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Todinca Iasmina-Mădălina

LMA engleză-spaniolă
Anul 3

Reflective account on my interview

1. Date: 19.02.2017
2. Time: 16:33
3. Place: West University of Timisoara, Library, 3rd floor.
4. Name of the interviewee: Burza Roxana.
5. Topic of interview: The lexical field of death.
6. How you felt about:
The content of the interview (both as the interviewer and the interviewee)

The interviewer: I believe that the content of the interview was structured really well. The
questions were clear and concise. The answers were straightforward and some of them had even
examples included so that the answer could be well explained and understood by the

The interviewee: I would say that the interview was quite well organized and that the
questions were well-formulated, subjective and easy to answer to.

7. The experience of being:

The interviewer: Playing the role of the interviewer was a very interesting experience. It helped
me understand how is like to be on the other side and I learned how to conduct an effective
interview and how to make it run smoothly.

The interviewee: Playing the role of the interviewee was not as I expected. I am usually
agitated and worried that my answers might not be what the interviewer expects. I never know how
long my answers should be and how to manage not to deviate from the subject. In spite of all this,
this time was different. The interview went smoothly and was a success.

8. Transcribing attempts: 2.

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