Mail Forms

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You use attributes to do the following:

 In mail forms of usage Internet Mail, Fax, or SMS, specify the insertion of
personalized details

The system inserts the current values for these attributes when you send the
personalized mail. In this way you can insert variable, personalized text, such as
marketing attributes or master data.

You can insert attributes in text elements, hyperlinks, and the subject line of your
mail form. In text elements, attributes have the same formatting as the adjacent
characters. Note: To use different formatting for an attribute, remove the attribute,
change the adjacent formatting if necessary, and then reinsert the attribute.

 In mail forms of usage File Export, create lists of business partners with
corresponding attribute values

You get a list of the business partners that are in the target group, as well as the
values of the attributes that you specified in the mail form. When you create the
file for specified target groups, the system inserts the current values for the
attributes that you have selected.

You also use attributes to create conditions in mail forms.


If you want to use additional attributes in the attribute categories, you have defined these
additional attributes in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by
choosing Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Campaign
Execution Business Add-Ins BAdI: Maintain Additional Attributes for Mail Form
Attribute Contexts .

If you want to use additional company-specific attributes, or restrict the selection of

attributes in your mail forms, you have defined attribute contexts in Customizing for
CRM, by choosing Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management
Personalized Mail Maintain Attribute Contexts for Mail Forms .

Attribute Categories

An attribute category is a collection of attributes with a common theme. This makes it

easier to find the attribute that you want.
We deliver the following attribute categories:

 Business Partner
 Marketing Attributes

 Campaigns

 System Attributes

 Additional Fields

You can define additional attributes in Customizing. These attributes are available
in this attribute category.

Attribute Contexts

Attribute contexts determine which attributes are available for selection in mail forms.

We deliver a standard attribute context that is selected by default when you create a mail
form. Additionally, you can define your own attribute contexts. By doing this, you can
either restrict the available attributes or add your own. In your mail form, you can select
one of these attribute contexts instead of the default one.


When you insert an attribute in a mail form, and send the personalized mail, the system
replaces the attribute with the appropriate attribute value.

Conditions in Mail Forms

In mail forms, you use conditions to control which text elements and attachments are sent
to which business partners in the specified target group. Conditions are based on


You can create one or more conditions for each of your text elements or attachments.
When combining conditions, you can use a logical AND or OR.

To create a condition, you select the following:

 An attribute

 An attribute value

 A relational operator

For example, Equal to, Not equal to, or Less than

When you send the personalized mail, the system uses the attribute values of the business
partners and the conditions in the mail form to control whom is sent particular text
elements and attachments.


You are planning a personalized-mail campaign in Spain. In addition, you are planning a
small promotional event in Madrid. You have created a flyer for this event, and have
saved it as an attachment in the mail form. You want to send personalized mail to all
business partners in the target group, and additionally the attachment to those in Madrid.

To do this, you create a condition for the attachment. In the condition, you select the
attribute Address: City. You specify the attribute value Madrid, and the relational operator
Equal to.

The attachment is sent to the business partners who live in Madrid, but not to the other
business partners who receive the personalized mail.

Hyperlinks in Mail Forms

In mail forms, you can insert hyperlinks to any uniform resource locator (URL).

Alternatively, you can insert a subscription link to a newsletter. For more information
about subscription links, see Newsletter Management.


If you want to use URL categories when you insert hyperlinks, you have defined the URL
categories in Customizing for CRM, by choosing Marketing Marketing Planning and
Campaign Management Personalized Mail Define Categories for URLs .


When you insert a hyperlink, you can use the following features:
 Description

You use a description if you want display another text instead of the URL for the


Descriptions are not displayed in a plain-text personalized mail; instead the URL
is displayed.

 Response tracking

You can record whether business partners click the hyperlinks in your
personalized mail. For more information, see Response Tracking with Hyperlinks.

 URL category

You use a URL category if you are using response tracking. URL categories
enable you to generate reports on visits to categories of hyperlinks as well as to
individual hyperlinks.

 Personalization of hyperlinks

You can use attributes in URLs so that different business partners get different
hyperlinks. When you send the personalized mail, the system generates the URL
according to the attribute values of the business partners.

This is useful if, for example, you want to use a different server as the target for
the hyperlinks; the hyperlinks supply the server with information about the
business partner.


You want to insert a hyperlink that includes the attributes Person: First Name,
Person: Last Name and Address: City.

In a text element, you insert the following hyperlink:


Rodney Rodriguez receives personalized mail that contains the following

Response IDs
A response ID contains outbound tracking information, including the business partner,
mail form, and campaign. Response IDs are GUIDs.

Response IDs are not visible in personalized mail. For this reason, response IDs are
normally only useful when you are sending Internet mail.

If a business partner responds to personalized mail, the system reads the response ID of
this inbound mail.

You can insert response IDs in text

Personalized Response Codes

A personalized response code (PRC) contains outbound tracking information, including
the business partner, mail form, and campaign. PRCs are IDs with 10 characters.

PRCs are visible in personalized mail. For this reason, PRCs are useful when you are
sending fax or SMS, or when using file export.

Business partners can quote the PRC when responding – for example, by telephone – to
the personalized mail.

You can insert PRCs in text elements and in the subject of the mail form.


In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), you have done the

 Defined the number range interval for PRCs, by choosing Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Campaign Execution Define
Number Range Interval for PRC .

 Defined how numbers from the number range interval are converted into PRCs,
by choosing Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management
Campaign Execution Business Add-Ins BAdI: Convert PRC to Alphanumeric
Form .

You insert a PRC in your mail form. The system generates the ID when you send the
personalized mail.

Response Tracking with Hyperlinks

When you insert hyperlinks in mail forms, you can use tracking functions to record how
recipients respond to the hyperlinks.


You can choose from two tracking functions:

 Tracking through an intermediate site

When you send the personalized mail, the system adds a globally unique identifier
(GUID) that identifies the business partner and campaign.

 Tracking through a target site

This function is suitable for internal Web pages only (for example, a Web shop),
where GUID information can be recorded.

The URL in the hyperlink must refer to a Web page from which a function module
in SAP CRM can be accessed by remote function call (RFC). At this point, the
Web page must transfer the GUID and the URL_GUID to the function module

You can find the GUID after MIG=.

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