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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C (Seminars in Medical Genetics) 175C:195–211 (2017)


Neurological and Spinal Manifestations of the

Ehlers–Danlos Syndromes

The Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS) are a heterogeneous group of heritable connective tissue disorders
characterized by joint hypermobility, skin extensibility, and tissue fragility. This communication briefly reports
upon the neurological manifestations that arise including the weakness of the ligaments of the craniocervical
junction and spine, early disc degeneration, and the weakness of the epineurium and perineurium surrounding
peripheral nerves. Entrapment, deformation, and biophysical deformative stresses exerted upon the nervous
system may alter gene expression, neuronal function and phenotypic expression. This report also discusses

Fraser Cummins Henderson Sr., M.D., was fellowship trained in disorders of the craniocervical junction at the National Hospitals for Neurology and
Neurosurgery, Queens Square London, before returning to complete his commitment to the U.S. Navy. He was then Professor and Director of
Neurosurgery of the Spine and Craniocervical Junction at Georgetown University before entering private practice. He has concentrated on the
diagnosis and treatment of hypermobility connective tissue disorders and other rare diseases of the spine. He serves on the Executive Boards of the
Ehlers–Danlos Society, the Chiari Syringomyelia Foundation, the ILC, and the TCAPP Foundations.
Myles Koby, M.D. is a neuroradiologist, formerly at the National Institutes of Health and now at Doctors Community Hospital, Lanham, MD. He has
special clinical interest in the use of dynamic imaging in the investigation of spinal instability disorders.
Claudiu Austin, M.D., is an internist at Doctors Community Hospital in Lanham, MD, with special interest in pharmacology and physiology. He
specializes in treating complex EDS patients, including those with movement disorders, adult PANDAS, and severe autonomic dysfunction.
Clair Francomano, M.D., is a clinical geneticist with a long interest in the hereditary disorders of connective tissue. Her professional work in the last
10 years has centered on Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome. She is Director of Adult Genetics and of the Ehlers-Danlos Society Center for Clinical Care and
Research at the Harvey Institute for Human Genetics, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She serves
on the Executive Board and the Medical and Scientific Board of the Ehlers-Danlos Society.
Edward Benzel, M.D., Ph.D., is a neurosurgeon who was Professor Chairman of Neurosurgery at the Cleveland pathophysiology treatment of spinal
Paolo Bolognese, M.D., is a neurosurgeon in New Hyde Park, New York, and is affiliated with North Shore University Hospital. He received his
medical degree from University of Torino Faculty of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. He specializes in Chiari I malformation,
syringomyelia, and related disorders.
Richard Ellenbogen, M.D., is Professor Chairman of the Department of Neurological adult brain tumors trauma surgery craniofacial abnormalities
Chiari malformations congenital conditions. He also conducts research on molecular imaging nanoparticles on traumatic brain injury.
Candace Ireton, M.D., is a Board Certified Family Physician with special interest in caring for Ehlers–Danlos syndrome patients. Dr. Ireton received her
BS in Physical Education with Exercise Physiology emphasis from the University of California at Davis. She is currently piloting a group visit program for
the primary care of EDS patients in Asheville, NC and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Petra M. Klinge, M.D., Ph.D., is a neurosurgeon who completed training in Germany and is currently Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical
School of Brown University. She specializes in hydrocephalus, tethered cord and Chiari malformation, and developmental cerebrospinal fluid disorders.
Donlin M. Long, M.D., Ph.D., was Professor Chairman of Neurosurgery at The Johns where he took special interest in the development of
infrastructure for patient care while developing new insights into pathophysiology of pain, spinal disorders, and brain tumors. He presently specializes
in diagnosing the various comorbid conditions of EDS.
Sunil Patel, M.D., is Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of South Carolina. He completed fellowship training in Skull
base Surgery, Cerebrovascular Surgery, and Microneurosurgery, and is presently focused on developing the understanding and treatment of vascular
and neoplastic brain disorders, complex spine disorders, and the treatment of craniocervical and spinal manifestations of EDS.
Eric L. Singman, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of the Wilmer Eye Institute at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. His clinical
expertise includes diagnosis of visual dysfunction after brain injury. Dr. Singman also has a particular interest in teaching health-care providers to
recognize the visual sequelae of complex disorders such as traumatic brain injury, Lyme disease, and EDS.
Dr. Nicol Voermans is a neurologist the Neuromuscular Centre of Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Her main research
focus is inherited myopathies, in particular congenital myopathies, fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, and the neuromuscular features of
inherited connective tissue disorders. She completed a doctoral dissertation on neuromuscular features in Ehlers–Danlos and Marfan syndromes.
Conflicts of interest: The senior author is a consultant to LifeSpine, Inc., and is developing technology to improve craniocervical stabilization. The
senior author holds patents on finite element analysis methodology that could be used to assess stress in the brainstem and upper spinal cord. The
other authors declare they have no conflict of interest.
*Correspondence to: Fraser Cummins Henderson Sr., M.D., Ehlers–Danlos Society Center for Clinical Care and Research, Greater Baltimore
Medical Center, The Metropolitan Neurosurgery Group, 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 220, Chevy Chase, Baltimore, MD 20815. E-mail:
DOI 10.1002/ajmg.c.31549
Article first published online 21 February 2017 in Wiley Online Library (

ß 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


increased prevalence of migraine, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, Tarlov cysts, tethered cord syndrome, and
dystonia, where associations with EDS have been anecdotally reported, but where epidemiological evidence is
not yet available. Chiari Malformation Type I (CMI) has been reported to be a comorbid condition to EDS, and
may be complicated by craniocervical instability or basilar invagination. Motor delay, headache, and
quadriparesis have been attributed to ligamentous laxity and instability at the atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial
joints, which may complicate all forms of EDS. Discopathy and early degenerative spondylotic disease manifest
by spinal segmental instability and kyphosis, rendering EDS patients prone to mechanical pain, and myelopathy.
Musculoskeletal pain starts early, is chronic and debilitating, and the neuromuscular disease of EDS manifests
symptomatically with weakness, myalgia, easy fatigability, limited walking, reduction of vibration sense, and
mild impairment of mobility and daily activities. Consensus criteria and clinical practice guidelines, based upon
stronger epidemiological and pathophysiological evidence, are needed to refine diagnosis and treatment of the
various neurological and spinal manifestations of EDS. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

KEY WORDS: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome; headache; craniocervical instability; atlantoaxial instability; tethered cord syndrome

How to cite this article: Henderson Sr. FC, Austin C, Benzel E, Bolognese P, Ellenbogen R, Francomano CA,
Ireton C, Klinge P, Koby M, Long D, Patel S, Singman EL, Voermans NC. 2017. Neurological and spinal
manifestations of the Ehlers–Danlos syndromes. Am J Med Genet Part C Semin Med Genet 175C:195–211.


The Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS) Epidemiology
are a heterogeneous group of herita- Migraine, common in the general
ble connective tissue disorders char- EDS patients commonly suffer a population, is more prevalent in women
acterized by joint hypermobility, skin variety of headache types [Jacome, [Nappi and Nappi, 2012]. Migraine is
extensibility, and tissue fragility. The 1999; Martin and Neilson, 2014; also more prevalent among EDS which
significance of neurological findings Castori et al., 2015]. These include also has a female predilection [Bendik
of EDS have been recently proposed headaches due to migraines, muscle et al., 2011; Castori and Voermans,
and reviewed [Voermans et al., 2009a; tension, intracranial hypertension, 2014; Castori et al., 2015]. Therefore,
Savasta et al., 2011; Castori and craniocervical instability, and cervical EDS may be considered a risk factor for
Voermans, 2014]. The following spine disorders, temporomandibular migraine.
article discusses the etiology and joint disease, carotid dissection, and
clinical findings related to neurologi- other physical conditions. Though a Etiology
cal and spinal manifestations com- patient may suffer status migrainosis, Migraine often presents as a comorbid
monly observed, yet often poorly constant pain is less likely to represent disorder with many other medical
recognized, in EDS patients, and a migrainous headache [Headache conditions [Schurks et al., 2009; Casucci
proposes treatment options and areas Classification Committee of the In- et al., 2012; Pierangeli et al., 2012;
of research needed. ternational Headache Society (IHS), Gelfand et al., 2013; van Hemert et al.,
2013]. 2014]. The final common pathway
appears to be abnormal regulation of
cerebral vasculature following a spread
On the basis of a large shared experience of depression of cortical electrical
in the treatment of EDS, the authors EDS patients commonly activity [Burstein et al., 2015; Ferrari
were solicited to contribute a review of et al., 2015].
the neurological and spinal manifesta- suffer a variety of headache
tions of EDS. The authors represent a types. These include Clinical and diagnostic findings
working group within the International Defined as a primary headache disorder,
Consortium on the Ehlers–Danlos Syn-
headaches due to migraines, with recurrent attacks of moderate or
dromes. In preparation for the EDS muscle tension, intracranial severe intensity, lasting 4–72 hr, mi-
International Symposium 2016, the hypertension, craniocervical graine headaches are more often unilat-
authors formed subcommittees to re- eral, pulsating, associated with nausea,
search individual topics relating to EDS instability, and cervical spine photophobia, and phonophobia, which
and its neurological presentations, and disorders, temporomandibular are disabling and worse with physical
here present those findings in synthe- activity [Headache Classification Com-
sized, topic-based fashion designed to joint disease, carotid mittee of the International Headache
assist a wider audience of medical dissection, and other physical Society (IHS), 2013]. Migraine is usu-
practitioners in caring for EDS patients, ally preceded by a prodrome and
and in advancing research needs for this followed by fatigue, nausea, and dizzi-
population. ness (postdrome). A careful history may

elucidate triggers such as foods, stress, nausea, and vomiting. Affected patients Stenting has emerged as an effective
weather changes, sleep changes, menses, may have objective changes in vision treatment for IIH in select patients with
seasonal allergies, and caffeine. Physical with 10% developing blindness [Corbett radiographic cerebral sinus stenosis and
findings may include vertigo, hypersen- et al., 1982]. Female to male ratios range evidence of pressure gradients [Satti
sitivity to pressure on certain muscles from 4:1 to 15:1, and obesity is an added et al., 2015].
and tendons, elevated blood pressure, risk factor [Radhakrishnan et al., 1993].
and heart murmur. Migraines may cause Anecdotal reports from large case series
Areas Needing Investigation
a benign episodic mydriasis. Findings have suggested an association between
may be suggestive of a stroke. Diagnostic EDS and IIH, but no such association
testing should exclude sleep disorders has been formally reported in the (1) The epidemiology and etiology of
[Kothari et al., 2000], menstrual cycle biomedical literature. pseudotumor cerebri in EDS.
dysfunction including menopause (2) Longitudinal studies to assess the efficacy
[Nappi and Nappi, 2012; Ripa et al., and risks of medical therapy, shunting,
2015], and patent foramen ovale [Vol- and stenting in the EDS population.
man et al., 2013]. Hypotheses proposed for the etiology of
IIH include excess cerebrospinal fluid
Treatment (CSF) production, reduced CSF absorp-
Migraine therapies (e.g., botulinum tion, excessive brain water content, and
toxin, triptans, caffeine, acupuncture, increased cerebral venous pressure lead-
meditation) are legion, and testify to the ing to reduced CSF reabsorption [Ball
diverse causes of migraine. Recognition and Clarke, 2006]. Recent studies dem- Chiari malformation Type I (CMI) has
that migraine patients suffer multiple onstrate that up to 93% of patients with been reported as a comorbid condition
pain disorders should prompt a holistic IIH have focal venous sinus stenosis on in hypermobile EDS (hEDS) [Milhorat
treatment strategy or combination ther- MR venography, most commonly prox- et al., 2007]. The precise incidence of
apies [Estemalik and Tepper, 2013; Kress imal to the transverse sigmoid sinuses the CMI and EDS association is un-
et al., 2015]. junction, suggesting that venous abnor- known, but the female to male ratio is
malities may play a role in the patho- higher (9:1) in the CMI and EDS
Areas needing investigation physiology of IIH [Farb et al., 2003]. subgroup than in the general CMI
population (3:1). The average age of
(1) Connection between migraine, EDS onset tends to be younger in the CMI
Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
and mast cell activation syndrome and EDS subgroup, when compared to
(MCAS), and cardiac functional/ The diagnosis of IIH requires symptoms the general CMI population.
structural defects, such as postural of increased ICP. The visual disturbances
orthostatic tachycardia syndrome are often associated with the finding of
(POTS) and patent foramen ovale. papilledema or visual field defects. The
(2) Connection between migraine and diagnosis is supported by increased ICP: Chiari malformation Type I
diet in EDS. >25 cm of H2O in the obese popula- (CMI) has been reported as a
(3) Prevalence and impact of migraine in tion, or >20 cm H2O in the non-obese
all types of EDS. population. There should be normal comorbid condition in
(4) Treatment of migraine in EDS. composition of CSF, thus, excluding hypermobile EDS (hEDS).
(5) Effect of other co-morbidities, med- inflammatory conditions, absence on
The precise incidence of the
ications, and nutrition in EDS related MRI, or contrast-enhanced CT of
to migraine prevalence, severity, or hydrocephalus and of mass, structural, CMI and EDS association is
treatment. or vascular lesions, and no other cause of unknown, but the female to
intracranial hypertension.
male ratio is higher (9:1) in
INTRACRANIAL Treatment the CMI and EDS subgroup
Treatments include lifestyle modifica-
than in the general CMI
tions targeting weight loss including population (3:1).
bariatric surgery, decreasing CSF pro-
IIH, or pseudotumor cerebri, is a poorly duction with acetazolamide, or serial
understood entity characterized by an lumbar punctures, CSF diversion with a
increased intracranial pressure (ICP), ventriculo-peritoneal or lumbo-perito-
headaches, visual disturbances and pho- neal shunt, optic nerve sheath fenestra- CMI is a mesenchymal disorder affecting
tophobia, and occasionally tinnitus, tion, or subtemporal decompression. the hindbrain, in which a developmentally

small posterior fossa results in downward series of CMI post-decompression fail- There is sometimes trigeminal neuralgia
migration of the brainstem and cerebellar ures that needed further intervention, [Milhorat et al., 1999; Tubbs et al.,
tonsils through the foramen magnum into including craniocervical fusion and/or 2011a; Yarbrough et al., 2011]. Brain-
the spinal canal [Batzdorf et al., 2015]. The tethered cord release. While this may stem findings, such as sleep apnea and
herniation causes obstruction to the indicate a co-existence of these con- dysautonomia, are often found in CM
normal regional circulation of the cerebro- ditions, it does not provide evidence of a that are complicated by craniocervical
spinal fluid (CSF) and compartmentaliza- causal relationship, but suggests that instability or basilar invagination, the so-
tion of CSF circulation [Ellenbogen et al., EDS and other disorders of connective called “complex Chiari.”
2000], which may result in suboccipital tissue should not be overlooked in CMI.
pressure headaches. Obstruction of the
CSF circulation may result in empty sella
Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
syndrome, with flattening of the pituitary There is no universally agreed upon
gland and resulting hormonal changes. A The CMI is traditionally defined radio- surgical threshold for CMI, but surgery
syrinx may form, which exerts a mass effect logically by 5 mm of tonsillar herniation should be urgently performed in the
on the spinal cord, and rarely the brainstem through the foramen magnum, though presence of progressive neurological
[Kahn et al., 2015]. There is increasing others have suggested a herniation of deficits, and expanding syringomyelia
recognition of CMI variants [Milhorat 3 mm, or 7 mm. The behavior of CMI is (Fig. 1) [Yarbrough et al., 2011].
et al., 1999]. Some have suggested an often unrelated to the size of the The association of CMI and EDS is
association of tethered cord syndrome and herniation, and CMI can be burdened by distinct management chal-
CMI [Royo-Salvador, 1996]. asymptomatic. lenges, including craniocervical insta-
The incidence, prevalence, and CM is best characterized by a bility, and possibly an increased risk of
etiology of CMI and EDS occurring tussive headache (worse with cough, CSF leaks. CMI may be asymptomatic
together are not fully understood. strain, or yelling), dizziness, cerebellar (incidence unknown), or mildly symp-
However, Milhorat et al. [2007, findings—dysarthria, incoordination, tomatic, so that surgical intervention
2010] found a high prevalence of imbalance, and unsteady gait—hearing may not be required [Novegno et al.,
patients with hereditary disorders of and vestibular deficits. Romberg’s 2008; Strahle et al., 2011]. Sporadic
connective tissue in their retrospective sign, and deficits of cranial nerves. cases of spontaneous resolution of CMI

Figure 1. CMI with syrinx in the cervical spinal cord (sagittal view, T1 weighted MRI of the cervical spine).

have been described [Castillo and Wilson, for instability. The atlantoaxial junction of C1 upon C2 > 41° (as assessed by CT
1995]. (AAJ) is the most mobile joint of the body. scan of C1-2) and retro-odontoid
The AAJ mechanical properties are pannus on MRI [Fielding et al., 1978;
determined by ligamentous structures, Taniguchi et al., 2008]. The difficulty
Areas Needing Investigation
most prominent of which are the trans- of recognizing rotary instability on
verse and alar ligaments [Tubbs et al., standard X-ray, CT, and MRI images
(1) The incidence, prevalence, and etiol- 2011b]. has resulted in failure to diagnose
ogy of CMI and its variants CM0 and Hypermobility of the AAJ is com- [Kothari et al., 2000].
CM 1.5 in the EDS population mon in children, and over 40° of
remains unclear and needs larger data rotation may be observed in each
registry direction, but in the adult there is
(2) The Complex Chiari malformation, substantially less than 40° of rotation The first line of treatment should be neck
though well described in the literature [Zhang and Bai, 2007; Martin et al., brace, physical therapy, and avoidance of
(see section on craniocervical instabil- 2010]. At 35° of rotation of C1 upon activities that provoke exacerbation of
ity), is not universally recognized C2, there is stretching and kinking the AAI symptoms. If the non-operative
among those who perform Chiari of the contralateral vertebral artery treatment fails, fusion stabilization of C1/
surgery. Prospective studies in EDS [Selecki, 1969]. At 45°, both vertebral C2 is required. Incompetence of the alar
patients with Complex Chiari malfor- arteries become occluded [Menezes and ligament requires dorsal surgical fusion
mation are needed to compare out- Traynelis, 2008]. [Menendez and Wright, 2007]. Occiput
comes following decompression alone to C1/C2 fusion should be considered in
versus those undergoing decompres- the presence of craniocervical instability,
Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
sion with fusion/stabilization. basilar invagination, or complex Chiari
The diagnosis of AAI is predicated upon malformation.
disabling neck pain or suboccipital pain,
INSTABILITY Areas Needing Investigation
(1) history and clinical findings of cervical
medullary syndrome, or syncopal (or (1) The prevalence and natural history of
Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) is a poten- pre-syncopal) episodes, AAI in the EDS population.
tial complication of all forms of EDS. (2) demonstrable neurological findings, and (2) The importance of dynamic imag-
Motor delay [Jelsma et al., 2013], (3) radiological evidence of instability or ing studies (such as CT with rota-
headache associated with “connective compression of the neuroaxis. tion of the cervical spine to extreme
tissue pathological relaxation” and Neck pain and suboccipital head- left and right, requires further
quadri-paresis have all been attributed ache are the most common findings, validation to promote a generalized
to ligamentous laxity and instability at with the caveats that headache is a adoption of these studies to diag-
the atlantooccipital, and atlantoaxial common occurrence in EDS patients nose AAI, and to prompt greater
joints [Nagashima et al., 1981; Halko [Castori and Voermans, 2014]. There availability of dynamic imaging
et al., 1995]. may be symptoms referable to the facilities).
vertebral artery blood flow, including (3) Surgical outcomes for treatment of
visual changes, as well as headache rotational instability and the long-
resulting from vertebral artery torsion. term outcome in EDS.
The epidemiology of AAI in hEDS is Syncopal and pre-syncopal events are
unknown. AAI was seen in two of frequent. Other symptoms include diz-
three patients with vascular EDS ziness, nausea, sometimes facial pain,
[Halko et al., 1995]. A high risk of dysphagia, choking, and respiratory
AAI is apparent in other disorders issues. Symptoms usually improve with
affecting connective tissue, including a neck brace.
Down syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Neurological examination dem- Craniocervical instability (CCI) is
and rheumatoid arthritis [MacKenzie onstrates tenderness over spinous pro- recognized as a manifestation of
and Rankin, 2003; Hankinson and cess of C1 and C2, altered mechanics ligamentous laxity in EDS [Naga-
Anderson, 2010]. of neck rotation, hyperreflexia, dysdia- shima et al., 1981; Milhorat et al.,
dochokinesia, and hypoesthesia to 2010]. Ligamentous laxity has been
pinprick. Weakness is not a constant shown to result in neuraxial injury
feature of AAI. [Lindenburg and Freytag, 1970; Hen-
A proclivity to ligamentous incompetence A number of radiological features derson et al., 1993; Menezes and
renders the atlanto-axial joint a higher risk have been described, including rotation Traynelis, 2008].

Etiology [Arundine et al., 2004], and apoptosis invagination: the clivo-axial angle, the
[Liu et al., 1997; Arundine et al., 2004]. Harris measurement, and the Grabb,
CCI is a pathological condition in Mapstone, Oakes method [Batzdorf
which ligamentous connections from et al., 2015; NINDS Common Data
the skull to the spine are incompetent. Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
Elements, 2016]. The Clivo-axial angle
Motor delay, developmental co- CCI-related symptoms result from de- (CXA) is the angle formed between the
ordination disorder, headaches second- formation of the brainstem and upper posterior aspect of the lower clivus and the
ary to spinal compression, clumsiness, spinal cord, traction on the vertebral posterior axial line. The CXA has a normal
and the relatively high rate of dyslexia artery, and possibly from the consequen- range of 145° to 160°, but an angle of less
and dyspraxia in the EDS population ces of altered venous or CSF outflow than 135° is pathological [Henderson et al.,
merit investigation as possible conse- from the cranium. CCI often occurs with 1993; Henderson et al., 2010a; Batzdorf
quences of early onset degenerative basilar invagination or ventral brainstem et al., 2015]. Increasing kyphosis of clivo-
changes resulting from ligamentous compression, the findings of which are axial angle (i.e., a more acute CXA) creates
laxity upon the central nervous system dominated by pyramidal and sensory a fulcrum by which the odontoid deforms
[Nagashima et al., 1981; Adib et al., changes: weakness of the limbs hyper- the brainstem [Menezes, 2012]. The
2005]. The most prominent movement reflexia and pathological reflexes (e.g., medulla becomes kinked as the CXA
of the atlanto-occipital joint is flexion- Babinski, Hoffman’s sign, absence of the becomes more kyphotic.
extension; axial rotation is normally abdominal reflex), paresthesias, and a The second radiologic metric, the
limited to <5 degrees of rotation plethora of other symptoms—including horizontal Harris measurement, is the
[Dvorak et al., 1987]. sphincter problems, headache, neck pain, distance from the basion to the posterior
There is increased recognition of dizziness, vertigo, dyspnea, dysphonia, axial line (PAL) [Harris et al., 1994].
mechanisms of neuronal injury that altered vision, and hearing, syncope, Instability is present when the basion to
result from stretching, or deformative emesis, altered sexual function, altered the PAL exceeds 12 mm. This measure-
stress [Jafari et al., 1997; Maxwell et al., menses, and gait changes [Caetano de ment, used in conjunction with dy-
1999; Shi and Whitebone, 2006]. The Barros et al., 1968]. These signs, in namic flexion and extension images of
consequent formation of axon retrac- aggregate, constitute the cervical medul- the cervical spine, can also be used to
tion balls is similar to that seen in diffuse lary syndrome [Batzdorf et al., 2015], measure the dynamic translation be-
axonal injury of the brain (Fig. 2) elements of which are commonly tween the basion and the odontoid
[Geddes et al., 2000; Henderson et al., recorded among EDS patients [Celletti [Batzdorf et al., 2015; NINDS Com-
2005]. Stretching of neurons causes et al., 2012]. mon Data Elements, 2016]. In the
pathological calcium influx [Wolf Three metrics may be useful in normal individual, there should be
et al., 2001], altered gene expression the identification of CCI and basilar no measurable translatory movement

Figure 2. Axon retraction bulbs in the upper spinal cord, from cadaveric studies of subjects with basilar invagination (Microscopic
photograph (500), axial section of the dorsal column at the C2 level. Silver stain).

(sliding movement). Translation of ventral brainstem compression [Grabb are important to determine whether
greater than 1 mm between the basion et al., 1999]. there is pathological hypermobility at
and odontoid reflects craniovertebral There is a relatively nascent recog- the craniocervical junction [Klekamp,
instability, and may warrant stabilization nition of the importance of dynamic 2012].
(Fig. 3) [Wiesel and Rothman, 1979; imaging of the CCJ. For example, the
White and Panjabi, 1990]. brainstem may appear normal on rou-
The third metric, the Grabb, Map- tine magnetic resonance imaging in the
stone, and Oakes measurement predicts supine position, but show pathological Indications for surgery include severe
risk of ventral brainstem compression, ventral brainstem compression in the headache, symptoms which constitute
and has been statistically correlated with flexion view sitting upright [Klimo Jr the cervical medullary syndrome,
clinical outcome [Grabb et al., 1999; et al., 2008; Henderson et al., 2010b; neurological deficits referable to the
Henderson et al., 2010b]. A measure- Milhorat et al., 2010]. “Functional” brainstem and upper spinal cord,
ment >9 mm suggests high risk of dynamic studies in flexion and extension radiological findings of CCI, and

Figure 3. a: The craniocervical junction in flexion, showing a forward slide of the basion with respect to the odontoid (Sagittal view,
T2 weighted MRI of the cervical spine in flexion). b: In extension, the basion lies along the posterior edge of the odontoid process,
demonstrating a translation of 6 mm from flexion to extension (Sagittal view, T2 weighted MRI cervical spine).

failure of a reasonable course of non- importance of the dentate ligaments in

operative therapy. Though there are applying stressors to the spinal cord,
no established criteria for treatment of with the subsequent result of focal
CCI in EDS, there is abundant The prevalence of cervical and myelopathy [Cusick et al., 1977].
literature addressing the diagnosis of thoracic segmental instability
CCI [White and Panjabi, 1990; Harris
et al., 1994; Batzdorf et al., 2015], and in the population of patients Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
the treatment of CCI with craniocer- with hypermobility syndromes Clinical findings include pain and
vical stabilization in various congenital disability, as well as sensory, motor,
has not been well established.
or degenerative connective tissue dis- and reflex changes. Radiculo-myelop-
orders [Nagashima et al., 1981; Goel However, discopathy and athy may manifest in an acute, sub-
and Sharma, 2005; Henderson et al., early degenerative spondylotic acute, or chronic manner as radicular
2010b; Milhorat et al., 2010; Tubbs and dermatomal or non-radicular
et al., 2011a; Klekamp, 2012; Yoshi- disease in hEDS and classical myelopathic hypoesthesia, hyperes-
zumi et al., 2014]. type EDS is well established. thesia, or paresthesia, and less often
weakness. Over time, there may be
EDS is characterized by ascending numbness, spasticity, Lher-
Areas Needing Investigation
segmental instability, mitte’s sign, and eventually leg weak-
kyphosis, and scoliosis. ness, altered gait, clumsiness, and long
(1) Prevalence and natural history of axial tract findings. There is often marked
ligamentous instability in EDS. tenderness to palpation over unstable
(2) Validation of radiological metrics for motion segments.
determining CCI in the EDS Etiology Clinical differential diagnoses in the
population. EDS population should be kept in mind:
(3) Development of an international Ligamentous laxity is an important instability at the atlanto-occipital and
data registry using the NINDS determinant in the development of atlantoaxial joints, shoulder, clavicular
Common Data Elements [2016] to spinal instability other connective dis- and rib subluxations, brachial plexop-
facilitate therapeutic trials for CCI orders such as rheumatoid arthritis, athy, vascular anomalies, dissection or
in EDS. Down syndrome and osteogenesis im- venous insufficiency, peripheral neurop-
perfecta, but there have been no series to athy, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic
demonstrate this linkage in EDS. The lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, mye-
SEGMENTAL KYPHOSIS importance of ligamentous laxity is lopathy due to drugs—such as statins,
AND INSTABILITY increasingly appreciated among clini- colchicine, steroids- vitamin deficiency,
cians [Tredwell et al., 1990; Steilen et al., especially B12 and B3, mitochondrial
Epidemiology 2014]. dysfunction, stroke, and psychological
The prevalence of cervical and tho- The pathophysiology of segmental disorders.
racic segmental instability in the instability is well described: during Though CT scans and MRI remain
population of patients with hyper- flexion, there is deformation of the the standard for most practitioners,
mobility syndromes has not been well lateral and ventral columns of the spinal radiological findings do not always
established. However, discopathy and cord, directly related to the strain on the correlate well with clinical findings or
early degenerative spondylotic disease cord [Henderson et al., 2005; Shedid surgical outcome [Arnasson et al.,
in hEDS and classical type EDS is well and Benzel, 2007]. Extension more 1987]. Dynamic instability is unlikely
established. EDS is characterized by often results in compression of the to be demonstrated in a resting supine
segmental instability, kyphosis, and cord by buckling of the ligamentum subject, and pathological instability will
scoliosis. Spondylosis, defined by the flavum, resulting in myelopathic symp- often become manifest only when the
presence of non-inflammatory disc toms [Muhle et al., 1998]. The cervical ligaments are placed under stress.
degeneration, is usually preceded by spinal cord can be physiologically teth- Though not yet validated, dynamic
mild segmental instability [Shedid ered in the sagittal plane, such that MRI in the upright position subjects
and Benzel, 2007]. As a consequence normal cord elongation in flexion is the vertebral spine to physiological
of cervical and thoracic instability, exaggerated by the kyphosis; this results loading, and can be performed in the
and discopathy in EDS, there is loss of in increased deformity and anatomic flexed and extended positions to dem-
the normal cervical lordosis and an stretching of the cord. This “sagittal onstrate instability (Fig. 4) [Milhorat
increasing kyphosis, rendering EDS bowstring effect” underlies a physiolog- et al., 2010; Klekamp, 2012].
patients prone to progressive myelop- ical tethering effect, with resulting White and Panjabi [1990] have
athy, and mechanical neck and chest neurological deficits [Shedid and Ben- defined the reference ranges for flex-
pain. zel, 2007]. Others have recognized the ion, extension, lateral tilt, and rotation

at each level of the spine. Radiological Treatment are refractory to conservative manage-
findings of segmental instability may ment, fusion, and stabilization of unsta-
include evidence of spinal cord com- Initial management includes neck brac- ble levels may be indicated.
pression or deformity, hyper-angula- ing and physical therapy with therapists The rate of adjacent segment de-
tion at one or more segmental levels who are knowledgeable regarding liga- generation (the tendency for increased
(>11.5° angulation between adjacent mentous laxity including EDS, attain- degeneration of discs adjacent to fused
vertebra, subluxation >3 mm), and the ment of a good sagittal balance, and motion segments) has not been deter-
presence of pathological longitudinal avoidance of certain activities. Rest will mined in the EDS population, but should
stretching. often improve symptoms. If symptoms be considered in surgical planning;

Figure 4. a: Segmental cervical instability, showing widespread degenerative disc disease characteristic of EDS-HT, but no spinal cord
compression on neutral view (Sagittal view, T2 weighted MRI of the cervical spine in the neutral position). b: Dynamic instability evident
upon extension of the neck, showing postero-listhesis of C4 on C5, causing spinal cord compression (MRI sagittal view of the cervical
spine, T2 weighted).

motion-sparing technology may be an conus medullaris with the dural sac at kyphosis, functional ankle and foot
important option in this population, the S2 level. The filum contains neural, deformities (ankle pronation with phys-
though there is yet no published litera- glial, and ependymal remnants that stem ical strain), and pes planus or pes cavus
ture in the EDS population. from embryonic spinal cord which [Hoffman et al., 1976; Pang and
begin to regress at 9–10 weeks of Wilberger, 1982].
gestation [Jang et al., 2016]. The Urodynamic testing is important in
Areas Needing Further
presence of fatty tissue, “nerve twigs” the diagnosis of TCS. Neurogenic
(dysplastic axons), fat and vascular bladder manifestations may range from
lacunes, and suspicion of “congested” urinary retention and detrusor under-
(1) Definition, prevalence and natural veins, are usually seen in the abnormal activity to urinary incontinence, over-
history of segmental instability in the fila specimens obtained from patients activity of the detrusor, and sphincter
EDS population. with TCS [Thompson et al., dysfunction [Tu and Steinbok, 2013].
(2) Clinical history of segmental instabil- 2014] Stretching of the spinal cord by While formal urodynamic criteria have
ity after stabilization, including rates of the structurally abnormal filum is the not been established for TCS, detrusor
adjacent segment degeneration in presumed mechanism of TCS. Symp- sphincter dysynergia, large post void
different types of EDS. toms may become more apparent as a residual, and very large bladder capacity
(3) Studies to improve diagnostic efficacy child grows. Forcible flexion and (>800 ml) are good urodynamic indi-
of segmental instability utilizing up- stretching is often deemed responsible cators of a neurogenic bladder. Urody-
right MRI. for adult onset of TCS [Aufschnaiter namics can help to differentiate the
et al., 2008]. Poor blood flow and neurogenic bladder of TCS from that
oxidative stress in the spinal cord have due to diabetes or bladder obstruction
also been implicated in animal models as from prostatic hypertrophy.
mechanisms of neuronal injury [Yamada MRI of the cervical, thoracic, and
Tethered cord syndrome (TCS) in EDS et al., 2007]. lumbar spine is required to rule out
is most often associated with a structur- other causes of leg weakness and low
ally abnormal filum terminale, and back pain, such as disc herniation,
Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
usually characterized by low back pain spondylolisthesis, stenosis, neoplasm,
and the clinical triad of neurogenic TCS is characterized by aching/burning or intrinsic lesions of the spinal cord—
bladder, lower extremity weakness pain in the low back, legs and feet, and such as multiple sclerosis or signs of
and sensory loss, and musculoskeletal sensori-motor findings in lower extrem- trauma. The MRI may show low lying
abnormalities. ities: weakness is common, with heavi- conus (below the mid L2 level), fatty
ness, stiffness, and tightness of legs and infiltration, a stretched or thickened
cramps; paresthesias in the pelvic area or filum, a syrinx in the lower spinal cord,
legs and hypoesthesia to pinprick in the scoliosis or spina bifida occulta. The
The incidence of the specific diagnosis lumbar and sacral dermatomes is often term “occult tethered cord” (OTCS)
of TCS is unclear, both within the observed. Findings are often asymmet- refers to where the MRI shows a normal
general and EDS populations in the ric. A history of toe-walking may be position of the conus [Tu and Steinbok,
United States [Bui et al., 2007]. The elicited. Urological findings include 2013]. A large diameter of the filum
prevalence of TCS in a diverse sample of urinary hesitancy, frequency, urgency, terminale in axial T2 studies is a positive
Turkish school children was 0.1% retention/incomplete emptying, noctu- indicator that favors untethering in the
[Bademci et al., 2006]. In a cohort of ria, irregular urinary stream, sensory loss presence of TCS [Fabiano et al., 2009].
2,987 consecutively evaluated patients of the bladder, frequent urinary tract Controversy exists over whether it
with diagnoses of CMI or “low lying” infections, and incontinence. is necessary to radiologically demon-
cerebellar tonsils (LLCT, tonsillar de- There is often enuresis into late strate a “low lying conus medullaris,”
scent 0–4 mm), Milhorat et al. childhood. There may be fecal inconti- that is, a conus ending at the lower L2
[2009] found TCS, using a definition nence, constipation, or sexual dysfunc- level or below. There has been the
that allowed for normal position of the tion. As TCS results in a combination of intuitive presumption that a low-lying
conus medullaris on MRI (i.e., at or upper and lower motor neuron injury, conus represents a spinal cord under
above, the L1 vertebra), in 14% of the there is often hyperreflexia in the lower tension. However, this presumption has
CMI patients they examined and in 63% extremities, but normal reflexes in the not been verified, and indeed, there are
of the LLCT cohort. arms. The legs are usually weak, with no epidemiological studies which allow
normal upper extremity strength. Sen- the definition of a specific imaging
sory loss is usually prominent in the finding to establish the diagnosis of
lumbar and sacral dermatomes, but TCS. Nor are there epidemiological
The filum comprises a fibrous, collage- normal in the arms and trunk. Ortho- studies in the normal population that
nous, and elastic band that connects the pedic deformities include scoliosis, demonstrate specific findings that

exclude TCS. On the other hand, there Areas Needing Research Etiology
is a growing body of evidence that
Pain and trauma are frequent compo-
supports the clinical diagnosis of TCS
nents of EDS, and there is a significant
with or without the radiological (1) Prospectively and retrospectively eval-
body of literature suggesting movement
demonstration of a low-lying conus uate specific clinical features and
disorders may arise from extracranial
medullaris, which justifies surgical in- radiological metrics for predictive
trauma. Post-traumatic dystonia may
tervention when the clinical criteria are accuracy, to establish validated inclu-
develop in a limb following trauma to
met [Tu and Steinbok, 2013]. sion and exclusion criteria for future
that limb [van Rooijen et al., 2011].
studies regarding TCS.
This may be one mechanism that
(2) Determine the incidence of TCS in
Treatment of TCS establishes a link between EDS and
EDS patients.
movement disorders. However, while
There is no standard technique in the (3) Determine epidemiologically whether
several of the authors have strong clinical
surgical treatment of TCS. Generally, TCS is a co-morbid feature of CMI
suspicion of a connection, there are no
the lamina is removed, anywhere in EDS.
published studies that confirm that
from L2 to S1, a durotomy is made, (4) Validate outcome measures by which
movement disorders are a co-morbidity
and electrical stimulation is used to to determine the surgical outcomes.
of hEDS [Rubio-Agusti et al., 2012].
confirm the absence of any nerve (5) Establish complication rates for TCS
While dystonia in joint hypermo-
roots which may be associated with surgery in the EDS population.
bility syndromes (JHS) have been
the filum. Finally, a microsurgical
observed, causality has not been demon-
resection of the filum terminale
DYSTONIAS AND OTHER strated. In one large series, one third of
(usually a 10 mm segment for pathol-
MOVEMENT DISORDERS patients with “fixed dystonia” were
ogy) is performed (Fig. 5). The filum
found to have JHS [Kassavetis et al.,
tends to be taut, and to briskly retract
Epidemiology 2012]. The authors suggested that move-
upon sectioning. However, findings
ment avoidance may have been adopted
are variable, and there is no evidence Movement disorders can be broadly
to avoid pain, and in time resulted in fixed
to suggest that the intraoperative divided into hyperkinetic disorders
dystonia. The etiology of the fixed
findings predict or correlate with (too much movement) or hypokinetic
dystonia has also been variously attrib-
the surgical outcome and severity of movement occurring in the conscious
uted to peripheral injury [van Rooijen
the TCS [Pang and Wilberger, 1982; state. The hyperkinetic movement dis-
et al., 2011], and psychogenic movement
Milhorat et al., 2009]. In some cases, orders—including dystonia, tremor,
disorder [Hallett, 2016].
it may be necessary to perform a chorea, myoclonus, and tic disorders—
lumbar stabilization across the are observed in the EDS population
motion segment in which the filum according to anecdotal reports from
Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
was sectioned. The resected filum large series of patients, but have not
should be sent for histopathological been documented in the peer-reviewed Neurological evaluation and EEG to
evaluation. literature. rule out seizure should be performed.

Figure 5. a: Tethered cord syndrome: conus at the normal level (L1), fatty filum suggestive of tethered cord syndrome (Sagittal view
lumbar spine, T1 weighted MRI). b: Tethered cord syndrome: the thickened filum terminale at the L2 level, just before division.
(Intraoperative photograph of the lumbar spine thecal sac and the durotomy).

The diagnosis of psychogenic move- limited walking distance; physical find- However, TNX deficiency accounts for
ment disorder has been met with some ings include muscle weakness, reduction only a very small percentage of patients
skepticism [Palmer et al., 2016], but is of vibration sense, and mild impairment with hEDS. Reduced quantitative mus-
distinguished from malingering, and of mobility and daily activities [Voer- cle function appears to be secondary to
thought to result from psychological mans et al., 2009b]. muscle dysfunction rather than reduced
causes [Hallett, 2016]; it is characterized muscle mass [Rombaut et al., 2012].
by involuntary, disabling movements, Abnormal myo-tendinous junctions in
abrupt in onset, a waxing/waning the muscle belly [Penisson-Besnier et al.,
course, changes in the nature of the Musculoskeletal pain starts 2013], mild to moderate myopathy and/
movement over time, worsening with early, is chronic and or neuropathy, and defects of the
stress, anxiety or depression, and im- extracellular matrix of the connective
provement with distraction; they are debilitating. Neuromuscular tissue investing muscle and peripheral
difficult to diagnose and treat. Prognosis disease manifests nerve may increase muscle dysfunction
for improvement is better in patients [Voermans et al., 2009b, 2012; Syx et al.,
symptomatically with muscle
with a shorter duration of illness [Lang, 2015].
2006]. weakness, myalgia, easy The pathophysiological mechanism
fatigability, and limited of peripheral neuropathy in hEDS
appears, in part, to result from abnormal
Treatment walking distance; physical stretching and pressure upon peripheral
There is no established treatment algo- findings include muscle nerves that results from joint subluxa-
rithm for movement disorders in pa- tion. The connective tissue of peripheral
tients with EDS.
weakness, reduction of nerves might fail to resist excessive
vibration sense, and mild mechanical stress: increased vulnerabil-
impairment of mobility and ity is linked to underlying genetic
Areas Needing Research
defects in TNXB, collagens I, III,
daily activities. or V deficient epi-, peri-, and endo-
(1) Establish studies to determine the neurium [Voermans et al., 2009b;
epidemiology and etiology of move- Granata et al., 2013]. This defect might
ment disorders in EDS, and to Brachial and/or lumbosacral plexus also relate to the occurrence of axonal
demonstrate whether there is a co- neuropathies and other compression polyneuropathy in various types of EDS
morbid relationship. mono-neuropathies are not uncommon [Muellbacher et al., 1998].
(2) Develop evidence-based treatment in EDS [Voermans et al., 2006; van Abnormal extracellular matrix in
strategies for movement disorders in Rooijen et al., 2011]. The presence of generalized connective tissue structure
the EDS population. radiculopathy or small-fiber neuropathy suggests molecular overlap between
probably explains a higher prevalence of inherited connective tissue disorders
neuropathic symptoms (paresthesias/ and certain congenital myopathies,
NEUROMUSCULAR numbness in hands or feet) than regis- awareness of which may be helpful in
FEATURES OF EHLERS- tered on neurophysiological or ultra- recognition of these rare disorders
DANLOS SYNDROME sound testing. There is a high prevalence [Voermans et al., 2008; Donkervoort
of ulnar nerve luxation at the elbow et al., 2015].
Epidemiology detected on dynamic ultrasound [Gran-
EDS, especially hEDS, is associated with ata et al., 2013].
Clinical and Diagnostic Features
high prevalence of myalgia, nocturnal
muscle cramps involving the calves, The approach to neuromuscular symp-
hypotonia, progressive muscle weak- toms and signs, and helpful ancillary
ness, poorly developed musculature, Some pathophysiologic studies are avail- investigations has been thoroughly
and scapular winging, which to some able on the relationship between tenas- reviewed [Merrison and Hanna,
extent may be the result of avoidance of cin-x(TNX) deficient EDS and 2009], and supplemented by the
exercise due to hypermobility and neuromuscular complications. Human WUSTL database on neuromuscular
instability of joints [Banerjee et al., and murine studies suggest a correlation disorders.
1988; Palmeri et al., 2003]. between TNX levels and degree of
Musculoskeletal pain starts early, is neuromuscular involvement, and a cor-
chronic and debilitating [Voermans responding role of the extracellular
et al., 2010]. Neuromuscular disease matrix defect in muscle and peripheral A recent study on medical consumption
manifests symptomatically with muscle nerve dysfunction in EDS [Huijing and outcome reported the impact of
weakness, myalgia, easy fatigability, and et al., 2010; Voermans et al., 2011]. pain upon daily functioning in hEDS.

Most patients (92%) used pain medi- meningocele principally affects males, from a mediastinal cystic extension behind
cations; 52% underwent physical fills the sacrum, and typically involves the trachea.
therapy—including neuromuscular ex- all of the sacral roots. Dural ectasia may The most common syndrome,
ercises, massage, and electrotherapy—of present with large intra-abdominal occurring in approximately 70% of
whom two thirds reported a positive cysts associated with connective dis- symptomatic patients, is comprised of
outcome. The study concluded that the orders [Nabors et al., 1988; Stern, sacral pain, worse when sitting and
impaired functional status of hEDS 1988]. standing, and improved when lying
patients strongly determined the high There is a general presumption that down; pain in the S2–S5 dermatomes
rate of treatment consumption, which these cystic abnormalities, including in the pelvis and perineum, sciatica in
underscores the importance of develop- Tarlov cysts, are incidental findings. the Sl and S2 dermatomes, and less
ment of evidence-based guidelines for However, the belief that all Tarlov cysts commonly L5 root dermatome. Bowel
treatment [Rombaut et al., 2011]. There are asymptomatic has no support in the and bladder dysfunction are common.
is increasing evidence that treatment literature. An unpublished review at One third of patients have bowel and
should consist of a multidisciplinary Johns Hopkins on 756 patients with bladder dysfunction, and sensory com-
program. One study demonstrated suc- symptomatic spinal cysts, found 18 with plaints related to nerve roots S2, S3, S4
cess combining physical therapy, cogni- large sacral internal meningoceles with without sciatica. A small group of
tive behavioral therapy, and group dramatic associated sacral erosion, of patients have bowel and bladder dys-
therapy, followed by individual home whom 16 were women with Marfan function and sacral root sensory loss
exercises and weekly guidance by phys- disease or EDS. The remainder had without pain.
iotherapist for three months, then typical Tarlov cysts, with a female to
readmission for reevaluation and further male ratio of seven to one, usually on
training advice. Patients reported im- sacral nerve roots. A small number Treatment
proved performance of daily activities, existed on the lumbar, thoracic or Of patients undergoing surgical obliter-
muscle strength and endurance, reduced cervical roots. Delay in treatment re-
ation of the Tarlov cysts, successful
kinesiophobia, and increased participa- sulted because most patients had been outcomes are reported in 80–88% of
tion in daily life [Bathen et al., 2013]. told that the cysts were asymptomatic patients, with few complications [Voy-
and did not need to be treated, or that no
adzis et al., 2001; Feigenbaum and
satisfactory treatment existed, or that Henderson, 2006]. Alternatively, pa-
Areas Needing Research
treatment was too dangerous to con- tients may undergo aspiration of the
template. Rarely, there may be massive
cyst and injection of the cysts with fibrin
(1) The contributions of the various dilatation of the lumbar and sacral thecal glue, although the results are less
causative factors to muscle dysfunction sac, with extensions of the subarachnoid satisfactory [Patel et al., 1997].
in EDS, including increased compli- space along nerve roots and into abdo-
ance of the series-elastic component of men and pelvis.
muscle tissue, failure of maximal Areas Needing Research
voluntary muscle activation, and im-
paired proprioception.
(2) Clinical trials of physical training and The finding of inflammatory cells in (1) Determine the prevalence of Tarlov
cognitive behavioral therapy on mus- the walls of symptomatic Tarlov cysts cysts in the general population and the
cle strength and endurance in EDS [Voyadzis et al., 2001] begs comparison hEDS and classic type EDS
patients. with the recent findings inflammatory populations.
(3) The development of evidence-based cells in the fila terminale of EDS patients (2) Define the ratio of symptomatic versus
guidelines to improve muscle strength. with TCS [Klinge, 2015]. asymptomatic patients, and the factors
that appear to trigger pain.
(3) Compare the pathophysiology of Tar-
TARLOV CYST SYNDROME Clinical and Diagnostic Findings
lov cysts in the general population
Tarlov cysts are a radiological diagnosis. versus the EDS population.
The Tarlov cysts appear primarily in the (4) A prospective randomized trial to
Tarlov cysts are perineurial cysts that sacrum, at the level of the root ganglia, compare treatments: surgical resection
may impose pressure upon adjacent causing erosion of the surrounding bone versus aspiration and injection of fibrin
neural structures. Numerous small sur- (Fig. 6). Cervical and thoracic Tarlov cysts glue.
gical series describe the spectrum of may produce pain and neurological (5) Longitudinal studies of natural and
pathology, but there is significant con- symptoms or deficits in the distribution clinical history of Tarlov cysts in EDS.
fusion in the reported literature with of the involved nerve root, or myelopathic (6) Utility of urodynamic studies as op-
other cystic structures: the sacral me- from an extradural or subarachnoid cyst in posed to patient report for symptoms
ningocele and dural ectasia. The sacral the high thoracic region, or symptomatic of neurogenic bladder.

Figure 6. a: Tarlov cyst, with substantial bone erosion and compression of the right S2 nerve to the wall of the cyst in 9 o’clock
position (T2 weighted MRI, axial view through sacrum). b: Large S2/S3 Tarlov cyst, T1 weighted view, Tarlov cyst on T2 weighted view
(Sagittal MRI views through the sacrum).

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