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Strong and collimated terahertz radiation by super-Gaussian lasers

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2012 EPL 100 45001


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November 2012
EPL, 100 (2012) 45001
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/100/45001

Strong and collimated terahertz radiation by super-Gaussian lasers

Hitendra K. Malik and Anil K. Malik

Plasma Waves and Particle Acceleration Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology
Delhi - New Delhi - 110 016, India

received 22 September 2012; accepted in final form 1 November 2012

published online 28 November 2012
PACS 52.38.-r – Laser-plasma interactions
PACS 52.40.Db – Electromagnetic (nonlaser) radiation interactions with plasma
PACS 52.35.Hr – Electromagnetic waves (e.g., electron-cyclotron, Whistler, Bernstein, upper
hybrid, lower hybrid)

Abstract – We propose two super-Gaussian laser beams with frequency difference for obtaining
more collimated terahertz (THz) radiation at a desired position based on their order/index and
for enhancing the efficiency of the scheme by realizing stronger transient transverse current due
to the spatial variation of their fields. For the laser intensity of ∼1014 W/cm2 and along with the
application of a periodic density structure, a resonant excitation of the THz radiation is achieved
together with the efficiency of scheme as ∼0.006.

c EPLA, 2012

The researchers all over the world have been putting Yoshii et al. [14], theoretically, and Yugami et al. [15],
their efforts to achieve a THz radiation source with experimentally, have demonstrated the THz radiation
large electric field [1–21] as the THz radiation has generation. Using fundamental- and second-harmonic
diverse applications in material characterization, imag- lasers of peak intensities ∼5 × 1014 W/cm2 and focusing
ing, topography and remote sensing [22], chemical and them into air, Cook and Hochstrasser [16] have obtained
security identification etc. [23,24]. Vodopyanov et al. [2] the peak THz field of ∼2 kV/cm at 2 THz frequency.
have reported tunable (1.5–2 THz) THz output with up A corrugated plasma channel has been suggested for
to 200 µW average power in periodically inverted GaAs the phase matched THz radiation generation by the
using resonantly enhanced multispectral frequency mixing ponderomotive force of a laser pulse [17]. Assuming
inside the cavity of a type-0 optical parametric oscillator Gaussian profiles for the pump amplitude, Fedele et
operating at degeneracy. Kukushkin [3] has demonstrated al. [18] have reported radial electric-field components
the THz radiation generation based on the inversion of generated by the propagation of two electromagnetic
transition between heavy- and light-hole sub-bands in waves resonantly beating in a plasma. We have recently
the THz spectral range in semiconductors under crossed shown the generation of strong THz radiation but the
static magnetic field and alternating electric field. Kan et position of peak THz field could not be tuned in such a
al. [4] have reported multimode THz wave generation process [19,27].
using coherent Cerenkov radiation. Several experiments In most of the schemes, optimal focusing and colli-
have made use of plasma as a medium for the THz mation of the emitted THz radiation has not so far
radiation generation by sub-picoseconds laser pulses and been achieved. However, in the present letter, we propose
energetic electron beams [5–10,25]. The THz radiation to use two super-Gaussian lasers with spatial envelopes
has also been produced from a dc-biased two-color for achieving these properties. Contrary to the case of
femtosecond laser-induced filament in air [11]. Our group two spatial-Gaussian lasers [27], we can focus the emit-
has investigated the THz generation by tunnel ionization ted radiation at a desired position by selecting a proper
of a gas jet with the help of superposed femtosecond index/order of super-Gaussian lasers. Here we achieve the
laser pulses [12]. Chen et al. [26] have also obtained the resonance condition between the ponderomotive force and
THz radiation from ultrashort laser pulse interaction transverse current at the frequency difference of the two
with a neutral gas target via ionization-induced trans- lasers by introducing ripples in the plasma density, and
verse currents. Jha et al. [13] have reported the THz we obtain the radiation with much higher field than in the
radiation generation due to wakefields produced by short case of Gaussian lasers.
laser pulses in a magnetized plasma. Based on Cerenkov We consider two spatial-super-Gaussian lasers of
wake excited in a perpendicularly magnetized plasma, frequencies ω1 and ω2 , and wave numbers k1 and k2 ,

Hitendra K. Malik and Anil K. Malik

co-propagating in the x-direction and polarized along the

y-direction. Thus, their fields are given by
Ej = ŷE0 exp − ei(kj x−ωj t)
with j = 1, 2. Here a0 is the beam width and the quantity
q represents the order/index of super-Gaussian lasers;
q = 2(> 2) corresponds to the Gaussian (super-Gaussian)
profiles. Because of the lasers’ field, the electrons attain
oscillatory velocities as vj = eE j /miωj , and also the
ponderomotive force exerted on the electrons is obtained
using fpN L = − e2 /2mω1 ω2 ∇(  E
1 · E ∗ ) that yields
e2 E02 y
fpN L = − exp −2
2mω1 ω2 a0
2q y   Fig. 1: (Colour on-line) Sketch of THz radiation field with
× ik  x̂ − ŷ ei(k x−ω t) . frequency difference and the transverse distance from the
a0 a0 14 13 ∗
x-axis, when ω1 = 2.4 × 10 rad/s, ωp = 2 × 10 rad/s, |v2 | =
  0.3c and nβ /n0 = 0.3. Left, medium and right graphs represent
Here ω ≡ ω1 − ω2 and k ≡ k1 − k2 . In the presence of
the cases of Gaussian lasers with q = 2, super-Gaussian lasers
this nonlinear ponderomotive force, a nonlinear perturba- with q = 4 and super-Gaussian lasers with q = 6, respectively.
tion in the electron density (say nN L ) takes place, which
 fN L
n0 ∇·
is obtained as nN L = mω2p . This density perturba- is the source of radiation generation and k and k  are
tion produces a space-charge potential φ at the frequency different, the resonant excitation of the radiations is
ω  and the wave number k  , causing a linear density possible when k and k  are tuned. In view of k = k  + β, the
ω 2  ∇φ)

perturbation nL = ω2p ∇·( 4πe . By taking contribution of
resonance condition is achieved by optimizing the ripples
L NL wave number β.
both the perturbations n and n in Poisson’s equa-  of the THz radiation can be obtained from
2 NL L  The field E
tion ∇ φ = 4πe(n + n ), we evaluate ∇φ in terms of    
fpN L as ∇φ  = {4πn0 e/m(ω 2 − ωp2 )}fpN L . Then using the Maxwell’s equations ∇ × E = −(1/c)(∂ B/∂t) and ∇ ×
B = (4π/c)J + (1/c)(∂ E/∂t) that give rise to the following
equation of motion as (∂v N L /∂t) = (fL + fN L )/m under wave equation:
the combined effect of fL (≡ e∇φ)  and fpN L , we calculate
ω 2 − ωp2
NL iω  fpN L −∇ 2
E +  ∇
∇(  = 4πiω JN L +
 · E) 
E. (1)
the nonlinear velocity of the electrons as v = m(ω2 −ω2 ) . c2 c2
Finally, neglecting the laser-produced perturbed density, Taking divergence of this equation and making use
the nonlinear current density is evaluated using JN L = of the expression of JN L , we obtain the normalized
− 12 n ev N L , which gives amplitude of the THz field as
   q−1   q
JN L = ine3 ω  E02 /2m ω 2 − ωp2  E0y  nβ q ωp2 ω 2 |v2∗ | y y
   = exp −2 ,
 E0  n0 2 ω1 (ω 2 − ω 2 )2 a0 a0 a 0
× ŷ (−2q/a0 ) (y/a0 ) + ik x  
 eE ∗ 
×exp {−2 (y/a0 ) } exp {i (kx − ω t)} .  2
where |v2∗ | =  . (2)
 mi ω2 
Here n = nβ eiβx is the ripple in the plasma density
n = n0 + n together with nβ as the amplitude and β as In the process of obtaining eq. (2), it is realized that the
the wave number. These ripples in the plasma density phase matching condition requires k 2 − ωc2 (1 − ω
ω 2 ) = 0.
can be obtained by laser machining, which has been Under the resonance condition ω ≈ ωp , the ripple wave
employed earlier for the generation of the relativistic third number matches the beat wave number and hence, the
harmonic [20]. Also a ripple structure of crystalline layers maximum transfer of energy takes place. Therefore, the
has been created in ion-beam–induced Si wafer [21]. In THz field amplitude acquires larger values, when the fre-
the present scheme, the density ripples work as the slow quency difference ω approaches the electron plasma
wave structure and help in the resonant excitation of frequency ωp , and it decreases as ω departs from ωp
the radiations. This can be understood based on the (fig. 1). This is further observed from fig. 1 that the THz
expressions of JN L and fpN L , which show that the current field amplitude is higher for the case of super-Gaussian
oscillates at the frequency ω  (represented by ω in the lasers of index 6. The Gaussian lasers (q = 2), however,
forthcoming section) and the wave number k and the produce the THz radiation with the lowest amplitude and
ponderomotive force oscillates at ω  and k  . Since JN L the super-Gaussian lasers of index 4 generate the field

Strong and collimated terahertz radiation generation

Normalized Peak THz Field

0.15 0.2
Sup Gauss(q=4), Sup Gauss(q=6), Sup Gauss (q=6), y/a0=0.864
Normalized THz Field

a0=0.05mm a0=0.05mm
Sup Gauss(q=4), Sup Gauss (q=4),
0.1 a0=0.1mm Sup Gauss(q=6), y/a0=0.78
0.075 Gauss(q=2),

0.05 Gauss(q=2),
Gauss (q=2), y/a0=0.5

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
0 n /n
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 β 0
Fig. 3: Maximum amplitude of THz field vs. normalized density
Fig. 2: (Colour on-line) Normalized THz radiation field vs. ripple amplitude for the same parameters as in fig. 1.
normalized transverse distance from the x-axis for different
values of the beam width a0 at ω/ωp = 1.05 and when the other
about the maximum field of the THz radiation. Clearly
parameters are the same as in fig. 1.
the effect of ripple amplitude nβ is to enhance the THz
with the amplitude lying between the cases of q = 2 and field for all the cases. However, the field increases very
q = 6. Hence, it is clear that the super-Gaussian lasers significantly in the case of super-Gaussian lasers of index
produce stronger radiation than in the case of Gaussian q = 6. The enhanced field with nβ is plausible as more
lasers [27]. electrons take part (in phase) in the oscillating current,
The role of index q in obtaining the strong and colli- which generates efficient THz radiation. The profile of
mated radiation is clarified in fig. 2. A comparison of solid density ripple nβ eiβx reveals that the effect of increasing
lines (q = 2) with dashed lines (q = 6) and dash-dotted nβ can be viewed as if β is lowered for the fixed value of nβ .
lines (q = 4) reveals that the THz radiation is focused at Since β represents the periodicity of the density ripples,
y/a0 = 0.5 in the case of Gaussian lasers with index q = 2, it is obvious that the sharp density ripples will produce
at y/a0 = 0.78 in the case of super-Gaussian lasers with larger-intensity THz radiation. This is consistent with the
q = 4 and at y/a0 = 0.86 in the case of super-Gaussian observation of Antonsen et al. [17].
lasers with q = 6. In the case of Gaussian lasers, the trans- In the present scheme, the tuning of THz field, chang-
verse variation of the THz field is not symmetrical along ing the position (focusing) of maximum field and the
the y-axis. However, the THz field emits with its symmet- collimation based on the index/order of super-Gaussian
rical transverse distribution in the cases of super-Gaussian lasers are new aspects which have not been explored in
lasers. Moreover, higher collimated/focused radiation is the other schemes [1,12–14,25–29]. Also, Bartel et al. [28]
obtained in the case of higher index (q = 6) super-Gaussian had reported the THz electric field ∼400 kV/cm during
lasers. This means that the collimated and strong THz a nonlinear interaction of the fundamental (frequency ω)
radiation can be achieved if the super-Gaussian lasers and second harmonics (2ω) in a laser-generated nitro-
with higher index are used in the present scheme. Also by gen plasma. The field in their approach is limited by
changing the index we can obtain the radiation of highest the damage in the BBO crystal (used to create second
intensity at a desired position. In addition, when we focus harmonic) at the laser intensities exceeding ∼2 TW/cm2 .
on the effect of beam width a0 , it is observed that the However, in our scheme, the emitted field amplitude is
super-Gaussian lasers with q = 6 show very strong depen- ∼5.4 × 104 kV/cm for CO2 lasers (say) with frequency
dence on a0 and the radiation becomes more collimated 2.4 × 1014 rad/s and intensity 1014 W/cm2 in a plasma
along with larger intensity for the case of lower beam width having density 1.81 × 1017 cm–3 . By using large-aperture
lasers. The super-Gaussian lasers with q = 4 show compar- photoconductors with the bias voltage up to 45 kV, You et
atively less significant dependence on a0 and the Gaussian al. [1] had obtained the highest field amplitude of radia-
lasers show the least dependence on a0 . The strongest field tion as 150 kV/cm, which is lower than ours. Further, the
in the case of super-Gaussian lasers with q = 6 is attributed field of emitted radiation in our scheme increases linearly
to the sharp gradient in the lasers’ fields, which produces a with the fields of the lasers.
strong ponderomotive force and hence, the largest nonlin- In order to examine the efficiency of the present scheme,
ear current. The smallest THz field in the case of Gaussian we calculate the energy densities [27,30] of the emitted
lasers is due to the weakest nonlinear current [27]. radiation (WT Hz ) and the incident lasers (Wpump ) as
In fig. 3, we make a comparative study of THz field
obtained using Gaussian and super-Gaussian lasers with 2ε0 a0 2
Wpump = |E0 | Γ(1/q)
respect to the amplitude of density ripples. Here we talk q21/q

Hitendra K. Malik and Anil K. Malik

−3 THz wavelength in thickness, Wu et al. [31] reported that

x 10
6 the conversion efficiency of THz radiation reaches about
Sup Gauss(q=6), nβ/n0=0.3 10−5 for ∼1019 W/cm2 laser intensity. Kim et al. [32]
5 Sup Gauss(q=4), nβ/n0=0.3 obtained the conversion efficiency of ∼0.0001, when differ-
ent gases are irradiated by a symmetry-broken laser field
Efficiency η

Gauss (q=2), nβ/n0=0.3 composed of the fundamental- and second-harmonic laser

Sup Gauss(q=6), nβa/n0=0.2
In conclusion, our generalized calculations show that
3 Sup Gauss (q=4), nβ/n0=0.2 the two spatial-super-Gaussian lasers of higher index
and smaller beam width can produce much stronger
Gauss (q=2), nβ/n0=0.2
2 THz radiation compared to the case of Gaussian lasers.
Moreover, the supremacy of the present scheme over the
1 Gaussian lasers is given by the fact that the radiation
can also be focused at a desired position along with more
0 collimation by varying the index of the lasers in a plasma
0.5 1 1.5 2 having larger-density ripples.
a0 (m) −4
x 10

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