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Theoretical study of the generation of terahertz radiation by the interaction of two laser

beams with graphite nanoparticles

N. Sepehri Javan, and F. Rouhi Erdi

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 122, 223103 (2017);

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Theoretical study of the generation of terahertz radiation by the interaction

of two laser beams with graphite nanoparticles
N. Sepehri Javana) and F. Rouhi Erdi
Department of Physics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, P.O. Box 179, Ardabil, Iran
(Received 12 July 2017; accepted 18 November 2017; published online 12 December 2017)
In this theoretical study, we investigate the generation of terahertz radiation by considering the
beating of two similar Gaussian laser beams with different frequencies of x1 and x2 in a spatially
modulated medium of graphite nanoparticles. The medium is assumed to contain spherical graphite
nanoparticles of two different configurations: in the first configuration, the electric fields of the
laser beams are parallel to the normal vector of the basal plane of the graphite structure, whereas in
the second configuration, the electric fields are perpendicular to the normal vector of the basal
plane. The interaction of the electric fields of lasers with the electronic clouds of the nanoparticles
generates a ponderomotive force that in turn leads to the creation of a macroscopic electron current
in the direction of laser polarizations and at the beat frequency x1  x2 , which can generate
terahertz radiation. We show that, when the beat frequency lies near the effective plasmon
frequency of the nanoparticles and the electric fields are parallel to the basal-plane normal, a reso-
nant interaction of the laser beams causes intense terahertz radiation. Published by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION to affect the THz radiation generated from laser filaments in

a plasma,23 and the effect of collisions on the efficiency of
The generation of terahertz (THz) radiation has been
THz generation from the beating of two spatial-Gaussian
one of the most interesting topics of research over the past
laser beams has also been considered.24 Finally, the dynam-
few decades because of its numerous important applications
ics of THz generation from the beating of two x-mode trian-
in science and technology. THz radiation lies in the fre-
gular spatial laser pulses in a rippled magnetized plasma was
quency gap between infrared and microwaves and is difficult also investigated.25
to generate efficiently by conventional approaches such as An experimental study of THz generation in multiple
lasing and masing because of diffraction. The generation of laser-induced air plasmas indicates that the THz radiation is
intense radiation in this frequency domain has many applica- enhanced by using more than two adjacent air plasmas owing
tions in medical imaging,1–4 information and communication to the superposition of the fields.26 The generation of THz
technology,5,6 spectroscopy,7 material characterization,8–11 radiation from tunnel ionization of a gas jet was analytically
explosive detection,12,13 quality control in the food and agri- studied by Malik et al.,27 using two short superposed laser
culture industry,14,15 etc. Owing to the lack of high-power pulses with a finite initial phase difference which are focused
sources and suitable detectors in this frequency range, it has on the medium after travelling through an axicon. A mecha-
not been possible until recently to obtain intense THz radia- nism was proposed for the generation of tunable THz radia-
tion. Over recent years, technological advances in THz fre- tion that involves two femtosecond laser pulses and an
quency generation have accelerated, and various methods external magnetic field and where quick tunnel ionization
are now available for the generation and detection of THz leads to higher plasma density and large residual current for
radiation. In addition, several applications involving THz efficient THz generation.28 The resonant generation of THz
radiation have been developed both theoretically and radiation by the beating of two spatial-triangular laser beams
experimentally.16,17 has been investigated,29 and the effect of magnetic fields on
The generation of THz waves using a nonlinear medium the enhancement of THz emission due to the interaction of
such as plasma is one of the most important techniques for super-Gaussian laser beams with a non-collisional plasma
this purpose.18–20 Gildenburg and Vedenski studied the prob- was also studied.30 Laser beams with super-Gaussian profiles
lem of THz generation based on the ionization-induced exci- play a significant role in the generation of strong and colli-
tation of natural plasma oscillations during the propagation mated THz radiation from the unmagnetized noncollisional
of an ultrashort laser pulse through a pre-produced plasma.21 plasma.31 The effect of laser polarization on THz generation
Malik et al. introduced a theoretical model for the generation from the perpendicular propagation of lasers in a magnetized
of THz waves which was based on the beating of two plasma has been considered.32 Theoretical investigations
Gaussian laser beams in a collisionless plasma, and Bhasin show that THz radiation should be generated with high effi-
et al. extended this approach into a magnetized clustered ciency by laser beams propagating through a magnetized
plasma.22 In addition, a static electric field has been shown electron–positron plasma.33 Other theoretical work looked at
how magnetic fields affect the magnitude of THz emission
a) generated by the interaction of two super-Gaussian laser

0021-8979/2017/122(22)/223103/7/$30.00 122, 223103-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

223103-2 N. Sepehri Javan and F. Rouhi Erdi J. Appl. Phys. 122, 223103 (2017)

beams with a collisional plasma.34 Recently, the interaction are spherical and that the conduction electrons of each NP
of linearly polarized cosh-super-Gaussian laser beams with a are uniformly spread throughout the spherical NP. We fur-
corrugated plasma was shown to lead to bifocal THz radia- ther assume that the medium is composed of equal amounts
tion,35 and recent theoretical36–38 and experimental39–41 of the two different types of spherical graphite nanoparticles
studies show that the generation of high-power THz radia- (i.e., with k and ? orientations of the basal-plane normals
tion via ionization processes in gases is possible using with respect to the electric field of the incident radiation).
weakly relativistic laser beams. Additionally, from relativis- Let the macroscopic density of each type of nanoparticle be
tic laser-driven electron beams crossing a solid-vacuum modulated in the same fashion as
boundary, experiments show that coherent transition radia-
tion is generated in the THz region with sub-millijoule ener- n0 ¼ nq eiqz ; (2)
gies per pulse.42,43
where q is the wave number of the density ripple. Note that
Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) have many fascinating
such a modulation can occur by using a nozzle through
applications in various areas of science and technology
which graphite nanoparticles flow via a stream of an auxil-
and especially in the field of nano-optics. They have large
iary background noble gas. For simplicity, we do not label
third-order susceptibility near the plasmon frequency,
the nanoparticle configuration (k or ?); this rule will con-
which makes them interesting for designing nanodevices
tinue until Eq. (10), which calculates the total macroscopic
that operate beyond the diffraction limit.44–46 Rough calcu-
current density. Now, suppose that two Gaussian laser beams
lations show that the resonance frequency of metallic NPs
simultaneously propagate through this medium, then the
is not in the range of THz radiation (for example, t 
electric field of the laser beams j is
2:18  1015 Hz for Au and t  2:61  1015 Hz for Cu). In
the quest for suitable particles, we consider that graphite 1 2 2

NPs are good candidates for our purpose because they Ej ¼ E0 y^ey =a0 eiðkj zxj tÞ þ c:c:; j ¼ 1; 2; (3)
have a relatively low plasmon frequency. Self-focusing in
a bulk medium of magnetized NPs has already been inves- where E0 , y, and a0 are the electric-field amplitude,
tigated theoretically,47 and it was shown that graphite NPs Cartesian coordinate, and beam width, respectively. Also,
should respond well to external magnetic field enhance- xj and kj are the frequency and wave number of laser
ment compared with other conventional media such as beam j. The ions in the system are assumed to be immo-
plasma. The optical properties of graphite NPs may be bile during the interaction with high-frequency electromag-
tuned by varying the basal-plane orientation with respect netic (EM) waves, and only the spherical electron cloud of
to the electric field of the incident laser beam. For the par- each NP is assumed to respond to those frequencies. For a
allel orientation of the normal vector of the basal plane small nonrelativistic NP subject to low-intensity EM fields
with respect to the electric field, the density of conduction and whose radius is much less than the radiation wave-
electrons in graphite goes through a minimum, and its length (ra  k), the spatial variation of the EM field inside
plasmon resonance lies in the THz regime. the particle is negligible, so we can assume that all elec-
The present study explores the generation of THz radia- trons experience the same force at each moment, so that
tion by the beating of two spatial-Gaussian laser beams in a the entire electron cloud moves rigidly with no change in
bulk medium containing graphite NPs. We consider how var- shape. Consequently, the motion of a single electron is the
ious parameters such as laser frequency, density modulation, same as the motion of all the electrons in the electron
laser intensity, and the distribution of particle geometry cloud. Therefore, the first-order equation of motion of an
affect the efficiency of THz generation. electron in the electron cloud of a NP interacting with the
electric field of laser beam j can be written in the nonrela-
II. NONLINEAR CURRENT DENSITY tivistic approximation as

We consider a bulk medium consisting of graphite nano- dvj x2p e

þ Cvj þ rj ¼  E j ; j ¼ 1; 2; (4)
particles with basal planes in two different orientations, i.e., dt 3 m
Ekc and E?c, where c is the symmetry axis perpendicular to where m is the electron mass, C is the damping factor related
the given basal plane (i.e., the normal to the plane) and E is to the electron scattering, e is the magnitude of the electron
the electric field of the incident radiation. The total macro- charge, and xp ¼ ð4pe2 n0 =mÞ1=2 is the plasma frequency. In
scopic density of nanoparticles is solving Eq. (4), one can derive the following oscillatory
X 4p velocity for the electrons due to the interaction with each
n0 ¼ la n0;a ; (1) laser beam:
3 2 2
ixj eE0 ey =a0  
vj ¼ exp iðkj z  xj tÞ þ c:c:;
where a ¼ k; ? indicates Ekc or E?c, respectively; 4p la =3 2 2
2mðxj þ iCxj  xp =3Þ
is the ratio of the volume occupied by an a-configured nano-
j ¼ 1; 2: ð5Þ
particle to the volume of empty space of the unit cell,
la ¼ ðra =da Þ3 ; and ra , da , and n0;a are the average radius, sep- The nonlinear interaction of laser beams with the NPs causes
aration, and density of the conduction electrons of a-config- a ponderomotive force to be exerted on the conduction elec-
ured NPs, respectively. We assume that both types of NPs trons at the beat frequency x ¼ x1  x2 and with beat-wave
223103-3 N. Sepehri Javan and F. Rouhi Erdi J. Appl. Phys. 122, 223103 (2017)

number k ¼ k1  k2 . We can obtain the ponderomotive force

through the ponderomotive potential /p ¼ mv1 :v2 =2e22
x1 x2 e2 E20
f NL
p ¼
4y 2 2
y  ik^
z e2y =a0
x2p 2
x1 þ iCx1  x2  iCx2 
3 3
½ ð Þ 
 exp i kz  x t þ c:c: (6)
Taking into account the ponderomotive force, the equation
of motion is
@ 2 DNL @DNL x2p NL f p
þ C  D ¼ ; (7)
@t2 @t 3 m
where DNL is the displacement of electrons subjected to the FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the geometry of the system containing
ponderomotive force. Thus, the nonlinear velocity of the randomly distributed graphite NPs with two different orientations of the
electrons is basal-plane normal.

2 2
ie2 E20 yx1 x2 x e2y =a0 exp ½iðkz  x tÞ
y ¼
    þ c:c: (8)
x2p x2p x2p
2m2 a20 2
x1 þ iCx1  2
x2  iCx2  2
x þ iCx 
3 3 3
All equations derived describe the nonlinear dynamics of an NP that interacts with two laser beams. Our system consists of two
different types of particles, namely, nanographite oriented parallel (subscript k ) or perpendicular (subscript ?) to the electric
field, so we should consider the contribution of all particles to derive the nonlinear macroscopic current density. The result is
X 4p 2p X
2 2
inq e3 E20 yx1 x2 xe2y =a0 exp ½iðk þ qÞz  ixt
¼ la en0 vNL
y ¼ la     þ c:c:
3 3 a x2p;a x2p;a x2p;a (9)
2 2 2
m a0 x1 þ iCa x1  2
x2  iCa x2  2
x þ iCa x 
3 3 3

To clarify the situation, Fig. 1 shows a schematic representa- calculate eeff , we use the Maxwell–Garnett theory and only
tion of the geometry of the system, which contains the ran- take into account the permittivity of the bound electrons of
domly distributed graphite NPs with two different the graphite NPs because the contribution of the conduction
orientations of the basal plane. electrons has already been considered in the nonlinear cur-
rent density. The effective permittivity of the medium is
III. THz GENERATION derived in detail in the next section. Taking the divergence
Combining Maxwell’s equations, one obtains the fol- of Eq. (10), we obtain the following expression for the THz
lowing wave equation for THz radiation produced by the radiation field:
beat-wave of two laser beams 4pi
4pix x2 E¼ JNL : (11)
r2 E þ $ð$  EÞ ¼ 2 JNL þ eeff E; (10) xeeff ðxÞ
c c
where eeff is the effective electric permittivity of the Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (11) yields the following
medium that contains two types of graphite NPs. To expression for the normalized THz radiation field:

nq;a 2
  la x2p;a x1 x2 eE0 ye a0 exp ½iðk þ qÞz  ixt
 E0y  2p X n0;a
      þ c:c:
E ¼ 3 x 2
x 2
x 2
0 a p;a p;a p;a
meeff a20 x21 þ iCa x1  x22  iCa x2  x2 þ iCa x 
3 3 3

Note that the theoretical model used here appears simi- generation driven by a laser beat wave in clustered plasmas.
lar to those used in Refs. 24 and 25, which consider THz However, in spite of the similarities, some crucial
223103-4 N. Sepehri Javan and F. Rouhi Erdi J. Appl. Phys. 122, 223103 (2017)

differences exist. In a clustered plasma, nonlinearity is effective dielectric constant eeff of the medium can be calcu-
caused by the free electrons in the plasma, whereas here the lated from
nonlinearity is caused by the conduction electrons of neutral
eeff  eh e1  eh e2  eh
graphite NPs. Here, because graphite NPs are nonisotropic, ¼ f1 þ f2 ; (15)
eeff þ 2eh e1 þ 2eh e2 þ 2eh
the orientation of the NP basal plane is an important factor in
the nonlinearity. In addition, we consider herein all energy- where f1 ¼ 4p l1 =3 and f2 ¼ 4p l2 =3 are the fill factors (i.e.,
loss mechanisms through the damping factor Ca , which is the volume fraction occupied by an inclusion) and l1 ¼
determined from empirical data. In most of the studies men- ðrc1 =d1 Þ3 and l2 ¼ ðrc2 =d2 Þ3 , where rc1 and rc2 are the aver-
tioned above related to clustered plasmas, the damping of age radii of NPs and d1 and d2 are the average separation of
electrons was ignored. Furthermore, in the present study, the two identical NPs. We now suppose that the first type of par-
effect of the nonconducting or bound electrons of the back- ticle consists of graphite NPs whose basal-plane normals are
ground medium is included by considering the effective perpendicular to the electric field (i.e., E?c), and the second
permittivity. type of particle consists of graphite NPs whose basal-plane
normals are parallel to the electric field (i.e., Ekc). As men-
tioned above, we consider only the contribution to the per-
We now calculate the effective permittivity of a back- mittivity from bound electrons and set e1 ¼ eb? and e2 ¼ ebk .
ground dielectric medium with permittivity eh that contains Considering electron scattering in the equation of
our two different types of graphite NPs. We use the motion for electrons leads to the appearance of an imaginary
Maxwell–Garnett method48 to calculate the effective permit- component in the permittivity of an individual NP, which in
tivity. Toward this end, first we determine the permittivity of turn leads to the absorption of EM waves in the NPs. The
an individual graphite nanoparticle. The contribution of con- laser power absorbed by a NP can be expressed as
duction electrons to the nanoparticle permittivity was already Pabs ¼ rabs I0 , where rabs is the absorption cross section of
considered for the nonlinear current density, so we need not the particle and I0 is the laser intensity. Using Mie theory54
consider those electrons when calculating the permittivity of for particles much smaller than the wavelength, the absorp-
the graphite NPs. From the Drude model and considering tion cross section is
only the relatively free conduction electrons of a graphite x e00
bulk medium, the permittivity can be written as rabs ¼ 12prc3 ; (16)
c ðe0 þ 2Þ2 þ e00 2
x2p where ek;? ¼ e0 þ ie00 is the permittivity of graphite NPs with
ef ¼ 1  : (13)
ðx 2 þ iCxÞ the given orientation. The real and imaginary parts can be
derived from Eq. (14) as
To consider the contribution of bound electrons, a new term

eb should be added to Eq. (13). Also, because of the restora- 4pl x2pk;? x2  x2pk;? =3
k;? k;?
tion force that appears in the case of NPs with limited dimen- e0 ¼ 1 þ eb 
2 ; (17)
3 x2  x2 =3 þ x2 C2
sions, the term x2p =3 must be added to the denominator. pk;? k;?
Therefore, we obtain the following expression for the permit- 4plk;? x2pk;? xCk;?
tivity of an individual nanoparticle: e00 ¼
2 : (18)
3 x2  x2pk;? =3 þ x2 C2k;?
x2p?; k
e?; k ¼ eb?;k þ 1  : (14)
x2 þ iC?; k x 
As already mentioned, the density of free electrons and
We use previous experimental49 and theoretical data50 to the damping factor can vary as a function of the orientation of
determine eb?;k , xp?; k , and C?; k . Note that the different val- the basal planes. Based on the theoretical and experimental
ues for the plasma frequency of the conduction electrons in results of Refs. 45 and 46, we obtain the following parameters
graphite are related to the anisotropy of the medium that for NPs with basal-plane normals oriented parallel and per-
exhibits itself in the optical spectra related to the excitation of pendicular to the electric field: xpk  1:5  1014 s1 ,
valence band electrons because distinct selection rules govern xp?  1:4  1015 s1 , Ck  1014 s1 , and C?  1015 s1 . To
the transitions between the (bonding) valence band and the estimate the parameter la , we consider NPs with radius
(anti-bonding) conduction band.51 For example, if the ra ¼ 30 nm. For da ¼ 2ra ; 3ra ; 4ra , the calculated values for
electric-field vector E is polarized perpendicularly to the c la are 0.125, 0.037, and 0.016, respectively. The first case
axis (E?c), only p ! p and r ! r transitions are allowed (la ¼ 0:125) is related to the kissing contact of two NPs. We
in the dipole approximation, whereas for the parallel case suppose that the morphological situation of the medium for
(Ekc), only p ! r and r ! p transitions are allowed.52,53 two different sorts of graphite NPs is the same (i.e., rk
The Maxwell–Garnett approach can be used to calculate ¼ r? ¼ r and dk ¼ d? ¼ d, so lk ¼ l? ¼ l). We set the wave-
the effective dielectric coefficient of the nanocomposite length of the first laser to 9:9 lm (the equivalent frequency is
graphite material. For a host medium with dielectric constant 1:9  1014 s1 ), which is available from a CO2 gas laser. In
eh that includes two different contributions e1 and e2 , the all of the figures below, we analyze the variations in the
223103-5 N. Sepehri Javan and F. Rouhi Erdi J. Appl. Phys. 122, 223103 (2017)

FIG. 2. Normalized THz radiation field as a function of normalized THz fre- FIG. 4. Normalized THz radiation field as a function of normalized THz fre-
quency for three different values of the normalized ripple amplitude with quency for three different values of particle separation with y ¼ 0:9a0 ,
y ¼ 0:9a0 , I ¼ 1015 W=cm2 , dk ¼ d? ¼ 5rc , and a0 ¼ 0:05 mm. ðnq =n0 Þk ¼ ðnq =n0 Þ? ¼ 0:3, I ¼ 1015 W=cm2 , and a0 ¼ 50 lm.

generated THz frequency for x2 =xp;k ¼ 0:3, from which we THz range. In addition, the increase in density modulation
can find the values of the optical parameters for graphite NPs. leads to an increase in THz amplitude.
Figure 2 shows the normalized radiation field as a func- In Fig. 3, we plot the normalized THz amplitude as a
tion of normalized THz frequency for three different values function of generated THz frequency for three different laser
of normalized ripple-density amplitude when y ¼ 0:9a0 , intensities. The increase in laser intensity clearly leads to a
I ¼ 1015 W=cm2 , d ¼ 5r, and a0 ¼ 50 lm. In all cases, we substantial increase in the THz amplitude. Figure 4 shows
see that two maxima appear for the generated THz amplitude the normalized variations in THz amplitude as a function of
near the frequency t  12 :40 THz where the frequency of THz frequency for three different particle separations. The
the second laser beam coincides with the following values: increase in separation reduces the number of NPs in a spe-
cific volume, which relates directly to the macroscopic cur-
x2  1:25 xp;k = 3 ; 0:78 xp;k = 3 . In Eq. (12), the rent created by the motion of the conduction electrons and,
denominator becomes small when x1 , x2 , and x approach consequently, leads to a decrease in the amplitude of the gen-
6xp;a = 3, which can be called the plasmon resonance. erated THz radiation.
However, because of the imaginary terms related to the Figure 5 shows how the width of the laser beam affects
damping mechanisms of electrons and the nonlinear depen- THz generation. A decrease in the beam width causes an
dence of the effective permittivity eeff on the frequency, increase in THz amplitude because of the increase in laser
these maxima are displaced. In fact, for these maxima, intensity. Figure 6 shows the normalized THz amplitude as a
function of the transverse distance from the z axis for differ-
x2 ¼ 6 xp;k = 3 þ DxðCðx2 ÞÞ, and the approximate fre- ent amplitudes of the normalized density ripple. In this case,

quency shift is 0:2 xp;k = 3 . At the main resonance in the we set x1 ¼ 1:9  1014 s1 (k1 ¼ 9:91 lm) and x2 ¼
1:8  1014 s1 (k2 ¼ 10:4 lm), which in practice are avail-
THz regime, the angular frequency of the second laser is
able from CO2 and N2O gas lasers, respectively. A maximum
positive and both lasers propagate in the same direction.
THz amplitude is observed at y  0:7a0 for all cases because
Additionally, for this case, the beat wave itself is in reso-
pffiffiffi the radiation power depends on the transverse coordinate as
nance, and we obtain x ¼ x1  x2  0:95xp;k = 3. For the follows: a1 2
0 ðy=a0 Þ exp ½2ðy=a0 Þ . The maximum THz
second-smallest maximum, x2 is negative, which means that amplitude increases with the increasing amplitude of the rip-
the second laser propagates in the direction opposite that of ple density. To combine the results of the previous figures,
the first laser. This frequency range is slightly outside the Fig. 7 shows in a three-dimensional plot the normalized THz

FIG. 3. Normalized THz radiation field as a function of normalized THz fre- FIG. 5. Normalized THz radiation field as a function of normalized THz fre-
quency for three different values of laser intensity with y ¼ 0:9a0 , quency for three different values of the beam width with y ¼ 0:9a0 ,
ðnq =n0 Þk ¼ ðnq =n0 Þ? ¼ 0:3, dk ¼ d? ¼ 5rc , and a0 ¼ 0:05 mm. ðnq =n0 Þk ¼ ðnq =n0 Þ? ¼ 0:3, I ¼ 1015 W=cm2 , and dk ¼ d? ¼ 5rc .
223103-6 N. Sepehri Javan and F. Rouhi Erdi J. Appl. Phys. 122, 223103 (2017)

the basal-plane normal parallel to the electric field, then the

THz power would increase substantially.

We have herein investigated the generation of THz radi-
ation by the beat wave of two Gaussian laser beams in a
medium that contains conducting nanoparticles. The calcula-
tions indicate that the best candidate for THz production is a
graphite NP composite where one of the plasmon resonance
FIG. 6. Normalized THz radiation field as a function of transverse distance frequencies is in the THz region. The maximum power of
from the z axis for three different values of normalized ripple amplitude with THz radiation occurs at the frequency t  12 THz.
a0 ¼ 50 lm, I ¼ 1015 W=cm2 , x1 ¼ 1:9  1014 s1 , x2 ¼ 1:8  1014 s1 ,
and dk ¼ d? ¼ 5rc . Increasing the ripple density and intensity of the laser beams
leads to a substantial increase in the THz-field amplitude. In
amplitude as a function of the transverse distance from the z addition, the THz-field amplitude can be increased by
axis and of normalized THz frequency. Consistent with pre- decreasing the average NP separation. The maximum THz
vious results, the best situation wave intensity occurs at the transverse distance of 0:7a0 ,
pffiffiffi for THz generation is when where a0 is the beam width.
x ¼ x1  x2  0:95xp;k = 3 and y  0:7a0 . We see that,
similar to the plasma medium,21–35 here resonance also
occurs when the beat-wave frequency approaches one of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
effective plasmon frequencies of the graphite NPs. The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to Dr.
Numerous similarities exist between the plasma and a A. Tavana, Assistant Professor of the University of
medium containing NPs when they are used as the active Mohaghegh Ardabili, and Dr. R. Shekasteband, Assistant
medium for THz generation. For the medium containing Professor of the University of Florida, for their efforts in
NPs, the effective plasmon frequency of the NPs, which editing this manuscript. In addition, we would like to thank
reflects the collective behavior of the system, plays the same the respectful reviewers for their valuable comments and
role as the plasma frequency. suggestions, which helped to improve and clarify this work.
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