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Name:Sarah Glover

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title:​ Food Chains and Food Webs ​Grade:​ 7 ​Date:​ November 28, 2017

Subject​: Science ​Strand:​ Understanding Life Systems: Interactions in the Environment ​Location:​ Room 9 ​Time: ​50 Minutes

Lesson Plan Description ​– ​(one/two paragraphs with general details about what you will do and how you will do it)
We will be going over the definitions of producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores and their roles
in food chains and webs. Using the Smart Board, we will go over examples of food ​chains​ (Human-> Cow-> Grass, etc)
and then looking at the differences between food chains and food ​webs​. Using the example on the handout, as a class
we will identify the producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Once we have gone over the
example, the students will use chart paper to create food webs (3-4 in a group).

Ontario Curricular ​Overall Expectations​ that this lesson builds towards​ ​(numbers from documents and details)
3. demonstrate an understanding of interactions between and among biotic and abiotic elements in the environment.

Ontario Curricular ​Specific Expectations​ that this lesson addresses​ ​(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3) have expectations that match
assessment. Should coincide with Overall Expectations.
3.3 describe the roles and interactions of producers, consumers, and decomposers within an ecosystem
3.4 describe the transfer of energy in a food chain and explain the effects of the elimination of any part of the chain

Learning Goals ​Discuss with students: ​What will we be learning today?​ ​(clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language
that students can readily understand)

Today we will learn…

● What a food chain is
● What a food web is
● How energy is transferred and lost in food chains/webs
Success Criteria ​Discuss with students: ​How will I know I have learned what I need to learn?​ ​(clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning, as
well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand)

I can: describe and give examples of food chains

I can: describe and give examples of food webs
I can: explain how energy is transferred in a food chain
Assessment – ​how will I know students have learned what I intended? How will they know if they've met the learning goals?

Achievement Chart Categories ​(highlight/circle the ones that apply): ​Knowledge and Understanding​; Thinking; Communication; ​Application

Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Complete the chart below)

Assessment Mode: Assessment Strategies: Assessment Tools:

Written, Oral, Performance check out books 1-3 for suggested strategies Instrument used to record data
(Write, Say, Do) i.e., rubric, checklist, observation sheet, exit card, etc.
Please attach tools.

Write Individual Whiteboards Observation/Discussion

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Prior Learning: ​Prior to this lesson, students will have
*an understanding of carnivores/herbivores/omnivores
*a basic knowledge of food chains (humans are at the top)
Learning Skills/Work Habits
Highlight/circle ones that are​ addressed​: ​responsibility​, organization, independent work, ​collaboration​, ​initiative​, self-regulation

Highlight/circle ones that are ​assessed:​ responsibility, organization, independent work, ​collaboration​, ​initiative​, self-regulation

New Vocabulary ​(for word wall and/or to develop schema)

-Food chains; Food webs; Carnivore; Herbivore; Omnivore; Producers; Consumers

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration ​List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student
worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan
where appropriate. Include any relevant web links.
● Chart Paper/ Markers
● Smart Board
● Food Web hand out
● Science Textbook
Learning Environment
Groups of 3-4 (pre-determined groups) near the front of the classroom (access to the Smart Board)

Cross Curricular Links ​(especially important for gr 7/8 lesson plans. Don't agonize over this)

Lesson – Delivery Format

Write the lesson description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do: What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction ​(5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson
Time: 9:20-9:30 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
Students will grab their science package and textbooks Contributing their ideas of food chains on the individual
and turn to the last page “Food Webs” whiteboards

“​What is a food chain?” Use the individual whiteboards Sharing their examples on the SmartBoard
to collect examples and write them examples on the
board, make sure to question who is at the top versus

“So what would a food ​web​ be?”

Action: During /working on it ​(time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning
Time: 9:30-10:00 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
As a class we will look at the example on the hand out Students will be using their individual whiteboards to first
and identify the producers, primary consumers, list the Producers, then Primary Consumers, Secondary
secondary consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores. Consumers, etc. as we complete the sheet

For the rest of class students will be divided up into In their groups students will be using the list provided to
groups of 3-4 and given chart paper and a marker, using make their own food web
the list of animals/plants on the handout, each group is Using chart paper and working ​as a team​ each group will
so create their food web have approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the web

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect)​ (5-15 min.)
Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection
Time: 10:00-10:10 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
Briefly go over 1 or 2 groups webs and why they designed Sharing their webs with the class, explaining why they
them the way they did. I will be sitting at a table/desk to designed the web the way they chose
give the students the teacher role.

If there is time, touch on the transferring of energy

within food webs

Personal Reflection​ (​what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:

The Teacher:

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

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