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The versatility of this book makes it internationally unlimited
confirming the personal motto of the author
...Versatility Unlimited...


Copyright © 2010

+234-8063373535, +234-8051255545



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Acknowledgment Preface
My heart-felt appreciation goes to my beloved mother and my A couple of years ago, while traveling home in a commercial
entire family whose contributions in my life are beyond vehicle, I noticed a billboard. It belonged to one of the
measure. telecommunication giants in Africa Globacom. It read, “RULE
Thank you Dr Ayivor, for sparing your time to proof read this
masterpiece of mine. I also say 'a big thank you' to my friends At first I took no notice. It was not the only billboard along the
Sydney, Melikam, Ekele, and Uzoma alongside the production road. Suddenly something struck me! Imagine a world where
crew of Brilla press for their enormous contributions in the everybody ruled. Who then will be serving? For a moment, I tried
course of printing this book. to paint a picture of how it would look. Soon afterwards, I put
these thoughts behind me and carried on with my journey.
Special thanks to Globacom for the message of 'Rule Your
World' that later became the title and precursor of this book. Back home, the statement returned Rule Your World. This time,
I cannot forget to express my gratitude to my critics who the words made a deeper impression on me. Unlike the previous
indirectly urged me on to success while they criticized. You time, a clearer and more precise picture was created out of the
folks are wonderful. message. I wondered how I had completely misinterpreted this
revelation previously. It was then I understood something that
Finally, a pat on the back of my humble self, for keeping the pen had eluded me previously. The same thing I think had eluded
going, even when everything around me said 'STOP'. The many of us. This was the birth of the inspiration of this precious
result today is this priceless gift of mine to mankind. From me to gift of mine.
you with love I say - “Take charge and…RULE YOUR
WORLD”. Dear reader, the truth is that every one of us has got a world to
rule. No wonder it read “Rule YOUR World” not rule 'THE' world.
Then I realized that a good many of us do not even know that we
<> Dedication
have a world to rule not to talk of how to rule that world. There is <> Appreciation
<> Preface
a world that is yours and that world must be ruled by you. <> Introduction
<> Food For Thought
In the course of reading this book, you will find each chapter 1. Create
heralded by a wise nugget or a quote by a successful man in 2. Unlimited Enthusiasm
3. You
that area of which we are treating. The lyrics have been carefully 4. Decide
knitted together to help awaken the silent voice of greatness 5. Opportunity
6. Goal
hidden within you in the language that you understand best. 7. Determination
Those that rule their world know what it takes. This book, tells 8. Attitude
9. Time
you what it takes. 10. Purpose
This little piece of work is a product of human passion. It is a SECTION 2 THE MAKING OF THE HERO
priceless gift from a heart seeking to assist his fellow men find 1. Stop talking…Start Doing
2. Criticism
their true position in life and regain their original poise from 3. Persistence (growing pains)
creation. Read it to expand your knowledge; read it to break 4. Procrastination
5. Imitation and Comparison
your bounds; read it to realize your responsibilities; read it to
6. Hard work
achieve your purpose here on earth; read it to fulfill your 7. Wisdom
dreams; read it to accomplish your targets; read it to become 8. Mistakes and Failures
9. Face to face
who you were born to be; read it to fulfill the will of God for you for 10. The True Face Of Success
only by so doing can you take charge and RULE YOUR HOW FAR
1. Keep Shooting
2. Experience
Don Vuchez 3. Change be Flexible, But Do Not Stop
(Best of Both Worlds) 4. The Power Within
5. Networking
6. Fear and Worry
7. Speed Kills
8. Self-Control
9. The Winning Character
10. It's All Warfare

Back in the days when the world still slept in darkness, in the are our own limitations. Whatsoever you can see (not by sight)
kingdom of don't-ask-me, a great hunter whose name was 'I is what you would have. Overcome the challenge of yourself
don't know', found an eagle's egg high up upon the mountain and get ready to rule your world.
peak. He brought it home and kept with an incubating hen. The
hen hatched the baby eagle and it grew up among her chicks. Once upon a time, a baby boy was born into a certain king's
When other eagles flew past, it never ever looked up. It ate family. But his mother being a slave girl among the other
grains like other chicks and died like every other chicken. legitimate queens was ill-treated. They conspired and drove
mother and baby boy away and told the king that both of them
Did I hear someone say, ''How?'' or ''Why?'' Let me explain. The had been killed by wild animals on their way back from the
eagle never discovered itself. Unless a man discovers himself, stream. The king never had another baby boy born into his
he will never know his true quality and what he is capable of household for the other women only had baby girls. The slave
doing and thus will never function at his full potential. The eaglet woman lived with her baby boy in the forest. Shortly afterwards,
hatched among chickens thought it was a chick and lived as she died. The boy grew up as a vine dresser. One day, he
such. Many people live and die likewise. They are limited by came to the village to sell his wine. The king drank of this wine
environmental factors - tradition, finance, peer group influence and found it remarkably special. He ordered his servants to
etc. In my continuous association with people, I have come to fetch whoever had tapped it. When the boy was brought
realize that these limitations are all products of our own creation. forward, the king recognized him as his son through the
They are products of wrong human imaginations. This is true necklace around his neck. The king had given all his wives
because, limitations never exist except first created in the special necklaces to put on their male children if any of them
imaginations of the mind. ever had a boy child. Shortly after, this vine dresser was
addressed as ‘Prince” and later became the king after the death
This is as a result of lack of self understanding due to poor self of his father.
assessment. When you fail to know what you are made of
mentally, psychologically and otherwise, you will never be able The bottom line of this story is that even the boy did not know he
to defy the odds against you. Even when there are no odds, your was a Prince and was contented to die a vine dresser. However
imagination tends to create some for you. A good number of us he carried within him the seed of kingship and the mark of
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prince-hood. That is the issue. Many of us live and die in

mediocrity today because we have refused to know who we are Section 2 is THE MAKING OF THE HERO; This is the second
and what we can become. It is only after you have discovered stage where the transition from ‘before’ to ‘now’ begins .
this can you become who you were born to be. As you read this Section 3 is RETAINING THE CROWN; This is the final stage
book, say good bye to mediocrity, discover the real you as you which is the manifestation of all things hoped for.
read and practice the principles therein. Remember, hearers are
not achievers but doers. He that does what he heard actually
As you take advantage of these life-transforming principles
heard the most.
today, I see you arise and begin to RULE YOUR WORLD.

Inside this book, there are testimonies of people, practical

Ugochukwu Victor Ezeribe
examples, momentum-boosting quotations and most of all, (Mr. Versatile)
simple and accessible principles of change. I am personally
convinced that whoever reads this book, and puts to practice the
principles therein, will not only breakeven but master the art of
ruling his world. Believe it dear reader, your ignorance ends now.

This book was not written to merely transform minds but to ignite
the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny of many. Not just to
create dreams but to achieve goals; for until hope is hoped in the
direction of the fulfillment of destiny, it is mere wish. This
priceless piece can take you from floor to top; from base to
space; from nobody to somebody. It has been put together in
three sections.

Section 1 is THE REBIRTH; This is the first stage where

inspiration and dreams are born.

The greatest of men that will successfully take charge and rule
their worlds, are men that would learn to let go all of their
purpose to a superior authority and receive of that authority, all
of its purpose for them to rule their worlds. Locate your superior
authority first before you download and digest the contents of
this Magnus opus. I have personally refused to sound religious
in the course of this book. Nevertheless, as an egg will not exist
without a shell, so also can the message of the existence of
man and his transforming world not be told without a mention of
a superior authority. The choice is yours but my advice is as the Section One
quotation below.

“Ordinary men lean on other men to stand

Great men lean on other great men to climb
But the greatest of men lean on God to rule”
(Mr. Versatile, 2009)
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success, yet we have overlooked the secrets that made us.

Those who will rule their world must learn the hidden secrets of
this statement.

The problem I discovered over the years is that many of us, who
read this statement, do not understand the content. Thus we do
not even realize the wonderful tool of success set at our disposal
CREATE and made so accessible and even yet so cheap. However, a few
“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive who understand do not know how to implement what they felt
and believe, it achieves” they just understood. This is because the statement does not
*******Napoleon Hill******** suggest any formal tool or method to be applied except for the
intangible substance called Mind. I hope that the course of this
book would throw much light to all the dark corners of doubt
This postulation was put forward by the author of the book which we harbor. For a better illustration, let us do the
“Think and grow rich”. It has since then, transformed the lives of explanation bit by bit.
many men of our generation. Men who were able to utilize the
virtues and values this book spoke of. Yet, even with this great WHATEVER
awareness lying bare before us, many people have not queued The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (6 Edition) defined
into this well of wisdom and trend of victory. He wrote that this this word as 'any' or 'every'. In order words, anything or
secret was born long before even he saw the light of this life. He everything whatsoever set (defined, purposed, planned,
claimed that it was this same wisdom that Henry Ford had desired, determined) to be achieved by a heart that utterly
discovered and even though he had just 3 months of education, believes (undoubted, unshaken, uncompromised) is achievable.
went ahead to become the foremost inventor of his generation. This may look so bogus and incomprehensible for a starter, but
This same secret was transferred to Edward C. Barnes who before you ask the question 'How?' let me tell you 'Why?'
was a business Associate of Edison then and that also turned
him to another money making mogul. I am challenged to think The mind of a man is his centre of wisdom, his factory of
that everyone of us wants more money, better life, and bigger invention, his chamber of productivity and his seat of power. It is
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from the mind that all the good and evil thoughts and ideas of personal belief. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can. Believe
this world emanate. The great inventions of all life times are all that those imaginations are possible and achievable. After all, if
products of the minds of men; men who I call 'creative thinkers'. you do not, who will?
Any innovation from the mind is a seed of destiny. If properly Bringing the entire statement together, you would accept with me
tended to, it can transform the world your world. But first it must that no tool except for the mind is required. The creation and
be conceived. This takes us to the next point of concern believing in whatsoever you can think of could only be executed
conceive. in the mind first. This is why many of us today have not gotten
through the shackles of imaginary limitations holding us back.
CONCEIVE We are on the lookout for the insurmountable mountains on the
Conception is a product of the inside. It is the process of outside that are holding us back when they really exist no such.
forming, creating, visualizing, envisaging and conjuring up an
idea or a plan. Ideas and plans are usually conceived in the The mind is the first tool or factor to harness in any combat,
mind. They could be products of divine inspiration, imagination opposition, or challenge. Whatever you can imagine is really
and organized planning. Whatever the information you feed to what you can achieve. Many of us want to see the way before we
the mind, the mind receives and processes. If you must be on decide to take it when what we really have to do is to decide to
the lead in this era, know that it is time to start feeding positive take it and a way will appear. The eye does not see as much as
information to your mind. First you must hatch a plan, conceive the mind. The eye only sees the achievements of others and the
an idea then device a means. Whatever you call it, have weakness of your might. The mind should be origin and not the
something in your mind. Something you believe in. This takes eye. When the eye becomes the origin, failures abound because
us to the next point. it is smaller in might and size than the unquantifiable mind. If the
mind is made to achieve only what the eye thought possible, then
BELIEVE you automatically have become an underachiever. Your mind is
We will properly analyze this later, but for now just by way of infinite, inestimable, unfathomable, boundless and endless.
definition; 'Believe' is to feel that something is true and is Whereas your eye is limited, restricted, and narrow in all its
possible. You alone must do your own believing. Most people activities. Utilize your mind today. Exploit its strength. Just like
only believe what they see. So they will believe only what you the muscles are developed when continually exercised the mind
do. The product of your creative mind must be subjected to a could undertake greater tasks as it is called upon regularly. You
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stand to gain everything and nothing to loose. The acts of

exploiting the mind have regularly been misinterpreted by a lot
of us to depict fantasy. Fantasy is more of an unreality. Fantasy
and imagination originate from the mind but the truth of the
matter is that any thought without a realistic plan of execution
becomes a fantasy. So whatever your mind conceives and
believes it can achieve, you must conceive a practical plan.
Failure to do this, then you should know that you are just UNLIMITED ENTHUSIASM
fantasizing. “People can succeed at almost anything for which they have
To get started, conceive a plan today; whatever be the plan, just unlimited enthusiasm”
subject it to the true test of your existence. This test answers to ******* Charles Schwab*******
this principle-if a man cannot die for a thing, he is not fit to live for
it. This is otherwise known as a vision which is the reason for
your being here on earth. Without this, life becomes a mere bad Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of excitement and interest,
dream. Now that you have a plan, make sure you believe in your passion and eagerness in something someone is about to get
plan enough for it to withstand the tests ahead; for definitely, involved in. As a follow up to the previous chapter, we must
there will be challenges ahead; real tough tests. When that is analyze what it takes to sustain our beliefs. Anyone can come up
done, get ready to RULE YOUR WORLD. with anything and believe in it. Over the years, people have
come to believe in so many things. They believe in trees, stones,
carved objects and all kinds of legends. As regards ideas,
similarly, people have come to believe in all kinds as well. No
wonder we have had many ills in the society in the past and in
recent years. Also, we have had increases in heart attacks,
cardiac failures and aborted ambitions all as a result of poorly
hatched concepts, negative-oriented ideas and easily-aborted
plans. With so much knowledge at our disposal, what then is the
missing factor?
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ENTHUSIASM beliefs and enthusiasm stronger by the day. You are the
This is the fire that lights up in you when an idea flashes across architect of your destiny; design it how you want it to be. An
your mind. It was this spark that set Archimedes, the Greek ancient proverb says “As you make your bed so you will lie”. The
inventor running along the streets naked screaming ''Eureka! problem with the world today is such that people are out in
Eureka!! Eureka!!!'' It is surprising to know that while he ran in search of the beds of probably other people when the very beds
such frenzy, he had not even set about accomplishing the task, they were born with are left unkept. The seed of your
but he could not control the excitement in the idea and the breakthrough is right in you now. Discover it. Plant it. It sure will
strong feeling that he had found the solution thus he ran out grow. Do not be scared of how big or small the idea is as long as
nude shouting all the way down street. Enthusiasm is the it is positive. Remember what our rule on this says; people will
energy to achieve. It is usually inborn in the ideas of ours, succeed at ANYTHING irrespective of size, shape, age, time,
developed in the challenges of life and lost in the face of demand, resources, limitations, quality, prospect etc. All you
distractions. However as all energies, it is rarely destroyed but need to do is to believe with unlimited enthusiasm in that plan of
rather misappropriated. yours. Let your belief be so strong that the both of you (you and
your belief) are unlimited backed by the power of unlimited
Your plan must be good enough to be shared with other positive enthusiasm, get ready to RULE YOUR WORLD.
thinkers. Any plan that cannot be shared in the open is a
dangerous one. Any idea that cannot come with a strong feeling
of excitement is not good enough. Your enthusiasm must be so
strong that it cannot be limited by any force or factor. This is
because they are so many dream killers along the path to the
top. Your personal convictions must be stronger than their
power to dissuade you. These dream killers could be in form of
men, events, conditions and some unforeseen circumstances.
Personal enthusiasm is your bullet-proof.

People will always kick against your ideas, plans and intentions
whether they are good or bad. Strive to keep your personal
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him a V8 engine. On several occasions, they came back saying

that it was not possible. But Henry Ford will not be moved. Each
time they returned without the answer, he would say to them 'you
can'. At last it was made. You are right whenever you say you can
or you can't. For whichever you profess and stick to with
undoubted resolve, will definitely manifest.

YOU You are the captain of your ship of destiny. You plan, you design,
“Whether you think you can or can't, you are right” you execute. No wonder David Blunt said “Stay out of your own
*******Henry Ford******* way”. Nothing confronts a man on his course to success more
than himself. You are a very important component of your own
success. This is because you are characterized by lots of all that
you need to succeed. You have your own imagination, creativity,
''Can'' is the affirmative of a thing; anything. It is a word used to temperament, ability, believe, enthusiasm etc. You have the right
express the possibility of something doing a thing. ''Can'' is so to express any of these to their maximum limits. Against all the
powerful a word that it has the inherent ability of actualizing a limiting factors which will be discussed later, note that nothing
goal or a dream. “Can” is the resolve to believe in that which you limits a man more than himself. Like Bishop David Oyedepo
have conceived (idea, or plan) is achievable. ''Can'' is always would say, 'there are no mountains anywhere except in your
used after a noun or a pronoun; like we can, I can, they can etc. mind'. Get out of your own way.
Today the noun or pronoun in contention is you.
When I first thought of writing this book, I listed so many limiting
You can be whatever and whoever you wish to be if you believe. factors; finance, time, people, resource etc. Then I found out that
''Can'' is in fact taking a decision; a decision towards the these were not the real limitations but products of my own
positive. Its opposing counterpart is ''can not''. It is also taking a imagination. I was the source of the limitations. I created them
decision but this time it is in the negative. Henry Ford the great even when they had not announced themselves as limitations. In
inventor renowned for his legendary V8 Ford engines came up order words, I was my own limitation. You can make them big,
with this resolution after he asked his team of engineers to build small or even non-existent. If you decide to achieve a thing,
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whatever the task may be, YOU are the most responsible factor
of its failure or success. Remember you can do all things
through God who gives strength as quoted in the good book.
Peak tells it all when it says “its’ in YOU”.

Here is one timeless note that you must bear in mind. When you
say you can and you go ahead to try, you would at least have
proved that you can even if you do not succeed. Success itself DECIDE
as we will come to know in the course of this book is not an end “Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must
but a process. You will be millions of time better than the arm be overcome”
chair critic who did not try. You will also have gained experience *******Samuel Johnson********
which is what you get when you make an attempt but do not get
the desired results. Remember the old adage, 'say nothing, do Nothing will ever be done if we have to sit and analyze every of all
nothing and be nothing. In your journey to the top, know that things and proffer working solutions to perfection before
when you say and believe that you can, you are one step up, commencement. Truly speaking, they are no perfect conditions
some distance ahead of others and half way through to that under the sun. There are no perfect men nor women, perfect
position where you will sit to RULE YOUR WORLD. friends nor enemies, perfect relationships nor conditions or any
other perfect whatever. If you wait to have a perfect soil, perfect
climatic condition or perfect planting materials, then it is sure that
you will never plant. Every situation will always have its
imperfections. In any case for you to get started against all
imperfections, you must DECIDE.

Decision making is so important in the dictionary of he that plans

to rule his world that without it, nothing is ever done. Decision is
the propeller on which every journey of life is driven. It is so vital
that you will never get to your destination if you do not decide on
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what your destination is and how to get to that destination. For realized that most of their clients paid over 70% of the charge as
you to have decided to buy and read this book, amidst all the deposits. She also realized that the 70% was enough to execute
motivational books and journals that lie in various stores and these projects. Soon she began working for herself by using the
shelves, I see you setting out to your destination top. customers money. It would surprise you that she was able to
circumvent the available imperfect conditions to result in the
Inertia is the reluctance to start or to stop a thing. Only decision very expected breakthroughs. If not so, she would never have
making has the singular ability to overcome inertia. started at all. In fact, in the moments of indecision and
Nevertheless, in decision making, man is faced with so many stagnation, depreciation sets in. Yes! You would not even know
obstacles. These obstacles are so diverse that in solving them when you will begin to spend the little you have.
all, an entire lifetime could be exhausted. In fact “obstacles are
characteristics of every life venture” (Mr. Versatile). One is A clergy once said, 'what you need to get started is just the right
justified to say that embarking on any life venture is overcoming content'. The casing would appear with time. I agree totally to
the obstacles of the course. The two are interwoven. Yet for you this because, the casing is usually the protection, leverage,
to get going in life, you must take decisions. You must decide insurance and their likes which people set out for from the
on that relationship, that business, that journey, etc. You do not beginning. However these are factors that would make
need to wait for all objections to be overcome before you themselves available in the course of operation; most especially
decide, because they will never be a time when all will be totally when the content is in place. Every successful person must be a
overcome. Start with the much you have and make the most decision maker. Against all the possible obstacles and
that you can as God strengthens you. Along the way you will limitations, decision-making gives you the strength to face them
have many other hurdles to overcome. That is the stuff of which and the tenacity to hold on. This is because, as you take a
life is made. Overcoming obstacles; they are no 100% stress- decision, you activate your subconscious mind which in turn
free zones. You perfect the imperfections as you go along. activates all your senses alongside your mental and physical
abilities. They all get aroused when you take the decision. No
I was stunned some years ago when i heard a woman tell the one can decide for you when to set all these members of yours to
story of how she built her furniture empire with little or nothing. work. You must do it yourself. Do it today and get ready to RULE
She worked as a sales representative with a bigger firm and YOUR WORLD.
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The moral of this story is that opportunity always hangs around

us but it is always dressed in work attire (overall) and many
people mistake it for work. Many people do not want to work
thus, many fail to take up the diverse opportunities that lie
around them. People will be more adventurous, more
committed and more resourceful if they can look beyond the
work outfit of opportunities. I see people desire dream jobs,
OPPORTUNITY dream cars, dream houses, dream whatever but they all fail to
“Opportunities are always around us but people mistake them realize that those dream achievements are all tied to the various
for work because they are dressed in work clothes” opportunities that lie all around them. Defile how its looks; it
*******Thomas Edison******* might be the golden opportunity you've been dreaming of. The
more I searched for a job and found none, the more I knew that
The first time I came across this statement, I laughed. I laughed better opportunities were opening up. The birth of this book is a
not because of how humorous it was, but because of how true it testimony to that fact.
is. My mother once told me a story of a very dirty village whose
king decided to hide a bag of money under one of the dirtiest Opportunities will continue to unfold themselves on a daily
refuse dumps. Even though from time to time he would basis. Only the determined heart can recognize and take them.
assemble the villagers and promise to reward whoever will clear Going to the moon looked like the greatest work impossible for
the refuge heaps around the village, no one ever attempted. any man to accomplish, but Neil Armstrong took that opportunity
They were very lazy and clearing the refuge dumps was beyond and today in the history of science, he will always be
their imagination. One day, one slave boy in the village, decided remembered as the first man to land on the moon. Many people
to break the spell and went ahead to clear the heaps. Bump! He complain that there are no opportunities around them, but I
ran into the bag of money hidden there by the king. His life from refuse to take sides with them. I believe that opportunities are
that day on never remained the same. When the villagers not scarce but initiative is. Leke Alder once said, 'the moment
heard this, they all went into sweeping the streets in search of you hear people complaining of troubles and crisis, watch out-
their own bag of money. Soon the streets were clean but there there is a river of opportunities in disguise'. Only the closed eye
was no money to be found. and opened minds can see such. You are an opportunity
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yourself. Work out the opportunities in you.

Opportunities are the breakthrough we all pray for. People pray

for all kinds of times ahead when all they need is an opportunity.
The good news is that these opportunities are always around.
They keep coming. The bad news is that they will never look or
dress better but always in their usual work attire. Spotting
opportunities whether small or big is very simple. Look around GOAL
your community. Think of what they need and how you can give “A goal is a dream with a time limit”
it to them. Every environment is in lack of one thing or the other. ******Joe L. Griffith*******
Put yourself in the position of providing that and you would have
hit a gold mine. The start may not be nice. That is why it is said I have always wondered why goals are so celebrated when
that opportunities usually dress in work clothes. Those who defy scored. Most Nigerian strikers will perform cat wheels while most
this work outlook are those you and I call achievers. Make a of their European counterparts will slide on their knees, signify
careful analysis of your opportunities today and take them as with a raise if a finger, cross their hearts, run into the crowds or
they come. You are the best candidate TO RULE YOUR perform a funny act. Whatever be the case, a loud ovation
WORLD. always follows a goal. Do you know why this hype is accorded to
goals? It is not just because a round leather ball is at the back of
the net. No. There is something more to it. As J.L. Griffith said, a
goal is a dream with a time limit. Whenever your dreams are
conceived, they become goals as soon as you place a time limit
on them.

Imagine a football team come together to strategize how to win a

match. Their dream is to win. Nothing less; Ninety minutes is the
time given for this dream to be accomplished. It is now a goal for
the sake of the time frame attached to it. Challenges must set in.
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One team must lose. Red cards, yellow cards, injuries, free Success is inevitable when preparation meets opportunity.
kicks, penalties, all must be overcome. No wonder when the ball
rolls into the net, the crowd responds with that overwhelming People are being misled by this sentence 'Let thy will be done'.
uproar. It is not just the goal that is celebrated but the God's will is not for anyone to live an aimless life. God's will is not
achievement of the dream within the specified time. A goal is a for anyone to float without plans and targets. The truth is that
target; a destination; an expectation. Time is the yardstick of God's will never be done if you do not have a plan. Submit your
measurement. plans to God, he has the ability to edit and help you achieve
them. Setting your own goals is like charting your course on a
Every stage of life demands setting of goals. It is a definite form map. What God does is to provide the map of which he has
of decision making. It makes the work easier, faster and makes already done. That map is life. You are the explorer. You alone
you more productive. Yes! You save more energy, time, and know what you want in this life. God can only be the compass.
resource, when you define your goals. I am always surprised Do you not know that the compass will be of no effect if the
when I interview people (elites inclusive) concerning their goals explorer is not looking for anything? Do not deceive yourself; no
at certain stages of their lives and what I hear is that I have no one makes a fool of God. A lot of us have refused to do anything
plans yet. Here is a big nugget you have to write on the wall of claiming that, it is what God wants for them. Start today.
your room or wherever you will always see it. “He, who fails to A goal must be SMART
plan, plans to fail”. Planning entails goal creation, target setting,
and personal check ups. When you do these, you are able to S - Self-Generated
know what you want, what available resources are within your M - Measurable
disposal and how feasible and possible your plans are. When I A - Achievable
was in the university, I missed making first class despite my R - Realistic
academic prowess. When a friend asked me why, I told him that T - Time Bound
I did not plan for it. That is true because when I went for my
National Youth Service, I planned to win the NYSC Honors Dream your dreams. Set your targets, give them limits. Commit
Award. I planned ahead, prepared for it and at the end of my them to God, and set out to work. Quote me, “You are en route to
service year, I won it. Another friend asked me why he did not RULE YOUR WORLD.''
win the same award, this time I replied, “You did not plan for it”.
7 31 32

Opportunity showed up
As usual dressed in work clothes
Fear said I won't attempt
Plans were drafted out
Enthusiasm started off
Though without purpose
Soon it fell down hard
DETERMINATION And might have quit
“Your resolution to succeed is more important than any other But for the intervention of a comrade
one thing” A very dependable pal
*******Abraham Lincoln******* Strong and ever urging him forward
Up again they went
There are 3 Ds in this life that everyone willing to rule his world Soon all was accomplished
must adopt and make key factors in their lives. There are His friend's name was Determination
Decision, Determination and Desire otherwise known as
purpose. For now we shall be talking Determination. The 3 Ds are very essential in getting to the top but this is what
you must know of them;
Sometimes we get so confused distinguishing between tenacity, Desire is the vehicle
perseverance, doggedness and determination. In my definition, Decision is the destination but
determination is that quality that keeps you doing a thing against Determination is the fuel
all odds. Holding on to a situation is perseverance, but the
quality to enable you to persevere is determination. No vehicle will ever run without a source of power. Whatever be
Determination is very essential. For the reward of determination the energy source, every movable entity must be powered.
is success. Where others will quit, a determined heart will keep Determination is the link between the beginning and the end. It is
going on. In the quest to defy odds, determination is the most the connector between desire and decision. It is one thing to
trusted weapon of all. Listen to this poem; have a goal in life; it is another thing to achieve it. The moment a
33 8 34

goal is conceived, its obstacles and also its solutions are

activated. That is the rule of life. Nothing is free. 'Nothing goes
for nothing'.

Some situations are so obstacle-laden that not many could

venture that way not to talk of succeeding at them. However,
none of life's endeavors is obstacle-free. Find your best pal
today. Nurture it and watch it grow. Its name is Determination. It ATTITUDE
varies in degree; if well exercised by constant practice, it will be “The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good
properly developed. Like a muscle that gets tougher with news when you change your attitude”
continued practice, your determination will get stronger when *******Robert Schuller*******
encouraged by victories in the feats you undertake. You only
achieve this by getting determination and staying determined. Two salesmen who worked with a shoe factory were sent to a
Get determination if you wish to get to the finishing mark. In this foreign land to survey the area for market expansion. When they
present world of so many worries and distractions, the simple got there, they found the people not wearing shoes. One of the
truth is that only a determined soul can make it through. As you men mailed back to the company, ''I am on my way back this
get determined today, know that you are getting ready to RULE people do not wear shoes'' while the other wrote, ''It is a great
YOUR WORLD. market we have no competition.'' What is the difference between
the two men? ATTITUDE! Similarly, a half jar of water was placed
before two people to pass comments. One of them said, ''its half
empty.'' while the other said, ''It's half full.''(Adapted from, inspire
the sleeping giant within; By Andreas Lara).

Identify their differences. It is simple enough. Both had different

attitudes to life. Each viewed life and its event from a different
perspective. That is the truth. Life is what you see of it. Life will be
easy to those who see it that way and tough to those who see it as
35 36

such. A Clergy once said, 'Life is what it is, so take it how it is'. Indeed, a rhyme that works. The confession of Faith like the
Sydney Harris wrote. ''When I hear somebody sigh, 'life is hard', good book says and the preaching of positive confessions like
I am tempted to ask, compared to what? Life has no the inspirational speakers of our time advocate are all
comparison. It is neither tough nor easy. It is how it is. After all expressions and manifestations of the right attitude. A down
what is the yardstick of judgment? Mark Twain wrote 'Life owes trodden man who says it is well and goes ahead to act like it is
you nothing; after all, it was here before you'. My elder brother is well, even in the face of anguish, is the man with the right
fond of saying this, “It could have been worse”. Truly speaking, if attitude. Such men are unstoppable. It mostly turns out well.
it could have been anyhow, how could it have been? Could it
have been better or worse? No one can tell. It is simply how it is. The right attitude is a great weapon in the over-comer's arsenal.
I tell you except how it is now; there is no other way it could have Do you think that every warrior that goes for war knows the
been. Also, it is noteworthy that how it is now is how you were outcome? No! But he goes in for it seeing himself as a winner
able to see and to make it to be. even before he crosses swords with the opponent. Develop the
farmer's attitude. He knows it may not rain. Even if it rains, he
Five blind men went to see an elephant. The first touched the knows that they maybe floods. He knows it may be too sunny. In
tail and said, “Oh, so it's like a snake”. The second touched the the face of pests, he knows the plants may not survive. Yet he will
sides and said, “Goodness, it is like a wall”. The third touched plant and expect with all hope for the best yield. True to this, he
the tusk and exclaimed, “It's just like a trumpet”. Each saw it reaps much more, most times. I will not end this chapter without
from a different point of view; his own point of view. You telling you that you might not be able to change the world around
determine what becomes of any task in your hand depending on you, but if you succeed to change your attitude, then the world
your attitude. Developing a positive mental attitude is the around you would have changed. The change which President
answer. Not just a mental attitude but a positive one. Here is a Obama of the United States of America advocates is not a
rule you should adopt. Do not see things as they are, but as you structural rebuilding, but a mental repositioning. As you imbibe
want them to be. Alphonse Carr wrote, “People say roses have and implement this principle of change of attitude, I see you
thorns, but I am thankful that thorns have roses”. Of all that I ascend the throne to RULE YOUR WORLD.
have seen and heard in my entire life, I am always astonished at
this statement, “To change your altitude, change your attitude”.
37 38

AIRLINES, is the name of the fastest airlines.

The best managers are time managers. Time management is

one very important tool in your quest to rule your world. Know
when to work and when to play. Know when to spend, when to
save and when to invest. Know when to start and when to stop.
When you have successfully been able to manage your time,
TIME you would have been able to manage your resources. It is of
“It's been my observation that most people get ahead during general acceptance that there are 24 hours in a day, but I tell you
the time others waste” that there are not 24 hours available to everyone in a day. There
*******Henry Ford******* is to you the much you use. He that uses just 5 hours of the day
and squanders the rest cannot boast of the same number of
I once imagined myself as a Sage. I ideated people traveling hours in a day like he that uses 12 hours judiciously in a day.
from far and wide to ask me questions of life, while I settled
myself in my seat made of the trunk of a fallen tree, giving wise Look at this analysis. If you sleep for at least 6 hours each day
answers to their foolish questions. I imagined someone like you (most people sleep more), by the time you are 60years old, you
asked me, ''Wise man what must I do to be ahead of others?'' I would have slept for at least 15years which is one quarter of your
remember telling him, ''you are competing with no one.'' Next he life spent. What a pity. Yet most of us if not all of us are guilty of
asks me, ''How can I be more resourceful?'' I expect my answer this. You will be ahead of others if you utilize properly the time
to be, ''Utilize your opportunities and manage your time well.'' If others waste. Like P-Square says in Pidgin English
you must get ahead in life, then you must move in a faster
transport line. Do you know that the fastest transport line is time? While our mates dey bubble
The old nursery rhyme goes thus- We dey, dey hustle
'Time flies when not, To make sure say our music
Work hard mon ami, Go escape us from trouble
Otherwise-bad end'.
Think of it. If time flies, even when not, then fly with it. TIME
39 40

In order words, while their peers were wasting time, they got that results is therefore that you would have utilized 20% of your
ahead escaping from the troubles associated with failures. John time in doing 80% of your work and still have 80% of your time left
Mason said, “A secret of success is to do something in the mean for other investments and engagements. The result is that you
time”. Yes! Let every hour in the clock be properly accounted for. would have become 80% more productive. This is known as the
Don't be like my mother would say, 'busy doing nothing'. 20/80 management rule.
However redeeming the time for the days are evil. I wrote five
books while I was searching for a job. I never accepted that I was THE 13 CALENDAR MONTH RULE
unemployed. I was simply not earning but seriously employed. I This is a rule of life that extends the year by one month or more as
cannot recount of a time I would call 'wasted years'. No! Never the case may be.
ever! The man that works with time achieves a lot in so short a
time. Like Thomas Edison said, “Everything comes to he that If you go to bed one hour beyond your usual time and arise
hustles”. another hour before your usual time as well, you would have
gained two hours in each day. Two hours in each day multiplied
THE SECRET OF TIME MANAGEMENT by 365 days in a year would result in 730 hours in a year. Each
The 20/80 Management Rule day is made up of 24 hours. Dividing 730 hours by 24 hours, you
It is generally accepted that out of the 100% of time at our would obtain 30.42 days which is exactly a month.
disposal for work, only 20% accounts for your real work and
productivity value while 80% is just wasted. This is proved This is unarguably twice your 15days annual leave or the 5days
further in the sense that, after the first quarter of your days casual leave I was entitled to as a contract staff. Don't sleep
activities (mostly some minutes before break), the rest of the away your extra month.
time afterwards, we seem to be less effective, less productive
and hence much wasteful. The secret of time management is I was taught that time waits for no one. It is not its fault. It is a fast
thus - transfer most of your important activities (at least 80%) flier. What you need to do is to catch up with it. Since I became a
into those productive hours (usually 20%) of yours. Then utilize time manager, I have recorded tremendous achievements in so
most of the ineffective hours (usually about 80%) doing short a time. Remember that we earlier said, a goal is a dream
something else not in your regular schedule. the permutation with a time limit, this tells you that without time and its proper
41 10 42

management, your dreams will never be achieved in due

season. From this day, begin to program your day. Set a task
and give it a time limit and work to achieve it within that time
frame. Do not be a time waster.

Michael Leboeuf summarized it best for us when he said,

“Waste your money and you are only out of money, but waste
time and you have lost part of your life”. When you sleep for PURPOSE
6hours a day, one quarter is already wasted. Another six hours “No wind favors he that has no desired port”
wasted, and half of your life is gone. What much can the rest half *******Michael De Montaigne*******
do? Grab your time and grab your life. You might not necessarily
be seeing the results yet. However, make sure that you are not I am a football fan, a very dedicated one for that matter. I have not
letting the time go by. In time airlines, being a good time missed a national fixture or international fixture since 1994. From
manager makes you a pilot. As you know, when you are the co- the world cups to the champions' leagues, from the foreign
pilot, the crew flies to your destination. Do not be a passenger, leagues to the local leagues I have followed the round leather
for in time airline, flights are scheduled for the destination of the game around. One thing that has always amazed me is why the
pilots and not the passengers. game has been able to thrill about 2 billion fans. It is simply the
purposefulness of the game. Each of the two elevens is
Be the pilot. Fly high and RULE YOUR WORLD. attempting to put the ball at the back of the other's net. They have
a purpose and that is why they are there. That is the same reason
that keeps us all spell bound. Purpose sparks up life as it sparks
up the game of football.

Purpose is the intention or aim of someone or something.

Purpose is your mission. Everything we do; however, whenever,
whichever, whatever, wherever, whoever, must be with a
purpose. A man with a purpose is like a ship with a definite
43 44

destination. He knows what he wants, so he is in search of because your ship is actually heading nowhere. Purposeless
where and how to get it. He is more precise than he that knows people are life's greatest losers; for even when “by hook or by
not what he wants. If you do not know what you are looking for, crook” the victory is handed to them on a platter of gold, they do
you would not know it even when you have found it. You will still not even know what to do with it. This is the reason why many
spend all you have looking for it when you had it with you all this lottery winners end up poorer than there were before they won
while. Purpose creates speed and saves time. Purpose makes the lottery. They were really going nowhere in the first instance.
you move faster in life. True, because when you have picked a Everyone was born for a purpose and must live for that purpose.
definite destination, you are more focused in getting there Discover yours today and fulfill your destiny.
irrespective of limiting and distracting factors around you.
Imagine a vehicle loaded from Abuja without a definite When you discover the purpose for which you got involved in this
destination. No matter how long they spend in running around life's drama, go all out to achieve it. Do not be the type who is
that day, they will have reached no where at the end of the day. always busy doing nothing. Be busy trying to achieve a purpose
Even if they persevere with all determination and enthusiasm, of your personal conception. There are too many distractions in
for weeks and months, they will still be in Abuja and would have life. Purpose is the only sure guide to see you through. To stand
succeeded in wasting much time, resources and energy. In this out among your peers, set out to achieve unique purposes. With
life of ours, we are faced with choices to make on a daily basis. purpose, you divide your distractions, subtract from your
If you fail to make a right choice of your personal priorities, you limitations and add to your aspirations. Purpose makes the
will be no where by the end of your time here on earth. Note; destination nearer. Do not sit there wishing that it comes to you.
every successful man is a purposeful man. Go out and get it! Irving Washington wrapped it up when he said,
“Great minds have purpose while others have wishes”. It is not
To rule your world, you must identify your purpose in life. This is enough to wish to be the president of your country, when the
because it channels you along a direction; your desired beggars and the mad people down the street also wish the
direction towards a desired destination. Just like it was said, no same.
wind favors the man without a desired port. So true that even Many were the black men that wished to see a black president in
when the wind blows east, west, and north or south, it is never in the United States of America, but it was Senator Barak Obama
your favor. You never sail out despite the direction of the wind that set out on this mission amidst his Kenyan lineage. He got it

at last in 2009. Today he is addressed as President Barak

Obama-44 president of America. Time and chance might have
been in his favor, but know that there would only be in the favor
of he that has a plan and a purpose.

Go all out to make yours happen. Make it a desire of yours, a

purpose, a target, a destination. However, work towards
achieving it. Even if you do not get there, you would have gone
farther than those who wished but sat back. Shoot at the sun for By the time you have read through to the end of this segment, I
even if you miss, your aim would at least land among the stars know you would have been reborn in thought in will and in might.
which is also a favorable destination. He that would take charge There must have been a change in intentions and orientation. I
is he that must have a purpose. Great men are little men who believe we have been able to examine ourselves to modify,
strove with clarity of purpose to achieve their goals. For those change, remove or delete limiting qualities in our lives.
who miss out at the end, due to life's uncertainties, one thing will
be accorded to them, which is the fact that they tried and they By now any committed reader would have known the need to
will die with the satisfaction that they died in the line of duty. create ideas with unlimited enthusiasm; believe in himself that he
is well able to go over; understand the need to take opportunities
Be purposeful today and RULE YOUR WORLD.
despite them being dressed in work clothes; set his goals and
pursue them with all determination; develop a positive attitude
towards all of life's situations; learn to manage his time properly
and to stay focused against life's distractions. This is the death of
your old self. A new -you has been born. That is the rebirth.

Now you are about to embark on the journey through the making
process. THE MAKING OF THE HERO (You) who is set to rule
his world. Now, note; this is the transition period. It is the slowest,

and the most hated. This is the season that actually determines
if you would breakthrough or not. Here, you come face to face
with the challenges and confrontations of life. Slow and steady
is the motto here. Nothing great is suddenly created. They all
take time. So let us spend some time developing our newly born

The strength you develop here is very important for you now
and in the days ahead. Beautiful pictures are born in the darkest
rooms; the darker the room, the better the picture. A picture that Section Two
would not be first called negative would never be called positive
afterwards. As we move along, I advocate that, it is good to
read, wise to analyze and assimilate what you read but THE MAKING OF
expedient to put to practice all you learnt and found necessary.
As we earlier said, he that does what he heard heard the most.
Having worked on our minds, come with me and let us work on
our plans. Nothing can stop you now from coming out of that
dying dynasty of mediocrity and aimlessness. The days of
ignorance are over. Welcome to the dark room.

It is time to RULE YOUR WORLD.

1 49 50

more to it all. I love that Italian proverb overhead because people

say more and do less. If it all stopped at saying, then I would have
been the president of Africa since I was seven years old because
I fantasize a lot. But life is not a function of fantasies but reality
achievable only by doing all that which was fantasized. Doing is
the visible or physical representation of your imagination. No one
will ever know what you have conceived within. No one will ever
STOP TALKING ...START DOING believe that you are capable if you do not do it. Who would have
“Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out” believed that a big bird in form of an aircraft will be able to fly in
*******Italian proverb******* the sky from continent to continent?

Nobody believed the Wright brothers until they saw the first
aircraft flying. It was then many adopted the art and today we are
When I finished my secondary school education, I started all beneficiaries of the innovation. Doing defies unbelief. Doing is
noticing in me a flair for writing, singing, and acting. Before now I the translation from the supernatural world where dreams and
had been an indoor comedian. I decided to go professional from imaginations are conceived to this physical world where there
when I entered the university. Five years later, I had not written a are actualized. Almost of the great inventions in existence
music line nor appeared on any stage even in my village. I followed this principle. Only a few like the discovery of fire was
included it in every New Year's resolution I made; but at the end invented by mistake. However, the inventor of fire was doing
of many years, nothing was ever done. Do not start laughing at something. A conscious translation of discoveries from the
me yet. Make a careful survey of yourself, listing out what you subconscious mind of man to the tangible world of our existence
have always listed out to be done but are still undone. You will be is what we call invention. Only by doing can this be achieved. I
surprised to note that the list is simply unending. am not just urging you to do it alone but I am saying you should
do it now. Cross from the position of I will, or I can to the position
Benjamin Franklin said “well done is better than well said”. Yes! of I am doing.
It does not just end at dreaming dreams and setting goals. It
does not just end at I can and I have decided to. No! There is
51 2 52

All we have started teaching from section I will amount to

nothing if you do not start something now. I have had friends
who have read books of all sorts, attended workshops and
seminars, gotten involved in most developmental program but
have remained the same. This is because they have not
attempted to put to practice all they have been getting involved
with. People say except God wills it, it would never be. Let me
ask, that girl you are dating, was it God that willed it? Was it God CRITICISM
that willed that you would be driving a car? God wills the “To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing and be nothing”
intangible. We will the tangible. God does not tamper with your *******Elbert Hubbard*******
power of choice. Your decisions are not influenced by him. He
only supervises execution. However, for God's will to be done,
someone must be found doing something before God takes
over. Keep dreaming but I tell you start doing. A doer has more When you start out in life, do not expect to be hailed by anybody.
reward than a dreamer. Those who do what they dream are It is surprising to know that in most cases, we have more people
called; inventors, achievers, great, successes, etc. those you against us than for us. The moment you are through with the
dream alone are not remembered. The few who are rebirth section of this book, you have automatically differentiated
remembered are known as sluggards; for they sleep a lot. yourself from a lot of people. Expect criticisms from now on.
Friends, relatives, colleagues, close associates, none is left out.
Start doing today and RULE YOUR WORLD. Don't worry about enemies for they will never be on your side at
least you know that. Many people will never start anything
because of the fear of criticism. No! For in every condition you
find yourself in life, you will always have people you will
sympathize with you, despise your exploits, criticize your
intentions, castigate your status celebrate your downfalls and
announce your victories.
53 54

I do not want to be associated with people of great potentials what must we do? In further chapters we will discuss other
who for the fear of criticism will not want to exploit these great remedies but for now let me give you this hint. You could make
potentials of theirs. The sad tale is that even if for the fear of your criticism be your score board, your spring board or you
criticism you refuse to do a thing and remain where you are, crash board. When it is your spring board, it means that with it
people will still criticize you. Life's criticism has no end. In fact, it and against it, you keep going forward breaking new grounds.
is an essential tool of life designed to make you what you are When it is you score board, it means that you judge your
meant to be. Like Hubbard said say nothing, do nothing and be advances by it. This will not take you far, for this method has
nothing; but I tell you, people will still criticize you even when you great potential to destroy momentum because you try to please
end up as nothing. Too bad! The end of it is that you will remain your critics who will always keep criticizing despite your efforts.
unfulfilled, untapped, yet criticized and even more despised. When you make it your crash board, it simply means that you
stop because of criticisms and you never can advance because
Show me a man who has never been criticized in his entire life, wagging tongues never cease. Like in play station, I call this
and I will show a man who has never lived for even the dead are GAME OVER. A neighbor once bought a dog and named it let
criticized. Yes! Criticisms go with some to the grave. As I said them say. True to his insinuations, they have always said. If I had
criticism is a functional constituent of the race to the top. Did I sat back to count the criticisms that followed me when my first
hear you say why? Let's explain it. The world is a multi-complex business crashed, they would never have been a RULE YOUR
community, made up of the good the bad and the ugly. Whatever WORLD. If you break through against the taunts of critics, your
be the direction you choose to take, you will be in opposition with glory would be sung by the same tongues. Today I say discover
some other schools of thought and some other ideologies of life. the transforming power of criticism and make it a launching pad,
Whoever is not for you is automatically against you. He/She its time to RULE YOUR WORLD.
could be actively or passively against you. Thus, at each stage
in life, someone, somewhere, at some time, will never be in
support of your dreams and aspirations. This is fixed and cannot
be changed.

Now we know that criticism will always abound, do we now sit

and fold our hands and watch it destroy potentials? No! Then
3 55 56

people start out on ventures and quit the moment there are faced
with oppositions. At that moment they quit, they try something
else and are soon faced with oppositions and quit again and so
on leaving behind them a series of abandoned projects and a life
of frustration. They start and never end well. They end up in the
blues. This has recurred so often among men because of a
PERSISTENCE certain lacking virtue; PERSISTENCE. The power to hold on to
(GROWING PAINS) the end against all odds is a quality of a winner. Yogi Berra said “it
“The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in the isn't over until it's over” but I tell you that it's never over. Keep
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands holding on against all that may stand your way never, ever quit
in moments of challenges and controversy” for the power to resist failure is persistence.
*******Martin Luther King*******
Alexander Graham Bell said ' what this power is I cannot say; all I
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. How do you know is that it exists and it becomes available when a man is in
like these rhymes? But is not all about the rhymes alone but the that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and
content and the meaning of the statement. What it means is to is fully determined not to quit until he finds it”. It is persistence
persevere. Have you ever read that a diamond is piece of coal that proves if truly you are qualified to rule your world. Once I
that stuck to its job and made good under pressure? wrote an article titled “enduring to the end” we were 10 groups
Persistence is the stamp of success. It is the link between the competition in that essay. After the presentation of mine, every
beginning and the end. Do you know why much life's dreams one wanted to have a copy of it. I cannot tell if it was due to my
and ventures start and never get to the end, leaving the people oration or the contents of the essay that I easily won it but I
in gross frustration and total confusion? I will tell you why. believed that every one out there that day, felt I was talking to
him/her. Winston Churchill summarized the story of his life in 7
GROWING PAINS words; “never give in; never, never, give in”. Mary Crowley wrote
It seems to me that life's oppositions will never end. Every life's “you may give out but do not give in”. Robert Babson wrote
attempt abounds on its own, inherent oppositions. Too many “when things go wrong don't go with them.
57 4 58

The pains may keep growing, the times may get worse, the
conditions may continually not go in your favor, but do not quit.
Like Thomas Edison said, “many life's failures are people who
did not realize how close they were to success when they gave
up”. To avoid loosing all that has gone in, do not quit. I cannot
recount how many times I have failed. In business, in career,
and otherwise I have met pitfalls. No successful man is free of
this. The ingredient that makes them go on and on, like the love PROCRASTINATION
of the Titanic Lovers is Perseverance. In the words of Robert “Procrastination is the graveyard of opportunities”
Schuller “winners never quit and quitters never win”. It is the *******John Mason*******
doggedness and persistence of a bulldog that makes it one of
most ferocious dogs of all nature. When it bites, it never lets go.
Believe me as I say this the next key in the bunch may unlock
the door. Did you ever think of quitting, we all thought alike? They will always be a tomorrow. This is the average man's
Your next attempt may finally get you there. If all you have is try consolation. But for the asking, why postpone what you are
and quit, why not go with try. One more move dear friend and capable of achieving today until tomorrow. Both the clock and
RULE YOUR WORLD. the calendar are never in the favor of procrastinators. They
always count forward and never backwards. Procrastination is
deferring today's task till tomorrow. It is postponing today's glory
for tomorrow. Procrastination clutters today's worries with
tomorrow's uncertainties. Procrastinators are time keepers but
not time managers. The best reward of a procrastinator is undue
old age. What more can be said? Do not procrastinate.

It is true that procrastination is the graveyard of opportunities

because many a dream never sees the light of the day because
someone said ‘I will do it later’. ‘I will do it tomorrow’. I accept but
59 60

what will happen today if everything must be postponed till Procrastination has left many would-have-been-great nations
tomorrow. What have you done with your today. The truth is like behind. Yes, because so much of their visions have been
H. Crowhill said “do not allow idleness to deceive you, because postponed until further notice. The use of such phrases like
while you give it today, it steals tomorrow from you”. In the 'observing due process' has become a decoy for endless
dictionary of achievers, today is the foundation while tomorrow procrastination. It is pitiful to note that in Nigeria for example, too
is the roof. No one builds without a foundation. No achiever many ideas are conceived every second and many more are in
throws away his today. Not even a second is wasted. . I have circulation yet most of them end up in the tomb of
always seen today as the first day of the rest of my life, the most procrastination. Procrastination is caused by the following;
important day for now and the best time to prepare for my
tomorrow. Fear,
Do you know that procrastination is the thief of time? It shows up Laziness,
when it is not expected and takes what is not protected. Some Over confidence,
people are always about to start living soon but never. They say Poor time management amongst others
when I get into school; when I get married; when the rains come;
when I raise the capital. The 'when' will never end if the None of these causes of procrastination listed above is a quality
procrastination doesn't? Like George Sheehan said “one of of an achiever. To overcome procrastination, put into practice all
these days is really none of these days. Take this rule. When the previous chapters of this book and you'll be on the other side.
you procrastinate, you stagnate and when you stagnate you Do not engrave your name in the cemetery of procrastination. So
decay. It is not by mistake that I started the first chapter of this many have been buried there and none of them has been
section with the topic 'stop talking…start doing', but for your own remembered for anything except for failure. Remember you are
clarity. For all the doing I mean it without missing words I mean the pilot of time airlines; don't let procrastination steal your
do it now. Unless you overcome your inertia and start doing it aircraft. Do not let it in as a crew member not even as a
now, procrastination will soon be setting in. Remember the passenger. As you quit procrastination today, I say take charge
onset of stagnation is the onset of decay. and RULE YOUR WORLD.
5 61 62

I always advocate; do not follow the crowd. Dare to be different.

Comparison is a personal limitation. It does not let you get to
know the real you. People who are always in comparison with
others have these as their reward;

Ø Lack of self fulfillment

Ø Frustration
IMITATION AND COMPARISON Ø Loss of personal direction
“Comparing yourself with another is like sowing your suit with
another man's measurement” A woman once complained of her husband to her friend saying
******* Ugochukwu Victor Ezeribe ******* that she can no more accommodate his snoring. Her friend
replied and smiled I will pay any amount to hear my husband
snore again, but he died some years ago. Every one has got his
There are no two people with the same qualities or abilities own shortcomings, pitfalls and moments of greatness. We will
anywhere. Everyone is so unique that no one can find his better off of we understood this and worked with our own abilities
photocopy. When you know that you are a rare breed, strive to than to waste energy measuring with that of others.
keep your breed in existence. Do you know that you are an
endangered specie? If you fail to reproduce your qualities, you When I was in the secondary school, my group of class tops
will soon be in extinction. Stop trying to be like someone else. always met at the end of the term to compare our results. We had
John Mason wrote “when you try to be like someone else, the this friend who was so good at mathematics but average at other
best you can ever be is number two”, what a pity. Comparison is subjects. We all wanted to be like him, so we practiced more of
a very poor scale for assessment. No ones abilities and mathematics. Before long he had started beating us all. This was
capabilities can be judged by that of another. We all have a way because we were just apprentices in that area where he a
of doing it the way we know it best. Every man is the best in his master. The best we should have done was to have mastered
own world of his talents. that which was our strength. Have you ever bought a shoe of size
9 although you use size 6 just because you saw it on someone
else? You will definitely look clumsy in it.
63 64

A healthy competition for the sake of keeping up in performance this to the extent of hero-worshipping. We in the race of ruling
is encouraged; competition in the sense that you want to meet our worlds should do away with all these limiting instincts of
up in areas that are ascertained that you are behind. In this case, imitation and comparison. It is comparison that begets imitation.
they must be a set standard maybe set by God, your boss, or Comparison makes you an average person; a limited person; it
any other authority of which you are subject to not a standard set makes you a duplicate copy. Although Lionel Messi is dubbed
by the person you are trying to imitate. From time to time, the new Maradonna, and both are natural left footed Argentines,
everyone makes a little check up of himself to avoid checking Messi can never be Maradonna. Like my favorite musician
out. He/she looks around to know if he/she is still in fashion. Do Timaya would say, you cannot be like me so also can I never be
not misinterpret nor misplace this moment for comparison. Take like you. We may share some similarities, but the differences
a careful reappraisal of yourself to maintain and to edit your abound more. God never ran out of ideas in his creation of man.
standards. Do not imitate. Imitation is a compromise of Even identical twins have differences. Each man is an
standards. Nevertheless it is good to learn from one another, embodiment of his own so much. Stop trying to be like someone
good standards, something that improves you and makes you a else. Be yourself. Being yourself, makes you an original; a
better person; that is why we advocate for mentorship. Good priceless piece without replacement. Be who were born to be.
and healthy mentorship. Like Zig Ziglar would say “see you at the top”. RULE YOUR
In adopting mentors, do not be misled. Many people are so
carried away in trying to be like their mentors that they have
forgotten to be like themselves. I have heard people say 'I want
to be like Mandela', 'I want to be like Adenuga', or I want to be like
Soludo. Even as unknown as I am, when I won the NYSC
honors award, a girl in the next batch walked up to me and told
me she wants to be like me. The question is this; when you are
that person, who will be you? A mentor is usually a more
experienced person whose exploits helps to inspire and direct a
less experienced person. Many people are quick to cross from
6 65 66

There are so many works in life; good work, bad work, team
work, mental work and whatever is left but the greatest of them
all is hard work. Like Edison, it has no substitute. That is to say
that the place of hard work cannot be taken by any other virtue. It
is simply irreplaceable. Adopt it today. Hard work can
differentiate two equals at the same position on the same duty
and at the same time and conditions. I have come to see that
HARDWORK hard workers may not always be rich, but they are never hungry.
“Hard work has no substitute” Do you know that all great men are hard workers but not all hard
*******Thomas Edison******* workers are great men? We will still treat why and how but for
now know the values of hard work.

A lot of people talk of something called luck. Do you believe in it? I

The moment a man decides to start living, that very moment he do not. Lucille Ball said “luck to me is something else; hard work
has decided to start working. Living is continuous and so is is realizing what is and what isn't opportunity”. Where is the place
working. No one survives without working. Work could be of luck? Pastor Kayode of the Living Faith Worldwide, defined
negative or positive. By this I mean you could work for bad and luck as
work for good, this is not our topic today; but remember to always
do good. People are of the opinion that the rich don't work. Work L =laboring
is defined as an act that involves physical, or mental, or U =under
emotional, or spiritual part of a matter to achieve something. C =correct
This definition makes it clear to us that most people (the rich K =knowledge
especially) may not be engaged in physical work but they sure
do work. In civilized communities, mental work even pays more. If this definition is correct, then there is no luck instead someone
The sum total of all, scheming, planning, programming, and all was laboring under correct knowledge. We will be talking of
other related efforts, is work in progress. correct knowledge in the next chapter, but for now let's keep
talking of laboring (hard work). When preparedness meets
67 7 68

opportunity, a goal is achieved. Yet people talk of luck. No!

Coincidence they call it as a second name when coincidence is
merely God preferring to be anonymous. Work hard with the
right knowledge. Once, in my nursery school, my terminal result
was 9 . My class teacher wrote; work hard can do better. My
parents picked on this and intensified on the work I did on my
studies. It paid off as the worst result of mine afterwards was 2 .
Dear reader, hard work has no substitute. WISDOM
“In life as in football, you won't go far unless you know where
Life is a task master and a just payer. Everyone has got a task to the goal posts are”
accomplish. Work at it. It doesn't matter if you have to work *******Arnold Glasow*******
overtime. Life pays right. Do the much you ought to not the little
you wish to. Hard work is to you what calcium is to the bones. It
develops you. The more tasks you overcome, the stronger you In the preceding chapter, we defined Luck as laboring under
become. There is no weak ruler that will last long. To rule your correct knowledge. We stressed our emphasis on the laboring
world, you must get strong; to get strong, you must overcome aspect of that definition. Now is time to talk more on correct
tasks; to overcome tasks, you must work hard, for hard work has knowledge. The ability to know of a thing is said to be knowledge.
no substitute. RULE YOUR WORLD. But it is very possible to have a vague knowledge or even an
outright wrong knowledge of a thing. Beyond the scope of
knowledge is an even greater quality. The knowledge of a thing is
one step but the ability to the right thing to do with that knowledge
is called correct knowledge or better still Wisdom.

A task that will take 10 strong men an entire week to accomplish

can be accomplished by a wise in an hour or less. In the 12 labors
of great Heracles, one of his tasks was to wash the stables of
Diomedes. Now those stables had not been washed for over forty
69 70

years. He knew that with all his strength, he will not be able to rear catfish. Think about this.
finish the task within the very limited time frame given to him, but
the application of wisdom, he made two holes on both sides of Joe L. Griffith amazed me when he wrote “you would have
the stable and channeled the nearby flowing stream through removed most of your roadblocks to success when you have
one the holes and so it washed the stables out through the other learned the difference between movement and direction”. It can
opening and the stable was cleaned in no time. Thanks to Mr. be simply be interpreted as you would achieve your goals more
Wisdom. No wonder Pheadrus wrote “wisdom is always an over easily when you apply wisdom. Most people are just moving in
match for strength”. When Alexander the great was faced with life without a direction. Knowing where you are heading to is
the cutting of the Gordon nut, a nut which had been so cleverly wisdom; for you will definitely spend less energy than he who
tied that even the strongest men could not untie it, he simply has no destination or direction. I was a victim of this. It was not
drew out his sword and cut off the nut and thus became that that I lacked direction but my approach was unwise. Something
master of Asia. That was wisdom. In my definition, it is the lever was lacking somewhere. With so much of my God's given ability,
that lifts the load on the wedge with little effort. © 2009 I was good at everything I tried doing. But many years
afterwards, I was still at the back seat of life. It was then I realized
Wisdom is like using a machine to do your work and we all know that all my pursuits in life have been without wisdom. The day
that, a machine is a device that reduces work but increases wisdom was drummed into my senses was when a friend
output. It reduces effort but increases efficiency. Wise men use (Omaram Sydney A.) said to me unless you start with one, the
less energy but create more effect. A man once swam across a other would never follow; a simple statement of wisdom.
large river to meet a sage. He asked the sage, wise man “what Suddenly, it was like I was awakened from a drugged daze.
must I do to be wise”. The sage smiled and looked from the man
to the large river he had just swum across and replied “next time In the journey to the top, there will be many obstacles along the
take a boat”. It is a very commendable effort of yours to have way. There are so many that if you decide to remove them all
started reading this book, but it will be hard work if you imbibe before you commence, you will never start not to talk of if you will
the principles and wisdom to apply them rightly. Knowing a thing ever get there. A little application of wisdom is essential to quit all
is knowledge, doing it is hard work but knowing how to do it right this misery. Knowing when to bear and when to strike is simply
for right results is wisdom. It is wise for a man who lives in the WISDOM. Someone said 'where do I get this wisdom when I was
desert regions to rare camels and work-very hard work for him to born foolish'. I don't think so. We all have an element of wisdom
71 8 72

in us. The problem is that we hardly exercise it. Use your brain
form today; read books, relate with people wiser and smarter
than you think you are. Have a craving for learning new things
everyday. It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins
with a step. I love the statement but do you know how long you
would spend while trekking to accomplish that journey? Wisdom
demands that you get there with less energy yet with a better
effect. Take a bus or better still pick a flight. It is wisdom to get MISTAKES AND FAILURES
there easier yet faster and in the long run cheaper. Fly on the “The man, who makes no mistakes, does not usually make
wings of wisdom and I tell you that the top shall be yours. RULE anything”
YOUR WORLD. *******William Conner Magee*******

“There is no failure except in no longer trying”

*******Elbert Hubbard*******

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”

*******Henry Ford*******

This is the only chapter that is heralded by 3 quotations. Do you

know why? It is because Y has a long tail and two branches. OK
lets quit kidding. The reason is that most people with so much
talents end up at this point, sending to the grave their huge
wealth of skill and wisdom. People have a way of always
criticizing those who make mistakes without realizing that those
who make mistakes are making something at least. There is no
perfection as we have previously discussed. Life's pursuits are
comprised of a series of attempts to overcome oppositions and
73 74

correct mistakes. He who is not making mistakes and fence is a thief. The security guard (Mr. Failure) is standby to
continually trying to correct them is not living; he might just shoot at any of such moves.
merely exist.
Henry Ford said it all when he said that failure is an opportunity to
Where are those who criticize failures? Come let me ask you begin again more intelligently. When you embark on a project
what is failure? That you fell down or you missed your step and fail, it means that something, some where is wrong with your
doesn't make you a failure. Hear Robert Schuller speak “failure project plans and strategy. Failure is the only opportunity by
doesn't mean that you are a failure, it only means that you have which you will notice these mistakes and try to amend them. If
not succeeded yet”. The secret truth of it is that failure is one of you had not been given this second chance by failure, how
the steps on the ladder of success. When you fail, hear me say would you correct this? You would have gone on with the wrong
CONGRATULATIONS, because it tells me that you are doing attempts and end up with the wrong results. No plan is without
something. You become a failure when you give up in the face of imperfection. As we go along, we do our best to correct these
defeat. I see failure as temporary set backs. They do not last imperfections. In the journey to rule your world, dotting your I's
except in the dictionary of a looser. Do not be afraid of failure and crossing your T's is permitted. You would not have noticed
although most people are. Avoiding failure is like avoiding your undotted I and your uncrossed T if you had not failed. As a
success because you have to cross the step of failure before person, I get more motivated after a failure because it gives me
you can mount the platform of success. an opportunity to rebrand. The initial bad feelings the feelings
you failed to observe previously. Crack the nut and eat the seed.
Joe Girad wrote “you must use the stairs because the elevator is For except the nut is cracked, the seed remains hidden.
out of order'. I have heard people say that it was never meant to Welcome mistakes and failures with the right mind. See them as
be. May I ask 'how do you now”? Hear this and do not forget it; if personal check ups and not check outs. Accept them when they
you succeed in avoiding failure, you would have failed to come and try to do better the next time. Once again I say, RULE
achieve success. There is no successful man without his failure YOUR WORLD.
story. Failure is not an end it is just a passing phase. I have come
to realize that in the compound of success, failure is the security
guard. You must go past him before you can have access to the
house owner (Mr. Success). He that tries to climb in through the
9 75 76

never be deemed fit to start your secondary. Except you face

your fears, you can never get ahead. Challenges as we have
read are vital ingredients in our pursuit of success in this
existence of ours. Nevertheless, to be the hero you crave to be,
stand your ground. Suicide is the escape route of cowards. Don't
try it!!!
However, even the camel gets thirsty at times. In life, as we face
FACE TO FACE our fears, it gets to stages when one begins to feel like he can
“Face your fear and it would fear your face” stand no more. Everyone goes through such stages. Like the
*******Ugochukwu Victor Ezeribe******* phone and the battery, it must be recharged form time to time.
The quality of the functions inbuilt in the phone doesn't matter. If
it is not recharged, it would not perform. However, at such a
stage, our relationships count the most. What you relate with
determines the source of your charge/recharge and the output of
As we know in life, you can never resolve an issue by going
your performance as well; peak performers, keep strong
around it. A challenge avoided is a breakthrough postponed.
relationships. Relationships could be with man, material or the
Little wonder success is counted at the end of an achievement
spiritual (intangible matters such as God and, your inner self).
not before. You would never be a successful graduate if you do
not face the demands of the school curriculum. However you
would be a successful one when you not only faced the
Friends and Family
curriculum but satisfied the demands. A lot of us want be
Someday you and I would need a shoulder to lean upon.
successful in life (in the terms of this book, I should say 'want to
However, not all shoulders are worth leaning upon. You would
take charge and rule your world') but do not want to face the
need the shoulder of very committed and inspiring friends when
music. If tax evasion is a crime by our government standards,
you feel low. By committed friends I mean friends or family who
how much more is challenge-evasion in the context of the
are devoted to your pursuits not those who are merely involved.
government of nature? The gist is you can run but you can't hide.
There are three main classes of friends namely;
Except you successfully complete your primary school, you can
77 78

Committed friends inspiring friend is a special case. Any of the classes of friends
Involved friends could be inspiring, but a true inspiring friend is one that is both
Neutral friends inspiring and committed. To such a friend, you can turn.
Neutral friends would never stand for or against you. They are Another means of helping you out at low times, is to turn to your
non effective. Relationship with them is passive. They do not mentor. Mentors are usually more experienced, very reliable and
add value to you neither do they subtract. They are merely committed senior friends and guides who we look up to for
friends in the passing. You must not run to this group at instructions as well as try to emulate at some times. A good
challenging times of your life. They are docile. mentor should act as a counselor at such times.

Involved friends are friends that are with you because of the RELATIONSHIP WITH MATERIAL
good things going on around you. They will not stand for you Inspirational materials:
when the chips are down. However, at your good times, they Other ways of personal resurgence is to read, watch or listen to
could trace their origin from you, to you and in you. Such friends inspirational materials like this piece you are reading right now.
are known as fair-weather-friends. At your most challenging They are known to set up the fire of revival in the heart of a man. I
times, do not turn to such. However, you would hardly even find hope something is burning right inside of you this very moment
them when such a time comes. Mark my words. courtesy of this book. You could listen to motivational speakers,
motivational tapes and inspiring words of other people who have
Committed friends are usually very few. They are very difficult to accomplished similar feats. The aim is to get you back firing. The
come by. However few they are, they could be best described as moment you are re-ignited, everything gets back in the right
“a bird in hand being worth a million in the bush”. A committed place. The 'you' in you is the rechargeable substance that when
friend would stand with you whenever you are down, for re-fired, gets you back on track. Like Peak would say, it's in you.
whatever reasons that brought you down and however down
Despite all these classes of friends being spelt out, note that an Another reliable tool of self revival is to reflect on past challenges
79 80

and how you pulled through. Recounting one's previous The fact about fear is that it is a coward. Those who have faced it
success is a powerful tool of self recovery. This method is very would tell you that it runs at confrontation. From its name 'Fear',
reliable because it has to do with you. As you reflect on your you should know it is it that fears the most. However, it looks so
past achievements, your inner self is suddenly reignited as you aggressive when it growls at us that many of us run. Dear reader,
reflect on the fact that you have done it before. This re-ignition do not mistake this fear to be the fear that would be treated ahead
suddenly activates your subconscious which in turn sets up in chapter six of the next section. This is fear as in the case of
your physical being into prompting physical actions like coming face to face with oppositions, going uphill or beating
increased heartbeat and the flow of adrenaline. Just like the lion against the tides. These are very challenging times in the life of a
king, you would ready to war against challenges when you man. Many have turned back at such times, failing to know that
remember that the power to win lives in you. their fears fear them the most. I feared so much the launching of
this book that I had it postponed three times. But be encouraged
God: by this statement, “it shall come to pass”. So whatever be the
Do you believe in God? You must agree to a yes before reading case or situation, it shall come to pass. The simple secret of
this segment otherwise, you could do with the others. For those overcoming fear is to face it. Like the epics would say “let's ride
of you who believe in God, you could read on. Those who wish out headlong to meet them face to face”. Ride out today dear
to start believing could read as well. Take note; whoever your friends and prove your worth. Henceforth, face your fear and it
maker is, holds the production manual of your life. Wherever shall fear your face, then you can take charge and RULE YOUR
and however his product faults, he alone must know how and WORLD.
why and must also have the right solution. Most of the
challenges we have to go through in this life of ours are not of
our own making but that of the creator beckoning on us to draw
closer. However, the more he calls, the farther some of us go
and the more we suffer. Like the food for thought before the
commencement of this book says, those who would
successfully take charge and rule their worlds, are those whose
sources of strength are divine.
10 81 82

we have been saying all through this book. Have a direction,

have a target, believe that you can, work towards it with
determination and wisdom, nothing can stop you now. Not even
when the you go wrong the first time.

Many people may define success as when a person has

accomplished all he set out to. As we know, man’s needs are
THE TRUE FACE OF SUCCESS insatiable, there is never a point of satiety. A man was once
“Success consists of a series of daily efforts” asked, 'How much would you have and say it's enough'. The
*******Mamie McCullough******* crafty man knowing he walked on a knife's edge and not wanting
to be defeated, answered - 'just a little more'. The issue with the
little more is that it is always in infinity; never reaching; never
exhausting; ever increasing. If this holds true, then there will
In this concluding chapter of this segment which we titled 'the never be a time that a man will accept to have achieved all he set
making of the hero', we will be talking more on success. When out for. He will always find something undone. Thus, the
we started out on this journey, to rule our world was the target. I layman's definition of success does not hold. From my point of
believe that we have learnt a lot so far. We have every right to view, success is a designation and not a destination; a process
say that we have succeeded in our attempt. But here is a and not an end. Hear William Feather speak “Success seems to
question that needs a very good answer. 'What is success”? be largely a matter of hanging on after all have let go”. Hanging
What is that substance that if you achieve, you will be glad to say on as written is in a present continuous tense. To this effect,
that you have succeeded? Success as we can see is comprised success is a continuous effort and not a stationary achievement.
of a series of daily efforts. It is not just a tangible substance that All efforts of life will not always be rewarding. People are bound to
is referred to as success. You are succeeding when you are miss targets, make mistakes and fail in some cases. The rule of
doing the right things you are meant to do. Do you want to life is that sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. You can
succeed in life? Do what Will Rogers said “in order to succeed, not always be a winner. Through them all, do not forget that the
you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and mistakes, the failures, the slips, and setbacks are all steps on the
believe in what you are doing”. This statement sums up all what ladder of success.

In Brian Tracy's masterpiece titled GOALS, he wrote “success is

not winning the battles but winning the war”. In the Great War
between the Greeks and the Trojans, according to the Iliad of
Homer, the Greeks did not win all the battles; they lost some and
won some. There was even a day the Trojans almost burnt their
ships, when most of their heroes were out attending to the
How Far!!!
I hail the hero that has been made of you through all the
injuries sustained in battle. Yet at the end, they burnt Troy to the
teachings of this book. In Nigeria, we have a slogan which says
ground. They were victorious at the end but had been recording
'to be a man is not day's job”, how much more to be hero, to be a
success from the very beginning even among the battles they
master or to rule your world. So far I know that you have learnt
had lost. A typical success story will be told as such; we tried,
enough right things to do and enough right ways to do them. Not
even when we ran out of this and that, somehow we did this and
just to do it but to do it now. There will be criticisms on the way
did that, we prayed and hoped and believed, finally we pulled
especially when you make mistakes or fail. Nevertheless,
through. We cannot say that it's over, but, we will still keep doing
persevere and keep going forward. Avoid unnecessary
our best.
comparisons an imitation for they will not take you far.

Dear readers, as a closing formality, permit me to let you know

Procrastination should not be mentioned in your dictionary. Work
that success has no definite yardstick for measurement. Where I
hard at everything your hand finds to do. Adopt very wise
will get to and call success may just be your starting point. No
approaches in all of your life attempts. Be careful to know that
one is a standard. Success cannot be measured by the next
success doesn't come in a day but it consists of a series of daily
man's exploits. It is customized to you and your aspirations.
efforts in line with your dream and goals. Keep doing it right.
What I might consider a venture to embark upon might be
When you begin to rule your world, there is more to it. It takes
irrelevant to you. Thus, my succeeding in the project might not
what you have learnt so far to get to the top. You are a successful
be of value to you. Keep doing and keep pushing. There is no
product of the dark room. However, you need some more to stay
end to success, for if you must truly succeed, know that you
on top. Help has come on time. Cross over to the next segment
must observe to 'take charge and RULE YOUR WORLD'.
and stay afloat ruling your world.
1 86

“Big shots are only small shots that kept shooting”
Section Three *******Christopher Morley*******

This chapter is very important. It is the first of the third stage of the
THE CROWN process of ruling your world. Take note. A lot of people who came
up one time in life or the other suddenly dwindled away. What
was the reason for their sudden fading away into obscurity?
When I presented one of my projects to the NYSC directorate
during my service year, the deputy director said 'I hope this would
not be a flash in the pan'? Once again I ask why do great
prospects just flash and disappear. The answer is that many of us
fail to keep shooting. It is important to note that most people quit
at two points in life which are;

After a failure and

After a success
87 88

We have discussed the former in previous chapters; now let us looks that the sun and the moon and the stars have suddenly
discuss the later. It is true that we have embarked on the journey decided to hold a meeting to favor him. Listen every big shot was
to rule our world from the moment we started to read this book, once a small shot that kept shooting. It's not a function of your
but something else is needed. It is one thing to get to the top; it is background or age but a function of your continuous building.
another thing to stay on top. No one prays to rule today and to
beg tomorrow. To stay afloat, keep shooting. Many people quit Do you know why the rich are getting richer and the poor are
after a success for two reasons. getting poorer? Simple! KEEP SHOOTING. The rich build on
their previous wealth and get richer while the poor build on their
Firstly they feel they have arrived previous wretchedness and it just doesn't end. Disabuse your
Secondly, they are afraid to try again mentality today and get building on and with the right tools. Even
when you hit it the first time, do not stop. Keep shooting. Some
Little did they know that the moment you hit the first mark is the people feel that they are too old to start. I tell you, it's never too
moment you should keep striking. Like in trying to crack a nut, late to start. Every day you start, becomes the first day of the rest
the first point of the crack signals a weak point and just the right of you life. Every previous day is cancelled and cleared off you.
point to keep striking from.

Some people believe that everyone has got his time and Remember this your lifetime through
season. The fact is that the time or season will not just run up to Tomorrow there will be more to do
you. It must be worked out or prepared for. Take for instance; a And failure waits for all those who stay
friend of yours has been trying to hit a business plan for a long With some success made yesterday
time now. One bright day, he gets his break and from that time (Anonymous)
on he reinvests and so on and the money kept flowing.
Someone somewhere will come up to tell me that it's just his My rule is simple; it is not what you get that makes you successful
time. Yes and No is the answer for if he had not been working at but what you keep doing with what you get. Michael Jordan is
it, that break would never have come. It was his constant effort regarded as the greatest basketball player earth has ever seen.
and perseverance that paid off at the end. Don't be fooled, life is His secret was that when others finished training, he kept
a just payer. After his first break, he kept building and suddenly it
89 2 90

dunking some more. A time came in his career when he felt he

had arrived. He gradually started retreating from his personal
training. It was not long before he started dropping from the top
seeds. Your staying a champion is guaranteed by what you keep
doing and not what you once did. Some people will hit the
headlines today and will never be heard again. What you do
today is not enough to always keep you on top. Keep doing
something. For the tides will turn. Competition will arise. Fresh EXPERIENCE
oppositions, more obstacles, renewed challenges, more “Life is so rewarding that at every attempt, it rewards you with
grounds to gain; just keep shooting. Let's close in the words of either success or experience”
Norman Vincent Pearle 'we've heard that we have to learn from ******** Ugochukwu Victor Ezeribe *******
our mistakes, but I know that we have to learn from our
successes. If you learn only from your mistakes, you are
inclined to learn only errors”. Learn from your success, build on They have been so many explanations and definitions of
them and stay on top. RULE YOUR WORLD. experience. Keep your definition but share this with me.
Experience is the result of participation in life's venture and
attempts. 35 years in the civil service leaves the pensioner a very
experienced civil servant. When seeking for a job, some
companies usually demand for a certain level of experience for a
certain kind of job. These experiences are gained in the course of
participation in previous jobs and engagements. I have attended
programs where they asked questions like, can you tell us your
experience at one point or the other. In all cases, I have realized
that, the experience demanded or talked about is a previous
participation in an event. Try to master every one of these events.

Experiences are not always pleasant. There are bitter

91 92

experiences that you wish to forget forever. Experiences are empty into your reservoir of experience. If you believe in what this
pleasant when we liked it while it lasted and unpleasant when it school of thought says “experience is the best teacher”, then
went against us. Whichever be the case here is something for prove to it that you are its best student. Like I had previously said,
you; you need these experiences to rule your world. A man who life was here before you. It is how it is. Whichever the face it turns
has an experience on a matter be it good or bad is a step ahead to you, reciprocate with an equal and opposite rebound. Never
of the novice who knows nothing about it. No wonder today the turn your back to life. It is worse off that way. Face the challenges
workforce is in search for experienced drivers, experienced of life face to face. However and whatever the outcome, life will
engineers, experienced managers and all forms of experience always pay you with either success or experience provided that
without giving the inexperienced a means of obtaining the you believe that failure is just a pass at the security post.
There is no harm in trial was a favorite one from my mum. You
Every man's experience is important to him or the next man. might have never realized how true this statement was until now.
Acquisition of experience is a life long career. Whatever Indeed there is no harm because you would either have received
happens to you whenever, however, wherever caused by your desired result or, gained an experience of inestimable value.
whatever or whoever, learn something from it. When you fall Watch the television and listen to the radio stations, some of all
pick something up, for that turns that incident to an experience the people they call celebrities do not have what you have. Yet
of yours. The next time you are faced with a similar problem, you there are called celebrities. This is because, whether they did it
will be better positioned to address the issue. Edwin Markhan well or not, the fact is that they did what they did and so they must
wrote “when you are the anvil ……bear, when you are the be watched and celebrated as celebrities. Get up today and do
hammer…….strike”. Only an experienced man will know which what you are supposed to do. Fear not failure, it is just a security
he is and what he should be doing then. man. Brave up to the situation, I see you RULE YOUR WORLD.

In your journey to the top, you will make mistakes, you will come
against brick ends but you will definitely succeed if you
persevere. It is the heart that perseveres that sees the end.
Through all these hurdles, learn a lesson or more. They will all
3 93 94

people and will always do limited things. Unleash your inborn

talents by knowing when to change; what to change; how to
change and why the change.

Fashion changes, friends do change, income changes, weather

changes, everything changes except for one thing; that thing is
CHANGE, BE FLEXIBLE your dream. You do not need to change your dream but to
BUT DO NOT STOP change approaches to achieving the dream. The quality to adopt
“He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils” changes to adapt to your present conditions is known as
*******Francis Bacon******* FLEXIBILITY. To get to the top, you need all we have been
talking of in this book but to stay at the top, you need what we are
talking of now; flexibility.

I will start this chapter by letting you know that traditionalists are Andreas Lara said “do not change your destination when the
victims of this topic. By traditionalists I mean people who are so hurdles get higher, just change your approach”. If you can't go
fixed to old traditions and styles and will not be moved by any over go under. Keep your targets in sight, your goals in view and
means that they fail to realize better approaches to problem. your focus steady. You only have to change your approach to
The approach that worked on a certain issue today may be suit the destination and time. Hear this story told a long time ago.
outdated by tomorrow. Something new is born everyday. No
wonder nothing remains in vogue forever. The style that made A young geography teacher applied for a job with a
the air waves today becomes out of fashion tomorrow. When it school. When he was called up for the interview, he
comes to morals and ethics, you do no compromise because was asked, which do you believe, is the earth round
these are standards but when it comes to solving problems in an or flat? The young man desperate for the job replied,
advancing world, new tricks must apply. The typical African will “I can teach it whichever way you want”. (Adapted
always want to do it how it was done on the days of his fore from Andreas Lara's Inspire the sleeping giant
fathers and the result is we are still a third world continent within)
despite being the cradle of civilization. Traditionalists are limited
95 96

People who go far in life are those who know what to change and the right brakes and gears? He who remains on gear one may
when to change what they change. Have you never been told never travel far. Also he who remains on gear 5 may never get to
that the snake never gets old? This is because, it has adapted to his destination alive and well.
changing its skin every season. Dear reader, change renews
you. Doing the same thing the same way all the time leads to I chose to change my previous nickname from Vuchez to
monotony. Monotony on its own leads to boredom. Boredom Versatile. The aim was not because, the previous had expired
leads to pessimism. In your moments of pessimism, you begin to but because the latter had the true message of my life. Man
see difficulties in every situation. This results in lack of should be unlimited; subject to positive changes when the time
commitment and concentration which in turn leads to poor demands. In the same way, the full meaning of the name
productivity. The end result of this chain reaction is un-fulfillment VUCHEZ has also been changed from originally being my
which people commonly call failure. The simple cure of this is initials, to mean Versatility Unlimited, Charisma Hyperbolized &
CHANGE. Explicitly Zealous. The style may change but the target should
not. To get to the top safe and sound, welcome changes and be
A change of attitude may be the greatest step you would have flexible when you need to but don't you ever stop; for those who
taken in the course to rule your world. A change of attitude is a stop do not grow and those that do not grow die and as you know,
precursor for a change in altitude. Always have a back up plan dead men don't count. Perseverance and determination may be
for everything you do. Something we call plan B. Many people most important to get to the top, but Flexibility is the single tool to
are frustrated in life when plan A fails and they just had no stay on top. Stay flexible. By that I mean change but don't you
alternative to it. Sometimes a little of plan A, and a little of your stop. RULE YOUR WORLD.
plan B is what you need to solve the problem. Learn to know
when to switch plans. Life is ever continuous and ever dynamic.
Think of your self as an automobile driving through the town (this
time the town is life). There will be times you will need to move
from gear 1 to 2 and from 3 to 4. There will be times when you will
have to apply the brakes and times when you will have to apply
the reverse gear. At all times, the right gear is what you need to
do. Have you ever wondered what will happen if you fail to apply
4 97 98

the belt whereas it was right inside him. If only we knew

ourselves properly, many of us will not quit at mere
confrontations that easily make us breakdown.

When you know who you are and the great potentials you wield,
you will become more optimistic in life. You are far greater than
your oppositions. Abraham Lincoln said “man know thyself”.
THE POWER WITHIN Know what you can do and what you cannot. Do not give up on
“What lies ahead and what lies behind are tiny issues trials. When people doubt their potentials, they become
compared to what lies within” pessimistic and like Norman Cousins said “no one really knows
*******Ralph Waldo Emerson******* enough to be pessimistic”. Have you ever imagined the source of
mankind? Do you know that as great as that source is, you are a
direct descendant of that source? All of the attributes of the
Do you know who you are? This question if properly answered source are all in you. You are too loaded to be easily off loaded.
may be the greatest answer of you life. Many people do not I'm in love with this statement of Emerson, “what lies ahead of us
know who they are and what they are made of. Some cannot (troubles, victories, etc) and what lies behind us (troubles,
even ascertain their full capabilities. Whatever you need today victories, etc) are tiny issues compared to what lies within us. Let
to become the person you want be is already inborn in you. Yes! us make a list of what lies within us;
You carry around the seed of your tomorrow. It is this inborn
identity you possess that differentiates you from me. Persistence
I once watched a film where a boy depended on a magic belt for Love
him to fight any time he had to. One day they was a fight and the Wisdom
belt was no where to be found. He had to fight without it and Talents
surprising enough he won the fight even more easily this time Enthusiasm
without the belt. It was then he realized that there was nothing in Purpose
the belt. He was just made to believe that his strength was from
99 5 100

Right Attitude

The list will never end.

Stop sourcing for the power of victory outside as many of us “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is the
waste time doing. The power is right inside. Take a careful progress, and working together is success”
survey of your life and try to be truthful enough, you would *******Henry Ford*******
realize that a greater percentage of all you have achieved was
done when people you had turned their backs on you. Yes;
mostly when you were swept off your feet. This is because that No man is an Island. I love that song by Michael Bolton which
is when your being was called into action unconsciously. The says
power within you is greater than any single confrontation or
challenge you could ever face in life. All that is happening Sometimes in our lives
around you is not as important as what is happening within you. We all have pains
Thus, it is paramount that we should know who we are. Knowing We all have sorrows……..
who you are and what you can do, unleashes the power within. We all need somebody to lean on.
When that power within is unleashed, all that lies in front and
behind suddenly look too small compared to what is within. May Believe in yourself. No doubt we are all here by ourselves, but do
we close in the words of Jonathan Swift “May you live all the not neglect the friend next door. No one knows the egg that will
days of your life”. RULE YOUR WORLD. hatch into the biggest cock (an Igbo proverb). Treat everyone
you meet equally and well for you know not who will be next to
being in need of help. What if it is you? Booker T. Washington
said if you must lift up yourself, lift someone else”. This might be
101 102

your greatest revelation. Yet do not forget those you left behind as well as those with you.
They all count.
Here is a little secret that many people will die and may never
find. The person next door is a step to your success. It is true In the course of networking, beware of dream killers. They are all
that your destiny is in your hands. No one is taking it from you. around you. We have thrashed that in previous chapters. Keep
But at times, for you to work out some breakthroughs in your life, your eyes of awareness open. In networking, do not network with
it looks like the key is with the neighbor next door. Take it or critics. As Kenneth Tynan said, they know the way but cannot
leave it, a helping hand to someone someday, may be the knob drive the car. It is better to network with people of like minds.
that will push, the machinery of your success rolling. Whatever Unlike the theory of magnetism, like minds attract. The good book
may be the legend or myth by which you claim that man says do not be unequally yoked. It also says iron sharpens iron.
originated, one thing is common in all, man descended from a The two statements put together would mean, network with like
similar source called GOD. Thus from the start of all things, we minds but avoid dream killers. That is the same message of the
are all connected. Do you want stay on top? - NETWORK. book-RULE YOUR WORLD. When you network, you expand.
Expansion signifies growth and continuous growth is what we call
People who progress are those who work with people, work for success. Only successful men rule their world. In Nigeria, it is
people, and work through people. In short people who network. strongly believed that he that has enough compatriots would
I love the slogan of Nokia people connecting people. That is never go hungry. However you must make yourself an available
why they are the most dominant mobile phone provider in the compatriot before others would give themselves to you as well. To
Sub-Sahara. A vital secret of success is to identify with people, find a shoulder to lean on, present you own shoulder. Like George
organizations, unions and groups. Not all these unions and Pope said, “united we stand divided we fall”. Start networking
groups will be of immediate importance to you but, somewhere, today and stay on top to RULE YOUR WORLD.
sometime their need will arise. Furthermore, look among your
colleagues, business partners and other people of like
interests. Don't just stop at this, look for people higher than you
are by your own yardstick of measurement, people that are
ahead of you, smarter than you are and better positioned. It is
better to keep your eyes above than looking around with equals.
6 103 104

the negative version of planning. In planning you are looking for

the solution, in worry you are avoiding the solution that is to say
that you are you are looking for the problem.

The seed of worry and fear is indecision and doubt. In this

condition, your system is set to a state of negative creativity. This
is so because you are only trying to create problems and not
FEAR AND WORRY trying to solve them. When these problems accumulate, they
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of tend to look too large for you to attempt then fear sets in. When
its joy” fear sets into any thing, the enthusiasm with which you started
*******Leo Buscaglia******* out is lost. A once purposeful journey becomes aborted. Many a
task has been aborted and many a project abandoned just
“Worry never empties tomorrow of its sorrow, it only empties because of these two vices. Norman Vincent Pearle once said
today of its strength” that what he has feared most has been of things that never
*******Corrie Ten Boom******* happened. A good number of us are guilty of this same fear.

Fear could best be defined from its spelling- FEAR; False

Once again the need to be emphatic has made us introduce this Expectation Appearing Real. Fear is simply an illusion of non-
chapter with two very similar quotations by two very different pleasurable unrealities made to look real by the thoughts of the
people from two very different places with yet the same thinker. If you think of fear, you would act by fear. Remember , if
intentions on yet the same issue. By my definition, worry is the all the choice you have left is try or quit, why not go with try. The
fear of some unpleasant uncertainties. The problem with worry option of fear is the thought of a quitter who lost before ever
is that it places you in a condition of wrong vision. A worried man trying. Note, all fears live in the imagination. Whoever gets to
will easily mistake a worm for a snake. Worry in a mature work has defiled his fears. However, even if what you feared
condition leads to fear of the unknown. When fear sets in, then happened at the end, you would live and die with the
someone is not going forward anymore for no seed survives on consciousness that you defiled your fear at least.
the soil of fear. Many people mistake worry for planning. Worry is
105 7 106

Napoleon Hill wrote in 'THINK AND GROW RICH' that there are
6 major kinds of fear namely;
§ The fear of poverty
§ The fear of criticism
§ The fear of health
§ The fear of loss of love of someone
§ The fear of old age
§ The fear of death SPEED KILLS
“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned”
Today, as you sit on the throne of your life, replace worry with *******Peter Marshall*******
planning and replace fear with faith. The use of positive
confessions and timely actions have been known to be very
effective to dispel doubt-the seed of fear. Fear, fears these two
comrades. However, confessing without acting is a polite form No one becomes great without starting small. Basically, great
of FEAR. men are little men who did small things greatly. Be great at small
Fear and worry can destroy your calculations and things and no matter how small the things may be; you are on
programming. They can inactivate your reasoning faculty, course to greatness. In the words of Francis Xavier “be great at
puncture your balls of enthusiasm and self confidence and little things”. Many people would like to be like the Warren Buffets
hinder your zeal and drive. When practiced, they could lead to and the Bill Gates among others, without wanting to go the same
procrastination, discourage networking, and replace way as these billionaires. They all started small. Once there was
persistence with impatience; Worry and its brother fear, can eat no Dangote. Today, he is one of the most dominant names in the
up the passion of a man. Initially as tender as cobwebs and private sector in Africa. The watchword is one step at a time.
soon harden up as cables. Do not worry nor fear; for less energy Life's advances are so interlocked in a series of chainlike
and less time is needed to plan than to worry. The first rule of connections, that the he moment one of the lock is broken or
champions is 'fear not'. To be in charge, obey the rule and RULE missing, your advancement discontinues due to the break in
YOUR WORLD. continuity.
107 108

When people try to jump the queue or break the chain reaction, well you did the job”.
many things go wrong. We are in the jet age where everything is
on the fast lane; Fast cars, fast foods, fast cash, fast etc. To be a Don't feel too big for small tasks because you feel that you are
master of you destiny, do not get faster than you can. only meant for the big league. Hear this he that feels too big for
small things is usually too small for big things. If life starts small
Once a martial arts student went to a martial arts and you feel too big to do the small things, then you can never
master and asked him how long it would take him start. If you can't start then you will never be great for all great
to learn his martial skills. The teacher replied 10 men started small. I have heard of people who started with N500
years. The impatient student could not imagine and turned it into millions. Nothing is small except in the hands of
what he would be doing for the next 10years in the a non-starter. Start today with whatever you have. No matter how
name of learning martial arts. In his desperation, small, what really matters is you. If you have actually read the
he asked the master, what if he doubled his study details of this book with extra interest, then start at where you are
time, practiced more and cut down on his break and with what you have. Do not be in a hurry for speed kills. Drive
times, how long would it take him then. The wise carefully, stay alive and RULE YOUR WORLD.
master looked up and down and replied after a
prolonged silence 20 years.

The problem with being too fast is that you arrive at the other end
too fast (prematurely) and soon realize that you left everything
behind. Nothing hurried over is ever done well. Anything rushed
over is really not important. If life is important to you, do not be in
a rush. As in a traffic situation, know your speed limits in every
stage of life. Wisdom is the principal thing as earlier discussed.
Learn to go a step at a time. Small may be the deed, slow may
the pace but great should be the effect. How you got the job done
is better than when you got the job done. Howard Newton said
“people forget how fast you did the job but they remember how
8 109 110

you go with them? When things go right how do you react? Self
control is so important to stay at the top that many people who
lack it do not rule for long.

A man is tested in moments of

o Failure
o Victories
SELF-CONTROL o Confusion
“When you handle yourself, use your head; when you handle o Decision/Indecision
others, use you heart” o Trials
*******Donna Reed*******
Those who score high at these moments are great men. Refuse
to be moved by events, instead move events. Do not enlist
When I first heard the statement “we run things” from the film among those who wonder what is happening - make things
third world cup, I fell in love with it. Those who actually run things happen. When you are in charge, you make the things you want
are those who make things happen. They are those who control to happen. In the course of doing this, remember the rule above,
things and all that happens is just because there are involved you do not deal with people the same way you deal with your self.
with the events of the time. As it is said, there are 3 kinds of The reason is that if you are in charge of your world, you are the
people, namely; captain, and you need more wisdom than pity to deal with
yourself. In this case, people around you are merely passengers
· Those who make things happen, in the flight of your life. They deserve to be loved by you. Thus,
· Those who don't know what's happening and when you deal with yourself, use your head, but when dealing
· Those who wonder why and how things happen with others, use your heart.

Those who control things are usually masters of their situation. I know that some of these principles look strange, but try them
Yet for all that a man must control, the greatest control is self and see. They have been tested and proven. The Eagle is the
control. This is the real test of a man. When things go wrong, do highest soaring bird of nature. This is because; it has been able
111 9 112

to adapt itself to control things. When the sun heats up the

ground, it waits for the rising heat current and upon the direction
of the tide; it mounts and is carried by the current effortlessly.
Tides that beat back other birds help the Eagle soar higher
because there are reconverted by the Eagle for its flight. Still to
know, the Eagle is a calm and highly calculative bird exuding so
much self control. It is this quality that makes it able to know
when the tides are warmed up and to what direction it is bound. THE WINNING CHARACTER
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long
One of the greatest midfield players of all time soccer history after the excitement of the moment has passed”
was once asked how he was able to control the midfield so *******Cavett Robert*******
perfectly. He answered; “ I try to move to where I expect the ball
to move to before the ball gets there”. Thus, he first controls the
game in his mind before the physical expression. He that will All we have said so far will amount to nothing if we don't develop a
control events must first control himself from within. winning character. In our present society, we are always in
contact with huge promises from people like our politicians who
The kind of self control you need is that which demands self promise all manner of deeds in search of political seats. In most
programming, calculations and the ability to anticipate events cases, many of these politicians do not even remember that they
and their outcome even before they take place. This kind puts made promises not to talk of what the promise was. The cause of
you one step ahead all the time. He that has ears let him hear. this nasty event is as a result of lack of good character. A man of
Take charge and RULE YOUR WORLD. his words is a man of action. Those who talk much actually do
very little. Men of great character are men of little words and
much action.

Great men are easily identified by their great characters. The

great character in question is not that which is born today and
dead tomorrow or born on the spur of the moment, but a
113 10 114

character that can stand the test of time The Winning Character.
All that has been taught to us in the course of this book will be of
no effect if we fail to develop the winning character. He that will
take charge and rule his world must be able to make decisions
and strive to accomplish them long after the moment of decision
making. You would be faced with all forms of oppositions,
distractions and confusions. Sometime, it would look like the
moment you choose to stand is the same moment some forces IT’S ALL WARFARE
sweep you off your feet. These are moments in the life of a man “All I have seen has made me to trust the Creator for all I've
when his, character is developed. However, many have failed to not seen”
develop theirs due to compromise in the face of circumstances. *******Ralph Waldo Emerson*******

Men who rule their world are men who don't go back on their
resolve. They decide to stand and stand they do. Note that In this concluding chapter of this little masterpiece of mine,
everything in life has an expiry date. Either you or your permit me to sound the way I am about to sound. If you believe
challenges, one must expire first. Don't be the first to expire. The with me that man is both a physical and a spiritual being, then go
man with the winning character must be able to execute his ahead and read this chapter. If you do not, just stop at the much
plans and resolutions despite the tide of the wind and storm and that you have read. The truth is that there are forces that are
must be capable of pursuing his course long after the motivating beyond physical understanding or explanation. We have diverse
crowd has dispersed. For you who have resolved to win and are religions; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. but one thing is
set to see it accomplished, I say RULE YOUR WORLD. common in all these religions - GOD. By whichever means you
pray to him it's not important for now. What we a talking of now is
that a God lives and this God represents good. Now, come to
think of it, if a force of good exists in the person of God, will they
not be a force of evil somewhere opposing that force of good? If
your answer is yes, then welcome to the war front.
115 116

Life will always be a battle field as long as the forces of good introduces you to your creator via a mediator; Christ,
and evil exist. They are two parallel lines that can never meet. Mohammed, Buddha, etc. Get permanently attached to your
You would not go far in life if you do not have a spiritual identity. creator today for you to stay afloat, for the tides will turn soon and
Read more of spiritual identity in my other book titled only those who are firmly fixed to a master will be left standing.
PRISONERS OF WAR. Having a spiritual identity is registering There is no room for compromise. You cannot serve the two
with one of the forces. You must decide to go with one of these masters at the same time as they cannot be two captains on the
forces and determine to remain in the camps of that force you same ship. When the storm blows, those who have a foot on both
chose. All that happens in this physical world are mere camps will be torn apart. Victory is only guaranteed to those who
manifestations of already executed actions of the spiritual are camped permanently and continually adhering to the
realm. In recent times, we have seen and heard of occultism in instructions of one master. Robert Schuller wrote,
the rise. This is because the occultists have a better “impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confronts a
understanding of the spiritual and thus they take charge of a lot mountain”. Where is your God? Go and find him today. Trust him
merely leaving us as spectators. Until you take charge of your like never before; be faithful in all that he commands. The God I
spiritual, you are merely a spectator, while events unfold in or know is the creator of the entire universe. He is in charge. Those
out of your favor. you enter and remain in his camp are also in charge with him.
Welcome on board dear reader. Your flight has just taken off.
When you control your spiritual, your physical will submit to you. Take charge and RULE YOUR WORLD.
Do not be fooled, the physical is merely a reflection of the
spiritual; like the mirror, it only shows the reflection of the original
image. Many people have been caught up in this web and are
merely struggling for existence. There are a lot of things in this
life that will not be easily defined but all I have seen has taught
me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.

In the course of writing this book, I have attempted not to attach

myself to any Religion so as to sound neutral enough to speak to
every school of thought. In as much as Religion does not save, it
SUMMARY 117 118

Some people say take care, but taking care will not take you far;
for those who take care don't dare. Only those who dare do the
extra ordinary. In place of take care, I say take charge. When
you take care, you become the spectator. You just watch while
events control you. When you take charge you become the
actor. Events become products of your action. You control

Final Word things, and like the Jamaicans from the film 'third world cop',
would say; you run things.
Dear friend, I have not written this book to display my writing
skills nor to enrich my already filling pocket, but to motivate you It will be my most esteemed honor to hear someone, someday,
and me and as well to help us discover the real persons we were somewhere say or write “my life took a great turn after I read that
born to be. Your profession is not as important as your destiny. masterpiece titled “Rule Your World”. For me that is a dream
Except you discover yourself and satisfy the purpose of your come true. For you, it will be the beginning of a life of series of
being here, you would live and die unfulfilled. The main aim of achievements when you start today to practice the principles in
this book is to transform all readers who dare to practice the this book. Small as it is, it is a product of inspiration. Every letter
contents into great men with minds of unlimited abilities. bears a passion with one selfless mission to convey the mind of
GOD to men in other to help you take charge and RULE YOUR
I have been practical enough to share human experiences, WORLD.
realistic enough to mention where it worked and where it did not.
I have been simple enough to speak of it in the barest context it
can be. Notwithstanding tribal and religious boundaries, I have
tried to be plain; presenting the topics in the view of a
heterogeneous society; ensuring that no one is left behind
irrespective of prevalent differences. It is up to you to take
119 120


Ugochukwu Victor Chibuzor Ezeribe is a talented young man
with great vision. He is a comedian, a musician, a writer, a
reality speaker, an instrumentalist, an actor, an artist, an
entrepreneur, an employee etc. no wonder he goes by the
name Mr. Versatile and a personal motto of Versatility

He hails from Isiala-Oboro in Ikwuano Local Government Area

of Abia State. Born in 1984 into a nuclear family of 9, he is the 4th
of seven kids. He attended Mater Dei Day International Nursery
School Ogoja and later moved to Federal Government College
Ikom for his Secondary School Education.

He acquired his Bachelors of Technology (B.Tech) degree from

the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) in 2006.
He performed his National Youths Service in Jigawa State
where he won the prestigious NYSC Honors Award in August,
2007 which earned him an automatic appointment with the
State Government.

He is the CEO of Versatile Concepts and a living testimony of

the contents of this book. This book - take charge and... RULE
YOUR WORLD, is his first ever published book.

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