Robust Design of Incremental Sheet Forming by Method: Sciencedirect

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Procedia CIRP 12 (2013) 270 – 275

8th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering

Robust design of incremental sheet forming by method

G. Ambrogioa, F. Gagliardia, L. Filicea,*
Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Calabria, P. Bucci - Cubo 46/C, Rende (CS) 87036, Italy
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-0984-494640; fax: +39-0984-494673.E-mail address:


Although the competitiveness of Incremental Sheet Forming process can be recognized by the literature review, some intrinsic
aspects penalize its industrial application. In particular, even if the idea to take advantage from the bigger formability appears of
great interest, on the other hand the not homogeneous thickness distribution reduces the industrial suitability. However, a
previous experimental investigations carried out by the authors showed that it is possible to influence the thinning phenomenon by
applying a proper tool trajectory. The present study was executed with the aim to design a robust procedure able to highlight how to
modify the tool trajectory in order to improve the thickness distribution along the profile. More in particular, the study is based on
the coupled use of the numerical ana All the results are widely discussed in the paper.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
© 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor Roberto Teti.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Professor Roberto Teti

Networks were utilized to predict springback in wipe

1. Introduction
implemented to minimize the burr size in the drilling
In the last years, a strong effort has arisen in industry operations [6]; in particular, Gaitonde et al. proposed a
to reduce time and costs, with regard to the global
economy; the need for rapid prototyping and small the multi-objective approach in order to take into
production batches is continuously increasing. These account both the dual and opposite aims which typically
trends have placed the attention on the use of new and affect the drilling process such as the simultaneous
advanced technologies for quickly turning raw materials minimization of the burr height and the burr thickness
into usable goods [1]. According to this scenario, a new [6].
family of processes, named Incremental Forming, have A similar approach was proposed in this study in
been introduced in the manufacturing industry for these order to optimize one of the main weakness of the
purposes. Nevertheless, the greater flexibility of these Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) process. The
processes corresponds to the high complexity, that technological principle of ISF is that a blank is clamped
requires larger attention in the calibration of the optimal at its border and progressively deformed by a punch that
set-up conditions [2]. follows a tool path program reproducing the final part
According to that, optimization techniques are shape [2]. Nowadays, a wider industrial application of
typically implemented to support the designer in the ISF is penalized to the main limitations of the process
process start-up. For instance, the springback problem itself, which are: (i) the long process time, (ii) the sheet
was widely investigated and optimized in the past by thinning, (iii) the limited geometrical accuracy [2].
implementing different techniques: numerical simulation Recent solution was proposed to reduce the cycle time in
and Response Surface Methodology were used to ISF operation for symmetric shapes, by conceiving a
control, predict and minimize springback amount in
sheet metal forming operation [3-4]. In the same way, instead of a milling machine [7]. Similarly, several
intelligent techniques, such as Artificial Neural studies were developed to improve the products

2212-8271 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Professor Roberto Teti
G. Ambrogio et al. / Procedia CIRP 12 (2013) 270 – 275 271

accuracy obtained by ISF [8]; a little less was done up to wall slope and imposing an offset angle 10 [9].
now to optimize the thickness distribution along the
profile or, more specifically, to reduce the thinning
phenomenon which characterizes the ISF operations [9].
Inspired to the last aspect and to the approach
proposed by Ambrogio et al. [9], a hybrid numerical and
statistical procedure was designed to optimize the tool
trajectory with the final scope to reduce the maximum
thinning. To pursue this aim an analytical objective
function was properly derived. All the details are
reported in the following chapters.

2. Problem evidences (a)

In ISF applications tool trajectory is typically

considered as a problem data, automatically generated
using CAD-CAM programs. On the contrary, due to the
process mechanics, the tool trajectory strongly affects
the strain path, the thickness distribution and the process
performance [2]: according to that, previous
experimental campaign highlighted that a proper
modified trajectory can be preferred over a
(named Single Slope) in order to
optimise the material flow during the process running
[10]. More in particular, the alternative Decremental (b)
Slope (DS) trajectory, proposed by Ambrogio et al. [9],
Fig. 2. ISF output in term of thickness distribution (a) and accuracy (b)
is based on the idea to apply an over-slope where the
for DS strategy.
sheet is usually less stretched; after that, a lower angle is
imposed by the tool where the localized over-thinning
However, the proposed strategy introduces a new
usually appears [9]. Starting from this concept and given
way to improve the ISF process quality; naturally, a
the required wall inclination angle , an offset of ±
simple trial and error approach to define both offset
degrees is applied to the tool path, according to the
) and the .
following equations (1) and (2), as displayed in Fig. 1.
On the contrary, an optimization procedure can be
designed to pursue the final aim: more in detail, for a
' (1) fixed geometrical condition (or CAD profile), it can be
'' (2) determined each time the best combination of variable
factors (including the process parameters) that
simultaneously maximises the minimum thickness (t min)
and minimises the maximum shape distortion (d).

3. Multi-response optimization for ISF

Taguchi-based optimization method provides a

powerful optimization technique that differs from
traditional practices since it can economically satisfy the
design optimization with minimum number of
experiments [10]. Actually, the original Taguchi
Fig. 1. Decremental slope trajectory.
technique is designed to optimize a single performance
As experimentally showed, although the DS characteristic. To overcome this problem, several
trajectory allows a more suitable average thickness modifications were suggested to the original Taguchi
method but all of them increase the computational
distribution, on the other hand it implies a partial
process complexity [11].
reduction of the profile accuracy, since a sort of
Gaitonde et al. [6] proposed a simple modification to
discontinuity on the wall (d) was measured [9]. Both
the Taguchi method for the multi-objective problem,
these aspects are highlighted in Fig. 2, for an
experimental test carried out on AA1050 sheet, 1 mm which employed a multi-performance objective for each
trial of the Orthogonal Array (OA) based on membership
thick, aimed at obtaining a frustum of cone having a 70°
272 G. Ambrogio et al. / Procedia CIRP 12 (2013) 270 – 275

functions associated with all the final aims of the where the coefficient and (i.e. were
investigated problem. introduced to establish which aim is the most relevant.
According to the ISF evidences previously Concluding, the optimisation problem can be stated as:
highlighted, the same approach was applied in this study
to determine the optimal values of process parameters, min( f opt _tot ) (7)
punch diameter (Dp) and tool pitch (p), and decisional
factors, offset angle ( u.c.
given geometry which allow to maximize the minimum
thickness (tmin) and to minimize the maximum distortion ;
To pursue this aim two membership functions t and Hf H ' H min ;
d, associated to t min and d respectively, were fixed such 0 H ' (cot g cot g ( )) d max
where Hmin is a constant different to zero and Hf is the
t final depth of the CAD profile.
t 1 min (3)
4. Hybrid optimization procedure
d 1 (4)
d max Even if the multi-objective problem is well designed,
a trail and error approach to drive its resolution could
where t0 is the initial blank thickness and dmax is the requires a large number of experiments. On the other
maximum distance between the ideal CAD profile and hand, a further optimization technique has to be
the over-dimensioned one that can be accepted by implemented in order to reduce the number of
implementing a DS strategy (see Fig. 1). In particular, it experiments preserving the analysis robustness. More in
is important to underline that by means of simple
geometrical conditions the distance d between the two Array (OA) were invoked to design the minimum
profiles can be measured as:
was executed by using Minitab.
In the same way, instead of the experimental
d H ' (cot g cot g (a )) (5)
evidence, the numerical approach and a more robust
finite element model (FEM) was adopted to predict the
From a graphical point of view the simultaneous process performance with respect to the considered aims
minimisation of thinning (t0-tmin) and profile distortion d [12]. This choice, in fact, allows to reduce the time and
requires the minimisation of the shaded areas as reported the cost associated to the experimental validation. The
in Fig. 3. details of the FEM model were already highlighted by
the authors in previous works [12].
Starting by the previous hypothesis and being known
the geometrical data of the problem (i.e. wall inclination
angle , final depth Hf) and the problem constrains (i.e.
initial thickness t0, material type, maximum geometrical
error allowed dmax), the decision maker can use the
proposed procedure to design a DS tool trajectory aimed
at solving the problem (7):
Step 1. Design of the optimisation function by
properly choosing the coefficient values, and in a
proper way;
Step 2. OA selection taking into account three levels
for each investigated factors. This assumption lead to
Fig. 3. Membership functions for the investigated problem.
highlight for the investigated ISF problem, with four
factors, an L9 orthogonal array for each product
In the same way, from an analytical point of view, the
configuration [10];
multi-objective function can be defined as:
Step 3. Application on a robust FEM model [12] to
predict both the thinning and the accuracy of the
(t0 tmin ) d (1 ) process;
fopt _ tot t d
2 2 Step 4. Data extraction and dataset building;
G. Ambrogio et al. / Procedia CIRP 12 (2013) 270 – 275 273

optimisation; explicit model was implemented which is characterized

Step 6. Optimal solution detection. by very low execution time and good performance [12].

The flowchart of the procedure is reported in Fig. 4. Table 2. Factors and levels

Offset angle ( ) 4° 7° 10°
10mm 20mm 30mm

Punch diameter (Dp) 10mm 14mm 18mm

Tool pitch (p) 0.2mm 0.6mm 1mm

Table 3. L9 Orthogonal Array.

# Dp p
1 10 0.2 4 10
2 14 0.6 4 20
3 18 1.0 4 30
4 14 1.0 7 10
Fig. 4. Flowchart of the hybrid procedure.
5 18 0.2 7 20

5. Case study 6 10 0.6 7 30

7 18 0.6 10 10
To well asses the suitability of the previous 8 10 1.0 10 20
procedure a general case of study is here proposed. The 9 14 0.2 10 30

trajectory, by defining the best values for Dp, p, and

H Taguchi optimization requires the minimization of
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) associated with the
constrains of the problem are summarized in Table 1. multi-performance objective function for each trial of
The coefficient values are arbitrarily fixed by the the orthogonal array and described by the Equation (8).
decision maker equal to =0.8 and =0.2, with the 2
hypothesis to put higher relevance to the thinning S / N _ ratio 10log10 ( fopt _ tot ) (8)

Table 1. Problem data and constraints

This value is reported, for each test in Table 4
together with the response performances.
Geometrical data Constraint
Table 4. Measured response and S/N ratio.
Shape Frustum of cone Maximum 3mm
Wall angle ( ) 65° distortion # tmin d fopt_tot S/N
1 0.26 1.55 0.299 10.482
Sheet thickness (t0) 1mm
2 0.17 1.35 0.335 9.482
Final height (Hf) 50mm
3 0.18 1.50 0.343 9.269

For the investigated case study the lower and higher 4 0.26 2.85 0.489 6.199
values of the investigated domain can be fixed according 5 0.14 2.51 0.505 5.919
to the process mechanics and the suitable process set up 6 0.15 1.08 0.327 9.685
by the decision maker. The summary of the factors and 7 0.20 4.17 0.835 1.559
levels is reported in Table 2.
8 0.27 1.85 0.327 9.702
Instead of a fully orthogonal plane, which
9 0.14 2.48 0.500 6.005
was adopted and only 9 experiments are necessary to
define the domain [10]. The corresponding L9 OA is The Analysis of Means (ANOM) outcome for the
reported in Table 3. investigated case can be derived by response diagrams as
To measure the ISF performance an LS-Dyna shown in Fig. 5.
274 G. Ambrogio et al. / Procedia CIRP 12 (2013) 270 – 275

The level of factor with the highest S/N ratio is the Naturally this result is strongly dependent on the
optimal one. According to that, for the investigated case investigated CAD geometry and by the considered
study, the optimal configuration of DS tool trajectory factors range.
corresponds to Dp=10mm, p=1mm, This means that the same procedure needs to be
repeated each time, but the total execution time is
requires a preliminary wall inclination angle of 69° for relative to a small number of numerical simulations.
20mm of depth and a subsequently wall angle of 61° up
to the end of the profile. This best setting, tested by FEM 6. Conclusion
tool, lead to obtain the following responses:
tmin=0.22mm, d=0.11mm and a total objective function
value equal to fopt_tot=0.24. multi-objective ISF problem is proposed in this study.
The approach is based on the introduction of two
membership functions, used to derive a single multi-
performance objective for the investigated problem. The
optimum search is then driven by the minimum OA, in
order to reduce the number of trials.
A robust FEM model is used to simulate the problem
and to quantify both membership functions, multi-
performance function and, as consequence, S/N ratio.
Finally, the ANOM provides the best process setting
within the selected ranges that simultaneously minimizes
the thinning and the shape geometrical error.
A case study is finally reported only to state the
procedure suitability.

Fig. 5. Main effect plot for S/N.
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