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Tài liệu luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018 môn Tiếng Anh

Giáo viên : Hương Fiona [ Nguyễn Thanh Hương ]


TỪ VỰNG LỚP 11 & 12
Biên soạn : GV Hương Fiona
Đây là tài liệu đi kèm buổi livestream ngày 18/1/2018 tại Fb cá nhân (Cô Hương Fiona). Để nắm được hướng dẫn giải chi
tiết cùng các lưu ý liên quan đến từng câu hỏi các con nên làm đề thi trước khi theo dõi buổi livestream ngày 18/1/2018 .

Choose the word or phrase -a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined
word or phrase.
Question 1. Your friendship should be based on ________ trust.
A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind
Question 2. The company expects ________ from its employees.
A. constancy B. quality C. interest D. loyalty
Question 3. I've got lots of ________, but only a few are really good friends
A. close friends B. acquaintances C. neighbors D. partners
Question 4. Friendship is a two-sided ________, it lives by give-and-take.
A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature
Question 5. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part
Question 6. They ________ a close friendship at university.
A. created B. became C. promoted D. formed
Question 7. We stayed friends even after we ________ and left home.
A. brought up B. turned up C. grew up D. took up
Question 8. A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majority were ________.
A. restrained B. admirable C. impartial D. disappointed
Question 9. The girl was so ________ that she didn't look at him in the face.
A. shy B. confident C. impatient D. sneaky
Question 10. There is a growing tendency among singers to _____ some famous singers.
A. imitate B. follow C. reflect D. pursue
Question 11. An only child often creates an ________ friend to play with.
A. imagery B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginative
Question 12. I felt my face burning with ________.
A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. pleasure D. embarrassment

Tham gia các khóa học PEN –N3 môn Tiếng Anh tại cùng cô Hương Fiona để đạt kết quả tốt
nhất trong kì thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018
Tài liệu luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018 môn Tiếng Anh
Giáo viên : Hương Fiona [ Nguyễn Thanh Hương ]

Question 13. I believe that everyone has had ________ experiences in their life.
A. memorable B. observable C. acceptable D. reflexible
Question 14. She showed her ________ by asking lots of trivial questions.
A. experience B. experienced C. inexperienced D. inexperience
Question 15. She __ a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it.
A. brought out B. showed on C. turned up D. Took over
Question 16. These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between
married couples.
A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses
Question 17. Rosa and Luis are happy to be ________ for their golden anniversary.
A. about B. around C. thorough D. together
Question 18. ________ from Bill, all the students said they would go to the party.
A. Apart B. Only C. Except D. Separate
Question 19. I'm ________ a surprise party for my sister.
A. taking B. serving C. providing D. organizing
Question 20. It wasn't until midnight that the party ________.
A. carried on B. broke up C. cleared up D. went out
Question 21. There are lots of TV Christmas ________ for children this year.
A. specialities B. specially C. specials D. specialized
Question 22. They have no money and are forced to live on ______.
A. fund B. saving C. charity D. donation
Question 23. Schools need ______ to help children to read and write.
A. volunteers B. pioneers C. engineers D. innovators
Question 24. We would like to see closer ______ between parents and schools.
A. cooperation B. coordination C. coexistence D. coeducation

Tham gia các khóa học PEN –N3 môn Tiếng Anh tại cùng cô Hương Fiona để đạt kết quả tốt
nhất trong kì thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018
Tài liệu luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018 môn Tiếng Anh
Giáo viên : Hương Fiona [ Nguyễn Thanh Hương ]


Question 1. Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.

A. probability B. ability C. possibility D. responsibility
Question 2. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability
Question 3. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Question 4. According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.
A. supportive B. caring C. suitable D. comfortable
Question 5. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.
A. help B. prepared C. be busy D. attempt
Question 6. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
A. happen B. encounter C. arrive D. clean
Question 7. What are the _______ of that country? - I think it is some kinds of cheese and sauces.
A. drinks B. beverages C. grains D. special dishes
Question 8. Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.
A. try B. attempt C. doing D. aim
Question 9. ________, women are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of the children.
A. With tradition B. On tradition C. Traditional D. Traditionally
Question 10. All of the students are __________to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the
A. obsessed B. obliged C. obtained D. observed
Question 11. It is important to have someone that you can __________in.
A. talk B. speak C. confide D. know
Question 12. Most adjectives can be used to __________a noun.
A. precede B. advance C. occur D. stand
Question 13. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct B. right C. suitable D. exact
Question 14. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.
A. make B. get C. set D. pay
Question 15. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. tongue D. oral
Question 16. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."
A. Rise B. Lift C. Raise D. Heighten

Tham gia các khóa học PEN –N3 môn Tiếng Anh tại cùng cô Hương Fiona để đạt kết quả tốt
nhất trong kì thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018
Tài liệu luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018 môn Tiếng Anh
Giáo viên : Hương Fiona [ Nguyễn Thanh Hương ]

Question 17. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
A. matter B. attention C. place D. situation.
Question 18. They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last
few years.
A. informal B. informally C. informalize D. informality
Question 19. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
Question 20. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to
A. attention B. attentively C. attentive D. attentiveness
Question 21. With black hair and eyes, she is _________of the people from her country.
A. the same B. typical C. similar D. identical
Question 22. Military is _________in this country. Every man who reaches the age of 18 has to serve in
the army for two years.
A. compulsory B. optional C. illegal D. unnecessary
Question 23. People tend to work hard at this _________of life.
A. distance B. stage C. space D. level
Question 24. Concern for the environment is now at the _________of many governments' policies.
A. core B. aim C. target D. purpose
Question 25. Why don't you have the document_________?
A. photocopy B. to photocopy C. photocopying D. photocopied

Question 26. What is minimum entrance _________for this course?

A. condition B. requirement C. certificate D. ability
Question 27. The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on his_________.
A. absence B. remembrance C. behalf D. reminder
Question 28. When the post finally fell _________. They offered it to Brian.
A. vacant B. vacantly C. vacancy D. vacancies
Question 29. Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) _________one at high school here?
A. obligatory B. mandatory C. obliging D. optional
Question 30. If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it_________.
A. hardly B. hard C. completely D. scarcely

Tham gia các khóa học PEN –N3 môn Tiếng Anh tại cùng cô Hương Fiona để đạt kết quả tốt
nhất trong kì thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018
Tài liệu luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018 môn Tiếng Anh
Giáo viên : Hương Fiona [ Nguyễn Thanh Hương ]


Tham gia các khóa học PEN –N3 môn Tiếng Anh tại cùng cô Hương Fiona để đạt kết quả tốt
nhất trong kì thi THPT Quốc Gia 2018

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