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UNCLOS Cheat Sheet

Type Internal Waters Territorial Waters Archipelagic Waters Contiguous Zone Exclusive Economic The Continental
Zones (Patrimonial (Archipelagic) Shelf.
Distance Landward side Outwards from the A baseline is drawn Outwards of 12 Not more than 200 May never exceed
of baseline baseline up to 12 between the nautical miles from nautical miles from 350 nautical miles
nautical miles outermost points of the 12 nautical miles the baseline. from the baseline.
the outermost of the Territorial
points of the island. waters. (12+12=24)
Rights  Set Laws  Set laws Same as internal  Set laws  Sole exploitation  Harvest
 Regulate  Regulate waters but subject  Hot pursuit rights over mineral &
use use to existing rights area natural resources non-living
 Use  Use including fishing material in
resources resources rights the subsoil

Passage No foreign Foreign vessels Innocent passage Nature is that of Nature of "high Nature of being
Rights vessels "right to innocent being "high seas" seas" "high seas"
passage" Foreign states may
Innocent passage lay submarine pipes
may be suspended and cables.
by the State

The Deep Seabed:

Ares of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and their sub-soil, beyond the national jurisdiction.

May not be appropriated to any state of person.


Have their own territorial sea, exclusive economic zones and continental shelf.


Should not be able to sustain human habitation or economic life.

Only have territorial sea.

The High Seas

All parts of the sea that are bit ubckuded in the territorial sea or the internal waters of a state.

1) freedom to navigate

2) freedom of overflight

3) freedom of fishing

4) freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines

5) freedom to construct artificial islands and structures

6) freedom of scientific research

Hot Pursuit

Pursuit of a foreign vessel where there is good reason to believe that the ship has violated laws or regulations of the coastal state.

If pursuit began in the contiguous zone it may be pursued only for violations of the rights prescribed in the contiguous zone.

Must stop once the pursued vessel enters its territorial waters.

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