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I. Finding Topic Sentence. Instruction.

Carefully read each paragraph then underline the author's

sentence containing the main idea.

1. Consumers concerned about the hazards of noise can reduce noise pollution in many ways. They
can purchase noisy products such as garbage disposals and lawn mowers with reduced noise levels. They
can also use sound absorbing materials in their home. Carpeting can be installed instead of hard
flooring, and cork and fabric can be used in rooms that tend to be noisy. Also, people can become less
noisy themselves. They can learn to avoid shouting, to close doors without slamming them, and to play
radios, TV, and stereos at moderate levels.

2. A study at one prison showed that owning a pet can change a hardened prison inmate into a
more caring person. Another study discovered that senior citizens, both those living alone and those in
nursing homes, became more interested in life when they were given pets to care for. Even emotionally
disturbed children have been observed to smile and react with interest if there is a cuddly kitten or
puppy to hold. Animals, then, can be a means of therapy for many kinds of individuals.

3. When you were younger, your mother cautioned you not to act like an animal. What mother did
not realize is that much of the world holds animals in such high regard that they use animals' names for
their organizations and products. For instance, many professional sports teams, such as the Tigers and
the Rams, have chosen animal names to suggest power. Also, cars are given names to make consumers
associate them with speed and grace. Examples are the Jaguar, the Cougar, and the Bobcat. Even our
political parties have adopted animals to represent them.

4. Americans express high agreement that pornography should be restricted. An overwhelming

91% of all Americans think that the law should limit or forbid its distribution-48% favoring laws that
forbid the distribution of pornography to persons under eighteen, and another 43% favoring laws that
would keep pornography from people no matter what their age. Females feel even more strongly about
this matter than do males, with a full 50% wanting to entirely forbid its distribution.

5. The essence of many perfumes comes from the oils in the petals of fresh flowers, such as the
rose, carnation, and orange blossom. However, fragrances are not limited to the petal, but can come
from the leaves of lavender, peppermint, and geranium. Also the oils of cinnamon and balsam are
derived from bark, while the oils of cedar come from its wood. The fragrance of ginger and sassafras
comes from roots, and orange, lemon and nutmeg come from fruits and seeds. There are many sources
from which to derive fragrances for perfumes.
II. Supporting Sentence. Carefully read each passage. Underline the author's TOPIC sentence, then

1. In view of the overwhelming health problems among the poor, it is necessary to make massive
efforts to serve them. First of all, a major focus should be on preventing health problems, which is
usually much less costly than treating them later on. There is a great need for many preventive health
services to poor children. In addition, society has to work on the social conditions of poverty that breed
disease. We have to help people break out of the cycle of poverty and illiteracy and unemployment.

2. The debate over the value of video games is a continuing one. Parents, doctors, and media-
effects researchers say the games are destructive. They accuse video games of distracting students from
schoolwork and of being too violent without any actual person to person contact. Defenders of the
games counter that the games do have positive aspects. They note that the games help improve eye-
hand-brain coordination, develop reasoning, and improve perception of space. The debate promises to

9. Burton Clark and Martin Trow have identified four subcultures found among college students.
The collegiate focuses on having fun and socializing. Enthusiasts have little commitment to learning
pursuits. By contrast, the academic group identifies with the intellectual concerns of the faculty and
values knowledge for its own sake. The vocational crowd is primarily interested in career prospects and
views college as a means of obtaining degrees which are essential for advancement. Finally, the
nonconformists are hostile to the college environment and seek out ideas that may or may not relate to

14. No planet outside this solar system has yet been detected. But should such a planet be found, it
will have to have a couple of important characteristics to support life as we know it. First of all, the
planet must have a very narrow range of possible masses. Because life we are familiar with requires
oxygen to exist, the planet must have an atmosphere. If the planet's mass is too small, the atmosphere
will escape into space. On the other hand, if it is too large, the heat from the interior will evaporate
surface water, also essential to life. In addition, the star that the planet revolves around must be exactly
the right size. Too big a star will tend to explode before life has a chance to develop around it. Too small
a star will hold its planet in such a close orbit that one side will burn up while the other side freezes.
III. Finding the Purpose of the Topic Sentence. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the questions
that follow by encircling the letter of your choice.

The topic of this paragraph is Millennials.

Students born after 1982 are considered Millennials, and they exhibit quite different characteristics
from those of students only a few years older. Among the differences are these:

They gravitate toward group activities.

They identify with their parents' values and feel close to their parents.

They spend more time doing homework and housework and less time watching TV.

They believe it's cool to be smart.

They are fascinated by new technologies.

They are racially and ethnically diverse, and 20% have one immigrant parent.

1. The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to give

A) an explanation of how the term Millennial came about.

B) characteristics of Millennials.

C) the process for becoming a Millennial.

Passage Two

The topic of this paragraph is personal digital assistants.

Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are small, hand-held electronic organizers that come in a range of
prices and capabilities. These lightweight computers are usually operated with a stylus, a special "pen."
The most basic, inexpensive PDAs have monochromatic screens. They can be used to organize and store
contact information, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses. More expensive models have
color screens and offer computer-like applications. For example, you can manage email and create
documents. In addition, they include a calendar function that allows you to keep track of appointments
and events. They feature the ability to play video and audio files. The most expensive PDAs also offer a
phone function, including text messaging.

2. The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to give

A) reasons to buy a color PDA.

B) differences between inexpensive and expensive PDAs.

C) the procedure for buying a PDA.

Passage Three

The topic of this paragraph is prepaid debit cards for teenagers.

A growing number of parents are using a new way to teach their teenagers to handle money wisely: a
prepaid debit card. Parents put a certain amount of money on a Visa® or Mastercard® debit card, for
example. Teens use it instead of cash. Purchases show up on their parents’ monthly statement, so
parents can monitor how the money is being spent and how fast it is being spent. When the money is
used up, parents can "reload" the card. Depending on the plan, parents may pay initial set-up fees,
monthly fees, or transaction fees. They feel the safety, monitoring capability, and convenience are
worth it.

3. The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to give

A) an explanation of how teen debit cards came into existence.

B) examples of several popular teen debit cards.

C) a description of a how prepaid teen debit cards work.

Passage Four

The topic of this paragraph is eating nutritious food.

Are you in the habit of skipping breakfast? Breakfast is important; it gets your metabolism going. Then
spread your remaining calories throughout the rest of the day by eating a wholesome lunch, nutritious
snack, and balanced dinner. Eating this way keeps your metabolism high. You are also less likely to binge
on junk food. You will have more energy and feel better if you eat nutritious food at least every four

4. The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to give

A) reasons for eating healthy food a throughout the day and how to do it.

B) examples of nutritious meals and snacks that can be eaten throughout the day.

C) suggestions for making healthier food choices.

Passage Five

The topic of this paragraph is college campuses and criminal activity and violence.

College campuses can be the site of criminal activity and violence, so they require the same level of
caution and awareness that you would use in other situations. Keep in mind that 80% of campus crimes
are committed by one student against another student. Also, alcohol or drug use is involved in 90% of
campus felonies. Drinking or drug use can affect judgment and lower inhibitions, so be aware if you or
another person is under the influence.

5. The purpose of the major details in this paragraph is to

A) suggest ways of making college campuses safer.

B) contrast college campuses with other places.

C) explain why people need to be alert to possible criminal activity and violence on college

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