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About the MBA Department

Department of Management studies were started in the year 2009 catering to needs of
management students from different states and not only from our state.

Since 2009 the Department is from MBA program with specialize in areas of finance,
marketing and human resources with dual specialization also.

Apart from teaching the department is empowering students with unique activities like
field work, mini projects, real time assignments, industrial visits, guest lecturing from
industry and academic experts to gain hands on experience towards practical applicability of
management concepts in the corporate sector.


To be a recognized institution to provide value based management education through

interdisciplinary and unique approach leading to sustainable socio-economic development of
the nation.


 To prepare management aspirants or students in becoming best managers and

entrepreneurs who will be industry ready.
 To involve students and faculty in innovative way of learning leading to industry
academic interface & applicability.
 To learn and apply modern petrology tools for continuous improvement of teaching
and learning process

Unique Features of unique learning at MBA department

1. Activity Based Session:

Management related activities are conducted on a regularly basis, to in calculate

managerial business skills from planning to controlling which helps the students in
calculating the required skills in becoming the corporate citizen.

2. Current news affairs:

Being aware of current happening in the business environment is an essential skill

required for best manager, current new based presentation, business quiz and elocutions
prepare the students to get into a habit of current news expertise. Students are subscribed to
the business daily and weekly magazines.

3. Field Work:

Theoretical concept learn in classroom should be studied for its practical applicability
or real time applicability by visiting the company executives through interviews and report
4. Pragyan [management Fest]:

A Pragyan management fest conducted by the department provides an opportunity to

our MBA students for fostering leadership skill, building team spirit and result orientation.
Pragyan unique and biggest is event of MBA department being conducted by the MBA
student of RIT to the UG and PG students of other college. The event is a grand success itself
as nearly 350 to 400 students from various colleges participate and bring tranquil
environment for fest

5. Workshops:

The regular workshops being conducted on research methodology, soft ware learning,
stock learning.

6. Aptitude and soft skill:

Aptitude and soft skill in association with 7th sense consultant and trainer. The MBA
students are trained through the semester regularly aptitude and soft skill

7. Interdepartmental and intercollegiate competition:

Students are encouraged to participate in the different collages to showcase their

skills, analyse and evaluate outcomes and to encourage our students to adopt innovative
techniques and develop their ideas and skills.

Interdepartmental competition: MBA department students are encourages to

participate in a interdepartmental competition it is an worthwhile activity. Students can learn
much and have better chance of winning and gain valuable experience.

8. Placement and Career development cell:

Placement and carrier development cell is an important part of an intuition. The

purpose of placement and carrier development cell is to find a carrier path to the student that
will lead to a successful and happy future.

9. Innovation and creativity:

MBA students are encouraged to come with the innovation and creativity in their
work so that department organized the various programmes like Guest talk from the various
filed related to development of creativity and innovation and management fest, inter
departmental competition

10. Leadership skill:

RIT MBA department create the passionate leaders who can inspire their employees
and partner with other ambitious individual to effect real change in the world of business. Our
MBA program is designed with our unique leadership values in mind prepare the next
generation of leaders for the rigors of working in today’s competitive business environment

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