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5/30/2017 Banned outfits in Pakistan operate openly on Facebook ­ Pakistan ­ DAWN.

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5/30/2017 Banned outfits in Pakistan operate openly on Facebook ­ Pakistan ­ DAWN.COM

Banned out ts in
Pakistan operate
openly on Facebook


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5/30/2017 Banned outfits in Pakistan operate openly on Facebook ­ Pakistan ­ DAWN.COM

The list below contains all banned out ts on

Facebook aside from the big three - ASWJ, JSMM,
SSP - that are available in the main story in the
rst tab above

Other outfits on Facebook

Arranged in order of size of online presence

Baloch Student Organisation Azad (BSO-A)­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 3/30
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Pages and groups: 54

Pages with 500+ members: 7
Groups with 100+ members: 3
Users who ‘like’ org: 43

Founded by Allah Nazar Baloch in 2002, the

organisation is known to indoctrinate the
youth of Balochistan in a struggle for an
independent Balochistan.

Proscribed on March 15, 2013 on the basis of

spreading anti-state sentiment through
strikes and processions, they remain active
online and in student communities in

Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)

Pages and groups: 45

Pages with 500+ members: 2
Groups with 100+ members: 6
Users who ‘like’ org: 27

Although reports vary, it is believed that

Maulana Mureed Abbas Yazdani founded SMP
in 1993. Formed as a Shia outfit to counter the
militancy of Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan, their­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 4/30
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primary objective is to retaliate against

aggressions from SSP and LeJ.

Proscribed on August 14, 2001 along with LeJ

for suspected involvement in terrorist
activities, the SMP is alleged to have carried
out attacks against the leadership of banned
Sunni extremist factions. Their operations
were reported to have seized after a rift amidst
the leadership.

Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM)

Pages and groups: 34

Groups with 100+ members: 2

Accused of fighting American troops alongside

Osama Bin Laden, Masood Azhar formed JeM
in 2000 after being released from an Indian
prison in return from hostages of an Indian
Airline plane. Notorious for attacks in India-
held Kashmir (IHK), the militant outfit’s
stated objective is to unite IHK with Pakistan.
However, it also has close links with LeJ, and
its members have carried out attacks against
the minority communities.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 5/30
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Breaking into two factions , the militant

organisation is still believed to be active in the
region, despite being banned on January 14,
2002 for sending non-Kashmiris into IHK
causing unrest in Kashmir and hampering
diplomacy between Pakistan and India. They
are known for an attack on the Indian
parliament in 2001 , Daniel Pearl’s
kidnapping and two assassination attempts
on former president of Pakistan, Pervez


Pages and groups: 16

Pages with 500+ members: 3
Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 34

As a result of the failure of Jamaat-e-Islami in

Pakistani politics circa 1993, Naeem Siddiqui
founded Tehreek-e-Islami in 1994 with a view
to impose Shariah law and turn Pakistan into
an Islamic state.

Even though the outfit was banned in January

of 2002, along with several other militant­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 6/30
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organisations for anti-state sentiments, it

continues to operate today.

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)

Pages and groups: 9

Groups using name: 7
Users who ‘like’ org: 28

Since its formation in 1990 by the

controversial Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, LeT has
been credited with carrying out several attacks
on Indian soil. At the time of their conception
they aided Afghanistan in their fight against
the Soviets.

Infamous for the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, LeT’s

interests lie in liberating Occupied Kashmir
from India and enforcing strict Salafi and
Ahle-Hadith interpretations of Islam across
the Indian subcontinent. Despite international
attention and having been banned by the
Pakistani state on January 14, 2002 for
spreading terror locally and internationally,
there is evidence that the outfit remains
operational.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 7/30
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Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF)

Pages and groups: 8

Pages with 500+ members: 3
Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 39

Founded in 1964 in Syria, the BLF is one of the

oldest, active militant factions stemming out
of Balochistan. Taking up arms against the
Shah of Iran during the Iranian Revolution,
they quickly turned their focus towards
inciting an insurgency against the Pakistani
state, demanding independence for

Along with other Baloch nationalist groups,

they were banned in September 2010 for
targeting state machinery. The proscription
did little to deter their interests, highlighted
by their largest known attack against the army
affiliated Frontier Works Organisation, killing
20 labourers , on April 11, 2015, working on a
government funded dam.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 8/30
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Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)

Pages and groups: 8

Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 46

Founded in 1996, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was

formed as a radical offshoot of Sipah-i-Sahaba
Pakistan, primarily aimed at targeting Shias.
With the dreaded militant, Riaz Basra, as its
founding leader, LeJ was named after SSP’s
founding leader, Haq Nawaz Jhangvi. It’s also
the first militant group to have publicly
accepted responsibility for the killing
members of Shia community, other religious
minorities, and Iranian diplomats. Following
Basra’s death in an encounter, LeJ split into
more than one faction, but all factions
continue to attack Shia communities, and
remain active across the country. Of late it has
become quite active in Balochistan.

LeJ was also notoriously implicated in the

abduction and murder of Daniel Pearl . The
founding member of LeJ, Malik Ishaq, was also
involved in attack on the Sri Lankan cricket
team in Lahore.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 9/30
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Hizbut Tahrir

Pages and groups: 7

Pages with 500+ members: 3
Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 59

Operating across the globe, the religio-

political organisation is particularly active in
Western countries. Founded in 1953, in
Jerusalem, their stated objective is to unify the
Muslim world as an Islamic state, and
enforcing Shariah law.

Launching a Pakistani presence in late 2000,

their activities increased after 9/11 with the
opening of a publishing house. Their literature
largely focuses on instigating internal
rebellion within the armed forces.

Supported by extremist factions such as SSP,

their aim to recreate the caliphate in Central
Asia was dealt a setback when former
President Pervez Musharraf banned the
organisation on November 20, 2003.

Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA)­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 10/30
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Pages and groups: 7

Users who ‘like’ org: 75

With the aim to start an armed insurgency for

the separation of Balochistan, the BLA was
formed in 2000 and remains active till this
day. Some analysts believe that the faction is a
resurgence of the Independent Balochistan
Movement of 1973 to 1977.

They have carried out sporadic attacks against

non-natives and authorities in Balochistan,
including one on a a paramilitary camp in
Kohlu while then president Pervez Musharraf
was visiting in December of 2005. Four months
later, in April 2006, the government banned
the BLA for attacks on state machinery and
spreading anti-state sentiments in


Pages and groups: 7

Banned on December 30, 2016, the little-

known militant outfit was proscribed by the
Pakistani government for recruiting and­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 11/30
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smuggling militants to ISIS held territories to

take part in the civil war in Iraq and Syria.

Lashkar-i-lslami (LeI)

Pages and groups: 6

Founded in 2004, the militant organisation is

predominantly active in the Khyber Agency of
Pakistan, despite being banned on June 30,
2008 for creating unrest in the northern

On March 17, 2016 the faction took

responsibility for an attack on a bus full of
government employees en route to the
Peshawar secretariat. They are notorious for
fighting rival terrorist groups in the area.

Peoples' Aman Committee (Lyari)

Pages and groups: 6

Pages with 500+ members: 2
Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 49­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 12/30
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Banned on October 10, 2011 the Peoples' Aman

Committee (PAC) is a militant outfit hailing
from Lyari, Karachi. Founded in 2008 by the
infamous Lyari gangster Rehman Dakait, PAC
allegedly had ties to the Pakistan People’s
Party . Mostly known for drug trafficking and
extortion, the organisation was disbanded in
March of 2011 , seven months before their
official proscription.

Even though defunct, it is believed their on-

ground operation still functions in certain

United Baloch Army (UBA)

Pages and groups: 6

Users who ‘like’ org: 13

Like other separatist groups, Mehran Marri

founded the UBA in 2000 under the objective
to liberate Balochistan from Pakistan, after a
rift in the leadership of the BLA. Operating as
a splinter group from the BLA, their tactics
and attacks have often been criticised by other
separatist groups for needlessly targeting
innocent civilians.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 13/30
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The outfit was proscribed on March 15, 2013 for

sporadic attacks on civilians and security
forces. They claimed responsibility for an
attack on two buses in the Mastung district,
killing 22 unarmed Pakhtuns on May 29,

Lashkar-e-Balochistan (LeB)

Pages and groups: 5

Pages with 500+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 25

Founded in 2009 by Javed Mengal, brother of

former Chief Minister of Balochistan Akhtar
Mengal, the group didn’t come to the forefront
till 2012 after claiming responsibility for
attacks in Karachi , Lahore and Quetta .

Even though the attacks took place two years

after their proscription in September 2010,
they have remained relatively inactive in their
fight for an independent Baloch state.

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Pages and groups: 4

Considered Al Qaeda’s military arm in

Pakistan, the organisation consists of fighters
from various Jihadi groups such as LeT, LeJ and
JeM, attempting to establish an Islamic state.
Believed to have formed in 2008, the group
has conducted high profile attacks and
assassination attempts that predate their

They claimed an unsuccessful assassination

attempt on former president Pervez
Musharraf in 2003 and associated with an
attack on the Karachi naval base in 2011. On
March 15, 2013 the outfit was banned for
carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan.
They are believed to still operate in Pakistan
and conflict zones such as Syria.

Balochistan Republican Army (BRA)

Pages and groups: 3

Pages with 500+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 44­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 15/30
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Proscribed on September 8, 2010 for aiding

Baloch separatists, the outfit’s main objective
is to achieve independence for the province of
Balochistan from Pakistan.

Comprising of members from the Bugti tribe

and young student activists, the group was
founded in 2006, a result of growing
resentment towards the Pakistani
government’s increasing control over Baloch

The faction remains active till this day,

presumably under the leadership of
Brahamdagh Bugti, grandson of Akbar Bugti.
They are known for attacks on foreign workers
and security personnel in the province, the
largest of which was in April of 2011 on the
military-run Frontier Works Organisation
camp, killing 11 and wounding two .

Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan (Ex SSP)

Pages and groups: 3

Groups using name: 2­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 16/30
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SSP changed their name to Millat-e-Islamia

Pakistan after the outfit was banned in 2002.
The renamed outfit itself got banned a year
later on November 15, 2003 for continuing the
operations of SSP.

Muslim Students Organization (MSO) Gilgit

Pages and groups: 3

Proscribed on April 24, 2012 for creating

conflict in Baltistan, the MSO is allegedly still
active in Gilgit, Baltistan, owing to evidence of
a criminal case registered against four of its
members .

Tehreek-e-Taliban Swat (TTS)

Pages and groups: 3

A militant division of TTP operating primarily

in the Swat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
TTS was banned on March 15, 2013 for aiding
TTP in their objectives by spreading terror.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 17/30
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Tehrik-e-Jafria Pakistan (TJP)

Pages and groups: 2

Groups with 100+ members: 1
Users who ‘like’ org: 25

Originally known as Tehreek Nifaz Fiqah-e-

Jafria (TNFJ), the organisation was forced to
change its name to TJP following a split in the
organization. Reports vary as to when they
were founded, but it is believed that the
faction was a byproduct of the Iranian
revolution, to safeguard the social, religious
and political rights of Shias in Pakistan.

While it is unclear as to whether TJP has

orchestrated, or were complicit in any terrorist
activities, they were banned in January of
2002, along with other militant outfits.

Ansar-ul-lslam (AI)

Pages and groups: 2

Users who ‘like’ org: 48

Founded in 2004 by Afghan Sufi Pir Saif-ur-

Rehman, under a Sunni Barelwi ideology, the­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 18/30
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militant organisation based in North-West of

Pakistan currently operates in the Khyber
tribal region. Their primary goal is to counter
the anti- Sufi, Deobandi version of Islam being
spread by Lashkar-i-Islam.

Banned by Pakistan in June of 2008, the outfit

focuses its efforts on fighting other extremist
factions, most recently embroiled in battles
with TTP across the North of Pakistan.

Al Haramain Foundation

Pages and groups: 2

Under the guise of a charity, the foundation is

known to have provided financial and material
assistance to Al-Qaeda and other notorious
terrorist groups. Founded in Karachi circa
1988, with headquarters reportedly shifting to
Riyadh, the foundation was disbanded on
January 26, 2004 by the United Nations
Security Council and eight years later by
Pakistan, on March 6, 2012 for aiding and
abetting terrorist groups.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 19/30
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From North America to Africa and the Middle

East, the organisation established community
service centers in an attempt to accomplish
their objective of spreading a strict Wahabi
version of Islam. During this time they funded
groups such as the Chechen Mujahideen,
under the pretense of humanitarian aid, for
terrorist activities.


Pages and groups: 2

In 1993, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen reunited with

Harakat-ul-Jihad Islami, after an initial split
in 1991 , under the name of Jamiat-ul-Ansar
to turn their attention towards Kashmir. Their
stated goal is to unite IHK with Pakistan, but
also works closely with a number of sectarian

Having advocated for the use of Pakistan’s

nuclear weapons against India and hampering
diplomatic efforts, the outfit was banned on
November 20, 2003. Listed as one of the
militant groups involved in the abduction and­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 20/30
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murder of Daniel Pearl , they remain active

despite proscription.

Tanzeem Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat, Gilgit

Pages and groups: 2

The faction was banned in June of 2012, two

months after the supporters of the faction
clashed with members of the Imamia Students

Tanzeem Naujawana-i-Ahle Sunnat (TNA),


Pages and groups: 2

Proscribed on October 10, 2011, TNA is among

several banned groups from Gilgit.

Shia Tulaba Action Committee, Gilgit

Pages and groups: 1

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The Gilgit-based Shia organisation was banned

on October 10, 2011.

Al Qaeda

Pages and groups: 1

Founded by Osama Bin Laden in August of

1988, Al Qaeda has wreaked havoc across the
globe through violent and infamous attacks.
They perpetrated the attacks on September 11,
2001 on the World Trade Centre in New York.
In Pakistan, they were also held responsible
for the attack on the Marriot hotel in
Islamabad on September 20, 2008.

Aiming to destroy Israel and rid the Muslim

world of Western influence, the terrorist
organisation hopes to create an Islamic
caliphate that adheres to strict Wahabi
interpretations of Shariah law. Despite
banning the extremist outfit on March 17,
2003 for terror activities, Al Qaeda continues
to operate locally as Al-Qaeda in the
Subcontinent or AQIS, and internationally.­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 22/30
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Balochistan United Army

Pages and groups: 1

The organisation was banned on August 4,


Amar bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkir (Haji

Namdaar Group)

Pages and groups: 1

An alternate name for Haji Namdaar group,

and founded by Haji Namdaar himself, they
are known to facilitate attacks in Peshawar by
providing shelter to local and foreign
militants. The outfit was banned in March of
2013 for enabling and assisting terrorist

Balochistan Liberation United Front (BLUF)

Users who ‘like’ org: 91

The BLUF largely came to the forefront after

kidnapping John Solecki, a UNHCR worker,­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 23/30
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from Quetta in February of 2009. Even though

they released him two months later without
their demands of the release of Baloch
nationalist prisoners, they claimed
responsibility for the target killing of the
Balochistan education minister.

They were subsequently proscribed on

September 8, 2010. Conducting several attacks
since proscription, they reportedly remain
active till this day, fighting for independence
from the Pakistani state.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

Users who ‘like’ org: 64

Formed on December 13, 2007, the TTP is the

largest and most violent terrorist group in
Pakistan. They remain active despite being
banned on August 25, 2008 for their
involvement in several terrorist attacks.

With the aim to impose Shariah law, fight

NATO in Afghanistan and regularly targeting
the Pakistani Army and state, they have
perpetrated attacks on a mass scale. The most­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 24/30
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brutal of these attacks was on the Army Public

School, when seven armed men killed 144
people, 132 of whom were children.

Despite army operations targeting the TTP and

its other terrorist factions, they remain active
till this day.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)

Users who ‘like’ org: 43

IMU was formed in 1998 to overthrow the

president of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, and to
create an Islamic state under Shariah law.
Having established bases in Northern
Afghanistan and Tajikistan to carry out
attacks, after the American operations in
Afghanistan many fighters fled to the
Northern areas of Pakistan.

Subsequently, the IMU started targeting

Pakistani forces in collaboration with the TTP,
the most infamous being the attack on a
prison in Bannu in April 2012 that resulted in
the freeing of 400 prisoners. IMU was banned
in March of 2013 after an attack on the­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 25/30
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Peshawar airport . Despite the ban, the outfit

managed to carry out an assault on Karachi’s
Jinnah airport .


Users who ‘like’ org: 43

TNSM was formed in 1992 with the intention

of enforcing Shariah law and hoping to
transform Pakistan into a Wahabi-based
Islamic state. They remain active despite being
banned on January 14, 2002 for spreading
terror in Pakistan and aiding the Taliban in
Afghanistan with their fight against American

In February of 2009, TNSM militants seized

control of much of Swat , prompting the
government and army to respond with an
operation using airstrikes and 30,000 troops in
May , leading to a truce two months later.

Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 26/30
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Users who ‘like’ org: 40

Based in FATA, fighters from IMU splintered

away from the group and formed the IJU to
continue their efforts in establishing an
Islamic state in Uzbekistan. Largely using
Pakistan as a base for foreign attacks, the
militant outfit aids local terrorist
organisations, such as the TTP, in battling
Pakistani security forces.

Despite the faction being proscribed on March

15, 2013 for assisting local terror outfits, they
are alleged to have a presence in Northern
Pakistan , attempting to recruit and train new


Users who ‘like’ org: 38

Banned on July 15, 2015, the global terrorist

organisation continues to operate in Pakistan
as evidenced by ongoing attacks. One of the
deadliest attacks claimed in Pakistan was on a
Sufi shrine in Sehwan, killing over 80
civilians .­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 27/30
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Gaining prominence as a rebranded

“ISIS/ISIL/Daish/IS” in April of 2013, the
militant outfit was banned shortly after
aiming to establish a ‘Khorasan Province’, a
historical region including Afghanistan and

Jamat Ul Ahrar (JuA)

Users who ‘like’ org: 33

Voicing support for ISIS, JuA was banned on

November 11, 2016 after a spate of attacks
dating from 2014 to 2016, with one of the
largest being an attack on a Christian
community celebrating Easter in March of
2016, killing over 70 .

Splintering from the TTP in August of 2014,

JuA remains active despite proscription,
evidenced by the outfit claiming responsibility
for an attack in Parachinar on March 31, 2017,
killing 24 and injuring 68.

Islami Tehreek Pakistan (Ex TJP)­outfits­in­pakistan­operate­openly­on­facebook 28/30
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Users who ‘like’ org: 27

Banned on November 15, 2003, the

organisation previously went by the name of
Tehreek-e-Jafria Pakistan, which was banned
a year earlier.

Khuddam-ul-lslam (Ex JeM)

Users who ‘like’ org: 23

In November 2003 the Musharraf government

banned the outfit, originally known as Jaish-
e-Muhammad, which was proscribed in 2002.

To learn more about how this investigation was

carried out, click the tab below.




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