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Republic of the Philippines

Region 1
Divine Word College of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Senior High School Department
Name: Score:
Section: Date:
I. Identification. Write void if the marriage is void and valid if the same is valid on the space provided
before each number. If it is void, explain briefly and LOGICALLY.
_____________1-2. Roberto, 18 and Pakita, 40 loved each other so they married last year.
_____________3-4. Roberto and Pedro loved each other so they married last December.
_____________5-6. Roberto and Pedro (a transgender) cared, loved, and inspired each other so they
married last December.________________________________________________
_____________7-8. Roberto and Jansen are married. In Jansen’s birth certificate, it was stated that he
is a male. However, Jansen seems to be suffering from CAH.
_____________ 9-10. David and Delilah were childhood sweethearts. They love each other. However,
they were shocked that their marriage was already fixed by their parents. Thus, they
married last December.________________________________________________
II. Fill in the Blanks
Marriage is a 11. _______ contract of a 12. __________ union between a man 13. __ a woman
entered into in accordance with the 14.______ for the establishment of 15.______ and _______ life. It
is the foundation of the family and an 16. _________ social institution whose 17_______, 18.________,
and 19._______ are governed by the law and not subject to 20._________, except that marriage
settlement may fix 21.__________ relations during the marriage within the limits provided by the law.
III. Enumeration.
Essential requisites of marriage
22. 23.
Formal requisites of marriage
24. 25. 26.
Who may solemnize marriage?
27. 28. 29. 30.
IV. Essay. Analyze and CRITICALLY answer the following questions. Do not add facts to the questions.
31-35. Jack and Rose were in a relationship status. They lived together for several years. However,
they do not have plans on their marriage since they were too young, wild, and free though they are in
the legal age. They went for a tour after some time. The ship they were boarding unfortunately crashed
to an ice berg, damaging the ship. The ship was gradually sinking. It only takes an hour to sink
completely. Driven with fears that they will no longer see each other, they decided want to get married.
However, they do not possess a marriage license. It was not a problem if they have the marriage
license because there was a priest in the ship. As good citizen and know some of the law on marriage,
what can you advice to Jack and Rose as to their marriage.
36-40. Joseph, an American and Maria, a Filipina were married for 2 years. However, they failed to
consummate their marriage because Joseph does not want to have carnal knowledge with Julie. As a
result, Julie filed with the Family Court for a declaration of nullity of marriage on a ground of psychological
incapacity to perform Joseph’s marital obligations. However, Joseph argues that he was suffering from
tuberculosis, which makes him difficult to perform his marital task. He was examined by qualified
physicians, and it appeared that he had been suffering from tuberculosis since then. Will their marriage
be declared void?

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