13cm PSK Transceiver For 1.2mbit/s Packet Radio Part-L: Tjaz 5,5J

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(~ --------------''''''-''''''''='''''-'~~

Matjaz Vidmar, 5,5J,H V

13cm PSK Transceiver for

1.2Mbit/s Packet Radio
Th e cho ice o f a t run sceiver design fur detecto r offers a radio range thai is
h i~h - s JlCcd pa cket radio is lIul ..nupt c. between SdS a nd ISdB larger and a
h it better to usc a n a ppa rently sig na! bandwidth that is tess than ha lf
sim pler F I\1 trun scefvcr or to ;':0 fur a when com pared with a FM transceiver.
IIIOI'C sop hlst lcntcd PS I{ transcctvcr?
In packet radio the main pro blem of a
Hath choices ha ve th eir :l d '''a n hl1i!:l'~
PSK rranscci..-er is the in uial RX signal
a lld disad\ a nl " ~cs a nd a t thi s ti me it
acquisition. The latter is a funct ion o f
is diffi cult to I,r('d kt wh ich nne will
the carr ier freq uenc y uncertainty . In a
bl'CIIIllC more p ractica l. However, in-
simple hiphasc PSK (H I'SK) system
creastn g til l' trausmtsston speed both
with 0/180 0 mod ulation , the initial sig-
th e sig na l band wid th and th e radio
na! acquisition req uire s a co mplicated
ra nge need to Ill.' cunside rc d.
searching loo p, if the frequency error
exceeds 10% of the bit rate. Quad-
ripbasc PSK (QI' SK ) allo ws a furthe r
halvi ng of the signal bandwidth at the
I. ex pense of a m uch more soph isticated
INTROlJ lJCTlON de modulator design and an eve n more
critical initia l signa l acquisition.
There fore PSK becom es simple at high
Increasing the data speed beyond abou t
data rates. On the other hand, the signal
l uukbir/s. the resulting signal bandwidth acquisition or low- Earth or bit amateur
is on ly ac ceptable at microwa ve fre-
packet-radio satellites transmitting ,It
quenc ies. The transmitt er power avail-
only 1200bit/s PSI-;. is very d ifficult.
able at micro wave freq uencie s is small
TI1 is unfortunate PSK design made radio
and expensive . T herefo re the radio amateurs believe th at PSI' is not su it-
range becomes a limitation even for able for packet rad io, being j ust an
line-o f-sight terrestrial p ack et -rad io unnecessary complic at ion at low data
links. A PSK transceiver with a cohere nt
rates like 1200bit!s.
r - - .

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Fi~.I : Bern PSK Trau'ot't'iH'r Block Diagram (L'l6O )fliz I I.2L1J \ Ibils)
(~ ---------------''-''--''''''''=''''''-=~

In this article 3 successful I3cm BPSK be fed throu gh frequency multiplier

tran sceiver design will be de scribe d. In stages, but here one should not forge t
t he 131;111 amateur band, the sum o f the that the PS K modulation phase angles
frequ ency uncertaint ies of both receiver arc mu ltiplied by exactly the same
and tra nsmitter is at least 10 kll z using fact or s as the carrier frequency .
top quali ty tem perat ure-com pen sated
A PSK demodulator may he coherent or
crysta l oscilla tors . ,\ real-world figure is
non -coh erent. A co herent PSK demodu-
100 k117. frequency uncert ainty that
lato r oil e rs a larger rad io range. but
requires a MIN IMlHvl bit rate o f about
requires a local carrier regenerat ion. A
l Mhit/s!
PSK signal is demodulated coh erently
With the above restrictio n, a con venient by mult iplication with the regenerated
choice is to usc 1.2288Mbil!s for packet carrier in a balanced mixer. Carrier
radio. This figure can eas ily be: obtained rege neration requir es a non-linear
with sta ndard baud-rate crystal s. bei ng proces sing of the PSK signal (in the
the 3::!ml multiple or 38.41-.bitl s or the case of BI'SK th is may be a frequency
10241h multipl e of 1200hil/s. Of co urse doubler) and a narrow bandpass filter
the described tran sce iver can also be (usually in the form of a phase-locked
used for other digital data transmissions loop).
that require megabit rate s. like CU l1l -
A PSK signa l Illa) he demodulated at a
pressed dighaltetevision transmission
con venie nt IF fre quency or directly at
the receiver input fr equen cy, A PSI-::
receive r can be de signed as a direct-
convers ion receiver j ust like a SSB
2. receiver. Carrier rege neration may be
13cm PSI' TRANSCE IVER per for med by a squaring loop (Ir e-
DESI G N queney doubler] or by a Costas loop.
Ju st like SSB, all PSK demo dula tor s arc
vcry sensitiv e to small ca rrier frequency
Since the above mention ed I'SK modu- inaccuracies
lation i ~ relatively unknown to most The block diagram of the described
radio amateurs. the I3cm PSK trans- 13cl11 PS t-:: transceiver is show n in Fig. l .
ceive r bloc k diagram w ill he d iscu ssed The transmitte r includ es a crys tal osci l-
first. The same form of PSK modu la- lator followed by a mult iplier chain . The
tion. nam ely 01]SO° BPSK, allow s many PSK mod ulator - - balanced mixer
different transceiver concep ts . op erates at the fina l transmitter fre-
For example, a PSK signal may be quency and ge nerates thc desired signal
generat ed at an IF fre quen cy and then directly. Modern semicond uctor devices
upcon vert ed 10 the fina l trans mitter pro vide high gains per stage .
frequency . A PSK sig nal ca n also be The mixer is follo wed by j ust two
gene rated d irectly at the final freq uency amplifier srages at 2.36 G Hz to obtain
and even after the tran sm itte r power ab out O.5W ofmicrowave power.
amplifier. Finally, a PSK signal can also



Fig.J: TX Exciter PCB tstnale -sided O.8111m glass-fibre-epoxy).

T he recei ve r includes a double down- 3.

con ve rsion with the corresponding inter- TX EXCITER
med iate freq uencies of 75 M Hz and
10 MIl/. lh e 10 Miff. coherent PSK
590 'HIl: I +10dBm
demodulator is a sq uar ing loop I'LL.
A lthough the receiver and the transmit- The circuit diagram of the transmitter
te l" circ uits arc almost co mplete ly inde - exci ter is shown in Fig.2- The excite r
pend ent, the 13cl11 I'SK transcei ve r is includ es a cry stal oscill ator operating
inte nded till" stan dard CSMA (carrier- around l1t ,-! M Hz. followed by a multi-
sense multiple ac cess) sim plex op era tion plier cha in. The exciter inc lude s multi-
as usua l for packer radio. There fore the plier stages up to 540 Ml-lz. lhese are
transceiver includes a PI t\ ante nna followed by additional multipliers lo-
sw itch and all of the remaining KXil X cated in the lilllO\\ing module, the PSI:\:
s witch ing is comp letely electronic as mod ulator. main ly because of the di ner -
well. cut construction techno logy. 1\ I'LL
synrhesiser is not recomm end ed in the
Th e RX/l X sw itching delay is in the
exci ter, since it was found difficult to
ra nge of 2ms an d is mainly cau sed by
isolate the PSI' mod ulator from pull ing
the turn- on delay of the transmitter
the veo freq uenc y.
crystal os cillator.

Fig.4: TX Exciter Component Overlay


The oscillator uses a fundam ental reso- 36 MHz (TV IF) co il formers with a
nance crysta l, since fundamental reso - central adjustable ferrite screw, plastic
nances have a lower Q than overto ne cap and IOmm x 10mm square shie ld.
resonan ces. The turn-on delay of tbc L4 and L5 are self-supporting co ils with
transm itter crystal oscillator can be 4 turns each of 1mm thick copper-
reduced in this wa y. The transm itter ename lled wire, wound on an internal
cry stal osci llator is turn ed off when diamet er of amm. Final ly, Ui, L7, L8
recei ving. since its four th harmonic and 1.9 are etche d on the PCB.
coul d disturb the first I F at 75 MHz. For The tran smitter exciter is simply tuned
operation at 2360 Mliz. a "computer" for the maximu m output power. The
crystal lor 18.4 32 Ml1z can be tuned to individua l stages arc tuned to obtain the
the desired frequency w ith a series maximum drop of the DC voltage on Hie
ca pac itive tri mmer. Using different crys- base o f the next-stag e transistor.
tals for other freq uenc ies. a ser ies Of course , the hasc voltage has to he
inductor 1.I may be requ ired in place of measured through a RF choke . The base
the cap ac itive trim mer. vol tage may become negative, hut
The oscilla tor transistor is also used as should not exce ed -1V . Finally, the
the first multiplier. since the output crystal osci llator is tuned to the de sired
circu it (L2 and 13) is tuned 10 1he fourth freq uency wi th the co rr es pondin g
harmonic o f the osc illato r freq uency. capacitive trimmer (or 1.1 ).
Three addi tiona l fre que ncy-do ub ler
stages arc requi red to ob tain about
10m W at 590 MHz. ThL: first doubler
stage uses air-wound. self-supporting 4.
co ils 1.4 and 1.5. while 11 1e remainin g
two doubler stages usc "printed" induc-
tors 1,6. 1,7 , LX and 1.9. The suppl y
vo ltage for the oscillato r and tbc first
The circuit diagram of the 2360 MHz
doubler stage is sta bilis ed by a 8V2
I'SK modulator is shown in Fig S
Zener diode.
Except for the modu lator (balanced
The transm itter exciter is built on a mix er) itself. the modu le includes the
sing le-sided PCB with UlC dtmeu sion s of last frequency-double r stage, bandpa ss
40mm x 120111111 , as show n in Fig.3. The filters for 590 Mllz., 1180 !'v[-j /. and
PCR is made of {l.Rmrn th ick glass- 2360 ['11Hz and an outpu t amp lifier stage
fibre -epo xy laminate to short en the w ire to boost the signallevel to about 15mW .
leads of the components and in this way All of th e filters and othe r frequency -
reduce the para sitic inductanc es. The selec ti ve components ar c nude as
component loca tion of the transmitter micro-strip resonators on a t.emm th ick
exciter is shown in r igA . glas s-fibre-epoxy laminate FR4 .
L2 and L3 have about 150nH ea ch or The inp ut resonator (Ll ) functio ns as an
4 turns each of 0.25mm thick copper- open circuit for the input frequ ency
enamelled wire . They are wound on (590 MHz) and as a short circuit for the

(~ - -- - -- -- - ------"-"--"= = ""'-""-"=

..,, ••

c J


Fig.6: PSK .\lodlliator rCB (double-sided 1.6mm glass-fihre-epox)', micro-

st r ip circuit with a continuous ground plane).

output frequency (I J SO :''1'111/.) or IhL' (2360 MH z) that could disturb the

freque ncy doubler. In this way the symmetry of balanced mixe r res ulting in
operation of the doubler is less sensit ive an unsymmetrica l. distorted PSK.
to the exact cable length and output
A harmonic mixe r with antipara l1eJ
impedance of the exciter. Tilt: output
diodes is used as the I'SK modulator,
bandpa ss ( LJ , IA . L5 and L6) shoul d
since this circui t provides a reasona ble
not only sur pn:ss the inpu t frequency
unwant ed car rier suppress ion (2Sd ll)
{'lifO MH/ ) hut als o its fourth harmon ic
withuut any special tun ing and with oul

L, ~T~ -
"I • "'r
co: l{f L1J ~ L(~:l
'<) co: il\j
',' ""
I ,,,,
I,. tUl p
L~ mpc~

, l, t;;':f)
"" TO,
L, r, ~ "~
L, I ... '-'-'

""', I


Fig. i: PSK Modulator Component Overlay

(~ - - - -- - - - - - ---'-"'-== = "-""= =
access to expensive test equ ipment e xciter s igna l. a d igital modulating s ig-
(spectrum ana lyser ). The harmonic nal is requ ired as well. Th e la tter may
mixer uses a quad Schottky diode be a square wan.' of the a ppropr iate
BATl 4·09lJR. since four diodes provide fre q uency or be tter the real digi tal
a higher out put signal level than j ust two packet-radio sign al. W ithout <li ly al ign-
e ntlparallc l diod es. ment. the PSI-: mo dulator will already
provi de an ou tput of a few mi lliwatTs.
lhc mi xe r is foll owed by a ban dpa ss
Af ter nny alig nme nt of the micro-strip
filter for 23 60 Mllz ( L1 J. Ll2, L IJ and
reso na tor." one has to chec k the modula-
L14) to remove the 1180 M I l? driving
tion s ignal level to find the best operat-
signal and other unwanted mixing prod-
ing condition of the harmonic mi xer.
ucts far awa y from the l I cm freq ue ncy
band. The ge nerated PSK s ignal at
23 60 MHz does not req uire any filte ring
ih d f. Since the 2360 .\11 1/ signal level
is low, about a .3m\\'. 11 GaAsFET 5.
amplifier Slil~C (CFY:;O ) is used to raise 2)(,(1 ~ III, I{F FRO:"T-F:NIl
the signallevel to about 15m\\!.
Tilt' PS I\. modulator is built on a
do uble -sid ed PCB with the dimensi ons The circuit d iagram of the 2360 \ lHz
of aunuu x l zu nnn . Only the upper side RF front-end is shown in Fig, R. lh c RF
is shown in J'ig ,6, since the lower s ide from-end includes lI le transmitter power
function s as the micro-strip ground pla uc am plifi er. the receiver low-nois e pream-
pllfi er and the PI" ante nna switch , l he
and is not etched . The l'Cft is made of
1,611l111 thick glass-fibre-epoxy lam ina te RF front-end is the onl y modu le includ-
FR4. although this material has substa n- ing micro-strip circ uits. that is built on a
low- loss. n.Snun thick gla-s- fibrc- ! cf'lon
ria l Rf losses at 2.36 Gllz. The coropo-
laminate with a dielectr ic constant of
ncut location of the PS K mod ulator is
show n in Fig,7 for bot h s ides o f the
PCB. The circuit of the RF front-end is
simplified hy using modem s ~m semi-
1\lthough IIlllSI o f the transmission lines
arc etched 0 11 the PCB. L~ . I}} a nd 1, 15 conductor de vices. or iginally develo ped
a rc air-wound q ua rt er -w a ve le ngth for cellular tele ph ones. T he tran smitter
c hoke s, 1.2 is a quarter-wavel ength pO\ver ampl ifier uses a s ingle GaAs
tran sist or CLY2 that pro vides hoth
c hoke for 11lW ~\il H 7 . Ll S is a q uarter-
l~ d H gnin aud I11 m c than 500 rn\\-' of
wav elength choke for 23 60 ~11 1J: while
output power at the same time . J ust a
L9 sho uld he a q uarter-wa vele ngth
few years ago. an equivalent circu it
som e whe re in the m idd le (a ro und
would require three or four silicon
1700 ~l H Z). since it has to be effect ive
for both freque ncies . bipola r transistors. Th e CLY2 is a
low-voltage pow er GaA s FET that o per-
The described PS I-:. mod ula tor can sim- ate s <I t a drai n volt age of j ust 4 .5V.
ply he tune d for the ma ximum o utput whil e ge nerat ing its own negative gat e
signal le vel. Res ides the 590 \l Hz

H ! ~
H fy







The BA R63-03\V is built

in a stand ard microwave
S;'\1J) diod e package with
a low parasiti c capaci-
tan ce and is used as a
series switch. On the
: o
other han d, the BAR 80
diode is built in a low
par a s it ic ind uc t a nce
pack age and is use d as a
Fi ~.9 : IIF' front-end PCH (do uble-sid ed O.8mm shunt switch. Bot h diodes
gta ss-Iibre-Tcrlon, micro-strip circ u it with a are turned on while trans-
con tmuous grnundplalle ). mitting. The q uarte r-
wa ve length line L7 trans -
bias voltage by rectify ing the input RF forms the BARSO sha n circuit into an
signal. op en circuit for the tran smitter.
The ant enna switch includes tw o differ- The RF front -end also includes a low-
en t PIN d iodes : HAR63-03\V and noi se receiving preamplifier to improve
BA R80. The sem icond uctor chips of the sensitivity and image rejectio n of the
these two d iodes are simi lar, hut the re is receiver The low -nnisc pre amp uses a
an important diffe rence the pac kages. CF Y35 transistor, followed by' a band -

l %(lM~h

b L"


'to '.T
''''' ~ .y.w t ;c.0f'tHt.
l1 ~r
41 "N -tAZVTX

'' ." "Or -tAh 'Rl(

Fig.I O: RF F ront- End Component Overlay


pass filter . The prea mplifier prov ides a power by adding ca pacity (small pieces
ga in of abo ut 1[dB including the an- of copper fo il) to 1.1. Small sheets o f
tenna switch and ou tput filter losses. copper foil can also be added in other
The ba ndpass lill er is required 10 ancnu- part s of the circuit. but their influence is
al e the image re "'p on se a ro un d usually small when compared to L I. If
22]() \ l H/.. the speci fied output pm\er can no t be
obtained. the cable length between the
The RF front-e nd i... built on a double-
PSI\: modulator and RF front-end needs
sided Teflon PCB with the d imens ions
10 be cha nged.
of -tomr n \ xnmm. Only the upper side
is shown in Fig..9, since the lowe r side The rece iving preamplifier is also tuned
functions as the micro-stri p groundplane for the maximum gain. but bere it is
and is not etc hed. The PCB is made of more important to bring the bandpass
n.Smm thic k gla ss-tlbrc-Tcflon laminate fi lter to the co rrect freq uency. The latter
with a d ielectric constant of 2.5. The is adjusted with Ll l, while Ll 0 only
compo nent location of the Rio' front -end affects the CFYJ 5 outp ut impedance
is shown in Fig. lf) to r both sides of the matc hing. Before mak ing any RF adj ust-
PCH. E\cepi the printed micro-strip ments . the DC ope rating p oint of the
lines, there are three air-wound quarte r- CFY}5 has 10 he set by selecti ng
wave length cho kc s for 2Joll MHz: 13 . appropr iate sonrc c bias res istors for a
1.5 and I.R. v ds of 3·4V.
Assem bling the RF front...... nd, the rnos t
cr itical item is the correct groun di ng of
the microwa ve semico nductors Cl .Y2.
BA R80 and C r Y35 . The C I.Y2 and the (, .
OARRO arc grounded through drops of RX C O ;>l VE RT Ell W ITII
solder. deposited in 2ml11 diameter holes I'L L 1.0
al the marked position s in the Teflon
laminate . Oil the grouudplanc side thes e
holes arc covered with small pieces or To avo id several multiplier stages the
copper sheet that also act as heat sinks receiving converter includes l micro -
for these sem icon ductors. The CrY}5 is wave I' LL frequency synthcskcr, The
grounded throu gh tWO lead less ceramic converter is built as two separate mod-
disk capacitors installe d in 5.50101 d iam- ules ttl prevent the digital part fro m
eter holes at the mar ked posit ions. The d isturbi ng the low -level analog ue cir -
capaci tors are connec ted 10 the ground- cui ts. O f course eac h module is shielded
plane with small pieces of coppe r sheet on its own. The described RX con verter
on the other side . Final ly. L6 is is der ived from a 2400 MHz SS B
ground ed with a 2.5mm wide stri p of co nverter published in [ 11.
copper foil inserted in a SIOl in the
The circ uit diagram Ill' the analog ue
Tenon laminate.
sec tion or the RX convener is shown in
The tran sm itter po wer amplifier is sim- rig. I I . Th e analog ue section includes
ply tuned for the maximum outpu t the second RF amplifier stage. the

14 1
". I ~
1~"TiI 4 -'h~ ~,

" l ..
," X
''0 '"
2;toll f1ll , "~ ~ H /1 H l l ..
", ~,

L, I. HI
" ~I
L, .L f-=1 ;..
H, '}-T
'.f T"" ,nL -n
T a
t;;;;i l

Jig .I1: The R.'\. Cenverrer - Analogue Section ~


.1• •
ri~ .12 : I{X 1;011\ er ter, a nalog ue .'>('l;lion

,'en (duuhle-skled l .emm gl ~lss­
nbrc-cpoxy, micro- strip circ uit with it contmueus ~rollndl)lam')'

sub-harmonic mixer. 11K veo including amplifier is followed b)' another band-
a buffer stage and the fi rsr 75 MHz [F pass filter (U. lA, 1.5 and L6). but
amplifier. The analogue circuits arc built unfortunately due to the high substrate
as micro-strip circuits Oil a 1.6m111 thick losses this filter is unable to provide any
g lass-fibre-epoxy lamina te. signific ant rejection or the image fre-
qucncv 'II 22 10 1\11 1/.. lis main p urpo~e
The main function of the second Rf
is to reject far-away interferences like
amplifier is 10 cover the notsc figure of
sub-harmonics Of eve n signals at the II-
the harmonic mixer. The second RF

t)\,O I\.~ t
• ~A
"",. ...
~tI\llL ••
.Jlli, ,,~
T'" <r ,.,
' -. - --
_. . -

Fig,13: RX C onve rter - Allal0l,:ue Sec tion C omponent O verlay

(~ - - -- - - -- - -----"''--===''-''''= =
Th e harmonic mixer uses two amiparal- Most of the RF active device s (BFR90.
lel Sc hottky diodes and is very similar BI-' R9 1 and HAlOS) are installed in
to the I'SK mod ulator. Such a mixe r emm diameter hole s in the PCB, These
requires a local oscillator at half o f the holes are afterwar ds covered on the
required con version frequ ency thus sim- gro und planc side by soldering small
pl ifyin g the design o f the PLL synthe- pieces of copper foil. The same Insral!a-
sise r. The resulting IF signal is amp li- tion procedure also appl ies to the 1\\0
fied immed iately to avoi d all )' further -1 70p F source bypass capacitors for the
de gradation of the already POOf no ise CFY30 tra nsistor. The correspo nding
fig ure. source bias resistors are adju sted for a
vds of 3··W ,
T he veo uses a micro-strip ban d pas s
filter (1.13. Ll4 and U 5) in the feed- The ali gnme nt of the analogu e sect ion
back netw ork III ontain low phase noise. sho uld start with bringing the VCO 10
The l u n i n~ ra n~ e of this veo is thus the des ired frequency ran ge hy ;tdju sling
restricted to a few perce nt of the cent ra l 1.14. Th is is don e easily if the PLI. is
frequency. The veo is follo wed hy it already operating. L1 -1 usua lly n...·cds 10
bulle r stage and part o f the buffere d be made slight ly longer to ob tain a 2.5V
veo signal is coupled by Ltu, LI l lo 1'1.1. cont rol vo ltage ill the locked
fe ed the d igita l sect ion of the I'LL. co nd ition. Then L7 is adj usted IIII' the
Th e analogue sect ion o f the receiving
maximum mixer conversion gain and
finally 1.-1 and L5 may need some small
convene r is buil l on a double s ided PCB
adjustments . Ll and L2 should be
with the dimen sions of 40mm x 1201ll1ll .
adju sted to match the KF front-end . If
On ly the upper side is shown in Fig. 12.
the second RF stage (,",\' 30) is setf-
since the lower sidc fun ctions ,IS the
osci llating. the 1.2 w ire loop has 10 be
m icro-strip gro uml planc and is not
made short er
etched. The PCD is made of t .e mm
thick g la ss-fi bre-cpoxy laminate FR4. An alternative solu tion is 10 replace the
altho ugh [his material has substantial CFV 30 fi aAsl-ET with the silicon
losses at 2.36 ( iH,... T ile componc'l1I M \ lIC IN A-03 18-1 . The laucr has a
location of the analogue sect ion of the higher no ise figure but o ffers more gain
RX converter is shown In rig. 13 for and docs not self osci llate. when us ing
bo th sides of the PCB. tile 1'\:1\-031 84, L2 has 10 he replaced
with a 6.RpF capac itor. the output bias
Although most of the tran smission lines
resistor has to be increased from 470n
are etched 011 the PCB. there arc two
lip to 6ROn and the so urce bypass
d iscrete inductors in th is modu le. L2 is a
capacitors and bias resistors arc no
wire loop w ith a 2mrn internal d iameter
longer required. since the two I NA-03 18
made of O.6m m thick silver-plated cop-
-I com mon pins can he grou nded in a
pe r wire. 12 may need adj ustments
straig htforw ard way.
du ring the alig nme nt o f the complete
transce iver. U: is a quarter-wavelen gth The circuit diag ram of PLL sec tio n of
choke aro und 170 0 MHz to be effect ive the RX converter is shown in Fig.14.
for bo th the RF and LO freq uencies. The PLL include s the ,/64 prcscalc r




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.f.-o 1---2- ~
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"" a~ • r- "
~ "
'-1~ !
!l ~
o::?"' f -

~. •

, I
,~ I-
~ " 1=.,-
2 0
t~ ;;
~ .-P-J "" ~

" CO
Il f-1
" ,
iT •s
• " C¥?" :~
II rb. ;t. II ~ ~


fu nd ame nta l re son an ce .

Due to the wide tole rances
of CO crysta ls eith er a
capac itive trim mer or a
series inductor LJ may be
req uired 10 bring the crys-
ta l to the desired fre-
quency. For operation at
2360 ~ I Hz. the best choice
IS a cryst a l fo r
"·ij!;.IS: HX conve rter, I' LL rcu (stngtc-srdcc
26. 770 \ l Hz (en channel
0.8111111 glllss-l1hrc-cp o\)')
22 RX ),
(U664), the reference crystal osc illator Fhc frequenc y/phase comparato r drives
at ab out S .l ) MHz , two additiona l divid - a charge-pump output network. Th e
crs (II C N ] ) and the freq uenc y/pha se correct ope ration (If such comparators is
comparator ( He l l and I ICOO). The PI. L limited III IlIw frequenc ies. Therefore
module has its ow n 5V sup ply voltage bot h the veo and reference signul-,
regu lator 7xn5. have to be divided do wn to a bout
2 .2 \ 11 17 when using 7411C logi c in the
T he above ment ioned I' LL is intended
Frequency /phase com para to r. Fas t
to replace a cha in of frequen cy muhipfi-
(Scho ttky } diode s BAl47 arc required
e r~. r 'ht: re forc it doc s not con ta in vari-
a ble modu lo divide rs . Th e multiplication
in the cha rge-pump networ k to avoid
backl ash prob lem s that saiously dcterio-
ratio is fixed 10 12S (256 whe n cons id-
rate the phase noi se of the freq uency
ering the harmo nic mixer] and the
crys tal frequency has 10 be selected syn thesi-cr.
accord ing 10 the desired RF chann el. In The I' LL is huilt on a single-side d PCB
the freq uenc y range around K.9 \ lI IL. il with the dimensions o r -rumrn x SOmm.
" e ll" cry stal ca n usually be used on its as show n in Fig. 15. Th e PCR is made o f

+ t1V

1. 0

Fig.16 : RX Co nverter. PI-I. Co mponent Ov er ley


O.8mm thick glass-fibre-epo xy laminate. quired frequency. The PLL lock test
The correspondi ng compone nt location point is not brought out o f the shielding
is shown in Fig.16. The on ly compo nent enclosure since it is only requ ired during
installed below the PCB is the I uH the adjustment of the I'L L.
choke on the output.
The only adjus tme nt o f the PLL is 10
To be continued
brtng the crystal oscillator to the re-

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14 7
(f' - - - - -- - - - ------'-"'--''''''''
= =-'-= =

Matjaz Vidmar, S53MV

13crn PSK Transceiver for

1.2Mbit/s Packet Radio
Part-2 (conclusion)

7. second conversion oscillator uses a fi lth

RX IF CHAIN overtone crystal at 65 Ml lz. L4 prevents
the crystal fr om oscillating at its funda-
75 MHz/IO MHz
mental resonanc e aro und 13 MHz and/or
at its third overtone aroun d 39 Ml Iz.
The circuit diagram of the RX IF chain The integrated circuit CA3 189 includes
is shown in Fig.l7. The RX IF chai n a chain of amplifier stages with a high
includes the second amplifi er stage at gain at 10 MHz. In the described circu it,
75 Mil l (BF981), the second mixer to the CI\31 89 functions as a limiter since
10 Mllz (ano ther BF981) with its own limiting doc s not distort PSK signals.
0)'51<11 osc illator (BFX 89) and the Although the gai n of the CI\31 89 drop s
10 M il L limiting IF amplifier (CI\ 3189). quickly with increasing frequency, over-
To receive correctly the 1.2 ~bit!s loading the CA3 189 input with the
n pS K signal, an IF bandwidth of about remaining 65 :\111/ 1.0 signal has to be
prevented with the lowpass filter with
2 MHz is requ ired. Most of the receiver
1.5. The CA]1 89 includes a s-meIer
selectivity is provided at 75 MHz,
especially the two tuned circuits with 1,2 output with a logarithmic response that
may be vet)' usefu l during receiver
and L3. The cont ribution of the tuned
alignmcnt .
circu its with Ll at 75 MHz and L5 at
10 MHz is smaller, since the main The receiver IF chain is built on a
function of the latter is the attenuation single-sided PCB with the dimensions of
of far-away spur ious respon ses. 40mm x 120mm, as shown in Fig. IS.
The corr espondin g component location
The overall IF gain is eve n too large,
is shown in Fig. 19. Ll, L2, L3 and L4
although this does not cause instability
have about 400nH each or 5 turns of
problems. The IF gain can be decrease d
O. 15mm thick copper enamelled wire.
by replacing both BF981 MOSFETs
They are wound on 36 :\1Hz (TV IF)
with older devices like the BF960. The
coil formers with a central adjustable

'" , •
~ . • • r

,l J 1 ~~ 1 ,
~f;-i ~7'
;; i=
• J _ .1
( Ir

~ ,

'± .
~ '7'
., ~' I
"I "l ,

~ ¥ tIt

. .) I


Fig.l 8: RX IF PCR (single -sided J.6mm glass-fibre-epo xy)

ferrite screw, ferrite cap and IOmm x ceiver thermal noise or other noise
lOmm square shield. L5 has about 15uH sources can not be used for this purpose.
or 25 turns or O. 15mm thick copper
enamelled wire. 1.5 is wound on a
10.7 M Hz IF transformer coil former
with a fixed central ferrite core, adjust-
able ferrite cap and IOmm x 10mm
square shield.
I.2MBlT/S, 10 MH, PSK
The IF chain alignment should start by
checking the operation of the 65 MHz
crystal oscillator on the desired overtone Describing a PSK transce iver to radio
and adjusting IA if" necessary. All other amateurs. the least conventional circuit
tuned circuits (l.l , L2, L3 and L5) are is probably the PSK demodulator. There
simply a ligned for the maximum gain. arc several d i fferen t possible technical
Since the same circuits also define the solutions for a HI'SK demodulator. The
selectivity of the receiver, the align. circuit diagram shown in Fig.20 is
ments have to be perfo rmed using a probably one of the simplest coherent
suitable 75 Ml lz signal source: signal HI'SK demodulators. Jts principle of
generator or grid-dip meter. The re- operation is a squaring-loop carrier


Fig.19: RX IF Component Overlay


recovery, followed by a PLL fitter and a the d ivision by two, the regenerated
mixer. EXOR gates are used elsewhere carrier phase is amb iguous 0 or 180 0 •
for the squaring and mixing functions. As a co nsequence. the po larity o f the
demodulated data is a lso ambiguous and
The inp ut 10 .\-IHz IF signal is first
this ambiguity can not be' removed in a
boosted to TTL level with an em itter
0/180" BPSK system regard less of the
follo wer (2'\12369) followed by one of
type of demodulator used.
the ga tes ofa 7~ HC 86 Ipins-L 2 and 3).
Nex t the IF signal is multiplied by its Fortunately amateur packet-radio usually
delaye d replica (squaring or second- uses NRZI (differential) data encod ing.
-harmo nic generation) in another EXOR where level transitions represent logical
gate (pins-a, 5 and 6). The delay is zeroes and constant levels rep resent
o bta ined with a RC network. On the logical ones. The polarity of the signa l
o utput of this circuit. pin-6 or test point is therefore unimportant and the above
I/- I. a double If carr ier frequenc y is mentioned drawback of 0/ 180 BPSK
obta ined. since the BPSK modulation is modulation due s not represent a limita-
remo ved by the frequency-doub ling op· tion in a packet-rad io link. llnwcvcr, the
eration . T he latter transforms 180" phase polarity ambiguity has to he considered
sh ifts into 360" phase shills or in other when designing data scramblers and/or
wo rds a 01180" phase modulation is randomlscrs for N RZ I signal processing.
comp lete ly removed.
The PSK demod ulator is followed by a
Th e s ignal available at test po int # 1 RC lowpass filter to remo ve the currie r
incl udes a strong spectral component at residuals. The lowpass is followed by an
twice the carrier frequency around amplifier (74 I1C04) to boo..t the de-
20 MHI:. bUI also many spurious mixing modu lated signal to Tfl, level and
prod ucts and lots o f noise . The desired eventually drive a 7sn cable to the
20 M il l spectra l com pon en t is bit-svnc unit. Th e PSK receiver there-
"clean ed" by a PLL bandpass filter, fore only has a digital output. there are
since the phase shift between the input no outputs for loudspe akers or head-
and o utput signals in a PLL is well phone...
defined . A mixer is used as the phase
The PSK demodulator is built on a
com parator. in practice another EXOR
single-s ided PCB with the dimensions of
gale (pins 8, 9 and 10). The VCO
40mm x 120mm, as shown in Flg.zt .
operates at ~o \ill:£, so that a perfect
The corre sponding component location
square wave can he obtained at 20 Mil,
is shown in Fig.22. The y eO compo-
with a simple divider by two (one half
nents ha ve to he se lected carefully to
of the 74 F74).
avoid frequency drifts. The VCO ca-
The regenerated BPS K carrier is ob- pacitors must be NPO ceramic or Sti-
ta ined by another frequency division by roflex types with a low temp erature
two (o ther half of the 74 F74 ). The coe fficient. The VCO co il LI has
RPSK de modulation is finally performed around 400 nH or 6 turns of 0.15 thick
by the remaining EXOR gate (p ins 11. copper enamelled wire on a 36 M H7
12 and 13 of the 74HC86). Beca use o f (TV IF) coi l former with a central

(~ - - - - - - - - - ---"-"'''-''''''''''''''''''''''''''=

,~~". ~
.'r §

, =?

~T ~ -a
a ~b
' ';F
~.:;( "<C
.) I

F i~.2 t: l'SK Demodu lator " CH (stugte-stde d t .emm al ass-Ilbre- cpcvy)

adjustable ferrite sc rew, plastic cap and adj usted for 2 .5V in the loc ked state or
IOmm x l Omrn square sh ie ld . in other wor ds the DC voltage should
The a lignment of the I'SK demod ulator not change when the input signal is
should start with th e adju stment of the remo ved and on ly noise is present.
delay o f the input signal frequency
dou bler. A DC voltmeter is connected to
Fina lly, the correct phas eor the regener-
ated carrier has to be set. An oscillo-
test po int # I through a RF choke. TIle
sco pe is connected to test po int 1/ 3
capacitive trimmer on pin 5 o f the
thro ugh a RF choke and a valid I'SK
7411C 86 is adjusted to obta in an average
signal is app lied 10 the input. T he
(DC) voltage of 2.5 V on rest point # \
ca pacit ive trimmer on pin 13 of the
with some input signa l: either receiver
74 11C86 adjusted 10 obtain the maxi-
no ise or a valid PSI( signa l.
mum am plitude of the demodulated
signa l. Alterna tively, a DC voltmeter
can he connected to test point #3 and
the PSK demodulator is driv en by an
unmodulatcd carr ier. The capac itive
tr immer o n p in 13 is adj usted eit her for
the maxim um of minimum DC vclra gc,
depending on the (phase ambiguity')
locking poin t of the PLI..


Ix o-.ro.

Fig.22 : P SK Dem odulator C omponent Overfay


9. The modulation level is simply adjusted

to obtain the maximum transmitter OUI-
put power.
The 7411C I25 receives the supp ly volt-
age +5V also while receiving and only
The ci rcuit d iagram of the supply switch. its tri-state outputs are disabled during
and some additional interface circuits is reception. The two I .SkU resistors keep
shown Fig.23. Most of the receiver the 33JlF tantalum capacitor charged to
circuits rece ive a continuous supply 2.5V to speed-up the RXfTX switching.
voltage of +12V. The supply switch The 33JlF tanta lum capacitor is the only
onl y turns on the transmitter circuits capacitive signal coupl ing in the "hole
(+ 12V T X) and at the same time transceiver. A11 other signal couplings
removes the supply voltage to the RX allow the transmission of the DC com-
RF preamplifier ( t 12V RX ). The supp ly ponen t o f the digital signa l. If the
swi tching is performed by CMOS in- describ ed PSK transceiver is 10 be used
ve rters (4049UB). The high TX CUTTent without a data scrambler or randomiscr.
d ra in requires an add itional PNP transis- the described capacitive signal coupling
tor B0 138. has to he removed by redesigning the
mod ulator driver only, while the other
The RX,TX switching is driven by the
circuits need not be modified.
PT I' line. Just like with other transceiv-
ers, the PTT input is defined <IS a switch lhe supply switch interface is huilt on a
that closes towards ground when trans- single-sided PCB with the dimensions of
mitting. The antenna PIN switch is 30mm x Snmm. as shown in Fig.24 . The
dri ven by the +I 2V TX line and does correspo nding component location is
not require any add itional switching shown in Hg.25. The PCB is intended
signals. Since most of the receiver to be installed behind the front panel of
c ircuits remain operational when trans- the transceiver and is intended to carry
mitting, several of the receiver circuits the RX and T X LEJ)s.
(converter with I'LL, PSK demod ulator]
can be tested with their own transmitter
signal due to the inevitable crosstalk
between the transmitter and the rece iver.
Th e supply switch inter face module also OF T ilE Bern
includes the modulator driver. The TTL I' SK TRANSC EIVER
input includes terminat ion resistors to
prevent cable ringing, if a longer coaxial
cabl e is used between the transceiver Building a PSK transceiver certainly
and the digital equipment. The TTL represent s something new for most radio
input signal is first boo sted by a amateurs, while the microwave frequen -
74 HC 125, followed by a resistive trim- cies make the job even more difficult.
mer for the modulation level and a Except for the carefu l design of the
lowp ass filter with the Iul l inductor. various ci rcuits. the mechanical layout


", '. ~C .,
"(n 0) '" , , 0'·

UI J;'"

'w . , -k ~t.
...;[ L,J,;'
"I ~ . I uv
• i '" Go. I :!=-. H':r •tH(n
r +-- l 1. I n,

.. , ,
" , J..
~\if.'.' . t>


® '" "" . ' ~,

c "
- --
fig.23 : The Supply Swuch Interface

Supply Switc h Interface
IJe H (single-sided t.6 mm
gla 55- nbrc-epory)

,. ... not> Fig.2S:

t r .. <u{fl["}
Supply switch
.Inter race
Co mponent
Ov erlay
I n ..,>:z -a-
", j ~ " "
-0- 0\1.1 l-....

'Hl~ ~ ="i:~[!] ¢~~~


.:r~ -g-~1-
~ 9-\~ ¢1'"?1SO
Uia .. AI<\

(~ ----''''-'''''''''=:0===
and as sembly also have to be cons idered shi elding bra id is soldered in a "water -
right from the beginn ing. To avoid any tight" fashion to the brass sheet all
possib le sh ielding or crosstalk problems, around the central conductor using a
the described transceiver employs a suitable soldering iron.
large number of shi elded en closur es and
The size and shape of the single -modu le
feedt hrough capac itors. sh ielded enclosures is selec ted :'>0 that
The PSK tran sceiver is enclosed in a the lowe st waveguide mode cut-o ff
cu sto m-made aluminium box measuring frequency is well above the operati ng
320nun (width) x 175mm (depth) x frequency of the transceiver in th e 13cm
32mm (height). The individual module band. The descr ibed sh ielde d enclos ures
locatio ns an d RF interconnects are usually do not require any microwave
show n in Fig.2fi. The box is made of abso rbers or other cou ntermeasures to
two "U" -shaped pieces of aluminium wppress cavity reson anc es.
shee t. The fro nt, bottom and hack arc
The de scr ibe d PSK trans ceiver probably
made of J min th ick aluminium sheet.
represents the first ser iou s construction
whi le the cover and the two side s are
using SM D parts for many amate ur
made of O.6mm thic k alumin ium sheet.
builde rs. Unfortunately Sl\1 [) parts can
The cover and sides arc 190mrn deep to
not be avo ided : at high frequenc ies it is
exceed the size of the hoLlom by 7.5mm
essential to keep package parasit ics
on the fmnt and on the back.
small enough to obtain a good dev ice
lhc individual modu les of the l'SK ga in, nois e figure and/or output power.
transceiver arc all (except the supply The described l j cm I'S K transceiver
sw itch interface ) insta lled in shield ed was des igned with Sieme ns SMD semi-
enclosures made of O.S Olm thick brass conductors or igina lly intended for ccllu -
she et. Th e PCBs arc soldered into a lar telephones. Since these dev ices are
bra ss frame as sho wn in rig.2? A brass relatively new, their packag es and corre-
cover is then plugged onto the frame to sponding pin-outs arc shown in Fig.2R.
com plete the shielding enclo sure . Please note that due 10 space restric-
tions, the package markings arc neces -
The shielded mod ule is then installed on
sarily different from the device name s'
the bottom of the aluminium box with
four sheet-meta l screws. The height of
the aluminium box is selected so that the
main aluminium co ver keeps all seven
sm all brass cove rs in pos ition. II.
To retain th e shielding efficiency of the EX I'ERIMENTAL RESIILTS
single module s. all of the supply an d
low-freque ncy interconn ects go through
Fhc design goal of the described trans-
220pr feedtbro ugh capacitors soldere d
ceivcr was to de ve lop a packet-ra dio
in the narrow sides of the brass frames.
transceiver capable of transmitting data
The RF interconn ects are mad e with thin
at I Mhit/s with a free-space radio range
son Teflon cables (RG- I SS or similar ).
between SOOkm and IOOOkm using
It is extremely important that the coa x

.•• .

mod erate-size antennas. Such equipment tion is not poss ib le due to reflect ions
is req uired for real-world line-of-sight corrupting the horizontal sync pulses.
packet -radio links of 30- 100km with a Nevert he less, two -way pa cket-rad io
sing le transceiver connected to more communi cation al L2288Mh it/s was
than o ne antenna {to support more than found possible although affect ed by
one link ) and with a reaso nable link fad ing, using the descr ibed l Jcrn PSK
margin of IO-15dB to counter pro paga- transceivers, 16dBi short -backfire (SBF)
t ion e fleets. antennas and about 5d B of antenna
cable loss at eac h side o f the link!
The first two tran sceivers were finished
in April 1995 and some laboratory The 1iT$1 operationa l L22 88Mbitls pack-
bit-e rror rate measurements were made. ct-radio link was installed at the end of
The ac knowledgements go to Knut July 1995 betwee n the Supe rvozcl]
Brermdo crfer, DFSCA, supplied th e au- packet-radio nodes GORlCA:S55YNG
thor with up-to-date microwa ve SMD ami KUK :S55YKK at a distance Ill'
compo nen ts. The first packet-rad io link 22.1km. Ncxt this link was extended to
was installed in June 1995 between the the Sopervozclj nod e ID RIJA;S55YIO
S u p e r Vo ze lj p a c k e t -ra d io n o d e in the beg inning of Octo ber IQQS,
GOR ICA:S55YNG and the ex per imental a t a d istanc e of 36 .6 k m from
node RA FUT:S59DA Y at the autho r's K U K : S 5 5 Y K K . T h e m ea s u r ed
QTII. YK K-YID link rnargm i s 17dR,
altho ugh there arc two SBF antennas at
Although the distan ce is only 5.Skm,
KUK:S55 YKK pointed in different di-
there is no optical visibility between
rections. but connected to one stng jc
these two locations. The obstacle (hill)
13cm PSK transce iver. The es timated
exceeds the lOth Fresnel zone at 13em
cable losses are around 3dB at eac h side
and the receptio n of a commercial UHF
o f the link.
TV repea ter installed in the same loca-
\~ - - - - - - - - -- ---""'--"=
= = = =

'0 •

----- - - - - - - - - . --------_. ,,
,, ,,
, ,,,
, ,
,, CANer - 05 ..."" bra." ",!".et ,,, ~


, ,,
M-------- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ________ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ w __ __ _ _ ___

I• An (8 1)

A30 f lO )
• I
Fi2.27: 13cm PSK T ra nsceiver Shielded Module Enclosure

All of the se experi ments arc using The inter face to the described 13ern
Supe rvozef nod e compute rs [2]. The PSK transceiver includes external bit-
SuperVozelj packet-radio node compu- s y n c / cl oc k re c overy a nd a
ter is based on the MC680 I0 16-bit 1+ X** 12-'-X** 17 polyn om ial d ata
CPU and offers 6 low-speed interrupt- scram bler/random iser.
servic ed channels up to 76.8kb it-'s for
Currently seven prototypes of the de-
user access (three Z8530 sec chips)
scribed 13cm PSK transceiver have been
and two high-speed DMA-scrvic cd
built and four are alre ady installed on
channels for megabit interlinks (Z8530
mountaintop digipeaters.
sec + MC68450 DMA).

PoLkA.:!" 5 0T- H 3 fllcloo.5~ MW- + IITD.J ~.., . MW- (, .

~ ~ ~
'" Co

IMT>\ H b 51 (",","lr. ''''~ ~ ~ '3? l!l~ ( tw......, "....,.,;)
{"'·)4 o
{ ~.) ; 0
01 (r,)
o l ( " .)
~) ~ ~' ( l) ,

(l) l+ - " l{A) 1Kif,} - 0} WI
I!hT-l(:h'ill tl\oo~., ·.U ")

'X '
3 -~

tI ~ ( t'I........, -"2.")
i ~1
(~*l 'w\,'ntJ

( b)
SOD- 313

+ ~~~ -
'(5/- - (lilt Fig.2R: SMD Co mpone nt Packages anu Pin-o uts

Together these prototypes accumulated

more than one year o f continuous
ope rat ion with no failures. However, the
described transce ivers have not been 12.
checked in winter conditions yet. under REF ERENO:S
wider temperature excursions to lower
The described l J cm I'SK transceivers
l ll Matjaz Vidmar, S53MV: " Ein
Front-End fuer den Satullitenemp-
finally d emonstrated that megabit ama-
fang im l j -cm-Band", AMSAT·
tcur packet-radio is not JUSl possible bul
it is also a practical alter native. Using
DL JoumaI 2-94. pages 21-33.
more sophisticated PSK transceivers PI Matjaz Vidmar, S53MV:
with a larger radio range, a single PSK " 1 . 2Mbi tJ~
SuperVoze lj
transceiver can be connected to more packet-rad io node system" , 40.
than one antenna and thus replace many We inheimer UKW-Tagung, 16.1 17.
narrowband 11M "int erlink" transceivers September 1995, Scriptum dcr
resulting in a simpler and cheaper Vortraegc, pages 240-252
packet-radio network. Of course, the
next logical step is to develop simpler
PSK tra nsceivers for the user commu-
nity, maybe using direct-conversion PSK


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