining 70 components. This was
challenging, to be sure, but nothing out of the ordinary. Place, not space, is the name of the game
during board layout.

I chose not to use any auto-placement tools for this board,

relying instead on the basic ones: snap-grids and connection
lines. By setting high values for the placement grid, I dragged
the keypad buttons and other major components directly into
alignment. Then, after lowering the grid, I began arranging
components individually, using the connection lines as my
primary guide. I watched these lines with the care of a
puppeteer as I positioned the remaining footprints, knowing
that the quality of route will follow the quality of placement.

This process was simplified by the choice I explained earlier

of having a room generated automatically to contain the
components of each schematic sheet. I had designed my
schematics with the board real estate in mind, trying to keep
Careful attention to the “ratsnest” of
components that should be placed near to one another on the connection lines will yield better
same sheet. That way they started the board process together, placement, and therefore easier routing.
and I had less of a jigsaw puzzle to sort out once the
footprints were transferred to the board. Instead, I was able to spend most of my time on the fine-

Pre-Route Work
Because this was a prototype board, I indulged myself with two internal planes—one for power and
another for ground. Had I planned to produce this board in high volume, I couldn’t justify the
additional cost of a four layer board that could easily have been two.

Without planes, I would have had to do more pre-route work, laying tracks around the board to make
power and ground nets more accessible to nodes in crowded areas. As it turned out, my only task prior
to routing the board was to place “keepout” areas where I didn’t want any routing to occur.
Specifically, I wanted no signal tracks or vias to run beneath the keypad buttons or the FPGA. I was
reserving the area under the FPGA for a polygon fill, which I would later stitch to the ground plane by a

Making Electronics Design Easier article

grid of vias. This provides a ground current return path that matches the current flow on the FPGA,
reducing RF emissions.

Instead of auto-routing the entire board, I decided to do it in two stages. First, I ran the router with only
the fan-out pass enabled. This extended tracks from the active pads on my FPGA. Once the fan-outs
looked good, I locked down all my pre-routes and vias, then ran the router again, this time with all
passes turned on.

Some clean-up work is always required after running the auto-router—although powerful re-routing
tools help by removing loops, straightening connections and cleaning pad entries. Fortunately, Protel
DXP’s push-and-shove capabilities helped me re-route tangled areas while preventing me from
violating my own design rules.

Splitting Power Planes

Although I had dedicated an entire internal plane for my power nodes, not all of these nets were of
equal voltage. The PCB editor allows internal planes to be sub-divided for different nets sharing the
same physical layer.

First I assigned 5V as the default net for the plane. Then I ran the split-plane option, carving an area
around all the 3.3V nodes, then another around all the 2.5V nodes.

Internal planes may be sub-divided for different

voltage nets.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

Design Rule Check

With the online DRC enabled, I had monitored my design for violations from the start. In addition, all
of my design rules fell within the auto-router’s scope, so I didn’t expect to see many errors at this
point. I had, however, done some manual placement and post-route clean-up work, so I knew that
there had been some room for mistakes to be made. In any case, I have long since learned not to skip
the step of checking my design for errors before generating final artwork.
The DRC listed errors categorically; for example, unrouted nets were listed as broken, and connections
between nets were listed as short circuits. Browsing through the list of violations, I could zoom in on
each error, discover what caused it and decide what to do about it. Each error disappeared from the list
as soon as it was resolved.

CAM Outputs
Once my layout passed all of my design rules, I was ready to generate the artwork for both fabrication
and assembly. I required Gerber files for both signal and plane layers, as well as three mechanical
layers. A fourth mechanical layer included basic board dimensions, as well as my company’s signature
logo, so I wanted to merge its contents all of the other Gerber files. I also needed to include an NC
Drill file, a Bill of Materials report, and a Pick-and-Place file for assembly.
Instead of configuring each of these outputs separately, I added an output jobs file to my design, which
analyzed my design and offered pull-down lists showing the PCB’s and schematics in my project. Every
output job I needed could be defined here, and configured with specific settings and precision. The
best thing about the output jobs file is that it offers one-button generation for the whole lot (printed
and CAM files alike). On the other hand, you still have the option to create individual or selected
output jobs instead.
All CAM outputs were saved on my hard drive, where I could make copies to email to the board house.
Before doing so, however, I followed my career-long policy of checking the Gerbers myself. Protel DXP
includes CAMtastic, an editor for viewing and manipulating Gerber data, and with it I scrutinized each
layer of information that my board house would see.

I also reviewed the NC Drill file, which automatically detected duplicate hole references and stripped
them from the file. It also included a report to show me where to eliminate the culprits in the original
design. Once the files all checked out, I emailed them to the board house.

Having used the same board house for five years, I knew exactly what four things they would require:
board dimensions around each of the Gerber layers, a symbol legend alongside a drill map, an NC Drill
file, and a phone call.

In this case, however, my contact at the fab house called me, having discovered some untented vias on
the design. My policy is to tent all through-hole vias; my board house uses a liquid photo-imagable
Making Electronics Design Easier article

soldermask which actually produces half-tents, meaning that the copper is covered but the hole
remains open. This is, in fact, my preferred solution, as it both shields the vias from solder-bridge
shorts and avoids the acid pits that can fester under fully tented vias. I was surprised to learn that I had
left the tenting option unchecked on a group of vias. My contact made the changes on my approval,
and I updated my design to keep it in sync with production.

FPGA Design
While the board was being fabricated, I finished the FPGA design. Delaying this until now was a little
tricky, since the footprint decal was already being etched across town—a bit like pouring a foundation
before designing the house to go on top. But the Xilinx series I had chosen offered a range of FPGAs
that would fit on the same footprint. Knowing the approximate number of gates required for this
evaluation, I had pre-selected a land pattern that could accommodate parts with up to 150,000 gates, far
more than I would need.
The microcontroller in question had been provided as a series of VHDL entities, architectures and test
benches, which I added to my FPGA project in DXP, where I would analyze and optimize the core for
the FPGA family I had targeted. First, I ran simulations to make sure that the design was sound. Once
satisfied, I ran it through the synthesis engine, which optimized the routing (minimized the gate
count), and verified that my design would indeed fit on the FPGA I had chosen. The place-and-route
image produced by DXP could then be fed into the chip vendor’s software for burning the FPGA.
I used another Altium product for programming sample op-code for my evaluation. TASKING is a tool
for writing, compiling and debugging code that can be uploaded onto specific processing chips or
FPGAs that use compatible cores. Although these programs could have been burned into the FPGA
along with the microcontroller, I preferred to wait. I wanted to use the COM port interface to test the
field-programmable features of the FPGA after the board was assembled. In the meantime, these codes
were burned onto PROM chips that would feed instructions to the FPGA externally.
My timing was nearly perfect. I received the boards back one day before finishing the SOPC.

Pre-Assembly Tests
My board house has a general policy of testing every board it sends out—either with a bed-of-nails,
which requires a jig to be generated for the board, or with a flying-probe, which is slower but more
economical for fewer boards. Because mine was a prototype board, however, I arranged for them to
make two boards and let me do the testing myself.
I started at the superficial level: visual checks matching the printed board to the original artwork. I
eyeballed the track widths and hole sizes across the board, and verified that the holes were all
centered on their pads. I checked that each designation could be clearly distinguished during
assembly. I had recessed my power planes on this board, but I still scanned the edges for any glimpses
of exposed metal that would short my planes.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

Visually checking the planes, of course, was not enough. Connecting distinct planes with a multimeter
indicated infinite resistance, confirming that there were sufficiently isolated from one another.
Similarly, the multimeter showed zero resistance between connected nodes, confirming continuity.

I took the bare boards down to the lab, where we have some assembly equipment—nothing really
fancy, but enough to put my two prototypes together. If we had been mounting a large number of
boards, we would have sent them to a proper assembly house with paste-mask dispensers, pick-and-
place machines, wave solder apparatus and heat ovens. My two boards, however, were assembled the
old-fashioned way, with an iron in one hand, and a coil of solder in the other.
Perhaps “old-fashioned” isn’t the right term. Because of the dense pitch of my 208-pin FPGA, I needed
precise (if not automatic) instruments. Under the magnification of a 10X stereo microscope, I touched
each pin with a 0.4 mm solder tip on a temperature-controlled iron, and 0.25 mm rosin core solder. I
tacked each corner of the main chip before proceeding to the inner pins, as uneven surface tension
can pull components off center.
Once the FPGA and all other surface-mount components were fixed to the board, I moved on to the
larger, through-hole elements, using an assembly drawing as a guide. Lacking the density of the
surface-mount devices, each through-hole component could be soldered without using the

Even at this point, I found I was not done designing. Throughout the processes of fabrication and
assembly, I had noted changes and clarifications that I wished to update in my PCB project. For
example, I made some minor design modifications on the silkscreen layer where a designator was
obscured by overlapping lines. I also included a readme file describing the assembly process I
followed for the prototype.

Once the boards were assembled, I ran some electrical tests. Using a CRO, I tested each rail for the
proper voltage, each oscillator for the proper frequency, and each switch on the keypad for the proper
signal. I also ran down my bench supply to ensure that the boards would shut off at an appropriate
In addition to the calculator and timer applications, I had written some code to strobe the LCD display
characters and the individual switches on the keypad. Once both ends of the user interface checked
out, I was ready to load my application software.

My circuit was designed with an emulation ROM capability, which allowed me to download software
instructions over the parallel port cable. The software programs I uploaded turned each board into the
four-function calculator with a timer. I then turned the two boards over to a testing teams, who verified
that the microcontroller worked as expected.

Making Electronics Design Easier article

Once we were happy with the application, I re-routed the FPGA so that the microcontroller
automatically booted with the software.

Tips for Design Capture article

19 Tips for Design Capture

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................19-1
Placement Stages .............................................................................................................................19-2
TAB key Control ........................................................................................................................19-2
Re-entrant Editing .....................................................................................................................19-2
Arrays ........................................................................................................................................19-2
Copy and Paste.........................................................................................................................19-3
Post-placement Edits ........................................................................................................................19-3
Annotation and Re-Annotation ..................................................................................................19-3
Dragging Objects...............................................................................................................................19-3
Default Attributes...............................................................................................................................19-4

This article summarizes the basic concepts of design editing in DXP, emphasizing concepts that are
consistent between the schematic and PCB editors.

DXP offers three grid types: visible grids for navigation; snap grids for placement and electrical grids
for aiding the creation of connections. Grids are document options, meaning that they are saved with
the individual design, so grid settings may differ between one design document and the next.
Designers will find more grid options in PCB documents than in schematics, due to the greater need
for precise placement in PCB.
Visible grids appear whenever the zoom level will allow them to be sufficiently spaced. PCB
documents can present a major and a minor grid. Schematic documents, on the other hand, offer only
a single visible grid. Both PCB and schematic support displaying the grids as either lines or dots. Visible
grids may be disabled in either editor.

The snap grid in schematic as always square, while in a PCB document the X and Y values can be
modified individually. The PCB editor further differentiates between primitives and components,
allowing you to have a separate grid for each. Typically these PCB grids are set to either a multiple of
the component pin pitch, or a fraction of it. For example, while placing components with a pin pitch of
100 mil, a component grid of 50 or 100 mil could be used. To route one track between the pins of these
components, a primitive snap grid of 25 mil could be used. Working with appropriate grids will assist in
orderly component placement and provide the maximum amount of routing channels.

Tips for Design Capture article

Overriding snap grids are electrical grids, which allow connections to be made to off-grid parts and
footprints. If enabled, electrical hotspots in the design will emanate a pull like a gravity field, attracting
the hotspots of any new routable object that hover within its range. Imagine you are moving an
electrical object in the workspace. When it falls within the electrical grid range of another electrical
object that you could connect to it will snap to the fixed object, and a Hot Spot or highlight dot will
appear. The electrical grid should be set slightly lower than the current snap grid or else it becomes
difficult to position electrical objects one snap grid apart.
Grids can be quickly modified, or toggled between enabled and disabled, through keyboard or mouse

Placement Stages
All objects in your design must undergo two placement stages. The first is when you activate the
placement procedure for any object. At this point, the object hangs upon the cursor, waiting for stage
two, which is setting the object down. It is important to consider these placement stages separately
because a window of opportunity has been built between them.

TAB key Control

If you press the TAB key after you initiate placement (stage one) but before you choose the location
(stage two), the object’s properties dialog will appear, allowing you to modify the default settings for
any of these fields.

Since placement is a round-robin, returning you to stage one after you finish stage two (this cycle is
only broken by pressing the Esc key or right-clicking the mouse), this TAB-key control of object
properties has particular importance. Any attributes you modify in one instance will be remembered
for the next, until you break the placement cycle. The only fields that will be different with each
sequential placement of an object are those which can increment automatically (such as Designator
fields), if the active value of such fields ends with a number. Actually, not only are the changes you
make remembered during this placement cycle, they also become the defaults for that object (unless
the Permanent option is enabled for the Default Primitives – more on this later).

Re-entrant Editing
Thanks to DXP’s concept of re-entrant editing, keyboard shortcuts remain active while you are placing
objects. For example, pressing the Spacebar when placement has been activated will rotate the object.
Doing so will not disrupt the placement process. Once you set the object within your design, another
part will appear ready upon your cursor – now rotated.

Arrays of objects can be placed in both schematic and PCB (circular arrays are available in PCB only).
These, too, will copy the properties of the original object, with the reference designator’s numeric
suffix incrementing upon each iteration.

Tips for Design Capture article

Copy and Paste

Another way to place new objects is by copying and pasting existing ones. This process (available in all
DXP editors) is also sensitive to object properties. Single or multiple objects may be copied then
pasted, with the exact same results as described above. Selections may be pasted as an array, allowing
many iterations with a single command, and affording otherwise unavailable features, such as text
increments beyond just one. So instead of having U1, U2, U3, you could paste a numeric array such as
U10, U20, U30 (by setting the text increment to 10), or an alphabetic series such as U1A, U1C, U1E (by
setting the text increment to B). You can also enter a multiple paste mode using the Rubber Stamp
option, here you can paste the clipboard contents over and over, until you escape.

Post-placement Edits
Multiple tools are available for attributes you choose not to finalize during placement. The most
obvious is that any object can be edited by simply double-clicking on it, which opens its Properties
dialog box. Several other useful tools will help you work with groups of objects at a time, including the
Find Similar Objects dialog, the List panel, and the Inspector panel.

Annotation and Re-Annotation

Both the schematic editor and the PCB
editor offer a positional annotation option.
Also, the schematic annotation feature
allows you to match components by
parameters, and offers designator index
control and suffix options for project

Transferring annotation information

between schematic and PCB is normally
done through ECO’s (engineering change
orders). Otherwise, schematic designs may
be back-annotated through the Was-Is file created when the PCB was reannotated, which loads via the
schematic Annotate dialog.

Dragging Objects
Once items are placed, they may be connected together. The basic form of connectivity in the
schematic is the wire, and the basic form of connectivity in the PCB is the track. While many other
options are available, such as net labels and ports in schematics, or fills and planes in the PCB, these
two forms of connectivity are so common to designs that a certain common design philosophy has
been applied to both.

DXP uses this philosophy to distinguish between the verbs: to move and to drag. To move an object is
to reposition it without regard to objects in contact with it. Moving a component, for example, will not
Tips for Design Capture article

move any of the wires or tracks connected to it. Dragging the component, on the other hand, stretches
the wires or tracks out after it, maintaining connectivity.

The default option is to move rather than drag. You will discover this if you try the most intuitive
method, which is to grab a component with the cursor by holding down the left mouse button, then
move the mouse. This will not bring any connectivity along with it. The Drag process is accessed via the
Move submenu, which then may be applied to primitives or components alike. This, like other
processes, may be accessed through special keyboard and mouse shortcuts, and may apply to single or
multiple objects at once.

Default Attributes
Any object you set down into your design has certain attributes. If
you are placing an object from a library document, then the
properties assigned in the library will determine what is placed by
default in each field upon placement into your design document.
Primitives, on the other hand, are objects created directly within
the design document, and contain default values that may be
modified before they are placed. This is done in the Preferences
dialog, under the Default Primitives tab.

Modifications may be saved or loaded. System defaults are

remembered and may be restored singly or for all primitives. A
Permanent checkbox allows you to control how persistent these
defaults should remain during placement.

Project Essentials article

20 Project Essentials

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................20-1
Project Paradigm...............................................................................................................................20-1
Project Power ....................................................................................................................................20-2
Project Templates .............................................................................................................................20-2

This article describes projects, which embody the most powerful features of DXP. These include
hierarchical and even multi-channel schematic design with interactive error-checking and net
navigation tools, a bi-directional comparator between schematic and PCB components and database
linking. Many settings are stored at the project level, which template files may incorporate for future

Project Paradigm
DXP has introduced the concept of projects. Don’t get caught thinking that a project is like a database
file, which Protel 99 SE users have known. The most obvious difference is their size. A database file
actually contained all of the design documents, and would sometimes grow to an immense size.
Project files, on the other hand, are simple text files. They do not contain any files, but simply reference
them, like an index.
So when we talk about adding documents to projects, we’re simply talking about creating links. If
these links point to documents on the same drive, the link path will be saved in relation to the project
file. That means that project files are very vulnerable. Try moving one from one place to another, and
you will see that all of its links (except those to documents on separate drives) are discarded when you
next open the project in DXP. For this reason, we recommend that you save each of your projects in its
own folder, and save all of the project documents there too, or within subfolders there. This will allow
you to move or copy the project (top) folder to another location without disrupting any of the links.
Think of projects as an association of documents, which may be stored in various locations across
networks and/or disk drives, thus opening the door to external version control and library
management systems for DXP users. And, because documents exists externally to projects, users may
include the same document within multiple projects.
Note: Related projects can be packaged together in a single project group file. This references projects
the way projects reference design documents.

Project Essentials article

Project Power
But a project does much more than assemble documents; it makes them interactive. After all,
documents may be opened directly in DXP, bypassing the project altogether. But compiled projects
offer many features that do not apply to free documents. These include multi-sheet design and
connectivity navigation tools, multi-channel support, multiple implementation documents, and even
variants within each individual implementation document.
When output job or database link files are added to a project, they will interact with the design
documents. When a schematic hierarchy is synchronized with a PCB document, all components can
receive unique identification tags to facilitate future updates in a reliable and flexible manner.

Compiling a project will discern a hierarchy of schematic documents, and submit them to ERC checks
as stipulated in the Project Options dialog. Errors and warnings will all appear in the Messages panel,
which is itself an interactive tool with double-click and right-click functions to cross-probe the design
for additional information on specific compile errors. The Navigation panel and the Browser also come
alive when your project is compiled, allowing you to follow individual component, pin, net and bus
connections between sheets.
Other settings which are saved at the project level include the kinds of differences that should be
detected and/or updated in documents you compare, the general behavior of your navigation tools,
and the naming conventions for multi-channel designs. All of these are highly configurable. You may
even assign system or user-defined parameters at the project level.

Project Templates
If you have specific project settings you like to use that differ from the default DXP projects, you may
want to remove the design documents and save a copy of the project in the Altium\Templates folder.
This will allow your future projects to inherit the settings you have crafted.

Some documents, like the output job and database link files discussed earlier, may be appropriate for
inclusion in a project template. If you have certain libraries which should only apply to certain projects,
rather than everything you work on in DXP, you could also include them in the template file for similar
projects. But you should remember that any documents you include in the template project file will
link to the actual document, rather than creating a set of new documents. If you really have design
documents you wish to use as templates within a project template, you should set them to read-only
status, which will prevent you from saving modifications over the originals.
Notice that you don’t have to invoke the New Project from Template command from the Files panel if
you don’t want to. You may create a new process launcher with “WorkspaceManager:OpenObject” in
the Process field and with the “ObjectKind=Project|OpenMode=NewFromTemplate” in the Parameter
field. This will open the Templates folder, and display project documents. After you select one, it will
then create a new project based on this template.

Component, Model & Library Concepts article

21 Component, Model and Library Concepts

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................21-1
Component, Model and Library Concepts.........................................................................................21-1
Library Types.....................................................................................................................................21-2
Component to Model File Linking......................................................................................................21-3
Valid Search Locations for Model Libraries.......................................................................................21-3
General Search Order...............................................................................................................21-3

This article defines components, models and libraries, then explains their relationships. Readers will
learn how to arrange and configure their libraries to provide valid links between components and
models. The search sequence for matching models is explained, as well as options that will make this
search more restrictive for specific models.

Component, Model and Library Concepts

Components are the basic building blocks of an electronic product. During the design capture and
implementation processes, components need to be represented in different ways: as logical symbols
on the schematic, as footprints (decals) on the PCB, as SPICE definitions for simulation, as code for
VHDL simulation and synthesis, as EDIF netlists for place-and-route, and as generic or IBIS models for
signal integrity analysis.
Not all of these representations are necessary for every component, but the logical one is the starting
point. Every component must be defined, at the very least, with its own name in a schematic library. It
may contain pins and graphic symbols in single- or multi-part fashion, and even have alternative
display options. As such, it may be placed in any schematic design.
But until models have been added to the component, it cannot be implemented in any practical sense.

Component: an object which can be placed into a design.

Model: a representation of the component which is useful in some practical domain.

Component, Model & Library Concepts article

Domain: type, group, or area of representation. In DXP the valid domains include PCB layout, SPICE
simulation, EDIF netlisting, and Signal Integrity analysis.
Library: a file containing a collection of components, or a collection of models, or both.

Model Library: a file containing a collection of component models.

Component Library: a file containing a collection of schematic components.

Integrated Library: a file containing a collection of schematic components, and their associated models.

At the schematic stage, the design is a collection of components which have been connected logically.
To test or implement the design, it needs to be transferred to another modeling domain, such as
simulation, PCB layout, signal integrity analysis, EDIF, and so on.

Each domain needs some information about each component, and also some way to map that
information to the pins of the schematic component. Some of this domain information resides in
model files, the format of which is typically pre-defined, examples of these include IBIS, MDL and CKT.
Some of the information does not reside in the model files, for example the SPICE pin-mapping and
netlisting data must be stored and managed by the system.
All of the necessary domain information, including pin mapping, is contained within the schematic
component, which stores a separate interface to each model that has been added to it. In effect, the
complete model is the combination of the model mapping information stored in the component, and
the domain modeling information stored in the model library.
Components may have models for multiple domains, and can also have multiple models per-domain,
one of which will be the set as the current model.

Library Types
There are three types of libraries in DXP.

1. Model libraries – the models for each domain are stored in “model containers”, typically called
model libraries. In some domains, such as SPICE, where the storage is typically one model per file,
they are also referred to as model files. In other domains the models are normally grouped into
library files according to a user-defined categorization, such as PCB footprints grouped into
package-type libraries.
2. Schematic libraries – these contain schematic components and their model interface definitions.
Each model interface definition contains a link to its respective model library.

3. Integrated libraries – these are a set of schematic libraries, which, together with their linked model
libraries, are 'compiled' into one file – the integrated library. The advantage of compiling into an

Component, Model & Library Concepts article

integrated library is that all component information is available in a single portable file. Integrated
libraries cannot be edited without extracting the sources, and recompiling.

Component to Model File Linking

There are various levels of rigor that can be applied when specifying the link to the model file.
Although they vary slightly from one model type to another, they generally include these options:

Any – searches all valid libraries for a matching model.

Library name – only searches valid libraries of this name for a matching model.

Library path – only searches valid libraries in this location for a matching model.

Integrated library – draws the model directly from the integrated library used to place this component,
assuming the library is still in a valid location. This option is enabled automatically when you compile
an integrated library. This matching only applies when the link is being resolved at the schematic sheet;
it does not apply at the library creation stage.

Valid Search Locations for Model Libraries

The valid search locations when resolving the link from the component to the model information
depends on where the search is being performed. There are two distinct environments where
searching occurs – during library creation, or during schematic editing / design transfer. The search
order is the same for both.

General Search Order

The rule is to stop searching for a model as soon as a match is found. For all models not tied to an
integrated library, the search will proceed in this order:

• Project Libraries

• PCB libraries (not integrated libraries) in the currently Installed Libraries list

• Search Paths

If you are using the Libraries panel, you will notice that this order is followed from left to right through
the Available Libraries dialog. In fact, since the available libraries can be ordered within this dialog
from top to bottom, the entire search sequence is intuitive and easy to set up.
While DXP offers flexibility and control over your model locations, it does require you to use the
correct file extension for each model type. For example, a footprint cannot be found unless it is in a file
with a *.lib or *.pcblib extension. Similarly, a SPICE .subckt will not be found unless it is in a *.ckt file,
nor will a SPICE .model if it is not in a *.mdl file. Whenever a model search does not yield a match, an
interactive error will appear in the Messages panel.

Enhanced Library Management using Integrated Libraries article

22 Library Management using Integrated Libraries

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................22-1
The World without Integrated Libraries .............................................................................................22-1
The Benefits of Integrated Libraries ..................................................................................................22-1
Creating an Integrated Library ..........................................................................................................22-2
The Libraries Panel ...................................................................................................................22-2
Placing from an Integrated Library ....................................................................................................22-3
Keeping Integrated Libraries Available .............................................................................................22-4

This article introduces integrated libraries, describing how they are created, what they contain, and
how they can be used.

The World without Integrated Libraries

Schematic libraries allow you to attach footprint, simulation and other models to components. Usually,
each of these models is contained in a file somewhere outside of the schematic library. PCB footprints
will be found in PCB library files; simulation models (with some exceptions) are contained in model or
subcircuit files. So the schematic library saves a link, that is, instructions on where to find each model
you attach.
Periodically, DXP will need to locate these models—when you run a board update, for example, the
linking instructions will be followed for all current footprints in your design. The search sequence for
matching models starts with libraries in the current project, then installed PCB libraries, then any files
found on the project search path. The library management is left entirely in your hands, meaning that
DXP cannot offer any guarantees that your models will find matches. These links in schematic libraries
are brittle, and easily broken. To make matters worse, you won’t find out about broken links until you
need them.

The Benefits of Integrated Libraries

DXP has introduced a solution: the integrated library. This is a set of schematic libraries with all
associated model libraries bundled in. If a component came from an integrated library, DXP is
guaranteed to find the right model if it can simply locate the integrated library it came from.

Enhanced Library Management using Integrated Libraries article

Because the components and models are entirely contained within a single .intlib file, these libraries
offer portability to designers who divide their work among different workstations, or who want to
share their designs with others. Simply installing the same, single file in the Libraries panel of any PC
running DXP will mean that component-to-model links will remain secure (assuming, again, that
components were placed in the design from that integrated library).
These libraries are also checked for integrity when they are compiled. That means they are not only
checked for availability, but for correct pin mappings. Even designers who want to stay with discrete
library files should compile their schematics in an integrated library package, if only to ensure that the
source components will map correctly to the target models. Once satisfied, they can ignore the
integrated library they created, and keep placing directly from their schematic libraries.

Creating an Integrated Library

There is no document editor for integrated libraries. They are a by-product of compiling an integrated
library package, which is analogous to PCB or FPGA projects. Add library files to the integrated library
package, as you would add documents to any other project.
The only documents that must be added to the integrated library package are the schematic libraries
you wish to include. The model files may be located in any valid search location (within the project,
within PCB files in the Installed Libraries list, or down the search path(s) specified for the package. That
is the search order as well: left-to-right and top-to-bottom if your are viewing the lists in the Library
Whether you prefer to gather your libraries into your project or to locate them by search paths
depends on your particular working style. If you are checking and editing models as you prepare the
integrated library package, you may want to have the model libraries right at your fingertips, and so
add them to the package itself. If you are continually adding model libraries to specific folders on your
hard drive or network, then you may prefer to use the search paths, letting the compiler detect newly
added libraries automatically.
Like any other project, the compiler for an integrated library package will generate a list of warning and
error messages. You will be warned of any models that were not found, meaning that no matching
names were found in the package or on the search paths. Additionally, you will be warned of any
mapping errors, such as mapping instructions to pads 1 and 2 when the actual footprint contains pads
A and K.
The integrated library file is created when the package is compiled. Remember, what you have been
working on until this point is the integrated library package (.libpkg), not the actual integrated library
file (.intlib). No integrated library exists until the package is compiled.

The Libraries Panel

Opening an .intlib file in DXP will let you do one of two things. Either you can extract the source
documents of the integrated library in a new integrated library package, or you can add the integrated
library to the Libraries panel. This panel offers the only direct view into the integrated library file itself.

Enhanced Library Management using Integrated Libraries article

In fact, this panel was built for integrated libraries. Notice that you can browse schematic libraries only
by component, and PCB libraries only by footprints. Integrated libraries, however, can be browsed by
either, and browsing them by component will let you see the component to model relationship.

All models attached to a component are listed in

this view of the Libraries panel. Only found
models are included in this list; you should refer
to the Messages panel to make sure that all of
the models you attached to your components
were found and validated.

Notice, however, that no editing buttons are

available in the Libraries panel. Again, this is only
a window for viewing the integrated library; it is
not a door through which you may enter and
change the things inside. This is because
integrated libraries are solid—once they’re
generated, there’s no changing them. In fact, to
update an integrated library really means to
replace it altogether—you must pull up the
original library package, update the source
documents, then recompile. If you have not
changed the package name or output path, then
the new integrated library will replace the old.

This is all part of the plan. An integrated library is

a purposely controlled environment, and so we
force you to return to the source documents to
make any changes. The alternative is an exercise
in juggling, where symbols and models can be
modified independently at any time, without
giving you any warning that they will no longer
match up until you go to generate a graph or update a board.

Placing from an Integrated Library

The Libraries panel contains a Place button. As this panel may contain assorted schematic, PCB and
integrated libraries, you may use it in either the schematic or the PCB editor.

Any components placed from an integrated library is branded with information that will help locate the
integrated library it came from later on. So while a schematic library and an integrated library may
contain the same component (with all the same model links), the placed components from each of
these libraries will behave differently when their model information is retrieved. Those components
placed from integrated libraries will go back home to get their models, while those components placed
from schematic libraries will have no access to models stored in integrated libraries.

Enhanced Library Management using Integrated Libraries article

Keeping Integrated Libraries Available

Since integrated libraries are automatically added to the Libraries panel when they are created, and
also because the Libraries panel is the only platform from which integrated components may be
placed, the Libraries panel is the one and only place to
be searched when integrated library model files are
required. If you have uninstalled the source integrated
library since placing, you will see errors in the Messages
panel explaining which models couldn’t be found.

This restriction to look only in the source integrated

library is a setting kept at the model level, and as such, it
can be changed on a model-by-model basis.

In conclusion, integrated libraries are a means of

protecting the links between components and their
models. Their components receive privileged status at
model retrieval time, looking to the integrated library for
associated models rather than embarking on a more
general search.

In addition, integrated libraries offer portability and

protection. They don’t just maintain links; they contain
the model libraries themselves. An integrated library
may be taken from one design station to another, letting
you sidestep the confusion of having to change your
search paths from location to location. And finally,
should any damage occur to the original package,
including any if its links becoming broken, then DXP will
allow you to regenerate source documents from the
integrated library.

Multi-channel design concepts article

23 Multi-channel design concepts

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................23-1
Multi-Channel Design Concepts........................................................................................................23-1
Multi-Channel Connectivity ...............................................................................................................23-2
Channel Designations .......................................................................................................................23-3
Room for PCB Designers ..................................................................................................................23-4

This article introduces the true multi-channel design functionality introduced with DXP. It specifically
discusses handling of common and distributed nets among channels, naming conventions, and PCB
rooms and classes for each channel.

Multi-channel Design Concepts

DXP introduces a robust multi-channel design system that even supports channels nested within other

Many designs contain repeated circuitry. One board might duplicate the same section thirty-two times,
or perhaps contain four identical banks with eight sub-channels each. Designers have long endured
the difficulties of “flattening” such designs at the schematic level to correlate perfectly with the PCB
layout. While the initial chore of copying-and-pasting schematic sections is relatively easy, correcting
or updating the schematic project afterwards can quickly escalate into a heavy burden. DXP offers true
multi-channel design, meaning that you can reference single sheets in your project repeatedly.
Required changes need only be made once; recompiling the project then propagates the changes
through each instantiation. And DXP not only supports multiple channels, it allows them to be nested.

Consider the following schematic representation of a sixteen-button keypad.

This design can be captured and wired up in DXP’s

schematic editor in just a couple of minutes. But
suppose that you wanted to use a different symbol for
the button? What if you wanted to add a parameter to
each one? Or what if you wanted to expand the
design from four by four to ten by twenty?

Even with the help of group editing tools, these tasks

are tedious and error-prone. Suppose, however, that
you represented the entire circuit with just two

Multi-channel design concepts article

components, one resistor and one switch, each on its own schematic page. A Repeat statement made
within a sheet symbol instructs DXP’s compiler to create virtual clones (channels) from a single sheet.
The resistor page could refer to the same switch sheet four times to create a row, then a top page could
refer to the resistor’s page four times, making four rows. Multiple channels are nested within multiple
channels, and the matrix of connectivity is established accordingly.

Now the designer’s tasks are made easy. Any modifications to the switches or resistors in this design
would only need to be made once, instead of over and over again. Any expansion of the connection
grid may be done by simply modifying the Repeat statements within the sheet symbols.

Getting up to speed with multi-channel design means first learning how DXP establishes connectivity
across such projects.

Multi-Channel Connectivity
Unlike other multi-sheet design projects, you have no choice when it comes to your Net Identifier
scope; you must use the Hierarchical (sheet symbol <-> port) method. Leaving this setting at Automatic
in the Project Options dialog will be fine, but it supposes that you understand that the only way to
communicate signals to a repeated sheet is from sheet entries on the parent down to matching ports
on the child. The reason for this restriction is that sheet entries, unlike ports or net labels, have been
designed to handle the channel instantiations created through Repeat statements.

There are two types of sheet-to-sheet connectivity available in multi-channel design: nets that are
common to all channels, and nets that are unique to each. Both of these types are demonstrated in our
keypad example above. The repeated switch in each row has one pin that connects directly to the
resistor. This is a common net, meaning that the same node in each channel is tied to a single node on
the parent sheet, and therefore to one another. Visually, it could be flattened like this:

This is the simplest method of net distribution in DXP’s

multi-channel design. It is made intuitively by matching
ports on the channel design with the sheet entries above.

The other node on the switch, however, is not common on

the switch level, but rather on the next level up (the row level). To convey unique connections up from
multiple channels, a second Repeat statement is required, this time on the specific sheet entry.

This picture
demonstrates both types
of connectivity.

Notice the difference

between the two sheet
entries. The first one
(Res) matches the name
of its corresponding port
exactly, the other (COL)
applies a Repeat
Multi-channel design concepts article

command to its corresponding port’s name. This allows four individual nets to be extracted from the
four repeated sheets, first by a labeled wire, then by a labeled bus. At that point, the signals are free to
be connected to separate nodes as necessary, or (as in this case), to be sent further up the hierarchical
ladder through ports.

Once you have built up your multi-channel project in accordance with DXP’s connectivity structure,
you may turn your attention to the way names are assigned to channels and their components.

Channel Designations
Channels are virtual sheets, and so DXP’s synchronizer will infer a rooms from each channel, just as it
would for any other sheet. Before it can do so, however, the compiler must generate unique names for
all channels and for all of their constituent components. These names are driven through the Multi-
Channel tab in the Project Options dialog, where an interactive diagram shows how your choices will
affect component and room designations if you are using nested channels.

Basically, you have two choices to make. The first is whether to use a flattened or a hierarchical naming
convention for your rooms and components. (Hierarchical here refers to the hierarchy of channels, so
this decision only matters if your design contains nested channels.) The second is whether the
instantiation index should be numeric or alphabetic. (One option actually allows for both, but, once
again, this only becomes apparent in the naming of nested channels.)

The format you specify for your component designators may include the channel/room name you have
stylized, but it doesn’t have to. Usually, your designator format should include both a prefix and a
suffix reference for both components and channels. Two of the seven reserved keywords do this
automatically: $Component and $RoomName.

$Component is the concatenated form of $ComponentPrefix $ComponentIndex. For example, a

component part designated U3A consists of a prefix (U) and an index (3A). Similarly, $RoomName is
also a concatenated form of a channel prefix and suffix, but its exact form will vary depending upon
your design and the room naming style you have chosen. If your design does not include nested
channels, then the hierarchical portion of the style is irrelevant, and only the numeric or alphabetic
portion of the style will alter how $RoomName describes your channel notations. But if you do have
nested channels in your design, and you use a
hierarchical room naming style, $RoomName
cannot simply be replaced by $ChannelPrefix
and either $ChannelAlpha or $ChannelIndex.
This is because it builds a special, multi-level
prefix from the channel names used in the
Repeat statements in your design.

Suppose that, in our keyboard project, we had

selected Numeric Name Path in the Room
Naming Style, a comma for the Level Separator,
and for the Designator Format we had simply

Multi-channel design concepts article

written $RoomName. The sixteen instantiated buttons after compiling the design would be annotated
like this:
Had we chosen instead to use the Alpha Name Path, our designators would have been RowA,PBA;
RowA,PBB, etc. Had we chosen the Mixed Name Path, they would have been RowA,PB1; RowA,PB2, and
so on. But if we had chosen a flat alternative, the reference to the Row channel would be ignored, and
the designators would simply range between PB1 and PB16, or PBA and PBP (numeric or alphabetic). Of
course, it is not usual practice to leave out any reference to the component itself in the Designator
Format field, and is only acceptable in this case because each channel contains just one component.
You need not be overly concerned about your designators growing too long to fit on your PCB, as you
will always have the option to display logical rather than physical designators across your board. With
that impediment removed, you should make sure that the physical designators contain all the
information you want in the format you want it.

Room for PCB Designers

Multi-channel design benefits everybody, not just schematic designers. The benefits to the PCB
designer extend far beyond the initial grouping of channeled components into their respective rooms
alongside the Board Outline. Powerful new room-based tools will be particularly appreciated during
multi-channel design layout.
DXP’s Situs autorouter has a single-room setting, whereby it can route all connections wholly
contained within a room. Conversely, the unrouting tool has a room option. Corresponding
components in each channel are all assigned the same Channel Offset value, meaning that they may be
targeted together for selection or group edits.
More impressive than all these, however, is the ability to copy formatting from one room to another.
This allows you to make changes to one room, then copy the room’s formatting others. If the source
and destination rooms belong to the same channel class (meaning that they were cloned from the
same schematic strand), then the updates can be extended to all class members at once. What
information you copy can be limited to the room’s size and shape, or can be extended to footprint
arrangement and even routing. Additional controls let you determine how far the routes previously
present in such room will be ripped up.
Numerous other tools have been added to the PCB editor which will allow board designers to get the
most out of multi-channel design. While using the Move command in the Design » Rooms submenu,
for instance, you may press the L key, which flips whatever is being moved to the opposite side of the
board. You will find that the whole room, including relative placement and routing, remains intact after
the move.
The ultimate promise of multi-channel design is the same for the board designer as it is for the
schematic engineer: you no longer have to spend your time do the same thing twice—or thirty two
times, for that matter.
To learn more about the benefits of nested multi-channel design, study the PCB project in your
Altium\Examples\Peak Detector folder.
Net Connectivity & Navigation article

24 Net Connectivity & Navigation

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................24-1
Net Connectivity ................................................................................................................................24-1
Multi-Sheet Design ............................................................................................................................24-1
Hierarchical Considerations ..............................................................................................................24-2
Flat vs. True Hierarchy ......................................................................................................................24-2
Grouped Sheets ................................................................................................................................24-3
Net Identification Scope ....................................................................................................................24-3
Reference for Net Identifiers .............................................................................................................24-4
Navigation .........................................................................................................................................24-5

This article explains the different ways of establishing multi-sheet connectivity, and the different
browsing tools that let you verify net connectivity within DXP.

Net Connectivity
The simplest unit of net connectivity in schematic capture is a wire placed between pins. Visually, you
can see that the nodes are joined, and, once the schematic is compiled, you may browse from a
specific net to each of the nodes it joins.

The basic net identifier is a net label. One of its functions, not surprisingly, is to help you identify
which net you’re looking at. Certain project options will let you allow specific net identifiers to actually
name nets, making it easier to recognize specific nets when you’re navigating through the design or
scrutinizing the generated netlist.
But naming nets is just a sideshow for net identifiers. Their real magic is in the way that they can
actually create connectivity across your design. This will happen whenever they are properly placed
and matched to one another, creating the same connectivity you would get from a wire. In fact, using
net identifiers instead of wires offers two advantages: it can alleviate the congestion of wires in busy
areas of your circuit design, and it frees you to explore multi-sheet design.

Multi-Sheet Design
The need for different kinds of net identifiers is most evident in multi-sheet design. For example, if you
were to tidy up a single design with net labels and perhaps a bus line showing where wires would

Net Connectivity & Navigation article

normally transfer a series of signals between components, you would expect those signals to remain
within the local sheet.
In contrast, when you wanted to run signals to ground, you would probably want a net identifier that
would work globally across all of the sheets in your project. Similarly, you would want to be able to
place components with hidden pins that would always connect to the same power or ground nets, no
matter what sheet they were placed on.

There should never be any question about which net identifiers to use in DXP. You simply need to
consider the scope of connectivity you want to create, and your particular arrangement of sheet
symbols (hierarchy).
The local sheet level is the narrowest scope of connectivity, and the whole project is the most
expansive. As described, net labels are provided for the former, and power ports/hidden pins are
provided for the latter. In between are an assortment of net identifiers for relaying signals between a
specific subset of sheets within your project.

Hierarchical Considerations
All multi-sheet designs are hierarchical as far as the compiler is concerned.

When your multi-sheet design is compiled, all sheets are arranged in the Navigator panel in a
hierarchical tree. To prepare this hierarchy, you need all sub-sheets in your design referenced by a
sheet symbol somewhere higher up the chain. The top sheet will be the only one in your whole project
that is not represented by a sheet symbol.
You are required to use sheet symbols for your multi-sheet project, but how you arrange them is up to
you. How you proceed will probably depend upon your motives for exploring multi-sheet design in
the first place. Perhaps your circuit simply grew too large to fit on a single sheet. Or maybe you have
divided your project into logical blocks, each represented by a sheet or a group of sheets. Or you may
be repeating certain sheets for a multi-channel design.
A clear understanding of what you want to achieve in your multi-sheet design will help you decide how
to arrange your sheet symbols.

Flat vs. True Hierarchy

While net labels are designed primarily for local sheet connectivity, ports are made for relaying signals
between sheets. If you have created a flat hierarchy (no sheet entries in your design), then ports can
connect with matching ports across your entire project, much the same way that power ports and
hidden pins make global connections.

Net Connectivity & Navigation article

But the optimal use of ports is in a true

hierarchy, where each port on a sub-sheet will
match a sheet entry on the sheet-symbol above.
This is the same for single or bused signals. The
result is a vertical connection from this
schematic twig to its parent branch, which may
be passed upwards again, or passed horizontally
to other sheet symbols, then back down their

In effect, true hierarchy allows you to control

precisely how far a signal will be carried in your
multi-channel design. By the time a signal is
delivered up to a sheet entry, net and bus names
become arbitrary, and may be connected to
other sheet entries or ports with different names.
This allows project engineers to receive separate schematic sub-projects from different places, and
connect them together without worrying about shorts caused by name overlaps.

The final benefit of true hierarchy is that it allows multi-channel design, in which a single sheet is
channeled by inserting a Repeat command in the sheet symbol’s Designator field.

Grouped Sheets
As mentioned, logical divisions and Repeat functionality are not the only reasons that you may use
multi-sheet design. When a logical branch of your design has simply outgrown the space available on a
single sheet, you may be forced to divide it among two or more sheets. You want these sheets to
behave as they were one, but net labels can’t create this connectivity, halted by the local sheet’s border
control. A new net identifier has been introduced to handle this special case, to combine with new
functionality for sheet symbols.

In a single sheet symbol, you may reference multiple sheets in the Filename field, separating them with
semicolons. Now, instead of net labels, place off-sheet connectors for those signals that must be
carried between these grouped sheets. Off-sheet connectors will connect with matching off-sheet
connectors, but only within those sheets grouped together on the parent sheet symbol. If only one
sub-sheet is designated by a sheet symbol, then its off-sheet connectors will not connect to matching
ones that may exist elsewhere in your project.

Net Identification Scope

By default, new PCB projects are set to automatically detect which net identification scope to apply,
whether it be a truly hierarchical or a flat design.

Net Connectivity & Navigation article

If there are any sheet entries present in your schematic project, the automatic detection will select the
hierarchical scope described above. Net labels will always operate locally, as will any ports that do not
have a matching sheet entry on the parent sheet symbol. This is to say ports and net labels on one
sheet will not connect directly with matching net identifiers on other sheets.

If your schematic project contains ports, but no sheet entries anywhere, then the automatic detection
assumes that you want ports to connect globally, and leaves net labels to operate locally.

Finally, if your schematic project is devoid of both sheet entries and ports, then net labels will
automatically be elevated to global status.

Notice that in the Project Options dialog, you may override the automatic settings and force a specific
net identification scope across to your entire project, regardless of its contents. This also offers a scope
where both net labels and ports will make global connections across your project, accommodating
legacy designs prepared in this way.

Off-sheet connectors will always operate the same way, regardless of the Net Identification Scope you

Reference for Net Identifiers

Sheet Entry always connects vertically down to a port on the sheet
referenced by the symbol.

Port connects vertically if it is matched to a sheet entry on the parent

sheet symbol and either the Hierarchical or Automatic scope is
applied. It connects horizontally to all matching ports when
either the Flat or Ports Global scope is applied.

Net label connects vertically if used in conjunction with ports and sheet
symbols and either the Hierarchical or Automatic scope is
applied. It connects horizontally to all matching net labels when
the Flat scope is applied.

Off-Sheet connects horizontally to matching off-sheet connectors, but is

Connector limited to sheets referenced within a single, “sub-divided” sheet

Hidden Pin connects horizontally to all hidden pins in your project that
have a matching Connect To value.

Power Port connects horizontally to all matching power ports across your
entire project.

Net Connectivity & Navigation article

You don’t need to labor through netlists to see if you have achieved the connectivity you desired.
When a project is compiled, the infrastructure of connectivity comes alive in DXP. Navigation tools let
you physically follow nets through your schematic design, then over to your
PCB document. The scope of objects that
appear in the Navigator
The Navigator panel lets you view components and nets by individual sheets panel and the Browser
or hierarchical groups (use the flattened hierarchy to see all the components can be configured in the
and nets in your design). The highlighting options you enable at the top of Project Options dialog.
this panel will determine what happens when you click on individual design

The Browser, which corresponds with the Navigator panel, gives you a different perspective. It places
you within the design, and describes the connections in your vicinity like a GPS map. If you have
navigated to a component, the Browser will display this component name at its center. Above you will
see the nets connecting to this component, and below you will see the pins within it. Now you may
step in any direction, and the Browser will change its focus to the new location, and give new options.
If you choose a net, then you will have a list of all connected components above you, and all connected
pins below. If a connected element appears in grey, it simply means that it exists on a different sheet in
your design. You can still browse to it by clicking, just like same-sheet connections.

Initially, this first-person navigating may cause you to feel a little disoriented. Navigation history
(forward and back) buttons will let you retrace your
steps through your design, while clicking on the
Navigate button will let you select a new point of
reference. Additionally, you will the Shift key will
help you keep your bearings. Try holding it down
while you click on an object in the Browser. The
schematic design will highlight the new object as
usual (according to the navigation options), but the
Browser does not move its focus to that object. It
remains centered on the original object. This is
analogous to standing at a crossroads, and peering
down the different roads you might take without committing to them with your feet.

If you have already implemented your schematic project in a PCB design, you may also use these
navigation panels for cross-probing. First make sure that your schematic and layout documents are
visible, then hold down the Alt key as you click on elements listed in the Navigator panel or the
Browser. Both schematic and PCB documents will respond to the highlighting options specified in the
Navigator panel.

Working with Simulation Waveforms article

25 Working with Simulation Waveforms

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................25-1
Simulation Waveforms ......................................................................................................................25-1
Chart and Plots..................................................................................................................................25-1
Resizing the Waveforms ...................................................................................................................25-2
Editing Plots and Waveforms ............................................................................................................25-2
Display Options .................................................................................................................................25-3
Measurement Cursors.......................................................................................................................25-3
Default Settings .................................................................................................................................25-4

This article describes how simulation charts and plots may be arranged and manipulated in DXP.

Simulation Waveforms
The simulator displays simulation data and waveforms using a multi-tabbed Waveform analysis
window, through which you can quickly and easily analyze the simulation results.

When you run a simulation, the status bar at the base of the screen displays the progress as the circuit
is first netlisted, then the netlist is passed to the simulation engine. If the circuit simulates successfully,
you will have a variety of options as to how you will display the waveform results.

Chart and Plots

A chart is created for each type of simulation
specified in the Analysis Setup dialog. Each chart is
indicated and activated by a tab at the base of the
SimView window. A chart may hold any number of
waveform-containing graphs, called plots. While
plots may differ in their Y-axis range of values or
even units—all plots within a chart will share the
same X-axis. If a chart shows three plots, for
instance, and the user zooms in to a portion of one
plot, the other two plots will keep their previous Y-
axis view, but their X-axis will change to will reflect
the same scale as the magnified plot. This scale

Working with Simulation Waveforms article

may be linear or logarithmic (base two or ten).

A plot may be arranged in many ways. Any number of waveforms may be combined in a single plot,
and any number of plots may be added to a chart. When you view these plots all at once, however, the
Y-axis cannot be rescaled, and will not display any minor gridlines. This view is usually considered to
be a draft mode, a zone where waveforms can be overviewed and rearranged.

When you are ready to make detailed analyses of the waveforms, you should move from viewing all
plots to a specific number of them (between one and four). The screen will then fill with as many plots
as you have indicated, assuming you have created at least that many. If you have created more, you
may still scroll up or down through additional plots.

In this more detailed view, the Y-axis for a plot may be resized as readily as the X-axis. Additional Y-
axes, if they have been applied for specific waveforms, will also be displayed in this view. This feature is
particularly useful if you are contrasting different types of values, for example, current and voltage,
upon a single plot.

Resizing the Waveforms

The waveforms are automatically scaled when they are first displayed. In the Y direction all the
waveforms are scaled by the same amount, such that all the waveforms are visible, and the largest
waveform almost fills the window. The X direction will be scaled according to setting for that type of
analysis. For example, the total range of the X-axis in a Transient Analysis chart is defined by Start Time
– Stop Time.

Resizing the X-axis can be done by either dragging the mouse over a section of
the current graph, or more precisely by altering values in the Chart Options. Waveforms may be
You should note that resizing the X-axis applies to the entire chart, rather than refreshed within a chart
individual plots within the chart. This is because each plot in a chart must be simply by choosing Fit
Waveforms, available in
displayed along identical X-axes.
the right-click menu.
The Y-axis for any plot may be resized by dragging the mouse over a section of
the plot, or more precisely by altering values in the Plot Options. Resizing the Y-axis for any individual
plot will not affect any other plots on the same chart.

Editing Plots and Waveforms

When you first simulate a circuit, each active waveform is assigned its own plot. Drag the waveform’s
name to any other visible plot, and that waveform will join whatever waveforms were in that plot
already. As both the source plot and target plot must be visible when dragging and dropping,
displaying all plots within a chart is the most reliable view for rearranging waveforms.

The same signal may be viewed in a multiple ways. The same AC signal, for example, may be displayed
both in Db and in degrees (showing phase). These variations can be displayed on the same plot (with
individual Y-axes, should you desire), or on separate plots.

Working with Simulation Waveforms article

As part of the analysis of your design you may want to perform a mathematical operation on one or
more of the simulation signals, and view the resultant waveform. This feature is an integral part of the
simulator’s waveform viewer, you can construct a mathematical expression based on any signal
available in the simulated circuit.

In the Transient Analysis, for example, over thirty—mainly trigonometric—operations are available.
These may be combined in a complex expression, and assigned a name with which the resulting
waveform will be referenced in the plot.

Display Options
If you are unsure about the accuracy of the waveforms—perhaps they look sharp and jagged instead of
smooth and curved—you can turn on the simulation data points to check if the results have been
calculated often enough.

Should you need to identify separate waveforms

on a single color printout, you may enable
designation symbols along each wave. The first
waveform in any plot will be represented with
squares; a different symbol will be assigned to
each additional wave.

In this example, two waves with different Y-axis scales are overlaid. This functionality lets you compare
attributes shared along the X-axis, which will always remain the same for all plots within a chart. It is
not required that you display each Y-axis separately.

Measurement Cursors
Two measurement cursors let you take measurements directly from the waveforms.

Working with Simulation Waveforms article

To add a cursor for a particular wave, you must first select that wave within a plot (if the plot contains
multiple waveforms). This is done by clicking upon the wave’s name alongside the plot. Right-clicking
on that name offers a shortcut to measurement cursors, as opposed to using the Wave menu.
You take measurements of time and amplitude from the transient analysis results, or find the
frequency of the 3dB point from the AC small signal analysis results. You can use the two cursors
together to take difference measurements from two points on the same waveform, or two points on
different waveforms.

Measurement functions are available in the SimData panel, where results are immediately displayed.

Default Settings
When you close the Simulation Data File (.SDF), the setup information is saved with the file. By default
the display setup is retained, so that you can re-open a simulation data file and the results will be as
you left them. If you re-run the simulation and you want it to display the Analyses and nodes that you
have just setup, change the SimView Setup from Keep last setup, to Show active signals. You may, in
turn, apply your current display settings to become the default for future simulations.

Design Updates & ECOs article

26 Design Updates & ECOs

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................26-1
Design Updates and ECOs ...............................................................................................................26-1
Annotate ............................................................................................................................................26-2
Parameter Manager ..........................................................................................................................26-2
Update from Library...........................................................................................................................26-3
Update from Database ......................................................................................................................26-4
Schematic ↔ PCB Update ................................................................................................................26-4

This article describes the Engineering Change Order(ECO) process in DXP. This process is invoked at
critical stages of design updates, and allows heightened controls and reporting tools. These stages are
schematic annotation, parameter management, updates from libraries, database linking and schematic-
PCB synchronization, each of which are reviewed in some detail.

Design Updates and ECOs

There are different levels of design changes. The most basic level is by direct editing. Higher up is
editing a group of selected objects all together. The highest level is updating one cohesive data set
with another. The update tools offered in DXP give you precise control in administering these updates,
allowing you all the control and documentation you need to drive the appropriate set of changes, and,
if necessary, retrace your steps later on.
Updates are executed through an Engineering Change Order dialog. This shows you the entire list of
proposed changes. This list cannot be modified, so if you see anything proposed changes that should
not be there, you will need to close the dialog before executing anything. Then you can revise your
preliminary steps, making sure that your list of changes will be complete and accurate.
In the ECO dialog, you can validate changes before you make them. If any of the changes you propose
fail validation, corresponding flags will appear in the Messages panel. This is another time that you may
step out of the update sequence to make sure that your changes will occur as you expect.
Also, the ECO dialog allows you to print and/or save a report documenting the changes. This will not
include information about changes that could not be executed, so you should wait until you can see
that all your changes are valid before generating the report.

Design Updates & ECOs article

There are five times that you will encounter the ECO dialog: when you are re-annotating your
schematic project; using the Parameter Manager; or updating from Libraries, Databases, or between
schematic and PCB documents.

The Annotation dialog allows you to determine:

• which project documents to update

• how component families will be placed in order

• a starting index, if desired, for all component sets on a sheet

• a suffix, if desired, for all components on a sheet

You are shown two columns: current and proposed annotations for each component. These will be
identical to start with, until you update the list with the pattern and/or matching configuration of your
choice. But the only changes that will take place are those components waiting in an un-designated,
but ready, state. That means their designator currently ends with a question mark. If, on the other
hand, you want to entirely reannotate one or more sheets, you must first reset the current annotation,
then apply the new patterns and other settings that you have made in this dialog.
Notice, however, that no changes are made in your design itself until you move into the ECO dialog,
and execute the changes. This is the bottom-line truth for all of these update sequences: if you leave
the dialogs without proceeding through the ECO and executing changes, your design documents will
remain unmodified.

Parameter Manager
A Parameter Manager has been put into place to let you view and edit groups of parameters across
your project at once. This dialog will display each parameter in a dedicated columns, with parameter-
owning objects each in their own row. To prevent this dialog from becoming unwieldy, you should
narrow the Parameter Manager’s scope from the whole project to the specific subset you really wish to
manage. When you invoke this dialog, you are first presented with a series of options that will help you
weed out irrelevant parameters. If, for instance, your goal is to simply add Manufacturing Numbers to
all of your schematic components, you could exclude system parameters, and all owners besides parts
(the six other entities that can own parameters are schematic sheets, sheet symbols, ports, pins, nets
and models). You could also exclude specific sheets or components from the Parameter Manager.
Once the Parameter Manager generates a table of owners and parameter names, you can see three
types boxes within this matrix. Either they will contain data, appear completely blank, or have a generic
hatching pattern. Data in a field means that the parameter (column) is owned by the object (row), and
that it contains a value (data). Blank means that it is owned, but its value field is empty. Hatching means
that no such parameter has been added to the object.

Design Updates & ECOs article

If a parameter exists for an object (the field is empty or contains data), then you may edit its value
directly, either by typing a new value, or selecting from a drop-down list any of the values already
entered somewhere in this column. This is not the case for parameters which an object doesn’t have
yet (the field is hatched). These must be accessed more deliberately, which can be done through the
right-click menu. This will let you add an existing parameter to new objects of your choice. A new
parameter may be added (Add Column), and its value may be assigned and applied to all displayed
objects at once. Similarly, a parameter may be deleted across all displayed objects.

Group edits operate in a similar way to the List panel: select the objects using the Shift or Control keys,
then right-click on a specific field to have the edits you make apply to the whole selection.

To help you monitor what changes have been made, altered fields will carry a temporary badge while
in this dialog. Deleted parameters will receive a red mark, newly added parameters get a green one,
and modified parameter values get a blue one. The right-click menu will also let you revert a field’s
state to what it was before. Still, like all dialogs described in this article, none of the changes you make
here become effective until you execute them in the ECO.

Update from Library

Schematics may be updated from libraries. On a component-by-component basis, this may be done
from the schematic library editor, but this will only update components in Open or Hidden (compiled
but not open) documents. Also, it will not offer any controls for parameter or model differences; a full
replace of all graphics, parameter, and model attributes will occur. For precise control between library
documents and project sheets, use the Update from Library dialog.

This dialog lets you determine:

• which project documents to update

• which specific components, indicated by name or selection status,

• whether updates should include graphics, parameters, or models

By default, all documents are chosen, along with all components, with instructions to fully replace the
symbols on your design sheets with those from the corresponding library. If you de-select this final
option, however, you can further control how both parameters and models will be handled. How
would you want the update to behave, for example, if a component parameter had a certain value in
the sheet, but a different value in the library? Or what if the library’s value was blank? These, and
similar controls for model updates, can all be manipulated for the entire
group of changes. Every parameter has an
option to be excluded
If you know that this will update the design how you want it, you jump when updating from
directly into the ECO, where you may review, validate and execute the libraries or databases.
resultant changes. If not, you can step forward in this multi-step dialog. You
will see all the affected components listed, and you can make the same decisions about graphics,
parameters and models on a component-by-component basis. In fact, you can more precisely edit the
parameter and model updates that will occur beyond the basic paradigm you have set. So while the

Design Updates & ECOs article

overall settings are the rule, you can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. You will notice that the
controls here correspond with those available in the Parameter Manager, and have the same group
editing features.

Update from Database

Like library updates, you may prepare default settings for adding, changing and removing parameters
from your schematic documents, then override those defaults for particular instances.

Any ODBC-compliant database can be accessed for tabular information for parameter or field updates.
You will need to create a new Database Link file within DXP, and configure it to connect to your
database file. Once connected, the database link document will have two tabs available: Table Links
and Database Links. The Table Links is simply a display of field values within DXP, where the displayed
list may be filtered, but the actual values may not be edited. The whole idea is that any changes are to
take place within the database, then be propagated through your schematic designs.

The Database Links view lets you correlate the table headings in your database with the parameters in
your design project. You must select one key pair that will be different from all the rest. The values in
these fields will not be used for updates, but rather for matching the table rows in your database with
parameter-owning objects in your design.
The Ctrl+D shortcut
Additional controls allow you to indicate what data to transfer and when. For
allows you to set entire
example, you may want to always update the values of a specific parameter, rows to the default
as long as the value in the database is not blank. Similarly, you may wish to settings, as defined in the
remove a parameter from your design if it is not found or its value is blank in Database Options dialog.
the database.

Schematic ↔ PCB Update

Synchronization between schematic project documents and the implementation PCB offers some tools
that are not available in other update sequences. It has two dedicated tabs in the Project Options
dialog, one letting you customize the types of differences you want to detect, and another letting you
decide which detected differences you want to figure into the ECO. The changes you make here allow
you to ignore irrelevant differences for the long term in your project.

Notice that if you jump straight to the ECO dialog by using the Update PCB from the schematic editor,
or the Update Schematics or Import from Schematic commands in the PCB editor, you will be taken
directly to the ECO dialog. There will be no preliminary dialogs like those described for other update
processes allowing you to narrow the scope for your ECO. This is simply a shortcut to the ECO dialog,
whenever you are sure you want to execute a change for each difference as you have set them up to be
detected and carried out in the Project Options dialog.

If, however, you want to review a list of proposed changes, and choose which ones you want to update
(and perhaps which direction you want to send each update), you need to open the Differences dialog.
When you invoke the Show Differences command (Project menu), you are first shown the documents

Design Updates & ECOs article

you wish to compare. By default, this is the first PCB document in your project with the project
schematics, but an Advanced mode will let you choose more specific comparison/update scenarios. In
fact, you will notice that you’re not constrained to compare a schematic set with an implementation
PCB. You would use this feature, for example, whenever you need to build PCB from a netlist rather
than a schematic project.
Before comparing documents, DXP scans your project designs for linked components. These are
components that have been previously synchronized with one another and share a UID (unique
identifier). If components have not yet been synchronized between documents, a dialog will allow you
to match components up either automatically by designator or by hand. If no components exist in the
target document, as in the case of a blank PCB you wish to update with components, nets and
parameters specified in a schematic design, then the matching step will be skipped, and corresponding
UID's will be assigned to each synchronized component when you execute the updates.
But even if differences are detected, you are under no obligation to include them in the ECO. When
the Differences dialog is generated, No Change is the default action assigned to each entry. DXP will
only synchronize the elements you specify. If you wish to sweep all changes one way or another,
simply right-click anywhere in this dialog and choose the flattened project or the PCB as the recipient
of all changes. Otherwise, click in the Update column for individual changes, and specify the target for
that change.
It is particularly important to validate these Schematic↔PCB updates before executing them. Not only
will the logic of your proposed changes be tested, but libraries will be searched to ensure that the
models are available, even to the point of checking pin-to-pad matching. As in any other ECO dialog,
you should check the Messages panel to see why any changes failed verification, then delay executing
the ECO until all your everything checks out.

Introduction to the Query Language article

27 Introduction to the Query Language

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................27-1
Query Overview.................................................................................................................................27-1
Sample Queries.................................................................................................................................27-2
Building Tools....................................................................................................................................27-2
Query Helper .....................................................................................................................................27-4

This article introduces the query language, and points readers to the resources within DXP for
understanding it. These resources include example queries in the History and Filter pop-up lists,
generation tools such as the Query Builder, and the On-line help provided in the Query Helper.

Query Overview
Queries allow you to target specific objects within DXP’s major design editors. A query is a command
line that you string together using specific keywords and syntax, which will return a set of objects.
What you want to do with those objects is up to you. Maybe you want to zoom in on them. Maybe you
want to highlight them, dimming out all other objects. Maybe you want to browse or sort their
properties, or even modify specific attributes that they all share. Or maybe you want to apply a rule
that will apply only to them. All of these applications are available, but everything hinges upon your
query being correct.

There are a few places where you can apply your

queries, but the command central is in the List
panel. It offers you the ability to select the set of
objects you want, zoom to them and/or highlight
them by masking what remains. But most
importantly, it shows you the entire set of filtered
objects in a spreadsheet format. This spreadsheet
is a sophisticated design tool in itself; with controls
for sorting, editing or stepping from the current
filter up to parent objects. But the most instructive
benefit of the spreadsheet is to show you whether
your query has targeted the correct set of objects.

So how can you learn to write queries? The best

coaching, of course, is based upon practice. Your preliminary efforts will include trial, error and some

Introduction to the Query Language article

frustration. At the same time, DXP contains valuable resources for learning the query language. The
first is a set of sample queries that are provided upon installation. The second is a group of tools that
generate queries based on your input. The final (and ultimate) source in learning the query language is
the online help accessible through the Query Helper.

Sample Queries
Each design editor comes with a set of pre-packaged queries. Ultimately, these have been provided as
bookmarks which you will eventually replace with your own queries, but in the meantime they offer
good case studies.

A filter history list is available through the List panel. Every time you
apply a query (correct or not), it is added at the top of this list. So before
this list gets overloaded with your own attempts, you should review the
sample queries that have been provided upon installation. Try them out
on example documents to see how they filter a subset of objects from
the entire group.
Other prepared queries are found in the Filter popup menu. Press the Y
shortcut key to view this list directly from the workspace. The actual
query behind each of these commands is not immediately accessible;
you will notice that clicking on any of the commands in this submenu
will proceed to apply the query without ever showing it to you. But if
you first open the Customize dialog, then double-click on one of these
commands, you can pick through the Parameter field for the query, which will be preceded by Expr=.
You should learn this parameter syntax eventually, because this is the way to hard-wire your favorite
queries to menu shortcuts. Pressing Y4 is much easier than digging through the filter history list for
one of the queries you use on a regular basis.

Building Tools
Several tools in DXP will build queries for you. The simplest one is in the PCB editor’s Filter toolbar,
which has thee editable fields. On the left is a drop-down listing all the nets on your board. Next is a
similar drop-down for components. Finally comes a field for your query. Notice that if you select a net
or a component from one of the two drop-down lists, this third field will automatically generate an
appropriate query, such as InNet('CLK') or InComponent('C2').
This, of course, is a very limited form of query-building. More complex queries can be built in the
Matching section of individual design rules. First, you decide if you want to apply the rule to a specific
net, net class, layer, or net and layer combination. Once you have made this choice, corresponding
drop-downs are made available on the left side, while a query to the same effect is created on the right.

Much more powerful tools are the Find Similar Objects dialog, and the Query Builder. In fact, you may
end up using these tools all the time rather than writing queries free-hand.

Introduction to the Query Language article

The Find Similar Objects dialog appears when you right-click on any unmasked object in your design
document. This will invoke memories of previous Protel versions for users who have come by that
route (it was actually incorporated into DXP at their request). It allows you filter out a group of objects
based on one object. Suppose for example, you wanted to change all GND pads in your design. You
could right-clicking on one such pad, choose Find Similar, then change the Net field from Any (the
default setting) to Same. All of the GND pads will be selected when you Apply from this dialog, if the
Select Matching option is enabled—then you can proceed to the Inspector or the List panel’s
spreadsheet to make the change across the selection. Notice, however, the Create Expression option in
this dialog. Leave this checked, and the List panel will show that the query

(ObjectKind = 'Pad') And (Net = 'GND')

has been applied. As all attributes of the original object are displayed in the Find Similar Objects
dialog, each with the option to be ignored (Any), or to be used as a matching (Same) or an anti-
matching (Different) attribute for the set you want to target, this query can become rather complex.
Even the Object Kind attribute can be set to Any or Different, meaning that your target set is not
constrained to objects of the same type—something that has never been available before.

The Query Builder is another interactive tool

for generating queries. It populates drop-
down lists with operators and the available
condition values based upon your specific

Best of all, the operators are presented in

English, rather than query language. Because
the actual query is being built before your
eyes, you can study how the familiar
descriptions correlate with the query syntax.

The query is displayed in a hierarchical

fashion. Brackets are inserted automatically
when you indent a section of code within the
hierarchy, freeing you from the chore of counting parentheses while developing your query. Single or
grouped lines of code may be moved up or down, left or right within the
hierarchical structure. The Query Builder may
be launched from the List
If you launch the Query Builder by right-clicking on a board object, it will
panel, design rules, View
work very much like the Find Similar Objects dialog, limiting its drop-down menu, right-click menu, or
options to the attributes of the object you clicked on. Similarly, launching it with the Shift+B keyboard
from a design rule will limit its contents to applicable conditions for that shortcut.

The Query Builder also has an option to create an expression, meaning that the finished query can be
transferred to the List panel and its History list.

Introduction to the Query Language article

Query Helper
Engineers who want to master the query language will eventually learn more from the Query Helper
than any other resource. It contains all available keywords, including the names of the specific objects
placed in your active design document. But most importantly, it is the conduit for online help
descriptions of every single query command, which provide details and examples.

Browse through the different categories of available commands for the one you want. Use the Mask
field if you’re not sure what the precise keyword is. For example, in the schematic editor’s Query
Helper, entering *para* in the Mask field will show you the dozen or so commands that apply to
parameters specifically, while *par* will pick up commands for both parameters and parts.

Pressing F1 when highlighting a

keyword in any category (or when
the cursor is on a keyword you
have typed in the Query Helper,
will bring up an online help
description for that command. This
is the most valuable resource for
learning the nuts and bolts of the
query language. Here you will
learn the nuances, such as
commands that will return children
objects, parent objects or both.

For example, the keywords

Component and InComponent
differ not only in the syntax of
arguments, but also in what objects
they actually return; Component
returns the primitives that make up
the component (child objects),
while InComponent returns both
the primitives and the component (parent) object itself. Subtle differences like these are revealed in
the online help, which is the where the Query Helper really earns its name.

Queries may seem intimidating at first glance, but don’t shy away from them. There has never been a
more powerful or flexible tool for browsing through specific elements of your design, or for defining
rule scopes. Use the samples, wizards and help files until writing your own queries becomes simple,
because properly applied queries will simplify your work.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

28 An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language

Introduction and Overview of queries................................................................................................28-1

Queries – their nature and purpose ..........................................................................................28-2
Data Filtering – facilitating file editing tasks ..............................................................................28-2
Data Views and Highlighting – What is displayed, and How.....................................................28-3
The List Panel – another data view...........................................................................................28-6
The Inspector Panel – property viewing and editing tool ..........................................................28-8
Masking - another highlighting option .......................................................................................28-9
Applications of Queries (Queries in context) ...................................................................................28-10
Finding, Presenting and Editing Objects .................................................................................28-10
Applying Queries.....................................................................................................................28-12
Query Options .........................................................................................................................28-12
Finding Similar Objects – facilitating global object editing ......................................................28-14
The ‘Query Builder’ feature – automating query generation ...................................................28-16
The ‘Query Helper’ Dialog – support for designer-specified queries ......................................28-17
Design Rules in PCB Files ......................................................................................................28-18
Applying Queries from Resources ..........................................................................................28-20
Inside the Query Language .............................................................................................................28-21
Nature of Queries....................................................................................................................28-21
Queries using Multiple Keywords............................................................................................28-22
Finding Objects with particular Properties...............................................................................28-23
Finding Objects with calculated properties..............................................................................28-24
Hierarchical aspects................................................................................................................28-25
Tricks of the Trade ..................................................................................................................28-26
How to comment a query ........................................................................................................28-27
Where to now? ........................................................................................................................28-27
Appendix: Examples of Useful Queries...........................................................................................28-28
Queries to use with PCB files..................................................................................................28-28
Queries to use with Schematic files ........................................................................................28-28

Introduction and Overview of queries

This article has been provided to de-mystify what queries are, how and why they are used, and to
provide insights into how these can be specified to accomplish particular objectives. Queries can be
used with Schematic Library, Schematic (document), PCB Library, and PCB (document) files; for the
remainder of this article, any reference to a file refers to any of those particular types of files (unless
specifically stated otherwise).

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

Queries – their nature and purpose

In a nutshell, queries are primarily used to determine whether each object within a file is subsequently
highlighted or otherwise. The thus highlighted objects are normally displayed in a manner which is
distinctive in comparison with the remaining (non-highlighted) objects, which are either displayed in a
less prominent manner, or else are not even displayed at all.
However, although queries can be used specifically to control how a file’s objects are subsequently
displayed, that is not the limit of their usefulness. They can be used to determine whether any objects
within a file have particular properties (or particular sets of properties), and to assist in actually locating
such objects. And another very important reason for using queries is to qualify which objects have
their properties modified during succeeding commands, including in particular during global editing
Which objects within a file are subsequently highlighted following the application of a query are
determined by that query’s contents, and that in turn is controlled by the designer. The designer also
determines whether each of the Zoom, Select, and Mask highlighting options (described in more detail
later) are selected with each query, which in turn determine the subsequent selected and masked
states of each object, and how the highlighted objects and non-highlighted objects are actually
subsequently displayed.
Queries can be applied by various means, including from Find Similar Objects or Building Query
dialogs, or from the List Panel, or from the Filter Toolbar (in the case of PCB files), or from resources
(menu entries or toolbar buttons or shortcut keys).

There are various ways to control the contents of a query, which consists of a string that always
contains at least one recognizable keyword. Designers can directly specify that string themselves, and
that method is especially recommended for all those wanting to learn how to specify their own
queries. A query’s contents can alternatively be selected from lists of favorite or previously used
queries, or automatically generated, or pre-determined.
Queries are also used for two special purposes within PCB files: they specify which objects are subject
to each Design Rule that is defined, and they specify the Impedance Formulae that are to be used
whenever the Characteristic Impedance Driven option is selected for any (Max-Min) Width (Design)
Before queries are described in more detail, brief descriptions are provided of data filtering, data views
and the associated List Panel, and of highlighting options and the associated Masking feature; these
aspects all figure prominently whenever queries are used.

Data Filtering – facilitating file editing tasks

A typical file contains a considerable number of objects, so to facilitate their tasks, designers are
provided with the ability to display each of those objects in more than one manner, and a considerable
degree of control over which objects are currently even displayed at all. And because some commands
change the properties of multiple objects, designers are also provided with the ability to control which
objects do have their properties modified at the time.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

This capability to display and modify objects on a selective basis is implemented by a sophisticated
data filtering feature. Whenever it is used, the properties of each object in the target file are evaluated,
and those objects having properties which comply with the specifications of the filtering operation
become members of that filtering operation’s result set. The combination of which highlight options
were also specified for the filtering operation concerned, and whether each object is a member of that
result set or otherwise, determines the subsequent selected and masked properties of each object, and
the manner in which it is subsequently displayed.
As one example, invoking a Zoom command then invokes the data filtering feature, producing an
outcome in which the file’s objects are displayed on the screen on a selective basis. The associated
result set consists of those objects which are located within the updated region being displayed, and
the data filtering feature causes those objects to then be displayed. Conversely, the objects which are
located outside the updated region being displayed are not in the result set, and the data filtering
feature causes those objects to not then be displayed1.

Another example is that invoking any command which changes the selected state of one or more
objects within a file also invokes the data filtering feature, producing a result set of the now currently
selected objects. Selected objects and unselected objects are displayed in different manners, so the
data filtering feature also controls how each object is subsequently displayed. And when any command
is invoked which is to be applied to the currently selected objects, the data filtering feature also
controls whether each object has that command applied to it or otherwise.
In yet another example, the data filtering feature is also used in conjunction with the newly provided
masking feature (described in detail in other parts of this article). It controls how unmasked objects
and masked objects are each displayed, and whether various types of commands are applied to each
object within a file.
The significance of queries is that the data filtering feature is also invoked whenever a query is applied.
The contents of the query determine which objects within the target file become members of the
associated result set, and the highlight options which were selected at the time determine the
subsequent states of each object’s selected and masked properties, and the manner in which each
object is subsequently displayed. It is precisely this ability to specify the highlight options, and to
control (with a fine degree of precision) the data filtering feature’s result set, that makes queries so
useful to designers.

Data Views and Highlighting – What is displayed and how

To fully appreciate how to specify and apply queries, it is necessary to understand the concepts of the
distinct data views which are now provided, and of the highlighting options which are available when
queries (and other types of filtering commands) are applied. In a nutshell though, what is displayed is
determined by the data view, and how different objects are displayed within each data view is

Even when all of the file’s objects are displayed following a Zoom command, the data filtering feature has still been
invoked: the associated result set then consists of all of those objects.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

determined by the available highlighting options. Each of these is described in the following

Graphical View and List View – two distinct Data Views

During the course of designing a file, it acquires a number of objects, and of assorted types.
Traditionally, a graphical view has been provided to display those objects, in which the properties of
these objects are displayed in a spatial and visual manner.
However, the provision of a list view now provides designers with an alternative way of viewing those
objects, in which their properties are displayed in a tabular manner instead. Each row within this data
view’s array displays the properties of one object, and each column displays the value of one particular
type of property (as indicated by the top-most Title row) for each of the currently listed objects. It is
possible to control which properties (columns) are currently displayed and the sequence in which they
are listed; it is also possible to sort the sequence in which the objects (rows) are listed, as determined
by the values of one, or more, of their properties.
As is also the case within the graphical view, selected objects are displayed in a distinctive manner
relative to unselected objects, and the selected state of each object can similarly also be changed from
the list view. And double-clicking on an object similarly invokes a dialog box that lists that object’s
properties; in general though, there is little merit in doing that, because for most types of objects, all of
their properties are not just listed in the data view, but are also capable of being edited from there as
The provision of the list view means that two distinct types of data views are now available for viewing
the properties of a file’s integral objects. Each type of data view displays those objects’ properties in
different ways, but it is important to appreciate that they are both displaying the properties of the same
objects. Thus any changes which are made to any object’s properties from either of the data views
always results in corresponding changes in how the object is displayed in the other data view. One
example is an object’s selected property: an unselected object is displayed as such in both data views,
and a selected object is similarly displayed as such in both data views. And if the selected state of an
object is toggled from either of those data views, then the updated state is displayed as such not just in
that data view, but in the other data view as well.
The list view is contained within the newly provided List Panel, which is capable of being re-sized and
re-positioned to match the designer’s personal preferences; with the default set of resources, the F12
key toggles its visible state. As described later, this Panel also incorporates various controls associated
with queries; amongst other capabilities, the designer can specify and apply a query, and select the
highlighting options to be used when a query is applied.

Zoom, Select, and Mask – three distinct Highlighting options

Whenever a query is applied (or the data filtering feature is otherwise used), each object within the
target file becomes a member of that filtering action’s result set when so appropriate. However, how
the objects in the result set, and the objects which are not in the result set, are subsequently displayed

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

depends upon the Highlighting option(s) selected at the time. And in that regard, three different
highlighting options are available, as described:

When this option is selected, the graphical view of the target file is updated, with the updated view
displaying the region occupied by all of the objects which are members of the result set. Zoom
commands change the graphical view of files in a similar fashion, hence the designation for this
particular option.

Whether or not each remaining object is displayed in the thus updated view depends upon its location
relative to that region, so each of those objects can end up being totally displayed, or partially
displayed, or not even displayed at all.
This option has been provided primarily for updating the target file’s graphical view, which displays
spatial properties and relationships in an obvious manner. But it would be incorrect to state that it has
no impact upon the target file’s list view; depending upon the circumstances at the time, there can also
be changes to the set of objects which subsequently have their properties displayed in the list view,
and which of those objects are selected. That said, it is still unlikely that any designer would select the
Zoom option solely for its impact upon the target file’s list view.

When this option is selected, all of the objects which are members of the result set acquire a (true)
selected state, while all of the remaining objects acquire an unselected (or false selected) state.
Selected objects are displayed in a more distinctive manner than unselected objects in both the
graphical view and list view, so both of those views are updated accordingly.

This highlighting option, which has been newly provided, determines the updated masked property of
objects in the target file. When selected, all of the objects which are members of the result set acquire
an unmasked (or false masked) state, while all of the remaining objects acquire a (true) masked state.
The masking feature is described in more detail later, but in a nutshell, unmasked objects are displayed
in an unqualified form in both the graphical view and list view. On the other hand, masked objects are
displayed in a dimmed form in the list view, and are not displayed at all in the list view. The other
significant aspect of masked objects is that they are not capable of being edited, or of having any of
their other properties changed.

Which options can be selected are totally independent of one another, so any one of those three
options can be selected, or any two of them, or all three of them. (It is not impossible to alternatively
select none of those options, but there would be no point in doing so, as there would be no difference
between how highlighted objects and non-highlighted objects were subsequently displayed.) The
purpose of applying a query determines which highlighting options should be selected with it.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

The List Panel – another data view

The List Panel is of particular interest as far as queries are concerned, as these can be specified and
applied from this Panel. And depending upon the highlighting options (and ‘Clear Existing’ option)
specified at the time, the application of a query also determines which objects within a file are
subsequently listed (or listed and selected) in this Panel.

As previously described, this Panel incorporates the file’s list view, which lists the properties of all of
the file’s (currently unmasked) objects in a tabular format. The list view and graphical view both display
properties of the same objects, but in different forms, so while some tasks can be undertaken from
either view, other tasks are better undertaken from one of these views. One example of a task that is
better undertaken from the graphical view is moving one or more objects; it is easy to see where those
objects are being moved to, relative to all of the other objects. And one example of a task that is better
undertaken from the list view is inspecting or editing the properties of objects which are currently not
displayed in the graphical view, such as currently hidden parameters in Schematic files.

The List Panel incorporates the file’s list view, and can thus be used to view and edit the properties of the file’s objects;
it can also be used to specify and apply queries.

Zoom commands typically change which region of a file’s graphical view is currently displayed. Those
commands are not applicable to the file’s list view, but the designer instead has the ability to control

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

the sequence in which the objects are listed in the list view; these can be sorted by the values of one,
or more, of their properties. And by applying queries while the Mask highlighting option is selected,
the designer can control exactly which objects are listed in the list view.
Those aspects of the list view lend themselves admirably to tasks of a “searching” nature. By specifying
an appropriate query, the list view can thus be used to determine if there are any objects in the file
having a particular property, or combination of properties. A relatively elementary example is
determining if a file contains any Designator or Comment (Text) strings which are currently in a hidden
Another important aspect of the List Panel is that (like the Inspector Panel) it supports global editing, in
which the values of a particular type of property of all the currently selected objects are updated

The List Panel does not provide the only way of specifying and applying queries, but it is still very
useful for designers who want to learn how to specify these, as the list view provides instant feedback
on the outcomes of applying various queries. And for assorted tasks, the information of interest at the
time of applying a query is to be found within the list view.
Clicking on the Clear button (near the top of this Panel) effectively “clears” or “resets” the target file;
all of the objects within this subsequently acquire both an unselected and unmasked state. It is very
useful to do this whenever the designer wants the list view to display the properties of all of the file’s

For those who are totally new to specifying their own queries, but who want to learn how to do so, the
Builder… button should be clicked on, to invoke the Query Helper feature. The left hand section in
the resulting Building Query dialog contains controls, whose purpose is to assist the designer in the
task of specifying what properties are required for each of the file’s objects to be returned by the query
generated by this dialog. As each of those conditions are specified or edited, the contents of the
corresponding query are updated and displayed in the dialog’s right hand section. If this dialog is then
closed by clicking on its OK button, those contents will then be copied back to the List Panel. That
query can then be applied by clicking on the Apply button within this Panel, but that should be done
only after specifying the Highlighting options wanted, for which corresponding checkbox controls
have also been provided. (The additionally provided Clear Existing checkbox should be left in a
checked state until after some understanding of how to use queries has been acquired.)
After some understanding of how to specify queries has been acquired, the Helper… button within the
List Panel should then be clicked on, to invoke the Query Helper dialog. The designer is then fully
responsible for specifying the contents of a query, but this dialog still provides comprehensive
assistance, as it incorporates a Syntax-checking feature and a complete list of valid keywords (for the
type of currently focused file); comprehensive on-line help can also be accessed, by pressing the F1

Important Note: The selection state property is the only property which now determines whether each object
within a file has some other property updated during global editing procedures; unlike in previous versions of
Protel, it is no longer possible to use the current values of other properties to specify which objects are to have their
properties updated during global editing procedures.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

key while one of these keywords is highlighted. And (like the Building Query dialog) if this dialog is
closed by clicking on its OK button, the contents of the query are then copied back to the List Panel.

The List Panel also contains History… and Favorites… buttons. These both invoke the Expression
Manager dialog, which contains a list of previously applied queries and a list of favorite queries. A
query can be selected from either of those lists and then applied, and queries can also be copied from
the former list to the latter list, as desired.

In the case of PCB files, a Create Rule… button is also provided in the List Panel. When the designer is
satisfied that the result set of the currently applied query matches the requirements of a Design Rule,
clicking on that button facilitates the creation of the Design Rule concerned.

The Inspector Panel – property viewing and editing tool

As just described, the list view (contained within the List Panel) displays the properties of the target
file’s currently unmasked objects in a tabular format. The Inspector Panel also displays the properties
of objects, but in a condensed and qualified form.

More specifically, this Panel displays a “summarized” list

of the properties of the target file’s currently selected
objects. Its left hand column lists all of the types of
properties which are common to all of those objects,
while its right hand column indicates whether or not all
of those objects have the same value for each of those
types of properties. When a particular value is displayed,
all of those objects have the same (displayed) value for
that particular property, while the absence of the display
of any such value alternatively indicates that those
objects do not all have the same value for that particular

Even though the data displayed is of an incomplete

nature (unless just one of the target file’s objects is
currently selected) the data that is displayed can still be
very useful in various situations, and precisely because
of the nature in which this is presented. The designer is
able to determine, and at a glance, which property
values are common to all of those objects, and which
(remaining) property values are not.

By its nature, this Panel can be very useful to have

displayed during global editing procedures, which are
also only ever applied to the target file’s currently
selected objects. Designers have an indication of which
property values are common to all of those objects, and
both before and after each type of commonly shared

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

property is globally updated. It can even be used to actually update these property values, and as such,
displaying the List Panel at those times can be avoided; in some situations, having that capability can be

Masking - another highlighting option

Designers have long had the ability to control which objects within files are currently in a selected
state. And assorted Zoom commands have similarly permitted designers to select which region of a
file’s graphical view is currently displayed. With DXP, designers have additionally been provided with
the ability to select which objects within a file are currently in a masked state.

Masked objects are not capable of being selected or of otherwise having their properties edited in any
way. And unlike unmasked objects, masked objects do not have their properties displayed in the list
view. In a file’s graphical view, unmasked objects are always displayed in a totally undimmed form. To
distinguish them from unmasked objects, masked objects can be displayed in a dimmed form, with an
associated Mask Level control (invoked by clicking on the Mask Level button near the bottom right
corner of the DXP window) controlling how much the display of masked objects is dimmed. (At its
limits, this control either causes masked objects to be displayed in a totally undimmed manner, or else
causes the display of these to be totally suppressed.)

The Mask Level control is used to control how much the display of currently masked objects is dimmed.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

The masking feature can be used for a variety of purposes, and its power and usefulness is a
consequence of the designer having the ability to control which objects in a file are currently masked.
One example of how the masking feature can be usefully deployed is to enable a designer to edit just
some objects within a file, while the remaining objects are disabled from having their properties
edited, but continue to be displayed. Because the masked objects are still displayed, the designer can
see where these are relative to the unmasked objects.

In the previous illustration, the only unmasked objects are those on bottom side layers, but all of the
objects in the file are still displayed. (In past versions of Protel, the designer would have had to have
chosen between switching off (the display of) some of the layers, which would have totally suppressed
the display of all of the objects on those layers, or else leaving all layers displayed, which would have
left all of the objects in an editable state.)
However, the masking feature is far more powerful than just enabling the designer to select which
layers are masked, or which types of objects are masked. And there are many other purposes for which
this feature can be deployed. For another example, because masked objects cannot be selected,
designers can also control which objects within a file will be selected when the (Edit ») Select » All
command is invoked.
The masking feature can be invoked by various means, including from queries. However, this article
primarily focuses on using queries (which can also be used to control which objects in a file are
selected, and which area of a file’s graphical view is displayed).

Applications of Queries (Queries in context)

When a query is applied to a file, the properties of each of the objects within this are evaluated, to
determine whether its properties comply with the specifications defined by the query’s contents. The
thus-compliant objects become members of that query’s result set, and the combination of the
highlighting options also selected at the same time, together with whether each object is a member of
the result set or otherwise, determines the updated selected and masked properties of each object,
and the manner in which each object is subsequently displayed in each of the file’s data views.
These aspects are not just academic in nature: queries are genuinely useful, and can facilitate the tasks
undertaken by designers. As such, details are provided of the practical uses that queries can be put to,
and the different ways that the query feature can be accessed.

Finding, Presenting and Editing Objects

Three distinct highlighting options are available at the time that a query is applied, and it is possible for
each of these options to be selected totally independently of the others. At least one of these options
is always selected in practice (as selecting none of the options would produce an outcome of no
practical use), and in some situations, designers could elect to select two of the options, or even all
three of them.
A brief summary of the nature of each highlighting option follows.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

Mask option
If the Mask option is selected when the current query is applied, the objects which are not members of
the result set subsequently acquire a masked state, which prevents them from being selected or
otherwise edited; the objects which are members of the result set subsequently acquire an unmasked
state, and so remain capable of being selected and otherwise edited.
The designer also has the ability to control how masked objects are displayed in the graphical view. It
is possible to display these in the same manner as unmasked objects, but alternative options have also
been provided of displaying these in a dimmed state, or of totally suppressing their display all together.

The Mask option can be used to prevent particular objects from having any of their properties
changed, or to additionally inhibit the display of these. (As described later though, hierarchical
considerations can sometimes result in some masked objects remaining in an editable and fully
displayed state. However, having a comprehensive understanding of queries provides designers with
the ability to specify queries which minimize the extent to which that is problematic in practice.)
All of the unmasked objects are listed in the list view, whereas masked objects are not listed there3.
Another very useful reason for selecting the Mask option is to determine whether there are any objects
in the file having particular properties (or combinations of properties). If any such objects do exist,
they will become members of the result set of an appropriately specified query, and will thus be
displayed in the list view. Furthermore, just those objects will be displayed there, as all of the
remaining objects will not be members of the result set (and thus won’t be displayed there as well).

Select option
If the Select option is selected when the current query is applied, all of the objects which are members
of the result set subsequently acquire a selected state, while all of the remaining objects (which are not
members of the result set) acquire an unselected state instead.

This option would typically be selected just prior to global editing procedures, because only those
objects which are currently selected have their properties updated at the time. But there are other
occasions when the Select option can be useful, such as when particular objects are to be moved,
copied or deleted.

Zoom option
If the Zoom option is selected when the current query is applied, the graphical view of the file is
customarily updated. The updated view is one whose boundaries just enclose all of the objects which
are members of the query’s result set.

Hierarchical considerations qualify that situation (again). Some queries retain particular parent objects, while
simultaneously filtering out some or all of their child objects. Although not selected by default, an option is
available to restore otherwise filtered out child objects (of retained parent objects) to the list view.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

This option would often be selected in conjunction with one or both of the other options; as the
objects which are not members of the result set would either be unselected or masked (or both) at the
time, designers would often want the graphical view of the file to be updated so that only the objects
which have acquired a selected or unmasked state (or both) are displayed in the updated graphical
If the Mask option has not been simultaneously selected, objects which are not members of the result
set will still be displayed in the graphical view, if they are located within the updated boundaries of
this. At first glance, selecting this option by itself might seem pointless, but there could still be times
when a designer wants to update the graphical view so that this encompasses particular objects, while
not changing the selected state or masked state of any of the file’s objects.

Applying Queries
Queries can be applied from the List Panel, or from Find Similar Objects dialogs, or from Query Builder
dialogs, or from the Filter Toolbar (in the case of PCB files), or from resources (menu entries or toolbar
buttons or shortcut keys).
When the Find Similar Objects and Query Builder dialogs are used, the contents of the associated
queries are automatically generated. This is helpful for those who have yet to master how to specify
queries for particular tasks, especially as it is also possible for the contents of those queries to be
displayed in the List Panel.
The List Panel is the primary location for designers to apply queries when they want to specify their
contents. In many cases the updated contents of the list view will be of interest, which in itself is a
reason for having the List Panel displayed at the time. That Panel also supports designer-specified
queries in various ways, including the provision of a “keyword popup” feature, which facilitates the
entry of recognized keywords.
There is a much lower level of assistance provided for keying in queries in the Filter Toolbar, and the
highlighting options it uses are fixed, but it does provide a list of most recently used queries, from
which a query can be selected for re-application.

The default set of resources includes some menu entries which apply queries, and designers have the
ability to apply their own queries from customized resources. Details associated with applying queries
from resources are provided later in this article.

Query Options
When a query is applied, there are assorted options that can usually be specified at the same time.
Three of those options are the highlighting options, but normally at least one other option also needs
to be specified at the time, as described here.

Mask option
This is one of the highlighting options; when specified, the objects in the result set are placed in an
unmasked state, while the remaining objects are placed in a masked state. As described elsewhere,

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

objects in a masked state are not displayed in the file’s list view, and are typically displayed in a
dimmed manner in the file’s graphical view. They are also not capable of being selected or of
otherwise having any of their other properties modified in any manner.

Select option
This is one of the highlighting options; when specified, the objects in the result set are placed in a
selected state, while the remaining objects are placed in an unselected state. Objects in a selected state
are displayed in a distinctive manner in both the file’s graphical view and list view, and have their
properties updated during global editing commands.

Zoom option
This is one of the highlighting options; when specified, the objects in the result set are displayed in the
updated view of the file’s graphical view; whether each of the remaining objects is displayed depends
upon its location relative to the updated region that is displayed in the file’s graphical view. And
whether each object is displayed in the list view depends upon whether various other options were
It is possible to specify that (any) one of those outcomes be selected, or that (any) two of these be
selected, or that all three of these be selected. (It is also possible to specify that none of these be
selected, but then no aspect of the file would change when the query is subsequently applied.) Which
outcomes are specified for a particular query will depend upon why the query is being applied, and
whether the designer wants to view and edit objects from the file’s graphical view or from the list view
(or from both of these).

Clear Existing option

This option can usually4 also be specified whenever a query is applied. When selected, the file is always
“cleared” before the associated query is applied. (The outcome of “clearing” a file is that every object
in the file acquires both an unselected state and an unmasked state.) When not selected, any objects
which were already displayed in the manner matching how objects in the query’s result set are
consequently displayed are unconditionally added to the query’s result set, implying that such objects
remain displayed in the same manner following the query’s application. As such, while the provision of
this option does enhance the capabilities of queries, to not select this option typically results in
outcomes which are unexpected by designers with less experience; hence such designers should
always opt for selecting this option.

This option can be specified when the query is being applied from the List Panel or from Find Similar Objects or
Building Query dialogs, or from resources. When the query is being applied from the Filter Toolbar (in the case of
PCB files) though, the file is always cleared previously.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

Current Component / All Components option (Schematic Library files)

In the cases of Schematic Library files, designers can additionally select whether the query returns
compliant objects in just the currently focused part, or whether it returns compliant objects in all of
the parts contained in the target file.

Whole Library option (PCB Library files)

In the cases of PCB Library files, designers can additionally select whether the query returns compliant
objects in just the currently focused footprint, or whether it returns compliant objects in all of the
footprints contained in the target file.

Current Document / Open Documents option (Schematic files)

In the case of Schematic files, designers can additionally select whether the query returns compliant
objects in just the target file, or whether it returns compliant objects in all Schematic (document) files
which are currently open.

Run Inspector (‘Find Similar Objects’ and ‘Query Builder’ dialogs)

When a query is being generated from Find Similar Objects or Building Query dialogs, designers can
additionally specify whether the Inspector Panel is to be consequently displayed. When this option is
selected, that Panel will always consequently be displayed, and regardless of whether it was displayed
previously or otherwise. When this option is not selected, the displayed state of that Panel does not

Create Expression (‘Find Similar Objects’ and ‘Query Builder’ dialogs)

When a query is being generated from Find Similar Objects or Building Query dialogs, designers can
additionally specify whether an associated expression is also generated or not. When this option is
selected, an expression is generated, and this is listed in the List Panel, which is also consequently
displayed. When this option is not selected, no expression is generated or listed in the List Panel, and
the displayed state of that Panel does not change.

Finding Similar Objects – facilitating global object editing

A longstanding feature of DXP has been the ability to edit the properties of multiple objects
simultaneously. As one example from Schematic files, designers can change the Color property of all
Power Objects having a particular Text property (e.g. ‘GND’) within a file to the same value, and from
just one editing procedure. And as one example from PCB files, designers can similarly change the
Hole Size property of all vias having a particular Via Diameter property (e.g. 30mil) within a file to the
same value, and again from just one editing procedure.
That global editing capability has been retained, but global editing procedures are now always applied
to whichever objects are currently selected.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

The implications are that it is first necessary to select whichever objects are to have their properties
changed during the subsequent global editing procedure, and that it is also very important to select all
of the correct objects, and just those objects, before undertaking that global editing procedure.
In some situations, the appropriate objects could be selected by the user without having to apply any
query. However, in other situations, the potential exists for some objects to incorrectly remain
unselected, and / or for some objects to incorrectly be selected, and as such, it would then be desirable
to apply an appropriate query, in order to insure that the correct objects are in fact subsequently
Designers with sufficient experience in using queries could specify an appropriate query in such
circumstances, but not necessarily other designers. As such, a Find Similar Objects feature has been
provided, and this automatically generates a query whose contents produce an outcome matching that
desired by the designer.

This feature is invoked by positioning the cursor over one of the objects that is to have its properties
modified, and then selecting the Find Similar Objects… item from the (right mouse button) popup
menu. (Alternatively, the menu item of Edit >> Find Similar Objects could be selected, or the key
sequence of Shift+F could be invoked. The cursor then acquires a “busy” state, and one of the objects
that is to have its properties modified should then be clicked on.)
A Find Similar Objects dialog is subsequently invoked, and the designer then selects which types of
properties need to have same values (as the just clicked-on object). By default, the ‘Object Kind’
property of the other objects has to have the same value, but typically other types of properties need
to be similarly matched as well.
When the objective of using this feature is to select objects for global editing purposes, the Clear
Existing and Select Matching checkboxes should both be checked. And at least one of the Run
Inspector and Create Expression checkboxes should also be checked, so that the List Panel and / or the
Inspector Panel are subsequently displayed; one of those Panels needs to be used to implement the
following global editing procedure.

When the Create Expression checkbox is checked, the List Panel is subsequently displayed, and the
contents of the associated query are displayed in that. And although the queries generated by the Find
Similar Objects feature are relatively unsophisticated in nature, studying their contents still provides
designers with insights into how to specify their own queries.
Designers who have acquired all that they can from studying those queries will typically either not
continue to use the Find Similar Objects feature, or else will alternatively select the options of
checking the Run Inspector checkbox, but not the Create Expression checkbox. With that set of
options, the query generated by the feature is no longer loaded into the List Panel, but the Inspector
Panel is subsequently displayed, which facilitates implementing the succeeding global editing

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

The ‘Query Builder’ feature – automating query generation

Although the Find Similar Objects feature is useful in many circumstances, the power of the queries
which this generates is still rather limited in nature, compared with the power available from queries of
a more sophisticated nature.

The most complex queries can only be specified by designers with sufficient experience in using and
specifying these. However, the Query Builder feature permits queries of intermediate complexity to be
automatically generated, with the contents of these based upon the options and specifications selected
by the designer in the associated Building Query dialog.

That dialog can be invoked by clicking on the Builder… button within the List Panel. It can alternatively
be invoked by selecting the menu item of Edit » Build Query…, or the key sequence of Shift+B. (The
checkboxes and the Apply button within this dialog are only displayed if the dialog was not invoked
from the List Panel.)

The ’Building Query’ dialog (part of the ‘Query Builder’ feature) assists those who are less experienced in specifying
queries; a query is automatically generated whose contents correspond to the conditions specified by the designer.

The left hand section in this dialog contains controls, whose purpose is to assist the designer in the
task of specifying what properties are required for each of the file’s objects to be returned by the query
generated by this dialog. As each of those conditions are specified or edited, the contents of the
corresponding query are updated and displayed in the dialog’s right hand section. If this dialog is then
closed by clicking on its OK (or Apply) button, either the associated query will then be applied, or its
contents will then be copied back to the List Panel (depending upon how this dialog was invoked in
the first instance).

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

The ‘Query Helper’ Dialog – support for designer-specified queries

It is possible to enter queries directly into the List Panel, and sufficiently experienced designers can
take advantage of the associated “keyword popup” feature, which facilitates the entry of recognized
keywords. However, until designers have an in-depth understanding of the set of available keywords, it
is still recommended that they use the Query Helper dialog whenever they attempt to specify their
own queries.

That dialog is invoked by clicking on the Helper… button within the List Panel. (It can alternatively be
invoked by clicking on the Query Helper… button within the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog,
or by clicking on one of the Helper… buttons within the Impedance Formula Editor dialog.) This dialog
provides comprehensive assistance to the designer, as it incorporates a Syntax-checking feature and a
complete list of valid keywords (for the type of currently focused file). If this dialog is closed by clicking
on its OK button, the contents of the query within it are then copied back to the List Panel (or to the
PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog, or to the Impedance Formula Editor dialog).

The ‘Query Helper’ dialog provides comprehensive assistance for designers who want to specify their own queries.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

A brief description is provided for each keyword that is listed, but even more comprehensive online
help can be accessed, by pressing the F1 key while one of these keywords is highlighted. That invokes
the Online Help System dialog, which provides comprehensive details of which objects within a file
are returned by the highlighted keyword, how to use that keyword, and one or more examples of its

The Online Help can be accessed by pressing the F1 key while the ‘Query Helper’ dialog is displayed. Comprehensive
details are provided on how each available keyword can be used within queries.

Design Rules in PCB Files

The use of queries for any other purpose is not compulsory, but queries do have to be used to specify
the Scope(s)5 of each Design Rule that is defined in a PCB file; the query’s result set defines which
objects within the PCB file that the Design Rule concerned applies to.
However, assistance is again available to help designers in specifying these queries. The Query Helper
and Building Query dialogs can both be invoked from the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog,

Most types of Design Rules are of a Unary nature, and thus have only one associated Scope. However, Clearance,
Short Circuit, Acute Angle, Parallel Segment, and Component Clearance types of Design Rules are of a Binary
nature, and thus have two associated Scopes.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

which also supports automatic generation of the query contents for some of the simpler (but still
frequently used) Scopes. That dialog also contains a Rule Wizard … button, which invokes a New Rule
Wizard dialog, providing designers with yet another form of assistance when it comes to specifying
Design Rule Scopes.
As referred to previously, the List Panel contains a Create Rule… button. The designer can evaluate the
result sets of queries from this Panel, and once satisfied that the result set of the currently applied
query matches the requirements of a Design Rule, then click on that button to facilitate the creation of
the Design Rule concerned.
It needs to be kept in mind that, in general, what counts in the result set of Design Rule queries is the
primitive objects rather than the group objects. The former objects are of a “fundamental” or “child”
nature, and include arcs, fills, pads, (text) strings, tracks, and vias. Conversely, the latter objects are of a
“parent” nature, and include components, coordinates, dimensions, nets, and polygons. Thus a
Clearance Rule which specifies a customized clearance between polygons and other objects actually
requires a query whose result set includes the “child” objects of polygons, rather than of the “parent”
polygon objects. As such, an appropriate query to specify is InPolygon or InPoly (which returns
“child” objects of polygons), rather than IsPoly (which returns “parent” polygon objects). For
designers wanting to specify their own queries, the Online Help System dialog documents the result
set of each keyword provided.

Specifying Impedance Formulae

In Width Design Rules, designers can now specify either the traditional Width constraints, or
alternatively specify Characteristic Impedance Driven Width constraints. When the latter option is
selected, Minimum, Preferred, and Maximum Impedances are then specified, rather than Minimum,
Preferred, and Maximum Widths.
The Impedances thus specified are converted into corresponding Widths, with the relationships
between Impedances and Widths being determined by the Impedance Formulae which have been

To access those formulae, and to change them if desired, the Layer Stack Manager dialog first needs to
be invoked (from the menu entry of (Help » Popups ») Options » Layer Stack Manager …). The
Impedance Calculation… button in that dialog then needs to be clicked on, which invokes the
Impedance Formula Editor dialog. Each tab in that dialog contains a formula which defines the
(characteristic) impedance as a function of track width, and another formula which defines the track
width as a function of (characteristic) impedance. Each of those formulae are specified by query-like
expressions, which can be edited by designers if desired.
Clicking on either of the Helper… buttons in that dialog invokes the Query Helper dialog, but in this
case, all of the PCB Functions keywords listed in that dialog are listed under an Impedance section.
Those keywords define assorted properties of the PCB which have an influence on these formulae,
thus permitting designers to specify their own formulae.
A default pair of formulae has been defined for each tab of the Impedance Formula Editor dialog, and
each of those formulae can be restored by clicking on the appropriate Default button in that dialog.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

Unless designers know what they are doing, and have a good reason to change them, the default
formulae should in fact be used. The formulae concerned have been specified because they do model
the relationships between track widths and characteristic impedances to a respectable degree of

Filter Toolbar
The Filter Toolbar is (currently) only provided for PCB files.

It permits the designer to mask all of the objects within a file except for those having a Net property
specified by the designer, or all of the objects within a file except for those forming part of a
component specified by the designer. However, designers can also specify queries of their choice, by
entering these in the right hand most edit-box provided.

Designers can also select a query from a drop-down list of most recently used queries.

The right hand most edit-box of the Filter Toolbar is used to specify the contents of a query.

Unlike when queries are applied from the List Panel, or from Find Similar Objects or Building Query
dialogs, or from resources, it is not possible to specify which options are used when queries are
applied from the Filter Toolbar; in all cases, any previous query is totally cleared, and the Mask and
Zoom options are then used with the current query.

Applying Queries from Resources

As mentioned previously, it is possible to apply queries from resources (menu entries or toolbar
buttons or shortcut keys). And the set of default resources for each type of file that supports the use of
queries actually does incorporate such resources; these are of a menu entry nature, and are listed
under the ‘popup’ menu that is invoked after pressing the Y key.

The Customizing DXP Resources tutorial article describes how designers can customize their
resources. Thus designers have the ability to apply queries, customized for their requirements, from
customized resources.

There are pros and cons to applying queries from resources. The advantage is that queries can be
applied faster than by any other method, because designers do not have to key in the query’s contents,
or select the query from the lists of favorite and previously used queries, or specify which properties of
similar objects need to match or differ, nor do they have to specify which highlighting options (or any
other options) are to be selected when the query is applied; all of those details are specified in the
corresponding resource entry. The disadvantage is that because all of those aspects have been pre-
determined, designers are thus unable to change any of them at the time that the query is applied.
(Hence queries should be applied from resources only when none of those aspects do need to be
changed at the time.)

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

To create customized resources that will apply queries in Schematic Library or Schematic files, the
Process of Sch:FilterSelect should be specified (in the Process field within an Edit Command dialog).
Similarly, the Process of PCB:RunQuery should be specified to create customized resources that will
apply queries in PCB Library and PCB files.
At least three Parameters also need to be specified. An Expr Parameter is mandatory to specify the
contents (text string) of the query, and a Boolean Parameter of ClearExisting is also required. And
Boolean Parameters of Mask, Select, and Zoom also need to be provided as required. (If any of the
highlighting option Parameters are not specified, a False Parameter Value will be assigned for the
corresponding option; thus at least one of those parameters also needs to be specified, and in
conjunction with a True Parameter value.)
An example of the text which should be entered into the Parameters field within an Edit Command
dialog is as follows:

Expr=IsComment And (Hide = ''True'')| Mask=True | Select=False | Zoom=False |


As is customary for specifying (Process) Parameters, the | character is used to separate distinct
Parameters. Thus this Parameter entry stipulates that the contents of the query is the text string
IsComment And (Hide = 'True') (which will return all Text objects which are also Designator
strings of Component objects, and which are also currently in a hidden state), and that the file is to be
cleared before that query is applied, and that just the Mask highlighting option is to be used. In reality,
it was not necessary to additionally specify False Parameter Values for the Mask and Select highlighting
options, but the example still demonstrates how five distinct Parameters can be specified in the
Parameters field.
Note also that any words which are quoted within a query’s text string need to be doubly quoted when
that string is included in the Parameters field within an Edit Command dialog. Resource files use
quotation characters to define the start and end of any strings within each resource’s specification, so
when such strings incorporate quotation characters themselves (as is the case with the Expr Parameter
value in the above example), the duplicated quotation characters specify that the current string actually
incorporates a quotation character itself at that location, rather then specifying that the string starts or
ends at that location.

Inside the Query Language

Although the contents of a query are automatically generated when this is applied from a Find Similar
Objects or Building Query dialog, designers who want to derive the maximum power of queries need
to learn how to define the contents of queries for themselves. The following material is intended to
assist them in this regard.

Nature of Queries
The filtering capabilities provided by queries are not confined to any pre-defined list of filtering
actions, from which the designer selects an item as required. Instead, the result set of the data filtering

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

feature is determined by the contents of a query, which can properly be regarded as the leading
control input of the data filtering feature.
A query consists of a (text) string whose contents are of a nature that is comprehensible to the dat
filtering feature’s (parsing) software. A comprehensible query always contains at least one recognizable
keyword, and much (and even most) of the data filtering feature’s power is a consequence of the ability
for comprehensible queries to contain multiple keywords.

Clicking the Helper… button in the List Panel (or the Query Builder… button in the PCB Rules and
Constraints Editor dialog) invokes the Query Helper complete list of valid keywords.

A brief description is also provided for each keyword that is listed. However, the on-line Help file
(invoked by the F1 key while a keyword is highlighted) should be referred to for comprehensive details
of which objects within a file are returned by each available keyword, how to use each keyword, and
acceptable types and values of parameters that can be used in conjunction with those keywords that
can only be used in conjunction with one or more parameters.
Many (but not all) of these keywords can be used by themselves to specify a valid query. One example
of this is the keyword IsHorizontal (which is listed in the Attribute Checks section, in turn listed
under the PCB Functions category). As the description provided for that keyword indicates (Is the
object a Horizontal track), a query consisting of just that keyword returns just track objects, and
furthermore just those tracks that are horizontal in nature. (Such tracks have identical Y1 and Y2
properties, and later on, another example of a query will be provided which achieves the same
outcome as using that keyword by itself.)
Other keywords are not recognized when used in isolation, and need to be used in tandem with
recognizable parameters. One example of this is the ObjectKind keyword (which is listed in the
Fields section within the PCB Functions category). A valid query which uses that keyword is
ObjectKind = 'Fill', and the outcome of using that is that just Fill objects are returned. (An
alternative query of IsFill (another keyword which can be used in isolation, and which is listed in the
Object Type Checks section within the PCB Functions category) would also achieve the same outcome,
and this is a not atypical example of how a given outcome can be achieved by different queries.)

Queries using Multiple Keywords

Although a considerable assortment of keywords has been provided, what really boosts the power of
the Filtering feature is the ability to specify queries which contain more than one keyword. One
elementary example of this is the query of IsHorizontal Or IsVertical, which returns all tracks
which are horizontal, and all tracks which are vertical. Another such example is the query of
IsHorizontal And OnMultiLayer, and that returns just tracks, and furthermore just those tracks
which are both horizontal and on the Multi-Layer layer.
Those last two examples demonstrate a general principle. The use of the special keyword Or (in
conjunction with other keywords) generally increases the number of objects which are returned by a
query. On the other hand, the use of the special keyword And (in conjunction with other keywords)
generally decreases the number of objects which are returned by a query. (Queries can also
incorporate the keyword of Not, but sometimes there are complications associated with using that,

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

which will be covered in due course.) A sophisticated query typically uses a number of different
keywords to produce a desired outcome, and the special keywords of And and Or are typically each
used at least once.
While none of the examples provided so far have required the use of brackets to be unambiguous in
meaning, they are customarily required for queries of a more complex nature. And even for queries for
which brackets are not strictly required, it is still good practice to use them to make them more
“designer-readable” (not to mention sustaining the very desirable habit of using brackets in order to
define queries of a totally unambiguous nature).
The following example demonstrates a mix of the And and Or keywords, and why brackets must
sometimes be used to avoid ambiguity:

((IsPad And OnMultiLayer) Or IsVia) And (HoleDiameter < 16)

However, the use of exactly the same keywords, and in the same sequence, but with brackets in
different locations, results in a query with a different meaning:

(IsPad And OnMultiLayer) Or (IsVia And (HoleDiameter < 16))

(Both of those queries return all vias whose hole diameter is less than 16mil, but each of them differs in
which pads are also returned. The first query returns pads on the Multi-Layer layer whose hole
diameter is less than 16mil, but the second query returns all pads on the Multi-Layer layer, regardless of
their hole diameters.)

Finding Objects with particular Properties

While queries can be used to control which objects are currently capable of being selected or edited,
they can also assist in determining if any objects in the file have properties of a particular nature (or
particular combinations of various properties).

As one example of this, the query of (IsComment Or IsDesignator) And (Not OnSilkscreen)
returns all Designator strings and Comment strings in a PCB file that are on neither of the Overlay
Another example is the query of IsDesignator And (Hide = 'True') which returns all
Designator strings in a PCB file that are currently in a hidden state.
The query of IsPolygon And OnSignal And (PolygonRemoveDeadCopper = 'True') will be
very useful for anyone who has ever placed a polygon in a PCB file and then “lost” it. That situation can
happen when a polygon is placed on a signal (or “positive” copper) layer and the option of removing
“dead” copper is selected; if there are no other objects within the area occupied by the polygon which
have the same Net property (as the polygon), the polygon will be “invisible” as a consequence of
having no associated “child” objects. But applying that query will reveal if any such polygons do exist,
and if so, the designer can then double-click on the corresponding row within the List Panel to invoke
the properties dialog for the polygon concerned. (At that time, some of the properties of the polygon
can then be changed so that it is no longer “hidden” following a subsequent repour.)

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

An enhanced “Padstacks” feature has been newly provided for Multi-Layer pads; it is now possible to
specify the dimensions and shape of such pads on each signal layer. That enhanced functionality
would not normally be required, but a query of (ObjectKind = 'Pad') And (PadStackMode =
'Full Stack') would soon determine if any pads within a file are making use of that feature.
Perhaps more likely are pads which are making use of the longer-provided Top-Middle-Bottom option
instead. But the query of (ObjectKind = 'Pad') And (PadStackMode <> 'Simple') will return
all pads which are not using the Simple option; it will return all pads using the Top-Middle-Bottom
option, and any pads which are using the newly introduced Full Stack option.

Finding Objects with calculated properties

The examples provided so far have demonstrated that it is not difficult to specify a query which will
return objects having particular properties (or combinations of properties). However, what makes
queries even more powerful is their ability to return or exclude objects based upon calculated (rather
than explicit) properties.
The query of IsTrack And (Y1 = Y2) returns tracks which also have identical Y1 and Y2 properties.
Such tracks are consequently horizontal in nature, and the query of IsHorizontal actually returns
exactly the same objects. However, this example illustrates that the functionality of some of the
keywords provided can alternatively be implemented by queries containing appropriate combinations
of keywords of a more “fundamental” nature.
Another example of this is that the query of ManHat > 20 can alternatively be implemented by the
(somewhat more complex) query of IsTrack And ((ABS(X1 –X2) + ABS(Y1 - 2)) > 20).
An example of a filtering capability that cannot otherwise be implemented more simply by the use of
any “exotic” keywords, but which nevertheless still can be implemented, is the following query, which
returns tracks that are on an angle between 49.9 degrees and 50.1 degrees (i.e. an angle of 50.0 +/- 0.1

IsTrack And (ATAN((Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2)) Between (49.9 * PI / 180) And (50.1 *
PI / 180))
(The ATAN function returns an angle (which is the inverse tangent of its parameter) measured in units
of radians, and to convert such an angle to degrees, it needs to be multiplied by (π / 180). Although
designers can convert angles into radians themselves, the provision of the keyword of PI, that returns
a numeric value equal to π, facilitates specifying angles in degrees whenever keywords of a
Trigonometric nature are being used.)

In reality, it is highly desirable to avoid the use of queries with which the potential exists for dividing by
zero, and such an outcome would indeed come about whenever a vertical track was being evaluated
(for membership of the result set) by the above query. As such, that query should be regarded solely as
an explanatory example, and a better query, which would achieve the desired outcome, and without
the possibility of dividing by zero, is as follows:
IsTrack And IIF(X1 <> X2 , (ATAN((Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2)) Between (49.9 * PI /
180) And (50.1 * PI / 180)) , 0)

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

IIF(L,A,B) is a specialized “tool kit” keyword, which always requires the provision of three
parameters (depicted here as L, A, and B), and with each of those being separated by commas. It can
best be thought of as a command which specifies:
If L is True, then return A, otherwise return B.

In the above example, the parameter L is the string X1 <> X2, which returns a value of True if X1 is not
equal to X2, but otherwise returns a value of False.

The parameter A is the string (ATAN((Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2)) Between (49.9 * PI / 180)
And (50.1 * PI / 180)), which is thus evaluated when L is True. When L is True though, the value
of (X1 - X2) cannot possibly be zero, so the possibility of dividing by zero whenever that string is
being evaluated is subsequently eliminated.
The parameter B is the string 0, which is evaluated when L is False. That happens when X1 is equal to
X2, but as that only happens when the track being evaluated is vertical, its associated angle is thus 90
degrees. However, that angle is outside the range of interest (of 49.9 degrees to 50.1 degrees), so
returning a result of 0 (or False) results in such a track being unconditionally outside the result set (as
desired in the circumstances).

Hierarchical aspects
A characteristic feature of both Schematic and PCB files is that some types of objects within a typical
file are of a primitive nature, while the remaining types of objects are of a group nature. Group objects,
by nature, customarily incorporate one or more primitive objects. On the other hand, primitive objects
are either “free” in nature, or are otherwise “owned” by a group object.
As such, relationships of a hierarchical nature exist between various different objects within a file. That
situation facilitates the production and editing of designs; as one example, it is very useful to be able to
move or edit a component object as a single entity, rather than having to process each of its child
objects on an individual basis. However, these hierarchical relationships do have implications for
queries, especially when the Mask option is selected during the application of a query.
Parent objects and child objects are distinct entities, and it is possible for a query to mask a particular
parent object, while not masking some or even all of its associated child objects. The converse is also
possible; a query can assign an unmasked state to a particular parent object, while masking some or
even all of its associated child objects.
It is normal to edit the properties of a group object by editing the properties of its parent object, rather
than by directly editing the properties of any of its child objects. In actual fact, it is often not even
possible to directly edit the properties of child objects.

When a query is applied and one or more parent objects subsequently acquire a masked state, any
child objects of the group object(s) concerned, which have not (also) been masked by the currently
applied query, often can’t have any of their own properties edited at the time, and because their parent
object has been masked, it is also not possible to edit the properties of that object either. The
implication is that those objects are displayed in a “view only” state, rather than additionally being in
an “editable” state.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

However, even though it is generally not possible to directly edit the properties of child objects,
changing the properties of a parent object usually does change at least some properties of at least
some of its child objects. And that situation is the reason behind the policy for the graphical view to
display all of the (non-hidden) child objects of an unmasked parent object, and regardless of whether
each of those child objects is currently masked or otherwise.
That these situations exist is a mixed blessing. Even when a particular parent object has been masked,
thus preventing its properties from being viewed or modified, it is likely that for at least some of the
time, designers still want to be able to view any of its child objects which are not currently masked.
Conversely, whenever it is currently possible to edit a parent object’s properties, there is still at least
some merit in continuing to display all of its child objects in the graphical view, because in many
situations changing the properties of a parent object also changes the properties of at least some of its
child objects. Thus even when some (or even all) of the child objects are currently masked, the
potential remains that at least some of their properties could change, because their parent object is still
in an editable state.
In a nutshell, the graphical view can display child objects as though these are unmasked, even though
they are not displayed in the list view. And that has implications whenever queries are applied to
control how objects are displayed in the target file’s graphical view.

As one example, a pad object in a PCB file can be a child object of a parent object and of a net object. If
for whatever reason it is desired to display that pad as though it is a masked object in the file’s
graphical display, it would be necessary to specify a query which would assign a masked property not
just to that pad itself, but additionally to its parent component object, and to its parent net object.
Failure to mask all three of those objects would result in the pad being displayed in the graphical view
as though it was an unmasked object.
This aspect can be confusing to those who don’t appreciate what is happening. But as described, it is
not without reason that child objects are sometimes displayed in the file’s graphical view as though
they are unmasked, even though they are not also displayed in the file’s list view.

Tricks of the Trade

How to “re-filter” queries

There can be times when designers might want to “re-filter” the objects in a file, in which the objects
returned by one query (and just those objects) have their properties evaluated by a following query, so
that all of the objects which were not returned by the first query are all also unconditionally not
returned by the second query. And to achieve that outcome, all of the objects which are to be
evaluated by the second query should be placed in a selected state, and the contents of the second
query should be qualified by the use of the IsSelected keyword, in conjunction with the And operator.
As an example, if the contents of the second query would otherwise be IsPad, then a query of
IsSelected And IsPad should be specified instead. That way, all of the Pad objects which are not in a
selected state at the time that the second query is applied will still be “filtered out” after the second
query has been applied.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

How to comment a query

Any text within a query’s contents which is surrounded by opening and closing curly brackets is
ignored by the data feature’s parsing software. Thus curly brackets can be used to add comments to

Where to now
Hopefully those who have read this article now have some comprehension of the power of the data
filtering feature, and of the potential power that is available from mastering the art of how to specify
queries of an appropriate nature for various objectives.

It is hoped that those who have read this will have learnt enough to at least feel sufficiently confident
to experiment with queries. Ultimately, that is how designers will become true masters of using
queries. Although articles like this have an important role in getting designers initially acquainted with
these, it is ultimately usage and experience that are more important in determining each designer’s
level of expertise.

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

Appendix: Examples of Useful Queries

The following lists are examples of queries which can be used to accomplish particular objectives.

Queries to use with PCB files

IsComponent And (Copy(Name,1,2) Between 'C0' And 'C9')
Returns Component objects whose Name property starts with ‘C’ and which immediately follows with
a number, e.g. C1, C22, etc.

InComponent('C*') And HasFootprint('0603') And (IsDesignator Or

Returns Designator and Comment strings which belong to components which have a Footprint
property of ‘0603’ and a Name property which starts with ‘C’.

InComponent('C*') And HasFootprint('0603') And IsPad

Returns pads which are child objects of components, and which parent objects have a Footprint
property of ‘0603’ and a Name property which starts with ‘C’.

(StringType = 'Free') And (Component <> 'Free')

Returns strings which are child objects of components, but which are neither Designator strings nor
Comment strings.

OnTopSolderMask Or OnTopSilkscreen
OnBottomSolderMask Or OnBottomSilkscreen
Useful for checking whether any overlaps occur between the objects on one of the Silkscreen layers
and the objects on the Solder Mask layer on the same side of the PCB. (When used, the Silkscreen
layer selected should be set to be the current layer, and the Solder Mask layer being checked should
also be set visible at the time.)

Queries to use with Schematic files

Object_Designator(Parent) Like 'R*'
Returns child objects of Part objects whose (Component) Designator property starts with ‘R’. E.g. ‘R1’,
‘R2’, ‘RA1’, ‘RV12’, etc.

IsParameter And (Object_Designator(Parent) Like 'R*')

An Insider’s Guide to the Query Language article

As above, but returning just those child objects which are Parameter objects.

IsParameter And (Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part')

Returns Parameter objects which are child objects of Part objects.

IsPart And (PartId ='')

Returns all single-part Part objects.

PartId Like '?* '

PartId <> ''
Returns all multiple-part Part objects.

(PartDesignator Like 'R*') And (Copy(PartDesignator,2,1) Between '0'

And '9')
Copy(PartDesignator,1,2) Between 'R0' And 'R9'
Returns Part objects whose (Component) Designator property starts with ‘R’ and which immediately
follows with a number, e.g. R1, R22, etc.

((StringText > '') And (Not IsPowerObject)) Or (ParameterValue > '')

Returns all objects incorporating a string, when that string can have its Font property changed, and
contains at least one character.

IsParameter And OwnerName = ''

IsParameter And (Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = '')
Returns Sheet Parameters.

OwnerName = ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = ''
Returns Sheet Parameters, and other objects which are not child objects of any object.

Understanding & managing DXP panels article

29 Understanding & managing DXP panels

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................29-1
Panel Overview .................................................................................................................................29-1
General Design Panels .....................................................................................................................29-2
PCB-Schematic Panels .....................................................................................................................29-2
Editor-Specific Panels .......................................................................................................................29-3
Panel Info ..........................................................................................................................................29-3

This article introduces panels, which offer alternative views and tools for manipulating design
documents besides the standard graphical environment. Some of these panels are system-level
(transcending all editors), some are only available in the major design editors, while others can only be
seen in specific editors. A brief overview is given for each of the major design panels in DXP.

Panel Overview
Around the workspace are panels. (If all panels have been turned off, you may re-enable them through
the View menu, or by clicking on the Panel Control button below the workspace.) Panels are varied in
their functionality. Some of them won’t do a thing until your design enters a specific state (the
Inspector panel is blank until you select at least one object in your design; the Navigator panel is empty
until you at least analyze one document). Others only become available when you have their
associated editors active.
A panel may be docked solidly on the edge of the workspace or clipped there, only rolling out its
contents when the cursor is hovered over its name. Alternatively they may be left floating above the
workspace or turned off altogether. Right-clicking the panel’s name will offer additional docking
controls, while holding down the Control key while dragging a panel will suspend its normal docking
Normally, hotkeys have either been disabled or reassigned within panels. For instance, the arrow keys
within a design document will pan zoom, but the same arrow keys in the List panel’s spreadsheet will
move you through its rows and columns. We have introduced a new set of system-level commands that
transcend the conflict between active panels and active documents, allowing you to move freely
between them. The two you will find pre-packaged in the Customize dialog are a command to hide all
floating panels (assigned to F4), and a command to toggle back and forth between the active document
and the last-used panel (assigned to F5).

Understanding & managing DXP panels article

General Design Panels

Most panels are not confined to a single editor.

The File panel is for opening new or existing documents, including project files.

The Projects panel shows all open projects. Open documents that have not been invoked through a
project are listed in the Project panel as free documents. The current group of projects you have
collected within this panel may be saved as a project group file.

The Help Advisor lets you run natural-language searches for topics. All types of help documentation is
subject to these searches—results may include articles, tutorials, process-based help, or even What’s
This help entries. A history of your searches is kept, allowing you to relocate results.

The Libraries panel shows all added libraries, whether they be PCB, schematic, or integrated. These
libraries may be accessed manually to place components directly into design documents, or
automatically when you are updating documents with different components one way or another (or
The Messages panel also displays automatically when a project is compiled—but rather than appearing
beside the workspace, it naturally docks along the base. Messages are reported according to the flags
set in the Project Options dialog. Double-clicking on individual messages opens the floating Compiled
Errors panel, which displays links to the primitives involved in that message. The contents of this panel
simply allow you to jump between locations as you look to unravel each violation. Double-clicking on
a different message in the Messages panel will refresh the Compiled Errors panel with new links. That
panel, in turn, springboards information to the Compiled Object Debugger panel. You can sort, filter
or clear away the data in the Messages panel at any time you want.

PCB-Schematic Panels
DXP’s two major editors, PCB and schematic, share a series of panels that are not available elsewhere in
the program.

The Navigator panel lets you steer through your design documents in ways appropriate to each editor.
The schematic editor, in fact is linked to a Browser that will let you move
through your design along connectivity paths linking components, pins, You can control the
wires and nets. objects that display in the
Navigator and Browser
If you find navigating with the Browser disconcerting, try holding down the panels in the Project
Shift key as you click on an object. This keeps the Browser’s focus on the Options dialog.
object in question, even while the other navigation tools (highlight, select,
graph and zoom) let you view the connected elements. Holding down the Alt key as you click in either
the Browser or the Navigation panel allows you to cross-probe between the schematic design and the
target PCB, assuming the latter is also open.

The List panel lets you construct filters through logical expressions. It also provides access to the
Query Helper, which will tutor you in using the query language that drives DXP. Try pressing the F1 key

Understanding & managing DXP panels article

while highlighting a specific command; the online help provides comprehensive assistance in writing
commands in the right way. A Filter History allows you to browse to previously-used expressions and
reapply them.
Also included in the List panel is a spreadsheet view of all filtered objects in tabular format. Here you
may sort and arrange columns, further narrow the filter through column masks, select items and even
edit attributes directly. Selecting a group gives you the special option of making group edits at once, a
feature otherwise only available in the Inspector panel.

The Inspector panel displays a list of attributes shared by all selected items, and allows these objects to
be edited at once. Once you have selected all the items you want to change together, this panel will
first show you if this is possible, then let you make the change. Modifying any of these attributes
propagates the change across the entire selection.
For example, selecting some wires, buses, ports and sheet symbols together would include the Color
attribute in this panel, since they all share this attribute. Adding a component to your selection,
however, will eliminate the Color field from the Inspector panel, since color is not a field applicable to
Note: In the PCB editor, the Inspector panel will only include the items selected within that particular
PCB. But in the schematic editor, the Inspector panel will include the selections within all open
schematic sheets. While the XA keyboard shortcut will deselect all objects in the current document,
the XD shortcut has been added to deselect all items in all open schematic documents.

Editor-Specific Panels
A handful of panels are not shared across any editors, and so are only available when a particular
document type is active. PCB and schematic library documents, for instance, each have a Library Editor
panel for browsing and editing footprints or components. The PCB editor has a PCB panel that lets you
browse and edit the nets, components, rules/violations, from/to’s, or split planes in your design.
Similarly, the Text, CAM, and Simulation editors all have their own panels. Each of these panels are
designed specifically for the diverse tasks allotted to each editor.

Panel Info
Most of the panels you come across in DXP contain advanced features that deserve your attention. We
recommend that you avail yourself of the online help that details the purpose and procedures for each
panel. This can be done by activating a panel (clicking within it) and pressing the F1 key.

Additional information about specific panels are included in other articles. The Libraries panel is
discussed in the Enhanced Library Management Using Integrated Libraries article, the List panel is
discussed in the Introduction to the Query Language article, and the Projects panel is discussed in the
Transferring a Design from Protel 99 SE to DXP article.

Specifying PCB Design Rules & Resolving Errors article

30 Specifying PCB design rules & resolving errors

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................30-1
PCB Design Rules.............................................................................................................................30-1
Defining PCB Rules...........................................................................................................................30-2
PCB Rules and Constraints Editor ............................................................................................30-2
Rule Scope and Constraints .....................................................................................................30-2
Recycling Rules ........................................................................................................................30-3
Design Rule Checks..........................................................................................................................30-3
Online DRC ...............................................................................................................................30-3
Batch DRC ................................................................................................................................30-4

This article describes how rules are defined, edited, and checked through online or batch DRC tools. It
discusses preventing errors on the one hand, and navigating and resolving violations on the other.

PCB Design Rules

Design rules are not a frill or an add-on for serious PCB designers—they are an integral part of the
design process. Accordingly, DXP’s design rule checks have been developed to interact with your style
of design work.

Once upon a time there may have prevailed in the printed circuit board industry an attitude of design
first, check later. This is absolutely not an option for modern PCB designers, who require tools to keep
tabs on complex and multifarious rules as they set out and route their boards—tools that will detect
violations as soon as they are made.
But design rules should be in place before you start designing for other reasons as well: both manual
and autorouting routines will look to existing rules to know what to avoid. In fact, “manual routing”
has been renamed “interactive routing” to emphasize its regard for design rules. For example, you may
set the interactive router to avoid or even push around obstacles, that is, objects that would otherwise
cause a design rule violation with the track you are laying down.
Whatever design rules you set up will be saved with your board. In fact, a list of generic rules are
generated even when you create a new board. This is DXP’s way of nudging you to establish your rules
before you start designing—before you even move a MOSFET, so to speak.

Specifying PCB Design Rules & Resolving Errors article

Defining PCB Rules

There are three places where you may define PCB rules: in PCB directives, the PCB Rules and
Constraints Editor and the PCB panel.

PCB directives allow design rule constraints to be defined as parameters in the schematic editor. This
allows design rules to be created before a target PCB is even created. It also assigns Unique ID values
to each rule, letting you report differences and synchronize updates after the rule has been added in
the PCB document. The scope of these rules, however, is defined by the placement of the PCB
The PCB panel lets you browse a board by rules. Here you only have access to existing rules, but you
have the luxury of pressing the Cancel button if you change your mind in the middle of editing a rule.
The PCB Rules and Constraints Editor, in contrast, is a live editor, with no undo or cancel options.

PCB Rules and Constraints Editor

The PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog enables you to set up new design rules or edit existing
ones, for the current design. Individual rules are separated by major categories and sub-categories
(types). Multiple rules of the same type will be automatically prioritized, letting DXP resolve any
conflicts between them. Rules are divided into categories and sub-categories. These priorities can be
redefined by the user.
In the folder-tree pane on the left side of the dialog, each of the ten design rule categories are listed
under the Design Rules folder. Click on a category to list all specific rules that have been defined for all
associated design rule types of that category, in the main editing window of the dialog. Click on a rule
type to list all specific rules that have been defined for that type. Click on the root folder to list all
specific rules that have been defined for all design rule types, across all categories.
In each case - whether you have clicked on the root folder, a category or a type - the main editing
window of the dialog will display summary information for each defined rule, including: the rule name,
the type of rule it is and the rule category it belongs to; the scope of the rule (i.e. what object(s) it
applies to); the constraint attributes that have been defined and the rule's priority. You can also
enable/disable a rule from within these summary list views.

A report of currently defined design rules for all categories, a specific category or a specific type, can
be generated. Simply right-click in the respective summary list, or over the respective entry in the
folder-tree and choose the Report command in the pop-up menu. The Report Preview window will
appear, with the appropriate report already loaded.

Rule Scope and Constraints

All rules have two basic parts: scope and constraints. The scope is the target group, and is focused the
same way objects are filtered: through queries. These queries can be written free-hand, or by using
intuitive pull-down lists within this editor or the more advanced tools in the Query Builder or Query
Helper. Some rules, such as the clearance rule illustrated above, have two scopes. This is inherent in
the rule type; a clearance rule, for example, implies two targets that must be kept a certain distance

Specifying PCB Design Rules & Resolving Errors article

from one another. We call these binary rules, which contrasts with the more common unary (single-
scope) rules.
Constraints define the rule itself.

A Rule Wizard can be launched from the PCB Rules and Constraints dialog. This has been introduced
to assist you in specifying new constraints and scope(s) from scratch.

Recycling Rules
Other, less obvious tools will allow you to reuse pre-defined rules. Right-clicking in the folder-tree
section of the PCB Rules and Constraints dialog will give you the option to import or export individual

If, on the other hand, you want to import a whole set of pre-defined design rules, you may want to
prepare a blank PCB document that has all the rules set up. This document can be saved as a template
for future PCB’s (put it in the Altium/Template folder).

Design Rule Checks

All design rules, with the exception of signal integrity rules, may be checked actively during design
(online) or all at once (batch). In the Design Rules Checker dialog you may designate which rule types
(classes) you wish to include in the Online DRC, the Batch DRC or both.

To run a batch DRC from this point, simply click on the Run button. If you simply wished to add or
remove rule classes to or from the online DRC, you may simply make the changes and press the Close

Online DRC
For a rule to be subject to the online DRC (displaying violations as they occur), three requirements
must be met. In addition to enabling the rule in the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor, and designating
its rule class for online checking in the Design Rule Checker, you must make sure that the online DRC
is turned on for the whole PCB editor, which is a system preference.
Once all three are enabled for online checking, violations will be flagged as they are created. That is to
say, any objects within an online rule’s scope that are found in violation of that rule’s constraints will
change from their normal color to the color assigned to the DRC Error Layer (by default violations are
painted a conspicuously bright green).

Additionally, the PCB panel is refreshed immediately with violations when they are detected by the
online DRC. In this way, you may see what rules have been violated, then find a resolution—either by
modifying the board or by tweaking the rules. Double-clicking on individually listed violations yields a
more detailed description about each infraction.

Specifying PCB Design Rules & Resolving Errors article

Batch DRC
But the online DRC should never replace batch DRC entirely. In fact, you would do well to remember
that the online DRC only detects new errors—ones that are created after you turn it on. So while good
designers know the value of the online DRC, they also know that board design should begin and end
with a batch DRC.
The Design Rule Checker dialog allows you to set up batch mode checking for the same individual
rules covered by the online mode, with the addition of signal integrity rules. An option is also provided
that allows you to specify how many violations can be found before the DRC is stopped.

Another benefit of running a validation in batch mode is that it allows you to create a report. This
report lists each rule type that is tested. Any violations located are listed in each case, including full
details of any reference information such as the layer, net name, component designator, pad number
and location coordinates. Further options in the DRC interface allow you to include internal plane
violations and sub-net details. The latter can be used if checking has been enabled for the Unrouted
Net rule.
Whether generating a DRC report or not, it is always a good idea to enable the option that will
highlight violations in the PCB workspace after running a batch DRC. As a visual aid, such highlighting
can often speed up the process of resolving rule violations.

Impedance Controlled Routing article

31 Impedance Controlled Routing

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................31-1
Impedance-Controlled Routing .........................................................................................................31-1
Calculating Widths for Layers ...........................................................................................................31-1
Interactive Routing ............................................................................................................................31-2

This article discusses the new layer-specific controls that have been added to PCB routing width rules.
These may be defined manually based on the user’s own impedance calculations, or they may be
calculated in DXP based on the characteristic impedance value provided.

Impedance-Controlled Routing
New controls have been added to the routing width design rules. Now you may set a width rule that is
different depending on what layer you’re on. The major reason designers would want this control is
that their boards have high-speed clock signals such that traces behave like transmission lines. Parasitic
effects, such as ringing, losses, delays and reflections can be controlled by placing routes of just the
right width. This width is a function of the characteristic impedance calculated for the signal layer—and
it will be different for different layers.
If you’ve done the calculations yourself, you can simply enter the Minimum, Maximum and Preferred
widths for each layer, and have that rule apply to whatever signals fall within the scope of your rule. But
you don’t have to do it yourself. You can choose to have the layer widths driven by a characteristic
impedance value (Z0), which you provide.

Calculating Widths for Layers

The preferred characteristic impedance value you enter in the width rule dialog factors into formulas
defined in the Layer Stack Manager. This is an appropriate place for impedance calculations to be
made, because they use the layer stackup both to determine which formula to use, and to see how far
each signal layer is from the relevant plane(s).
DXP makes separate calculations for Microstrips and Striplines. A microstrip refers to a signal layer that
has an internal plane somewhere above or below it in the layer stackup, but not both (that’s a stripline).
Two keywords have been introduced into the query language to make these separate calculations:
TraceToPlaneDistance for microstrips, and AboveBelowPlaneDistance for striplines.

Impedance Controlled Routing article

Since these calculations rely upon the physical order of signal layers and planes, as well as the physical
height of copper layers and dielectrics, designers interested in accurate impedance-controlled routing
should finalize these board values before they begin routing affected nets.

Interactive Routing
If you have access to Protel DXP, you will find that the track width will jump automatically to the
preferred value defined in the corresponding width rule when you move from one layer to another
(currently, this applies to interactive routing, but not to autorouting). Any changes you make to the rule
will not alter nets you’ve already routed, but if your existing routes now fall outside the calculated
width constraints, you will see errors when you run a Design Rules Check.
You should also be aware that the current set of impedance controls does not account for the effect of
vias, but assumes lossless transference from one signal layer to the next. Additionally, this only takes
into account single-ended structures, which look at an entire layer, and determine the routing width of
target nets on a whole-layer basis.

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

32 Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................32-1
Generating Projects...........................................................................................................................32-1
Components ......................................................................................................................................32-2
Links and Unique IDs ........................................................................................................................32-3
Net Identification Scope ....................................................................................................................32-3
PCB Import Wizard............................................................................................................................32-3
Board Shape .............................................................................................................................32-4
Split Planes ...............................................................................................................................32-4
Special Rule Conversions .........................................................................................................32-4
Rules .................................................................................................................................................32-5
Simulation Model References and Configurations ............................................................................32-5
Multi-Channel Designs ......................................................................................................................32-5
Saving Work ......................................................................................................................................32-6
Notes .................................................................................................................................................32-6

This article outlines the steps by which Protel 99 SE designs may be converted into PCB projects in
DXP. It discusses the correlation between databases and project groups, introduces new innovations
for components and libraries, and describes potential conflicts on legacy designs, with information on
how to resolve them.

Generating Projects
To convert a 99 SE database into projects for DXP, simply open the database from DXP’s menu.
Confirming this operation launches a two-step process. First, all of the database’s contents are poured
into a new Windows folder (with the same name and location as the database itself). Second, some
additional files are generated and opened within DXP—namely, one project group file, plus any
number of individual project files.
While your 99 SE database may contain any number of document types—all of which are written to the
hard drive in step one—the automatic project-building that occurs in step two only takes into account
PCBs, Schematics, Libraries and Netlists. A separate project file will be created for every folder
containing at least one of these file types. The type of project depends upon each folder’s contents.

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

If the folder contains any schematic, netlist or PCB files, a PCB

project is created (.PrjPcb), and all recognized design documents
are included within it (i.e. schematic, PCB and library files).

If the folder includes schematic libraries but no schematics or PCBs,

a library package is created (.LibPkg) and schematic library
documents in this folder are added to it. (PCB libraries are not
automatically added to library packages as you may prefer to use
ordered search paths for finding models).

DXP identifies documents via their file extensions. Any of your PCB,
schematic, library or netlist files that do not have an appropriate
extension (or any extension at all) within your database will be left
out when the new DXP projects are generated. Remember,
however, that such files will still be written to the hard drive, and
may still be included by renaming the documents with appropriate
extensions, then dragging them from Windows Explorer into DXP’s
Project panel.

As you examine your design documents in DXP, you will discover some changes—none of which
should interrupt your work flow. One is that all text fields and part fields in schematic components and
libraries are converted to parameters. While 99 SE offered up to eight text fields and 16 part fields per
component, DXP has imposed no limit on the number of parameters that may be added.

A few specific fields in 99 SE components were reserved for simulation data. When these fields are
used as such, DXP will translate their values to the Model section rather than the Parameter section.
Multiple models, like parameters, may be added to a single component without limits. Unlike
parameters, only one model of any given type may be enabled (current) at one time.

DXP offers new innovations in the handling of libraries, but none of these are mandatory. All of your 99
SE libraries will work directly in DXP; simply add the ones you need (schematic and PCB alike) to DXP’s
Libraries panel, and they will work as they did before.

That said, there are strong arguments for getting your feet wet in DXP’s new pool of library resources.
The panel’s list of added libraries may be re-ordered, letting you decide which libraries take
precedence in the search for matching footprints. It also allows for a third type of library to be added:
Integrated Libraries.

Integrated libraries allow you to associate specific models with specific components, and bind them
together. Now, when the component is placed in a schematic and synchronized with a PCB document,
the footprint model that appears will be the one you prepared in the library for that component. There
will be no “component not found” errors, as the integrated library file is, in fact, a database containing

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

all of the models used in the integrated package. With the security and portability they offer, you will
eventually incorporate integrated libraries into your design flow. In the meantime, the libraries you
have already created will continue to work just fine.

Links and Unique IDs

In 99 SE and DXP alike, Unique ID values allow schematic and PCB objects to remain associated with
one another even when their basic properties are modified in one editor and/or the other. You will
notice, however, that all links are dissolved between schematic and PCB components when you
generate a new DXP project from a 99 SE design.
Re-establishing them is easy. First, reset all Unique ID values on the schematic side, which shortens
existing values to a manageable length, and assigns new values to other objects, such as sheet symbols.
Then, on the PCB side, pair components with footprints in the Component Links dialog. A fully
synchronized 99 SE database should make this a two-click process: first, add pairs by matching
designators (the default correlation), then perform the update.

An underlying difference between DXP and 99 SE is that establishing links is not a prerequisite to
synchronization. If, for example, you skip the sequence described above, and simply try running
update/import commands on a PCB design you brought into DXP from 99 SE, you will be informed that,
although synchronization by Unique IDs has failed, you may still proceed to match by designators.
Doing so will not have any effect upon the Unique ID fields in your design, meaning that if you repeat
the process, the same failure will be reported. Assigning the same Unique ID values to schematic
components and PCB footprints is the only way to create persistent links between them.

Net Identification Scope

It may be appropriate to assign a specific net identification scope to your schematic projects. By
default, this setting in the Project Options dialog will be automatic (based upon design contents). This
means that if your project contains any sheet symbols with sheet entries inside, the scope will be set to
Hierarchical (sheet entry <-> port connections). If your project contains ports but no sheet entries,
then the scope will be set to Flat (only ports global). If your project contains neither sheet entries nor
ports, then net labels will become global.
If you do not wish to use this automatic detection, you may simply assign an individual scope to be
applied to the project regardless of its contents. This is recommended for 99 SE projects that used the
Global scope for both ports and net labels, as this scope is not available through DXP’s automatic

PCB Import Wizard

The first time you open a legacy board in DXP, an Import Wizard will help you make assignments for
Board Shape, Split Planes and Special Rule Conversions.

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

Board Shape
All PCB designs in DXP require a Board Shape. This is new in DXP, so it must be added to boards you
bring in from previous versions. The Import Wizard gives you two options: a rectangular shape
encompassing all of your design objects, or a more precise board outline based upon shapes within
your design. If you choose the latter option, your Keep-Out and Mechanical layers will be analyzed for
shapes which might yield a border for your design. Whatever option you choose, a preview pane will
show the proposed Board Shape.
The Board Shape defines the physical extents of the board, and as such provides the outline for
pullback tracks on internal planes. Because planes are negative images, pullback tracks create a thin
no-copper (“blowout”) zone between the board edge and the plane, preventing shorts along the edge
of the manufactured board. These tracks are not accessible for direct editing on the plane layers, but
the Board Shape may be redefined at any time within DXP, and the pullback tracks will be rearranged
accordingly. The Layer Stackup Manager will allow you to change the initial pullback distance you set
in the Import Wizard.

Split Planes
DXP has changed the way split planes are defined. Previously, split planes were placed on top of
internal planes, each inside its own “bubble” enclosure. In contrast, DXP split planes are inferred
wherever blowout objects (tracks, arcs and fills) create isolations from the rest of the plane. These
blowout sections do not belong to one split plane or another; DXP designs no longer require
overlapping or juxtaposed tracks alongside adjacent split planes.
There is one exception to this: the Import Wizard allows you to operate in legacy split plane mode. It is
recommended that you only do so if you encounter problems with the import of planes in your design,
or if your PCB includes split planes that will require further editing in an earlier version. Later, you may
convert your design to DXP plane mode; in the meantime, new split planes will be placed upon
internal planes, rather than inferred from blowouts.
When you do convert your designs to the new method, you will be able to simplify your split plane
definitions. You don’t have to, as your legacy split planes will still work in DXP, but they may include
redundant lines that make your board more complex and calculation-intensive than it ought to be. The
easiest way to update 99 SE split plane definitions in DXP is to add a new plane layer, then trace the
existing regions onto the new plane. Once this is done, select all objects on the old plane layer and
delete them. After the net assigned to that layer has been disconnected, the layer can be deleted from
the layer stack. Finally, check that the net assignment for each split region is correctly assigned (using
the Split Plane Editor in the PCB Navigator panel is the easiest way).

Special Rule Conversions

Some older versions of Protel did not allow pad settings to override general mask expansion rules,
meaning that some older designs might have had solder or mask expansion rules that targeted single
pads only. The Import Wizard will detect any such rules in your design, and offer to convert them to
pad settings, thus simplifying your set of design rules. On the other hand, the Import Wizard will offer

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

to create a new rule disconnecting vias from planes, as some older Protel versions did not allow via-
plane connections.

Another change in DXP is the scope of design rules, which are now defined by the same query
language used in the List panel to highlight objects. All of your existing rules will be imported
correctly, but the scope, which was previously built through a series of dialog tabs and drop-down
selections, will be displayed as a simple query, such as InNet(GND). To apply a rule across an entire
board, the default scope (All) should be retained.
When a PCB design from any previous Protel format is opened in DXP, this rule-scope conversion will
occur automatically, as will the prioritization of rules (to resolve cases in which their scopes overlap).
The point is that DXP’s new way of defining rule scopes, along with the ability to re-prioritize
potentially conflicting rules, offers unprecedented freedom and control in PCB design rule checking.

Simulation Model References and Configurations

In 99 SE, all simulation models were contained in the SimulationModels.ddb supplied with the
installation. DXP, on the other hand, offers several locations where you might keep these models. (See
Components, Models & Library Concepts for more details.)

Because all 99 SE components use a defined model path to link from the schematic component to the
simulation model, the easiest way to keep your 99 SE simulations working in DXP is to export all the
folders and models from the 99 SE simulation models database, into the \Altium\Library\Sim folder.
DXP supports referencing a model using a full path. When a 99 SE schematic with simulation-ready
components on it is imported, the simulation model link is automatically transferred to the DXP Full
Path Model Location field. DXP includes an internal check to always include the \Altium\Library\ folder
when searching a full path model location, ensuring that your 99 SE design will simulate once the
simulation models are in their new location.
In 99 SE, the settings in the Analysis Setup dialog are stored in a configuration file (.cfg) within the
database. When DXP simulates the design for the first time, if no specific simulation setup parameters
have been configured, DXP will look for and use that .cfg file. When you save your new DXP project,
the simulation settings will be written to the project file, and the old .cfg file becomes redundant.

Multi-channel Designs
Perhaps those PCB projects that will require the most attention are your multi-channel designs.

In 99 SE, multi-channel design was really a matter of making copies of the child sheet, which were then
re-annotated and referenced by separate sheet symbols. Now that DXP lets you truly reference the
same child sheet repeatedly, you will first need to modify your schematics. First, remove all but one of
the copied child sheets from your project. Then, update the corresponding sheet symbols with distinct
names but all referencing the one remaining child sheet.

Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE

A wiser strategy, however, would be to delete all but one sheet symbol for each channel, and replace
its Name field with an appropriate Repeat command. This way the number of channels may be
changed at any future time by simply changing this one field. (Repeat commands can also be applied to
nets; refer to the Multi-Channel Mixer.PrjPcb example for more information.)
When you import the project changes to your PCB, new component classes (one for each channel) will
be created. The channel class, however, must be added manually in the Classes dialog. If you have a
PCB room (Confinement Constraint Rule) for each of your channels, you may want to update your
board design to take advantage of the Copy Format commands for rooms. This can be done by
unrouting all but one of the channels, then copying both the component placement and routing from
one channel to the rest.

Saving Work
The file formats for both PCB- and schematic-based documents have been fundamentally restructured
in DXP. For this reason, transferred documents—PCB documents particularly—will respond sluggishly
to regular tasks (such as net analysis) until your board is saved in the new binary format.
Another time-saving tip is to either rename or move your project folder away from the database from
which it was created. Otherwise, any changes you make to transferred documents will remain at risk of
being overwritten, which would happen if the database were inadvertently re-opened in DXP. Because
the database documents and sub-folders have been exported to the same location on your hard drive,
moving this folder will not threaten the integrity of the project, as project files use relative paths to all
added documents except those on different drives. Therefore, having all referenced documents at or
below the level of the project file will mean that a folder containing them all can be relocated without
losing track of any sub-documents.

Outputs may be configured and generated together by adding an output jobs file (.OutJob) to your
PCB project. These files are interactive with your current design, and allow one-button generation of
all output jobs (CAM and prints alike). The 99 SE CAM Manager (.cam) and Power Print Configuration
(.ppc) files are not recognized by DXP, so outputs will need to be reconfigured for imported designs.
As a final note, some 99 SE users chose the Windows File System rather than the Database System of
storage. A .ddb file was still created, but it contained links rather than documents (much like the
project model offered in DXP). But because no documents actually exist inside this .ddb file, opening it
in DXP will do nothing. To create a project from these databases, simply create a new project file in the
correct location, then right-click on it and select Add to Project. You can multi-select files in the Chose
Documents to Add to Project dialog, making it a single step to bring all the design files into the new
DXP project.

Shortcut Keys

33 Shortcut keys

Design Explorer Shortcuts

Left-Click Select document under cursor
Double Left-Click Edit document under cursor
Right-Click Display context sensitive pop-up menu
Ctrl + F4 Close active document
Ctrl + Tab Cycle through open documents
Drag & Drop from
• one project to another Move selected document
• File Explorer to Design Explorer Open selected document as a free document
Alt + F4 Close Design Explorer DXP

Common Schematic and PCB Shortcuts

Shift While autopanning to pan at higher speed
Y While placing an object to flip it along the Y-axis
X While placing an object to flip it along the X-axis
Shift+ ↑ ↓ ← → Move cursor ten grid increments in direction of
arrow key
↑↓←→ Move cursor one grid increment in direction of
arrow key
Space Abort screen re-draw
Esc Escape from current process
End Redraw the screen
Home Redraw screen with center at the cursor point
PageDown or Ctrl + mouse wheel Zoom out
PageUp or Ctrl + mouse wheel Zoom in (zooms around cursor, position the cursor
Mouse wheel Pan Up/Down
Shift + mouse wheel Pan Left/Right
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + A Select All
Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + S Save current document

Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + R Copy and repeat paste selected objects
Delete Delete Selection
V+D View Document
V+F View Fit placed objects
X+A De-select all
Right-Click & Hold Display slider hand & slide view
Left-Click Focus or select object
Right-Click Pop-up floating menu, or escape from current
Right-Click on object, select Find Similar Load object under cursor into Find Similar dialog
Left-Click, Hold & Drag Select inside area
Left-Click & Hold Move object/selection under cursor
Left Double-Click Edit object
Shift + Left-Click Select/deselect object
TAB Edit attributes while placing
Shift + C Clear current Filter
Shift + F Click on object to display Find Similar dialog
Y Popup Quick Queries menu
F11 Toggle Inspector panel on/off
F12 Toggle List panel on/off

Schematic Shortcuts
Alt Constrain object movement in line horizontally and
G Cycle through snap grid setting
Spacebar Rotate object being moved by 90 degrees
Spacebar Toggle start/end mode while placing a wire/bus/line
Shift + Spacebar Step through placement modes while placing a
Backspace Remove the last vertex when placing a

Shortcut Keys

Left-Click, Hold +Delete When a wire is focused to delete a vertex

Left-Click, Hold +Insert When a wire is focused to add a vertex
Ctrl + Left-Click & Drag Drag object

PCB Shortcuts
Shift + R Cycle through three routing modes (ignore, avoid or
push obstacle)
Shift + E Toggle electrical grid on/off
Ctrl + G Pop up snap grid dialog
G Pop up snap grid menu
N Hide the ratsnest while moving a component
L Flip component being moved to the other side of
Backspace Remove last track corner during track placement
Shift + Space Step through corner modes during track placement
Space Toggle start/end mode during track placement
Shift + S Toggle single layer mode on/off
O + D + D + Enter Set all primitives to display in draft mode
O + D + F + Enter Set all primitives to display in final mode
O+D Show/Hide Tab of Preferences dialog
L View Board Layers dialog
Ctrl + H Select connected copper
Ctrl + Shift + Left-Click Break track
+ Next layer (numeric keypad)
- Previous layer (numeric keypad)
* Next routing layer (numeric keypad)
M+V Move split plane vertices
Alt Hold to temporarily switch from avoid-obstacle to
ignore-obstacle mode
Ctrl Hold to temporarily disable electrical grid while
Ctrl + M Measure distance
Shift + Space Rotate object being moved (clockwise)
Space Rotate object being moved (anti-clockwise)
Q Toggle units (metric/imperial).


34 Glossary
Analyze document – compiles (netlists and validates) the selected document.

Compile Integrated Library – creates an integrated library that includes the schematic symbols, plus
any models that have been linked to the symbols. Note that an integrated library can not be edited.

Compile Project – create a connective model (or netlist) of the design, and check the validity of this
connective model. When a PCB project is compiled the connective model only exists in memory. The
connective model can be examined in the Compiled Panel. If the project has already been compiled
only those documents that have been changed since the last compile are recompiled.
Connective model – general term to describe the generic internal netlist that is created when a
compile is performed.

Design View – general term used to describe any of the different views of the design, for example the
set of sheets that make up the schematic project is one view of the design, the PCB is another view,
and a netlist is another.
Filtering – a technique used to control what is available in the workspace views. Filtering can be done
via the Navigator panel, via the Find Similar Objects dialog, or via a query. The display of the filtered
result set depends on the highlight controls
Highlighting – wherever a filter can be applied, you also have options to control how to highlight the
result set. Highlighting options include masking, selecting and zooming.

Inspector – the Inspector panel presents the properties of the current selection for editing. It can be
used to edit an individual object or multiple objects.

List panel – alternate view into the set of design objects in the current document. The List panel has
three distinct areas: the query editor at the top; a set of highlighting controls and the spreadsheet-like
list view at the bottom.
Masking – a filter highlighting mode that effectively removes objects from the editable workspace. In
the graphical view, this ‘removal’ is done via fading, or dimming, all the objects that have been filtered
out, leaving only the objects targeted by your filter shown at normal brightness. The brightness of
filtered objects is controlled by adjusting the Mask Level (click the button at the bottom of the
workspace). Masking in the List view is done by removing masked objects from the list.
Multi-channel design – technique of instantiating a section (sub-sheet) in a design multiple times.

Panel – a window that provides another view into a design, or the design environment. There are two
types of panels: workspace panels that are available at any time, such as the Files panel or the Projects
panel; and editor panels, which are only available when a document of that kind is visible, such as the
schematic or PCB Navigator.


Query – method of targeting objects in the workspace. Uses a query engine to first parse the query
string, then check each object to see if it complies with query or does not comply with the query.
Variant – variants are different assembly configurations of the one design. A variant of a design
specifies the fitted and not fitted components in that variant. Applicable output documents, including
the BOM, pick and place files, and assembly drawings are created for each variant. Note that the
project documents always define the complete (or fully loaded) design, so there is only one set of
fabrication documents for the PCB.

Version Control System (VCS) – document management system that stores electronic documents,
providing access to them through a formal interface that tracks when documents are taken out of the
VCS (checked-out), and when they are returned to the VCS (checked-in). The VCS tracks the changes
each time a document is checked back in, either by saving a new copy, or saving the differences
between the versions. The VCS allows you to restore (or rollback) a design back to any earlier version.
Document access permissions can also controlled in the VCS. The VCS interface in DXP complies with
the Microsoft SCC interface standard, giving direct access to a SCC compliant VCS from within the DXP
Workspace Views – a workspace view is an interface where you can edit design objects. DXP includes
three workspace views: the main graphical view; the List view and the Inspector panel.


35 Index

A Bill of Materials .............................................. See BOM

Board Shape & Sheet tutorial ........................... 9-1–9-8
Board shapes ........................................ 2-32, 9-1, 32-4
Components from other libraries ........................5-17
Defining from selected objects .............................9-2
Document to the VCS.........................................11-3
Modifying a board shape ......................................9-1
Footprint models to a schematic component........5-8
Moving board vertices ..........................................9-3
Footprints to PCB Lib from other sources ..........5-30
Moving the board shape .......................................9-3
Height to your PCB footprint...............................5-25
Redefining a board shape ....................................9-2
Models to the schematic component....................5-8
BOM — Creating a BOM report............... 3-39, 7-1–7-8
New PCB to a project .........................................3-21
Breakpoints — Setting breakpoints in VHDL........14-15
Parameters to a schematic component..............5-12
Browser ............................................... 20-2, 24-5, 29-2
Pins to a schematic component ....................5-5, 5-6
Buffers in Signal Integrity......................................12-19
Pins to component parts.....................................5-15
Buses added in VHDL ............................................14-7
Projects to the VCS ............................................11-2
Buses in FPGA projects .......................................13-11
Signal Integrity models to a component .............5-11
Simulation models to a schematic component ...5-10 C
CAM Outputs ..........................................................18-9
FPGA Supported Libraries .................................16-2
Changing a footprint ...............................................3-29
Importing EDIF in Max+Plus-II ...........................16-3
Channel Designations ............................................23-3
Importing EDIF in Quartus..................................16-4
Channel designator assignments .............................8-8
Integrated FPGA Library ....................................16-1
Channels ..................................................................8-1
Integrated PCB Library.......................................16-1
Placing Common Attributes ................................16-2
Electrical properties of a schematic....................3-15
Analyze document ..................................................34-1
Solder & Paste masks in footprints.....................5-27
Annotation .................................................... 19-3, 26-2
Child objects .........................................................28-25
Arrays .....................................................................19-2
Circuit Simulation............................................ 2-5, 3-45
Assembly ..............................................................18-11
Clock_Buffer Attribute.............................................15-5
Assembly Variants..................................................2-24
Comment special strings ........................................5-24
FPGA Devices ....................................................15-1
Comparing Documents ...........................................18-5
Xilinx Flavor EDIF output....................................15-6
Compilation & validation ...........................................2-4
Xilinx FPGA ........................................................17-4
Compile Integrated Library .....................................34-1
Attributes for FPGA tutorial........................... 15-1–15-6
Compile Project ............................................ 3-17, 34-1
Autorouting .......................................... 2-28, 3-33, 18-8
Compiled Errors panel ............................................29-2
B Compiled projects ...................................................20-2
Compiling a multi channel design.............................8-7
Batch DRC.................................................... 30-3, 30-4
Component Libraries ..............................................18-3
BGA & Surface Mount Component Fanout ............2-28
Component Naming..................................................8-6


Component Parameter Management .....................2-16 Update Management ......................................... 2-18

Component to Model File Linking ...........................21-3 Using the PCB Component Wizard ................... 5-20
Component, Model and Library Concepts .... 21-1–21-3 Connection Matrix.................................................. 3-15
Components ............................... 2-33, 3-28, 5-21, 21-1 Connective model .................................................. 34-1
Adding component parameters in SchLib Editor 5-12 Connectivity .................................................. 18-4, 24-1
Adding footprint models in SchLib Editor..............5-8 Multi-channel designs ........................................ 23-2
Adding footprints from other libraries..................5-30 Copy and Paste ..................................................... 19-3
Adding from other libraries .................................5-17 Creating
Adding height to a footprint.................................5-25 Alternate view modes for a part ......................... 5-17
Adding models to a SchLib component ................5-8 Body of a component......................................... 5-14
Adding pins to a schematic........................... 5-5, 5-6 BOM report .......................................... 3-39, 7-1–7-8
Adding pins to component parts .........................5-15 Components ............................................... 5-2–5-32
Adding Signal Integrity models in SchLib Editor.5-11 Customized component reports.................... 7-1–7-8
Adding Simulation models in SchLib ..................5-10 Footprints with a solder mask ............................ 5-29
Checking footprints using PCB Library reports...5-30 Footprints with an irregular pad shape .............. 5-25
Checking using Schematic Library reports .........5-18 Integrated libraries ............................. 5-31, 6-1–6-12
Creating a component body ...............................5-14 Multi-channel design............................................ 8-2
Creating a new schematic component .................5-4 New components & PCB footprints ..................... 5-2
Creating Alternate view modes for a part ...........5-17 New PCB document .......................................... 3-19
Creating components tutorial...................... 5-2–5-32 New PCB library ................................................ 5-19
Creating multiple parts........................................5-14 New schematic component.................................. 5-4
Creating new components.......................... 5-2–5-32 New schematic component with multiple parts.. 5-14
Creating PCB footprints......................................5-19 New schematic library.......................................... 5-3
Definition.............................................................5-32 New schematic sheet........................................... 3-4
Drawing the outline of a new footprint ...... 5-24, 5-27 PCB component footprints................................. 5-19
Footprints including routing primitives ................5-28 Schematic components ....................................... 5-2
Footprints with a solder mask.............................5-29 Critical Path Attribute ............................................. 15-4
Footprints with an irregular pad shape ...............5-25 Cross-probing ........................................................ 24-5
Footprints with multiple connection points on same Crosstalk analysis...................2-6, 12-18, 12-21, 12-23
pin...................................................................5-28 Customizable Reporting ........................................ 2-26
How schematic components link to their PCB Customized component reports........................ 7-1–7-8
footprint...........................................................2-21 Customizing
Linking to a company database..........................2-17 Adding a command to a toolbar or menu............. 4-3
Loading libraries ...................................................3-7 Adding a Group separator to a drop-down menu 4-4
Locating components ...........................................3-7 Creating a new command.................................... 4-7
Managing heights on the PCB............................2-36 Creating a new drop-down menu......................... 4-5
Manually creating component footprints.............5-21 Creating a new toolbar......................................... 4-6
overview .............................................................2-15 Deleting commands ............................................. 4-4
Placement...........................................................3-28 Duplicating commands ........................................ 4-8
Placement Rooms ..............................................2-33 Overview.............................................................. 4-2
Placing components on a schematic ....................3-8 Rearranging existing menus & toolbars............... 4-2
Positioning on the PCB.......................................3-27 Restoring menu and toolbar defaults................... 4-8
Properties dialog...................................................3-8 Shortcut key tables .............................................. 4-8
Schematic Library component properties .............5-7 System level commands...................................... 4-7

Customizing DXP resources tutorial................. 4-1–4-8 Defining your own format......................................8-7

Data Editing Paradigm............................................2-12 Designing the PCB .................................................3-22
Data Filtering ..........................................................28-2 Dimensioning tools .................................................2-34
Database linking ........................................... 2-17, 26-4 Document Options ............................. 3-6, 12-11, 12-25
Debugging mode - VHDL .....................................14-15 Dragging Objects ....................................................19-3
Default Attributes ....................................................19-4 Drawing
Defining PCB Design Rules in the Schematic........2-20 Arcs ....................................................................5-15
Definitions...............................................................21-1 Footprints with a solder mask.............................5-29
Design Analysis ........................................................2-4 Outline of a new footprint.......................... 5-24, 5-27
Design documents storage.......................................3-3 Schematics ...........................................................3-6
Design Explorer DRC ........................................ See Design Rule Check
Overview ..............................................................3-2 DRC Error Layer .....................................................30-3
Shortcut keys......................................................33-1 Dual monitors .........................................................2-37
Design Navigation ..................................................2-10
Design Rule Check.............................. 3-34, 18-9, 30-3
Signal Integrity....................................................12-2 ECOs ............................................................ 3-21, 26-1
Design Rule Compliance ........................................2-28 EDIF files
Design Rules .............................. 2-16, 2-20, 3-24, 18-6 Xilinx import ........................................................17-4
Batch DRC ............................................... 30-3, 30-4 EDIF for FPGA .......................................................16-1
Conversion from Protel 99SE.............................32-5 EDIF-FPGA netlist ..................................................13-1
Definable rule priorities.......................................2-31 Generation........................................................13-13
Defining PCB Rules............................................30-2 Editing Essentials ...................................................2-14
Defining PCB Rules in Schematic ......................2-20 Editing multiple objects...........................................10-1
Design Rules Check ...........................................30-3 PCB Examples ...................................................10-5
Impedance Controlled Routing...........................31-1 Schematic Examples ..........................................10-3
Online DRC ........................................................30-3 Using a Query.....................................................10-7
PCB rules ...........................................................30-1 Electrical properties check......................................3-15
PCB scopes........................................................2-30 Engineering Change Order...........................See ECOs
Queries ...............................................................28-2 Error Reporting .......................................................3-15
Queries in PCB.................................................28-18 Evaluation.............................................................18-11
Recycling Rules..................................................30-3 Excel Templates ............................................. 2-27, 7-7
Rule Scope and Constraints...............................30-2 Export/Import options .............................................2-37
Setting up new PCB rules ..................................3-24 Expression Manager...............................................28-8
Signal Integrity in PCB .....................................12-11
Signal Integrity in Schematic ..............................12-9
Width rules .........................................................3-26 Fabrication ..............................................................18-9
Design Updates and ECOs ....................................26-1 Outputs ..................................................... 2-25, 3-38
Design Verification..................................................3-34 Fanout strategies....................................................2-28
Design View............................................................34-1 File panel ................................................................29-2
Designations in multi-channel designs ...................23-3 Filter Toolbar ................................. 28-12, 28-13, 28-20
Designator Manager .................................................8-1 Filtering ......................................................... 2-12, 34-1
Designators Multiple Objects ..................................................10-1

Find Similar Objects................ 10-2, 28-12, 28-14, 34-1 G

Finding Objects
Gerber files generation .......................................... 3-39
Using the Find Similar Objects ...........................10-2
Getting started with FPGA tutorial .............. 13-1–13-15
Using the Navigator Panel..................................10-2
Glossary................................................................. 34-1
Flat vs. True Hierarchy — Net Connectivity ...........24-2
Creating components......................................... 5-32
Grids ............................................................. 3-22, 19-1
Adding height......................................................5-25
Group objects ........................................... 28-19, 28-25
Changing ............................................................3-29
Grouped Columns......................................... 2-26, 3-40
Created with a solder mask ................................5-29
Grouped Sheets & Net Connectivity ...................... 24-3
Created with an irregular pad shape ..................5-25
Creating in PCB Lib Editor..................................5-19 H
Height of components on the PCB ............... 2-36, 5-25
Drawing the outline of a new footprint ...... 5-24, 5-27
Help Advisor .......................................................... 29-2
Including routing primitives .................................5-28
Hidden pins...................................5-6, 5-15, 24-2, 24-4
Manually creating in PCBLib Editor ....................5-21
Definition............................................................ 5-32
Models in SchLib Editor........................................5-8
Hierarchical Considerations — Net Connectivity ... 24-2
Multiple connection points on same pin..............5-28
Highlighting ................................................... 2-12, 34-1
Validating using PCB Library reports..................5-30
Adding Parameters...........................................13-12
Impedance Controlled Routing ..................... 2-29, 31-1
Advanced Attributes ...........................................15-4
Calculating widths for layers .............................. 31-1
Attributes for Devices .........................................15-1
Impedance Formulae Queries ............................. 28-19
Back-annotating a FPGA project ......................13-14
Import/export options ............................................. 2-37
Back-annotating a PCB project ........................13-14
Indirection strings.......................................... 3-10, 5-13
Before you start designing..................................13-5
Inhibit_buf Attribute................................................ 15-5
Common Attributes.............................................15-2
Insider’s Guide to the Query Language ...... 28-1–28-29
Configuring your design....................................13-12
Inspector panel ..................2-13, 10-3, 28-8, 29-3, 34-1
Creating a Schematic source document.............13-4
Integrated Libraries................................ 6-1–6-12, 21-2
Creating an FPGA Project ........................ 13-2, 14-2
Benefits.............................................................. 22-1
Creating connections..........................................13-9
Compiling the integrated library ......................... 6-11
Generating an EDIF-FPGA netlist ....................13-13
Creating ............................................................. 5-31
Getting started with FPGA tutorial .......... 13-1–13-15
Creating an Integrated Library ........................... 22-2
Interfacing your design using ports.....................13-8
Creating the source Library Package .................. 6-6
Locating the library and components..................13-6
Integrating all Component Information............... 2-16
Macro components .............................................17-1
Keeping Integrated Libraries Available .............. 22-4
Naming the connections ...................................13-10
Modifying an integrated library........................... 6-11
Placing FPGA Attributes.....................................15-1
Placing from an Integrated Library..................... 22-3
Placing parts on the schematic...........................13-6
Interactive Routing........................................ 3-30, 31-2
Setting the project options ..................................13-3
Interfacing to other design tools............................. 2-37
Setting up sheet options .....................................13-5
Technology Specific Attributes ...........................15-6 K
Using Buses .....................................................13-11
Keepouts.................................................................. 9-7
FPGA Design........................................................18-10
FPGA_GSR Attribute..............................................15-5

L Measurement cursors
Signal Integrity waveforms ...............................12-28
Layer Stack Manager ............... 2-29, 3-23, 28-19, 31-1
Simulation waveforms ........................................25-3
Layer stacks & other non-electrical layers..............3-22
Messages panel .....................................................29-2
Libraries................................................. 6-3, 13-6, 22-2
Model libraries ........................................................21-2
Altera Integrated FPGA Library ..........................16-1
Valid Search Locations.......................................21-3
Altera Integrated PCB Library ............................16-1
Models ......................................................................3-9
Creating an integrated library ............ 5-31, 6-1–6-12
Adding to a schematic component .......................5-8
Creating new PCB libraries ................................5-19
Search locations for model files............................5-8
Creating Schematic libraries ................................5-3
Signal Integrity....................................................12-4
Definition ............................................................5-32
VHDL models .....................................................14-8
Libraries Panel ...................................................22-2
Modifying Selected Objects ....................................10-3
Library Types......................................................21-2
Multi-channel designs.............................. 2-8, 8-1, 34-1
Management using Integrated Libraries.............22-1
Concepts ............................................................23-1
Connectivity ........................................................23-2
Searching & loading .............................................3-7
Creating ................................................................8-2
Valid Search Locations for Model Libraries........21-3
Room and designator formats ..............................8-5
VHDL ..................................................................14-9
Tutorial.......................................................... 8-1–8-9
Xilinx Integrated Architecture FPGA Library.......17-1
Multi-dimensional Approach to Design .....................2-3
Xilinx LogiBLOX and Corelib FPGA Library .......17-3
Multi-dimensional capture in DXP ..........................14-1
Libraries panel .............................................. 22-2, 29-2
Multiple Capture Modes............................................2-3
Library Management using Integrated Libraries ............
Multiple Objects
Filtering, Selecting and Editing ...........................10-1
Library Package files ................................................6-6
Multi-Sheet Design — Net Connectivity .................24-1
Linking from components to a company database.2-17
Links & Unique IDs .................................................32-3 N
List panel ..... 2-13, 2-31, 10-3, 27-2, 28-6, 28-12, 29-2,
Navigation............................................ 2-10, 20-2, 24-1
Net Connectivity .................................................24-5
List View .................................................................28-4
Navigator panel ......................................................29-2
M Finding objects ...................................................10-2
Net Connectivity .....................................................24-1
Macro components .................................................17-1
Flat vs. True Hierarchy .......................................24-2
Macrocell Attribute..................................................15-4
Grouped Sheets .................................................24-3
Making connections................................................14-6
Hierarchical Considerations................................24-2
Management of Component Updates ....................2-18
Manually routing the board .....................................3-29
Net Identification Scope......................................24-3
Manufacturing output files ......................................3-38
Reference for Net Identifiers...............................24-4
Mask expansions
Net Identifier scope.................................................23-2
Setting by design rules .......................................5-27
Net Connectivity .................................................24-3
Specifying ...........................................................5-28
Net identifiers................................................ 24-1, 24-4
Mask Level .............................................................34-1
Net labels...................................................... 14-7, 24-1
Masking ........................................................ 10-2, 34-1
Netlist Outputs ........................................................2-37
Queries ................................................... 28-9, 28-11
Nets & net labels ....................................................3-13
Masks — Displaying Solder & paste masks ...........5-27


O Shortcut keys ............................................ 33-1, 33-3

PCB Board Shape ................................................. 2-32
Object Inspector ............................See Inspector panel
PCB Board Wizard.......................................... 3-19, 9-8
PCB Component Wizard........................................ 5-20
PCB Design Rules ........................................ 2-20, 30-1
Dragging .............................................................19-3
Definable rule priorities ...................................... 2-31
Off-sheet connectors ..............................................24-3
Scopes............................................................... 2-30
Online DRC.............................................................30-3
Setting up new rules .......................................... 3-24
Options for Project dialog .......................................3-14
PCB Import Wizard ................................................ 32-3
Orcad Capture Translation Notes ...........................2-37
PCB Layout Enhancements................................... 2-32
Output files..............................................................3-36
PCB libraries
Output Job setup & management ...........................2-25
Adding footprints from other libraries................. 5-30
Output Jobs ............................................................3-36
Creating ............................................................. 5-19
P Library reports.................................................... 5-30
PCB Rules and Constraints Editor.... 3-24, 3-35, 12-17,
Pad Designators .....................................................5-23
30-2, 30-3
Pad Shapes ............................................................2-35
PCB Sheet Templates ........................................... 2-33
PCB sheets.............................................................. 9-4
PCB workspace setup ........................................... 3-22
PIN Locking Attribute ............................................. 15-3
Placing on a new footprint ..................................5-22
Pin Models in Signal Integrity ................................ 12-9
Adding to a schematic component................ 5-5, 5-6
Editor-Specific Panels ........................................29-3
Adding to component parts................................ 5-15
General Design Panels.......................................29-2
Definition............................................................ 5-32
Placement Rooms ................................................. 2-33
PCB-Schematic Panels ......................................29-2
Placement Stages.................................................. 19-2
Parameter Manager...........2-16, 2-17, 2-38, 26-2, 26-4
Comment special strings ................................... 5-24
Adding to components in SchLib Editor..............5-12
Components on a schematic ............................... 3-8
FPGA ................................................................13-12
Designators........................................................ 5-24
Value ..................................................................3-10
FPGA Attributes................................................. 15-1
Value parameter in SchLib Editor.......................5-13
FPGA parts on the schematic............................ 13-6
Parent objects.......................................................28-25
Lines .................................................................. 5-14
Parts .........................................................................5-2
Net labels........................................................... 3-13
Creating an alternate view mode........................5-17
Pads................................................................... 5-26
Creating with multiple parts ...................... 5-14, 5-16
Pads on a new footprint ..................................... 5-22
Parts .................................................................... 3-9
Tips for placing tracks........................................ 3-32
Paste Arrays ...........................................................5-23
VHDL components............................................. 14-5
Paste masks ...........................................................5-27
Wires.................................................................. 3-12
Ports ...................................................................... 24-2
Creating a new document...................................3-19
Post-placement Edits............................................. 19-3
Preparation .........................................................18-5


Power Planes Examples of Useful Queries .............................28-28

Splitting..................................................... 2-35, 18-8 Filter Toolbar ....................................................28-20
Pre-Assembly Tests .............................................18-10 Filter toolbar in PCB ...........................................27-2
Pre-Route Work......................................................18-7 Finding Objects with calculated properties .......28-24
Primitive objects ....................................... 28-19, 28-25 Finding Objects with particular properties ........28-23
Printing ...................................................................3-36 Finding Similar Objects.....................................28-14
Project Essentials ......................................... 20-1–20-2 Finding, Presenting and Editing Objects ..........28-10
Project Options .......................................................3-14 Hierarchical aspects .........................................28-25
Project Outputs............................................. 2-25, 3-36 Highlighting options ............................................28-4
Project Paradigm ....................................................20-1 Inside the Query Language ..............................28-21
Project Templates...................................................20-2 Insider’s Guide to the Query Language.. 28-1–28-29
Projects.....................................................................3-3 Inspector Panel...................................................28-8
Adding a new PCB .............................................3-21 Introduction and Overview..................................28-1
Adding schematic sheets .....................................3-5 List panel ............................................................28-6
Compiling the project.................................. 3-17, 8-7 Masking .................................................. 28-9, 28-11
Creating a new project .........................................3-3 Options .............................................................28-12
Creating an FPGA Project........................ 13-2, 14-2 Overview.............................................................27-1
Setting up Project Outputs .................................3-36 Query Builder....................................................28-16
Projects panel.........................................................29-2 Refiltering queries.............................................28-26
Protel 99 SE to DXP Sample Queries..................................................27-2
Board Shape ......................................................32-4 Select option.....................................................28-11
Components .......................................................32-2 Specifying Impedance Formulae ......................28-19
Generating Projects............................................32-1 Understanding queries .......................................2-31
Libraries..............................................................32-2 Using Multiple Keywords ..................................28-22
Links and Unique IDs .........................................32-3 Zoom option......................................................28-11
Multi-channel designs.........................................32-5 Query Builder.................2-30, 3-26, 27-3, 28-12, 28-16
Net Identification Scope .....................................32-3 Query Helper 2-30, 2-36, 3-36, 10-9, 27-4, 28-7, 28-17
PCB Import Wizard.............................................32-3
Saving work ........................................................32-6
Simulation Models ..............................................32-5 Re-Annotation.........................................................19-3
Special Rule Conversions ..................................32-4 Re-entrant Editing...................................................19-2
Split Planes ........................................................32-4 Reflection analysis............................. 2-6, 12-21, 12-22
Transferring a design to DXP ................... 32-1–32-6 Repeat Channel command.......................................8-3
Repeat statement ...................................................23-2
Report Generation ..................................................2-26
Queries Report Manager.............................................. 2-26, 7-2
Applying Queries ..............................................28-12 Reports
Applying Queries from Resources....................28-20 Customized component reports.................... 7-1–7-8
Commenting a query ........................................28-27 PCB Library reports ............................................5-30
Data Filtering ......................................................28-2 Schematic Library reports...................................5-18
Data Views and Highlighting ..............................28-3 SchLib Component report...................................5-18
Definition ............................................................34-2 SchLib Component Rule Checker ......................5-18
Design Rules in PCB Files ...............................28-18 SchLib Library Report.........................................5-18
Editing Multiple Objects ......................................10-7 Using Excel Templates.......................................2-27

Resolving Differences.............................................2-22 Setting up

Room Naming................................................... 8-5, 8-7 Comparator........................................................ 3-16
Room Naming in multi-channel design...............23-3 Connection Matrix.............................................. 3-15
Rooms — Component placement ..........................2-33 Error Reporting .................................................. 3-15
Routing New PCB design rules....................................... 3-24
Autorouting the board .........................................3-33 PCB workspace ................................................. 3-22
Impedance Controlled ........................................2-29 Project Options .................................................. 3-14
Impedance Controlled Design Rules ..................31-1 Project Outputs .................................................. 3-36
Manually routing the board .................................3-29 Schematic Library components properties .......... 5-7
Primitives included in component footprints .......5-28 Schematic options ............................................... 3-6
Routing Strategies Simulation .......................................................... 3-41
Multiple ...............................................................2-28 Sheet entry ............................................................ 24-3
User definable ....................................................2-28 Sheet symbols ................................................ 8-2, 24-3
Rule Scope & Constraints in PCB Design Rules....30-2 generated from VHDL files ................................ 14-4
Rules.................................................See Design Rules Sheet Templates in PCB ....................................... 2-33
Running a transient analysis ..................................3-42 Sheets...................................................................... 3-5
Adding to a project............................................... 3-5
Creating a new schematic sheet.......................... 3-4
Schematic ↔ PCB Update .....................................26-4 Sheets in PCB ......................................................... 9-4
Schematic Capture .................................................18-2 Adding a new sheet from a PCB template........... 9-6
Schematic capture & VHDL ........................ 14-1–14-16 Displaying the sheet ............................................ 9-4
Schematic component Shortcut keys ......................................................... 33-1
Adding pins................................................... 5-5, 5-6 Shortcut key table customization ......................... 4-8
Adding pins to parts............................................5-15 Signal Integrity
Schematic drawing ...................................................3-6 Adding Signal Integrity models .......................... 12-4
Schematic libraries ......................................... 5-3, 21-2 Analysis overview ................................................ 2-6
Adding components from other libraries.............5-17 Before running Signal Integrity .......................... 12-3
Adding models to a SchLib component ................5-8 Checking Failed or Not Analyzed nets............. 12-14
Components properties ........................................5-7 Choosing Source Data..................................... 12-23
Creating ................................................................5-3 Creating new charts......................................... 12-26
Schematic Library reports.......................................5-18 Creating new plots ........................................... 12-27
Schematic Options ...................................................3-6 Crosstalk analysis............................................ 12-23
Schematic sheets Design rules in PCB......................................... 12-11
Adding to a project................................................3-5 Design rules in Schematic ................................. 12-9
Creating a new schematic sheet ..........................3-4 Editing Buffers ................................................. 12-19
Schematic Shortcuts..................................... 33-1, 33-2 Editing Pin Models ............................................. 12-9
Schematics — Wiring up the circuit........................3-12 Failed nets ....................................................... 12-14
Scopes for PCB Design Rules................................2-30 Importing IBIS files............................................. 12-8
Search Libraries .......................................................3-7 Layer Stack Manager......................................... 12-4
Select option ...........................................................2-12 Manually adding SI models to components ....... 12-6
Selected Objects — Modifying ...............................10-3 Measurement cursors ...................................... 12-28
Selecting Multiple Objects ......................................10-1 Modifying component models ............................ 12-6
Selection Memory ...................................................2-14 Overview............................................................ 12-2
Placing a termination on the schematic ........... 12-20

Plot Wizard .......................................................12-27 T

Preparing Analyses ..........................................12-18
TAB key Control .....................................................19-2
Reflection analysis ...........................................12-22
Table Links .............................................................26-4
Running an analysis from a PCB project............12-3
Target Device Attribute...........................................15-3
Running analysis from schematic only project ...12-2
Terminations in Signal Integrity ............................12-19
Running the Analyses ......................................12-21
Testbench files .......................................................14-7
Saving Models ....................................................12-6
Tracks — Placing tips.............................................3-32
Selecting nets to analyze .................................12-18
Transferring a design from Protel 99 SE ...... 32-1–32-6
Setting Preferences..........................................12-15
Transferring a schematic to PCB............................3-21
Setting the direction of bidirectional pins..........12-18
Transient analysis...................................................3-42
Setting tolerances.............................................12-17
Setting up an IC..................................................12-8 U
Setting up passive components .........................12-7
UID (Unique ID) ............................................ 2-22, 26-5
Setting up SI Setup Options .............................12-12
Update Design ........................................................2-22
Setting victim and aggressor nets ....................12-18
Update from Database ................................. 2-18, 26-4
Setup Options in schematic only mode ............12-13
Update from Library...................................... 2-19, 26-3
Signal Integrity models in SchLib Editor.............5-11
Update from Library wizard ....................................2-18
Signal Stimulus design rule .................... 12-4, 12-11
Updating the PCB...................................................3-21
Using PCB sheets ....................................................9-3
Using the Signal Integrity panel........................12-13
Using the SimData panel..................................12-28 V
Using the Waveform Analysis window .............12-23
Validating Changes ................................................3-21
Viewing the screening results...........................12-14
Value parameter .....................................................3-10
Working with waveforms ................. See Waveforms
Schematic Library Editor ....................................5-13
SimData panel ......................................................12-28
Variant ....................................................................34-2
VCS ..................................See Version Control System
Models in SchLib Editor......................................5-10
Verifying the design ...................................... 3-34, 18-4
Models transfer from Protel 99 SE to DXP.........32-5
Version Control System..........................................2-20
Setup ..................................................................3-41
Adding documents..............................................11-3
Simulating a Schematic design ..........................3-40
Adding projects...................................................11-2
Simulating an FPGA design .............................14-13
Checking documents in and out .........................11-5
Simulation Waveforms......................... 25-1–25-4, 25-1
Checking in documents to the VCS....................11-8
Chart and Plots...................................................25-1
Default settings...................................................25-4
Getting the latest copy........................................11-8
Display Options ..................................................25-3
Refreshing the status..........................................11-5
Editing Plots and Waveforms .............................25-2
Removing a document........................................11-5
Measurement Cursors ........................................25-3
Removing a project.............................................11-4
Resizing the Waveforms ....................................25-2
Showing a document’s properties ......................11-9
Situs Topological Autorouter ..................................2-28
Showing a document’s VCS history ...................11-9
Solder masks..........................................................5-27
Showing differences between documents ........11-10
Split Planes — Protel 99 SE to DXP transfer .........32-4
Undoing a Checkout ...........................................11-7
Splitting Power Planes.................................. 2-35, 18-8
Version Control System tutorial .............. 11-1–11-10
Synchronization ............................................ 2-21, 26-4


VHDL Editing user-defined waveforms ...................... 12-26

Adding a VHDL testbench file.............................14-7 Moving in ......................................................... 12-25
Adding buses......................................................14-7 Saving and recalling waveforms ...................... 12-26
Adding VHDL documents to the project .............14-2 Selecting .......................................................... 12-24
Adding VHDL models .........................................14-8 Signal Integrity ................................................. 12-24
Adding Watches ...............................................14-16 Simulation ................................................. 25-1–25-4
Compiling your design ......................................14-12 Viewing a waveform in its own wave plot ........ 12-25
Create a VHDL top level schematic....................14-3 Waveform measurements................................ 12-28
Creating a new VHDL document ........................14-2 Zooming in ....................................................... 12-25
Creating a new VHDL model document .............14-8 Wiring up the circuit ............................................... 3-12
Debugging mode ..............................................14-15 Wizards
Generating sheet symbols from VHDL files........14-4 PCB Board Wizard...................................... 3-19, 9-8
Placing components ...........................................14-5 PCB Component Wizard.................................... 5-20
Placing ports on the schematic...........................14-6 PCB Import Wizard ............................................ 32-3
Running the simulation .....................................14-15 Signal Integrity Plot Wizard.............................. 12-27
Setting breakpoints...........................................14-15 Update from Library wizard................................ 2-18
Setting up the project........................................14-11 Working with Analysis Results................................. 2-7
Simulating your design .....................................14-13 Working with Simulation Waveforms ............ 25-1–25-4
Smart compiling................................................14-12 Workspace views................................................... 34-2
Using VHDL Libraries .........................................14-9
VHDL & schematic capture tutorial............. 14-1–14-16
VHDL Simulation ......................................................2-5 Xilinx
VHDL Synthesis for FPGA Implementation..............2-7 FPGA attributes ................................................. 17-4
Importing EDIF files ........................................... 17-4
Integrated Architecture FPGA Library................ 17-1
Watches — Adding VHDL Watches .....................14-16 LogiBLOX and Corelib FPGA Library ................ 17-3
Waveform Analysis in Signal Integrity ..................12-23 PCB Library ....................................................... 17-3
Waveforms Supported Libraries ........................................... 17-3
Adding waveforms to a plot ..............................12-25
Creating new charts..........................................12-26
Creating new plots............................................12-27 Zoom option......................................................... 28-11


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