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job automation

to create the jobs that you want to occure the process is called job sheduling

in any unix based systems rhel linux,

we have to used default rhel having diff shedule tasks that occcur on
system minute,hour,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly)

the most imporantant of job scheduling in like backups

the imporatant files belongs cronjobs(multiple time process)

/etc/crontab :stores info about sheduled jobs

/etc/cron.deny: to retrict users from using cron jobs
/etc/cron.allow: to allow the users using cron jobs

other two are at jobs(only for time process)


to create the job by using crontab

#crontab options arguments

* * * * *
* indicates minute(0-59)
* indicatetes hour(0-23)
* day of month (1-31)
* month(1-12)
* day of week (0-6) (sunday 0 or 7)

crontab commands

#crontab -l to display the crontab file

#crontab -e to edit the crontab file
#crontab -r to remove the crontab file
#crontab -u here u:user along with the above -l and -e and
-r commandtes

with respect username:

#crontab -l -u username
#crontab -e -u username
#crontab -r -u usesername


tommarrow i will give lab for this concept

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