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----------------------- . ■
stored glycogen from the liver, and only carbohydrate will replenish il. but don’t try to cat a %mall
amount of carbohydrate each day. You will only find you arc smoothing out. This high protein diet
will tend to make you nervous because of the phosphorus in the meat. Hint is why I suggest you keep
your calcium ttablets) intake high.


Breakfast Supply menu Each Meal

(No Limit) 10 Liver Tablets

Scrambled in butler 10 Kelp Tablets
Poached 3 Lipotropic Tablets
Boiled. Soft or Hard 5 or more H.C.L. Tablets
Sunnvstdc up in butter 3 Fn/yme fable Is
Meat (No Limit) 3 Vitamin B Tablets
Hamburger Patty 1 iron Tablet (Between Meats)
Pork Sausage Pally 8 Calcium t ablets
Steak 1 Vitamin A Tablet
Chops, Lamb or Pork 1 RNA Tablet
Bacon 1 Niacin T ablet
Liver 1 Vitamin C Tablet
Chicken 1 ivers 3 Vitamin Tablets
(Cooked any way)
Meat (Same as Breakfast>
Putkey Chicken Fish (Fresh)
Meatloaf (Beef)
Meat loaf (Pork and Beef)

(Same a* Breakfast and Lunch)
Roasts (All Kinds)


grams of carbohydrate per day maximum.

Food Household Measure Groms

Milk Whole Milk 8 ozs. 1 1.8

lee Cream Y*pt. serving MX
Cheese Cheese 1 oz. serving .5
Cottage Cheese 1 rounded tablespoon 1.3
Fats Bacon 3 'trips .0
Butter 1 tablespoon .0
French Dressing 1 tablespoon 1.9
Margarine and salad oil — .0
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon J
Lfits Iggx 1 .73
Household Measure Crams

Meat Food
Bologna Household
2 slices Measure Grams
1 tour Meal Frankfurter
Corn Meal 1
Vi cup 1.9
Hash 1 serving 7.0
Cornstarch 1 tablespoon 10.0
Bread Chicken.
While Turkey. Ham. Veal. 1 slice — 13.0
Beef. Lamb, Pork
Rolls 1 Parker house .0
Nuts Mixed
Crocker* (assorted) or Graham 10<2"x
1 to IS3") 3.0
Cereals Oysters
Cornflakes 4
1 to
cup6 1.2
Oatmeal 5
Vitocup6 COOked .5
1 resh Vegetables Asparagus
Puffed Rice 6
cup 2.0
Wheal Vsbiscuit
1 cup 2.0
Beans. Lima
Spaghetti. Macaroni, Noodles Vi
Vi cup
cup 23.5
Rice and Broccoli Vi
Vi cup
cup cooked 5.6
Tapioca 2
1 medium
tablespoon 9.6
Sugar* Brussel
Honey Sprouts 6
1 tablespoon 6.2
Jam 2/3 cuptablespoon
1 level - cooked 5.3
Jellies 1
1 Urge
level tablespoon 9.3
Cauliflower 4 tablespoons 3.4
Brown Sugar 1 tablespoon . 10.5
Granulated Sugar 2
1 stalks
tablespoon 1.9
Syrup • Table Rlcnds 1
1 eat
tablespoon 20.0
C ucumbcr a 1.4
Miscellaneous Bouillon Cubes 2 4.7
Cocoa Vi cup cooked
2 tablespoons 5.6
Kale Vi cup cooked 7.2
Gelatin Dessert Powder I tablespoon 5.3
Rcvcrages Lettuce
Beer Vi
1 2head
or., bottle 1.8
Okra 6 pods 12.0
Coca Cob, Ginger Ale. etc. 8 or. bottle 21.6
Onions 2 or 3 small - 10.3
Gin, Rum, and Whiskey 1 jigger .0
dc Men the Vs cup glass
1 cordial 17.7
Peppers. Green 6.0
Wine, Red 1
1 wine glass .5
Potatoes 1 small 19.1
Wine. Port 1 wine glass 4.0
Sherry Vs cup glass
1 wine cooked 3.2
Squash or Turnips Vs cup 7.1
Tomatoes 1 medium .4
Tomato Catsup 1 tablespoon 4.8
Tomato Juice 1 cup 4.3
Frail Apples 1 large 22.4
Apricots 2 or 3 12.9
Avocado Vi 5.1
Banana 1 small 23.0
Sira wherries 10 large 8.1
Other Berries 2/3 cup 15.1
Cantaloupe Vi 6.9
Grapefruit Vs small 10.1
Grapes 22 16.7
Lemons l medium 8.7
Oranges 1 small 11.2
Orange Juice Vi cup 12.9
Peach 1 medium 12.0
Pear 1 medium 15.8
Pineapple Vi cup 13.7
Plums 3 medium 12.9
Rhubarb 1 cup 3.8
Watot melon l slice (6" x 1 Vi”) 41.4
Canned Fruit Cherries Vi cup 20.0
Cranberry Saute 1 tablespoon 10.2
Pineapple in Syrup 1 slice 21.1
Dried Fiuit Apricots 4 to 6 200
Prunes 2 or 3 21.3
grams of Vitamin C; 100 milligrams of
Vitamin E and Vitamin B Complex.
Beware of these vitamin destroyers:
PRESERVATIVES At 35, Vince exhibited the physique which,
after a few more years of development, was
to improve and establish him as a

Weight Gainers: Blood builds muscle. 10 •t. Absolutely no smoking. Nicotine constricts
liver tablets, 3 High potency B tablets and one the capillaries for as long as 8 hours, as
Iron tablet at each meal produces a higher red well as burning 25 mgs. of Vitamin C.
blood cell count and more blood volume plus a 5. Always eat something before retiring.
better pump. Iron is also an oxygen carrier, as h Regularity in eating and sleeping habits as
is Vitamin E (Oxygenation of tissue). Hydro- well as workouts is very important. The
chloric acid tablets should be taken with every body responds to regularity.
High Protein meal, particularly if you feci 7. Get control of your emotions — don't let
bloated uftcr eating. A belter balance is more them control you. Nervous energy causes a
desirable than a higher potency, or quantity of shut-off of all your endocrine secretions.
food. 8. Always maintain that full, satisfied feeling.
My latest experiments with supplements 9. Calm down! Slow down! You are burning
show that you benefit from taking supplements up too much of what you eat. and because
for three days (72 hours) and discontinuing all you arc too tcrisC and entirely too active
supplements for three days. Science shows us you are constantly losing weight.
that the composition of the blood changes 10. Be sure to sit or lie down with feet and legs
completely every 72 hours. elevated after each meal. This allows
Weight gainers are advised to substitute onc-lhird of the blood in the body to
Certified Raw Milk at that coffee break... concentrate around the stomach, for
maximum digestion; also, it allows the
The following rules should be observed by food to remain longer in the stomach and
those who arc underweight: tilts the stomach on its side so that the food
1. Never overeat. This causes weight loss. remains in il longer, rather than
2. Eat very small mc.*K every 3 hours-
3. Never allow your elf to get hungry.
nal did with 10*. desiccated liver added instead of protein 30 grams? So. why not supplement
of vitamins Fach rat was then placed in a drum your protein intake with desiccated liver
of water from which he could not climb out. Ihc tablets. This will aid in keeping your blood
impressive results were as follows: sugar level up and help to prevent fatigue -
300% increase in endurance.
The first group swam an average of I?.3
minutes and gave up. The second group swam
about 13.4 minutes, hut the third group—those TRY THIS TRICK:
fed desiccated liver— swam two hours, at Take 2 desiccated liver tablets every hour
which time Ihc tests were ended. Note that they for two weeks and watch your measurements
were still swimming vigorously at the grow. I put one inch on my arm measurement
completion of the experiment! without any extra workouts.
Do you know that four «>unces of liver oi
30 liver tablets each contain tltc same amount

B Complex Vitamins arc great fut movers Vitamin C 150 mgs.
and a necessity for bodybuilders. However, Vitamin F 100 mgs.
single B vitamins arc of little or no use to the Hio-Plavmoids 200 mgs.
body. I have found that the complete B Calcium Pantothenate 30 mgs.
complex must be taken. Para-Amino-Bcnzoic Acid 30 mgs.
Vitamin therapy can produce toxic, re- Niacinamide 50 mgs.
actions it they are overindulged (Vitamins A. Vitamin F is indispensable for muscle
F. D and also liver and iron.) Make certain you growth. It produces new capillaries as docs
have a NEF.D before overdosing yourself and exercise. It also supplies oxygen to tissue, thus
do not continue supplements indefinitely. producing greater endurance. Also, this
A real rejuvenator (dc-toxifier) is one vitamin is a great healing agent of muscle
Vitamin C 100 mg. tablet every two waking tissue, and rehuilds muscle tissue in the heart.
hours per day for 72 hours. Vitamin C is also a healing agent and a
The Low-Fat Diet is a superb way to great dctoxificr. This vitamin has also in recent
develop gallstones and a vitamin deficiency. experiments proved to be assimilated only
when bioflavinoids are present. Do not use
l or greater absorption, supplements should ascorbic acid.
be taken at regular intervals throughout the
day. Dr. Richard You. nutritional advisor to the
middleweight lifter. Tommy Kono. has this to
Carhon foods such as white bread, sugar say:
and pastries burn up Vitamin B which, in turn,
causes abnormal thirst, thus bloating the body The average bodybuilder should include
tissues with water, which appears as body fat. in his diet 150 grains of Protein; 25.000
units of Vitamin A; 500 milli-
Remember. Vitamin C does not cure a cold.
It prevents them
Special Note to Smokers: Be sure your intake
of Vitamin C is high, as each cigarette you
smoke destroys 2.5 milligrams of Vitamin C!
Vitamins and Supplementary
Intake — Adults
Vitamin A 15,000 units
Vitamin Bj 10 mgs.
Vitamin Bj 5 mgs.
Vitamin Bo 10 mgs.
Choline 500 mgs.
Inositol 500 mgs.
Vitamin B i u 12.5 mgs.
still another IFBB champ—John Tristram, MR UNIVERSE place winner. This
languago teacher keeps in shape at Vince’s.

Vince is • mister poser—so importmt in displaying development at its wtal in

becoming a champion.
At SO. a successful bodybuilder and businessman whose efforts have helped mold the
physiques of thousands. He himself is Youth.
C.'on»Kk(cd to be one o( the world*
foremoM authorities on physical culture.
Vince Gironda ha» successfully operated
his own gymnasium for more than
twenty-one years. During this time, he
has helped supervise the training and
dietary programs of such great
champions as Larry Scott. Don Howurth,
Ben Elliot. Reg Lewis, Kay Koutlcdgc.
John Tristram. Dominic Juliana. Gable
Boudreau*. Gene Bcloff. Hossien
Shokuh. Humberto Garcia, and many
others too numerous to mention. After
arriving on the West Coast. I-reddy Ortii
gained nine pounds t*f muscular weight
with no lews of definition the first
month he trained at Vince** gym in
North Hollywood. California.
Vince has trained such movie idols as
Dale Robertson. Clint Walker. James

Vine* C'ftnd* it iwi*| proof that he prac- beet •fiat he

preach**—and that it w*fti


This manual presents factual infor- Vince Gironda. who is himself a model
mation written and compiled by Vince for his manual, "Blueprint tor the
Gironda who has for 25 years consistently Bodybuilder." states:
produced more Champions in the world ol
"I have planned this manual to re late
bodybuilders than any others in the field.
only facts—with each page the reader
"Blueprint for Bodybuilders' is finds one or two completed steps
designed exclusively for people who use geared for his immediate use He can
progressive resistance exercise via begin at any point in the manual, and
weights. at once apply what he reads.
Every page is made up of facts Every This outstanding collection of facts
fact applied by the reader is a step toward stresses proper diet as the catalyst In
his ultimate goal of body perfection! bodybuilding! It gives you fact upon fact,
exploding myths! It tells the
All I-Urfcu r—rrvd. No port of thU manual nor to in anr h.rm
2 without nrrmlraloTt In writlnp frt«n tha auttor nm I’rintln* - July I tot
Gamer. Cllnl Eastwood, Jim Drury. Clu supplements. Vince has experimented
Gulaghcr. Jimmy Dancn. George Ham- with nearly every form of diet and .sup-
ilton. Mike Henry. Sean Flynn. David plement in existence. His knowledge is so
Carradine. Larry Parks. John Saxson. Bill great on nutrition, that he is often con-
Smith, and countless others. sulted by doctors for special dietary pro-
At 50. Vince is still one of the world's cedures. He has u library of more than
best developed men He retains his amaz- sixty books on nutrition and for die past
ing muscular development that enabled twenty-five yean Vince has read every
him to bo colled the best developed man book available on the subject.
of all time for the "Apollo" type physique In recent years, Vince Gironda has per-
He is considered by many to the most sonally trained more champions than
muscular man in the world. Vince anyone else in the world. His vast knowl-
attributes his amazing development to edge of bodybuilding and nutrition have
hard training and proper nutrition, es- enabled him to become one of the greats
pecially nutrition. In fact he has said many in the bodybuilding game. One need only
times that bodybuilding is 75'v nutrition sec his nmnzing physique, youthful vital-
and 25r,J exercise. ity and tremendous enthusiasm to realize
One of the hrst bodybuilders to realize that this champion practices what he
the importance of proper diet and food preaches. — GEMB MOZFF.

Page Numbers
reader why to select organically grown,
tree ripened fruits and fresh vegetables: PROTEIN 4
why to drink raw certified milk and its by
products; why to eat high-protein, whole
grain wheat, freshly ground bread; and DESICCATED LIVER 5
much, much more.
The following pages, written by a man VITAMINS 6
who is a loader in the bodybuild ing
profession, properly applied, can be worth WEIGHT GAINING 7
a king's ransom in your quest for
treasure—the perfect body!
Published by
Vince Gironda
11262 Ventura Blvd.
North Hollywood. Calif. 91604
vegetable! and poultry. A deficiency of hcl in 2) Stimulates immune response
the stomach can cause improper digestion, as 3) Is involved in energy transport
wall at loss of valuable vitamins and minerals. 4) Detoxifies pollutants
THYROID STIMULATOR 5) Is involved in protein synthesis
KELP: 6) Protects the liver
Kelp Is used for obesity, goiter, poor digestion, 7) Speeds recovery from fatigue
flatulence, and obstinate constipation. Kelp 8) Regulates blood levels of steroids
becuase of its NATURAL iodine content, acts
Therefore, thin people with thyroid trouble Enzymes are catylist, they have the power to
would gain weight by using kelp and obese cause an internal action without themselves
people with thyroid trouble would lose weight. being changed or destroyed in the process each
THYROID FUNCTIONS: enzyme acts upon a specific food; one cannot
1) Secretes Thyroxin substitute for the other. A shortage or
2) Controls and regulates metabolism deficiency, or even the absense of one single
3) Vitalizes every cell of the body and enables enzyme, can make all the difference belween
them to respond to sympathetic stimulation health and sickness.
4) Assists in control of tissue differentiation PEPSIN: is a vital enzyme whicIT breaks up
5) Increases the power and rate of the hcan 4he proteins of ingested food, splitting them
function into useable amino acids.
6) Controls coagulation time for blood clotting RENIN: is a enzyme which causes coagulation
7) Increases urea and fluid secretion of milk, changcing its protwin, casein, into a
8) Stimulates and brightens the mind useable form In the body.
9) Controls and regulates body fat LIPASE: splits fat. which is then utilized to
10) Controls intestinal activity nourish the skin cells, protect! the body against
11) Aids the function of the pancreas bruises and blows, and ward off the entrance of
12) Helps to harmonize the activity of the infectious virus cells. HYDROCHLORIC
suprarenal glands ACID: In the stomach works on tuogh foods
13) Has a regulating influence on the ovaries such as fibrous meats, vegetables and poultry. A
and testicles deficiency of hcl in the stomach can cause
14) Works in cooperation with the improper digestion, at well as lots of valuable
paruthyriods, thereby regulating the action of vitamins and minerals.
mineral salts in the system, especially of THYROID STIMULATOR
calcium KELP:
15) Acts in conjunction with the pituitary Kelp is used for obesity, goiter, poor diges-
gland tion. flatulence, and obstinate constipation.
2) PREVENT ACCUMULATION OF FATS Kelp bccuase of its NATURAL iodine content,
Fatty liver is probably the main Reason for NORMALIZE it. Therefore, thin people with
sluggish liver function. Methionine seems to act thyroid trouble would gain weight by using kelp
as a catalyst for choline and inositol, speeding and obese people with thyroid trouble would
lose weight.
up their function.
3) DETOXIFY THE LIVER Methionine and
choline detoxify amines
which are by-products of protein metabolism.
It increases the supply of oxygen in the
1) Extends cell life spans
Never use a blender to mix protein. Blenders emulsify the fat in mtlk to a
suspension too small for digestion (Homogenized Milk.) Never use milk for a protein
mix Milk has loo much carbohydrate Protein and carbohydrates are in compatible.
Protein and carbohydrates digest in different mediums Protein (acid medium).
Carbohydrates (alkaline medium). You may mix powdered protein and eggs in heavy
whipping cream Whipping Cream is Zero Carbohydrate. Mix with a spoon to a
consistency of pudding and eat with a spoon. Cow’s milk or cream has four times the
lysine found in human milk Calves double bodyweight every 30 days. Human babies
double bodyweight every six months. Before bodybuilders discovered supplements
milk was the principal growth food. Cow's milk, or cream, also contain the anterior
pituitary hormone which is secreted by the cow when lactating to accelerate growth of
the calf. Bodybuilders consuming cow's milk (or cream) can also benefit from this
growth hormone. This food mixture should be eaten with two or three H C.L Tablets for
metabolic, digestive support. All units of Protein are measured with eggs as the No. I
Protein. Milk is 2nd. and Meal is 3rd. Enough for the No. 1 growth protein mix.
The next protein to discuss is:
Steak and Eggs . . . the strong man s favorite meal The amount of meat and the
number of eggs used are a matter of body weight, height and severity of training. This
meal is the favorite of bodybuilders interested in keeping up their size and burning all
possible fai Irom their bodies Both of these meals are excellent blood sugar elevators
and both sustain blood sugar levels for a 6 hour period. Training on steak and eggs, you
will find, does not require more than two meals per day (morning and night). I am not
listing grams of protein in these meals because I do not think it is necessary Force
feeding of excessive amounts of protein can and will pul you in Negative Nitrogen
Balance — and can cause uric acid retention and kidney, bladder and liver problems. If
you are not working out hard enough you will find that you will lose your taste for
protein and you will naturally and normally cut back on quant.ty When this happens a
protein rest should be taken by eating steamed vegetables, raw vegetables and salads
for three to five days until you regain your taste for protein foods. You must remember
that your individual needs are different from the next man's so listen to your body
rhythms and do not force food into a body that does not require it. Forget man’s
so-called logic and find your own metabolic needs.
A word to those who do not understand cholesterol: Exercise is the very best fat
emulsifier known. . because man still reacts to stress (which is the primary cause of
cholesterol overproduction) as he did when in a primitive state. Cholesterol calls for
action (Fight or Flight). Cholesterol prepares you incase of injury (stops bleeding if you
are cut or protects a rupture of veins. Also, a little known fact is that the body
manufactures more cholesterol than you can possibly eal The body reduces cholesterol
output or produces more depending on how much of it you ingest Fats and oils are fat
emulsifiers themselves (lepotropics). So. who started the misconception that fats and
oils cause unnatural cholesterol levels? As a matter of fact, if you study this prohlem
you will find it is a sub stance known as tri glyceride that is the culprit. Remember,
nature is balance. Read Steffanson's book. 'Not By Bread Alone’. He lived with the
Eskimos for eighteen years on Meat and Fat Only
falling Thru as in the standing position. A good rule to remember is that foods
Here is a European weight-gaining trick that should be eaten in their natural state as nearly
is time-proven. I have seen students gain as as possible. Thus, nutrients still unknown can
much as 40 pounds employing this method: probably be furnished.
Simply, it is drinking equal parts of half and Remember that a body builder's dietary
half or cream mixed with ginger ale. This drink needs are far different from those who lead
may be enjoyed as an in-between meal pickup sedentary lives.
at 10-2-4.
Weight gainers in particular take heed of the
Breakirg a nit is best done by cleansing the
fact that cigarette smoking interferes with
mucus out of the intestinal tract by the use of
gaining weight and muscle growth, as it
any psyllium seed product nightly before
destroys the appetite by raising the blood sugar
retiring. Do this until mucus fails to show.
level temporarily. It will also shrink capillaries
Changing workouts is not the problem here.
and so interfere with muscle growth.
You arc actually trying to digest food through a
deposit of mucus membrane built up by heavy
T he strongest men in history have always
eating habits over a long period of time. When
been big milk drinkers. BUT. remember USE
no results are apparent, clean out and do this
every six months.
have not been destroyed by heat
(Pasteurization). All 18 Amino Acids are 100r/
Regularity in living habits for maximum
available, including 10 that are indispensable.
energy. Fat the same hour each meal; work out
Trace minerals, all 24 or more, are also totally
the same time every day; relax the same hour
available. All fats arc metabolically available
daily, and so on. By placing yourself on a
as arc the 18 fatty acids, both saturated and
schedule, you will find it more beneficial than
extra hard workouts, extra or less amounts of
food, as the case may be. The body responds
CERTIFIED RAW MILK is also cleaner
best to routine.
than Pasteurized milk or cream. In the certified
When the body is given superfluous raw milk, the bacterial count may not exceed
amounts o! food, the digestive apparatus is 5.000 per cc while in the Pasteurized milk, it is
busy juggling the extras and Its efficiency in allowed 15.000 bacterial count per cc.
handling the necessary elements is impaired. Pasteurized cream is permitted 25.000 per cc.
The question arises: Why do wre feel the
need to eat more food than the body actually Pasteurized milk is heated from 165 degrees
requires? The answer lies in what we eat. The to 167 degrees for 22 seconds or longer. Any
body interprets food as nourishment. nutrients, temperature above the cow's normal blood heat
vital minerals and vitamins. If the food you cat of 100 degrees, alters the milk and the higher
does not contain sufficient of these, you arc the temperature used in the Pasteurization
bound to overeat in order to feel satisfied. process, the
Weight gainers.
A good breakfast for maximum energy
lasting up to six hours should consist of:
one-quarter to one-half pound liver, chops,
steak, hamburger, brains, kidneys or mixed
grilled fish. Added to this should be another
protein such as eggs, cheese, certified raw milk
(or powdered milk can be added to the eggsl.
Five ounces of American cheese have tin*
same calcium. Vitamin A. and protein content
as n quart of milk.
At 40, ideal proportion* — achieved alter
much trial and error... proof the '‘blue-
print” worked. Now he could tell the
At 45, in the best shape of his life—maxi-
mum muscular sue and definition ... and
Your Diet & Your Health
An Excerpt trum ,m .irt/c/e b\ fhe National Commission on Egg Nutrition
Mid morning fatigue may result trom an insufficient breakfast of animal protein It is
riesirahte that at least one third ol the daily protein intake be de rived from animal sources such
as eggs Some high quality protein, as from eggs and other animal products, should be included
in every diet. The tissues must have all of the essential amino acids for cell synthesis. Eggs
provide these!
The human metabolic system can't store protein as it can fats and starches. All unusuable
protein is excreted. Any combination of food which excludes eggs and other animal protein
won't keep a person m perfect nutritional balance We can exist comfortably on a minimum
intake of protein if adequate starches and fats are provided but the minimum of protein must be
present! Generally, 10 to 1b of every 100 calories should be from protein.
There is absolutely no scientific proof that eating good, wholesome, fresh eggs increases
the risk of heart attack.
It all started when, in 1913, a Russian scientist showed that feeding cholesterol to rabbits
could induce heart disease in the rabbits. Rabbits are vegetarians and their systems cannot
handle cholesterol containing animal foods.
Since then, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent attempting to prove that
dictjry cholesterol can induce heart disease in man. Many of these research funds have come
from commercial interests which manufacture cereals and polyunsaturated fat products.
The hypothesis on which the anti-egg propagandists base their statements begins with:
Since eggs contain cholesterol, eating eggs will increase the blood cholesterol concentration in a
person They further hypothesize The higher a person's blood cholesterol, the greater risk of
coronary heart disease
If you were to avoid all the cholesterol you could m your diet, your body would still
manufacture cholesterol at a fairly steady rate and m a relatively pro fuse amount It has been
shown repeatedly that the less cholesterol a person eats, the more his hotly produces. It has also
been shown that the normal person's body will rid itself of pist about the same amount of
cholesterol is that eaten

IN OLrCNSF OF CHOLESTEROL An Excerpt fmrn the March. 1975 Issue of Science Digest -
John Yudkm, professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of London and an egg
fancier, recently defended cholesterol against the charge that it is the mam culprit behind heart
Speaking before the annual conference ol the International Egg Ciiinnm Sion. Yudkm
attacked svhal In* called ' the Reader s Digest view ' of coronary thrombosis namely. Hut eating
too much cholesterol, or animal fat leads to a high concentration ol cholesterol in the blood,
winch in turn leads to deposits MI the coionary arteries and ultimately a clot that cuts off the
IIIOIKI supply to the heart. In short, eating such high i liolesternl foods as eggs eventually dumps
you on the floor with a heart attack
itiiticulomly oversimplified", says Yudkin ffecent studies that indicate lugli
blood cliolesteiol as the most distinctive characteristic of coronary victims, lie points out
ignore several of their other salient traits. Looking at countries with .• high fate of heart
disease, says Yudkin. we do find a tendency to eat fatty foods, lint we also find a larger
proportion of people with diabetes and with a high hlood level of triglyceride, or
ordinary neutral fat. Yudkin claims scientists have homed in on cholesterol as the villain
partly "because it happens to be easier to measure.
In defense of cholesterol. Yudkin points out that not everyone wfio eats a diet
high in animal fat ends up with a high cholesterol level ill then blood, and even those
with high cholesterol counts don't always get coronary thrombosis. Me cites a study of
Eskimoes, who eat a lot of fat. that shows they have just as much cholesterol in their
blood as Americans yet suffer far fewer heart attacks.
"So there it a limit", he continues, "to what you can do with epidemiology, and
you can show that in general terms there is an assocration between the con sumption of
fat in a population and ... a high risk of getting heart attacks. You can do the same with
a whole lot of other factors. You can get just as good as - or better association with
sugar consumption".
Yudkin emphasizes that as yet no sure link has been established between diet
and coronary thrombosis, but states that triglyceride level in the blood is a much better
indicator of coronary risk than cholesterol. And blood triglyceride, he says, is
determined by how much sugar, not how many eggs, you eat.


I am MW-wW in my fy"> by any on* otto «1»1 about *Jin iny
*«.Vt i ituidly aab rtut duattion
"Do fov •**«/ imrwif *otTr •**'*’'' at A it tut tfai you trt tfltr
InyatiaMy, ISt a m i ' Sl/I"*
So. lat ■ not con'uie body •atOP’l oil* miaclr prowtl. I How
mod. do you Itnnk an aitra mtfi on your arm will allaci rt.r txala’l
Tim dirt u daupiad ta ttrji up muadr nuut r ■>«»■ nal pul
body -*#1 RmufUui. muicJr lira o dmiabl. M body -»»|til wltMTi
will only wnoolh out yotu datmilion and inrraaw 1*0 wi oI you*
Ittpa and want and iw* a loti ol tymmttry HRfAKFASt I7N lldlllldl
1 Tablripoon Milk A fnAotaui
I ta Aadt
Supplairwnti to ba oiad W1R1 thn dim*
3 4 HydrarMoiac Acid TaAlali
3 4 Eutma lablrtt
I R K A Tablal
I (JipiW lion laldat 3 Tn Gain. Od Ca«HuO*i
11 INCH It# ntn.ipn Patl* aral Cotiaur Cliaaia
■um ai lli.a* !«• a.cqit toa lion A I! * A I IMIII < I IK ft IN At »
Natiaal loo. n> mat wall Clwma A I ai Amin* Aidi
OINNI II Siaa* o« H.mbuafaa lu|i t«. I b. - A Cotta*' Cliaou
Vi|i|Am»nii *tama m till r* two madl a.iapt iron HI MIR! HMIHIKG
Pi Mr in pnwdai milk. > A W oa ..earn only
BIHAlINMlAtSlimy tlnaa ttouttl Alia*, labial.
•en »kef 10% o* ike
ahe s*o»4
*•*1 • «#««•»
tkkdealldl oa.ay
GLANDULARS hormone or growth hormone, regulates the
growth of the skeleton. Other secretions of the
Arc located at the top of each kidney. They hormones which influence the development of
•re composed of »n outer region, the CORTEX, the reproductive organs. These also influence
and an inner part, the MEDULLA. The adrenal the hormone secretion of the ovaries and testes.
cortex is absolutely essential for life. These The GONADOTROPIC hormones together
hormones are responsible for the control of with the sex hormones cause the sweeping
certain phases of carbohydrate, fat, and protein changes that occur during adolescence, when
metabolism as well as of the salt and water the child becomes an adult.
balance in the body. This hormone complex is
The MEDULLA secretes a hormone called PITUITARY GLAND PRODUCES
glands have been called the glands of WHICH HELPS REGULATE THE
emergency bccuase of the action of this hor- BLOOD PRESSURE AND
mone. Many people have performed
superhuman feats of strength during periods of
anger or fright, with the help of

The spleen has various finctious. It has red
pulp which contains lymphocytes reticulo- HYPOTHALAMUS:
endothelial cells, and all the cells found in cir- The HYPOTHALAMUS is a small body
culating blood. The lymphocytes acts as a densely packed with cells which is extremely
storehouse for red blood celL and aids in important in rcglating the internal environment
altering the relation between the amount of as well as certain gercral aspects of behavior
blood plasma and cells with varying needs of The HYPOTHALAMUS helps to control heart
the body. The reticuio-endothelial cells destroy rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. It
workout red ceils. also plays a part in the regulation of the pituitary
gland. It controls such basic drives as hunger,
ORCH 1C: -TESTES: thirst, sex, and rage. So now you know what’s to
The testes secrete a male hormone called blame for all your problems.
testosterone which is responsible for the
development of male sex characteristics. LIVER:
Testosterone is also responsible for secondary 1) It has an anti-anemia factor.
characteristics in boys, voice deepens, chest 2) It has a growth factor.
broadens and deepens, rapid growth of bones 3) It has an energy metabolism factor which
add to height. Without this hormone, muscle resists muscular fatigue.
groth is impossible. The naturally occuring 4) It has an anti-estrogen factor, the liver is the
level of this hormone is limited by heredity detoxifying organ of the body, constantly on
(DNA) and is monitored by your pituitary guard to protect us against poisons. Reports that
gland. liver, raw or dried, in our diets has been found to
be extremely effective against the effects of
ANTERIOR PITUITARY: massive doves of strychnine, sulfanilamide,
It was once called the "Master Gland". It is cortisone, acetate, and barbiturates. The
known that other glands, especially the thyroid protective factor of liver is that it is insoluble In
and adrenals, in turn influence the pituitary. The water.
anterior lobe secretes several different
hormones. One of these, the SOMATOTROPIC
HOROMONF PRECURCERS ZINC: Fatty liver is probably the main reason for
Concentration of zinc in the human body is sluggish liver function. Methionine seems to act
highest in the liver, bones, epidermal tissue, as a catalyst for choline and inositol, speeding
prostate gland, testes, sperm cells, hair, nails, up their function.
the cornea of the eye, and the bloodstream. Zinc 3) DETOXIFY THE LIVER Methionine and
is the prime clement in MALE HORMONE choline detoxify amines which are by-products
PRODUCTION. Zinc governs the contractility of protein metabolism.
of our muscles. Zinc is important for blood
stability and in maintaining the relationship of
acidity and alkalinity in the blood and other
It increases the supply of oxygen in the
fluids. Zinc is essential for the syntheses of
protein and in the action of many enzymes. A
IjExtends cell life spam
lack of zinc can cause in creased fatigue,
2>Stimulates immune response
susceptibility to infection and injury and a
3) 1* involved in energy transpon
slowdown if alertness and scholastic
4) Detoxifics pollutants
achievement. A zinc deficiency can lead to loss
3)1* involved in protein synthesis
of TASTE and SMELL as well as a loss in
6) Protects the liver
SEXUAL DESIRE. Zinc also enhances wound
7) Speeds recovery from fatigue
healing and is essential for a clear complexion.
8) Regulates blood levels ol steroids
Excretion from the pituitary hormone from the ENZYMES:
lactating cow, produces rapid muscular growth. Enzymes are catylist, they have the power to
Deficiency may cause nausea, dizziness. and cause an internal action without themselves
anemia. being changed or destroyed in the process each
BLOOD CELL BUILDER enzyme acts upon a specific food; one cannot
VEAL ZYME: BONE MARROW: substitute for the other. A shortage or
The red marrow consists of a large number of deficiency, or even the absense of one single
cells contained in the meshes of a delicate loose enzyme, can make all the difference between
connective tissue. The red marrow is the only health and sickness.
source after birth of the red and granular PEPSIN: is a vital enzyme which breaks up the
corpuscles. proteins of ingested food, splitting them into
FAT EMULSIFIERS useable amino acids.
LIPOTROPICS: RENIN: Is a enzyme which causes coagulation
METHIONINE-CHOLINE-INOSITOL- of milk, changeing its protwin, casein, into a
BETAINE useable form in the body.
I) INCREASE RESISTANCE TO DISEASE LIPASE: splits fat, which is then utilized to
nourish the skin cells, protect! the body against
Lipotropics hdp to increase resistance to disease bruises and blows, and ward off the entrance of
by bolstering the thymus gland in carrying out infectious virus cells. HYDROCHLORIC
its anti-disease function in three ways: ACID: in the stomach works on tuogh foods
— By simulating the production of an- such as fibrous meals,
— By stimulating the growth and action of
phagocytes, which surround and gobble up
invading viruses and microbes.
— By recognizing and destroying foreign
and abnormal tissue.
Grams {if in the liver which is called hytirvlizatlon. This
Food Protein Quantity process takes place after consuming protein.
Milk 33 1 Quart The liver then changes Ihc protein into amino
Canned Tuna SO 1 Can. 6Mi o acids, but also labors to throw off the unusable
Lgps 7 1 waste material not utilized by the body.
Lenn Beef 100 1 pound Protein supplements arc not utilized
Ham 80 1 pound completely by the body unless oil is added and
Cottage Cheese 43.9 8 on.. 1 cup digestive enzymes arc taken, because the
Turkey 91 6 1 pound dc-fatting and drying process through which the
Cheese 112 1 pound protein goes in manufacturing destroys these
Heart 77 1 pound two elements.
Chicken 80 1 pound Years of research have standardized what
Fish 118 9 1 pound science considers a desirable range of caloric
intake for the average person. The daily amount
-j cup DAIRY PROTEIN and 5 ozs. recommended by nutritionists for a healthy
whipping cream supply you with 40 grams of adult man is 3.000 calorics per day. This, as
protein bodybuilders know, is enough to gain weight
Carbohydrates build /of—never muscle! on. However. if these calorics arc derived from
Protein builds muscle tissue and can also be protein and fat. you can lose ns much as twenty
used for energy, so why use carbohydrates? ? pounds in a 90-day period.
? Contrary to popular belief, protein in
25'/. of fat should be consumed with any or excess will be stored as body fat!
all proteins. If you wish MAXI Ml M protein Bodybuilders develop muscle fustcr if they
absorption. lake cup protein (milk and eggs) —5 oz.s
Ki l l* YOUR Ml I AltOI ISM RECi certified raw cream two or three times a day. as
Cl A I M ) I t ) BURN I AT. R A I HI K
this mixture supplies seventy-five to
THAN SIORING II one-hundred percent of minimum daily
requirements. (70 grams per 100 lbs of body
mi: HUMAN BODY C AN ONLY weight). 40 grams per serving in addition to
DIGEST AND ASSIMILATE 20 three regular meals.
prams of protein PER MEAL.
The current American fad is to partake in a
Did you know all units of protein dangerous amount of oils daily and ignore the
measurement ate taken from the egg? valuable animal fats. Balance between the two is
I consider R! D MEAT to be your best necessary. One ounce of cheese is a substitute
source of protein in preference to fish for for a glass of milk. Yellow cheeses arc higher in
producing red blood cells. calcium than the white.
NFVFR use raw eggs when making u High Protein foods should not be combined
protein drink, as this interaction destroys biotin, with high March foods at the game meal. Pure
one of the H vitamins. Rather, .soft- boil the fats may be combined with a high protein meal,
eggs you wish to take—then blend them with but do not combine pure fat* and high Marche*
the drink. together
My recent experiments with Amino Acids
FOR THF UNDERWEIGHT, it is important indicate that one ounce (contain- ini; 35
to use fertile or "scratch eggs," which arc milligrams of Protein) should be taken every 3
produced by chickens not raised in wire cages, hours to keep the bod\ constantly supplied with
but running m a pen Protein. Amino Acids do not need to be
DO NOT buy cold storage eggs and expect hydrolized by the liver (changed by the liver)
best nutritional results. and arc immediately utilized in the blood
Liquid ammo acids enter the bloodstream stream.
within minutes. There, they are changed back
into protein for utilization by the muscles. This Note: Eggs and milk have the highest fat
eliminates the change protein has to go through content. Meat has only 18r/r protein. Fish seems
to be lacking in fat, so it would seem advisable
to make up the balance of 25'/c fat and 75r/<
protein with blitter or oils.
Science has established that protein lasts
only 3 hours in the bloodstream, but takes 4
hours before it reaches it. 1 feel that protein
supplements should be taken intermittently
throughout the day rather than at mealtime only.
For those of you who do not like organ
meats, try eating them this way:
A mixed grill including liver, bacon, steak,
kidney, lamb, and so on, combined with
tomatoes and then top off this delicious grill
with green salad and cheese for dessert.
Long distance runners require no more
protein than (he average individual. I his finding
seems to blast the notion that bodybuilders need
300 grams of protein daily.
Calves liver, which is prized the most by the
public, is the lowest in value. Pork liver overall
has the greatest desirability —and is the least
expensive; lamb is next; beef and chicken liver

At 25, Vince possessed a

better-than-average physique—which
was to become the foundation for the
muscles that are now fiis. _____________
Raw meals digest in one and one-half hours.
The digestion process for cooked meats takes
four hours.
Processed cheese is composed of one- third
each water, gelatin and cheese. Use natural
cheese only.
Amino acids achieve a positive nitrogen
balance, which means that they arc a successor
to nitrogen retention drugs, and because they arc
a nutritional supplement. they do not produce
the harmful side effects of synthetic hormones.
Up to two hours after exercising, the body
will assimilate 809?. of the protein ingested.

Desiccated Liver, the Wonder Energy Vitamin B’s. The third group ate the origi-
Food' In a recent laboratory test for an
anti-fatigue diet, thcrce groups of rats were
used, having been fed for a short lime on
different diets. The first group were fed a usual
lab diet with the addition of nine synthetic and
two natural vitamins. The second group of rats
were fed this with the addition of all the known
This has always been the strong man's favorite meal. No other meal combination
produces the feeling of strength and energy (Phosphorus m meat). Hamburger coes not compete.
The process of chopping up the meat destroys enzymes, due to oxidation and other nutrients
known and unknown. Beef and eggs sustain blood sugar levels for six hours making lunch
unnecessary. 3/4 pound of steak and 3 - 4 eggs supply 103 grams of first class protein fast, and is
easy to digest. I personally achieved the best shape of my career on this diet. I used this diet for
nine months, taking no supplements and with no adverse effects. I might add that after nine
months of Definition Contest Training I found that I was growing — not just maintaining
maximum condition. At this point, I can hear some of you complaining that this is not a balanced
diet.and what about cholesterol in the eggs and the fat Well. I found this diet balanced for me And
according to 'Not By Bread Alone' by Steffanson (out of print) who lived I 8 years with the
Eskimos on meat and fat only — the most important part of their meat and fat diet was the fat.
They would track a Caribou for two weeks just to get the fat. The meat alone did not sustain them
(Fat is toe best energy source known.) Fat sustains blood sugar for six hours, carbohydrate only
IV* hours. By the way, those of you who are afraid of fats, fat is a lipotropic (fat emulsifier) as is
oil. According to the National Egg Council findings, the body produces far more cholesterol than
you eat. And if you ingest cholesterol your body cuts back and produces less, so you always have
a natural, balanced level. Stress is the major cause of cholesterol because stress readies the body
for action (Fight or Flight). Cholesterol protects the body in case of injury because it acts as a glue
to stop bleeding of cuts (Actualiv still react as our primitive ancestors did to stress.) In fact,
cholesterol is not the culprit at all. but tri-glycerides (a form of fat). I think the real seciet oi tins
diet is the compatibility of the steak and the eggs (non-mixed meal plan).
Protein and carbohydrate are not compatible. They both digest in a differ •nt medium
(acid and alkaline), so neither one digests completely and as a result whichever food is in
predominance in the stomach is the one that takes precedence, and if it is protein the carbohydrate
fermints and produces toxic material and gas as the carbohydrate digests and the meat putrif ies
and causes a similar disturbance. This is the reason I advise a spaghetti dinner (with tomato sauce
only) every 72 hours on my maximum Definition Diet. Do not mix Protein and Carbohydrates
(Pavlov). At this point, I would like to clear up a quote from a magazine entitled "Vegetarian
World" in which they print. 'Vince Gironda, outspoken physical fitness authority, who has turned
out more Mr. Americas than any other body building trainer, has caused a stir again. He advocates
a relatively low protein diet (about 45 grams per day) based on 30 years experience in body
building and health’. My answer to this article is that I have been misunderstood. I maintain that
body builders eating 200—300 grams of P'nte-n is excessive This much protein will achieve
Negative Nitrogen Balance and Positive Nitrogen Balance >s the secret of the anabolic state
(growing state). This much protein will lead to uric acid retention, rheumatic aches and pains,
kidney problems and liver malfunction The liver catabolizes protein (turns it into Ammo Acids)
which enables the body to utilize it. I feel protein is an individual thing, depending on your age
and amount of work performed. Hard working body builders certainly can handle more units of
protein than a sedentary office worker. 45 grams of protein should do fine for a non-physical type
of individual, but this number is flexible depending on body type, sex, personality type, age and
Some physical culture writers have accused me of vegetarian leanings Only insofar as I
feel that the body will let you know if it is getting more protein than it can convert efficiently by
your loss of desire for meat. At this point, you should give your system a protein rest and eat raw
and steamed vegetables and salads for a period of time. Again, ynu will know when to return to
meat You will develop a hunger for it
greater loss of essential food elements that we
ntnst have every day. I helped pioneer certified
raw milk in my gymnasium and feel it is the most
important factor in gaining weight which I have
to offer my members
Of all my many test diets and fasts, one
three-month period, in which I lived on cream
and protein (milk and eggs) exclusively, proved
to me you cannot experience BETTER HEALTH
or a higher sense of well-being by any other diet
"THE LANCET." British medical paper.
reports lhat YOGURT is 9lrA digestible in one
hour, while milk is only i2f/e digestible in the
same length of time. Also, it is pointed out that
the allergic properties of milk arc not evidenced
in yogurt.
Weight gainers should try to take at least a
pint of liquid (I suggest CERTIFIED RAW
MILK) at every meal and drink one pint of water
or bouillon after every muscle exercise during
Studies now indicate that sleep in ample
amounts is needed for good health, energy and
strength. Amazing results have been obtained Larry Scott is not only an IFBB MR.
from the European School of Sleep Therapy in AMERICA and MR. UNIVERSE winner,
problems of premature aging and nervous but be also holds the world’s most coveted
exhaustion These cases, by either natural or physique title—MR. OLVMPIA. He trains
artificially- induced sleep, have responded and at Vince’s.
the patients were restored to normal health and
Should a feeling of fullness and/or gas follow
a meal, digestions can be improved by taking a
hydrochloric acid tablet, a dill pickle or a
teaspoon of vinegar.
Never cut the same men I twice!
Weight gainers are urged to start the day with
their heaviest meal—STEAK. EGGS and

Dieters need not tear an occasional spa to mod meal of this sort, when on a usual
gbcil i dinner. I have foil ml that .in uii.ieeux- sensible repine, produces a weight loss.
The only good breakfast cereals on the
market arc: stcel-cut oats (Oatmeal); shredded
wheal; Wheatcna: wheal germ; and Fnmilia.
Crude soy. rice and wheat germ oils mixed
together will build muscle tissue faster than just
wheat germ oil alone, because of their combined
hormone building activity. This is twenty times
more potent than wheat germ oil in ibis respect.
Weight gainers can keep lhat 28-inch waist
and still gain up to sixty pounds by- eating small
quantities of food five to six times daily, rather
than stuffing themselves at one sitting. And
OFRfl I- I'ATE! fiat less but eat often.
Remember this-
Instead of picking all day. sit down and have TOTAL FASTS PRODUCE LOSS OF
that enjoyable meal—and get it out of your MUSCLE TISSUE AND A GAIN IN BODY
system! Your conscience may bother you—but FATS. SO DO NOT MISS A MEAL IN YOUR
good '! Now you return with new vigor to your ENTHUSIASM TO BURN UP FAT.
new-found joy: that of the spiritual soaring over I Gram of Piotcin = 4 calories
regimentation. I Gram of Carbohydrate - 4 tutor ie\
The body metabolism, properly adjusted by I Gram of Eat ■ 9 calories
regimentation, will confuse an occasional high Remember, calories arc not all the same
starch or all-starch meal as protein-fat anJ oxidize Carbohydrate calories equal Fat. Protein and l-at
as such. As a result, this will cause an actual fat calorics equal Muscle Tissue.
and weight loss.
Both overweight people and underweights
Iodine, as found in kelp and dulse, has the have the same problem of poor digestion.
ability to speed up metabolism through Therefore both need Hydrochloric Acid and
stimulating the thyroid gland. Iodine is used by Enzyme tablets at each meal. Safflower Oil aids
medical science in many eases of overweight. protein digestion.
BUT CAUTION HERE—if your thyroid is not in Weight is WATER. After your Meant bath,
perfect running order, do not attempt this. (High do not drink any liquid. You may suck a lemon.
Thyroid). This will satisfy your thirst.
If an egg is eaten alone. 109E of its iron is Reducers, cat slowly and concentrate on
absorbed by the body. If 85 milligrams of every bite of food, and you will find you will
Vitamin C arc eaten with it. 20% Is absorbed. But become satiated with much less food than*you
if one whole gram of Vitamin C is taken with the formerly ate.
egg. the amount of iron absorbed jumps to 75r;. WHAT IS NOT THERE WILL NOT BF
Controlling the body weight without exercise EATEN! If you don't have cake, while bread,
is almost an impossible task. Even though your cockles, candy, etc. about, you will find that
hunger center may be adjusted to very little food, nervous appetite satisfied with protein (sausage,
you still need the muscle activity to reach fatty lunch meats, cheeses, shell fish. etc.).
deposits that arc slow to dissolve. Walking for one-half hour burns only 175
calorics. One pound of fat contain' 3.S00 calorics.
MAXIMUM HEALTH cannot be enjoyed by One hour wotkoul in a gym can burn 1,0(10
those who do not exercise. Deep breathing calories.
caused'hy breathlessness due to vigorous exercise
is one of Nature's best fat-trimming devices. Note to redumrs: I note in the news the
Queen of England's diet included only three
MORE NEWS FOR WEIGHT REDUCERS: t u f t .i o f liquid per day. This works on the
Kelp tablets nrc the best substance I have found principle that live body is almost
to decrease your desire for salt—salt which
causes the storage of unwanted fat by retaining
water in tissues. Iodine, which is found in kelp, is
one of the best oxidizing catalysts we have. A
catalyst is the match which touches oil in the
body the lire that burns up the food we take in
each day. If this food is not properly burned off. it
will he stored as fat.
I noticed an article in a recent issue of Iron
Man Magazine entitled ‘‘Bits of
Brawn" in which they report findings on an old
definition secret of mine: KELP. They report
great endurance, more enthusiasm and a
complete lack of "going stale." My findings on
kelp have proved to me that it must be a great
detoxificr. The body clings to a constant weight
which it is used to maintaining. Therefore. you
will find a weight-loss plateau to drop every 2-4
to 6 weeks. This is a process of breaking the
water retention table. Actually, your body has to
adjust to the new types of food and umounts of
food and supplements you are newly feeding it.
all water and if you dehydrate it. a weight loss
results. This mcthtxl of losing weight is used
exclusively by boxers and jockeys. You cun also
observe weight lifters spit all day before a lifting
contest for this same reason.
Gimmick diet books are constantly being
published and they arc fine as far as they go. but
they tell only a small part of the entire story. The
people who write them obviously have had no
real experience with reducing personally, taking
their research from other books.
I feel that then: urc numerous factors involved
and all should be employed, let's face it. Dieting
is hard enough at best. Entire books are devoted
to salt- free cooking. Cooking with wines pro-
duces a similar salty flavor.
The skin acts like a huge third kidney in the
elimination of toxic wastes, and also in
water-logged tissue. In retention, where the
kidneys cannot balance the intake of the water,
your sweat Rlands take over under moist heat.
Copious therapeutic sweating is the fastest and
oldest known reducing agent. Recent studies
have shown that dry heat constricts the nerves
controlling the small arteries, which forces the
heart to work harder circulating the blood. Gable Boudreaux is a relative newcomer
Do not neglect drinking water BE* TWEEN in the physique world. He is racking up
meals. This is u sure cure for fatigue and will awards in California. 6abe trains at
remedy most constipation problems. Vince’s.
The League of Nations Technical Committee the less food one cats, the greater the nutriment
on nutrition reports that one could healthily the body extracts from it?
survive on 20 ozs. of nutritious food per day. The Breakfast should consist of protein, fat and
right foods are: NO refined vitamin-enriched 14 to ‘/t of the entire day's calories. You will
foods — NO canned preservative-ridden foods make fewer errors, react faster, think more
and NO frozen foods. In other words: FRESH clearly and be loss tired at the end of the day.
Reducers are advised against the use of
Nutritional experts have proved that while common table salt salt causes the body to retain
sugar cannot be utilized by the body cells. water in the tissues up to 70%.
For a mid-afternoon pickup, try this Experts tell us that more than 8 grams of
high-protein drink: One package of Knox salt per day is injurious to the proteins we cat.
Gelatin, one cup of hot water and bouillon. Yet many of us cat as much as 20 to 25 grams a
Did you know that scientists agree that day.
Also, it is common in medical practice to
limit salt consumption in cases of kidney
disease, high blood pressure, heart disease,
sinus trouble, deafness, hives and obesity.
Iron is a fat emulsifier (burner).
Hydrochloric acid normalizes and produces fat
loss. 8 at each meal
Table Salt (sodium chloride) is a drug, a
pure substance denuded of everything

that accompanies sodium chloride in nature. To keep vour blood sugar up for as long as 6 hours.
this, wc add another drug called potassium iodide
,.. such a product has no relation to nature at all. REDUCERS MUST DRINK THE
For those training for definition, re- MINIMUM LIQUID AT MEALS (puts on
member—milk is taboo, as is cheese. J don’t weight).
even feci cottage cheese is desirable. WATCH Water BETWEEN meals is a great energy
YOUR CALORIES, fat as well as carbohydrates. pick up.
Cut your carbohydrates to a bare minimum. Use
fat as a source of energy, but discontinue fats NEVER drink during workouts—this is a
every so often and you will get a dramatic fat weight-gaining method. Wait three- quarters of
loss. Fats arc necessary to ward off nervousness an hour after your workout before drinking.
and weakness. Fnt supplies the nerve endings
with a protective covering to protect you from Excessive water drinking destroys Vitamin R
nerves. A good breakfast high in fats can and will and anises unnatural thirst.


This Is the most comfortable reducing diet 1 have ever tried. It is composed of non-concent rated
carbohydrates. It enables you to eat all you want and provides a sense or satisfaction you can never
get from a hi protein diet. I formerly used this diet on excessively obese people who could not lose
weight on any hi protein diet without a single failure. This diet produces a cleansing and detoxifying
action from the roughage consumed It also produces a detoxifying action by eliminating animal tissue
proteins (over protcinizntion) Sec Food is Your Ik'U Medicine by Henry G. Rider M l). This diet plan
consists of as many fertile eggs as you C3n comfortablly digest, mixed in certified Vi & Vi (milk and
cream) for breakfast. Mix the eggs with the & ‘A by using a fork Blending in a machine of any kind
breaks down the fat to minute suspension and the body is unable to digest it The main body of this dirt
is the raw mixed green salad which I will give you the ingredients for. and they arc:

!. A bed of raw spinach leaves.

2. Sliced zucchini or squash.
3. Raw mushrooms.
4. Carrot slicks.
5. Sliced celery.
6. Cucumbers (gas forming for some)
7. Water chestnuts
8. Cherry tomatoes
9. Cauliflower heads
10. Sprouts (bean)
11. Avocado
•2. Raw beets
3. Green peppers
14. Parsley
15. Watercress

Toss and serve with olive oil and vinegar and garlic chopper! l ine, or garlic powder, No *-ali in this
salad, please. The vinegar will give you that sally taste.
The bulk of this salad will produce a deansing effect in the intestines (bulk), which is important and
produce regularity and detoxification.
MAXIMUM DEFINITION tissue. Muscle is built and repaired on protein
This is not a chapter for the fainthearted. or
one whose attitude is negative. You must energy derived from fats. Fats also step up
always be aware that doubt cannot creep into metabolic late and aid ui protein assimilation.
your mind. Rather, picture yourself as you Never drink water during workouts— wait
wish to be at all times. (This is really the three-quarters of an hour. Water is necessary
secret!) only between meals.
This IS a chapter for the bodybuilder who Fats arc highly concentrated energy foods.
has progressed to the point of enter ing Fat* yield more than twice as much energy as
physique contests. carbohydrates.
The principles given you here arc secrets Recent finding* show that Vitamin F.amt
which have been practiced by me on men of Iron should not be taken together. Iron nulli-
top physique who arc too numerous to fies the E.
mention here. These secrets have been used by
professionals only and have never been Use absolutely no milk products on a High
revealed to the public here toforc. Now for the Definition Diet. Has means milk, cheese,
first time I am making it known that definition cream or protein powder.
is X5r/c NUTRITION. Without the Science lias now .shown us that 300-500
supplements used in this chapter, the mg of Vitamin C daily is effective as many
bodybuilder seeking definition is doomed to medicinal diuretics and far safer. Diuretics
failure. cause water loss and produce definition.
Carbohydrate withdrawal, or converting Meat is high in phosphorus, low in cal-
youi energy needs over to tats, protein and cium; therefore, definitely keep your calcium
calcium will prove to be the most difficult part intake up to ward off being nervous.
of establishing a new dietary regimen. This is
followed by slu inking the stomach and not A good definition-breakfast consists of
relying on false and injurious blood sugar three (3) hardboilcd eggs mashed with
level pickups, such as starches or sweets in one-third cube of unsaltcd certified raw butter.
any form, fruit am! vegetables included; also
milk and protein drinks with Iruits. Car-
bohydrates and sugars build fat. never muscle

Vince's Gym in North Hollywood, California is a Gironda has equipped his gym with ttie latest
mecca lor health-conscious movie actors and muscle-building equipment. This Induces
champion bodybuilders. training—and gets results last
DinncI I IK steak or hamburger and leafy
preen salad (endive, romainc) with vinegar and
oil dressing plus supplements.
I atcr. il hungry, take a small amount of good,
raw hamburger and calcium. Re me m lie r. while
asleep, you burn up only 250 calorics as opposed
to 1.000 during a workout.
Choline. Inositol and Methionine are perhaps
the most important three elements to take
because they arc fat emulsifiers they dissolve fat
in the hard-to get-to places. They should be high
potency and taken at every meal. I personally
take 3 at each meal.
coffee between meals, as it causes a lowering of
the blood sugar level due to pancreatic
stimulation, which induces fake hunger. Coffee
also inhibits fat metabolism

Supplements for Definition:

l iver tablets 30 tablets daily.
It Complex *1 per day thigh potency)
Don Howorth is an IF8B MR. AMERICA
High Potency Iron tablet - 1 pci day. place winner. He's one of Vince's most
Choline, Inositol and Methionine 3 at each meal. popular members.
Amino Acids 2 oz. each meal.
Enzyme Tablets - 3 each meal.
Calcium 12 per day.
Hydrochloric Avid tablets 4 per meal or 1
cocktail jigger of amino acids.
Vitamin C 1.000 mgs. per day.
Kelp tablets 10 per meal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


There has always been considerable mystery and misconception concerning a definition diet. I-ct's
hope this article will help to straighten out a few of these.
To begin with, all carbohydrates must be removed from a maximum definition diet. This means - all
fruit, all vegetables, all salad greens and all milk products (cheeses, yogurt, ice cream, milk and
buttermilk). The only milk products that can be used are butter and cream. Any kind of meat, fish nr
fowl and eggs arc the, only foods permissible. You must, however, eat some carbohydrate every lour
or five slays because you will find that you will smooth out and veins and cuts will disappear. You
will find also that you arc not getting the pump you should and youi strength will decrease. This is
because a zero carbohydrate diet drains all the

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