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1.1 Background

Humans have various kinds of habit. Starting from exercising, reading, writing, composing,
and so on. Among the many human habits, there is one habit that is very detrimental to
human health. Surprisingly, bad habits are often done by our society, the habit of smoking.
Smoking itself is not considered taboo in our society, although doing so is child still in
elementary school. Lots of teenagers to adults love to smoke, even early childhood was
frequently caught are sucking these dangerous objects. The obvious danger of cigarettes can
damage every organ of the human body consume. This is very alarming, because as we know
that there are many in the cigarette toxins that will affect our health. Even in the 20th century
some 100 million people have died from smoking and if this trend continues to run it in the
21st century there will be 1 billion people will die from smoking.

Cigarettes contain more than 4000 elements. The main toxins in cigarettes are tar, nicotine,
and carbon monoxide. So if we inhale cigarette, whether intentionally or not we might as well
suck more than 4000 kinds of toxins. The habit of smoking is not only detrimental to the
smoker, but sekitanya detriment.

Made up for it with this paper is expected to be conscious citizens and immediately leave or
reduce their habits are not good. Because after the health impact of smoking actors (active
smokers) and the health of people exposed to secondhand smoke exposure of active smokers
(passive smoking) is very large, because the toxic substances contained therein.

1.2 Purpose

The preparation of this paper is to describe the dangers of smoking as well confirming for
health in all people, especially teenagers. Seeing the increasing number of smokers each year,
which will be the negative impact we are feeling good too fast or slow. So with these papers
made public is expected to:

Knowing the ins and outs of smoking and toxic substances they contain.

Knowing how big the impact of smoking to health.

Reducing even quit smoking after learning impact.

1.3 Limitation Problem.

In order to be a more focused discussion of issues and weight, in this paper will discuss the
“Danger Cigarettes For Members of the Student Area”.



2.1 Understanding Cigarette

moking is a cylinder of paper length sized between 70 to 120 mm (varies by country) with a
diameter of 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been shredded. Cigarette burned on
one end and allowed to smolder smoke that can be inhaled through the mouth on the other

Cigarettes are usually sold in a box shaped parcel or package of paper that can be
incorporated easily into a pocket. In recent years, these packs are also generally accompanied
by health messages that warn smokers will membahayai health that may result from smoking,
such as lung cancer or heart attack (although in reality it was just a decoration, it is seldom

People in the world who smoke for the first time is the Indian tribes in the United States, for
ritual purposes such as worshiping the gods or spirits. In the 16th century, when Europeans
discovered America, some of the European explorers were involved try smoking cigarettes
and then brought tobacco to Europe. Then the habit of smoking began to appear in European
royalty. But unlike the Indians who smoked for ritual purposes, in Europe people smoke just
for the sheer enjoyment. 17th century Spanish traders get into the habit of smoking Turkidan
then began to enter the Islamic countries.

There has been much research which proves that smoking is addictive, in addition to causing
many types of cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease, adverse
effects to the birth, and emphysema.

2.2 Type Cigarette

Smoking can be divided into several types. This distinction is based on cigarette packaging
materials, raw materials or contents of cigarettes, cigarette making process, and the use of
filters on cigarettes.

1. Cigarette based material.

a) Klobot: cigarette packaging materials such as corn leaves.

b) Kawung: cigarette packaging materials such as palm leaves.

c) Cigarettes: cigarette packaging materials such as paper.

d) Cigars: cigarette packaging material in the form of leaf tobacco.

2. Cigarette based raw materials or content.

a) White cigarettes: cigarette raw materials or contents of tobacco leaves that were just
gravy to get the effect of a particular flavor and aroma.

b) Cigarettes: cigarettes raw materials or contents of tobacco leaf and clove sauce to get
the effect given rasadan particular scent.

c) Cigarette Klembak: cigarette raw materials or contents of tobacco leaves, cloves and
incense were dressing to get the effect of a particular flavor and aroma.

3. Smoking by the manufacturing process.

a) Hand Kretek cigarettes (SKT): cigarette manufacturing process milled or rolled by hand
or by using simple tools.

b) Kretek Cigarette Machine (SKM): the cigarette manufacturing process uses the
machine. Simply put, the material incorporated into the cigarette machine cigarette maker.
The resulting output engines cigarette maker in the form of cigarette sticks. Kretek cigarettes
machine itself can be categorized into two sections:

1) Full Flavor Cigarettes Cigarettes Machine (SKM FF): cigarettes are in the process of
making sense of the added aroma khas.Contoh: Gudang Garam International, Djarum Super
and others.

2) Cigarettes Kretek Mild Light Machine (SKM LM): cigarette machine that uses tar and
nicotine levels. Smoking is rarely used type of flavor. Example: A Mild, Clas Mild, Star
Mild, U Mild, LA Lights, Surya Slims and others.

4. Based on the use of filter cigarettes.

a) Cigarette Filter (RF): cigarettes are at the base there is a cork.

b) Cigarette Non Filter (RNF): cigarettes at the base there is no cork.

2.3 Substances – Toxic Substances That There In Cigarette

As we know in the cigarette smoke that is inhaled by the smoker, not less than 4000 toxic
chemicals. Chemicals released consisted of gas components (85 percent) and particles.
Nicotine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein,
acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4 etilkatekol, ortokresoldan
perylene is sebaian of thousands – thousands of substances in cigarettes. But among the
substances – substances mentioned above, there are 3 of the most dangerous substances
contained in cigarettes. Substance – a substance that is:


Dangerous substances in the form of concentrated impurities that can clog and irritate the
lungs – pulmonary and respiratory system, causing chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and in
some cases lead to lung cancer – lung (deadly disease that is almost unknown to the non
smoker). Toxic chemicals in TAR can also seep into the bloodstream and then excreted in the
urine. TAR is left in the bladder may also lead to bladder cancer. In addition. Tar can
penetrate the bloodstream and reduces the ability of cells – red blood cells to carry oxygen
throughout the body, so it’s great influence on blood sistemperedaran.


It is a substance that can be addictive and affects the nervous system, speeding up the heart
rate (exceeding the normal rate), thereby increasing the risk of heart disease. Besides these
substances most frequently discussed and researched people, because it can be toxic to the
body’s nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels and
cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. 4-6 mg of nicotine which is inhaled by adults
every day are able to make people addicted. Additionally Nicotine plays a role in starting the
tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by soft tissues of the oral
cavity, including the gums through the blood stream and the attachment of the gums to the
teeth and root surfaces.

Carbon Monoxide (CO).

These substances can penetrate the bloodstream and reduces the ability of cells – red blood
cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, making it a great effect on the circulatory system.
In addition, carbon monoxide buildup easier – za tpenyumbat arteries, which can lead to fatal
heart attacks but it also can cause impaired blood circulation at the foot. This last effect
makes women smokers are more at risk (than female non-smokers) had harmful side effects
when taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills). Because that’s why the gynecologist
(gynecologists) are generally reluctant to give birth control pills in women who smoke.

2.4 How Does Smoking Damage the Body ?

Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds after the cigarettes smoked, and then spread
throughout the body via the blood circulation, including the Mother’s Milk.

Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing
their function in delivering oxygen in full.

These elements cause cancer (carcinogens) in tobacco damage important genes that control
cell growth, so that cells grow abnormally fast or growing terlau.

Elements of carcinogens called benzopiren bind to cells in the respiratory tract and other vital
organs of smokers causing cancer.

2.5 Causes of Teen Smoking

Parental influence.

One of the findings of teen smokers is that the young people who come from households that
are not happy, so pay attention to where people tuatidak children and harsh physical
punishment more likely to become smokers than younger children from the home
environment a happy (Baer & Corado in Atkinson, Introduction to psychology, 1999:294)

Influence of friends.

The facts reveal that more and more teens smoke, the more likely their friends are smokers
too and vice versa. Of this fact there are two chances of that happening, the first juvenile was
influenced by his friends or even friends, teens are influenced by these diriremaja that
eventually they all become smokers. Among teen smokers are 87% had at least one or more
friends who are smokers as well as nonsmokers teens (AlBachri, 1991)

Personality Factors

People try to smoke because of the reasons you want to know or want to escape from
physical or mental pain, free yourself from boredom. But one personality trait that is
predictive in drug users (including cigarettes) is social conformity. People who scored high
on a variety of social conformity tests easier to users compared with those who had low
scores (Atkinson, 1999)

Ad Impact

Saw an ad in the press and electronic display image that smokers are the symbol of virility or
glamor, making teens often triggered to follow such behavior which is in the ad. (Let Juniarti,
Bulletin RSKO, tahunIX, 1991).

2.6 Smoking Dangers for Teens.

Teens tend to have a great curiosity. Studies show that students are more likely to smoke
than adults. Moreover, based on the results of the latest research says that teen smoking is
increasing every year. In general, they claim to have started smoking between the ages of 9 to
12 years old.

Currently there are 1,100 million used tobacco in the world that 45% are still students. 2025
is expected to increase up to 1640 million teens. Each year, an estimated 4 million people
died from tobacco-related cases. Based on the reports of the World Health Organization
(WHO) in 1999, about 250 million children in the world will die from tobacco if tobacco
consumption is not stopped immediately.

According to a survey in a few junior high school in Jakarta, every student in school getting
to know even tried smoking with presentase40% as active smokers made up 35% of men and
5% women. And based on continued monitoring of the students who smoked were 25% Drop

Smoking habits for students started because of a lack of information and misunderstanding of
information, advertising or seduced seduction inedible friends. Retrieved from Indonesia
Heart Foundation poll result as much as 77% of students smoke because a friend offered. So
without them knowing berlahan poison eating away his body.

Dangers of smoking for students of which can increase resikokanker lung and heart disease at
a young age. Besides skin health are three times more at risk there are wrinkles around the
eyes and mouth. Skin will age prematurely or so-called aging.

In terms of reproduction, smoking at an early age can lead to impotence and reduced sperm
counts in males and reduced fertility in women. Do not think smoking can help relieve stress
during exams. Medical evidence suggests that smoking does not calm. This is only a
temporary effect of nicotine that provides a sense of calm for a moment. After that, if it is
done smoking stress will come back again.

2.6.1 Dangers of passive smoking for smokers

Above is a disease suffered by them as active smokers. Active smokers were those who
smoked cigarettes directly on his personal whim. In addition to active smokers, there are also
passive smokers, who inhale the smoke that issued from the mouths of smokers. Not only
active smokers are at risk of developing the disease, passive smoking was also so. These are
diseases that are most likely to attack a passive smoker. Increased risk of lung cancer and
heart attacks. Increased risk of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis
irritation to the eye causing pain and stinging, sneezing and coughing due to allergies, pain in
the pharynx, esophagus, esophagus and throat, headaches as adverse reactions of nicotine.

Therefore it can be said that smokers who smoke in public places or care for someone who
does not smoke is a selfish person. Taken alone pleasure, pain divided. In addition, cigarette
smoke issued more dangerous than into the body of secondhand smoke. This is because
cigarette smoke contains substances as follows:

Contains twice as much nicotine

Contains carbon monoxide five times more

Contains five times more tar

Increased chemical substances hazardous to health to many-fold

2.6.2 Dangers of secondhand smoke for pregnant women, fetuses and infants

In addition to the passive smokers who under normal circumstances, cigarette smoke is more
dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus. As a result of cigarette smoke include:

Miscarriage in the fetus

Death of the fetus in the womb

Bleeding and the placenta is enlarged more than 30 percent

Fetal weight was reduced by approximately 20-30 percent of normal

Babies born prematurely in an unstable medical condition

Secondhand smoke is more dangerous when inhaled by the baby, the result is:

Experiencing disorders and respiratory diseases

Disruption of the child’s intellectual development, both motor and cognitive

Outbreaks of diseases of the ear

May increase the risk of leukemia as much as twice

Babies will more easily tired because oxygen is not completely absorbed

sudden death syndrome

2.7 Here is a list of 15 diseases caused by smoking

Lung Cancer

Given about 90 percent of lung cancer cases caused by smoking. This is because the smoke
will be inhaled entry into the lungs. Substances from tobacco smoke will stimulate the cells in
the lung to grow abnormally. An estimated 1 out of 10 moderate smokers and 1 of 5 heavy
smokers will die from lung cancer.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer occurs in about 40 percent of smokers. Study finds high levels of the
compound 2-naphthylamine in cigarette smoke carcinogens that lead to bladder cancer.

Breast Cancer

Women who smoke are more at risk of developing breast cancer. The study shows women
who started smoking at age 20 and 5 years before she got pregnant the first time greater risk
of breast cancer.

Cervical Cancer

About 30 percent of deaths from cervical cancer are caused by smoking. This is because
women who smoke are more susceptible to infection by a sexually transmitted virus.

Esophageal Cancer

The study found that cigarette smoke damage the DNA of cells of the esophagus causing
esophageal cancer. About 80 percent of esophageal cancer cases has been linked to smoking.

Gastrointestinal Cancer

Although cigarette smoke into the lungs, but there was some smoke that swallowed thereby
increasing the risk of cancers of gastrointestinal (digestive).

Kidney Cancer

When a person smokes, the smoke containing nicotine and tobacco will go into the body.
Nicotine along with other harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide and tar cause changes
in heart rate, respiration and blood pressure circulation. Carcinogens are filtered out of the
body through the kidneys also alter DNA and cell damage kidney cells. These changes affect
the function of the kidneys and lead to cancer.

Oral Cancer

Tobacco is the leading cause of oral cancer. Given smokers six times more likely to develop
oral cancer than people who do not smoke, and people who smoke smokeless tobacco risk
50-fold greate

Throat Cancer

Smoke inhaled before getting into the lungs will pass through the throat, so the cancer will be
associated with smoking.

Heart Attack

Nicotine in cigarette smoke causes the heart to work more quickly and increase blood
pressure. While carbon monoxide take more oxygen in the blood that makes the heart pump
more blood. If the heart is working too hard plus high blood pressure, it can cause a heart

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

The majority of coronary heart disease due to smoking and will deteriorate if you have other
illnesses such as diabetes mellitus.


Nicotine in cigarette smoke may accelerate arterial blockage can be caused by a buildup of
fat. This will cause scarring and thickening of the arteries that lead to atherosclerosis.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

This condition causes the blood flow is blocked making breathing difficult one, and about 80
percent of cases of COPD are caused by smoking. This condition can lead to emphysema
(shortness of breath caused by damage to the air sacs or alveoli) and chronic bronchitis
(cough with lots of mucus that occur continuously for 3 months).


For men in their 30s and 40s, smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction about 50
percent. This is because smoking can damage blood vessels, nicotine narrow the arteries
thereby reducing blood pressure and blood flow to the penis. If someone is experiencing
impotence, it could be an early warning that cigarettes are already damaging other areas of
the body.

2.7.1 5 Danger of Smoking The Rare Unknown

Danger of Smoking – Everyone must know if smoking is harmful to health, but some people
still smoke ya wrote nothing but smoking is very dangerous to many health problems that can
arise due to smoking. Well here are some of the dangers of smoking were not known to many
people want to know the dangers of smoking any kind that refer 5 Smoke The Unknown
Dangers below.

1) Hair Loss

Heavy smokers at high risk of experiencing hair loss and premature baldness leads. The case
is mostly experienced by men who used to smoke for a long time.

2) Destructive Sense of Taste

If you are a heavy smoker, there is a possibility that you slowly lose flavor in the taste of
food. Therefore, smokers tend to like spicy food without complaining about the taste. Senses
because they’re dead.

3) Dehydration

Smoking also affects the balance of fluids in the body. So heavy smokers will be more
frequent and more drinking than others. Long-term effects of dehydration itself was dry lips,
dry skin, and urinary tract disorders.

4) Energy Drain

Side effects other unforeseen cigarettes are draining smokers. Because the smoke makes lung
energy decreases and fails to pump oxygen to the maximum so that the body will feel limp

5) DNA Damaging

Finally, smokers are also damaging the DNA in the body’s system. The nature of the damage
is not known in detail until now. So that smoking is not only destroying your health, but also
threatening the future of your offspring.

2.8 How to Solve Problems Existing

Some of the ways we can do so that we can avoid the dangers of secondhand smoke is as

1) Tarbiyah of Education faith or earnest for pindividu faithful people so that they realize
how bahaynya smoke cigarettes.

2) There is a good role model for the child at home, at school, or in the surrounding

3) Person prohibit teachers to smoke in front of students while teaching. Why? because we
know that the task of the teacher is a role model for the students at the school. So it’s only
natural that teachers should set a good example for their students.

4) A vigorous and intensive counseling of related institutions. With jalanini expected

number of smokers will decrease, as they gain direct knowledge about the dangers of
smoking to their health.

5) Creating Act as done by Jakarta Provincial Government ban on smoking in public

places such as schools, hospitals, playgrounds, and so on. And for that violation will be
subject to sanctions or penalty amount of 50 thousand dollars.

6) Disseminate fatwa MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) of illicit cigarettes. Because this
way people will think again to smoke.

2.9 How to protect teens from the dangers of smoking

Indeed, the dangers of smoking paper is just a small effort to provide information to young
people from smoking and exacerbated disguised in it. But hopefully readers a paper that
teenage smoking hazards want to avoid dangerous objects inspired after reading this article.

Protect youth from the dangers of smoking must be done by first understanding why teens
choose to smoke. Smoking is often seen by young people as something that symbolizes
rebellion against the rules at home and school.

Characteristics of adolescents who tend to be filled with the spirit of rebellion seemed to find
a way out by choosing cigarettes as a form of their opposition to the rules. while smoking
though secretly, a teenager will feel has prevailed against all the rules that handcuff on them
at home and school.

Address them, will require the wisdom of parents in guiding their teens. The attitude of
understanding are not rigid and authoritarian will make teenagers feel are not dikekakang and
set-set, give information about the dangers of smoking, such as the dangers of smoking this
paper, but do not dictate and patronizing.

Examples of the surrounding environment, especially the elderly and adults around the
teenagers live is the best way to melinduingi teenagers from the dangers of smoking. Teens
will usually mimic the attitude of the adults around him. Tragic when parents forbid their
teenagers smoke, while they themselves are addicted to cigarettes.

Teen distanced from familiar friends who smoke, can also be an effective solution. For teens,
acceptance friend or gang against them is an honor. If all the gang met by teenagers who
smoke, it is possible that adolescents who had not smoked will smoke bandwagon.

In addition parents can give as many activities that are positive, this will mengalihakan
attention of his desire teens try cigarettes. For example, sports activities, or teaching religion,
and also put it on the skill course what he love.

2.10 Addicts Smoking Tips To Quit Smoking.

Here are tips from mayoclinic to help teens to stay away from cigarettes:

1) Start with a good habit.

To change habits that are often done must also perform other habits, such as eating sweets,
eat fruit, or by chewing cloves for example, and others. Because often times difficult to make
a suggestion to stop smoking is to smoke because that has become a habit.

2) Smoking is not cool.

Show your children that smoking is not cool or something to be proud of. Smoking can make
the breath to smell, makes teeth yellow, causes coughing and loss of power to be able to do
sports activities or other activities.

3) Cigarette waste money.

Smoking is expensive. Help your child to count the expenses that must be done when
consumed cigarettes for a week, a month or a year. Compare the money with electronic goods
or other items that can be obtained when not smoking.

4) Understand the interest that can be caused by smoking.

Sometimes teens see smoking as a form of rebellion or as a way to be accepted by her peers.
To find out more about the invite children to discuss his views on smoking including tobacco.

5) Understand the pressures from peers

The existence of friends who smoke can affect children. Give them the confidence to be able
to socialize with their friends without smoking.

6) Say no to cigarettes.

Maybe sometimes parents feel that children never listen to what they say, but do not be
discouraged. Keep saying no to cigarettes and says that the action is not acceptable to you.

7) Cultivate awareness of self strong to stop.

Realize that cigarettes are poisons which works very slow but deadly. Build self-awareness
and see clearly the dangers caused by cigarette smoke is very, very dangerous for your health,
and begin to immediately quit smoking. Do not wait myself heart stops first, then quit
smoking. But stop right now and say to myself that I should stop now.

8) Give an overview of their future.

Children tend to believe that they will not be adversely affected by smoking. But health
problems like cancer, heart attack and stroke are particularly at risk experienced by those who
smoke. Give examples of people you know who are suffering because of cigarettes.

9) Make the decision to quit smoking totally.

When you want to quit smoking should be stopped at once, do not half-half. Round self-
determination that the decision to quit was made, can not interfere with plaintiff. It is the
decision of the total and never touch tobacco again until whenever.

10) Fill in your body and mind with spiritual.

The last thing to do is to realize that smoking makes kkita tied with a cigarette and it means
sinful. Sin is evil in the eyes of god. We stop smoking we not only keep our bodies healthy,
but also pleasing to God. By because it quit smoking, do it with the strength and the sincere
and ask God for help and certainly can.

11) Provide a good example.

Children usually will mimic the action of persons, so when parents forbid their children to
smoke, they should also not consume cigarettes.

12) Treat addiction from cigarettes seriously.

Many teens believe that they can quit smoking whenever they want, but the fact nicotine
addiction can make them the same as in adults.

13) Supervise the use of other products bertembakau

Many other types of products bertembakau considered safer than cigarettes. But actually
produks the same with cigarettes, can cause dependence and same health hazards.

14) Participate actively involved.

Be active to get involved in smoking prevention activities either at school or home


If your child already to smoke, do not threaten with an ultimatum to quit smoking. Should
support him, find out the reasons why they smoke and then discuss the steps you can take to
help them quit smoking.

2.11 Barriers.

In practice, it is not easy to implement a ban on smoking regulations. Because it is caused by

several things:

1) Still the lack of public awareness of the dangers of smoking to the health of their
bodies, making it difficult for them holding coaching.

2) Lack of dissemination of relevant agencies about the dangers of smoking, so people do

not know how big the dangers of smoking to their health.

3) Less tight control over distribution of cigarettes in our country, thus increasing the
number of cigarette manufacturers.

2.12 Government efforts

In developed countries there is an age limit rules for smokers, which is 18 years old. There
are also penalties for violations of these regulations, it is reasonable Indonesia has imposed
such regulations. Banning smoking in public places, it has been the rule in Indonesia. But the
attitude of discipline, did not obey the rules and regulations and lax oversight could lead to
still have a lot of members of the public, the non-smoking in public places without any
sanction. Even teenagers once. for that, various measures need to be taken by the
government, tackling both the active and passive smokers zone. These steps can be taken to:

1) Create and insert the dangers of smoking materials in the curriculum of primary and
secondary school, medical school or paramedic school.

2) Creating activities that promote anti-smoking and the dangers of smoking at school age.

3) Raise awareness about the dangers of smoking, cigarette addiction, socio-economic

impact of smoking on public (especially children and adolescents).

4) Doing counter marketing in order to reduce or eliminate tobacco industry involvement,

especially in the age of the child and adolescent.

Hopefully in the future, governments are increasingly showing firmness in many things,
especially things that can mengakibatnya devastating impact on young people and
adolescents, such as cigarette papers on the issue of the dangers of smoking is only an author
on the paper form of caring young people, especially teenagers, where the future this country
is in their hands.



3.1 Conclusion

Smoking is a habit which individuals find difficult to quit. Many people make preparations
for months in their effort to get rid of the habit, making painstaking plans to eliminate their
dependence on nicotine. However making an effort to give up the habit of smoking all on a
sudden is far more likely to yield satisfactory results.

Spontaneous efforts to end the habit of smoking have a greater rate of success in comparison
to planned attempts made by individuals to give up the habit. This can be attributed to the fact
that prior planning gives rise to tension, making it difficult for smokers to kick the habit.
Giving up the habit of smoking is one of the most crucial things that an individual can
probably do. Quitting smoking ensures a longer and better life. People who quit smoking
have reduced risks of suffering a heart attack, stroke or cancer. Pregnant women who give up
smoking enhance the likelihood of having healthy baby.

In order to quit smoking individuals should prepare themselves for the move. It is imperative
that one should get support for their endeavor to quit smoking. One should learn new skills
and behaviors in order to give up smoking for good. One should obtain medication and utilize
it properly. A person should be ready to face tough situations or a relapse. With a view to quit
smoking one should fix a quit date. An individual should also make an attempt to alter one’s
surroundings by removing the entire stock of cigarettes along with ashtrays in the home. A
person must also prohibit others from smoking in one’s home. It is advisable to assess past
efforts in giving up smoking and take into consideration what worked and what did not.

By the fact that the previous description, it can be said that cigarette more negative impact of
the positive impact. If this cultured continues, it could lead to serious problems in human
health. And the public should be aware of the dangers of smoking to health them.However it
is still difficult in Indonesia.

3.2 Suggestion

After reading this article, hopefully people can be awakened to the dangers of smoking to
their health and leave the habit of smoking, because smoking is harmful to their health and
also for the people around him. better advised to maintain good health because more benefits,
look for other activities to make them stop smoking such as exercise and others, because it is
more beneficial for them and will make their body fit and healthy to avoid life-threatening
disease, caused by smoking.


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