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In the conclusion, this geology trip gives lot of practical experiences to all geology
students. Based on our theory and lab study, this site visit gives us knowledge in
geology study like how to identify the rock which is sedimentary and igneous rock.
Like an example, we know the type of rock at Pantai Batu Hitsm is igneous that come
from a magma, while at Sungai Lembing are sedimentary rock like shale and tin. We
also get the change to identify the join, fold and fracture of the rock in real situation.
And lastly we learn more about dip and strike of the rock.

this geology site visit also given students the change for student being in the real
site experiences. We also been try to adapt withe real life situation in working if we
choose as geology engineer. This experience are usefull for students to control their self
in the site condition and pressure in working. Like an example, in Sungai Lembing
Tunnel we are exposed with the hot condition, then we must complete the lab for this
trip and try to fine sample of rock in the dark condition.. While at Pantai Batu Hitam,
we have to do the task in a sunny day, the task given has been completed successfully at
the end of the day. So this trip help student working in the teamwork to past the task and
also learn responsibility in take care of compass during the whole trip.

In the recommendation, the improvement for this trip in the future is to extend
this trip much longer, so we go more site and try to find more type of rock.. Other
recommendation is, the activities should be arrange and well schedule so we would
spend less time on waiting for the instruction and spend more time on doing activities
during the trip. Lastly, University should increase amount of equipment for this trip,
because we lack of equipment in identify the rock.

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