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yum is a sofwaer management tool which is used for installing,uninstaling,

updateing the softwaer packages

what is repository maens packages are dowloaded from collections which may be
online i.e network and/or offline i.e media

YUM configurion steps

1>Linux ISO Image mounting (media files :cd/dvd,pendrives)

how to add iso image os to harddrive through vmware

go vm->settings->add->cd/dvd->use Iso image->iso location->finish->ok

2>copy the os image(/media/RHEL_6.5******) to directory (rhel)

how to copy /media* dir to custom dir

first create directory

$mkdir /rhel6

$cp -rvpf /media/RHEL_6.0\ Disc\ 1* /rhel6 -r means recursively

-v means verbose
-p parent
-f force

3) instal the deltarpm,pythondeltarpm,createrepo packages

check the packages and instal the packeges

4>Create the repo file i.e rhel.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d directory

5>clean the yum cache and check the package list useing yum cmd

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